# Copyright (c) 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# Erwann Chenede - <erwann.chenede@sun.com>
#ident  "%Z%%M% %I%     %E% SMI"
# modify /etc/X11/xorg.conf to add extension needed by compiz for nvidia,
# intel and ati
require 5.6.1;
use strict;
use warnings;
use locale;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use File::Copy;

# list of supported intel video card supported 
# from SUNWdrmr/postinstall

my @intel_cards = (
# list of supported ATI video card supported 
# minskey install.sh script in the radeon tarball
# see http://opensolaris.org/os/project/dri/files/
my @ati_cards = (

my $card_type = "none";

# retrieve the video card type

sub card_check {

	my $PRTCONF = '/usr/sbin/prtconf';

	open (OUT, "$PRTCONF -v |") or die ("ERROR:\ncannot exec prtconf: $!");

	while (<OUT>) 
		if ($_ =~ m/nvidia/) 
			if ( -e "/usr/X11/bin/constype")
				my $console_type = `/usr/X11/bin/constype`;
				chomp ($console_type);
				if ($console_type eq "NVDAnvda")
					$card_type = "nvidia";
				$card_type = "nvidia";
		foreach my $card (@intel_cards) 
			if ($_ =~ /$card/)
				$card_type = "i915";
		foreach my $card (@ati_cards) 
			if ($_ =~ /$card/)
				$card_type = "radeon";

	close OUT; 

	if ($card_type eq "none")
		return 0;
	return 1;

# add the options required to run compiz with an intel based card in the xorg.conf configuration file 

sub configure_xorg_conf_intel {

	if (! -e "/etc/X11/xorg.conf")
		if (! -e "/etc/X11/.xorg.conf")
			print "ERROR\n";
			print "Compiz will not run without a proper xorg.conf configuration file\n\n";
			print "Can you generate it by running from the console (without the Xserver running on the system):\n";
			print "/usr/X11/bin/Xorg -configure then place and rename\n";
			print "the resulting file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n";
			print "And restart this script\n";
			exit 1;
			copy ("/etc/X11/.xorg.conf", "/etc/X11/xorg.conf") or die ("ERROR:\n could not copy /etc/X11/.xorg.conf : $!"); 
# check if xorg.conf has the right settings (yes, I should really parse xorg.conf instead)
	my $RenderAccel = "False";
	my $AllowGLXWithComposite = "False";
	my $AddARGBGLXVisuals = "False";
	my $Composite = "Disable";

	open (OUT, "/usr/bin/nvidia-xconfig -t |") or die ("ERROR:\ncannot exec nvidia-xconfig : $!");
	while (<OUT>) {
		if ($_ =~ m/RenderAccel/ && $_ =~ m/True/) 
			$RenderAccel = "True";
		if ($_ =~ m/AllowGLXWithComposite/ && $_ =~ m/True/) 
			$AllowGLXWithComposite= "True";
		if ($_ =~ m/AddARGBGLXVisuals/ && $_ =~ m/True/) 
			$AddARGBGLXVisuals = "True";
		if ($_ =~ m/Composite/ && $_ =~ m/Enable/) 
			$Composite = "Enable";

	close OUT; 

	open (IN, "/etc/X11/xorg.conf") or die "ERROR:\ncannot open /etc/X11/xorg.conf for reading : $!";
	my $xorg_conf = "";
	my $in_screen_section = "False";
	while (<IN>)
		$xorg_conf .= $_;
		if (/Section "Screen"/)
			$in_screen_section = "True";

