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Use with care...AfarAfrikaansAlbanianAllAll FilesAllow only one instanceAllow only one running instanceAlways on topAlways reset audio start level to:AmharicAn error occurred while checking for updates...AngleApplicationAquaArabicArmenianArtistArtist metadataAscendingAsk for network policy at startAssameseAttachmentAudioAudio &DeviceAudio &TrackAudio CDAudio CD deviceAudio DeviceAudio EffectsAudio FilesAudio SettingsAudio TrackAudio and SubtitlesAudio codecAudio codecsAudio delay downAudio delay upAudio device nameAudio filtering failedAudio filtersAudio filters are used to process the audio stream.Audio languageAudio output moduleAudio settingsAudio trackAudio track IDAudio visualizationsAudio/VideoAuthorAuthor metadataAuthorsAutoAuto connectionAuto-playback of new itemsAutodetect subtitle filesAutomatically check for updatesAutoscale videoAvestanAymaraAzerbaijaniBackBandwidthBase portBashkirBasicBasqueBelarusianBengaliBig ButtonBihariBislamaBitrateBitrate (kb/s)BlackBlack screens in Fullscreen modeBlack screens in fullscreenBlueBookmarkBookmark %iBookmarksBookmarks...BosnianBottomBottom-LeftBottom-RightBretonBrightnessBrightness thresholdBring All to FrontBroadcastBrowseBrowse...BulgarianBurmeseBy default, VLC can be remotely controlled with the Apple Remote.BytesCCachingCancelCannot save ConfigurationCannot write to file %1: %2.CapabilityCaptureCapture &DeviceCapture modeCartoonCatalanCenterChamorroChangeChange HotkeyChange playlistviewChange the caching for the mediaChange the loop and repeat modesChange the start time for the mediaChannel NameChannelsChannels:ChapterChapter %iChechenCheck for &Updates...Check for Update...ChineseChooseChoose one or more media file to openChoose the folder to save your video snapshots to.Choose...Church SlavicChuvashCl&oseClean upClearClear ListClick to set point BClick to toggle between elapsed and remaining timeClock synchronisationCloneClose WindowCodecCodec DetailsCodecsCodecs / MuxersColorColor extractionColor messagesColor thresholdColumnsCommentsCompiled by %s on %s (%s) Compiler: %s Complete MRL for VLC internalConfig of last used skinConfigure HotkeysConsoleContent bitrateContinueContrastControlControl interfacesControl menu for the playerControl playback with media keysControl playback with the Apple RemoteConve&rt / Save...ConvertCopyCopyrightCornishCreateCreate DirectoryCreate Directory...Create FolderCreate Folder...Create a new bookmarkCreate a new profileCropCtrl+HCtrl+LCurrent media / stream statisticsCurrent playback speed: %1 Click to adjustCustomCustom aspect ratios listCustom crop ratios listCustomi&ze Interface...CutCycle audio trackCycle source aspect ratioCycle subtitle trackDVDDVD deviceDVD menusDamaged or incomplete AVI fileDateDate metadataDay / Month / Year:De-FullscreenDecodedDecoded blocksDecodersDecrease VolumeDefaultDefault Caching LevelDefault EncodingDefault caching policyDefault encodingDefault optical deviceDefault replay gainDefault streamDefine which screen fullscreen goesDeinterlaceDeinterlace modeDeinterlacingDelayDeleteDelete all the bookmarksDelete selected profileDelete the current profileDelete the selected itemDeletes the selected itemDemux moduleDemuxedDemuxed data sizeDemuxersDemuxers are used to separate audio and video streams.DescendingDescriptionDescription metadataDesired frame rate for the capture.DestinationDestination file:Device SelectionDevice nameDevice:DialogDirectXDirectoryDirectory where the video snapshots will be stored.DisableDiscDisc SelectionDisc deviceDiscardDiscarded (corrupted)DisplayDisplay SettingsDisplay locallyDisplay playlist treeDisplay the outputDisplay the stream locallyDisplay video in a skinned window if anyDisplay while streamingDisplayedDisplayed framesDo you really want to unsubscribe from %1?Docked PlaylistDolby SurroundDouble SizeDouble click to get media informationDouble click to jump to a chosen time positionDownload cover artDrop late framesDropped (discontinued)Dump raw inputDurationE&xportEditEdit BookmarksEdit InputEdit OptionsEdit selected profileEdit settingsEffectsEject the discEmbed the file browser in open dialogEmbed the video output in the main interface.Embedded videoEnableEnable Last.fm submissionsEnable OSDEnable On Screen Display (OSD)Enable SPU stream outputEnable Time-Stretching audioEnable audioEnable audio stream outputEnable sub-picturesEnable time stretching audioEnable transparency effectsEnable videoEnable video stream outputEncapsulationEncapsulation MethodEnter URL here...Enter URL of the podcast to subscribe to:Enter name for new directory:Enter name for new folder:EntryEqualizerError while saving metaErrorsErrors and WarningsErrors and Warnings...Exit if there are no more items in the playlist.Expanding SpacerExport SDP as fileExtended M3UExtended panelExtensionsExtra interface modulesExtra mediaExtra metadata and other information are shown in this panel. ExtractFPSFactorFast seekFasterFaster (fine)FileFile Format:File SelectionFile associationsFile names:File/DirectoryFile/FolderFilenameFilesFilter:FiltersFit to ScreenFlat ButtonFloat on TopFolderFollow the mouseFontFont PropertiesFont colorFont sizeFont size, pixelsForce Aspect RatioForce detection of Dolby SurroundForce subtitle positionForce update