Solaris-specific system paths. Our bash configuration lives in /etc/bash/inputrc.

--- doc/	2020-11-18 21:13:06.000000000 +0000
+++ doc/	2020-12-08 12:17:05.628090856 +0000
@@ -7586,7 +7586,7 @@
 directory.  The name of this file is taken from the value of the shell
 variable 'INPUTRC'.  If that variable is unset, the default is
 '~/.inputrc'.  If that file does not exist or cannot be read, the
-ultimate default is '/etc/inputrc'.  The 'bind' builtin command can also
+ultimate default is '/etc/bash/inputrc'.  The 'bind' builtin command can also
 be used to set Readline keybindings and variables.  *Note Bash
@@ -8135,8 +8135,8 @@
      This directive takes a single filename as an argument and reads
      commands and bindings from that file.  For example, the following
-     directive reads from '/etc/inputrc':
-          $include /etc/inputrc
+     directive reads from '/etc/bash/inputrc':
+          $include /etc/bash/inputrc
 File:,  Node: Sample Init File,  Prev: Conditional Init Constructs,  Up: Readline Init File
@@ -8155,8 +8155,8 @@
      # Lines beginning with '#' are comments.
      # First, include any system-wide bindings and variable
-     # assignments from /etc/Inputrc
-     $include /etc/Inputrc
+     # assignments from /etc/bash/Inputrc
+     $include /etc/bash/Inputrc
      # Set various bindings for emacs mode.
--- doc/	2020-11-18 21:12:25.000000000 +0000
+++ doc/	2020-12-08 12:16:14.823974296 +0000
@@ -7586,7 +7586,7 @@
 directory.  The name of this file is taken from the value of the shell
 variable 'INPUTRC'.  If that variable is unset, the default is
 '~/.inputrc'.  If that file does not exist or cannot be read, the
-ultimate default is '/etc/inputrc'.  The 'bind' builtin command can also
+ultimate default is '/etc/bash/inputrc'.  The 'bind' builtin command can also
 be used to set Readline keybindings and variables.  *Note Bash
@@ -8135,8 +8135,8 @@
      This directive takes a single filename as an argument and reads
      commands and bindings from that file.  For example, the following
-     directive reads from '/etc/inputrc':
-          $include /etc/inputrc
+     directive reads from '/etc/bash/inputrc':
+          $include /etc/bash/inputrc
 File:,  Node: Sample Init File,  Prev: Conditional Init Constructs,  Up: Readline Init File
@@ -8155,8 +8155,8 @@
      # Lines beginning with '#' are comments.
      # First, include any system-wide bindings and variable
-     # assignments from /etc/Inputrc
-     $include /etc/Inputrc
+     # assignments from /etc/bash/Inputrc
+     $include /etc/bash/Inputrc
      # Set various bindings for emacs mode.
--- doc/bash.1.orig	2020-11-18 21:03:59.000000000 +0000
+++ doc/bash.1	2020-12-08 12:21:43.110560302 +0000
@@ -5508,7 +5508,7 @@
 variable.  If that variable is unset, the default is
 .IR ~/.inputrc .
 If that file  does not exist or cannot be read, the ultimate default is
-.IR /etc/inputrc .
+.IR /etc/bash/inputrc .
 When a program which uses the readline library starts up, the
 initialization file is read, and the key bindings and variables
 are set.
@@ -6114,11 +6114,11 @@
 .IP \fB$include\fP
 This directive takes a single filename as an argument and reads commands
 and bindings from that file.  For example, the following directive
-would read \fI/etc/inputrc\fP:
+would read \fI/etc/bash/inputrc\fP:
 .sp 1
-\fB$include\fP \^ \fI/etc/inputrc\fP
+\fB$include\fP \^ \fI/etc/bash/inputrc\fP
 .SS Searching
--- lib/readline/rlconf.h.orig	2017-02-21 16:25:30.000000000 +0000
+++ lib/readline/rlconf.h	2020-12-08 12:19:52.079293614 +0000
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 #define DEFAULT_INPUTRC "~/.inputrc"
 /* The ultimate last-ditch filename for an init file -- system-wide. */
-#define SYS_INPUTRC "/etc/inputrc"
+#define SYS_INPUTRC "/etc/bash/inputrc"
 /* If defined, expand tabs to spaces. */