			if ($RenderAccel ne "True")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"RenderAccel\" \"True\"\n";
				$RenderAccel = "True";
			if ($AllowGLXWithComposite ne "True")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"AllowGLXWithComposite\" \"True\"\n";
				$AllowGLXWithComposite =  "True";
			if ($AddARGBGLXVisuals ne "True")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"AddARGBGLXVisuals\" \"True\"\n";
				$AddARGBGLXVisuals = "True";
		if ((/EndSection/) && ($in_screen_section eq "True") && ($Composite ne "Enable"))
			$xorg_conf .= "Section \"Extensions\"\n";
			$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"Composite\" \"Enable\"\n";
			$xorg_conf .= "EndSection\n";
			$Composite = "Enable";
			$in_screen_section = "FALSE";
	my $date = strftime("%d-%m-%y-%H:%M:%S",localtime(time));
	move ("/etc/X11/xorg.conf", "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup.b4.compiz.$date") or die "ERROR:\ncannot rename file /etc/X11/xorg.conf : $!";
	print "previous /etc/X11/xorg.conf file backed up as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup.b4.compiz.$date\n";
	open (OUT, ">/etc/X11/xorg.conf") or die "ERROR:\ncannot open /etc/X11/xorg.conf for writing : $!";
	print OUT $xorg_conf;
	close OUT;

# add the options required to run compiz with an intel based card in the xorg.conf configuration file 

sub configure_xorg_conf_ati {

	if (! -e "/etc/X11/xorg.conf")
		if (! -e "/etc/X11/.xorg.conf")
			print "ERROR\n";
			print "Compiz will not run without a proper xorg.conf configuration file\n\n";
			print "Can you generate it by running from the console (without the Xserver running on the system):\n";
			print "/usr/X11/bin/Xorg -configure then place and rename\n";
			print "the resulting file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n";
			print "And restart this script\n";
			exit 1;
			copy ("/etc/X11/.xorg.conf", "/etc/X11/xorg.conf") or die ("ERROR:\n could not copy /etc/X11/.xorg.conf : $!"); 
# check if xorg.conf has the right settings 
	my $in_section_module = "False";
	my $in_section_device = "False";
	my $in_section_Server_Layout = "False";

	my $AIGLX = "False";

	my $GLcore = "not loaded";
	my $glx = "not loaded";
	my $dri = "not loaded";

	my $GARTSize = "undefined"; 
	my $AGPFastWrite = "undefined"; 
	my $EnablePageFlip = "undefined"; 
	my $AGPMode = "undefined"; 
	my $DynamicClocks = "undefined"; 
	my $EnableDepthMoves = "undefined"; 
	my $ColorTiling = "undefined"; 
	my $DMAForXv = "undefined"; 
	my $AccelDFS = "undefined"; 
	my $AccelMethod = "undefined"; 
	my $XAANoOffscreenPixmaps = "undefined"; 
	my $driver = "undefined"; 
	my $Composite = "Disable"; 
	my $xorg_conf = "";

# now parse xorg.conf 
	open (IN, "/etc/X11/xorg.conf") or die "ERROR:\ncannot open /etc/X11/xorg.conf for reading : $!";
	while (<IN>)
#skip comments
		next if (/^\s*#/);

		if ($in_section_Server_Layout eq "True")
			if (/EndSection/)
				$in_section_Server_Layout = "False";
			if (/Option.*AIGLX/ &&  (/true/i || /on/i || "1"))
				$AIGLX = "True";
			if (/Section "ServerLayout"/)
				$in_section_Server_Layout = "True";

		if ($in_section_module eq "True")
			if (/EndSection/)
				$in_section_module = "False";
			if (/GLcore/)
				$GLcore = "loaded";
			if (/glx/)
				$glx= "loaded";
			if (/dri/)
				$dri = "loaded";
			if (/Section "Module"/)
				$in_section_module = "True";