of this dialog's valuesForce window style:FormFormatFrame By FrameFrame by frameFrame rateFramebuffer deviceFramebuffer device to use for rendering (usually /dev/fb0).Frames per SecondFrequencyFuchsiaFullscreenFullscreen ControllerFullscreen Video DeviceFullscreen controller opacity between 0.1 and 1Fullscreen video outputGammaGeneralGeneral AudioGeneral audio settingsGeneral input settings. Use with care...General settings for audio output modules.General stream output settingsGeneral video settingsGenerated stream output stringGenre metadataGeometryGlobalGo to TimeGo to the DVD menuGo to timeGradientGrayGreenHTTP (default)HTTP proxy URLHTTP server addressHTTP server portHTTP/TLS server certificateHTTPS server portHalf SizeHeadphone virtualizationHeightHelpHide OthersHide VLCHide future errorsHigh latencyHigher latencyHot keysHotkeyHotkeysHotkeys settingsHours / Minutes / Seconds:HueI&mportIDIP AddressIgnoreImage adjustIncrease VolumeIndexInformationInformation...InputInput & Codecs SettingsInput / CodecsInput bitrateInput has changedInput listInput repetitionsInput/ReadInput:InstallInteractive ZoomInterfaceInterface SettingsInterface interactionInterface moduleInvalid combinationInvert colorsJump Bac&kwardJump sizesJump to Specific &TimeKeep Recent ItemsKeep audio level between sessionsKeep original audio trackKeep original video trackKeep stream output openLanguageLast check on: %@Launching an update request...Leave FullscreenLeftLicenseLimeLine 1:Line 2:LinearList of words separated by | to filterLive555 stream transportLoad extensions on startupLocationLocation:Lock Aspect RatioLog to fileLogin:passLogoLogo eraseLong backwards jumpLong forward jumpLong jump lengthLong jump length, in seconds.Look and feelLoopLoop from point A to point B continuously.LostLost buffersLost framesLow latencyLowest latencyMPEG-PSMRLMTU of the network interfaceMac OS X interfaceMagnification/ZoomMain ToolbarMain interfacesMain interfaces settingsMake a donation...MaroonMaskMaximum levelMedia &InformationMedia FilesMedia InformationMedia Information...Media LibraryMedia Manager EditionMedia Manager ListMedia Resource Locator (MRL)Media data sizeMedia: %sMedium backwards jumpMedium forward jumpMedium jump lengthMedium jump length, in seconds.MenuMenus language:MessagesMessages...MetadataMinimal Mac OS X interfaceMiscellaneousMiscellaneous OptionsMiscellaneous audio settings and modules.ModeMonitor pixel aspect ratioMore information...Motion blurMotion detectMount PointMove To Trash and Relaunch VLCMulticastMuteMux ControlMux moduleMuxer:MuxersN&ormal SpeedNameName:Native SliderNavigate downNavigate leftNavigate rightNavigate upNavyNe&xtNetworkNetwork ProtocolNetwork settingsNetwork synchronisationNew destinationNextNext Chapter/TitleNext chapterNext frameNext media in the playlistNext titleNo check was performed yet.No inputNoiseNoneNormalNormal SizeNormal rateNormalize volume to:Not SetNumber of clonesNumber of days between two update checksOKOffOgg/OgmOliveOnOn Screen DisplayOnline Documentation...Online Forum...OpacityOpaquenessOpenOpen &Capture Device...Open &Disc...Open &Folder...Open &Location from clipboardOpen &Network Stream...Open &Network...Open Capture Device...Open D&irectory...Open DirectoryOpen Disc...Open FileOpen File...Open FolderOpen MediaOpen Network...Open RTP/UDP StreamOpen RecentOpen SourceOpen URLOpen VLM configuration...Open a mediumOpen a skin fileOpen playlistOpen playlist...Open subtitles...Optical driveOptionsOriginal IDOutputOutput module:Output modulesOutput:Overlay subtitles on the videoOverlay video outputOverlaysP&laybackP/PPacketizersPanoramixPasswordPassword:PastePathPath to the skin to use.PausePause onlyPause the playbackPausedPlayPlay If the playlist is empty, open a mediumPlay another media synchronouslyPlay another media synchronously (extra audio file, ...)Play onlyPlay playlist bookmark 1Play playlist bookmark 10Play playlist bookmark 2Play playlist bookmark 3Play playlist bookmark 4Play playlist bookmark 5Play playlist bookmark 6Play playlist bookmark 7Play playlist bookmark 8Play playlist bookmark 9Play&listPlay/PausePlaybackPlayback controlPlayback speedPlayedPlayed buffersPlayer...PlaylistPlaylist FilesPlaylist bookmark 1Playlist bookmark 10Playlist bookmark 2Playlist bookmark 3Playlist bookmark 4Playlist bookmark 5Playlist bookmark 6Playlist bookmark 7Playlist bookmark 8Playlist bookmark 9Playlist...Please enter a network URL:Please enter the new profile name.Plu&gins and extensionsPluginsPlugins and extensionsPodcast URLs listPortPositionPost processingPost-Processing QualityPre&viousPreampPrefer native stream recordingPreferencesPreferences file could not be savedPreferences...Preferred Audio languagePreferred audio language:Preferred decoders listPreferred encoders listPrefixPresetPress new keys for "%@"PrevPreviousPrevious Chapter/TitlePrevious chapterPrevious media in the playlistPrevious titlePrivacy / Network InteractionProfileProfile NameProgramProgram GuideProgramsProtocolPsychedelicPublisherPurplePuzzle gameQt interfaceQuitQuit VLCQuit after PlaybackRAWRTP over RTSP (TCP)RTSP server addressRTSP server portRandomRandom OffRandom OnRatingRead at mediaRecordRecord directory or filenameRedRegrettably, these keys cannot be assigned as hotkey shortcuts.Reload