# # CDDL HEADER START # # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. # # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] # # CDDL HEADER END # # # Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2020, Michal Nowak # Copyright (c) 2021, Nona Hansel # USE_PARALLEL_BUILD = yes include ../../../make-rules/shared-macros.mk COMPONENT_NAME= git COMPONENT_VERSION= 2.48.1 COMPONENT_SUMMARY= git - Fast Version Control System COMPONENT_DESCRIPTION= Git is a free & open source, distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. COMPONENT_PROJECT_URL= https://git-scm.com/ COMPONENT_SRC= $(COMPONENT_NAME)-$(COMPONENT_VERSION) COMPONENT_ARCHIVE= $(COMPONENT_SRC).tar.xz COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_HASH= sha256:1c5d545f5dc1eb51e95d2c50d98fdf88b1a36ba1fa30e9ae5d5385c6024f82ad COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL= https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE) COMPONENT_FMRI= developer/versioning/git COMPONENT_CLASSIFICATION= Development/Source Code Management COMPONENT_LICENSE= GPL-2.0-only COMPONENT_LICENSE_FILE= COPYING # # man pages are a separate archive # COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_1= $(COMPONENT_NAME)-manpages-$(COMPONENT_VERSION).tar.xz COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_HASH_1= sha256:4c0ede7afa4d6dbf602d2f2fd151c36ab57d3224e6b9fd17342e85f05d386886 COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL_1= https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_1) include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/common.mk # https://www.illumos.org/issues/16566 PATH= $(PATH.gnu) CFLAGS += $(XPG6MODE) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-libpcre2 CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-perl=$(PERL) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-python=$(PYTHON) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += LDFLAGS=-L$(OPENSSL_LIBDIR) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/pcre -I$(OPENSSL_INCDIR)" COMPONENT_BUILD_ENV += NO_PERL_MAKEMAKER=1 COMPONENT_BUILD_ENV += V=1 COMPONENT_INSTALL_ENV += NO_PERL_MAKEMAKER=1 PKG_MACROS += PERLVER=$(PERL_VERSION) # This runs configure but configure doesn't generate a Makefile. # Instead a Makefile comes with git. # Anyways viewpathing doesn't work. # Therefore we need cloney to copy a set of files to build. # Overwrite symlinked tests, because they are relying on test assets being regular files. COMPONENT_PRE_CONFIGURE_ACTION= \ (chmod u+x $(COMPONENT_SRC)/t/*.sh && $(CLONEY) $(SOURCE_DIR) $(@D) && \ $(RM) -r $(@D)/t && $(CP) -rp $(COMPONENT_SRC)/t $(@D)) PKG_HARDLINKS += usr/libexec/git-core/git PKG_HARDLINKS += usr/libexec/git-core/git-cvsserver PKG_HARDLINKS += usr/libexec/git-core/git-gui PKG_HARDLINKS += usr/libexec/git-core/git-remote-ftps PKG_HARDLINKS += usr/libexec/git-core/git-shell PKG_HARDLINKS += usr/libexec/git-core/scalar # We want the perl modules to install the vendor_perl directory, and their # manpages to install in the normal perl manpage directory, but the default # behavior is to put the modules in /usr/lib. Setting these four variables # massages the perl to get files to go where we want. COMPONENT_INSTALL_ARGS += INSTALL="$(INSTALL)" COMPONENT_INSTALL_ARGS += perllibdir=$(shell $(PERL) -MConfig -e 'print "$$Config{installvendorarch}"') COMPONENT_INSTALL_ARGS += VENDORPREFIX=$(shell $(PERL) -MConfig -e 'print "$$Config{installvendorlib}"') COMPONENT_INSTALL_ARGS += PERLPREFIX=$(shell $(PERL) -MConfig -e 'print "$$Config{installvendorarch}"') COMPONENT_INSTALL_ARGS += INSTALLVENDORLIB=$(shell $(PERL) -MConfig -e 'print "$$Config{installvendorlib}"') COMPONENT_TEST_ENV += LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 # Create predictable test environment - see git(1) COMPONENT_TEST_ENV += GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL=/dev/null COMPONENT_TEST_ENV += GIT_CONFIG_NOSYSTEM=true # many failures; keep going; later versions of git are much cleaner COMPONENT_TEST_ARGS += -k -i # Run tests in parallel by default GITTEST_JOBS ?