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Show/Hide hidden files / Look for an item <, > Next/Previous chapter Add the selected file to the playlist , Seek -/+ 1%% , Navigate through the box page by page Add the selected directory to the playlist Pause/Play , Navigate to start/end of box , Navigate through the box line by line , Seek +/-5%% A Add an entry B Show/Hide filebrowser Ctrl-l Refresh the screen D, , Delete an entry Esc Close Add/Search entry L Show/Hide messages box O Reverse order Playlist by title P Show/Hide playlist box Position : %s/%s Profile Name Missing R Toggle Repeat item S Show/Hide statistics box Source : %s Volume : Mute [ h for help ] [, ] Next/Previous title a, z Volume Up/Down days e Eject (if stopped) f Toggle Fullscreen f/s fps g Go to the current playing item h,H Show/Hide help box i Show/Hide info box kb/s l Toggle Loop Playlist m Mute ms n, p Next/Previous playlist item o Order Playlist by title px q, Q, Esc Quit r Toggle Random playing s Stop x Show/Hide objects box%.1f GiB%.1f KiB%.1f MiB%.2f dB%i tracks%s Downloading... %s/%s %.1f%% done%s [%s %d]%s bytes%u Hz%u kb/s%u module was not displayed because it only has advanced options. %u modules were not displayed because they only have advanced options. &About&Advanced Controls&Advanced Open...&Apply&Aspect Ratio&Audio&Cancel&Chapter&Clear&Close&Codec Information&Continue&Crop&Deinterlace&Deinterlace mode&Disc&Effects and Filters&Enqueue&Faster&File&Fullscreen&Fullscreen Interface&General&Go&Help&Hide VLC media player in taskbar&Increase Volume&Jump Forward&Manage&Media&Messages&Metadata&Mute&Network&No&Open File...&Open Media&Open Multiple Files...&Play&Playback&Preferences&Program&Quit&Recheck version&Renderer&Reset Preferences&Save&Save Metadata&Save as...&Search:&Select&Start&Stereo Mode&Stop&Stream&Stream...&Track Synchronization&VLM Configuration&Video&View&Visualizations&Yes&Zoom(Delayed)(Hastened)(default disabled)(default enabled).*... (same as DVB-S)11.712 MHz10 MHz10 bits11025 Hz16000 Hz176400 Hz192000 Hz1:1 Original1:2 Half1:4 Quarter1:File2 Pass22050 Hz24000 Hz2:1 Double32000 Hz4000 Hz44100 Hz48000 Hz4:2:04:2:24:4:45 MHz6 MHz7 MHz8 MHz8000 Hz88200 Hz96000 Hz

Welcome to VLC media player Help


You can find VLC documentation on VideoLAN's wiki website.

If you are a newcomer to VLC media player, please read the
Introduction to VLC media player.

You will find some information on how to use the player in the
"How to play files with VLC media player" document.

For all the saving, converting, transcoding, encoding, muxing and streaming tasks, you should find useful information in the Streaming Documentation.

If you are unsure about terminology, please consult the knowledge base.

To understand the main keyboard shortcuts, read the shortcuts page.


Before asking any question, please refer yourself to the FAQ.

You might then get (and give) help on the Forums, the mailing-lists or our IRC channel (#videolan on irc.freenode.net).

Contribute to the project

You can help the VideoLAN project giving some of your time to help the community, to design skins, to translate the documentation, to test and to code. You can also give funds and material to help us. And of course, you can promote VLC media player.