extensionsRemoveRemove SelectedRemove old preferences?Remove this podcast subscriptionRepair AVI FilesRepeat AllRepeat OffRepeat OneRepeat allRepeat current itemRepeat delay:Repeat:Replay gainReplay gain modeReplay gain mode:Replay preampResetReset AllReset PreferencesResize interface to the native video sizeResize interface to video sizeResolutionReveal in FinderReverseReverse stereoRevert to normal play speedRightRippleRotateRowsRun manuallyRun on scheduleRun timeSAPSAP announcement intervalSDP URLSOCKS passwordSOCKS serverSOCKS user nameSVCD/VCDSample rateSamplerateSaturationSaveSave FileSave MetadataSave PlaylistSave Playlist to &File...Save Playlist...Save VLM configuration as...Save and close the dialogSave file...Save log file as...Save playlistSave playlist as...Save recently played itemsSave the recently played items in the menuSave...Saves all the displayed logs to a fileScaleScheduleScoreScreenSearchSearch in PlaylistSelectSelect "Advanced Options" to see all options.Select AllSelect DirectorySelect FileSelect FolderSelect InputSelect OutputSelect a device or a VIDEO_TS directorySelect a device or a VIDEO_TS folderSelect a directorySelect a fileSelect an action to change the associated hotkey:Select next DVD chapterSelect next DVD titleSelect one or more files to openSelect one or multiple filesSelect prev DVD chapterSelect previous DVD titleSelect profile:Select skinSelect the capture device typeSelect the fileSelect the hotkey to display the position.Select the hotkey to make a long backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a long forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a medium backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a medium forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a short backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a short forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a very short backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a very short forward jump.Select the hotkey to quit the application.Select the hotkey to stop playback.Select the hotkey to use for fast forward playback.Select the hotkey to use for slow motion playback.Select the hotkey to use to pause.Select the hotkey to use to play.Select the hotkey to use to swap fullscreen state.Select the hotkey to use to swap paused state.Select the key to activate selected item in DVD menus.Select the key to choose the next chapter from the DVDSelect the key to choose the next title from the DVDSelect the key to choose the previous chapter from the DVDSelect the key to choose the previous title from the DVDSelect the key to decrease audio volume.Select the key to decrease the audio delay.Select the key to decrease the subtitle delay.Select the key to increase audio volume.Select the key to increase the audio delay.Select the key to increase the subtitle delay.Select the key to move subtitles higher.Select the key to move subtitles lower.Select the key to mute audio.Select the key to play this bookmark.Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.Select the key to take you to the DVD menuSelect the replay gain modeSelected ports:Separate words by | (without space)Sequential numberingServicesServices discoveryServices discovery modulesSet playlist bookmark 1Set playlist bookmark 10Set playlist bookmark 2Set playlist bookmark 3Set playlist bookmark 4Set playlist bookmark 5Set playlist bookmark 6Set playlist bookmark 7Set playlist bookmark 8Set playlist bookmark 9Set up associations...SettingSettingsSettings for VLC's control interfacesSettings for VLC's interfacesSettings for input, demultiplexing, decoding and encodingSettings for the audio-only decoders and encoders.Settings for the main interfaceSettings for the video, images or video+audio decoders and encoders.Settings related to On-Screen-Display, subtitles and "overlay subpictures"Settings related to the various access methods. Common settings you may want to alter are HTTP proxy or caching settings.Settings...Setup scheduleSharpenShift+LShort backwards jumpShort forward jumpShort jump lengthShort jump length, in seconds.ShortcutShow &more optionsShow AllShow Containing Directory...Show Containing Folder...Show Fullscreen controllerShow VLC on the taskbarShow a controller in fullscreen modeShow a systray icon for VLCShow advanced optionsShow advanced preferences over simple onesShow controls in full screen modeShow extended optionsShow extended settingsShow media title on videoShow media title on video startShow notification popup on track changeShow playing item name in window titleShow settingsShow systray iconShow unimportant error and warnings dialogsShows a lucent controller when moving the mouse in fullscreen mode.SigmaSilverSimilaritySimpleSkin files |*.vlt;*.wsz;*.xmlSkin resource file:Skin to useSkinnable InterfaceSkinsSkip H.264 in-loop deblocking filterSkip framesSkip the loop filter for H.264 decodingSlo&werSlowerSlower (fine)Small VolumeSnapshotSort bySourceSource aspect ratioSource:Sout streamSpacerSpatializerSpectrometerSpectrumSplitterStandardStart TimeStart VLC with only a systray iconStart in minimal view (without menus)Start playback of new items immediately once they were added.Start timeStart video in fullscreen modeStarting PositionStatisticsStatusStep BackwardStep