# # CDDL HEADER START # # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. # # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] # # CDDL HEADER END # # Copyright (c) 2011, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # Copyright (c) 2019, Michal Nowak # Copyright (c) 2020, Andreas Wacknitz # Copyright (c) 2023, Klaus Ziegler # USE_PARALLEL_BUILD= yes include ../../../make-rules/shared-macros.mk COMPONENT_NAME= emacs COMPONENT_VERSION= 30.1 COMPONENT_PROJECT_URL= https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/ COMPONENT_SRC= $(COMPONENT_NAME)-$(COMPONENT_VERSION) COMPONENT_ARCHIVE= $(COMPONENT_SRC).tar.xz COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_HASH= sha256:6ccac1ae76e6af93c6de1df175e8eb406767c23da3dd2a16aa67e3124a6f138f COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL= https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE) COMPONENT_FMRI= editor/gnu-emacs COMPONENT_CLASSIFICATION= Development/Editors COMPONENT_LICENSE= GPLv3 COMPONENT_LICENSE_FILE= COPYING TEST_TARGET= $(NO_TESTS) include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/common.mk # we build three different variants of emacs for our users. As Solaris # always has a 64-bit kernel, and 64-bit emacs can handle larger files, # we only build and deliver 64-bit binaries. X_VARIANT= $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-x NOX_VARIANT= $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-nox GTK_VARIANT= $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-gtk VARIANTS= $(NOX_VARIANT) $(X_VARIANT) $(GTK_VARIANT) $(VARIANTS:%=%/.configured): BITS=64 BUILD_64= $(VARIANTS:%=%/.built) INSTALL_64= $(VARIANTS:%=%/.installed) # build with the distribution preferred libjpeg implementation CFLAGS += $(JPEG_CPPFLAGS) $(JPEG_CFLAGS) CXXFLAGS += $(JPEG_CPPFLAGS) $(JPEG_CXXFLAGS) LDFLAGS += $(JPEG_LDFLAGS) CFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags lcms2) # LD_OPTIONS is defined to apply desirable link-editor options to Userland # components. Non-executable stack and data break sparc emacs. LD_MAP_NOEXSTK.sparc= LD_MAP_NOEXDATA.sparc= # LDFLAGS is defined for emacs to detect ncurses LDFLAGS += -L/usr/gnu/lib/$(MACH64) -R/usr/gnu/lib/$(MACH64) # Uncomment this for debugging only. It configures emacs to run from the # local proto instead of from its final installed location. #CONFIGURE_PREFIX = $(PROTO_DIR)/usr # The configure script runs the pkg-config command. Since we're building # 64-bit executables, we need pkg-config to use the 64-bit metadata files CONFIGURE_ENV += PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/$(MACH64)/pkgconfig PKG_HARDLINKS += usr/bin/emacs-nox PKG_HARDLINKS += usr/bin/emacs-x PKG_HARDLINKS += usr/bin/emacs-gtk # configure options common to all variants of emacs that we want to build. CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --infodir=$(CONFIGURE_INFODIR) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --datarootdir=$(CONFIGURE_PREFIX)/share CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --libexecdir=$(CONFIGURE_PREFIX)/lib CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-gif=yes CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-xaw3d=no CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-mailutils CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-modules CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-imagemagick CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-threads CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-png CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-rsvg CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-sqlite3 CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-tiff CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-toolkit-scroll-bars CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-webp CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-treesitter CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-sound=oss CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += ac_cv_sys_long_file_names=yes # SPARC needs this to be set in order to publish correctly. ifeq ($(strip $(MACH)),sparc) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --build=$(GCC_GNU_TRIPLET) endif # ASLR should remain disabled for emacs (the default); # build consistently core dumps with ASLR ASLR_MODE = $(ASLR_DISABLE) # LD_EXEC_OPTIONS is not supported on illumos, we need to disable ASLR in LD_OPTIONS LD_OPTIONS+= $(ASLR_MODE) # variant specific configure options $(BUILD_DIR)/%-nox/.configured: CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --without-all --without-x $(BUILD_DIR)/%-x/.configured: CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-x-toolkit=lucid $(BUILD_DIR)/%-gtk/.configured: CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-x-toolkit=gtk3 # we need to build all variants, but only have to install one in order # to get the common files shared by all. We use COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION # to remove unwanted files, copy the emacs binaries from the other tookit # builds into place, and install the additional files we provide. # # Note that this tweaking is not required, as the proto need not match # the packaging. However, doing it this way allows us to examine the proto # as a finished and complete product, simplifies debugging emacs, and # facilitates the use of 'gmake sample-manifest'. PBIN= $(PROTO_DIR)/usr/bin PETC= $(PROTO_DIR)/usr/share/emacs/$(COMPONENT_VERSION)/etc PPDMP= $(PROTO_DIR)/usr/lib/emacs/$(COMPONENT_VERSION)/$(GCC_GNU_TRIPLET) PGBIN= $(PROTO_DIR)/usr/gnu/bin PGSHAREMAN1= $(PROTO_DIR)/usr/gnu/share/man/man1 PSHAREMAN1= $(PROTO_DIR)/usr/share/man/man1 PVAR= $(PROTO_DIR)/var # Remove emacs existing emacs executables/script from usr/bin COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += $(RM) $(PBIN)/emacs $(PBIN)/emacs-* ; # GTK binaries COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-gtk/src/emacs-$(COMPONENT_VERSION).1 \ $(PBIN)/emacs-gtk ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(LN) $(PBIN)/emacs-gtk $(PBIN)/emacs-gtk-$(COMPONENT_VERSION) ; # Each emacs variant needs its own dump file: COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-gtk/src/emacs.pdmp \ $(PPDMP)/emacs-gtk.pdmp ; # Non-X11 binaries COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-nox/src/emacs-$(COMPONENT_VERSION).1 \ $(PBIN)/emacs-nox ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(LN) $(PBIN)/emacs-nox $(PBIN)/emacs-nox-$(COMPONENT_VERSION) ; # Each emacs variant needs its own dump file: COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-nox/src/emacs.pdmp \ $(PPDMP)/emacs-nox.pdmp ; # X11 (Athena) binaries COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-x/src/emacs-$(COMPONENT_VERSION).1 \ $(PBIN)/emacs-x ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(LN) $(PBIN)/emacs-x $(PBIN)/emacs-x-$(COMPONENT_VERSION) ; # Each emacs variant needs its own dump file: COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-x/src/emacs.pdmp \ $(PPDMP)/emacs-x.pdmp ; # Emacs shell script that picks the right variant at runtime COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += $(CP) augment/emacs $(PBIN) ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += $(CHMOD) +x $(PBIN)/emacs ; # ctags and etags go in /usr/gnu/bin instead of /usr/bin COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += $(MKDIR) $(PGBIN) ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += $(MV) $(PBIN)/ctags $(PBIN)/etags $(PGBIN) ; # We do not install the files under /var/games/emacs. The reason for # this is that we do not install update-game-score as setuid, and # therefore the game files are not usable. This the same decision made # by Debian, among others. COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += $(RM) -r $(PVAR) ; # The file usr/share/emacs/23.1/etc/DOC-23.1.2 gets installed instead of # DOC-23.1.1. Remove and replace. COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += $(RM) $(PETC)/DOC-$(COMPONENT_VERSION).2 ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-x/etc/DOC-$(COMPONENT_VERSION).1 \ $(PETC)/DOC-$(COMPONENT_VERSION).1 ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) augment/man/man1/emacs-gtk.1 $(PSHAREMAN1)/emacs-gtk.1 ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) augment/man/man1/emacs-nox.1 $(PSHAREMAN1)/emacs-nox.1 ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) augment/man/man1/emacs-x.1 $(PSHAREMAN1)/emacs-x.1 ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += $(MKDIR) $(PGSHAREMAN1) ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) $(COMPONENT_SRC)/doc/man/ctags.1 $(PGSHAREMAN1)/ctags.1 ; COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(CP) $(COMPONENT_SRC)/doc/man/etags.1 $(PGSHAREMAN1)/etags.1 ; # By default, emacs is configured to compress lisp files, manpages, and info # files. The option to disable that (--without-compress-install) has no # granularity --- it's all or nothing. For Solaris, we want to compress lisp # sources, but not the others. It's simplest to let everything be compressed. # and then explicitly decompress the manpages and info files. COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += $(GUNZIP) \ $(PROTO_DIR)/usr/share/info/*.gz \ $(PROTO_DIR)/usr/share/man/man1/*.gz ; # Throw away usr/share/info/dir. This file is the topmost node of the Info # hierarchy. Emacs builds it, as presumably do all GNU packages, but on # Solaris, it is delivered by system/prerequisite/gnu. COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += $(RM) $(PROTO_DIR)/usr/share/info/dir ; # Add enough emacs sources such that xref-find-definitions is able to show functions definitions of internal functions. COMPONENT_POST_INSTALL_ACTION += \ $(MKDIR) $(PROTO_DIR)/usr/share/emacs/$(COMPONENT_VERSION)/src ; \ $(CP) $(SOURCE_DIR)/src/*.[ch] $(PROTO_DIR)/usr/share/emacs/$(COMPONENT_VERSION)/src/ ; # Create site-start.el for actual version COMPONENT_POST_UNPACK_ACTION += \ $(GSED) -e 's/COMPONENT_VERSION/$(COMPONENT_VERSION)/' $(COMPONENT_DIR)/augment/source.el >$(COMPONENT_DIR)/site-start.el ; install: $(BUILD_64) $(BUILD_DIR)/$(MACH64)-x/.installed clean:: $(RM) $(COMPONENT_DIR)/site-start.el # build dependencies. REQUIRED_PACKAGES += mail/mailutils # Auto-generated dependencies REQUIRED_PACKAGES += $(JPEG_IMPLEM_PKG) REQUIRED_PACKAGES += database/sqlite-3 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += file/gnu-findutils REQUIRED_PACKAGES += image/imagemagick REQUIRED_PACKAGES += image/library/libpng16 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += image/library/librsvg REQUIRED_PACKAGES += image/library/libtiff REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/c++/harfbuzz REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/desktop/cairo REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/desktop/gdk-pixbuf REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/desktop/gtk3 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/desktop/pango REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/giflib REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/glib2 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/gmp REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/gnutls-3 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/lcms2 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/libwebp REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/libxml2 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/ncurses REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/tree-sitter REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/zlib REQUIRED_PACKAGES += shell/ksh93 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library/fontconfig REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library/freetype-2 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library/libdbus REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library/math REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libice REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libsm REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libx11 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxcb REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxcomposite REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxext REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxfixes REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxi REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxinerama REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxmu REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxpm REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxrandr REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libxrender REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/toolkit/libxaw7 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/toolkit/libxt