/***************************************************************************** * mediacodec_jni.c: mc_api implementation using JNI ***************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2015 VLC authors and VideoLAN, VideoLabs * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************** * Preamble *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "omxil_utils.h" #include "../../packetizer/hevc_nal.h" #include "mediacodec.h" char* MediaCodec_GetName(vlc_object_t *p_obj, const char *psz_mime, int profile, int *p_quirks); #define THREAD_NAME "mediacodec_jni" #define BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG 2 #define BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM 4 #define INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED -3 #define INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED -2 #define INFO_TRY_AGAIN_LATER -1 /***************************************************************************** * JNI Initialisation *****************************************************************************/ struct jfields { jclass media_codec_list_class, media_codec_class, media_format_class; jclass buffer_info_class, byte_buffer_class; jmethodID tostring; jmethodID get_codec_count, get_codec_info_at, is_encoder, get_capabilities_for_type; jmethodID is_feature_supported; jfieldID profile_levels_field, profile_field, level_field; jmethodID get_supported_types, get_name; jmethodID create_by_codec_name, configure, start, stop, flush, release; jmethodID get_output_format; jmethodID get_input_buffers, get_input_buffer; jmethodID get_output_buffers, get_output_buffer; jmethodID dequeue_input_buffer, dequeue_output_buffer, queue_input_buffer; jmethodID release_output_buffer; jmethodID create_video_format, create_audio_format; jmethodID set_integer, set_bytebuffer, get_integer; jmethodID buffer_info_ctor; jfieldID size_field, offset_field, pts_field, flags_field; }; static struct jfields jfields; enum Types { METHOD, STATIC_METHOD, FIELD }; #define OFF(x) offsetof(struct jfields, x) struct classname { const char *name; int offset; }; static const struct classname classes[] = { { "android/media/MediaCodecList", OFF(media_codec_list_class) }, { "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(media_codec_class) }, { "android/media/MediaFormat", OFF(media_format_class) }, { "android/media/MediaFormat", OFF(media_format_class) }, { "android/media/MediaCodec$BufferInfo", OFF(buffer_info_class) }, { "java/nio/ByteBuffer", OFF(byte_buffer_class) }, { NULL, 0 }, }; struct member { const char *name; const char *sig; const char *class; int offset; int type; bool critical; }; static const struct member members[] = { { "toString", "()Ljava/lang/String;", "java/lang/Object", OFF(tostring), METHOD, true }, { "getCodecCount", "()I", "android/media/MediaCodecList", OFF(get_codec_count), STATIC_METHOD, true }, { "getCodecInfoAt", "(I)Landroid/media/MediaCodecInfo;", "android/media/MediaCodecList", OFF(get_codec_info_at), STATIC_METHOD, true }, { "isEncoder", "()Z", "android/media/MediaCodecInfo", OFF(is_encoder), METHOD, true }, { "getSupportedTypes", "()[Ljava/lang/String;", "android/media/MediaCodecInfo", OFF(get_supported_types), METHOD, true }, { "getName", "()Ljava/lang/String;", "android/media/MediaCodecInfo", OFF(get_name), METHOD, true }, { "getCapabilitiesForType", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/media/MediaCodecInfo$CodecCapabilities;", "android/media/MediaCodecInfo", OFF(get_capabilities_for_type), METHOD, true }, { "isFeatureSupported", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z", "android/media/MediaCodecInfo$CodecCapabilities", OFF(is_feature_supported), METHOD, false }, { "profileLevels", "[Landroid/media/MediaCodecInfo$CodecProfileLevel;", "android/media/MediaCodecInfo$CodecCapabilities", OFF(profile_levels_field), FIELD, true }, { "profile", "I", "android/media/MediaCodecInfo$CodecProfileLevel", OFF(profile_field), FIELD, true }, { "level", "I", "android/media/MediaCodecInfo$CodecProfileLevel", OFF(level_field), FIELD, true }, { "createByCodecName", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/media/MediaCodec;", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(create_by_codec_name), STATIC_METHOD, true }, { "configure", "(Landroid/media/MediaFormat;Landroid/view/Surface;Landroid/media/MediaCrypto;I)V", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(configure), METHOD, true }, { "start", "()V", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(start), METHOD, true }, { "stop", "()V", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(stop), METHOD, true }, { "flush", "()V", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(flush), METHOD, true }, { "release", "()V", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(release), METHOD, true }, { "getOutputFormat", "()Landroid/media/MediaFormat;", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(get_output_format), METHOD, true }, { "getInputBuffers", "()[Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(get_input_buffers), METHOD, false }, { "getInputBuffer", "(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(get_input_buffer), METHOD, false }, { "getOutputBuffers", "()[Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(get_output_buffers), METHOD, false }, { "getOutputBuffer", "(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(get_output_buffer), METHOD, false }, { "dequeueInputBuffer", "(J)I", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(dequeue_input_buffer), METHOD, true }, { "dequeueOutputBuffer", "(Landroid/media/MediaCodec$BufferInfo;J)I", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(dequeue_output_buffer), METHOD, true }, { "queueInputBuffer", "(IIIJI)V", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(queue_input_buffer), METHOD, true }, { "releaseOutputBuffer", "(IZ)V", "android/media/MediaCodec", OFF(release_output_buffer), METHOD, true }, { "createVideoFormat", "(Ljava/lang/String;II)Landroid/media/MediaFormat;", "android/media/MediaFormat", OFF(create_video_format), STATIC_METHOD, true }, { "createAudioFormat", "(Ljava/lang/String;II)Landroid/media/MediaFormat;", "android/media/MediaFormat", OFF(create_audio_format), STATIC_METHOD, true }, { "setInteger", "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V", "android/media/MediaFormat", OFF(set_integer), METHOD, true }, { "getInteger", "(Ljava/lang/String;)I", "android/media/MediaFormat", OFF(get_integer), METHOD, true }, { "setByteBuffer", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V", "android/media/MediaFormat", OFF(set_bytebuffer), METHOD, true }, { "", "()V", "android/media/MediaCodec$BufferInfo", OFF(buffer_info_ctor), METHOD, true }, { "size", "I", "android/media/MediaCodec$BufferInfo", OFF(size_field), FIELD, true }, { "offset", "I", "android/media/MediaCodec$BufferInfo", OFF(offset_field), FIELD, true }, { "presentationTimeUs", "J", "android/media/MediaCodec$BufferInfo", OFF(pts_field), FIELD, true }, { "flags", "I", "android/media/MediaCodec$BufferInfo", OFF(flags_field), FIELD, true }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, false }, }; static int jstrcmp(JNIEnv* env, jobject str, const char* str2) { jsize len = (*env)->GetStringUTFLength(env, str); if (len != (jsize) strlen(str2)) return -1; const char *ptr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, str, NULL); int ret = memcmp(ptr, str2, len); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, str, ptr); return ret; } static inline bool check_exception(JNIEnv *env) { if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) { (*env)->ExceptionClear(env); return true; } else return false; } #define CHECK_EXCEPTION() check_exception(env) #define GET_ENV() if (!(env = android_getEnv(api->p_obj, THREAD_NAME))) return MC_API_ERROR; static inline jstring jni_new_string(JNIEnv *env, const char *psz_string) { jstring jstring = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, psz_string); return !CHECK_EXCEPTION() ? jstring : NULL; } #define JNI_NEW_STRING(psz_string) jni_new_string(env, psz_string) static inline int get_integer(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, const char *psz_name) { jstring jname = JNI_NEW_STRING(psz_name); if (jname) { int i_ret = (*env)->CallIntMethod(env, obj, jfields.get_integer, jname); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jname); /* getInteger can throw NullPointerException (when fetching the * "channel-mask" property for example) */ if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) return 0; return i_ret; } else return 0; } #define GET_INTEGER(obj, name) get_integer(env, obj, name) static inline void set_integer(JNIEnv *env, jobject jobj, const char *psz_name, int i_value) { jstring jname = JNI_NEW_STRING(psz_name); if (jname) { (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, jobj, jfields.set_integer, jname, i_value); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jname); } } #define SET_INTEGER(obj, name, value) set_integer(env, obj, name, value) /* Initialize all jni fields. * Done only one time during the first initialisation */ static bool InitJNIFields (vlc_object_t *p_obj, JNIEnv *env) { static vlc_mutex_t lock = VLC_STATIC_MUTEX; static int i_init_state = -1; bool ret; vlc_mutex_lock(&lock); if (i_init_state != -1) goto end; i_init_state = 0; for (int i = 0; classes[i].name; i++) { jclass clazz = (*env)->FindClass(env, classes[i].name); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Warn(p_obj, "Unable to find class %s", classes[i].name); goto end; } *(jclass*)((uint8_t*)&jfields + classes[i].offset) = (jclass) (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, clazz); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, clazz); } jclass