		if ($in_section_device eq "True")
			if (/EndSection/)
				$in_section_device = "False";
			if (/GARTSize.*"(.*)"/)
				$GARTSize = $1;
			if (/AGPFastWrite/ && (/true/i || /on/i || "1"))
				$AGPFastWrite = "True";
			if (/EnablePageFlip/ && (/true/i || /on/i || "1"))
				$EnablePageFlip= "True";
			if (/AGPMode.*"(.*)"/)
				$AGPMode = $1;
			if (/DynamicClocks/ && (/true/i || /on/i || "1"))
				$DynamicClocks= "True";
			if (/EnableDepthMoves/ && (/true/i || /on/i || "1"))
				$EnableDepthMoves = "True";
			if (/ColorTiling/ && (/true/i || /on/i || "1"))
				$ColorTiling = "True";
			if (/DMAForXv/ && (/true/i || /on/i || "1"))
				$DMAForXv = "True";
			if (/AccelDFS/ && (/true/i || /on/i || "1"))
				$AccelDFS = "True";
			if (/AccelMethod/ && /XAA/)
				$AccelMethod = "XAA";
			if (/XAANoOffscreenPixmaps/ && /true/i)
				$XAANoOffscreenPixmaps = "True";
			if (/Driver/ && /ati/)
				$driver= "ati";
			if (/Section "Device"/)
				$in_section_device = "True";
			elsif (/Option.*Composite.*Enable/)
				$Composite = "Enable";

	close (IN);

#  if ($AIGLX eq "True" &&
#      $Composite ne "Disable" &&
#      $GLcore ne "not loaded" &&
#      $glx ne  "not loaded" &&
#      $dri ne  "not loaded" &&
#      $GARTSize eq 64 &&
#      $AGPFastWrite eq "True" &&
#      $EnablePageFlip eq "True" &&
#      $AGPMode eq 4 &&
#      $DynamicClocks eq "True" &&
#      $EnableDepthMoves eq "True" &&
#      $ColorTiling eq "True" &&
#      $DMAForXv eq "True" &&
#      $AccelDFS eq "True" &&
#      $AccelMethod eq "XAA" &&
#      $XAANoOffscreenPixmaps eq "True" &&
#      $driver eq "ati")
# {
#    print "xorg.conf is properly configured\n";
#  }
#  else
#  {
#    print "xorg.conf isn't configured for compiz support see details below :\n";
#    print "=-=-=-=-= Extension Section =-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
#    print "Composite             :\t $Composite\n";
#    print "=-=-=-=-= Server Layout Section =-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
#    print "AIGLX                 :\t $AIGLX\n";
#    print "=-=-=-=-= Module Section =-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
#    print "GLcore                :\t $GLcore\n";
#    print "=-=-=-=-= Module Section =-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
#    print "GLcore                :\t $GLcore\n";
#    print "glx                   :\t $glx\n";
#    print "dri                   :\t $dri\n";
#    print "=-=-=-=-= Module Device =-=-=-=-=-=-=\n";
#    print "GARTSize              :\t $GARTSize\n";
#    print "AGPFastWrite          :\t $AGPFastWrite\n";
#    print "EnablePageFlip        :\t $EnablePageFlip\n";
#    print "AGPMode               :\t $AGPMode\n";
#    print "DynamicClocks         :\t $DynamicClocks\n";
#    print "EnableDepthMoves      :\t $EnableDepthMoves\n";
#    print "ColorTiling           :\t $ColorTiling\n";
#    print "DMAForXv              :\t $DMAForXv\n";
#    print "AccelDFS              :\t $AccelDFS\n";
#    print "AccelMethod           :\t $AccelMethod\n";
#    print "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps :\t $XAANoOffscreenPixmaps\n";
#    print "driver                :\t $driver\n"; 
#  }

# Modifying xorg.conf now 

	$in_section_module = "False";
	$in_section_device = "False";
	$in_section_Server_Layout = "False";
	$xorg_conf = "";

	open (IN, "/etc/X11/xorg.conf") or die "ERROR:\ncannot open /etc/X11/xorg.conf for reading : $!";

	while (<IN>)
		$xorg_conf .= $_;

		if (/EndSection/ && $Composite eq "Disable")
			$xorg_conf .= "Section \"Extensions\"\n";
			$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"Composite\" \"Enable\"\n";
			$xorg_conf .= "EndSection\n";
			$Composite = "Enable";

		if ($in_section_Server_Layout eq "True")
			if (/EndSection/)
				$in_section_Server_Layout = "False";
			if ($AIGLX eq "False")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption\t\"AIGLX\"\t\"True\"\n";
				$AIGLX = "True";
			if (/Section "ServerLayout"/)
				$in_section_Server_Layout = "True";