>HHHHHH;#A new version of VLC (%1.%2.%3%4) is available.A positive value means that the audio is ahead of the videoA positive value means that the subtitles are ahead of the videoA/52 dynamic range compressionAAAA; AACS Host certificate revoked.AACS MMC failed.AES/EBUALSAALSA audio captureAM radioASCIIVLCASCIIVLC media playerASCII ArtASCII-art video outputASF/WMVASX playlist importAVIAVI demuxerAbkhazianAboutAbout VLC media playerAbove the VideoAccelerated video output (Overlay)Access advanced options to tweak the deviceAccess modulesAccess outputAccess output modules control the ways the muxed streams are sent. This setting allows you to always force a specific access output method. You should probably not do that. You can also set default parameters for each access output.Account that will be used for the connection.AcidAcid JazzAcid PunkAcousticActionActionsActivateActivate TranscodingActivate or deactivate autoscaling.Activate the updates availability notificationActivate updates notifierActive regionsActorsAddAdd &Subtitle File...Add Directory...Add File...Add Folder...Add InputAdd InterfaceAdd Subtitle File...Add Subtitle File:Add a backgroundAdd a shadowAdd destinations following the streaming methods you need. Be sure to check with transcoding that the format is compatible with the method used.Add logoAdd textAdd to PlaylistAdd...AddressAddress of the CDDB server to use.Adjustments and EffectsAdvancedAdvanced ButtonsAdvanced Open File...Advanced OptionsAdvanced WidgetAdvanced options...Advanced settingsAdvanced settings. Use with care...AfarAfrikaansAlbanianAlbumAlbum ArtistAlbum replay gainAllAll FilesAllow metadata network accessAllow only one instanceAllow only one running instanceAlt+AlternativeAlternative RockAlwaysAlways Fit &WindowAlways fixAlways on &topAlways on topAlways place the video window on top of other windows.Always reset audio start level to:Always visibleAlways write to the same fileAmbientAmharicAn error occurred while checking for updates...AnalogAngleAntennaAnti-FlickeringAny fieldAppearanceAppend to fileAppend to file if it exists instead of replacing it.ApplicationApplication level hotkeyApplicationsAquaArabicArabic (ISO 8859-6)Arabic (Windows-1256)Are you sure you want to reset your VLC media player preferences?ArmenianArtistArtist metadataArtwork URLAscendingAsk for actionAsk for network policy at startAspect RatioAspect ratioAspect ratio (4:3, 16:9). Default assumes square pixels.Aspect ratio selectorAspect ratio: %sAssameseAttachmentAttachment inputAttackAudioAudio &DeviceAudio &TrackAudio CDAudio CD - Track %02iAudio CD deviceAudio CD inputAudio DelayAudio DeviceAudio Device: %sAudio ESAudio EffectsAudio Effects...Audio FilesAudio SettingsAudio SpatializerAudio TrackAudio and SubtitlesAudio capture (ALSA)Audio codecAudio codecsAudio configurationAudio delay downAudio delay upAudio device nameAudio filtering failedAudio filtersAudio filters are used to process the audio stream.Audio gainAudio languageAudio output moduleAudio output volume stepAudio settingsAudio trackAudio track IDAudio track synchronization:Audio track: %sAudio visualizationsAudio/VideoAuthorAuthor metadataAuthorsAutoAuto connectionAuto re-connectAuto shuffleAuto solveAuto startAuto-playback of new itemsAutodelAutomaticAutomatically check for updatesAutomatically start playing the playlist content once it's loaded.Automatically try to reconnect to the stream in case of a sudden disconnect.Autoscale videoAvantgardeAvestanAymaraAzerbaijaniA→B LoopB4S playlist importBackBackgroundBackground ColorBackground OpacityBackground colorBackground opacityBackspaceBackwardBaltic (Latin-7)Baltic (Windows-1257)Banding removalBandwidthBase portBashkirBasicBasqueBassBe quietBebobBehaviorBelarusianBengaliBest availableBig BandBig ButtonBihariBislamaBitrateBitrate (kb/s)Bits per sampleBlackBlack screens in Fullscreen modeBlack screens in fullscreenBlackmagic DeckLink SDI inputBlendBlu-rayBlu-ray Disc is corrupted.Blu-ray Disc support (libbluray)Blu-ray errorBlu-ray menusBlueBluegrassBluesBluescreenBobBookmarkBookmark %iBookmarksBookmarks...BosnianBoss keyBottomBottom-LeftBottom-RightBretonBrightBrightnessBrightness DownBrightness ThresholdBrightness UpBrightness thresholdBring All to FrontBroadcastBroadcast: Broken or missing AVI IndexBrowseBrowse...Browser BackBrowser FavoritesBrowser ForwardBrowser HomeBrowser RefreshBrowser SearchBrowser StopBuffer dimensionsBuild index then playBulgarianBurmeseBurrows-Wheeler decompressionBy default, VLC can be remotely controlled with the Apple Remote.BytesCC&onvert / SaveCC 608/708CDCDDB ServerCDDB Server port to use.CDDB portCDG demuxerCabaretCableCable and satellite reception parametersCachingCancelCannot save ConfigurationCannot write to file %1: %2.CanvasCapabilityCaptureCapture &DeviceCapture failedCapture modeCapture the audio stream in stereo.CartoonCatalanCategoryCelticCeltic (Latin-8)CenterChamorroChangeChange HotkeyChange playlistviewChange the caching for the mediaChange the loop and repeat modesChange the start time for the mediaChange title according to current mediaChannel NameChannelsChannels countChannels:ChansonChapterChapter %iChechenCheck for &Updates...Check for Update...Check for VLC updatesChichewa; NyanjaChineseChooseChoose a fileChoose one or more media file to openChoose the directory or filename where the records will be stored.Choose the folder to save your video snapshots to.Choose...Christian RapChromaChurch SlavicChuvashCl&earCl&oseClassic RockClassicalClean upClearClear ListClear the playlistClick to set point BClick to toggle between elapsed and remaining timeClick to toggle between loop all, loop one and no loopClick to toggle between total and remaining timeClient portClock sourceCloneClone video filterClose WindowClose to systrayClosed captionsClosed captions %uClosed captions 1Closed captions 2Closed captions 3Closed captions 4ClubCodecCodec DetailsCodec not supportedCodecsCodecs / MuxersColorColor extractionColor messagesColor schemeColor thresholdColorsColumnsComedyCommand+CommentsCompiled by %s on %s (%s) Compiler: %s Complete MRL for VLC internalComponentComposerCompositeCompressorConfig of last used skinConfigure HotkeysConsoleContainers (*.ps *.ts *.mpg *.ogg *.asf *.mp4 *.mov *.wav *.raw *.flv *.webm)Content bitrateContext menuContinueContinuous streamContrastControlControl interfacesControl menu for the playerControl playback with media keysControl playback with the Apple RemoteConve&rt / Save...ConvertConvert & StreamConvert / Stream...CopyCopy URL to clipboardCopyrightCopyright metadataCornishCorsicanCountryCreateCreate DirectoryCreate Directory...Create FolderCreate Folder...Create a new bookmarkCreate a new profileCreditsCroatianCropCrop one pixel from the bottom of the videoCrop one pixel from the left of the videoCrop one pixel from the right of the videoCrop one pixel from the top of the videoCrop: %sCtrl+Ctrl+HCtrl+LCtrl+TCultCurrent media / stream statisticsCurrent playback speed: %1 Click to adjustCustomCustom &BookmarksCustomi&ze Interface...CutCycle audio trackCycle deinterlace modesCycle source aspect ratioCycle subtitle trackCycle through a predefined list of crop formats.Cycle through a predefined list of source aspect ratios.Cycle through audio devicesCycle through available audio devicesCycle through the available audio tracks(languages).Cycle through the available subtitle tracks.Cycle video cropCyrillic (Windows-1251)CzechD&ecrease VolumeDC1394DEVICESDSSDTVDTVCC Closed captions %uDVDVB playlist importDVB-S2 parametersDVB-T reception parametersDVB-T2 Physical Layer PipeDVDDVD angleDVD deviceDVD menusDVD subtitlesDVD with menusDVD without menusDVDnav InputDamaged or incomplete AVI fileDampDanceDanishDarkDarkwaveDataDateDate metadataDay / Month / Year:De-FullscreenDeactivateDeath MetalDeckLinkDecodeDecode at the demuxer stageDecodedDecoded blocksDecoded formatDecodersDecreaseDecrease VolumeDecrease scale factorDefaultDefault (Windows-1252)Default Caching LevelDefault DVD angle.Default EncodingDefault caching policyDefault devicesDefault encodingDefault optical deviceDefault streamDefine which screen fullscreen goesDeinterlaceDeinterlace method to use for video processing.Deinterlace modeDeinterlace offDeinterlace onDeinterlacingDelayDeleteDelete all the bookmarksDelete selected profileDelete the current profileDelete the selected itemDeletes the selected itemDelivery systemDemuxedDemuxed data sizeDemuxersDemuxers are used to separate audio and video streams.DescendingDescriptionDescription metadataDesired frame rate for the capture.DesktopDesktop level hotkeyDestinationDestination SetupDestination file:Device SelectionDevice nameDevice propertiesDevice:DevicesDiSEqC LNB numberDialogDiffServ Code PointDigital Television and RadioDigital broadcastingDirectXDirectorDirectoryDirectory or filename where the records will be storedDisableDisable DVD menusDisable Disc MenusDisable screensaverDisable the screensaver during video playback.DiscDisc SelectionDisc deviceDisc numberDiscardDiscarded (corrupted)DisclaimerDiscoDiscsDisplayDisplay SettingsDisplay Source AsDisplay aspect ratioDisplay locallyDisplay playlist treeDisplay sizeDisplay the outputDisplay the snapshot preview in the screen's top-left corner.Display the stream locallyDisplay the title of the video on top of the movie.Display video in a skinned window if anyDisplay video snapshot previewDisplayedDisplayed framesDo not playDo nothingDo you really want to unsubscribe from %1?Do you want to restart the playback where left off?Dock fullscreen controllerDock/undock fullscreen controller to/from bottom of screenDocked PlaylistDolby SurroundDouble SizeDouble click to get media informationDouble click to jump to a chosen time positionDownDownload cover artDownloaded file "%s" was corrupted. Thus, it was deleted.DreamDrop media hereDropped (discontinued)DryDummyDummy inputDump raw inputDurationDuration in secondsDutchDynamic range compressorDzongkhaE&xportES IDEastern European (Latin-2)Eastern European (Windows-1250)Easy ListeningEdgeEditEdit BookmarksEdit InputEdit OptionsEdit selected profileEdit settingsEffectsEffects listEject the discElapsed timeElectronicElements orderEmbed the file browser in open dialogEmbed the video output in the main interface.EmbeddedEmbedded videoEmptyEnableEnable DVD menusEnable Last.fm submissionsEnable OSDEnable On Screen Display (OSD)Enable SpatializerEnable Time-Stretching audioEnable audioEnable dynamic range compressorEnable subtitlesEnable time stretching audioEnable transparency effectsEnable videoEncapsulationEncapsulation MethodEncoded byEndEnglishEnqueue items into playlist in one instance modeEnterEnter URL here...Enter URL of the podcast to subscribe to:Enter name for new directory:Enter name for new folder:EntryEpisodeEqualizerEqualizer with 10 bandsErrorError while saving metaError:ErrorsErrors and WarningsErrors and Warnings...EscEsperantoEsperanto (Latin-3)EssentialEstonianEthnicEuro-TechnoEurodanceEvery Exit fullscreenExit if there are no more items in the playlist.Expanding SpacerExport SDP as fileExtended M3UExtended panelExtensionsExtra interface modulesExtra mediaExtra metadata and other information are shown in this panel. ExtractF1F10F11F12F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FLAC demuxerFM radioFPSFTP accountFTP inputFactorFailed to open "%s" for writingFaroeseFastFast FusionFast seekFasterFaster (fine)Favor speed over precision while seekingFijianFileFile Format:File SelectionFile associationsFile corruptedFile could not be verifiedFile extensions associationFile inputFile names:File not verifiableFile that will be used to configure the projectM module.File/DirectoryFile/FolderFilenameFilesFilm GrainFilm NTSC (IVTC)FilterFilter:FiltersFinnishFit to ScreenFixing AVI Index...FlatFlat ButtonFlip horizontallyFlip verticallyFloat on TopFolderFolder meta dataFolkFolk-RockFollow the mouseFontFont PropertiesFont colorFont menuFont sizeFont size in pixelsFont size, pixelsFont used for the menusFont used for the titlesForce Aspect RatioForce boldForce detection of Dolby SurroundForce multicast RTP via RTSPForce subtitle positionForce update of this dialog's valuesForce window style:Forced chromaFormFormatFormat time and dateForwardFrame By FrameFrame by frameFrame rateFramebuffer deviceFramebuffer device to use for rendering (usually /dev/fb0).Frames per SecondFrenchFreq 1 (Hz)Freq 1 QFreq 1 gain (dB)Freq 2 (Hz)Freq 2 QFreq 2 gain (dB)Freq 3 (Hz)Freq 3 QFreq 3 gain (dB)FrequencyFrisianFuchsiaFull HD (1080p)Full VolumeFull bassFull bass and trebleFull trebleFullscreenFullscreen ControllerFullscreen Video DeviceFullscreen controller opacity between 0.1 and 1Fullscreen video outputFunkFusionGaelic (Scots)GalleganGameGammaGangstaGeneralGeneral AudioGeneral audio settingsGeneral input settings. Use with care...General playlist behaviourGeneral settings for audio output modules.General stream output settingsGeneral video settingsGenerated stream output stringGenreGenre metadataGeometryGeorgianGermanGlobalGlobal HotkeysGlobal Hotkeys interfaceGlobal gainGo to TimeGo to the DVD menuGo to timeGoomGoom display heightGoom display widthGoom effectGospelGothicGothic RockGradientGrayGrayscale video outputGreek (ISO 8859-7)Greek (Windows-1253)Greek, ModernGreenGreenlandic, KalaallisutGroupGroupingGrungeGuaraniGuard intervalGujaratiH264 video demuxerHD (720p)HD DVDHD-SDIHD-SDI InputHDMIHH'H':mm'm':ss's'.zzzHTML playlistHTTP (default)HTTP authenticationHTTP inputHTTP proxyHTTP proxy URLHTTP proxy passwordHTTP server addressHTTP server portHTTP(S)HTTP/TLS server certificateHTTPS server portHalf SizeHard RockHardware-accelerated decodingHeadphone virtualizationHeadphonesHebrewHebrew (ISO 8859-8)Hebrew (Windows-1255)HeightHelpHereroHide OthersHide VLCHide cursor and fullscreen controller after x millisecondsHide future errorsHide mouse cursor and fullscreen controller after n milliseconds.Hide the interface and pause playback.Hierarchy modeHighHigh freq (Hz)High freq gain (dB)High latencyHigh priorityHigher latencyHindiHip-HopHiri MotuHomeHong-Kong Supplementary (HKSCS)Hop limit (TTL)Horizontal (18V)Host ComputerHot keysHotkeyHotkey changeHotkeysHotkeys management interfaceHotkeys settingsHours / Minutes / Seconds:HouseHueHumourHungarianI&mportIDID OffsetIIDC Digital Camera (FireWire) inputINTERNETIP AddressISDB-S parametersISDB-T reception parametersIcelandicIf nothing appears, check your internet connection.If pending audio communication is detected, playback will be paused automatically.If you want to open a multicast stream, enter the respective IP address given by the stream provider. In unicast mode, VLC will use your machine's IP automatically. To open a stream using a different protocol, just press Cancel to close this sheet.If your HTTP proxy requires a password, set it here.If your clipboard contains a valid URL or the path to a file on your computer, it will be automatically selected.IgnoreIgnore keyboard volume buttons.ImageImage AdjustImage adjustImage demuxerImage maskIncreaseIncrease VolumeIncrease scale factorIndexIndonesianIndustrialInformationInformation about what your media or stream is made of. Muxer, Audio and Video Codecs, Subtitles are shown.Information...InfraredInitializingInputInput & Codecs SettingsInput / CodecsInput bitrateInput card to useInput has changedInput/ReadInput:InsertInsert DiscInstallInstrumentalInstrumental PopInstrumental RockIntegrate video in interfaceIntensityIntensity of sepia effectInteractive ZoomInterfaceInterface SettingsInterface moduleInterface styleInterlinguaInterlingueInternetInuktitutInupiaqInvalid combinationInvalid signatureInvert colorsIrishItalianJACK InputJACK audio inputJapaneseJapanese (7-bits JIS/ISO-2022-JP-2)Japanese (Shift JIS)Japanese Unix (EUC-JP)JavaneseJazzJazz+FunkJump Bac&kwardJump to Specific &TimeJungleKVAKannadaKaraokeKasenna MediaBase parserKasenna RTSP dialectKasenna servers use an old and nonstandard dialect of RTSP. With this parameter VLC will try this dialect, but then it cannot connect to normal RTSP servers.KashmiriKazakhKeep Recent ItemsKeep aspect ratioKeep audio level between sessionsKeep existing fileKeep original audio trackKeep original sizeKeep original video trackKey: KhmerKikuyuKinyarwandaKirghizKnee radiusKomiKoreanKorean (EUC-KR/CP949)Korean (ISO-2022-KR)KuanyamaKurdishLIBRARYLOCAL NETWORKLZMA decompressionLanguageLanguage of the audio track you want to use (comma separated, two or three letter country code, you may use 'none' to avoid a fallback to another language).Language of the subtitle track you want to use (comma separated, two or three letters country code, you may use 'any' as a fallback).LaoLargeLarge HallLargerLast check on: %@LatinLatvianLaunching an update request...Leave FullscreenLeftLet the video scale to fit a given window or fullscreen.LetzeburgeschLicenseLimeLine 1:Line 2:LinearLingalaLink #List of words separated by | to filterListenersLithuanianLiveLive555 stream transportLo-FiLoadLoad extensions on startupLoading flowplayer...Local NetworkLocally collect statisticsLocationLocation:Lock Aspect RatioLogin:passLogoLogo eraseLogo filenamesLong backwards jumpLong forward jumpLong jump lengthLong jump length, in seconds.Look and feelLoopLoop / RepeatLoop from point A to point B continuously Click to set point ALoop from point A to point B continuously.Loop: %sLostLost buffersLost framesLowLow Definition (360 lines)Low freq (Hz)Low freq gain (dB)Low latencyLowest latencyLuaLua ArtLua CLILua ExtensionLua HTTPLua Meta FetcherLua Meta ReaderLua PlaylistLua SD ModuleLua TelnetLua interpreterLyricsM-JPEG camera demuxerM3U playlistM3U playlist importM3U8 playlistMOD demuxer (libmodplug)MP4MP4 stream demuxerMPEG-4 videoMPEG-I/II video demuxerMPEG-I/II/4 / A52 / DTS / MLP audioMPEG-PSMRLMTPMTP DeviceMTP devicesMTP inputMY COMPUTERMac OS X interfaceMacedonianMagnification/ZoomMain ToolbarMain Window...Main interfacesMain interfaces settingsMake a donation...Makeup gainMalagasyMalayMalayalamMalteseManxMaoriMarathiMaroonMarshallMaskMatroska stream demuxerMaximum levelMeanMedia &InformationMedia AngleMedia Audio TrackMedia FilesMedia ForwardMedia InformationMedia Information...Media LibraryMedia Manager EditionMedia Manager ListMedia MenuMedia Next FrameMedia Next TrackMedia Play PauseMedia Prev FrameMedia Prev TrackMedia RecordMedia RepeatMedia Resource Locator (MRL)Media RewindMedia SelectMedia ShuffleMedia StopMedia SubtitleMedia TimeMedia ViewMedia data sizeMedia: %sMeditativeMediumMedium backwards jumpMedium forward jumpMedium jump lengthMedium jump length, in seconds.Mega bassMega bass cutoffMega bass levelMenuMenu popupMenu titleMenus language:Mesh heightMesh widthMessagesMessages...Meta+MetadataMetalMi&nimal InterfaceMinimal Mac OS X interfaceMirrorMiscellaneousMiscellaneous OptionsMiscellaneous audio settings and modules.Missing AACS configuration file!ModeModelModules TreeMoldavianMongolianMonoMore information...Motion DetectMotion blurMotion detectMount PointMouse GesturesMouse Wheel DownMouse Wheel LeftMouse Wheel RightMouse Wheel UpMove To Trash and Relaunch VLCMulticastMusePack demuxerMusicalMuteMute the audio.Mux ControlMuxer:MuxersMuxers create the encapsulation formats that are used to put all the elementary streams (video, audio, ...) together. This setting allows you to always force a specific muxer. You should probably not do that. You can also set default parameters for each muxer.My ComputerMy MusicMy PicturesMy VideosN&ormal SpeedN/ANameName:National FolkNative AmericanNative SliderNauruNavajoNavigate downNavigate leftNavigate rightNavigate upNavyNcurses interfaceNdebele, NorthNdebele, SouthNdongaNe&xtNegate colorsNepaliNetworkNetwork Access PolicyNetwork ProtocolNetwork identifierNetwork settingsNetwork streams (SAP)NeverNever fixNew AgeNew WaveNew destinationNew profileNew winamp 5.2 shoutcast importNextNext / ForwardNext Chapter/TitleNext chapterNext frameNext media in the playlistNext media in the playlist, skip forward when heldNext titleNo active subtitleNo check was performed yet.No description for this codecNo disc menusNo inputNo matching module found. Use --list or --list-verbose to list available modules.No v4l2 instance found. Please check that the device has been opened with VLC and is playing. Controls will automatically appear here.No valid host certificate found in AACS config file.No valid processing key found in AACS config file.NoiseNoneNordic (Latin-6)NormalNormal SizeNormal rateNormal/Loop/RepeatNormalize volume to:Northern SamiNorwegianNorwegian BokmaalNorwegian NynorskNot SetNote:Now PlayingNullSoft demuxerNumber of TracksNumber of audio channelsNumber of clonesNumber of columnsNumber of days between two update checksNumber of frames (0 to 100)Number of rowsNuv demuxerOGG demuxerOKOSSOSS inputOccitan; ProvençalOffOffsets in orderOgg/OGM muxerOgg/OgmOldiesOliveOnOn Screen DisplayOneOnline Documentation...Online Forum...OpacityOpaquenessOpenOpen &Capture Device...Open &Disc...Open &File...Open &Folder...Open &Location from clipboardOpen &Network Stream...Open &Network...Open &Recent MediaOpen Capture Device...Open D&irectory...Open DirectoryOpen Disc...Open FileOpen File...Open FolderOpen MediaOpen Network...Open RTP/UDP StreamOpen RecentOpen SourceOpen URLOpen VLM configuration...Open a mediumOpen a skin fileOpen media...Open playlistOpen playlist...Open subtitlesOpen subtitles...OpeningOperaOperating System IntegrationOptical SDIOptical driveOption SetupOptionsOriginalOriginal FormatOriginal IDOriginal PerformerOriginal SizeOriginal audioOriyaOromoOssetian; OsseticOtherOutlineOutline ThicknessOutline colorOutline opacityOutline thicknessOutputOutput (canvas) image heightOutput (canvas) image widthOutput heightOutput module:Output modulesOutput video in grayscale. As the color information aren't decoded, this can save some processing power.Output widthOutput:Overlay is the hardware acceleration capability of your video card (ability to render video directly). VLC will try to use it by default.Overlay subtitles on the videoOverlay video outputOverlaysOverride parametersOverwriteOverwrite existing fileP&laybackP/PPLS playlist importPacketizersPacketizers are used to "preprocess" the elementary streams before muxing. This setting allows you to always force a packetizer. You should probably not do that. You can also set default parameters for each packetizer.Page DownPage UpPaliPanjabiPanoramixPartyPasswordPassword:PastePathPath to the projectM preset directoryPath to the skin to use.PausePause each item in the playlist on the last frame.Pause on audio communicationPause on the last frame of a videoPause onlyPause playback when minimizedPause the playbackPausedPerformance optionsPerformersPersianPhosphorPicturePicture aspect-ratio n:mPilotPlace on video where to display the title (default bottom center).PlayPlay If the playlist is empty, open a mediumPlay and exitPlay and pausePlay and stopPlay another media synchronouslyPlay another media synchronously (extra audio file, ...)Play as isPlay files randomly foreverPlay onlyPlay playlist bookmark 1Play playlist bookmark 10Play playlist bookmark 2Play playlist bookmark 3Play playlist bookmark 4Play playlist bookmark 5Play playlist bookmark 6Play playlist bookmark 7Play playlist bookmark 8Play playlist bookmark 9Play&listPlay/PausePlaybackPlayback ButtonsPlayback RatePlayback SpeedPlayback controlPlayback failurePlayback speedPlayedPlayed buffersPlayer...PlaylistPlaylist FilesPlaylist Files |Playlist Table ColumnsPlaylist and InstancesPlaylist bookmark 1Playlist bookmark 10Playlist bookmark 2Playlist bookmark 3Playlist bookmark 4Playlist bookmark 5Playlist bookmark 6Playlist bookmark 7Playlist bookmark 8Playlist bookmark 9Playlist...Please enter a network URL:Please enter a valid login name and a password for realm %s.Please enter a valid login name and a password.Please enter the new profile name.Plu&gins and extensionsPluginsPlugins and extensionsPodcast AuthorPodcast CategoryPodcast CopyrightPodcast DurationPodcast InfoPodcast KeywordsPodcast LinkPodcast Publication DatePodcast SizePodcast SubcategoryPodcast SubtitlePodcast SummaryPodcast TypePodcast URLs listPodcast parserPodcastsPolishPolkaPopPop-FolkPop/FunkPortPort to use for the RTP source of the sessionPortuguesePositionPosition of video titlePost processingPost-Processing QualityPosterizePosterize levelPranksPre&viousPreampPreamp:PreferencesPreferences file could not be savedPreferences...Preferred Audio languagePreferred audio language:Preferred subtitle languagePreferred video resolutionPrefilterPrefixPreload MKV files in the same directoryPresetPress new keys for "%@"PrevPreviewPreviousPrevious / BackwardPrevious Chapter/TitlePrevious