/***************************************************************************** * VLCSimplePrefsController.h: Simple Preferences for Mac OS X ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2008-2014 VLC authors and VideoLAN * $Id$ * * Authors: Felix Paul Kühne * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ #import #import "VLCMain.h" #import @interface VLCSimplePrefsController : NSWindowController // Overall window @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *showAllButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *cancelButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSScrollView *scrollView; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSView *contentView; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *resetButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *saveButton; // Audio pane @property (readwrite, strong) IBOutlet NSView *audioView; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *audio_effectsBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *audio_enableCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *audio_generalBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *audio_langTextField; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *audio_langLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *audio_lastBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *audio_lastCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSSecureTextField *audio_lastpwdSecureTextField; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *audio_lastpwdLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *audio_lastuserTextField; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *audio_lastuserLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *audio_visualPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *audio_visualLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *audio_volTextField; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSSlider *audio_volSlider; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSMatrix *audio_autosavevolMatrix; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButtonCell *audio_autosavevol_yesButtonCell; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButtonCell *audio_autosavevol_noButtonCell; // hotkeys pane @property (readwrite, strong) IBOutlet NSView *hotkeysView; @property (readwrite, strong) IBOutlet NSWindow *hotkeys_change_win; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *hotkeys_changeButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *hotkeys_changeLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *hotkeys_change_keysLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *hotkeys_change_takenLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *hotkeys_change_cancelButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *hotkeys_change_okButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *hotkeys_clearButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *hotkeysLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTableView *hotkeys_listbox; // input pane @property (readwrite, strong) IBOutlet NSView *inputView; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *input_recordBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *input_recordTextField; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *input_recordButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *input_aviPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *input_aviLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *input_cachelevelPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *input_cachelevelLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *input_cachelevel_customLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *input_cachingBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *input_muxBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *input_netBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *input_hardwareAccelerationCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *input_postprocTextField; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *input_postprocLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *input_skipLoopLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *input_skipLoopPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *input_urlhandlerButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *input_skipFramesCheckbox; // intf pane - general box @property (readwrite, strong) IBOutlet NSView *intfView; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *intf_generalSettingsBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *intf_languagePopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_languageLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_styleLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButtonCell *intf_style_darkButtonCell; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButtonCell *intf_style_brightButtonCell; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_statusIconCheckbox; // intf pane - control box @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *intf_playbackControlBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_continueplaybackLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *intf_continueplaybackPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_appleremoteCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_mediakeysCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_appleremote_sysvolCheckbox; // intf pane - behaviour box @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *intf_playbackBehaviourBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_enableNotificationsCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_pauseitunesLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *intf_pauseitunesPopup; // intf pane - network box @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *intf_networkBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_artCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_updateCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_last_updateLabel; // intf pane - http interface box @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *intf_luahttpBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *intf_enableluahttpCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_luahttppwdLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *intf_luahttppwdTextField; // osd pane @property (readwrite, strong) IBOutlet NSView *osdView; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *osd_encodingPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_encodingLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *osd_fontBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *osd_fontButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *osd_font_colorPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_font_colorLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_fontTextField; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *osd_font_sizePopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_font_sizeLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_fontLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *osd_langBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_langTextField; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_langLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_opacityLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_opacityTextField; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSSlider *osd_opacitySlider; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *osd_outline_colorPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_outline_colorLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *osd_outline_thicknessPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *osd_outline_thicknessLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *osd_forceboldCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *osd_osdBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *osd_osdCheckbox; // video pane @property (readwrite, strong) IBOutlet NSView *videoView; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_enableCheckbox; // video pane - display box @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *video_displayBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_embeddedCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_pauseWhenMinimizedCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_onTopCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_videodecoCheckbox; // video pane - fullscreen box @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *video_fullscreenBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_startInFullscreenCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_blackScreenCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_nativeFullscreenCheckbox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_deviceLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *video_devicePopup; // video pane - video box @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *video_videoBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_deinterlaceLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *video_deinterlacePopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_deinterlace_modeLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *video_deinterlace_modePopup; // video pane - snapshot box @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSBox *video_snapBox; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_snap_folderButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_snap_folderTextField; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_snap_folderLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *video_snap_formatPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_snap_formatLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_snap_prefixTextField; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *video_snap_prefixLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *video_snap_seqnumCheckbox; // URL handler popup window @property (readwrite, strong) IBOutlet NSWindow *urlhandler_win; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *urlhandler_titleLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSTextField *urlhandler_subtitleLabel; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *urlhandler_saveButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSButton *urlhandler_cancelButton; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *urlhandler_ftpPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *urlhandler_mmsPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *urlhandler_rtmpPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *urlhandler_rtpPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *urlhandler_rtspPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *urlhandler_sftpPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *urlhandler_smbPopup; @property (readwrite, weak) IBOutlet NSPopUpButton *urlhandler_udpPopup; /* toolbar */ - (NSToolbarItem *)toolbar:(NSToolbar *)o_toolbar itemForItemIdentifier:(NSString *)o_itemIdent willBeInsertedIntoToolbar:(BOOL)b_willBeInserted; - (NSArray *)toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers:(NSToolbar *)toolbar; - (NSArray *)toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers:(NSToolbar *)toolbar; - (void)showSimplePrefs; - (void)showSimplePrefsWithLevel:(NSInteger)i_window_level; - (IBAction)buttonAction:(id)sender; - (IBAction)resetPreferences:(id)sender; - (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)o_sheet returnCode:(int)i_return contextInfo:(void *)o_context; /* interface */ - (IBAction)interfaceSettingChanged:(id)sender; /* audio */ - (IBAction)audioSettingChanged:(id)sender; /* video */ - (IBAction)videoSettingChanged:(id)sender; /* OSD / subtitles */ - (IBAction)osdSettingChanged:(id)sender; - (IBAction)showFontPicker:(id)sender; - (void)changeFont:(id)sender; /* input & codecs */ - (IBAction)inputSettingChanged:(id)sender; - (IBAction)urlHandlerAction:(id)sender; /* hotkeys */ - (IBAction)hotkeySettingChanged:(id)sender; - (BOOL)changeHotkeyTo: (NSString *)theKey; /** * Updates right to left UI setting according to currently set language code * \return true if specific language was selected and RTL UI settings were updated */ + (BOOL)updateRightToLeftSettings; @end