ForwardStep backwardStep forwardStereoStopStop playbackStop the A to B loopStop timeStreamStream %dStream AnnouncingStream ID of the subtitle track to use.Stream OutputStream all elementary streamsStream bitrateStream filter moduleStream filtersStream filters are special modules that allow advanced operations on the input side of VLC. Use with care...Stream outputStream output settings are used when acting as a streaming server or when saving incoming streams. Streams are first muxed and then sent through an "access output" module that can either save the stream to a file, or stream it (UDP, HTTP, RTP/RTSP). Sout streams modules allow advanced stream processing (transcoding, duplicating...).Stream...Streaming / Transcoding failedStreaming and Transcoding OptionsStuffSubmit played tracks stats to Last.fmSubpicturesSubpictures filter moduleSubpictures source moduleSubscribeSubscribe to a podcastSubtitleSubtitle FileSubtitle delay downSubtitle delay upSubtitle position downSubtitle position upSubtitlesSubtitles TrackSubtitles/VideoSwitch to full preferences viewSwitch to simple preferences viewSynchronizationSynchronize left and rightSynchronize top and bottomSystem's defaultSystray iconT&itleTCP connection timeoutTake a snapshotTealTeletextTeletext ActivationTelnetTextThanksThe stream will run this duration (in seconds).The stream will start at this position (in seconds).The stream will stop at this position (in seconds).This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.This combination is already taken by "%@".This display the resulting media, but can slow things down.This is VLC's default interface, with a native look and feel.This is VLC's skinnable interface. You can download other skins atThis module outputs the transcoded stream to a network via HTTP.This module outputs the transcoded stream to a network via RTP.This module outputs the transcoded stream to a network via RTSP.This module outputs the transcoded stream to a network via UDP.This module outputs the transcoded stream to an Icecast server.This module writes the transcoded stream to a file.This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License; see the file named COPYING for details. Written by the VideoLAN team; see the AUTHORS file. TimeTime ControlTime SliderTime ToolbarTimeshift directoryTitleTitle %i%sTitle metadataToggle the video in fullscreenToggle the video out fullscreenToolbar ElementsToolbar position:Toolbars EditorTooltip|MuteMuteTooltip|UnmuteUnmuteTopTop-LeftTop-RightTrackTrack IDTrack settingsTracksTranscodeTranscoding optionsTransformTransformationTransparencyTransparentTransponder symbol rateTransponder/multiplex frequencyTreat as a pipe rather than as a fileTrickplay ReverseTypeType:URIURLURL metadataUnicastUnsetUnsubscribeUntitledUse RTP over RTSP (TCP)Use S/PDIF when availableUse VLC paceUse a skinned playlistUse custom skinUse hardware YUV->RGB conversionsUse media libraryUse native styleUse subtitle fileUsername:V&iewVCDVCD deviceVLC media playerVLC media player Help...VLC media player updatesVLC preferencesVLC skins websiteVLC was unable to save the meta data.VLMVLM conf (*.vlm);;All (*)VLM configuration fileVLM configuratorVODVerbosity (0,1,2)VersionVery short backwards jumpVery short forward jumpVery short jump lengthVery short jump length, in seconds.VideoVideo &TrackVideo Auto ScalingVideo EffectsVideo FilesVideo On Demand ( VOD )Video SettingsVideo TrackVideo X coordinateVideo Y coordinateVideo alignmentVideo codecVideo codecsVideo croppingVideo deviceVideo device nameVideo filter moduleVideo filters are used to process the video stream.Video heightVideo output moduleVideo quality post-processing levelVideo settingsVideo sizeVideo snapshot directory (or filename)Video snapshot formatVideo snapshot heightVideo snapshot widthVideo snapshotsVideo splitter moduleVideo titleVideo widthVideoLAN Website...VisualizationVisualization:VisualizationsVisualizations selectorVolumeVolume DownVolume UpVolume downVolume normalizationVolume normalizerVolume upWAVWallWater effectWaveWavesWe just found an older version of VLC's preferences files.WebWebsiteWhiteWidthWindowWindow decorationsWindow propertiesWindows opacity between 0.1 and 1X coordinateXML Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF)Y coordinateYellowYesYou can select local files with the following list and buttons.You have the latest version of VLC media player.You must set a name for the profile.ZoomblocksbooleanbuffersdBdecoderfloatframesintegerpacketizerssec.stringv4l2 controlsvlc-snapProject-Id-Version: vlc 3.0.13 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: vlc-devel@videolan.org PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-10 22:48+0000 Last-Translator: Michał Trzebiatowski , 2017 Language-Team: Fulah (https://app.transifex.com/yaron/teams/16553/ff/) Language: ff MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n >= 2); %s [%s %d]%u Hz&Baɗte&Gine Ceeɓtore&Uddital Ceeɓtoral...&Jammin&Jeendondiral&Ojoo&Haaytu&Taƴre&Momtu&Uddu&Humpito Kodek&Hoolto&Ittu jiñol&Mbayka jiñtol&Mbeɗu&Pilte e Ceɗe&Ɓeydu e doggol&Moylin&Fiilde&Njaajeendi yaynirde&Daartorde Njaajeendi Yaynirde&Kuuɓal&Suudo&Ballal&Diwnu Yeeso&Majaare&Ɓatakuje&Laylaytol&Uddit Fiilde...&Tar&Tartol&Cuɓoraaɗe&Yuɓɓitin&Yaltu&Ƴeewdito yamre&Firlit Cuɓoraaɗe&Danndu&Danndu Metaakeɓe&Danndu to...