chapterPrevious media in the playlistPrevious media in the playlist, skip backward when heldPrevious titlePrintPrivacy / Network InteractionPrivacy and Network Access PolicyProducerProfileProfile NameProgramProgram GuideProgramsProgressive RockProtocolProviders Source ContentPsychedelicPsychedelic RockPublisherPunkPurplePushtoPuzzle gameQt interfaceQuechuaQuickTime Media Link importerQuitQuit VLCQuit after PlaybackQuit at the end of playlistR&BRAM playlist importRAWRGB32RTP over RTSP (TCP)RTP/RTSP/SDP demuxer (using Live555)RTSP authenticationRTSP server addressRTSP server portRTSP/RTP access and demuxRadiusRaeto-RomanceRandomRandom OffRandom OnRandom: %sRapRatingRaveRead at mediaRead meta data using lua scriptsRecordRecord directory or filenameRedReggaeRegrettably, these keys cannot be assigned as hotkey shortcuts.Relative font sizeReleaseRelease functionReload extensionsRemember the audio volumeRemoveRemove SelectedRemove old preferences?Remove this podcast subscriptionRename Directory...Rename Folder...Repair AVI FilesRepeatRepeat AllRepeat OffRepeat OneRepeat allRepeat current itemRepeat delay:Repeat:Replay gainReplay gain modeReplay gain mode:RequirementsResetReset AllReset PreferencesResize interface to the native video sizeResize interface to video sizeResolutionRestart playbackRetroReveal in FinderReverseReverse stereoRevert to normal play speedRevivalRightRippleRockRock & RollRoll-off factorRomanianRotateRotate by 180 degreesRotate by 270 degreesRotate by 90 degreesRowsRun as daemon processRun manuallyRun on scheduleRun timeRundiRunning vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.Runs VLC as a background daemon process.RussianRussian (KOI8-R)S&tatisticsSAPSDISDI DemuxSDI InputSDP URLSOCKS passwordSOCKS serverSOCKS user nameSVCD/VCDSamoanSample rateSamplerateSamplerate of the captured audio stream, in Hz (eg: 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000)SangoSanskritSardinianSatellite azimuthSatellite elevationSaturationSaveSave FileSave MetadataSave PlaylistSave Playlist to &File...Save Playlist...Save VLM configuration as...Save and close the dialogSave as FileSave as new Profile...Save as new profileSave file...Save log file as...Save playlistSave playlist as...Save recently played itemsSave the recently played items in the menuSave...Saves all the displayed logs to a fileSaving file failedScaleScale factorScaled to screenScanning...ScheduleSchedule: ScopeScoreScrambledScreenScreen captureScrobbler URLSearchSearch in PlaylistSearch the playlistSeasonSelectSelect "Advanced Options" to see all options.Select AllSelect DirectorySelect FileSelect FolderSelect InputSelect OutputSelect a device or a VIDEO_TS directorySelect a device or a VIDEO_TS folderSelect a directorySelect a fileSelect an action to change the associated hotkey:Select destinations to stream toSelect next DVD chapterSelect next DVD titleSelect one or more files to openSelect one or multiple filesSelect or double click an action to change the associated hotkey. Use delete key to remove hotkeys.Select prev DVD chapterSelect previous DVD titleSelect profile:Select skinSelect the capture device typeSelect the fileSelect the hotkey to display the position.Select the hotkey to got to the next video frame.Select the hotkey to make a long backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a long forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a medium backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a medium forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a short backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a short forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a very short backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a very short forward jump.Select the hotkey to quit the application.Select the hotkey to set the playback rate back to normal.Select the hotkey to stop playback.Select the hotkey to use for fast forward playback.Select the hotkey to use for slow motion playback.Select the hotkey to use to exit fullscreen state.Select the hotkey to use to pause.Select the hotkey to use to play.Select the hotkey to use to skip to the next item in the playlist.Select the hotkey to use to skip to the previous item in the playlist.Select the hotkey to use to swap fullscreen state.Select the hotkey to use to swap paused state.Select the key to activate selected item in DVD menus.Select the key to choose the next chapter from the DVDSelect the key to choose the next title from the DVDSelect the key to choose the previous chapter from the DVDSelect the key to choose the previous title from the DVDSelect the key to clear the current playlist.Select the key to decrease audio volume.Select the key to decrease the audio delay.Select the key to decrease the subtitle delay.Select the key to increase audio volume.Select the key to increase the audio delay.Select the key to increase the subtitle delay.Select the key to move subtitles higher.Select the key to move subtitles lower.Select the key to mute audio.Select the key to play this bookmark.Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.Select the key to take you to the DVD menuSelect the replay gain modeSelected ports:Separate words by | (without space)Sepia intensitySepia video filterSequential numberingSerbianServicesServices discoveryServices discovery modules are facilities that automatically add items to playlist.SessionSet as Wall&paperSet playlist bookmark 1Set playlist bookmark 10Set playlist bookmark 2Set playlist bookmark 3Set playlist bookmark 4Set playlist bookmark 5Set playlist bookmark 6Set playlist bookmark 7Set playlist bookmark 8Set playlist bookmark 9Set the global gain in dB (-20 ... 20).Set up associations...Set up media sources to streamSets the password for the connection, if no username or password are set in the url.Sets the username for the connection, if no username or password are set in the url.SettingSettingsSettings for VLC's control interfacesSettings for VLC's interfacesSettings for input, demultiplexing, decoding and encodingSettings for subtitle, teletext and CC decoders and encoders.Settings for the audio-only decoders and encoders.Settings for the main interfaceSettings for the video, images or video+audio decoders and encoders.Settings related to On-Screen-Display, subtitles and "overlay subpictures"Settings related to playlist behaviour (e.g. playback mode) and to modules that automatically add items to the playlist ("service discovery" modules).Settings related to the various access methods. Common settings you may want to alter are HTTP proxy or caching settings.Settings...Setup scheduleShadow angleShadow colorShadow distanceShadow opacitySharpenShift+Shift+LSho&w VLC media playerShonaShort backwards jumpShort forward jumpShort jump lengthShort jump length, in seconds.ShortcutShoutcastShow &more optionsShow AllShow Audio Effects ButtonShow BasicShow Containing Directory...Show Containing Folder...Show Fullscreen controllerShow NameShow Previous & Next ButtonsShow Shuffle & Repeat ButtonsShow SidebarShow VLC on the taskbarShow a controller in fullscreen modeShow a systray icon for VLCShow advanced optionsShow advanced preferences and not simple preferences when opening the preferences dialog.Show advanced preferences over simple onesShow an icon in the systray allowing you to control VLC media player for basic actions.Show controller in fullscreenShow controls in full screen modeShow errors and warningsShow extended optionsShow extended settingsShow media change popup:Show media title on videoShow media title on video startShow notification popup on track changeShow only errorsShow playing item name in window titleShow settingsShow systray iconShow the contextual popup menu.Show the name of the song or video in the controller window title.Show the video title for n milliseconds, default is 5000 ms (5 sec.)Show unimportant error and warnings dialogsShow video title for x millisecondsShow video within the main windowShow/Hide PlaylistShows a lucent controller when moving the mouse in fullscreen mode.ShowtunesShuffleSigmaSilverSimilaritySimpleSimple Karaoke filterSimple PreferencesSimplified Chinese (ISO-2022-CN-EXT)Simplified Chinese Unix (EUC-CN)SindhiSinhaleseSizeSkaSkin files |*.vlt;*.wsz;*.xmlSkin resource file:Skin to useSkinnable InterfaceSkinsSkip H.264 in-loop deblocking filterSkip adsSkip framesSkip the loop filter for H.264 decodingSlides (images)Slides (text)Slo&werSlovakSlovenianSlowSlow RockSlowerSlower (fine)SmallSmall VolumeSmallerSnapshotSocks proxySoftSoft rockSoftenSoftwareSomaliSort bySotho, SouthernSoulSound ClipSoundtrackSourceSource aspect ratioSource:Sout streamSout stream modules allow to build a sout processing chain. Please refer to the Streaming Howto for more information. You can configure default options for each sout stream module here.South-Eastern European (Latin-10)Southern RockSp&eedSpaceSpacerSpanishSpatial blurSpatializerSpecial modulesSpectrometerSpectrumSpeed selectorSplitterStandardStandard Definition (576 or 480 lines)Start TimeStart VLC with only a systray iconStart directly in menuStart in minimal view (without menus)Start in minimal view modeStart playback of new items immediately once they were added.Start timeStart video in fullscreen modeStarting PositionStatisticsStatusStatus BarStep BackwardStep ForwardStep backwardStep forwardStereoStereo audio modeStereo audio output modeStereo modeStopStop playbackStop the A to B loopStop the playlist after each played playlist item.Stop timeStreamStream %dStream AnnouncingStream ID of the audio track to use.Stream ID of the subtitle track to use.Stream OutputStream all elementary streamsStream bitrateStream filtersStream filters are special modules that allow advanced operations on the input side of VLC. Use with care...Stream outputStream output settings are used when acting as a streaming server or when saving incoming streams. Streams are first muxed and then sent through an "access output" module that can either save the stream to a file, or stream it (UDP, HTTP, RTP/RTSP). Sout streams modules allow advanced stream processing (transcoding, duplicating...).Stream...Streaming / Transcoding failedStreaming and Transcoding OptionsStuffSub &TrackSubmit played tracks stats to Last.fmSubpicturesSubscribeSubscribe to a podcastSubti&tleSubtitleSubtitle DelaySubtitle FileSubtitle FilesSubtitle LanguageSubtitle TrackSubtitle codecsSubtitle delay %i msSubtitle delay downSubtitle delay upSubtitle effectsSubtitle languageSubtitle languagesSubtitle position downSubtitle position upSubtitle trackSubtitle track IDSubtitle track: %sSubtitlesSubtitles (advanced)Subtitles (images)Subtitles / OSDSubtitles TrackSubtitles/VideoSundaneseSurroundSurround delay (ms)Surround levelSwahiliSwatiSwedishSwingSwitch to full preferences viewSwitch to simple preferences viewSymphonic RockSynchronizationSynchronize left and rightSynchronize top and bottomSystem codesetSystem's defaultSystray iconT&itleTCP connection timeoutTTA demuxerTVTYTabTagalogTahitianTajikTake &SnapshotTake a snapshotTake video snapshotTakes a video snapshot and writes it to disk.TamilTatarTealTechnoTechno-IndustrialTeletextTeletext ActivationTeletext transparencyTelnetTeluguTextText ColorText SizeText default colorText opacityTextual audio descriptionsTexture sizeThaiThai (TIS 620-2533/ISO 8859-11)Thai (Windows-874)ThanksThe height of the mesh, in pixels.The height of the video window, in pixels.The maximum number of filters (%u) was reached.The media library is automatically saved and reloaded each time you start VLC.The size of the texture, in pixels.The stream will run this duration (in seconds).The stream will start at this position (in seconds).The stream will stop at this position (in seconds).The wallpaper mode allows you to display the video as the desktop background.The width of the mesh, in pixels.The width of the video window, in pixels.There is no suitable stream-output access module for "%s/%s://%s".These options allow you to configure the interfaces used by VLC. You can select the main interface, additional interface modules, and define various related options.These settings are the global VLC key bindings, known as "hotkeys".ThickThinThis Blu-ray Disc needs a library for AACS decoding, and your system does not have it.This Blu-ray Disc needs a library for BD+ decoding, and your system does not have it.This allows you to define playlist bookmarks.This combination is already taken by "%@".This display the resulting media, but can slow things down.This enables VLC hotkeys from the (non-embedded) video window.This forces the cropping of the source video. Accepted formats are x:y (4:3, 16:9, etc.) expressing the global image aspect.This is VLC's default interface, with a native look and feel.This is VLC's skinnable interface. You can download other skins atThis is the audio output method used by VLC. The default behavior is to automatically select the best method available.This is the default Audio CD device to use.This is the default Audio CD drive (or file) to use. Don't forget the colon after the drive letter (e.g. D:)This is the default DVD device to use.This is the default DVD drive (or file) to use. Don't forget the colon after the drive letter (e.g. D:)This is the default VCD device to use.This is the default VCD drive (or file) to use. Don't forget the colon after the drive letter (e.g. D:)This is the main interface used by VLC. The default behavior is to automatically select the best module available.This is the the video output method used by VLC. The default behavior is to automatically select the best method available.This is the verbosity level (0=only errors and standard messages, 1=warnings, 2=debug).This module outputs the transcoded stream to a network via HTTP.This module outputs the transcoded stream to a network via RTP.This module outputs the transcoded stream to a network via RTSP.This module outputs the transcoded stream to a network via UDP.This module outputs the transcoded stream to a network via the mms protocol.This module outputs the transcoded stream to an Icecast server.This module writes the transcoded stream to a file.This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License; see the file named COPYING for details. Written by the VideoLAN team; see the AUTHORS file. This stream will always be opened at VLC startup.This wizard will allow you to stream or convert your media for use locally, on your private network, or on the Internet. You should start by checking that source matches what you want your input to be and then press the "Next" button to continue. ThresholdTibetanTicker textTigrinyaTimeTime ControlTime SliderTime ToolbarTime:TitleTitle %i%sTitle fontTitle metadataTo Open a usual network stream (HTTP, RTSP, RTMP, MMS, FTP, etc.), just enter the URL in the field above. If you want to open a RTP or UDP stream, press the button below.To get exhaustive help, use '-H'.Toggle autoscalingToggle playlistToggle the video in fullscreenToggle the video out fullscreenToggle wallpaper mode in video outputToggle wallpaper mode in video output.Tonga (Tonga Islands)ToolTool&sToolbar ElementsToolbar position:Toolbars EditorTooltip|ClearClearTooltip|MuteMuteTooltip|UnmuteUnmuteTopTop 40Top-LeftTop-RightTotal/Remaining timeTrackTrack IDTrack NumberTrack SynchronizationTrack numberTrack replay gainTrack settingsTracksTraditional Chinese (Big5)Traditional Chinese Unix (EUC-TW)TrailerTranceTranscodeTranscoding optionsTranscriptTransformTransformationTransparencyTransparentTransponder symbol rateTransponder/multiplex frequencyTreat as a pipe rather than as a fileTribalTrickplay ReverseTrip-HopTsongaTswanaTuner FrequencyTuner TV ChannelTuner cardTuner country codeTuner propertiesTurkishTurkish (ISO 8859-9)Turkish (Windows-1254)TurkmenTwiTwo passTypeType:URIURLURL metadataUighurUkrainianUkrainian (KOI8-U)Un-ZoomUncrop one pixel from the bottom of the videoUncrop one pixel from the left of the videoUncrop one pixel from the right of the videoUncrop one pixel from the top of the videoUndefinedUnicastUnidentified codecUniversal (UTF-16)Universal (UTF-8)Universal (big endian UTF-16)Universal (little endian UTF-16)Universal Plug'n'PlayUniversal, Chinese (GB18030)UnknownUnknown categoryUnknown errorUnknown typeUnsetUnspecifiedUnspecified (0V)UnsubscribeUntitledUpUpdateUpdate VLC media playerUpdate the treeUrduUse Blu-ray menus. If disabled, the movie will start directlyUse RTP over RTSP (TCP)Use S/PDIF when availableUse VLC paceUse a skinned playlistUse custom skinUse hardware YUV->RGB conversionsUse media libraryUse native styleUse only one instance when started from file managerUse sequential numbers instead of timestampsUse sequential numbers instead of timestamps for snapshot numberingUse subtitle fileUse the complete preferences to configure custom caching values for each access module.UserUsernameUsername:UzbekV&iewVCDVCD deviceVLCVLC cannot set the DVD's title. It possibly cannot decrypt the entire disc.VLC could not connect with the given server.VLC could not decode the format "%4.4s" (%s)VLC could not identify the audio or video codecVLC could not open the %s module.VLC could not open the decoder module.VLC is unable to open the MRL '%s'. Check the log for details.VLC media playerVLC media player - Web InterfaceVLC media player Help...VLC media player updatesVLC preferencesVLC skins websiteVLC version %s (%s) VLC was unable to save the meta data.VLC will keep playing the current playlist item.VLC will keep playing the playlist indefinitely.VLC will randomly play files in the playlist until interrupted.VLC will start with just an icon in your taskbar.VLC's connection to the given server was rejected.VLC's implementation of Video On DemandVLMVLM conf (*.vlm);;All (*)VLM configuratorVODVarianceVerbosity (0,1,2)VersionVertical (13V)Very Low Definition (240 lines)Very short backwards jumpVery short forward jumpVery short jump lengthVery short jump length, in seconds.VideoVideo &TrackVideo Auto ScalingVideo EffectsVideo Effects...Video FilesVideo IDVideo On Demand ( VOD )Video SettingsVideo TrackVideo X coordinateVideo Y coordinateVideo alignmentVideo captureVideo capture (Video4Linux)Video codecVideo codecsVideo connectionVideo croppingVideo deviceVideo device nameVideo filter moduleVideo filters are used to process the video stream.Video heightVideo memoryVideo outputVideo output moduleVideo output modulesVideo quality post-processing levelVideo resolutionVideo scaling factorVideo settingsVideo sizeVideo snapshot directory (or filename)Video snapshot file prefixVideo snapshot formatVideo snapshot heightVideo snapshot widthVideo snapshotsVideo standardVideo titleVideo widthVideoLAN Website...VietnameseVietnamese (VISCII)Vietnamese (Windows-1258)ViewViewPointField of viewViewPointPitchViewPointRollViewPointYawVisualizationVisualization:VisualizationsVisualizations selectorVocalVolapukVolumeVolume %ld%%Volume DownVolume MuteVolume UpVolume downVolume normalizationVolume normalizerVolume upWAVWMServer RTSP dialectWPL playlist importWallWarningWater effectWaveWavesWe just found an older version of VLC's preferences files.WebWebmWebsiteWelshWestern European (Latin-9)Western European (Windows-1252)WetWhen minimizedWhiteWidthWindowWindow decorationsWindow propertiesWindow sizeWindows Media NSC metademuxWindows Service interfaceWindows opacity between 0.1 and 1WolofWrite process id to fileWriterWrites process id into specified file.X coordinateX windowX11X11 displayX11 window IDXML Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF)XSPF playlistXSPF playlist importXSPF playlist |*.xspf|M3U file |*.m3u|HTML playlist |*.htmlXVideoXhosaY coordinateYUV outputYUV video outputYUVP converterYellowYesYiddishYorubaYou can completely disable the audio output. The audio decoding stage will not take place, thus saving some processing power.You can completely disable the video output. The video decoding stage will not take place, thus saving some processing power.You can select control interfaces for VLC.You can select local files with the following list and buttons.You can zoom the video by the specified factor.You have the latest version of VLC media player.You must set a name for the profile.Your account was rejected.Your display will be opened and played in order to stream or save it.Your input can't be openedYour system BD+ decoding library does not work. Missing configuration?Your window manager does not provide a list of applications.ZhuangZoomZoom InZoom OutZoom mode: %sZoom videoZooming resetZulu[Display][Filebrowser][Global][Loop][Player][Playlist][cdda:][device][@[track]]add --advanced to your command line to see advanced options.autoblocksbooleanbuffersdBdebugdecodererrorsfixedfloatfpsframesfullgzip decompressioniTunes Music Library importerintegerlibprojectM effectnoneoffsetspacketizerprojectMprojectM configuration fileprojectM preset pathssec.stringv4l2 controlsvlc-snapwarningsx264 profile and level selection| key [hotkey name] . . . . . . simulate hotkey press|All Files |*Project-Id-Version: vlc 3.0.13 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: vlc-devel@videolan.org PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-10 22:48+0000 Last-Translator: GunChleoc, 2021 Language-Team: Gaelic, Scottish (https://app.transifex.com/yaron/teams/16553/gd/) Language: gd MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3; Chaidh an t-susbaint a chur san fhaidhle vlc-help.txt. Brùth an iuchair RETURN airson leantainn air adhart… Rabhadh: mur urrainn dhut inntrigeadh a dhèanamh dhan GUI tuilleadh, fosgail uinneag airson loidhne àithne, rach dhan eòlaire far an do stàlaich thu VLC agus ruith “vlc -I qt” %s: %s [%s] % . Seall/Falaich faidhlichean falaichte / Lorg rud <, > An ath-chaibideal/caibideal roimhe Cuir an rud a thagh thu ris an liosta-chluich , Sir -/+ 1%% , Seòl tron bhogsa duilleag air an duilleag Cuir an t-eòlaire a thagh thu ris an liosta-chluich Cuir ’na stad/Cluich , Seòl gu toiseach/deireadh a’ bhogsa , Seòl tron bhogsa loidhne air an loidhne , Sir +/-5%% A Cuir innteart ris B Seall/Falaich brabhsair nam faidhle Ctrl-l Ath-nuadhaich an sgrìn D, , Sguab às innteart Esc Dùin cur ris no lorg de dh’innteart L Seall/Falaich bogsa nan teachdaireachd O Cuir an liosta-chluich an òrdugh contrarra a-rèir tiotail P Seall/Falaich bogsa na liosta-chluich Ionad : %s/%s Tha ainm na pròifil a dhìth R Toglaich ath-chluich de rud S Seall/Falaich bogsa nan stats Tùs : %s Àirde na fuaime: Mùch [ h airson cobhair ] [, ] An ath-thiotal/tiotal roimhe a, z Àirde na fuaime suas/sìos làithean e Gluais a-mach (ma chaidh a sgur dheth) f Toglaich an làn-sgrìn f/s fps g Rach dhan nì a tha ’ga chluich an-dràsta h,H Seall/Falaich bogsa na cobharach i Seall/Falaich bogsa an fhiosrachaidh kb/s l Toglaich lùbadh na liosta-chluich m Mùch ms n, p An ath-rud/rud roimhe air an liosta-chluich o Cuir an liosta-chluich an òrdugh a-rèir tiotail px q, Q, Esc Fàg an-seo r Toglaich cluich air thuaiream s Sguir dheth x Seall/Falaich bogsa nan oibseact%.1f GiB%.1f KiB%.1f MiB%.2f dB%i tracaichean%s ’Ga luchdadh a-nuas… %s/%s %.1f%% deiseil%s [%s %d]%s baidht%u Hz%u kb/sCha deach %u mhòideal a shealltainn a chionn ’s nach eil aca ach roghainnean adhartach. Cha deach %u mhòideal a shealltainn a chionn ’s nach eil aca ach roghainnean adhartach. Cha deach %u mòidealan a shealltainn a chionn ’s nach eil aca ach roghainnean adhartach. Cha deach %u mòideal a shealltainn a chionn ’s nach eil aca ach roghainnean adhartach. &Mu dheidhinn&Uidheaman-smachd adhartach&Fosgladh faidhle adhartach…&Cuir an sàsCo-mheas an &deilbh&Fuaim&Sguir dheth&Caibideal&Falamhaich&DùinFiosrachadh mun &chodec&Lean air adhart&Beàrr&DeinterlaceModh &deinterlace&DiosgÈ&ifeachdan is criathragan&Cuir sa chiutha&Nas luaithe&Faidhle&Làn-sgrìn&Eadar-aghaidh làn-sgrìnC&oitcheann&SiuthadC&obhairFalaic&h cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC o bhàr nan saothairMeuda&ich àirde na fuaimeGeàrr le&um air adhartStiùiric&h&Meadhan&Teachdaireachdan&Meata-dàta&Mùch&LìonraCha&n eilFosg&ail faidhle…F&osgail meadhananF&osgail iomadh faidhle còmhla…Cl&uich&Cluich&Roghainnean&PrògramFàg an-s&eo&Sùil eile air an tionndadh&Reandaraiche&Ath-shuidhich na roghainnean&Sàbhail&Sàbhail am meata-dàta&Sàbhail mar…&Lorg:&Tagh&TòisichModh &stereo&Sguir dheth&Sruthaich&Sruth…Sioncronachadh an &tracaRèiteachadh &VLM&Video&Sealladh&Fir chlis&Tha&Sùm(dàil air)(air deifreachadh) (a’ bhun-roghainn à comas) (a’ bhun-roghainn an comas).*… (mar DVB-S)11.712 MHz10 MHz10 bits11025 Hz16000 Hz176400 Hz192000 Hz1:1 Tùsail1:2 Leth1:4 Cairteal1:Faidhle2 phas22050 Hz24000 Hz2:1 Dùbailte32000 Hz4000 Hz44100 Hz48000 Hz4:2:04:2:24:4:45 MHz6 MHz7 MHz8 MHz8000 Hz88200 Hz96000 Hz

