diff -Nura a/doc/crm_fencing.txt b/doc/crm_fencing.txt
--- a/doc/crm_fencing.txt 2016-11-01 19:32:47.869611627 +0100
+++ b/doc/crm_fencing.txt 2016-11-01 19:32:48.330125384 +0100
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
 human to operate. Whenever invoked, `meatware` logs a CRIT severity
 message which should show up on the node's console. The operator
 should then make sure that the node is down and issue a
-`meatclient(8)` command to tell `meatware` that it's OK to tell the
+`meatclient(1m)` command to tell `meatware` that it's OK to tell the
 cluster that it may consider the node dead. See `README.meatware`
 for more information.

--- pacemaker-Pacemaker-1.1.19/tools/cibadmin.c.orig	2019-01-03 11:00:03.851276253 +0000
+++ pacemaker-Pacemaker-1.1.19/tools/cibadmin.c	2019-01-03 11:02:52.658056576 +0000
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
     {"-spacer-",    0, 0, '-', " cibadmin --replace --xml-file $HOME/local.xml", pcmk_option_example},
     {"-spacer-",    0, 0, '-', "SEE ALSO:"},
-    {"-spacer-",    0, 0, '-', " crm(8), pcs(8), crm_shadow(8), crm_diff(8)"},
+    {"-spacer-",    0, 0, '-', " crm(1m), pcs(1m), crm_shadow(1m), crm_diff(1m)"},
     /* Legacy options */
     {"host",	     1, 0, 'h', NULL, 1},
--- pacemaker-Pacemaker-1.1.19/tools/crm_report.in.orig	2019-01-03 11:00:24.263563983 +0000
+++ pacemaker-Pacemaker-1.1.19/tools/crm_report.in	2019-01-03 11:03:50.918841731 +0000
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
 	if which crm_diff > /dev/null 2>&1; then
 	    crm_diff -c -n $1 -o $2
-	    info "crm_diff(8) not found, cannot diff CIBs"
+	    info "crm_diff(1m) not found, cannot diff CIBs"
 	echo "can't compare cibs from running and stopped systems"
--- pacemaker-Pacemaker-2.0.3/Makefile.common.~1~	2020-01-15 11:05:18.097760296 +0000
+++ pacemaker-Pacemaker-2.0.3/Makefile.common	2020-01-15 11:06:42.973133739 +0000
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 man8_MANS		= $(sbin_PROGRAMS:%=%.8) $(sbin_SCRIPTS:%=%.8)
-HELP2MAN_ARGS = -N --section 8 --name "Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager"
+HELP2MAN_ARGS = -N --section 1m --name "Part of the Pacemaker cluster resource manager"
 # Some of our tools' help are just shell script invocations of another tool's
 # help. Putting the real tool in MAN8DEPS helps detect when the wrapped help