Temporary solution for https://github.com/kuthulux/gnome-connection-manager/issues/64
proposed in PR https://github.com/kuthulux/gnome-connection-manager/pull/72 against
GCM release 1.2.1 (plus HEAD commits up to 2021-04-20), to process double-clicks
in Midnight Commander running in GCM terminals better (not perfectly though).

This may get merged or solved differently in future iterations of GCM upstream,
then this patch file can be removed.

--- gcm-1.2.1-d2f66e3-orig/gnome_connection_manager.py	2021-04-20 16:18:58.000000000 +0200
+++ gcm-1.2.1-current/gnome_connection_manager.py	2021-12-23 18:08:19.018024484 +0000
@@ -2033,10 +1968,14 @@
     def on_double_click(self, widget, event, *args):
         if event.type in [Gdk.EventType._2BUTTON_PRESS, Gdk.EventType._3BUTTON_PRESS] and event.button == 1:
             if isinstance(widget, Gtk.Notebook):
-                pos = event.x + widget.get_allocation().x
+                posX = event.x + widget.get_allocation().x
+                posY = event.y + widget.get_allocation().y
                 size = widget.get_tab_label(widget.get_nth_page(widget.get_n_pages()-1)).get_allocation()
-                if pos <= size.x + size.width + 8 or event.x >= widget.get_allocation().width - widget.style_get_property("scroll-arrow-hlength"):
+                # HACK with (posY > size.height) below as a way to detect we click the label area and not the terminal pane with MC running, see https://github.com/kuthulux/gnome-connection-manager/issues/64 :
+                if posX <= size.x + size.width + 8 or event.x >= widget.get_allocation().width - widget.style_get_property("scroll-arrow-hlength") or posY > size.height:
                     return True
+                # else fall through to addTab()
             if isinstance(widget, Gtk.Toolbar) and widget.get_drop_index(event.x,event.y) < widget.get_n_items():
                 return True
             self.addTab(widget if isinstance(widget, Gtk.Notebook) else self.nbConsole, 'local')