last_class = NULL; for (int i = 0; members[i].name; i++) { if (i == 0 || strcmp(members[i].class, members[i - 1].class)) { if (last_class != NULL) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, last_class); last_class = (*env)->FindClass(env, members[i].class); } if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Warn(p_obj, "Unable to find class %s", members[i].class); goto end; } switch (members[i].type) { case METHOD: *(jmethodID*)((uint8_t*)&jfields + members[i].offset) = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, last_class, members[i].name, members[i].sig); break; case STATIC_METHOD: *(jmethodID*)((uint8_t*)&jfields + members[i].offset) = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, last_class, members[i].name, members[i].sig); break; case FIELD: *(jfieldID*)((uint8_t*)&jfields + members[i].offset) = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, last_class, members[i].name, members[i].sig); break; } if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Warn(p_obj, "Unable to find the member %s in %s", members[i].name, members[i].class); if (members[i].critical) goto end; } } if (last_class != NULL) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, last_class); /* getInputBuffers and getOutputBuffers are deprecated if API >= 21 * use getInputBuffer and getOutputBuffer instead. */ if (jfields.get_input_buffer && jfields.get_output_buffer) { jfields.get_output_buffers = jfields.get_input_buffers = NULL; } else if (!jfields.get_output_buffers && !jfields.get_input_buffers) { msg_Err(p_obj, "Unable to find get Output/Input Buffer/Buffers"); goto end; } i_init_state = 1; end: ret = i_init_state == 1; if (!ret) msg_Err(p_obj, "MediaCodec jni init failed"); vlc_mutex_unlock(&lock); return ret; } /**************************************************************************** * Local prototypes ****************************************************************************/ struct mc_api_sys { jobject codec; jobject buffer_info; jobject input_buffers, output_buffers; }; static char *GetManufacturer(JNIEnv *env) { char *manufacturer = NULL; jclass clazz = (*env)->FindClass(env, "android/os/Build"); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) return NULL; jfieldID id = (*env)->GetStaticFieldID(env, clazz, "MANUFACTURER", "Ljava/lang/String;"); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) goto end; jstring jstr = (*env)->GetStaticObjectField(env, clazz, id); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) goto end; const char *str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, jstr, 0); if (str) { manufacturer = strdup(str); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, jstr, str); } end: (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, clazz); return manufacturer; } /***************************************************************************** * MediaCodec_GetName *****************************************************************************/ char* MediaCodec_GetName(vlc_object_t *p_obj, const char *psz_mime, int profile, int *p_quirks) { JNIEnv *env; int num_codecs; jstring jmime; char *psz_name = NULL; if (!(env = android_getEnv(p_obj, THREAD_NAME))) return NULL; if (!InitJNIFields(p_obj, env)) return NULL; jmime = JNI_NEW_STRING(psz_mime); if (!jmime) return NULL; num_codecs = (*env)->CallStaticIntMethod(env, jfields.media_codec_list_class, jfields.get_codec_count); for (int i = 0; i < num_codecs; i++) { jobject codec_capabilities = NULL; jobject profile_levels = NULL; jobject info = NULL; jobject name = NULL; jobject types = NULL; jsize name_len = 0; int profile_levels_len = 0, num_types = 0; const char *name_ptr = NULL; bool found = false; bool b_adaptive = false; info = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, jfields.media_codec_list_class, jfields.get_codec_info_at, i); name = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, info, jfields.get_name); name_len = (*env)->GetStringUTFLength(env, name); name_ptr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, name, NULL); if (OMXCodec_IsBlacklisted(name_ptr, name_len)) goto loopclean; if ((*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, info, jfields.is_encoder)) goto loopclean; codec_capabilities = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, info, jfields.get_capabilities_for_type, jmime); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Warn(p_obj, "Exception occurred in MediaCodecInfo.getCapabilitiesForType"); goto loopclean; } else if (codec_capabilities) { profile_levels = (*env)->GetObjectField(env, codec_capabilities, jfields.profile_levels_field); if (profile_levels) profile_levels_len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, profile_levels); if (jfields.is_feature_supported) { jstring jfeature = JNI_NEW_STRING("adaptive-playback"); b_adaptive = (*env)->CallBooleanMethod(env, codec_capabilities, jfields.is_feature_supported, jfeature); CHECK_EXCEPTION(); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jfeature); } } msg_Dbg(p_obj, "Number of profile levels: %d", profile_levels_len); types = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, info, jfields.get_supported_types); num_types = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, types); found = false; for (int j = 0; j < num_types && !found; j++) { jobject type = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, types, j); if (!jstrcmp(env, type, psz_mime)) { /* The mime type is matching for this component. We now check if the capabilities of the codec is matching the video format. */ if (profile > 0) { /* This decoder doesn't expose its profiles and is high * profile capable */ if (!strncmp(name_ptr, "OMX.LUMEVideoDecoder", __MIN(20, name_len))) found = true; for (int i = 0; i < profile_levels_len && !found; ++i) { jobject profile_level = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, profile_levels, i); int omx_profile = (*env)->GetIntField(env, profile_level, jfields.profile_field); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, profile_level); int codec_profile = 0; if (strcmp(psz_mime, "video/avc") == 0) codec_profile = convert_omx_to_profile_idc(omx_profile); else if (strcmp(psz_mime, "video/hevc") == 0) { switch (omx_profile) { case 0x1: /* OMX_VIDEO_HEVCProfileMain */ codec_profile = HEVC_PROFILE_MAIN; break; case 0x2: /* OMX_VIDEO_HEVCProfileMain10 */ case 0x1000: /* OMX_VIDEO_HEVCProfileMain10HDR10 */ codec_profile = HEVC_PROFILE_MAIN_10; break; } } if (codec_profile != profile) continue; /* Some encoders set the level too high, thus we ignore it for the moment. We could try to guess the actual profile based on the resolution. */ found = true; } } else found = true; } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, type); } if (found) { msg_Dbg(p_obj, "using %.*s", name_len, name_ptr); psz_name = malloc(name_len + 1); if (psz_name) { memcpy(psz_name, name_ptr, name_len); psz_name[name_len] = '\0'; bool ignore_size = false; /* The AVC/HEVC MediaCodec implementation on Amazon fire TV * seems to report the Output surface size instead of the Video * size. This bug is specific to Amazon devices since other MTK * implementations report the correct size. The manufacturer is * checked only if the codec matches the MTK one in order to * avoid extra manufacturer check for other every devices. * */ static const char mtk_dec[] = "OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER."; if (strncmp(psz_name, mtk_dec, sizeof(mtk_dec) - 1) == 0) { char *manufacturer = GetManufacturer(env); if (manufacturer && strcmp(manufacturer, "Amazon") == 0) ignore_size = true; free(manufacturer); } if (ignore_size) { *p_quirks |= MC_API_VIDEO_QUIRKS_IGNORE_SIZE; /* If the MediaCodec size is ignored, the adaptive mode * should be disabled in order to trigger the hxxx_helper * parsers that will parse the correct video size. Hence * the following 'else if' */ } else if (b_adaptive) *p_quirks |= MC_API_VIDEO_QUIRKS_ADAPTIVE; } } loopclean: if (name) { (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, name, name_ptr); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, name); } if (profile_levels) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, profile_levels); if (types) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, types); if (codec_capabilities) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, codec_capabilities); if (info) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, info); if (found) break; } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jmime); return psz_name; } /***************************************************************************** * Stop *****************************************************************************/ static int Stop(mc_api *api) { mc_api_sys *p_sys = api->p_sys; JNIEnv *env; api->b_direct_rendering = false; GET_ENV(); if (p_sys->input_buffers) { (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p_sys->input_buffers); p_sys->input_buffers = NULL; } if (p_sys->output_buffers) { (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p_sys->output_buffers); p_sys->output_buffers = NULL; } if (p_sys->codec) { if (api->b_started) { (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.stop); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Exception in MediaCodec.stop"); api->b_started = false; } (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.release); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Exception in MediaCodec.release"); (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p_sys->codec); p_sys->codec = NULL; } if (p_sys->buffer_info) { (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p_sys->buffer_info); p_sys->buffer_info = NULL; } msg_Dbg(api->p_obj, "MediaCodec via JNI