&Yiylo:&Labo&Fuɗɗo&Dartin&Ciiɓorol&Sanngoɗinal Lappi&Teeltannde VLM&Widewo&Hollir&Lewñinirɗe&Eey&Lonngo.*11:FiileTaaɓe 26 MHz7 MHz8 MHz>HHHHHH;#ALSAASF/WMVAVIAbkhazianBaɗteBaɗte VLC media playerDow widewoo ooJaltal widewoo jaawnaaɗo (pawtorol)Naat e cuɓe ceeɓtore ngam wikkude kaɓirgol ngolWulnde naatirdeGulɗe naatirɗeYetto wulnde jaltalBaɗalHurminHurmin DokkitolHurmin tintingol goodal kesɗitineƁeyduƁeydu Runngere...Ɓeydu Fiilde...Ɓeydu Runngere...Ɓeydu NaatnalƁeydu DaartordeƁeydu logoƁeydu binndiƁeydu e TarorgolƁeydu...ƳiiɓirdePonnditte e PilteCeeɓoreÑoƴƴi CeeɓtoreUddital Fiile Ceeɓtoral...Cuɓe OeeɓtoreCuɓe ceeɓtore...Teelte ceeɓtoreTeelte ceeɓtore. Huutoro hakkille...AfarAfrikaansAlbaneereFofPiille FofYamir yerinnde wootere tanYamir yerinnde dogoore wootere tanDow e sahaa kalaArtir daande fuɗɗorde ojoo sahaa kaka e:AmharicJuumre waɗii e juurnitol kesɗitine...LompolJaaɓnirgalSiyaajoAarabeereArmeniireNaalaŋkeMetaakeɓe ñeeñiyaŋkeFayi dowNaamndo dawirgol laylaytol e fuɗɗoodeAasameereƊisanndeOjoo&Kaɓirgol OjooLappol &OjooCD OjooKaɓirgol CD ojooKaɓirgol OjooPilte OjooPiille OjooTeelte OjooLappol OjooOjoo e LestiiteKodek ojooKodekke ojooLeeltinol ojoo lesLeeltinol ojoo dowInnde kaɓirgol ojooCeɗogol ojoo wooriiCeɗe ojooCeggi ojoo nafata ko Ɗemngal ojooWulnde jaltal ojooTeelte ojooLappol ojooID Lappol ojooLewñinirɗe ojooOjoo/WidewooWinndi koMetaakeɓe binnduɗoWinnduɓeJaagoCeŋogol jaajolTartol jaajol teme keseEjto piille lestiite e jaajolYiylo kesɗitine e jaajolJaajnu werngo widewooAwestanAymaraAjerbayjaaniCaggalDoole banndaPoor ŋiiɓoroBashkiirBeeɓtoroBaskereBelarusiireBenngaliÑoƴƴol ƁuttolBihariBislamaƳerol bitteSookrebite (bk/s)ƁaleejoJaynirɗe Ɓaleeje e mbaydi Njaajeendi YaynirdeJaynirɗe ɓaleeje e njaajeendi yaynirdeBulaajoMaantorolMaantorol %iMaantoreMaantore...BosniireLesNano-LesÑaamo-lesBeretonJalbolKeerol JalbolAddu Fof YeesoBaytinWanngoWaŋngo...BulgariireBurmesreE ko woowaa, VLC ena waawi dowireede Apple Remote.BiteffKaasogolHaaytuHoriima danndude TeeltanndeHoriima winndude e fiilde %1: %2.WaawendeNokitoKabirgol &NokitoMbayka nokitogolDaarol natangolKatalaareHakkundinCamorroWayluWaylu CodorɗeWaylu jiytol tarorgolWaylu kaasogol ndee mejaareWaylo mbayka luupogol e reftagolWaylu waktu puɗɗol ndee mejaareInnde CalolCaliCali:TaƴreTaƴre %iCeccenYuurno &Kesɗitine...Yuurno Kesɗitine...CayniireSuɓoSuɓo fiilde mejaare wootere walla keewɗe ngam udditdeSuɓo runngere ɗo nokitannɗe ndanndaa.Suɓo...Slawik EgilisChuvashUd&duFiɗɗuMomtuMomtu DoggolDobo ngam aafde toɓɓere BDobo ngam addude sahaa ɓennunde walla sahaa keddiiɗoSanngoɗinal waktuFunnaandeUddu HenordeDekkoHumpito KodekkeKodekKodekke / MuksoojeGoobuCafgol goobuujiƁatakuuje nooriŊorol goobuujiDariJoweLoppitii ko %s ñalnde %s (%s) Loppitii ko: %s MRL kuuɓɗo VLC ndernderoTeeltannde wutte cakkitiiɗo huutoreedeTeelto CodorɗeGinordeSookrebite loowdiJokkuModdolGinolDaartorɗe ɗowirdeDosol ginol tarorde ndeeDowir tartol ŋiiŋe mejaajeƊowir Tartol huutoraade Appele RemoteWak&lu / Danndu...WakluNattoCopyrightKorniisSosSos RunngereSos Runngere...Sos RunngereSos Runngere...Sos maantorol kesolSos heftinirde hesereHooltoCtrl+HCtrl+LMejaare wonaande / limlimtooje ciiɓorolNjaajeendi tartol gonangol: %1 Dobo ngam fonnditdePeŋtoroDoggol jeendondire peŋtorolDoggol dorƴugol peŋtorolFeŋt&in Daartorde...DottuFirlito lappol ojooFirlito iwdi jeendondiralFirlito lappol lestiiteDVDKaɓirgol DVDDosi DVDFiilde AVI barmunde walla nde timmaaniÑalnguMetaakeɓe ñalnguÑalngu / Lewru / Hitaande:Ittu Njaajeendi yaynirdeDokkitaaɗeBolokke dokkitaaɗeDokkitorɗeUstu DaandeGoowaaɗiTolno Kaasol GoowaaɗoDokkitol GoowangolDawirgol kaasogol goowangolDokkitol goowangolTardude optikre woowaandeƁeydoitol tartol goowangolCiiɓorol goowangolSifo hol yaynirde njaajeendi yaynirde fayiIttu jiñolMbayka jiñtolIttugol jiñolLeeltolMomtuMomtu maantore ɗee kalaMomtu heftinirde labaandeMomtu heftinirde wonaande ndeeMomtugol temre labaande ndeeMomtat temre labaande ndeeWulnde muksitirdeMuksitaaɗeƁetol keɓe muksitaaɗeMuksitorɗeMuksitorɗe nafata ko seerndude ciiɓore ojoo e widewoo.Fayi lesCifagolCifagol metaakeɓeƳerol kaarewe katojinangol ngam nokitaade.TiindolFiilde tiindol:Labagol KaɓirgolInnde kaɓirgolKaɓirgol:HaaldordeDirectXRunngereRunngere ɗo nokitanɗe widewoo ɗee mooftetee.DaaƴMbeɗuLabagol MbeɗuKaɓirgol mbeɗuMomtuPaalkisaaɗe (daaɓaaɗe)JaytonoTeelte JaytinoJaytin e nokkuJaytin layol tarorgolJaytin jaltal ngalHollir ciiɓorol ngol e oo nokkuJaytin widewoo e henorde ɓoornaande wutteHollid e ciiɓorolJaytinaaɗoKaarewe jytinaaɗeAɗa teeŋtini yiɗde lultinaade e %1?Tarorgol ƴaañingolDolby SurroundƁetol ɗiɗɗiɗolDobito ngam heɓde humpito mejaareDobito ngam diwde to dartorde sahaa cuɓaaɗoAawto ñeeñal ŋaroWoppu kaarewe leeltuɗeGoppaaɗe (dottiiɗe)Dumpo naatnal delewalJuuteendiJ&iggitoTaƴtoTaƴtorde MaantoreTaƴto NaatnalTaƴto CuɓeTaƴto heftinirde labaandeTaƴto teeltePilteYaltin mbeɗu nguuSootor wanngorde piille ndee e haaldorde udditaandeSoomtor jaltal widewoo e daartorde maantinnde ndee.Widewoo coomtoraaɗoDaaƴtuHurmin naatnanɗe Last.fmHurmin OSDHurmin Jaytinol e Yaynirde (OSD)Daaƴtu jaltal ciiɓorol SPUHurmin ojoo mo ɗiirtugol waktuDaaƴtu ojooDaaƴtu jaltal ciiɓorol ojooHurmin les-nateHurmin ojoo mo ɗiirtugol waktuHurmin pilte jaynitolDaaƴtu widewooDaaƴtu jaltal ciiɓorol widewooKiɓɓinolFeere KippirgolNaatnu URL