bplist00ABqXCommands[DescriptionWClassesTName "$&)+.0358:<>_moveMenuFocusLeft_menuFocusActivateTstop_moveMenuFocusUpZfullscreenWOpenURL[stepForwardVGetURLZvolumeDownXvolumeUp_moveMenuFocusRightXprevious_moveMenuFocusDownTmuteTnextTplay\stepBackward_move menu focus left_!Moves the menu focus to the left._activate menu item_+Activates the currently focussed menu item._'Stop playing the current playlist item. !_move menu focus up_Moves the menu focus up. #_,Toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode. %_Open a media URL.'(\step forward_yStep the current playlist item forward the specified step width (default is 2) (1=extraShort, 2=short, 3=medium, 4=long). *ZGet a URL.,-ZvolumeDown_LBring the volume down by one step. There are 32 steps from 0 to 400% volume./_JBring the volume up by one step. There are 32 steps from 0 to 400% volume.12_move menu focus right_"Moves the menu focus to the right.4_OGo to the previous item in the playlist or the previous chapter in the DVD/VCD.67_move menu focus down_Moves the menu focus down.9_,Mute the audio or unmute it if it was muted.;_GGo to the next item in the playlist or the next chapter in the DVD/VCD.=_NStart playing the current playlistitem or pause it when it is already playing.?@]step backward_zStep the current playlist item backward the specified step width (default is 2) (1=extraShort, 2=short, 3=medium, 4=long).]VLC commands.CD^VLCApplicationEFGnopZAttributesZPluralNameHIJKLMNOPQRUXZ]`cehk_scriptFullscreenMode[currentTimeUmuted_durationOfCurrentItem_playbackShowsMenu_nameOfCurrentItemWplaying[audioDesync[audioVolume_pathOfCurrentItemST_fullscreen mode_.Indicates wheter fullscreen is enabled or not.VW\current time_9The current time of the current playlist item in seconds.JY_Is VLC currently muted?[\_duration of current item_5The duration of the current playlist item in seconds.^__playback shows menu_6Indicates whether a DVD menu is currently being shown.ab_name of current item_"Name of the current playlist item.Nd_Is VLC playing an item?fg\audio desync_ZThe audio desynchronization preference from -2147483648 to 2147483647, where 0 is default.ij\audio volume_IThe volume of the current playlist item from 0 to 512, where 256 is 100%.lm_path of current item_"Path to the current playlist item._ VLC's top level scripting object[application\applicationsYVLC suite&.3Xl $;_dy ?DX]jUZ@E\y~RWe !6MY_w -in49Puz    a f } r