Fàilte gu taic cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC


Gheibh thu docamaideadh VLC air làrach-lìn uicipeid VideoLAN.

Ma tha cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC ùr dhut, nach leugh thu
an gearr-chunntas air cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC.

Gheibh thu fiosrachadh mu chleachdadh a’ chluicheadair san sgrìobhainn
"Mar a chluicheas mi faidhlichean le cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC" cuideachd.

A thaobh rudan mar shàbhaladh, iompachadh, tar-chòdadh. còdachadh, muxing is sruthadh, gheibh thu fiosrachadh feumail anns an Streaming Documentation.

Mur eil thu cinnteach mun bhriathrachas, thoir sùil air an stòras eòlais againn.

Airson fiosrachadh mu ath-ghoiridean a’ mheur-chlàir, leugh duilleag nan ath-ghoiridean.


Mus faighnich thu ceist dhinn, saoil an cuir thu sùil air na CÀBHA (Ceistean Àbhaisteach)?

Cuideachd, ’s mathaid gum faigh thu taic air na fòraman, na liostaichean puist no an seanail IRC againn (#videolan air irc.freenode.net) - agus bidh cothrom agad càch a chuideachadh ann cuideachd.

Cum taic ris a’ phròiseact

’S urrainn dhut taic a chumail ri pròiseact VideoLAN ’s tu a’ cur taic ris a’ choimhearsnachd, a’ dealbhadh chraicnean, ag eadar-theangachadh rudan, a’ sgrìobhadh còd ùr ’s a chur fo dheuchainn. No ’s urrainn dhut taic-airgid a thoirt dhuinn, no goireasan. Agus gun teagamh, ’s urrainn cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC dhut a bhrosnachadh do dhaoine eile.