ɗoo...Naatnu URL podkaste ɗee ngam lulnaade:Naatnu innde runngere hesere ndee:Naatnu innde runngere hesere ndee:NaatLemminirdeJuumre e danndugol metaaJuumeJuume e DeentineJuume e Deentine...Yaltu so tarorgol ngol nattii waɗde teme.Boowinirde YaajoondeJiggito SDP no filldeM3U JaajnaaɗoAlluwal JaajnangalTimmitteGulɗe daartorde goɗɗeMejaare ɓeydolƁeydol metaakeɓe a kumpite goɗɗe ena kollaa e ngal alluwal. AaftoFPSFactoorYiilo jaawngolMoylinMoylin (seeɗa)FiildeMbaydi Fiilde:Labagol FiildeNawdondiral piilleInnɗe piille:Fiilde/RunngereFiil/RunngereInnde fiildePiilleCeggol:CeggiHeƴnu e YaynirdeÑoƴƴol BerwolWeeynu to DowRunngereRew e doombelFontereKeeroraaɗi FontereGoobu fontereƁetol fontereƁetol ponte, pikselleDaaƴ JeendondiralForsu jiytindagol Dolby SurroundForsu dartorde lestiiteForsu keɗitinal kiise ndee haaldordeForsu pannol henorde:FormereMbaydiKaarewol e KaarewolKaarewol e kaarewolCookol kaareweKaɓirgol wuufre kaarewolKaɓirgol wuufre kaarewol kuutorteengol ngam yoŋkitaade (heewi wonde ko /dev/fb0).Kaarewe e MajaangoBaytarolFusiyeejoNjaajeendi yaynirdeƊowirde Njaajeendi YaynirdeKaɓirgol widewo e Njaajeendi YaynirdeKiɓɓinol ginol njaajeendi yaynirde hakkunde 0.1 e 1Jaltal widewo e njaajeendi yaynirdeGammaKuuɓalOjoo KuuɓnuɗeTeelte ojoo kuumnuɗeTeelte kuuɓal. Huutoro hakkille...Teelte ɓuuɓnuɗe ɗe gulɗe jaltal ojoo.Teelte jaltal ciiɓorol kuumnuɗeTeelte widewoo kuumnuɗeƁoggol jaltal ciiɓorol cosaangolMetaakeɓe ciirolDiiditolKuuɓalYah to WaktuYah to dosol DVDYah to waktuƁoonorolPuroHaakeejoHTTP (goowaaɗo)URL mo HTTP proxyÑiiɓirde sarworde HTTPPoor sarworde HTTPSeedamfaagu sarworde HTTP/TLSPoor sarworde HTTPSFeccere ƁetolNanndiɗinogol KaskeTooweekiBallalSuuɗ GoɗɗiSuuɗ VLCSuuɗ juume garoojeDaasre toowndeDaasre ɓurnde toowndeAlkule codorɗeÑiire sodorɗeÑiiƴe codorɗeTeltagol codorɗeWaktuuji / Hoƴomaaji / Majaali:HuggolJ&iggoIDƳiiɓirde IPFaalkisoPotndugol ayaawoɓeydu DaandeJooporolHimpitoHimpito...NaatnalTeelte Naatnal & KodekkeNaatnal / KodekkeNaatnal sookrebiteNaatnal wayliimaDoggol naatnalDeftagol naatnalNaatnal/Ko TaraaNaatnal:AafSuum JahtonndiroDaartordeTeelte DaartordeJaaɓtondiral DaartordeWulnde daartordeJaadingol ngol moƴƴaaniWaklit goobuujiDiwnu Ca&ggalƁete taaɓolTaaɓo to &Sahaa KeeriiɗoFanndin Teme CakkitiiɗeMooftu daande ojoo hakkunde jillanɗeMooftu lappol ojoo aslolMooftu lappol widewoo aslolHoto jaltal ciiɓorol waas udditaadeƊemngalƳeewto sakkitiingi ñalnde: %@Weddo ɗaɓɓannde kesɗitinol...Yaltu Njaajeendi YaynirdeNanoJamirolLiimeejoGorol 1:Gorol 2:GoriiɗeDoggol kelme ceerndiraaɗi | ngal seggudeDusol ciiɓorol Live555Loow timmitte e kurminalNokkuuNokku:Daaƴ JeendondiralWinndu to fiildeLogin:finndeLogoMomtugol logoTaaɓal caggal juutngalTaaɓal yeeso juutngalNjuuteendi diwal juutngalNjuuteendi diwal juutngal e majaali.Mbaydi e tinolLuupolLuupo hakkunde toɓɓere A e toɓɓere B tawa dartaaki.BaasaaɗeGuufe baasaaɗeKaarewe baasaaɗeDaasre lesɗundeDaasre ɓurtunde lesɗudeMPEG-PSMRLMTU daartorde laylaytolDaartorde Mac OS XƁuttininol/LonngolPalal Kuutorɗe MaantingalDaartorɗe arwanndeTeelte daartorde arwanreAddu dokkal maa...SireejoMaskeTolno dowdowoHumpito &MejaarePiille MajaajeHumpito MejaareHumpito Mejaare...Deftordu MejaajeTaƴtagol Toppitorde MejaajeDoggol Toppitorde MejaajeMedia Resource Locator (MRL)Ɓetol keɓe mejaareMajaare: %sTaaɓal caggal kakiindigalTaaɓal yeeso kakiindigalNjuuteendi diwal kakiindigalNjuuteendi diwal kakiindigal e majaali.DosolƊemngal dosi:ƁatakujeƁatakure...MetaakeɓeDaartorde Mac OS X ɓurnde famɗudeCuɓe cariiɗeCuɓe CariiɗeGulɗe e teelte ojoo cariiɗe.MbaykaƳeewtindo jeendondiral pikselleƁeydu Humpito...Iirɗol muumaaEjagol muumaareToɓɓere PeŋngolWeddo to Jinnde, Kurmitinaa VLCMulticastMuumɗinƊowgol MukseWulnde mukseMuksirde:MuksirɗeM&uumaa PotɗoInndeInnde:Daasdol JibinanndePeeragol lesPeeragol nanoPeeragol ñaamoPeeragol dowNaweejoDe&wɗoLaylaytolJaɓɓitorde LaylaytolTeelte laylaytolSanngoɗinal laylaytolTiindol kesolPayɗoTaƴre/Tiitoonde FayndeTaƴre fayndeKaarewe payɗeMejaare aroore e tarorgolTiitoonde fayndeAlaa ƴeewto waɗaa tawo.Alaa naatnalDillereHay huundePotɗumƁetol PotngolƳerol potngolFonndit daande to:TeeltaakaNo punnaaɗe potiBalɗe hakkunde juurnitte kesɗitine ɗiɗiOKÑifOgg/OgmSituunoHuɓɓuJaytono e YaynirdeEkkorde Seŋiinde...Yeewtirde Seŋiinde...NiɓɓitereNiɓɓitereUdditUddit &Kabirgol Nokito...Uddit &Mbeɗu...Uddit &Runngere...Uddit &Nokku iwde e ɗakkitordeUddit &Ciiɓorol Laylaytol...Uddit &Laylaytol...Uddit Kabirgol Nokito...Uddit R&unngere...Uddit RunngereUddit Mbeɗu...Uddit FiildeUddit Fiilde...Uddit RunngereUddit MejaareUddit Laylaytol...Uddit Ciɓorol RTP/UDPUddit CakkitiiɗeUddit LoowdiUddit URLUddit teeltannde VLM...Uddit mejaareUddit fiilde wutteUddit tarorgolUddit tarorgol...Uddit lestiite...Tartude oktikreCuɓeID AsliijoJaltalWulnde jaltal:Gulɗe jaltalJaltal:Fawtor lestiite e dow wodewooPawtorol jaltal widewooPawtoreT&artolP/PPakketirɗePanoramixFinndeFinnde:ƊakkuLaawolLaawol fayde wutte kuutorteeɗo.SabboSabbo tanSabbin tartol ngalEna sabbiiTarTar So Tarorgol ngol ko mehol, uddit mejaareTarodo mejaare woɗnde laawol gootolTar mejaare woɗnde e canngoɗinal (fiilde ojo ɓeydol, ...)Tar tanTar maantorol tarorgol 1Tar maantorol tarorgol 10Tar maantorol tarorgol 2Tar maantorol tarorgol 3Tar maantorol tarorgol 4Tar 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LaylaytolHeftinirdeInnde heftinirdeJammitoTinndinorde JuɓɓitinolJaaɓnirɗeJaɓɓitordeKaankinaaɗeBayyinoowoBoruFijere JiiɓtelDaartorde QtYaltuUddu VLCYaltu ɓaawo TaroRAWRTP e dow RTSP (TCP)Ñiiɓirde sarworde RTSPPoor sarworde RTSPÑuggolÑif ÑuggolHuɓɓu ÑuggolƁetagolTaro e mejaareNanngitoNanngito runngere walla inndefiildeBoɗeejoNjaafo-ɗaa, ɗee ŋiiƴe mbaawaa huutoreede ngam joopaade codorɗe.Loowtu timmitteIttuMomtu LabaaɗeMomtu cuɓoraaɗe ɓooyɗe?Momtu ngol lulnogol podkasteFeewnu Piille AVIRewto FofÑif RewtoRewto GootoRewto fofRefto temre wonaande ndeeRefto leeltol:Refto:Dañtaari tartolMbayka ɓeyditol tartolMbayka ɓeyditol tartol:Pereamp tartolArtirFirlit FofFirlit CuɓoraaɗeWaylu ɓetol daartorde haa fota e ɓetol widewoo ooWaylu ɓetol daartorde haa fota e ɓetol widewooKeeɗeendiYaltin e YiilordeBaklitolBaklitol esterewoArtir e jaawgol tartol potngolÑaamoÑorɓolliYiiltuGoriHurminir junngoHurmin tunaade e tijjitordeTaaɓo to waktuSAPJaaynugol yolnde SAPSDP URLFinnde SOCKSSarworde SOCKSInnde kuutoro SOCKSSVCD/VCDCookol jikkandeJikkande cookolSooktereDannduDanndu FiileDanndu MetaakeɓeDanndu TarorgolDanndu Tarorgol to &Fiilde...Danndu Tarorgol...Uddit teeltannde VLM e innde...Dannde kadi uddu haaldorde ndeeDanndu fiile...Danndu fiilde logre e innde...Danndu tarorgolDanndu Tarorgol e innde...Danndu teme tartaaɗe sakketDanndu teme cakkitiiɗe tarteede e dosol ngolDanndu...Danndu logge jaytinaaɗe ɗee kala to fiildeWerngoTijjitordeLimolYaynirdeYiyloYiylo e TarorgolLaboLabo "Cuɓe Ceeɓtore" ngam yiyde cuɓe fof.Labo FofLabo RunngereLabo FiildeLabo RunngereLabo NaatnalLabo JaltalLabo kaɓirgol walla runngere VIDEO_TSLabo kaɓirgol walla runngere VIDEO_TSLabo runngereLabo fiildeLabu baɗal ngam waylude sodorde yahdunde heen:Labo taƴre DVD arooreLabo tiitoonde DVD arooreLabo fiilde wootere waala keewɗe ngam udditdeLabo fiilde wootere walla keewɗeLabo taƴre DVD ɓennundeLabo tiitoonde DVD ɓennundeLabo heftinirde:Labo wutteLabo fannu kaɓirgol nokitto ngolLabo fiilde ndeeLabu sodorde ngam jaytinde dartorde.Labo codorgal ngam waɗde taaɓal yeeso juutngal.Labo codorgal ngam waɗde taaɓal yeeso juutngal.Labo codorgal ngam waɗde taaɓal yeeso kakindiigal.Labo codorgal ngam waɗde taaɓal caggal kakindiigal.Labo codorgal ngam waɗde taaɓal yeeso daɓɓiɗngalLabo codorgal ngam waɗde taaɓal yeeso daɓɓal.Labo codorgal ngam waɗde taaɓal yeeso daɓɓiɗngal no feewi.Labo codorgal ngam waɗde taaɓal caggal daɓɓiɗngal no feewi.Labo sodorde ngam jaytinde yaltude jaaɓnirgal ngal.Labu sodorde huutorteeen ngam tartaade.Labo codorgal huutorteende ngam moylin tarol yeeso.Labo codorgal huutorteende ngam leeltinde tarol yeeso.Labu sodorde huutorteeen ngam sabbinde.Labu sodorde huutorteeen ngam tarde.Labo sodorde huutorteeen ngam lomtinde ngonka njaajeendi yaynirde.Labo sodorde huutorteeen ngam lomtinde ngonka dartol.Labo codorgal ngam hurminde temre labaande ndee e dosi DVD.Labo feɗorde suɓotoonde taƴre aroore e dosol DVD ngolLabo feɗorde suɓotoonde tiitoonde aroore e dosol DVD ngolLabo feɗorde suɓotoonde taƴre ɓennunde e dosol DVD ngolLabo feɗorde suɓotoonde tiitoonde ɓennunde e dosol DVD ngolLabu sodorde ngam ustude daande ojoo.Labo sodorde ngam ustude leeltol ojoo.Labo sodorde ngam ustude leeltol lestiite.Labo sodorde ngam ɓeydude daande ojoo.Labo sodorde ngam ɓeydude leeltol ojoo.Labo sodorde ngam ɓeydude leeltol lestiite.Labo sodorde ngam dirtinde lestiite dow.Labo sodorde ngam dirtinde lestiite les.Labo sodorde ngam muumɗinde ojoo.Labo fiilde ngam tarde ngol maantorol.Labo fiilde ngam feŋde maantorol tarorgol ngol.Labu sodorde ngam nawde-ma to dosol DVDLabo mbayka ɓeyditol tartolPooruuji labaaɗi:Seendir kelme | (alaa boowe)Limtinol deggontirolCarworɗeJiytugol sarwiseejeGulɗe jiytugol sarwiseejeFeŋ maantorol tarorgol 1Feŋ maantorol tarorgol 10Feŋ maantorol tarorgol 2Feŋ maantorol tarorgol 3Feŋ maantorol tarorgol 4Feŋ maantorol tarorgol 5Feŋ maantorol tarorgol 6Feŋ maantorol tarorgol 7Feŋ maantorol tarorgol 8Feŋ maantorol tarorgol 9Sos nawdondire...TeeltolTeelteTeelte daartorɗe ɗowirde VLCTeelte daartorɗe VLCTeelte naatnal, ittugol multiplekse, dokkitagol e dokkagolTeelte dokkorɗe walla dokkitorɗe ojoo tan.Teelte daartorde arwannde ndeeTeelte widewoo, nate walla dokkorɗe e dokkitorɗe widewoo+ojoo.Teelte jowitiiɗe e Jaytinol-Dow-Yaynirde, lestiite e "pawtorol lesnatte"Teelte jowitiiɗe e peeje naatirɗe cariiɗe. Teelte goowaaɗe ɗe mbaaw-ɗaa waylude ko teelte proxy walla kaasogolHTTP.Teelte...Tijjitorde loowgolSeeɓnuMAJ+LTaaɓal caggal daɓɓalTaaɓal yeeso daɓɓalNjuuteendi diwal daɓɓalNjuuteendi diwal daɓɓal e majaali.SodordeHollir cuɓe goɗɗeHollu FofHollu Runngere ɗo Mooftaa...Hollu Runngere ɗo Mooftaa...Hollir ɗowirde e Njaajeendi YaynirdeHollu VLC e palal golleHollu ginol e mbayka njaajeendi yaynirdeHollu maanndel jigeyuɓɓo VLCHollu cuɓe ceeɓtoreHollu cuɓoraaɗe ceeɓtore e dow cuɓoraaɗe ɓoloreHollu gine e mbayka njaajeendi yaynirdeHollir cuɓe jaajnnitaaɗeHollir teelte jaajnnitaaɗeHollu tiitoonde mejaare e widewooHollu tiitoonde mejaare e puɗɗol widewooHollu popap tintino so lappol kesol ariiHollu innde temre tareteende e tiitoonde henordeHollir teelteHollu maanndel jigeyuɓɓoHollu kaaldorɗe juume e deentine ɗe teeŋtaaniHollirta ko ɗowirde lewñiɗde so aɗa dirtina doombel e mbbayka njaajeendi yaynirde.SigmaKalisNanndugolƁoloroPiille wutte |*.vlt;*.wsz;*.xmlFiilde jeyol wutte:Wutte kuutorteeɗoDaartorde