= $(PARALLEL_JOBS) COMPONENT_TEST_ARGS += $(if $(GITTEST_JOBS),-j$(GITTEST_JOBS),) COMPONENT_TEST_TARGETS = test # Put each test result in a file; necessary if jobs run in parallel COMPONENT_TEST_TARGETS += GIT_TEST_OPTS=--tee COMPONENT_TEST_TARGETS += DEFAULT_TEST_TARGET=test-noclean # Compile the test results and put that into the test output file instead COMPONENT_POST_TEST_ACTION += \ (cd $(COMPONENT_TEST_DIR)/t/test-results; for i in *.out; do \ echo "*** $${i%.out}.sh ***"; \ cat $$i; \ done; \ cd ..; \ PATH="$(PATH)" $(GMAKE) -s aggregate-results) &> $(COMPONENT_TEST_OUTPUT) ; # These man pages come in a separate archive with no Makefile # and Solaris likes some of them moved around hence we'll just # do it manually here. $(BUILD_DIR)/.manpages: cd $(BUILD_DIR) ; $(UNPACK) $(UNPACK_ARGS) $(USERLAND_ARCHIVES)$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_1) $(MKDIR) $(PROTOUSRSHAREMAN1DIR) $(MKDIR) $(PROTOUSRSHAREMAN4DIR) $(MKDIR) $(PROTOUSRSHAREMAN5DIR) cd $(BUILD_DIR) ; for manfile in man*/* ; \ do \ filename=`basename $$manfile`; \ fname=$${filename%.*}; \ ext=$${filename##*.}; \ newext=1; \ if [ $$ext = 5 ]; then newext=4; fi; \ if [ $$ext = 7 ]; then newext=5; fi; \ $(GSED) -e 's/\\m\[blue\]//g' -e 's/\\m\[\]//g' \ -e 's/"5"/"4"/' -e 's/(5)/(4)/g' \ -e 's/"7"/"5"/' -e 's/(7)/(5)/g' $$manfile > \ $(PROTOUSRSHAREMANDIR)/man$$newext/$$fname.$$newext; \ done $(TOUCH) $@ $(BUILD_DIR_64)/.contrib: $(BUILD_DIR_64)/.contrib-subtree $(MKDIR) $(PROTOUSRSHAREDIR)/bash-completion/completions PATH="$(PATH)" $(GMAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR_64)/contrib/diff-highlight $(CP) -RLp $(BUILD_DIR_64)/contrib/diff-highlight/diff-highlight $(PROTOUSRBINDIR)/diff-highlight $(CP) -RLp $(BUILD_DIR_64)/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash $(PROTOUSRSHAREDIR)/bash-completion/completions/git (cd $(PROTOUSRSHAREDIR)/bash-completion/completions; $(LN) -sf git gitk) $(TOUCH) $@ # Install steps taken from contrib/subtree/INSTALL $(BUILD_DIR_64)/.contrib-subtree: PATH="$(PATH)" $(GMAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR_64)/Documentation asciidoc.conf PATH="$(PATH)" $(GMAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR_64)/contrib/subtree DESTDIR=$(PROTO_DIR) PATH="$(PATH)" $(GMAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR_64)/contrib/subtree DESTDIR=$(PROTO_DIR) install PATH="$(PATH)" $(GMAKE) -C $(BUILD_DIR_64)/contrib/subtree DESTDIR=$(PROTO_DIR) install-doc $(TOUCH) $@ install: $(INSTALL_64) $(BUILD_DIR)/.manpages $(BUILD_DIR_64)/.contrib # Test dependencies TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += developer/fakeroot TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += developer/versioning/cvs TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library/iconv/extra TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library/iconv/unicode TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library/iconv/utf-8 TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/perl-5/subversion TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += locale/is TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += locale/is-extra TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES.perl += library/perl-5/cgi TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES.perl += library/perl-5/dbi TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES.perl += library/perl-5/dbd-sqlite TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES.perl += library/perl-5/html-parser # The check for the TTY prereq needs IO::Pty. # See t/lib-terminal.sh and t/test-terminal.perl. # The IO::Pty module is in the io-tty package. TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES.perl += library/perl-5/io-tty # Needed to generate git-subtree documentation REQUIRED_PACKAGES += text/asciidoc REQUIRED_PACKAGES += text/xmlto # As long as we disabled pkgdepend on git-p4 we need to add this manually: PYTHON_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += runtime/python # Auto-generated dependencies PERL_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += runtime/perl REQUIRED_PACKAGES += $(OPENSSL_PKG) REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/expat REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/pcre2 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/zlib REQUIRED_PACKAGES += runtime/perl REQUIRED_PACKAGES += shell/bash REQUIRED_PACKAGES += shell/ksh93 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library REQUIRED_PACKAGES += web/curl