>HHHHHH;#Tha tionndadh ùr de VLC (%1.%2.%3%4) ri fhaighinn.’S ciall dha luach dearbh gu bheil an fhuaim air thoiseach air a’ video’S ciall dha luach dearbh gu bheil na fo-thiotalan air thoiseach air a’ videoDùmhlachadh A/52 na rainse innsginichAAAA; Chaidh teisteanas an òstair AACS ais-ghairm.Dh’fhàillig MMC AACS.AES/EBUALSAGlacadh fuaime ALSARèidio AMVLCCluicheadair mheadhanan VLCEalain ASCIIÀs-chur video ealain ASCIIASF/WMVIon-phortadh de liosta-chluich ASXAVIAVI demuxerAbchasaisMu dheidhinnMu chluicheadair mheadhanan VLCOs cionn a’ videoÀs-chur video luathaichte (tar-chòmhdachadh)Seall na roghainnean adhartach gus an t-uidheam a chur air gleusMòidealan inntrigidhÀs-chur inntrigidhTha mòidealan às-chur inntrigidh a’ cumail smachd air na dòighean air a chuirear na sruthan muxte. Leigidh an roghainn seo leat às-chur inntrigidh sònraichte èigneachadh uair sam bith. Ach ’s mathaid nach bu chòir dhut sin a dhèanamh. ’S urrainn dhut paramadairean bunaiteach a shuidheachadh airson gach às-chur inntrigidh cuideachd.An cunntas a thèid a chleachdadh airson a’ cheangail.AcidAcid JazzAcid PunkAcousticGnìomhGnìomhanCuir an gnìomhCuir gu dol an tar-chòdachadhCuir an gnìomh, no à gnìomh, am fèin-sgèileadh.Cuir an comas caismeachdan mu ùrachaidheanCuir an gnìomh caismeachdan mu ùrachaidheanEarrannan gnìomhachActaireanCuir risCuir faidhle le fo-thiotalan ri&s…Cuir eòlaire ris…Cuir faidhle ris…Cuir pasgan ris…Cuir ion-chur risCuir eadar-aghaidh risCuir faidhle le fo-thiotalan ris…Cuir faidhle le fo-thiotalan ris:Cuir cùlaibh risCuir sgàil risCuir cinn-uidhe ris a-rèir nan dòighean sruthaidh a tha agad. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil am fòrmat co-chòrdail leis an dòigh a tha thu a’ cleachdadh.Cuir suaicheantas risCuir teacsa risCuir ris an liosta-chluichCuir ris…SeòladhSeòladh an fhrithealaiche CDDB a thèid a chleachdadh.Cur air gleus is èifeachdanAdhartachPutain adhartachFosgail faidhle air dòigh adhartach…Roghainnean adhartachWidget adhartachRoghainnean adhartach…Roghainnean adhartachRoghainnean adhartach. Cleachd le faiceall…AfarAfraganaisAlbàinisAlbamNeach-ealain an albaimTarbhachd cluich an albaimA h-uileA h-uile faidhleCeadaich inntrigeadh lìonraidh dha mheata-dàtaCeadaich aon ionstans a-mhàinNa ceadaich aon ionstans a-mhàinAlt+AlternativeAlternative RockAn-còmhnaidhCo-fhreagair ris an &uinneag an-còmhnaidhCàraich an-còmhnaidh&Air uachdar an-còmhnaidhAir uachdar an-còmhnaidhCuir uinneag a’ video air uachdar nan uinneagan eile an-còmhnaidh.Till àirde na fuaime dhan ìre seo an-còmhnaidh:Ri fhaicinn an-còmhnaidhSgrìobh san aon fhaidhle an-còmhnaidhAmbientAmtharaisThachair mearachd nuair a bha sinn a’ lorg ùrachaidhean…AnalogCeàrnIadhaireAnti-FlickeringRaon sam bithDreachCuir ris an fhaidhleCuir ris an fhaidhle, ma tha gin ann, seach a chur ’na àite.AplacaidGrad-iuchair air ìre na h-aplacaidAplacaideanAquaArabaisArabais (ISO 8859-6)Arabais (Windows-1256)A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson gach roghainn aig cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC ath-shuidheachadh?AirmeinisNeach-ealainMeata-dàta an neach-ealainURL na h-obrach-ealainA’ dìreadhFaighnich dhìomIarr poileasaidh an lìonraidh aig an toiseachCo-mheas an deilbhCo-mheas an deilbhCo-mheas an deilbh (4:3, 16:9). Ma dh’fhàgas tu ann a’ bhun-roghainn, gheibhear piogsailean ceàrnagach.Roghnaichear co-mheas an deilbhCo-mheas an deilbh: %sAsamaisCeanglachanIon-chur ceanglachainThoir ionnsaighFuaim&Uidheam fuaime&Traca fuaimeCD fuaimeCD fuaime - Traca %02iUidheam CD fuaimeIon-chur CD fuaimeDàil na fuaimeUidheam fuaimeUidheam fuaime: %sAudio ESÈifeachdan fuaimeÈifeachdan fuaime…Faidhlichean fuaimeRoghainnean fuaimeSpatializer fuaimeTraca fuaimeFuaim is fo-thiotalanGlacadh fuaime (ALSA)Codec fuaimeCodecs fuaimeRèiteachadh na fuaimeDàil na fuaime a-bhànDàil na fuaime an àirdeAinm an inneil fhuaimeDh’fhàillig criathradh na fuaimeCriathragan fuaimeThathar a’ cleachdadh criathragan fuaime gus sruth na fuaime a làimhseachadh.Tarbhachd fuaimeCànan na fuaimeMòideal às-chur na fuaimeCeum àirde fuaim an às-chuirRoghainnean na fuaimeTraca fuaimeID traca na fuaimeSioncronachadh traca na fuaime:Traca fuaime: %sFir chlis fuaimeFuaim/VideoÙghdarMeata-dàta an ùghdairÙghdaranFèin-obrachailFèin-cheangalAth-cheangail gu fèin-obrachailAir thuaiream gu fèin-obrachailFèin-fhuasgladhFèin-tòiseachadhFèin-chluich de nithean ùraAutodelFèin-obrachailLorg ùrachaidhean gu fèin-obrachailCluich susbaint na liosta-chluich turas a chaidh a luchdadh.Ath-cheangail ris an t-sruth gu fèin-obrachail ma bhriseas an ceangal gu h-obann.Fèin-sgèilich a’ videoAvantgardeAvestanaisAymaraAsarbaideànaisLùb A→BIon-phortadh de liosta-chluich B4SAir aisCùlaibhDath a’ chùlaibhTrìd-dhoilleireachd a’ chùlaibhDath a’ chùlaibhDubharachd a’ chùlaibhBackspaceAir aisBaltach (Laideann-7)Baltach (Windows-1257)Toirt air falbh bannachadhLeud-bannaBun-phortBashkirBunasachBasgaisBassBi sàmhachBebobGiùlanBealaruisisBeangailisAn tè as fheàrr a tha ri làimhBig BandPutan mòrBihariBislamaReat bhiodanReat bhiodan (kb/s)Biodan gach sampallDubhSgrìnichean dubha sa mhodh làn-sgrìnSgrìnichean dubha sa mhodh làn-sgrìnIon-chur Blackmagic DeckLink SDICo-measgaichBlu-rayTha an diosga Blu-ray coirbte.Taic le diosga Blu-ray (libbluray)Mearachd Blu-rayClàran-taice Blu-rayGormBluegrassBluesSgrìn ghormBobComharra-leabhairComharran-lìn %iComharran-leabhairComharran-leabhair…BosnaisIuchair a’ cheannairdBunBun clìBun deasBreatnaisSoilleirSoilleireachdSoilleireachd ─ sìosStairsneach na soilleireachdSoilleireachd ─ suasStairsneach na soilleireachdGluais na h-uile gun bheulaibhCraoladhCraoladh: Inneacs AVI briste no a dhìthBrabhsaichBrabhsaich…Brabhsair ─ air aisBrabhsair ─ AnnsachdanBrabhsair ─ Air adhartBrabhsair ─ DhachaighBrabhsair ─ Ath-nuadhaichBrabhsair ─ LorgBrabhsair ─ StadMeud a’ bhufairTog inneacs is cluich e an uairsinBulgairisBurmaisDì-dhùmhlachadh Burrows-Wheeler’S urrainn dhut VLC a stiùireadh leis an Apple Remote a ghnàth.BaidhtgdI&ompaich / SàbhailCC 608/708CDFrithealaiche CDDBPort an fhrithealaiche CDDB a thèid a chleachdadh.Port CDDBCDG demuxerCabaretCàballParamadairean glacadh càbaill agus saideilTasglannadhSguir dhethCha ghabh an rèiteachadh a shàbhaladhCha ghabh a sgrìobhadh san fhaidhle %1: %2.CanabhasComasanGlac&An t-uidheam glacaidhDh’fhàillig an glacadhModh glacaidhGlac sruth na fuaime ann an stereo.CartùnCatalanaisRoinn-seòrsaCeilteachCeilteach (Laideann-8)MeadhanChamorroAtharraichAtharraich an grad-iuchairAtharraich sealladh na liosta-chluichAtharraich an dòigh air a thèid meadhanan an cur san tasgadanAtharraich na modhan lùbaidh is ath-dhèanaimhAtharraich àm tòiseachadh a’ mheadhainAtharraich an tiotal a-rèir a’ mheadhain làithrichAinm na seanailSeanaileanCo mheud seanailSeanailean:ChansonCaibidealCaibideal %iDeideanaisThoir sùil &airson ùrachadh…Thoir sùil airson ùrachadh…Thoir sùil airson ùrachaidhean VLCChichewa; NyanjaSìnisTaghTagh faidhleTagh faidhle meadhain no barrachd dhiubh gus am fosgladhTagh an t-eòlaire no ainm an fhaidhle far an dèid na clàir a stòradh.Tagh am pasgan a bu mhath leat glacan nam videothan agad a shàbhaladh.Tagh…Rap ChrìostaidhChromaSlàbhais na h-EaglaiseChuvash&FalamhaichDùi&nRòc clasaigeachClasaigeachSgioblaichFalamhaichFalamhaich an liostaFalamhaich an liosta-chluichBriog air gus puing B a shuidheachadhBriog air gus toglachadh eadar an ùine a dh’fhalbh ’s an ùine a tha air fhàgailBriog air gus toglachadh eadar “lùb a h-uile”, “lùb aonan” agus “gun lùb”Briog air gus toglachadh eadar an ùine iomlan ’s an ùine a tha air fhàgailPort a’ chliantTùs an uaireadairClònClònaich criathrag a’ videoDùin an uinneagDùin gu treidhe an t-siostaimFo-thiotalan dùinteFo-thiotalan dùinte %uFo-thiotalan dùinte 1Fo-thiotalan dùinte 2Fo-thiotalan dùinte 3Fo-thiotalan dùinte 4ClubaCodecMion-fhiosrachadh mun chodecChan eil taic ris a’ chodec seoCodecsCodecs / MuxersDathÀs-tharraing dathaDath nan teachdaireachdanSgeama nan dathanStairsneach an dathaDathanColbhanComedyCommand+BeachdanAir a thrusadh le %s %s (%s) Trusaiche: %s Coilean MRL airson VLC inntearnailCo-phàirtSgrìobhaiche-ciùilCompositeDùmhlaichearRèiteachadh a’ chraicinn mu dheireadh a chaidh a chleachdadhRèitich na grad-iuchraicheanConsoilSoithichean (*.ps *.ts *.mpg *.ogg *.asf *.mp4 *.mov *.wav *.raw *.flv *.webm)Reat bhiodan na susbainteClàr-taice co-theacsailLean air adhartSruth leantainneachIomsgaradhUidheam-smachdEadar-aghaidhean smachdaidhClàr-taice smachd airson a’ chluicheadairStiùir a’ chluich le iuchraichean mheadhananStiùir a’ chluich leis an Apple Remote&Iompaich / Sàbhail…IompaichIompaich ⁊ sruthaichIompaich / Sruthaich…Dèan lethbhreacCuir lethbhreac dhen URL air an stòr-bhòrdCòir-lethbhreacMeata-dàta na còrach-lethbhreacCòrnaisCorsaisCountryCruthaichCruthaich eòlaireCruthaich eòlaire…Cruthaich pasganCruthaich pasgan…Cruthaich comharra-leabhair ùrCruthaich pròifil ùrCreideasanCròthaisisBeàrrBeàrr aon phiogsail o bhonn a’ videoBeàrr aon phiogsail o thaobh clì a’ videoBeàrr aon phiogsail o thaobh deas a’ videoBeàrr aon phiogsail o bhàrr a’ videoBeàrr: %sCtrl+Ctrl+HCtrl+LCtrl+TCultStats a’ mheadhain / an t-srutha làithrichAstar làithreach na cluich: %1 Briog air gus atharrachadhGnàthaichteC&omharran-leabhair gnàthaichte&Gnàthaich an eadar-aghaidh…Geàrr àsCuairtich na tracaichean fuaimeCuairtich tro na modhan deinterlaceCuairtich co-mheas an deilbh tùsailCuairtich tracaichean nam fo-thiotalCuairtich tro liosta ro-shuidhichte de dh’fhòrmatan bearraidh.Cuairtich tro liosta ro-shuidhichte de co-mheasan deilbh tùsail.Cuairtich tro na h-uidheaman fuaimeCuairtich tro na h-uidheaman fuaime a tha ri làimhCuairtich tron a h-uile trac fuaime (cànain) a tha ri fhaighinn.Cuairtich tron a h-uile traca fo-thiotail a tha ri fhaighinn.Cuairtich bearradh videoCirilis (Windows-1251)SeicisLùghdaich àird&e na fuaimeDC1394UIDHEAMANDSSDTVFo-tiotalan DTVCC %uDVIon-phortadh de liosta-chluich DVBParamadairean DVB-S2Paramadairean glacadh DVB-TDVB-T2 Physical Layer PipeDVDCeàrn DVDUidheam DVDClàir-thaice DVDFo-thiotalan DVDDVD le clàir-thaiceDVD as aonais chlàr-taiceIon-chur DVDnavFaidhle AVI air a mhilleadh no neo-iomlanTaisDannsDanmhairgisDorchaDarkwaveDàtaCeann-làMeata-dàta a’ chinn-làLatha / Mìos / Bliadhna:Sguir dhen làn-sgrìnCuir à gnìomhDeath MetalDeckLinkDì-chòdaichDì-chòdaich aig ìre an demuxerAir dì-chòdachadhBlocaichean air an dì-chòdachadhAm fòrmat dì-chòdaichteDì-chòdaichearanLùghdaichÌslich àirde na fuaimeCuir factar an sgèilidh an lughadBun-roghainnBun-roghainn (Windows-1252)Ìre bhunaiteach de thasglannadhCeàrn DVD bunaiteach.An dì-chòdachadh bunaiteachPoileasaidh bunaiteach an tasgadainUidheaman bunaiteachAn còdachadh bunaiteachAn t-uidheam lèirsinneach bunasachAn sruth bunaiteachSocraich dè an sgrìn a thèid na làn-sgrìnDeinterlaceAm modh deinterlace a thèid a chleachdadh airson pròiseasadh video.Modh deinterlaceDeinterlace dhethDeinterlace airDeinterlacingDàilSguab àsSguab às a h-uile comharra-leabhairSguab às a’ phròifil a thagh thuSguab às a’ phròifil làithreachSguab às an nì a thagh thuSguabaidh seo às an nì a thagh thuSiostam libhrigidhDemuxedMeud dàta demuxedDemuxersThathar a’ cleachdadh Demuxers airson sruthan fuaime is video a sgaradh o chèile.A’ teàrnadhTuairisgeulMeata-dàta an tuairisgeilReat fhrèaman airson a’ ghlacaidh.DesktopGrad-iuchair air ìre an easgaCeann-uidheSuidheachadh a’ chinn-uidheFaidhle cinn-uidhe:Taghadh an uidheimAinm an uidheimRoghainnean an uidheimUidheam:UidheamanÀireamh LNB DiSEqCCòmhradhPuing còd DiffServTelebhisean is rèidio digiteachCraoladh digiteachDirectXStiùiricheEòlaireAm pasgan no ainm an fhaidhle far an dèid na clàir a stòradhCuir à comasCuir clàir-thaice nan DVD à comasCuir clàir-thaice nan diosg à comasCuir à comas an sàbhalaiche-sgrìnCuir à comas an sàbhalaiche-sgrìn fhad ’s a tha video ’ga chluich.DiosgTaghadh diosgUidheam diosgaÀireamh an diosgaTilg air falbhAir an t-sitig (coirbte)Aithris-àichidhDiscoDiosganTaisbeanadhNa roghainnean seallaidhSeall an tùs marSeall co-mheas an deilbhSeall gu h-ionadailSeall craobh na liosta-chluichMeud taisbeanaidhSeall an t-às-churSeall ro-shealladh a’ ghlacaidh ann an oisean clì aig bàrr na sgrìn.Seall an sruth gu h-ionadailSeall tiotal a’ video os cionn an fhilm.Seall a’ video ann an uinneag le craiceann air ma tha gin annSeall ro-shealladh glacadh a’ videoAir a shealltainnFrèaman ’gan sealltainnNa cluich eNa dèan dadA bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson sgur dhen fho-sgrìobhadh aig %1?A bheil thu airson leantainn air far an do stad thu roimhe?Docaich uidheam-smachd na làn-sgrìnDocaich/neo-dhocaich uidheam-smachd na làn-sgrìn ri/o bhonn na sgrìnLiosta-chluich dhocaichteDolby SurroundMeud dùbailteDèan briogadh dùbailte airson fiosrachadh mun mheadhanDèan briogadh dùbailte gus leum a ghearradh gu puing ama shònraichteSìosLuchdaich a-nuas ealain còmhdachaidhBha am faidhle “%s” a luchdaich thu a-nuas coirbte agus chaidh a sguabadh às ri linn sin.DreamLeig às meadhan an-seoAir tuiteam (gun leantainn air adhart)TioramCaochagCaochag a dh’ion-churDumpaich an t-ion-chur amhFaidFaid ann an dioganDuitsisDùmhlaichear na rainse innsginichDzongkhaÀ&s-phortaichES IDTaobh Sear na Roinn-Eòrpa (Laideann-2)Taobh Sear na Roinn-Eòrpa (Windows-1250)Ceòl aotromOirDeasaichDeasaich na comharran-leabhairDeasaich an t-ion-churRoghainnean deasachaidhDeasaich a’ phròifil a thagh thuRoghainnean deasachaidhÈifeachdanLiosta nan èifeachdanA-mach leis an diosgAn ùine a dh’fhalbhElectronicÒrdugh nan eileamaideanLeabaich brabhsair nam faidhle ann an còmhradh fosgailteLeabaich às-chur a’ video sa phrìomh eadar-aghaidh.LeabaichteVideo leabaichteFalamhCuir an comasCuir clàir-thaice nan DVD an comasCuir an comas tagraidhean Last.fmCuir an comas OSDCuir an comas On Screen Display (OSD)Cuir an comas an spatializerCuir an comas sìneadh-ama dhen fhuaimCuir an