--- beanshell-2.0b4/scripts/bsh	Fri Oct 19 14:54:14 2007
+++ beanshell-2.0b4/scripts/bsh.new	Tue May 10 17:13:29 2011
@@ -10,11 +10,28 @@
 # always be used.
+cat << EOF
+  BeanShell, a small and embeddable Java source interpreter
+  Usage:
+  beansh | beanshell [ -g ] [Beanshell Script....]
+        -g		: beanshell graphics mode
+        -h or --help	: this manual
+if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ]; then
+	help
+	exit;
 # The (hard coded) location of a default bsh jar.
 # e.g. Win
 #DEFAULTBSH=`cygpath --windows $HOME/pkg/bsh-1.3a1.jar`
 # e.g. Unix
 name=`basename $0`
 if [ $name = "bshd" ]; then
@@ -54,6 +71,10 @@
-	java $debug -classpath $path bsh.Interpreter $* 
+	if [ "$1" = "-g" ]; then
+		java $debug -classpath $path bsh.Console
+	else
+		java $debug -classpath $path bsh.Interpreter $*
+	fi