# This is /etc/zrepl/zrepl.yml .  It must be modified before zrepl
# will work.  Start with the sample configurations in
# /usr/share/zrepl/config .  For more details on zrepl configurations,
# see https://zrepl.github.io/configuration.html .
# Zrepl is a one-stop ZFS backup and replication solution, written in
# the GO language.  The OI version has man pages and sample
# configuration files.  It also has SMF support.  All errors from the
# daemon appear in /var/svc/log/application-backup-zrepl:default.log .
# The zrepl client also has RBAC support.
# You can test configurations with "zrepl configcheck" run as root.
# To run the zrepl service, enable svc:/application/backup/zrepl:default
# and watch the service log file.  If it reports "... has been
# modified", add '"atime": "off"' to the configuration, as shown in one
# of the sample config files.  Likewise, if it reports "cannot create
# placeholder filesystem", add "encryption: inherit" to the
# configuration.
# You may notice other errors that do not require a configuration
# change.  If the SMF log file reports "pool must be upgraded", you must
# upgrade the pool.  The usual command is "zpool upgrade ...".  The
# client commands like "zrepl status" and "zrepl version" require the
# RBAC privilege file_dac_search .  You can provide that privilege by
# prefixing the commmand with "pfexec".  Finally, if the backup
# filesystems exist but are not mounted they can be mounted manually by
# ZFS.  You will need to override or remove the property
# "mountpoint=none" before the ZFS mount will succeed.