fhuaim an comasCuir an comas dùmhlaichear na rainse innsginichCuir na fo-thiotalan an comasCuir an comas sìneadh-ama dhen fhuaimCuir an comas èifeachdan na trìd-shoilleireachdCuir video an comasCapsaileadhDòigh capsaileachaidhAir a chòdachadh leCrìochnaichBeurlaCuir nithean air an liosta-chluich ma bhios e sa mhodh aon-ionstansEnterCuir URL an-seo…Cuir a-steach URL a’ phod-chraolaidh airson fo-sgrìobhadh thuige:Cuir a-steach ainm airson an eòlaire ùir:Cuir a-steach ainm airson a’ phasgain ùir:InnteartEapasodCothromaicheCothromaiche le 10 bannanMearachdThachair mearachd rè sàbhaladh a’ metaMearachd:MearachdanMearachdan is rabhaidheanMearachdan is rabhaidhean…EscEsperantoEsperanto (Laideann-3)RiatanachEastonaisEthnicEuro-TechnoEurodanceGach Fàg an làn-sgrìnDèan fàgail mur eil dad air fhàgail air an liosta-chluich.Sgaradair leudachÀs-phortaich SDP mar fhaidhleM3U leudaichtePanail leudaichteLeudachainMòidealan a bharrachd na h-eadar-aghaidhMeadhan a bharrachdChì thu meata-dàta a bharrachd is fiosrachadh eile air a’ phanail seo. Às-tharraingF1F10F11F12F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FLAC demuxerRèidio FMFPSCunntas FTPIon-chur FTPFactarCha b’ urrainn dhuinn “%s” fhosgladh airson sgrìobhadh annFàrothaisLuathFast FusionSireadh luathNas luaitheNas luaithe (mean air mhean)B’ fheàrr leam luaths seach pongalachd nuair a nì mi sireadhFìdisFaidhleFòrmat faidhle:Taghadh faidhleDàimhean nam faidhleFaidhle coirbteCha b’ urrainn dhuinn am faidhle a dhearbhadhNa dàimhean aig leudachain nam faidhleIon-chur faidhleAinmean faidhle:Cha ghabh am faidhle a dhearbhadhAn t-slighe a thèid a chleachdadh gus a’ mhòideal projectM a rèiteachadh.Faidhle/EòlaireFaidhle/PasganAinm an fhaidhleFaidhlicheanGràinneachadh filmFilm NTSC (IVTC)CriathragCriathrag:CriathraganFionnlainnisGu meud na sgrìnA’ càradh an inneics AVI…RèidhPutan rèidhDèan flip còmhnardDèan flip inghearachAir fleòd air uachdarPasganMeata-dàta a’ phasgainFolkFolk-RockLean ris an luchagCruth-clòRoghainnean a’ chruth-chlòDath a’ chruth-chlòClàr-taice nan cruthan-clòMeud a’ chruth-chlòMeud a’ chruth-chlò ann am piogsaileanMeud a’ chruth-chlò, piogsaileanAn cruth-clò a thèid a chleachdadh sna clàran-taiceAn cruth-clò a thèid a chleachdadh airson tiotalanÈignich co-mheas an deilbhÈignich clò tromÈignich mothachadh dha Dolby SurroundÈignich ioma-chraoladh RTP slighe RTSPÈignich ionad nam fo-thiotalanÈignich ùrachadh de luachan a’ chòmhraidh seoÈignich stoidhle na h-uinneige:Chroma èignichteFoirmFòrmatFòrmataich an t-àm is an ceann-làAir adhartFrèam air fhrèamFrèam air fhrèamReat fhrèamanUidheam bufair fhrèamanAn t-uidheam bufair fhrèaman a chleachdar airson reandaradh (/dev/fb0 a ghnàth).Frèaman gach diogFraingisTricead 1 (Hz)Tricead 1 QTarbhachd triceid 1 (dB)Tricead 2 (Hz)Tricead 2 QTarbhachd triceid 2 (dB)Tricead 3 (Hz)Tricead 3 QTarbhachd triceid 3 (dB)TriceadFrìoslannaisFiùiseHD slàn (1080p)An fhuaim cho àrd ’s a ghabhasBeus slànBeus is trìobailt shlànTrìobailt shlànLàn-sgrìnUidheam-smachd làn-sgrìnUidheam video làn-sgrìnTrìd-dhoilleireachd uidheam-smachd na làn-sgrìn eadar 0.1 agus 1Às-chur làn-sgrìn a’ videoFunkFusionGàidhligGailìsisGeamaGammaGangstaCoitcheannRoghainnean coitcheann na fuaimeRoghainnean coitcheann na fuaimeRoghainnean coitcheann an ion-chuir. Cleachd le faiceall…Giùlan na liosta-chluich san fharsaingeachdNa roghainnean coitcheann airson mòidealan às-chur fuaime.Roghainnean coitcheann às-chur an t-sruthaRoghainnean coitcheann a’ videoSreath às-chur an t-srutha air a ghintinnGnèMeata-dàta a’ ghnèGeomatrasCairtbheilisGearmailtisUile-choitcheannGrad-iuchraichean uile-choitcheannEadar-aghaidh nan grad-iuchraichean uile-choitcheannTarbhachd uile-choitcheannRach gu àmRach a chlàr-taice an DVDRach gu àmGoomÀirde an taisbeanaidh GoomLeud an taisbeanaidh GoomÈifeachd GoomGospelGothicGothic RockCaiseadLiathÀs-chur a’ video air sgèile liathGreugais (ISO 8859-7)Greugais (Windows-1253)GreugaisUaineGraonlannais, KalaallisutBuidheannBuidhneachadhGrungeGuaraníEadaramh geàirdGujaratiDemuxer video H264HD (720p)HD DVDHD-SDIIon-chur HD-SDIHDMIHH'H':mm'm':ss's'.zzzLiosta-chluich HTMLHTTP (bun-roghainn)Dearbhadh HTTPIon-chur HTTPProgsaidh HTTPURL a’ phrogsaidh HTTPFacal-faire progsaidh HTTPSeòladh an fhrithealaiche HTTPPort frithealaiche HTTPHTTP(S)Teisteanas frithealaiche HTTP/TLSPort frithealaiche HTTPSLeth-leudHard RockDì-chòdachadh le luathachadh bathair-chruaidhHeadphone mas-fhìorHeadphonesEabhraEabhra (ISO 8859-8)Eabhra (Windows-1255)ÀirdeCobhairHereroCuir càch am falachFalaich VLCFalaich a’ chuileag is uidheam-smachd na làn-sgrìn an dèidh x mille-dhiogFalaich mearachdan a-mach o seoFalaich cuileag na luchaige is uidheam-smachd na làn-sgrìn an dèidh n mille-dhiog.Falaich an eadar-aghaidh is cuir a’ chluich ’na stad.Modh rangachdÀrdTricead àrd (Hz)Tarbhachd triceid àird (dB)Foillidheachd àrdPrìomhachas àrdFoillidheachd nas àirdeHindisHip-HopHiri MotuDhachaighEarrann a bharrachd airson Hong Kong (HKSCS)Hop Limit (TTL)Còmhnard (18V)ÒstairGrad-iuchraicheanGrad-iuchairAtharrachadh grad-iuchrachGrad-iuchraicheanEadar-aghaidh rianachd nan grad-iuchraicheanRoghainnean nan grad-iuchraicheanUairean / Mionaidean / Diogan:HouseTuarÀbhachdasUngairisIon-p&hortaichIDFrith-àireamh IDIon-chur camara digitich (FireWire)EADAR-LÌONSeòladh IPParamadairean ISDB-SParamadairean glacadh ISDB-TInnis TìlisMura nochd dad, thoir sùil air a’ cheangal agad ris an eadar-lìon.Ma mhothaichear do chonaltradh fuaime, thèid na tha ’ga chluich a chur ’na stad gu fèin-obrachail.Ma tha thu airson sruth ioma-chraolaidh fhosgladh, cuir a-steach an seòladh IP a gheibh thu o sholaraiche an t-srutha. Sa mhodh aon-chraolaidh, cleachdaidh VLC IP an inneil agad gu fèin-obrachail. Gus sruth fhosgladh le pròtacal eile, briog air “Sguir dheth” gus an siota seo a dhùnadh.Ma dh’fheumas am progsaidh HTTP agad facal-faire, suidhich an-seo e.Ma tha URL dligheach air an stòr-bhòrd agad no slighe gu faidhle air a’ choimpiutair agad, thèid a thaghadh gu fèin-obrachail.Leig seachadLeig seachad putain a’ mheur-chlàir airson àirde na fuaime.DealbhGleusadh an deilbhGleusadh an deilbhDemuxer nan dealbhMasg an deilbhMeudaichCuir an àirde an fhuaimCuir factar an sgèilidh an àirdeClàr-amaisInnd-InnsisIndustrialFiosrachadhFiosrachadh mu na tha sa mheadhan no san t-sruth agad. Tha muxer, fuaim, video codecs is fo-thiotalan ’gan sealltainn.Fiosrachadh…Fo-dheargA’ tòiseachadhIon-churRoghainnean ion-chuir ⁊ nan codecsIon-chur/CodecsReat bhiodan an ion-chuirA’ chairt ion-chuir a thèid a chleachdadhDh’atharraich an t-ion-churIon-chur/Air a leughadhIon-chur:Cuir a-steachCuir a-steach diosgStàlaichIonnsramaideachPop ionnsramaideachRoc ionnsramaideachAmalaich a’ video san eadar-aghaidhDèineDèine na buaidh sepiaSùm eadar-ghnìomhachEadar-aghaidhRoghainnean na h-eadar-aghaidhMòideal na h-eadar-aghaidhStoidhle na h-eadar-aghaidhInterlinguaInterlingueEadar-lìonInuktitutInupiaqMeasgachadh mì-dhligheachSoidhneadh mì-dhligheachAis-thionndaidh nan dathanGaeilgeEadailtisIon-chur JACKIon-chur fuaime JACKSeapanaisSeapanais (7-bits JIS/ISO-2022-JP-2)Seapanais (Shift JIS)Seapanais Unix (EUC-JP)DeàbhanaisJazzJazz+FunkGeàrr leu&m air aisGeàrr leum gu àm &sònraichteJungleKVAKannadaKaraokeParsair Kasenna MediaBaseDual-chainnt Kasenna RTSPTha frithealaichean Kasenna a’ cleachdadh seann dual-chainnt neo-stannardach de RTSP. Leis a’ pharamadair seo, feuchaidh VLC ris an dual-chainnt seo ach chan urrainn dha ceangal ri frithealaichean àbhaisteach RTSP an uairsin.CaismirisCasachaisGlèidh nithean a chaidh an cluich o chionn ghoiridGlèidh co-mheas an deilbhGlèidh àirde na fuaime eadar seiseananGlèidh am faidhle làithreachGlèidh traca tùsail na fuaimeGlèidh am meud tùsailGlèidh an traca video tùsailIuchair: CmèarKikuyuKinyarwandaCìorgasaisRèideas na glùineKomiCoirèanaisCoirèanais (EUC-KR/CP949)Coirèanais (ISO-2022-KR)KuanyamaCùrdaisLEABHARLANNLÌONRA IONADAILDì-dhùmhlachadh LZMACànanCànan traca na fuaime a bu toigh leat (le cromagan eatarra, còdan dhùthchannan a tha a dhà no trì litrichean a dh’fhaid; ’s urrainn dhut “none” a chleachdadh ma tha thu airson seachnadh gun cleachdar cànan eile mar fallback).Cànan traca nam fo-thiotalan bu toigh leat (le cromagan eatarra, còdan dhùthchannan a tha a dhà no trì litrichean a dh’fhaid; ’s urrainn dhut “any” a chleachdadh mar fallback).LàthoMòrTalla mòrNas mothaSgrùdadh mu dheireadh: %@LaideannLaitbheisA’ cur air bhog iarrtas airson ùrachadh…Fàg an làn-sgrìnClìLeig leis a’ video sgèileadh ri meud uinneige no làn-sgrìn.LetzeburgeschCeadachasLiomaideagLoidhne 1:Loidhne 2:LoidhneachLingalaCeangal #Liosta de dh’fhaclan le | eatarra airson an criathradhLuchd-èisteachdLiotuainisBeòCòmhdhail sruth Live555Lo-FiLuchdaichLuchdaich na leudachain aig an toiseachA’ luchdadh a’ flowplayer…Lìonra ionadailCruinnich stats gu h-ionadailIonadÀite:Glais co-mheas an deilbhLogin:passSuaicheantasDubh às an suaicheantasAinmean faidhle nan suaicheantasLeum mòr air aisLeum fada air adhartLeum fadaLeum fada, ann an diogan.ColtasLùbLùb / Ath-chluichSìor-lùb o phuing A gu puing B Dèan briogadh gus a’ phuing A a shuidheachadhLùb o phuing A gu puing B gun sgur.Lùb: %sAir challBufairean air challFrèaman air an callÌosalDeifinisean ìseal (360 loidhne)Tricead ìseal (Hz)Tarbhachd triceid ìseil (dB)Foillidheachd ìsealFoillidheachd as ìsleLuaObair-ealain LuaLua CLILeudachan LuaLua HTTPLua Meta FetcherLua Meta ReaderLiosta-chluich LuaMòideal SD LuaLua TelnetEadar-theangadair LuaNa facailDemuxer camara M-JPEGLiosta-chluich M3UIon-phortadh de liosta-chluich M3ULiosta-chluich M3U8MOD demuxer (libmodplug)MP4Demuxer sruth MP4Video MPEG-4Demuxer video MPEG-I/IIFuaim MPEG-I/II/4 / A52 / DTS / MLPMPEG-PSMRLMTPUidheam MTPUidheaman MTPIon-chur MTPAN COIMPIUTAIR AGAMEadar-aghaidh Mac OS XMasadonaisMeudachadh/SùmPrìomh-bhàr-innealA’ phrìomh-uinneag…Prìomh eadar-aghaidheanRoghainnean nam prìomh eadar-aghaidhThoir tabhartas…Meudachadh ath-bhuannachaidhMalagasyMalaidhisMalayalamMaltaisGaelgMāoriMarathiCiar-dhonnCànan MharshallMasgDemuxer sruth MatroskaAn ìre as mothaMeadhanFiosrachadh a’ &mheadhainMeadhan ─ CeàrnMeadhan ─ Traca fuaimeFaidhlichean meadhainMeadhan ─ Air adhartFiosrachadh nam meadhananFiosrachadh nam meadhanan…Leabhar-lann nam meadhananTionndadh Media ManagerLiosta Media ManagerMeadhan ─ Clàr-taiceMeadhan ─ An ath-fhrèamMeadhan ─ An ath-thracaMeadhan ─ Cuir ’na stadMeadhan ─ Am frèam roimheMeadhan ─ An traca roimheMeadhan ─ ClàraichMeadhan ─ Ath-dhèanMedia Resource Locator (MRL)Meadhan ─ Toinn air aisMeadhan ─ TaghMeadhan ─ Air thuaireamMeadhan ─ StadMeadhan ─ Fo-thiotalMeadhan ─ ÀmMeadhan ─ SeallMeud dàta a’ mheadhainMeadhan: %sMeòmhrachailMeadhanachLeum meadhanach air aisLeum meadhanach air adhartLeum meadhanachLeum meadhanach, ann an diogan.Mega bassCutoff a’ mega bassÌre a’ mega bassClàr-taicePriob-uinneag clàir-thaiceTiotal a’ chlàir-thaiceCànan nan clàr-taice:Àirde a’ mhogailLeud a’ mhogailTeachdaireachdanTeachdaireachdan…Meta+Meata-dàtaMetalMea&nbh-eadar-aghaidhEadar-aghaidh Mac OS X as lughaSgàthanaichMeasgachadhRoghainnean eileMeasgachadh de roghainnean is mòidealan fuaime.Tha faidhle rèiteachadh AACS a dhìth!ModhModailCraobh nam mòidealanMoldobhaisMongolaisMonoBarrachd fiosrachaidh…Mothachadh do ghluasadSgleò gluasaidMothachadh do ghluasadPuing dìridhGluasadan na luchaigeCuibhle na luchaige ─ SìosCuibhle na luchaige ─ ClìCuibhle na luchaige ─ DeasCuibhle na luchaige ─ SuasGluais dhan sgudal iad is cuir gu dol VLC a-rithistIoma-chraoladhMusePack demuxerMusicalMùchMùch an fhuaim.Uidheam-smachd MuxMuxer:MuxersCruthaichidh muxers na fòrmatan capsaileachaidh air a bheil feum gus na sruthan bunasach uile a chur còmhla (video, fuaim…). Leigidh an roghainn seo leat muxer sònraichte èigneachadh uair sam bith. Ach ’s mathaid nach bu chòir dhut sin a dhèanamh. ’S urrainn dhut paramadairean bunaiteach a shuidheachadh airson gach muxer cuideachd.An coimpiutair agamCeòlDealbhanVideothan&Astar àbhaisteachN/AAinmAinm:Folk nàiseantaNative AmericanSleamhnaiche tùsanachNabhruNavajoSeòl sìosSeòl dhan taobh chlìSeòl dhan taobh deasSeòl suasGorm a’ chabhlaichEadar-aghaidh NcursesNdebele ThuathachNdebele DheasachNdongaAir adhar&tRach as àicheadh nan dathNeapàlaisLìonraPoileasaidh an inntrigidh dhan lìonraPròtacal an lìonraidhAithnichear lìonraidhRoghainnean an lìonraidhSruthan lìonraidh (SAP)Chan ann idirNa càraich idirNew AgeNew WaveCeann-uidhe ùrPròifil ùrIon-phortadh de Winamp 5.2 Shoutcast ùrAir adhartAir adhartAn ath-chaibideal/tiotalAn ath-chaibidealAn ath-fhrèamAn ath-mheadhan air an liosta-chluichAn ath-mheadhan air an liosta-chluich, geàrr leum air adhart ma chumar eAn ath-thiotalChan eil fo-thiotal sam bith gnìomhachCha deach sgrùdadh a dhèanamh fhathast.Chan eil tuairisgeul air a’ chodec seoGun chlàir-thaice dhiosganGun ion-churCha deach mòideal iomchaidh a lorg. Cleachd --list no --list-verbose gus mòidealan a tha ri làimh fhaicinn.Cha deach ionstans de v4l2 a lorg. Dèan cinnteach gun deach an t-uidheam fhosgladh le VLC ’s gu bheil e ’ga chluich. Nochdaidh na h-uidheaman-smachd an-seo leotha fhèin.Cha deach teisteanas òstair dligheach a lorg san fhaidhle rèiteachadh AACS.Cha deach iuchair pròiseasaidh dhligheach a lorg san fhaidhle rèiteachadh AACS.FaramChan eil ginLochlannach (Laideann-6)ÀbhaisteachMeud àbhaisteachReat àbhaisteachÀbhaisteach/Lùbadh/Ath-chluichÀbhaistich àirde na fuaime gu:Sàmais ThuathachNirribhisNirribhis, BokmålNirribhis, NynorskGun a shuidheachadhAn aire:’Ga chluich an-dràstaNullSoft demuxerCo mheud tracaUiread a sheanailean fuaimeÀireamh de chlònaicheanÀireamh de cholbhanThoir sùil airson ùrachadh an dèidh uireid seo de làitheanCo mheud frèam (eadar 0 is 100)Àireamh de ràghanNuv demuxerOGG demuxerCeart ma-thàOSSIon-chur OSSOgsatanais; ProvençalDhethFrith-àireamhan ann an òrdughOgg/OGM muxerOgg/OgmOldiesDonn-uaineAirTaisbeanadh air an sgrìnAonTreòrachadh