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Larger values save bits, thus improving quality for a given bitrate at the cost of seeking precision. Use -1 for infinite.Sets minimum interval between IDR-frames. In H.264, I-frames do not necessarily bound a closed GOP because it is allowable for a P-frame to be predicted from more frames than just the one frame before it (also see reference frame option). Therefore, I-frames are not necessarily seekable. IDR-frames restrict subsequent P-frames from referring to any frame prior to the IDR-frame. If scenecuts appear within this interval, they are still encoded as I-frames, but do not start a new GOP.use open GOP, for bluray compatibility use also bluray-compat optionUse recovery points to close GOPsEnable hacks for Blu-ray support, this doesn't enforce every aspect of Blu-ray compatibility e.g. resolution, framerate, levelEnable compatibility hacks for Blu-ray supportScene-cut detection. Controls how aggressively to insert extra I-frames. With small values of scenecut, the codec often has to force an I-frame when it would exceed keyint. Good values of scenecut may find a better location for the I-frame. Large values use more I-frames than necessary, thus wasting bits. -1 disables scene-cut detection, so I-frames are inserted only every other keyint frames, which probably leads to ugly encoding artifacts. Range 1 to 100.Number of consecutive B-frames between I and P-frames. Range 1 to 16.Force the specified number of consecutive B-frames to be used, except possibly before an I-frame. Range 0 to 2.Bias the choice to use B-frames. Positive values cause more B-frames, negative values cause less B-frames.Influence (bias) B-frames usageAllows B-frames to be used as references for predicting other frames. Keeps the middle of 2+ consecutive B-frames as a reference, and reorders frame appropriately. - none: Disabled - strict: Strictly hierarchical pyramid - normal: Non-strict (not Blu-ray compatible) Keep some B-frames as referencesCABAC (Context-Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding). Slightly slows down encoding and decoding, but should save 10 to 15% bitrate.TV-range is usually used colorrange, defining this to true will enable libx264 to use full colorrange on encodingUse fullrange instead of TV colorrangeNumber of previous frames used as predictors. This is effective in Anime, but seems to make little difference in live-action source material. Some decoders are unable to deal with large frameref values. Range 1 to 16.Deactivate the deblocking loop filter (decreases quality).Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters. Range -6 to 6 for both alpha and beta parameters. -6 means light filter, 6 means strong.Loop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters alpha:betaFirst parameter controls if RD is on (subme>=6) or off. Second parameter controls if Trellis is used on psychovisual optimization, default offStrength of psychovisual optimization, default is "1.0:0.0"Use all visual optimizations that can worsen both PSNR and SSIMSpecify H.264 level (as defined by Annex A of the standard). Levels are not enforced; it's up to the user to select a level compatible with the rest of the encoding options. Range 1 to 5.1 (10 to 51 is also allowed). Set to 0 for letting x264 set level.Specify H.264 profile which limits are enforced over other settingsFor stereoscopic videos define frame arrangement: 0: checkerboard - pixels are alternatively from L and R 1: column alternation - L and R are interlaced by column 2: row alternation - L and R are interlaced by row 3: side by side - L is on the left, R on the right 4: top bottom - L is on top, R on bottom 5: frame alternation - one view per frameForce rectangular slices and is overridden by other slicing optionsForce number of slices per frameSets a maximum slice size in bytes, Includes NAL overhead in sizeLimit the size of each slice in bytesSets a maximum number of macroblocks per sliceLimit the size of each slice in macroblocksThis selects the quantizer to use. Lower values result in better fidelity, but higher bitrates. 26 is a good default value. Range 0 (lossless) to 51.1-pass Quality-based VBR. Range 0 to 51.Minimum quantizer parameter. 15 to 35 seems to be a useful range.Allowed variance in average bitrate (in kbits/s).Sets a maximum local bitrate (in kbits/s).Averaging period for the maximum local bitrate (in kbits).Sets the initial buffer occupancy as a fraction of the buffer size. Range 0.0 to 1.0.QP factor between I and P. Range 1.0 to 2.0.QP factor between P and B. Range 1.0 to 2.0.QP difference between chroma and luma.QP difference between chroma and lumaMultipass ratecontrol: - 1: First pass, creates stats file - 2: Last pass, does not overwrite stats file - 3: Nth pass, overwrites stats file QP curve compression. Range 0.0 (CBR) to 1.0 (QCP).This reduces the fluctuations in QP before curve compression. Temporally blurs complexity.This reduces the fluctuations in QP after curve compression. Temporally blurs quants.Defines bitdistribution mode for AQ, default 1 - 0: Disabled - 1: Current x264 default mode - 2: uses log(var)^2 instead of log(var) and attempts to adapt strength per frameStrength to reduce blocking and blurring in flat and textured areas, default 1.0 recommended to be between 0..2 - 0.5: weak AQ - 1.5: strong AQPartitions to