closed"); return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Start *****************************************************************************/ static int Start(mc_api *api, union mc_api_args *p_args) { mc_api_sys *p_sys = api->p_sys; JNIEnv* env = NULL; int i_ret = MC_API_ERROR; bool b_direct_rendering = false; jstring jmime = NULL; jstring jcodec_name = NULL; jobject jcodec = NULL; jobject jformat = NULL; jobject jinput_buffers = NULL; jobject joutput_buffers = NULL; jobject jbuffer_info = NULL; jobject jsurface = NULL; assert(api->psz_mime && api->psz_name); GET_ENV(); jmime = JNI_NEW_STRING(api->psz_mime); jcodec_name = JNI_NEW_STRING(api->psz_name); if (!jmime || !jcodec_name) goto error; /* This method doesn't handle errors nicely, it crashes if the codec isn't * found. (The same goes for createDecoderByType.) This is fixed in latest * AOSP and in 4.2, but not in 4.1 devices. */ jcodec = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, jfields.media_codec_class, jfields.create_by_codec_name, jcodec_name); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Warn(api->p_obj, "Exception occurred in MediaCodec.createByCodecName"); goto error; } p_sys->codec = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, jcodec); if (api->i_cat == VIDEO_ES) { assert(p_args->video.i_angle == 0 || api->b_support_rotation); jformat = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, jfields.media_format_class, jfields.create_video_format, jmime, p_args->video.i_width, p_args->video.i_height); jsurface = p_args->video.p_jsurface; b_direct_rendering = !!jsurface; if (p_args->video.i_angle != 0) SET_INTEGER(jformat, "rotation-degrees", p_args->video.i_angle); if (b_direct_rendering) { /* feature-tunneled-playback available since API 21 */ if (jfields.get_input_buffer && p_args->video.b_tunneled_playback) SET_INTEGER(jformat, "feature-tunneled-playback", 1); if (p_args->video.b_adaptive_playback) SET_INTEGER(jformat, "feature-adaptive-playback", 1); } } else { jformat = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, jfields.media_format_class, jfields.create_audio_format, jmime, p_args->audio.i_sample_rate, p_args->audio.i_channel_count); } /* No limits for input size */ SET_INTEGER(jformat, "max-input-size", 0); if (b_direct_rendering) { // Configure MediaCodec with the Android surface. (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.configure, jformat, jsurface, NULL, 0); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Warn(api->p_obj, "Exception occurred in MediaCodec.configure " "with an output surface."); goto error; } } else { (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.configure, jformat, NULL, NULL, 0); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Warn(api->p_obj, "Exception occurred in MediaCodec.configure"); goto error; } } (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.start); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Warn(api->p_obj, "Exception occurred in MediaCodec.start"); goto error; } api->b_started = true; if (jfields.get_input_buffers && jfields.get_output_buffers) { jinput_buffers = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.get_input_buffers); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Exception in MediaCodec.getInputBuffers"); goto error; } p_sys->input_buffers = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, jinput_buffers); joutput_buffers = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.get_output_buffers); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Exception in MediaCodec.getOutputBuffers"); goto error; } p_sys->output_buffers = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, joutput_buffers); } jbuffer_info = (*env)->NewObject(env, jfields.buffer_info_class, jfields.buffer_info_ctor); p_sys->buffer_info = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, jbuffer_info); api->b_direct_rendering = b_direct_rendering; i_ret = 0; msg_Dbg(api->p_obj, "MediaCodec via JNI opened"); error: if (jmime) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jmime); if (jcodec_name) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jcodec_name); if (jcodec) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jcodec); if (jformat) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jformat); if (jinput_buffers) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jinput_buffers); if (joutput_buffers) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, joutput_buffers); if (jbuffer_info) (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, jbuffer_info); if (i_ret != 0) Stop(api); return i_ret; } /***************************************************************************** * Flush *****************************************************************************/ static int Flush(mc_api *api) { mc_api_sys *p_sys = api->p_sys; JNIEnv *env = NULL; GET_ENV(); (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.flush); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Warn(api->p_obj, "Exception occurred in MediaCodec.flush"); return MC_API_ERROR; } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * DequeueInput *****************************************************************************/ static int DequeueInput(mc_api *api, vlc_tick_t i_timeout) { mc_api_sys *p_sys = api->p_sys; JNIEnv *env; int i_index; GET_ENV(); i_index = (*env)->CallIntMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.dequeue_input_buffer, i_timeout); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Exception occurred in MediaCodec.dequeueInputBuffer"); return MC_API_ERROR; } if (i_index >= 0) return i_index; else return MC_API_INFO_TRYAGAIN; } /***************************************************************************** * QueueInput *****************************************************************************/ static int QueueInput(mc_api *api, int i_index, const void *p_buf, size_t i_size, vlc_tick_t i_ts, bool b_config) { mc_api_sys *p_sys = api->p_sys; JNIEnv *env; uint8_t *p_mc_buf; jobject j_mc_buf; jsize j_mc_size; jint jflags = (b_config ? BUFFER_FLAG_CODEC_CONFIG : 0) | (p_buf == NULL ? BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM : 0); assert(i_index >= 0); GET_ENV(); if (jfields.get_input_buffers) j_mc_buf = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, p_sys->input_buffers, i_index); else { j_mc_buf = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.get_input_buffer, i_index); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Exception in MediaCodec.getInputBuffer"); return MC_API_ERROR; } } j_mc_size = (*env)->GetDirectBufferCapacity(env, j_mc_buf); p_mc_buf = (*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, j_mc_buf); if (j_mc_size < 0) { msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Java buffer has invalid size"); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, j_mc_buf); return MC_API_ERROR; } if ((size_t) j_mc_size > i_size) j_mc_size = i_size; memcpy(p_mc_buf, p_buf, j_mc_size); (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.queue_input_buffer, i_index, 0, j_mc_size, i_ts, jflags); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, j_mc_buf); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Exception in MediaCodec.queueInputBuffer"); return MC_API_ERROR; } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * DequeueOutput *****************************************************************************/ static int DequeueOutput(mc_api *api, vlc_tick_t i_timeout) { mc_api_sys *p_sys = api->p_sys; JNIEnv *env; int i_index; GET_ENV(); i_index = (*env)->CallIntMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.dequeue_output_buffer, p_sys->buffer_info, i_timeout); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Warn(api->p_obj, "Exception in MediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer"); return MC_API_ERROR; } if (i_index >= 0) return i_index; else if (i_index == INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) return MC_API_INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED; else if (i_index == INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) return MC_API_INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED; else return MC_API_INFO_TRYAGAIN; } /***************************************************************************** * GetOutput *****************************************************************************/ static int GetOutput(mc_api *api, int i_index, mc_api_out *p_out) { mc_api_sys *p_sys = api->p_sys; JNIEnv *env; GET_ENV(); if (i_index >= 0) { p_out->type = MC_OUT_TYPE_BUF; p_out->buf.i_index = i_index; p_out->buf.i_ts = (*env)->GetLongField(env, p_sys->buffer_info, jfields.pts_field); int flags = (*env)->GetIntField(env, p_sys->buffer_info, jfields.flags_field); p_out->b_eos = flags & BUFFER_FLAG_END_OF_STREAM; if (api->b_direct_rendering) { p_out->buf.p_ptr = NULL; p_out->buf.i_size = 0; } else { jobject buf; uint8_t *ptr = NULL; int offset = 0; if (jfields.get_output_buffers) buf = (*env)->GetObjectArrayElement(env, p_sys->output_buffers, i_index); else { buf = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.get_output_buffer, i_index); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Exception in MediaCodec.getOutputBuffer"); return MC_API_ERROR; } } //jsize buf_size = (*env)->GetDirectBufferCapacity(env, buf); /* buf can be NULL in case of EOS */ if (buf) { ptr = (*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, buf); offset = (*env)->GetIntField(env, p_sys->buffer_info, jfields.offset_field); } p_out->buf.p_ptr = ptr + offset; p_out->buf.i_size = (*env)->GetIntField(env, p_sys->buffer_info, jfields.size_field); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, buf); } return 1; } else if (i_index == MC_API_INFO_OUTPUT_FORMAT_CHANGED) { jobject format = NULL; jobject format_string = NULL; jsize format_len; const char *format_ptr; format = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.get_output_format); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Exception in MediaCodec.getOutputFormat"); return MC_API_ERROR; } format_string = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, format, jfields.tostring); format_len = (*env)->GetStringUTFLength(env, format_string); format_ptr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, format_string, NULL); msg_Dbg(api->p_obj, "output format changed: %.