air loidhne…Fòram air loidhne…DubharachdTrìd-dhoilleireachdFosgailFosgail i&nneal glacaidh…Fosgail &diosga…Fosg&ail faidhle…Fosg&ail pasgan…Fosgail ionad on &stòr-bhòrdFosgail sr&uth lìonraidh…&Fosgail lìonra…Meadhanan a bha &fosgailte o chionn goiridFosgail uidheam glacaidh…Fosgail &eòlaire…Fosgail eòlaireFosgail diosga…Fosgail am faidhleFosgail faidhle…Fosgail pasganFosgail meadhanFosgail lìonra…Fosgail sruth RTP/UDPFosgailte o chionn ghoiridFosgail tùsFosgail URLFosgail rèiteachadh VLM…Fosgail meadhanFosgail faidhle craicinnFosgail meadhan…Fosgail liosta-chluichFosgail liosta-chluich…Fosgail na fo-thiotalanFosgail na fo-thiotalan…’Ga fhosgladhOparaFilleadh a-steach san t-siostam-obrachaidhSDI lèirsinneachDraibh lèirsinneachSuidheachadh nan roghainneanRoghainneanTùsailAm fòrmat tùsailAn ID tùsailNeach-cluich tùsailAm meud tùsailFuaim thùsailOriyaOromoOssetian; OsseticEileOir-loidhneTighead na h-oir-loidhneDath na h-oir-loidhneDubharachd na h-oir-loidhneTighead na h-oir-loidhneÀs-churÀirde an deilbh às-chuir (canabhas)Leud an deilbh às-chuir (canabhas)Àirde an às-chuirMòideal an às-chuir:Mòideal an às-chuirÀs-chur a’ video air sgèile liath. A chionn ’s nach dèid fiosrachadh nan dathan a chòdachadh, caomhnaidh seo comas pròiseasaidh dhut.Leud an às-chuirÀs-chur:’S e comas luathachadh bathar-cruaidh na cairte video agad a tha san tar-chòmhdachadh (an comas video a reandaradh gu dìreach). Feuchaidh VLC ri a chleachdadh a ghnàth.Cuir na fo-thiotalan air uachdar a’ videoTar-chòmhdaich às-chur a’ videoTar-chòmhdachadhLeig seachad na paramadaireanSgrìobh thairis airSgrìobh thairis air an fhaidhle làithreach&CluichP/PIon-phortadh de liosta-chluich PLSPacaidicheanThèid na pacaidichean a chleachdadh gus na sruthan bunasach a ro-ullachadh mus dèid am muxaigeadh. Leigidh an roghainn seo leat pacaidiche sònraichte èigneachadh uair sam bith. Ach ’s mathaid nach bu chòir dhut sin a dhèanamh ’S urrainn dhut paramadairean bunaiteach a shuidheachadh airson gach pacaidiche cuideachd.Duilleag sìosDuilleag suasPaliPanjabiPanoramixPàrtaidhFacal-faireFacal-faire:Cuir annSligheAn t-slighe gu pasgan ro-shocrachadh projectMAn t-slighe dhan chraiceann a thèid a chleachdadh.Cuir ’na stadCuir gach nì air an liosta-chluich ’na stad san fhrèam mu dheireadh.Cuir ’na stad nuair a thig conaltradh fuaime a-steachCuir ’na stad san fhrèam mu dheireadh de videoNa dèan ach cur ’na stadCuir a’ chluich ’na stad nuair a bhios e lùghdaichteCuir ’na stad’Na stadRoghainnean an dèanadaisLuchd-cluichPeirsisFosforDealbhCo-mheas an deilbh n:mPìleatAn t-àite far am faicear an tiotal (sa mheadhan aig a’ bhun a ghnàth).CluichCluich Ma tha an liosta-chluich falamh, fosgail meadhanCluich is fàgCluich is cuir ’na stadCluich is stadCluich meadhan eile aig an aon àmCluich meadhan eile aig an aon àm (faidhle fuaim eile, …)Cluich e mar a tha eCluich faidhlichean air thuaiream gu sìorraidh bràthNa dèan ach cluichCluich comharra-leabhair 1 na liosta-chluichCluich comharra-leabhair 10 na liosta-chluichCluich comharra-leabhair 2 na liosta-chluichCluich comharra-leabhair 3 na liosta-chluichCluich comharra-leabhair 4 na liosta-chluichCluich comharra-leabhair 5 na liosta-chluichCluich comharra-leabhair 6 na liosta-chluichCluich comharra-leabhair 7 na liosta-chluichCluich comharra-leabhair 8 na liosta-chluichCluich comharra-leabhair 9 na liosta-chluich&Liosta-chluichCluich/Cuir ’na stadCluichPutain cluichReat na cluicheAstar na cluicheUidheam-smachd na cluichDh’fhàillig a chluichAstar na cluicheAir a chluichBufairean air an cluichCluicheadair…An liosta-chluichFaidhlichean na liosta-chluichFaidhlichean liosta-chluich |Colbhan clàr na liosta-cluichAn liosta-chluich agus ionstansanComharra-leabhair 1 na liosta-chluichComharra-leabhair 10 na liosta-chluichComharra-leabhair 2 na liosta-chluichComharra-leabhair 3 na liosta-chluichComharra-leabhair 4 na liosta-chluichComharra-leabhair 5 na liosta-chluichComharra-leabhair 6 na liosta-chluichComharra-leabhair 7 na liosta-chluichComharra-leabhair 8 na liosta-chluichComharra-leabhair 9 na liosta-chluichLiosta-chluich…Cuir a-steach URL lìonraidh:Cuir a-steach ainm-cleachdaiche is facal-faire dligheach airson na h-àrainn %s.Cuir a-steach ainm-cleachdaiche is facal-faire dligheach.Cuir a-steach ainm ùr na pròifile.Plu&gain is leudachainPlugainPlugain is leudachainÙghdar a’ phod-chraolaidhRoinn-seòrsa a’ phod-chraolaidhCòir-lethbhreac a’ phod-chraolaidhFaid a’ phod-chraolaidhFiosrachadh air a’ phod-chraoladhFaclan-luirg a’ phod-chraolaidhCeangal a’ phod-chraolaidhLatha foillseachadh a’ phod-chraolaidhMeud a’ phod-chraolaidhFo-roinn-seòrsa a’ phod-chraolaidhFo-thiotal a’ phod-chraolaidhGearr-chunntas a’ phod-chraolaidhSeòrsa a’ phod-chraolaidhLiosta URLaichean nam pod-chraoladhParsair pod-chraolaidhPod-chraolaidheanPòlainnisPolkaPopPop-FolkPop/FunkPortAm port a thèid a chleachdadh airson tùs RTSP an t-seiseinPortagailisIonadIonad tiotal a’ videoGiullachd an dèidh làimhCàileachd na giullachd an dèidh làimhPostairichÌre a’ phostaireachaidhPranksAi&r aisPreampPreamp:RoghainneanCha b’ urrainn dhuinn faidhle nan roghainnean a shàbhaladhRoghainnean…An cànan as fheàrr leat airson fuaimAn cànan as fheàrr leat airson fuaim:An cànan as fheàrr leat airson fo-thiotalanDùmhlachd-bhreacaidh a’ video a bu toigh leatRo-chriathraichRo-leasachanRo-luchdaich faidhlichean MKV san dearbh-eòlaireRo-sheataBrùth iuchraichean ùra airson “%@”Air aisRo-sheallAir aisAir aisAn caibideal/tiotal roimheAn caibideal roimheAm meadhan roimhe air an liosta-chluichAm meadhan roimhe air an liosta-chluich, geàrr leum air ais ma chumar eAn tiotal roimheClò-bhuailPrìobhaideachd / Eadar-ghnìomhachd lìonraidhPoileasaidh na prìobhaideachd ’s an inntrigidh dhan lìonraRiochdairePròifilAinm na pròifilePrògramTreòir prògraimPrògramanProgressive RockPròtacalSusbaint thùsail an t-solaraichePsychedelicPsychedelic RockFoillsichearPunkPurpaidhPashtoGeama tòimhseachainEadar-aghaidh QtQuechuaIon-phortaichear QuickTime Media LinkFàg an-seoFàg VLCFàg an-seo as dèidh cluichFàg an-seo nuair a ruigear deireadh na liosta-chluichR&BIon-phortadh de liosta-chluich RAMRAWRGB32RTP seach RTSP (TCP)Demuxer RTP/RTSP/SDP (a’ cleachdadh Live555)Dearbhadh RTSPSeòladh an fhrithealaiche RTSPPort frithealaiche RTSPInntrigeadh is demux RTSP/RTPRèideasRumainsAir thuaireamChan ann air thuaiream’S ann air thuaireamAir thuaiream: %sRapRangachadhRaveLeugh aig a’ mheadhanLeugh am meata-dàta le sgriobtaichean LuaClàraichClàraich eòlaire no ainm faidhleDeargReggaeGu mì-fhortanach, chan urrainn dhut na h-iuchraichean seo a chleachdadh mar ath-ghoiridean ghrad-iuchraichean.Meud dàimheach a’ chruth-chlòLeig àsSgaoil am foincseanAth-luchdaich na leudachainCuimhnich àirde na fuaimeThoir air falbhThoir air falbh na thagh miA bheil thu airson na seann roghainnean a thoirt air falbh?Thoir air falbh am fo-sgrìobhadh pod-chraolaidh seoThoir ainm ùr air a’ phasgan…Thoir ainm ùr air a’ phasgan…Càirich faidhlichean AVIAth-chluichAth-chluich na h-uileCuir dheth an ath-chluichAth-chluich aonanAth-chluich na h-uileAth-chluich an nì làithreachDàil air an ath-dhèanamh:Ath-dhèan:Tarbhachd na cluichModh tarbhachd na h-ath-chluichModh tarbhachd na h-ath-chluich:RiatanasanAth-shuidhichAth-shuidhich na h-uileAth-shuidhich na roghainneanMeud na h-eadar-aghaidh a-rèir meud tùsail a’ videoMeud na h-eadar-aghaidh a-rèir meud a’ videoDùmhlachd-bhreacaidhAth-thòisich air a’ chluichRetroNochd san lorgairDruim air aisStereo contrarraTill dhan astar chluich àbhaisteachRevivalDeasCuairteaganRocRock & RollFactar roll-offRomàinisCuairtichCuairtich le 180 ceumCuairtich le 270 ceumCuairtich le 90 ceumRàghanRuith mar phròiseas daemonRuith a làimhRuith a-rèir an sgeideilÀm ruithRundiA’ ruith vlc leis an eadar-aghaidh bhunaiteach. Cleachd cvlc gus vlc a chleachdadh as a h-aonais.Ruith VLC mar phròiseas daemon sa chùlaibh.RuisisRuisis (KOI8-R)S&tadastaireachdSAPSDISDI DemuxIon-chur SDISDP URLFacal-faire SOCKSFrithealaiche SOCKSAinm-cleachdaiche SOCKSSVCD/VCDCànan SamothaReat shampallanReat shampallanReat shampallan de shruth na fuaime a tha ri ghlacadh ann an Hz (m.e. 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000))SangoSanskritSàrdaisAzimuth saideilÀirde an t-saideilSàthachdSàbhailSàbhail sam faidhleSàbhail am meata-dàtaSàbhail an liosta-chluichSàbhail an liosta-chluich ann am &faidhle…Sàbhail an liosta-chluich…Sàbhail an rèiteachadh VLM mar…Sàbhail is dùin an còmhradhSàbhail mar fhaidhleSàbhail mar phròifil ùr…Sàbhail mar phròifil ùrSàbhail am faidhle…Sàbhail faidhle an loga mar…Sàbhail an liosta-chluichSàbhail an liosta-chluich…Sàbhail na chluicheadh o chionn goiridSàbhail na rudan a chluich thu o chionn ghoirid sa chlàr-taiceSàbhail…Sàbhail gach loga a tha ri fhaicinn ann am faidhleDh’fhàillig sàbhaladh an fhaidhleSgèileAm factar sgèilidhAir a sgèileadh ris an sgrìn’Ga sganadh…SgeidealSgeideal: SgòpSgòrAir scrambligeadhSgrìnGlacadh-sgrìnScrobbler URLLorgLorg air an liosta-chluichLorg air an liosta-chluichSeusanTaghTagh “Roghainnean adhartach” gus a h-uile roghainn fhaicinn.Tagh a h-uileTagh eòlaireTagh faidhleTagh pasganTagh ion-churTagh às-churTagh uidheam no eòlaire VIDEO_TSTagh uidheam no pasgan VIDEO_TSTagh eòlaireTagh faidhleTagh gnìomh gus an grad-iuchair ud atharrachadh:Tagh ceann-uidhe an t-sruthaTagh an ath-chaibideal dhen DVDTagh an ath-thiotal dhen DVDTagh faidhle, no barrachd dhiubh, gus am fosgladhTagh aon fhaidhle air a’ char as lughaTagh no dèan briogadh dùbailte air gnìomh gus an grad-iuchair a tha naisgte ris atharrachadh. Cleachd an iuchair delete airson grad-iuchraichean a thoirt air falbh.Tagh an caibideal roimhe dhen DVDTagh an tiotal DVD roimheTagh pròifil:Tagh craiceannTagh seòrsa an uidheim ghlacaidhTagh am faidhleTagh an grad-iuchair gus an t-ionad a shealltainn.Tagh an grad-iuchair gus a dhol dhan ath-fhrèam video.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson leum fada a ghearradh air ais.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson leum fada a ghearradh air adhart.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson leum meadhanach a ghearradh air ais.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson leum meadhanach a ghearradh air adhart.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson leum goirid a ghearradh air ais.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson leum goirid a ghearradh air adhart.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson leum glè ghoirid a ghearradh air ais.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson leum glè ghoirid a ghearradh air adhart.Tagh an grad-iuchair gus an aplacaid fhàgail.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson astar na cluich a thilleadh dhan roghainn àbhaisteach.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson sgur de chluich.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson toinneadh air adhart gu luath.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson cluich shlaodach.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson an làn-sgrìn fhàgail.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson rud a chur ’na stad.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson rud a chluich.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson leum a ghearradh dhan ath-rud air an liosta-chluich.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson leum a ghearradh dhan rud roimhe air an liosta-chluich.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson a dhol dhan làn-sgrìn no a fàgail.Tagh an grad-iuchair airson rud a chur ’na stad no leantainn air adhart.Tagh an iuchair gus an rud a thagh thu a chur an gnìomh ann an clàr-taice an DVD.Tagh an iuchair gus an ath-chaibideal dhen DVD a thaghadhTagh an iuchair gus an ath-thiotal dhen DVD a thaghadhTagh an iuchair gus an caibideal roimhe dhen DVD a thaghadhTagh an iuchair gus an tiotal roimhe dhen DVD a thaghadhTagh an iuchair a dh’fhalamhaicheas an liosta-chluich làithreach.Tagh an iuchair gus àirde na fuaime a chur sìos.Tagh an iuchair gus dàil na fuaime a chur a-bhàn.Tagh an iuchair gus dàil nam fo-thiotal a lùghdachadh.Tagh an iuchair gus àirde na fuaime a chur suas.Tagh an iuchair gus dàil na fuaime a chur an àirde.Tagh an iuchair gus dàil nam fo-thiotal a chur an àirde.Tagh an iuchair gus na fo-thiotalan a ghluasad an àirde.Tagh an iuchair gus na fo-thiotalan a ghluasad a-bhàn.Tagh an iuchair gus an fhuaim a mhùchadh.Tagh an iuchair a chluicheas an comharra-leabhair seo.Tagh an iuchair a shuidhicheas an comharra-leabhair seo dhen liosta-chluich.Tagh an iuchair a bheir thu a chlàr-taice an DVDTagh modh tarbhachd na cluichPuirt a thagh thu:Sgar faclan le | (as aonais beàrn)Dèine na sepiaCriathrag video sepiaÀireamhachadh sreath-leanmhainneachSèirbisSeirbheiseanMothachadh do sheirbheiseanTha mòidealan a mhothaicheas do sheirbheisean nan goireasan a chuireas rudan ri liosta-chluich gu fèin-obrachail.SeiseanCleachd &mar phàipear-ballaSuidhich comharra-leabhair 1 na liosta-chluichSuidhich comharra-leabhair 10 na liosta-chluichSuidhich comharra-leabhair 2 na liosta-chluichSuidhich comharra-leabhair 3 na liosta-chluichSuidhich comharra-leabhair 4 na liosta-chluichSuidhich comharra-leabhair 5 na liosta-chluichSuidhich comharra-leabhair 6 na liosta-chluichSuidhich comharra-leabhair 7 na liosta-chluichSuidhich comharra-leabhair 8 na liosta-chluichSuidhich comharra-leabhair 9 na liosta-chluichSuidhich an tarbhachd uile-choitcheann ann an dB (-20 … 20).Suidhich dàimhean…Suidhich tùsan nam meadhanan a thèid a shruthadhSuidhichidh seo facal-faire a’ cheangail mur eil ainm-cleachdaiche no facal-faire air a shuidheachadh san url.Suidhichidh seo ainm-cleachdaiche a’ cheangail mur eil ainm-cleachdaiche no facal-faire air a shuidheachadh san url.RoghainnRoghainneanRoghainnean nan eadar-aghaidhean smachdaidh aig VLCRoghainnean nan