Ɓoornotoonde WutteWutteejiDiw H.264 ceggol toobtirde nder-luupolDiw kaareweDiw ceɗol luupol dekkogol H.264Leel&tinLeeltinLeeltin (seeɗa)Daande FamarndeNattorolLeemtirIwdiJeendondiral iwdiIwdi:Ciiɓorol SawutBoowinirdeWeeytinirdeƁetirde lewndolLewndolSeerndirdeGaadanteejoHurmin WaktuHurmin VLC tawa ko maanndel jigeyuɓɓo tanFuɗɗoro jiytol pamɗinangol (alaa dosi)Fuɗɗo tartol teme kese ɗoon e ɗɗon caggal nde ɗe ɓeydaa.Hurmin waktuHurmin widewoo e mbayka njaajeendi yaynirdeDartorde FuɗɗordeLimlimtoojeNgonkaTaaɓal CaggalTaaɓal YeesoTaaɓal caggalTaaɓal yeesoEsterewoDartinDartin TartolDartin luupogol A fayde BDartin waktuCiiɓorolCiiɓorol %dJaaynugol CiiɓorolID ciiɓorol lappol lestiite kuutorteeɗ.Jaltal CiiɓorolSiiɓoro ciiɓore kakindiiɗe kalaSookrebite ciiɓorolWulnde ceɗol ciiɓorolCeɗe ciiɓorolCeɗe ciiɓore ko gulɗe keeriiɗe nafooje gollitte ceeɓtore e nder senngo naatnal VLC. Huutoro e hakindaare...Jaltal ciiɓorolTeelte jaltal ciiɓorol kuutortee ko tuma nde ɗe ngoni carworɗe ciiɓore walla nde ɗe ngoni e danndude ciiɓore naatooje. Ciiɓore muksete tawo hade rewndeede e wulnde "jaltal naatirfal" waawnde danndude ɗum e fiilde walla siiɓiroo ɗum (UDP, HTTP, RTP/RTSP). Gulɗe ciiɓore Sout nafata ko lijitgol ciiɓore ceeɓtore (dokkitangol, tummbitagol...).Ciiɓorol...Ciiɓorol / Dokkitagol wooriiCuɓe Ciiɓorol e DokkitagolStuffNeldu limte lappi taraaɗi to Last.fmLesnateWulnde ceɗe lesnatalWulnde sewnde lesnatalLulnogolLulnogol e podkasteLestiitolFiilde LestiiteLeeltinol lestiite lesLeeltinol lestiite dowDartorde lestiite lesDartorde lestiite dowLestiiteLappol LestiiteLestiite/WidewooArtir jiytol cuɓoraaɗe kuuɓngolArtir jiytol cuɓoraaɗe ɓolorolSanngoɗinalSanngoɗin nano e ñaamoSanngoɗin dow e lessGoowaaɗi yuɓɓoMaanndel jigeyuɓɓoT&iitoondeCeŋagol TCP honii waktuƳettu nokitannɗeTiiloTeleteksKurminol TeleteksTelnetBinndolA jaaraamaCiiɓorol ngal maa dog oo dumunna (e majaali).Ciiɓorol ngal maa fuɗɗo ɗoon (e majaali).Ciiɓorol ngal maa darto ɗoon (e majaali).Ɗum nafata ko sifaade maantore tarorgol.Ndee sodorde ko ko huutora e "%@".Ɗum jaytinta ko mejaare yeñcunde, kono ena waawi leetinde geɗe.Ɗum ko daartorde VLC woowaande, e mbaydi jibinannde.Ɗum ko daartorde VLC waawnde waɗde wutte. Aɗa waawi aawtaade wutteeji goɗɗi toNdee wulnde jaltoto ciiɓorol dokkitangol e laylaytol rewde e HTTP.Ndee wulnde jaltoto ciiɓorol dokkitangol e laylaytol rewde e RTP.Ndee wulnde jaltoto ciiɓorol dokkitangol e laylaytol rewde e RTSP.Ndee wulnde jaltoto ciiɓorol dokkitangol e laylaytol rewde e UDP.Ndee wulnde jaltoto ciiɓorol dokkitangol e sarworde Icecast.Ndee wulnde winndat ciiɓorol dokkitangol e fiilde.Ndee topirde ardi ko e NO WARRANTY hay gooto, e ko laawol yamiri. Aɗa waawi weeɗtude nde tugnaade e jamirooje GNU General Public License; Laaɓtindo e fiilde wiyeteende COPYING ndee. Winndi ko goomu VideoLAN; yuurno fiilde AUTHORS ndee. WaktuDowirde SahaaDaasdol SahaaPalal Kuutorɗe SahaaRunngere dirtinol waktuTiitoondeTiitoonde %i%sMetaakeɓe tiitoondeWaɗtu widewoo naatoowo oo e njaajeendi yaynirdeWaɗtu widewoo jaltoowo oo e njaajeendi yaynirdeTerɗe Palal KuutorɗeDartorde Palal Kuutorɗe:Taƴtorde Pale KuutorɗeMuumɗinIttu muumɗinalDowNano-DowÑaamo-DowLappolID LappolTeelte lappolLappiDokkondirCuɓe dokkitagolWakluBaylitgolJaynitolJaynotooɗoCookol maannde transponndeerLaaytol trasponndeer/multiplekseJaggir ɗum no korwal waasa wonde fiildeTartol BaklitolFannuFannu:URIURLMetaakeɓe URLUnicastSuɓaakaLultinolAlaa-inndeHuutoro RTP e dow RTSP (TCP)Huutoro S/PDIF so ena woodiHuutoro muumaa VLCHuutoro tarorgol ɓoornangol wutteHuutoro wutte peŋtoroHuutoro battital njamdeeri YUV->RGBHuutoro deftordu mejaajeHuutoro pannol jibinanndeHuutoro fiilde lestiiteInnde kuutoro:H&ollirVCDKaɓirgol VCDVLC media playerBallal VLC media Player...Kesɗitine VLC media PlayerCuɓoraaɗe VLCLowre wutteeji VLCVLC horiima danndude metaa keɓe ɗee.VLMconf VLM (*.vlm);;All (*)Fiilde teeltannde VLMTeeltirde VLMVODOljitannde (0,1,2)YamreTaaɓal caggal daɓɓal no feewiTaaɓal yeeso daɓɓal no feewiNjuuteendi diwal daɓɓiɗngalNjuuteendi diwal daɓɓiɗngal e majaali.Widewo&Lappol WidewooWerngo widewoo jaajolPilte WidewooPiille WidewooWidewoo Naamnal ( VOD )Teelte WidewooLappol WidewooTolnorol widewoo XTolnorol widewoo YPotndugol widewooKodek widewooKodekke widewooKooltol widewooKaɓirgol widewooInnde kaɓirgol widewooWulnde ceɗol widewooCeggi widewoo nafata ko lijjitde ciiɓorol widewoo ngol.Tooweeki widewooWulnde jaltal widewooTolno ŋarɗol widewoo e ɓaawo-juɓɓinolTeelte widewooƁetol widewooRunngere nokitanɗe widewoo (walla inndefiilde)Mbaydi nokitannde widewooTooweeki nokitannde widewooNjaajeendi nokitannde widewooNokitannde widewooWulnde peccugol widewooTitoonde idewooNjaajeendi widewooLowre VideoLAN...LewñinirɗeLewñinirɗe:LewñinirɗeLaborde LewñinirɗeDaandeDaande LesDaande DowDaande lesPotndugol daandePotndirgal daandeDaande dowWAVƁalalFiltere ndiyamBempBempeƴƴeMin njiytii yamre ɓooynde piille cuɓoraaɗe VLC.GeeseLowre geeseDaneejoNjaajeendiHenordeŊeñi kenorɗeKeeroraaɗi henordeKiɓɓinol henorde hakkunde 0.1 e 1Tolnorol XMbaydi Tarorgol XML Lollintooɗo (XSPF)Tolnorol YOoloEeyAɗa waawi labaade piille nokku e ngol doggol e ɗii ñoƴƴi.Maa jogo yamre sakkitiinde VLC media player.Alaa e sago cosaa innde heftinirde ndee.LonngobolokkebuleyaareguufedBDokkitirdehuymbokaareejeTimmundepakketirɗesmaj.ɓoggolgine v4l2vlc-snap