*s", format_len, format_ptr); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, format_string, format_ptr); p_out->type = MC_OUT_TYPE_CONF; p_out->b_eos = false; if (api->i_cat == VIDEO_ES) { p_out->conf.video.width = GET_INTEGER(format, "width"); p_out->conf.video.height = GET_INTEGER(format, "height"); p_out->conf.video.stride = GET_INTEGER(format, "stride"); p_out->conf.video.slice_height = GET_INTEGER(format, "slice-height"); p_out->conf.video.pixel_format = GET_INTEGER(format, "color-format"); p_out->conf.video.crop_left = GET_INTEGER(format, "crop-left"); p_out->conf.video.crop_top = GET_INTEGER(format, "crop-top"); p_out->conf.video.crop_right = GET_INTEGER(format, "crop-right"); p_out->conf.video.crop_bottom = GET_INTEGER(format, "crop-bottom"); } else { p_out->conf.audio.channel_count = GET_INTEGER(format, "channel-count"); p_out->conf.audio.channel_mask = GET_INTEGER(format, "channel-mask"); p_out->conf.audio.sample_rate = GET_INTEGER(format, "sample-rate"); } (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, format); return 1; } else if (i_index == MC_API_INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED) { jobject joutput_buffers; msg_Dbg(api->p_obj, "output buffers changed"); if (!jfields.get_output_buffers) return 0; (*env)->DeleteGlobalRef(env, p_sys->output_buffers); joutput_buffers = (*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.get_output_buffers); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Exception in MediaCodec.getOutputBuffer"); p_sys->output_buffers = NULL; return MC_API_ERROR; } p_sys->output_buffers = (*env)->NewGlobalRef(env, joutput_buffers); (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, joutput_buffers); } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * ReleaseOutput *****************************************************************************/ static int ReleaseOutput(mc_api *api, int i_index, bool b_render) { mc_api_sys *p_sys = api->p_sys; JNIEnv *env; assert(i_index >= 0); GET_ENV(); (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, p_sys->codec, jfields.release_output_buffer, i_index, b_render); if (CHECK_EXCEPTION()) { msg_Err(api->p_obj, "Exception in MediaCodec.releaseOutputBuffer"); return MC_API_ERROR; } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * SetOutputSurface *****************************************************************************/ static int SetOutputSurface(mc_api *api, void *p_surface, void *p_jsurface) { (void) api; (void) p_surface; (void) p_jsurface; return MC_API_ERROR; } /***************************************************************************** * Clean *****************************************************************************/ static void Clean(mc_api *api) { free(api->psz_name); free(api->p_sys); } /***************************************************************************** * Configure *****************************************************************************/ static int Configure(mc_api *api, int i_profile) { free(api->psz_name); api->i_quirks = 0; api->psz_name = MediaCodec_GetName(api->p_obj, api->psz_mime, i_profile, &api->i_quirks); if (!api->psz_name) return MC_API_ERROR; api->i_quirks |= OMXCodec_GetQuirks(api->i_cat, api->i_codec, api->psz_name, strlen(api->psz_name)); /* Allow interlaced picture after API 21 */ if (jfields.get_input_buffer && jfields.get_output_buffer) api->i_quirks |= MC_API_VIDEO_QUIRKS_SUPPORT_INTERLACED; return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * MediaCodecJni_New *****************************************************************************/ int MediaCodecJni_Init(mc_api *api) { JNIEnv *env; GET_ENV(); if (!InitJNIFields(api->p_obj, env)) return MC_API_ERROR; api->p_sys = calloc(1, sizeof(mc_api_sys)); if (!api->p_sys) return MC_API_ERROR; api->clean = Clean; api->configure = Configure; api->start = Start; api->stop = Stop; api->flush = Flush; api->dequeue_in = DequeueInput; api->queue_in = QueueInput; api->dequeue_out = DequeueOutput; api->get_out = GetOutput; api->release_out = ReleaseOutput; api->release_out_ts = NULL; api->set_output_surface = SetOutputSurface; /* Allow rotation only after API 21 */ if (jfields.get_input_buffer && jfields.get_output_buffer) api->b_support_rotation = true; return 0; }