# this is a sed script # skip openindiana/pkg/pkg/src/pkg/manifests directory /^openindiana\/pkg\/pkg\/src\/pkg\/manifests$/d # skip openindiana/illumos-gate, it should be built directly /^openindiana\/illumos-gate$/d # skip openindiana/kvm, it should be built with illumos-gate /^openindiana\/kvm$/d # Don't publish encumbered packages by default /^encumbered\//d # openssl 0.9.8 should not be built directly /^library\/openssl\/openssl-0.9.8$/d # Below is a list of components, which are known to build, but are # disabled for a particular reason. Each entry contains a path below # oi-userland/components/ and the format is: # # # /^package$/d # # Temporarily disable failing builds: /^runtime\/smalltalk\/cog-spur$/d /^web\/php\/php-8_2-ext-redis$/d # Our build server fails to build the following packages (the builds succeed on other build systems): /^desktop\/libayatana-appindicator$/d /^developer\/gcc-14$/d /^network\/samba$/d /^web\/librewolf$/d /^web\/php\/php-8_3-ext-imagick$/d /^web\/php\/php-8_3-ext-redis$/d