		if ($in_section_module eq "True")
			if (/EndSection/)
				$in_section_module = "False";
			if ($GLcore eq "not loaded")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tLoad \"GLcore\"\n";
				$GLcore = "loaded";
			if ($glx eq "not loaded")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tLoad \"glx\"\n";
				$glx = "loaded";
			if ($dri eq "not loaded")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tLoad \"dri\"\n";
				$dri = "loaded";
			if (/Section "Module"/)
				$in_section_module = "True";
		if ($in_section_device eq "True")
			if (/EndSection/)
				$in_section_device = "False";
			if ($GARTSize ne 64)
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"GARTSize\" \"64\"\n";
				$GARTSize = 64;
			if ($AGPFastWrite ne "True")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"AGPFastWrite\" \"True\"\n";
				$AGPFastWrite = "True";
			if ($EnablePageFlip ne "True")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"EnablePageFlip\" \"True\"\n";
				$EnablePageFlip = "True";
			if ($AGPMode ne 4)
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"AGPMode\" \"4\"\n";
				$AGPMode = 4;
			if ($DynamicClocks ne "True")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"DynamicClocks\" \"True\"\n";
				$DynamicClocks = "True";
			if ($EnableDepthMoves ne "True")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"EnableDepthMoves\" \"True\"\n";
				$EnableDepthMoves = "True";
			if ($ColorTiling ne "True")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"ColorTiling\" \"True\"\n";
				$ColorTiling = "True";
			if ($DMAForXv ne "True")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"DMAForXv\" \"True\"\n";
				$DMAForXv = "True";
			if ($AccelDFS ne "True")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"AccelDFS\" \"True\"\n";
				$AccelDFS = "True";
			if ($AccelMethod ne "XAA")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"AccelMethod\" \"XAA\"\n";
				$AccelMethod = "XAA";
			if ($XAANoOffscreenPixmaps ne "True")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tOption \"XAANoOffscreenPixmaps\" \"True\"\n";
				$XAANoOffscreenPixmaps = "True";
			if ($driver ne "ati")
				$xorg_conf .= "\tDriver \"ati\"\n";
				$driver = "ati";
			if (/Section "Device"/)
				$in_section_device = "True";

	close (IN);
	my $date = strftime("%d-%m-%y-%H:%M:%S",localtime(time));
	move ("/etc/X11/xorg.conf", "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup.b4.compiz.$date") or die "ERROR:\ncannot rename file /etc/X11/xorg.conf : $!";
	print "previous /etc/X11/xorg.conf file backed up as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup.b4.compiz.$date\n";
	open (OUT, ">/etc/X11/xorg.conf") or die "ERROR:\ncannot open /etc/X11/xorg.conf for writing : $!";
	print OUT $xorg_conf;
	close OUT;

# Main routine of the script

my $ati_support = "False";
foreach (@ARGV)
	if (/--with-experimental-ati-support/)
		$ati_support = "True";
		print "ERROR:\nUnrecognized argument $_\n";
		print "Compiz /etc/X11/xorg.conf configurator\n";
		print "\nAvailable option:\n";
		print "--with-experimental-ati-support: Enable experimental ati support\n";


card_check ();

if ($card_type eq "none")
	print "ERROR:\nunknown card. not modifying /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n";
	exit 1;

if ($card_type eq "nvidia")
	system "/usr/bin/nvidia-xconfig --mode=nvidia-auto-select --allow-glx-with-composite --render-accel --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite";
	if ($? == -1) {
		print "ERROR:\nfailed to execute: $!\n";
		exit 1;

} elsif ($card_type eq "i915")
	configure_xorg_conf_intel ();
} elsif ($card_type eq "radeon" && $ati_support eq "True")
  if ($ati_support eq "True")
    print "ERROR:\nexperimental ati support disabled NOT modifying /etc/X11/xorg.conf\n";