consider in analyse mode: - none : - fast : i4x4 - normal: i4x4,p8x8,(i8x8) - slow : i4x4,p8x8,(i8x8),b8x8 - all : i4x4,p8x8,(i8x8),b8x8,p4x4 (p4x4 requires p8x8. i8x8 requires 8x8dct).Direct prediction size: - 0: 4x4 - 1: 8x8 - -1: smallest possible according to level Weighted prediction for B-frames.Weighted prediction for B-framesWeighted prediction for P-frames: - 0: Disabled - 1: Blind offset - 2: Smart analysis Weighted prediction for P-framesSelects the motion estimation algorithm: - dia: diamond search, radius 1 (fast) - hex: hexagonal search, radius 2 - umh: uneven multi-hexagon search (better but slower) - esa: exhaustive search (extremely slow, primarily for testing) - tesa: hadamard exhaustive search (extremely slow, primarily for testing) Integer pixel motion estimation methodMaximum distance to search for motion estimation, measured from predicted position(s). Default of 16 is good for most footage, high motion sequences may benefit from settings between 24 and 32. Range 0 to 64.Maximum motion vector search rangeMaximum motion vector length in pixels. -1 is automatic, based on level.Minimum buffer space between threads. -1 is automatic, based on number of threads.Minimum buffer space between threadsThis parameter controls quality versus speed tradeoffs involved in the motion estimation decision process (lower = quicker and higher = better quality). Range 1 to 9.Subpixel motion estimation and partition decision qualityAllows each 8x8 or 16x8 partition to independently select a reference frame, as opposed to only one ref per macroblock.Decide references on a per partition basisChroma ME for subpel and mode decision in P-frames.SATD-based decision for 8x8 transform in inter-MBs.Adaptive spatial transform sizeTrellis RD quantization: - 0: disabled - 1: enabled only on the final encode of a MB - 2: enabled on all mode decisions This requires CABAC.Framecount to use on frametype lookahead. Currently default can cause sync-issues on unmuxable output, like rtsp-output without ts-muxFramecount to use on frametype lookaheadUse Periodic Intra Refresh instead of IDR framesYou can disable use of Macroblock-tree on ratecontrolEarly SKIP detection on P-frames.Early SKIP detection on P-framesCoefficient thresholding on P-frames. Eliminate dct blocks containing only a small single coefficient.Coefficient thresholding on P-framesDct-domain noise reduction. Adaptive pseudo-deadzone. 10 to 1000 seems to be a useful range.Set the size of the inter luma quantization deadzone. Range 0 to 32.Inter luma quantization deadzoneSet the size of the intra luma quantization deadzone. Range 0 to 32.Intra luma quantization deadzoneSlightly improve quality of SMP, at the cost of repeatability.Non-deterministic optimizations when threadedUse assembler CPU optimizations.Compute and print PSNR stats. This has no effect on the actual encoding quality.Compute and print SSIM stats. This has no effect on the actual encoding quality.Set SPS and PPS id numbers to allow concatenating streams with different settings.Generate access unit delimiter NAL units.Filename for 2 pass stats file for multi-pass encoding.Filename for 2 pass stats filex264 advanced options, in the form {opt=val,op2=val2}.Copyright (C) the VideoLAN VLC media player developersLicensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or later.x264_logOpenClosex264h264333333?{Gzt??@$@?ffffff??@BY@?@4@Maximum quantizer parameter.Maximum motion vector lengthInitial VBV buffer occupancyPrint stats for each frame.Max QP step between frames.Extra I-frames aggressivityDefault preset setting usedChroma in motion estimationUse Periodic Intra RefreshNumber of reference framesReduce fluctuations in QPQP factor between P and BQP factor between I and PDirect MV prediction modeDefault tune setting usedAverage bitrate toleranceAdaptive B-frame decisionB-frames between I and PUse mb-tree ratecontrolTrellis RD quantizationHow AQ distributes bitsSPS and PPS id numbersPartitions to considerHRD-timing informationDirect prediction sizeAccess unit delimitersx264 advanced optionsUse Psy-optimizationsPure-interlaced mode.Multipass ratecontrolQP curve compressionversion x264 0.%d.XUnknown option "%s"sout-x264-scenecutcolumn alternationsout-x264-profilesout-x264-non-deterministicframe alternationQuality-based VBRMax local bitrateCPU optimizationssout-x264-keyintsout-x264-chroma-qp-offsetSkip loop filterSSIM computationPSNR computationMinimum GOP sizeMaximum GOP sizesout-x264-levelrow alternationNoise reductionInterlaced modex264_2pass.logsout-x264-slice-max-sizesout-x264-mvrange-threadsout-x264-deadzone-intrasout-x264-deadzone-interStrength of AQsout-x264-slice-max-mbssout-x264-intra-refreshsout-x264-frame-packingsout-x264-bluray-compatFrame packingsout-x264-nrsout-x264-meside by 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Software Generation Utilities - Solaris Link Editors: 5.11-1.1790 (illumos)@(#)illumos illumos-aaceae985c November 2024GCC: (OpenIndiana 13.3.0-oi-0) 13.3.0.dynamic.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.SUNW_syminfo.hash.SUNW_ldynsym.dynsym.dynstr.SUNW_version.SUNW_versym.SUNW_dynsymsort.SUNW_reloc.rela.plt.text.init.fini.rodata.got.fini_array.init_array.data.tm_clone_table.data.rel.local.data.rel.ro.bss.symtab.strtab.comment.shstrtabXX pdpPP"oB0L6oD p p L"00TopTo88boXXPoo4@B # #%%p'p'N0v0v@v@v2`v`vW1       @@@ $b  X 0U (