eadar-aghaidhean aig VLCRoghainnean airson ion-chur, demultiplexing, dì-chòdachadh is còdachadhRoghainnean airson dì-chòdaichearan is còdaichearan fho-thiotalan, teletext is CC.Na roghainnean airson dì-chòdaichearan is còdaichearan fuaim-a-mhàin.Roghainnean na prìomh eadar-aghaidhRoghainnean airson dì-chòdaichearan is còdaichearan video, deilbh no video ⁊ deilbh.Roghainnean co-cheangailte ri On-Screen-Display, fo-thiotalan agus Overlay SubpicturesRoghainnean a thaobh giùlan na liosta-chluich (m.e. am modh cluich) agus nam mòidealan a chuireas rudan ris an liosta-chluich gu fèin-obrachail (mòidealan a “mhothaicheas do sheirbheisean”).Roghainnean co-cheangailte ris na diofar dòighean gus inntrigeadh a dhèanamh. ’S e roghainnean a’ phrogsaidh HTTP is an tasgadain an fheadhainn a dh’atharraichear gu tric.Roghainnean…Suidhich sgeidealCeàrn na sgàileDath na sgàileAstar na sgàileDubharachd na sgàileGeuraichShift+Shift+L&Seall cluicheadair mheadhanan VLCShonaLeum goirid air aisLeum goirid air adhartLeum goiridLeum goirid, ann an diogan.Ath-ghoiridShoutcastSeall &barrachd roghainneanSeall a h-uileSeall putan nam èifeachdan fuaimeSeall an tionndadh bunaiteachSeall an t-eòlaire sa bheil e…Seall am pasgan sa bheil e…Seall uidheam-smachd làn-sgrìnSeall an t-ainmSeall na putanan “Air ais” ⁊ “Air adhart”Seall na putanan “Air thuaiream” ⁊ “Ath-chluich”Seall am bàr-taoibhSeall VLC air bàr nan saothairSeall uidheam-smachd sa mhodh làn-sgrìnSeall ìomhaigheag ann an treidhe an t-siostaim airson VLCSeall na roghainnean adhartachSeall na roghainnean adhartach seach an fheadhainn shìmplidh nuair a dh’fhosglas tu còmhradh nan roghainnean.Seall roghainnean adhartach os cionn na feadhainn bhunaiteachSeall ìomhaigheag air treidhe an t-siostaim a leigeas leat gnìomhan bunasach VLC a stiùireadh.Seall uidheam-smachd san làn-sgrìnSeall na h-uidheaman-smachd sa mhodh làn-sgrìnSeall mearachdan is rabhaidheanSeall na roghainnean leudaichteSeall na roghainnean leudaichteSeall priob-uinneag atharrachadh a’ mheadhain:Seall tiotal a’ mheadhain air a’ videoSeall tiotal a’ mheadhain nuair a thòisicheas videoSeall priob-uinneag rabhaidh ma dh’atharraicheas an tracaNa seall ach mearachdanSeall ainm an rud a tha ’ga chluich ann an tiotal na h-uinneigeSeall na roghainneanSeall ìomhaigheag ann an treidhe an t-siostaimSeall priob-uinneag a’ chlàir-thaice cho-theacsail.Seall ainm an òrain no video air tiotal uinneag an uidheim-smachd.Seall tiotal a’ video fad n mille-dhiog; ’s e 5000 ms (5 diogan) a’ bhun-roghainn.Seall còmhraidhean nam mearachdan is rabhaidhean nach eil cudromachSeall tiotal a’ video fad x mille-dhiogSeall a’ video am broinn na prìomh-uinneigeSeall/Falaich an liosta-chluichSeallaidh seo uidheam-smachd sgleòthach nuair a ghluaisear an luchag sa mhodh làn-sgrìn.ShowtunesAir thuaireamSigmaAirgeadIonnannachdSimplidhCriathrag Karaoke simplidhRoghainnean simplidhSìnis Shimplichte (ISO-2022-CN-EXT)Sìnis Shimplichte Unix (EUC-CN)SindhiSinhalaMeudSkaFaidhlichean craicinn |*.vlt;*.wsz;*.xmlFaidhle goireas a’ chraicinn:An craiceann a chleachdarEadar-aghaidh a ghabhas ri craiceannCraicneanGeàrr leum thairis air criathrag dì-bhlocaidh H.264 in-loopGeàrr leum thairis air an t-sanasachdLeum thairis air frèamanGeàrr leum thairis air criathrag lùban airson dì-chòdachadh H.264Sleamhnagan (dealbhan)Sleamhnagan (teacsa)Nas sla&odaicheSlòbhacaisSlòbhainisSlaodachRoc slaodachNas slaodaicheNas slaodaiche (mean air mhean)BeagÀirde fuaime ìsealNas lughaGlacadhProgsaidh socksSèimhRoc sèimhSèimhichBathar-bogSomàilisSeòrsaich a-rèirSotho DheasachSoulCliop fuaimeSoundtrackTùsCo-mheas an deilbh thùsailTùs:Sruth SoutLeigidh mòidealan sruth Sout leat slabhraidh pròiseasadh Sout a thogail. Thoir sùil air an stiùireadh a thaobh sruthaidh airson barrachd fiosrachaidh. ’S urrainn dhut bun-roghainnean a rèiteachadh airson gach mòideal sruth Sout cuideachd.Ear-dheas na Roinn-Eòrpa (Laideann-10)Roc deasachAs&tarSpaceSgaradairSpàinntisSgleò spatialSpatializerMòidealan sònraichteMeidheadair-speactraimSpeactramRoghnaichear astairSgoltairBun-tomhasachDeifinisean stannardach (576 or 480 lines)Àm tòiseachaidhCuir gu dol VLC le ìomhaigheag ann an treidhe an t-siostaim a-mhàinTòisich sa chlàr-taice fhèinTòisich san t-sealladh lùghdaichte (as aonais nan clàr-taice)Tòisich sa mhodh lùghdaichteCluich nithean ùra cho luath ’s a thèid an cur ris.Àm tòiseachaidhTòisich a’ video sa mhodh làn-sgrìnIonad tòiseachaidhStadastaireachdStaidBàr na staidCeum air aisCeum air adhartCeum air aisCeum air adhartStereoModh fuaime stereoModh às-chur fuaime stereoModh stereoSguir dhethSguir dhen chluichCuir crìoch air an lùb A gu BStad an liosta-chluich às dèidh do nì air an liosta-chluich crìochnachadh.Àm crìochnachaidhSruthaichSruth %dÈigheach sruthaID an t-srutha aig traca na fuaime a chleachdar.ID an t-srutha aig traca nam fo-thiotalan a chleachdar.Às-chur an t-sruthaSruthaich a h-uile sruth bunasachReat bhiodan an t-sruthaCriathragan sruthaTha criathragan srutha ’nam mòidealan sònraichte a bheir comas dhut gnìomhan adhartach a dhèanamh a thaobh ion-chur VLC. Cleachd seo le faiceall…Às-chur an t-sruthaTha feum air roghainnean às-chur an t-srutha ma thathar mar fhrithealaiche sruthaidh no nuair a shàbhailear sruthan. Thèid na sruthadh am muxaigeadh an toiseach agus an cur tro mhòideal “às-chur inntrigidh” an uairsin a tha comasach air an sruth a shàbhaladh mar fhaidhle no a shruthadh (UDP, HTTP, RTP/RTSP). ’S urrainn dhut pròiseasadh adhartach a dhèanamh air sruth le mòidealan sruthadh Sout (tar-chòdachadh, dùblachadh…).Sruth…Dh’fhàillig an sruthadh/tar-chòdachadhRoghainnean sruthaidh is tar-chòdachaidhStuth&Traca nam fo-thiotalanCuir a-null stats na chluich mi gu Last.fmFo-dhealbhanFo-sgrìobhFo-sgrìobh gu pod-chraoladh&Fo-thiotalFo-thiotalDàil nam fo-thiotalanFaidhle nam fo-thiotalanFaidhlichean fho-tiotalanCànan nam fo-thiotalanTraca nam fo-thiotalanCodecs nam fo-thiotalanDàil nam fo-thiotalan de %i msLùghdaich dàil nam fo-thiotalCuir dàil nam fo-thiotal an àirdeÈifeachdan nam fo-thiotalanCànan nam fo-thiotalanCànain nam fo-thiotalanIonad nam fo-thiotal a-bhànIonad nam fo-thiotal an àirdeTraca nam fo-thiotalanID traca nam fo-thiotalanTraca nam fo-thiotalan: %sFo-thiotalanFo-thiotalan (adhartach)Fo-thiotalan (dealbhan)Fo-thiotalan / OSDTraca nam fo-thiotalanFo-thiotalan/VideoCànan SundaSurroundDàil air an surround (ms)Ìre a’ surroundSwahiliSwatiSuainisSwingNochd sealladh iomlan nan roghainneanNochd sealladh simplidh nan roghainneanSymphonic RockSioncronachadhSioncronaich ab taobh clì is deasSioncronaich bun is bàrrCòdachadh an t-siostaimRoghainn bhunaiteach an t-siostaimÌomhaigheag ann an treidhe an t-siostaimT&iotalCrìoch-ùine a’ cheangail TCPTTA demuxerTBhTYTabaTagalogCànan TahitiTaidigisTog &glacadhTog glacadhTog glacadh dhen videoTogaidh seo glacadh dhen video is sàbhailidh e air an diosga e.TaimilisTataraisDath na crann-lachTechnoTechno-IndustrialTeletextCur an gnìomh an teletextTrìd-shoilleireachd a’ teletextTelnetTeluguTeacsaDath an teacsaMeud an teacsaDath bunaiteach an teacsaDubharachd an teacsaTuairisgeul teacsa air an fhuaimMeud an innichCànan nan TàidhTàidh (TIS 620-2533/ISO 8859-11)Tàidh (Windows-874)Gun robh math agaibhÀirde a’ mhogail, ann am piogsailean.Àirde uinneag a’ video, ann am piogsailean.Tha na tha ceadaichte de chriathragan (%u) agad.Thèid leabhar-lann nam meadhanan a shàbhaladh ’s a luchdadh gu fèin-obrachail gach turas a thòisicheas tu VLC.Meud an innich, ann am piogsailean.Faid an t-srutha (ann an diogan).Tòisichidh an sruth aig an ionad seo (ann an diogan).Crìochnaichidh an sruth aig an ionad seo (ann an diogan).Leigidh comas modh a’ phàipeir-bhalla leat a’ video a shealltainn mar chùlaibh an deasga.Leud a’ mhogail, ann am piogsailean.Leud uinneag a’ video, ann am piogsailean.Chan eil mòideal inntrigidh freagarrach airson às-chur srutha ann airson “%s/%s://%s”.’S urrainn dhut eadar-aghaidhean VLC a rèiteachadh sna roghainnean seo. Tha a’ phrìomh eadar-aghaidh ri do làimh, mòidealan eadar-aghaidh eile agus is urrainn dhut na roghainnean co-cheangailte riutha a shònrachadh.’S e nasgadh iuchraichean VLC uile-choitcheann a tha sna roghainnean seo is cante “grad-iuchraichean” no “hotkeys” riutha.TiughTanaFeumaidh an diosga Blu-ray seo leabharlann airson dì-chòdachadh AACS ach chan eil sin aig an t-siostam agad.Feumaidh an diosga Blu-ray seo leabharlann airson dì-chòdachadh BD+ ach chan eil sin aig an t-siostam agad.’S urrainn dhut comharran-leabhair na liosta-chluich a shònrachadh an-seo.Thathar a’ cleachdadh a’ mheasgachaidh seo mu thràth airson “%@”.Seallaidh seo am meadhan riut a thig a-mach ach faodaidh gun cuir e dàil air cùisean.Cuiridh seo grad-iuchraichean VLC an comas o uinneag (neo-leabaichte) a’ video.Èignichidh seo bearradh a’ video tùsail. ’S e x:y am fòrmat ceadaichte (m.e. 4:3, 16:9 is mar sin air adhart) ’s e a’ cur an cèill co-mheas an deilbh.Seo an eadar-aghaidh bhunaiteach aig VLC, leis a choltas tùsail air.’S urrainn dhut craicnean eile a chur air an tionndadh seo de VLC. Gheibh thu feadhainn eile oSeo an dòigh a chleachdas VLC a chùm às-chur fuaime. Thèid an dòigh as fheàrr a thaghadh a ghnàth.Seo an t-uidheam CD fuaime bunaiteach a thèid a chleachdadh.Seo an draibh bunaiteach nan CD fuaime (no am faidhle bunaiteach) a chleachdar. Na dìochuimhnich an còilean an dèidh litir an draibh (m.e. D:)Seo an t-uidheam DVD bunaiteach a thèid a chleachdadh.Seo an draibh DVD bunaiteach (no am faidhle bunaiteach) a chleachdar. Na dìochuimhnich an còilean an dèidh litir an draibh (m.e. D:)Seo an t-uidheam VCD bunaiteach a thèid a chleachdadh.Seo an draibh VCD bunaiteach (no am faidhle bunaiteach) a chleachdar. Na dìochuimhnich an còilean an dèidh litir an draibh (m.e. D:)Seo a’ phrìomh eadar-aghaidh a chleachdas VLC. Thèid am mòideal as fheàrr a thaghadh a ghnàth.Seo an dòigh a chleachdas VLC a chùm às-chur video. Thèid an dòigh as fheàrr a thaghadh a ghnàth.Seo ìre a’ bhriathrachais (0=na seall ach mearachdan is teachdaireachdan bunaiteach, 1=rabhaidhean, 2=dì-bhugachadh).Cuiridh am mòideal seo an sruth tar-chòdaichte gu lìonradh slighe HTTP.Cuiridh am mòideal seo an sruth tar-chòdaichte gu lìonradh slighe RTP.Cuiridh am mòideal seo an sruth tar-chòdaichte gu lìonradh slighe RTSP.Cuiridh am mòideal seo an sruth tar-chòdaichte gu lìonradh slighe UDP.Cuiridh am mòideal seo an sruth tar-chòdaichte gu lìonradh slighe mms.Cuiridh am mòideal seo an sruth tar-chòdaichte gu frithealaiche Icecast.Sgrìobhaidh am mòideal seo an sruth tar-chòdaichte ann am faidhle.Chan eil BARANTAS SAM BITH an lùib a’ phrògraim seo, cho fad ’s a tha sin ceadaichte fon lagh. ’S urrainn dhut ath-sgaoileadh fo theirmichean GNU General Public License; thoir sùil air an fhaidhle air a bheil COPYING airson barrachd fiosrachaidh. Air a sgrìobhadh le sgioba VideoLAN; faic am faidhle AUTHORS. Thèid an sruth seo fhosgladh an-còmhnaidh nuair a thòisicheas VLC.Leigidh an draoidh seo leat meadhanan a shruthadh no iompachadh airson ’s gun gabh an cleachdadh gu h-ionadail, air lìonra prìobhaideach no air an eadar-lìon. Briog air an tùs a tha a’ freagairt ris na tha fa-near dhut mar ion-chur an toiseach agus briog air a’ phutan “Air adhart” an uairsin. StairsneachTibeitisTeacsa an ticeirTigrinyaÀmUidheam-smachd an amaSleamhnaiche an amaBàr-inneal an amaÀm:TiotalTiotal %i%sCruth-clò an tiotailMeata-dàta an tiotailGus sruth lìonraidh àbhaisteach fhosgladh (HTTP, RTSP, RTMP, MMS, FTP is msaa), cha leig thu leas ach an URL a chur a-steach gu h-àrd. Ma tha thu airson sruth RTP no UDP fhosgladh, briog air a’ phutan gu h-ìosal.Airson cobhair mhionaideach, cleachd “-H”.Togalaich am fèin-sgèileadhTogalaich an liosta-chluichCuir a’ video san làn-sgrìnCuir a’ video san sgrìn àbhaisteachToglaich modh a’ phàipeir-bhalla san às-chur videoToglaich modh a’ phàipeir-bhalla san às-chur video.Tonga (Eileanan Tonga)InnealI&nnealanEileamaidean bàir-innealIonad a’ bhàir-inneal:Deasaiche nam bàr-innealFalamhaichMùchDì-mhùchBàrrNa 40 as fheàrrBàrr clìBàrr deasGu h-iomlan/An ùine a tha air fhàgailTracaID an tracaÀireamh an tracaSioncronachadh an tracaÀireamh an tracaTarbhachd cluich an tracaRoghainnean an tracaTracaicheanSìnis Thradaiseanta (Big5)Sìnis Thradaiseanta Unix (EUC-TW)TrèilearTranceTar-chòdaichRoghainnean tar-chòdachaidhTar-sgrìobhadhCruth-atharraichCruth-atharrachadhTrìd-shoilleireachdTrìd-shoilleirTransponder Symbol RateTricead a’ transponder/multiplexLàimhsich mar phìob seach faidhleTribalTrickplay ReverseTrip-HopTsongaTswanaTricead an tiùnairSeanail TBh an tiùnairCairt an tiùnairCòd-dùthcha an tiùnairRoghainnean an tiùnairTurcaisTurcais (ISO 8859-9)Turcais (Windows-1254)TurcmanaisTwiDà phasSeòrsaSeòrsa:URIURLMeata-dàta an URLÙigiuraisUcràinisUcràinis (KOI8-U)Dì-shùmDì-bheàrr aon phiogsail o bhonn a’ videoDì-bhearr aon phiogsail o thaobh clì a’ videoDì-bheàrr aon phiogsail o thaobh deas a’ videoDì-bheàrr aon phiogsail o bhàrr a’ videoGun sònrachadhAon-chraoladhCodec nach deach aithneachadhUile-choitcheann (UTF-16)Uile-choitcheann (UTF-8)Uile-choitcheann (Big Endian UTF-16)Uile-choitcheann (Little Endian UTF-16)Plug’n’Play uile-choitcheannUile-choitcheann, Sìnis (GB18030)Neo-aithnichteRoinn-seòrsa neo-aithnichteMearachd neo-aithnichteSeòrsa neo-aithnichteDì-shuidhichGun sònrachadhGun sònrachadh (0V)Sguir dhen fho-sgrìobhadhGun tiotalSuasÙraichÙraich cluicheadair mheadhanan VLCAth-nuadhaich a’ chraobhÙrduCleachd clàran-taice Blu-ray. Ma tha seo à comas, tòisichidh am film sa bhadCleachd RTP seach RTSP (TCP)Cleachd S/PDIF ma bhios e ri làimhCleachd VLC PaceCleachd liosta-chluich le craiceann airCleachd craiceann gnàthaichteCleachd iompachaidhean bathar-cruaidh YUV->RGBCleachd leabhar-lann nam meadhananCleachd an stoidhle thùsailNa cleachd ach aon ionstans nuair a chaidh a thòiseachadh o mhanaidsear nam faidhlicheanCleachd àireamhan sreath-leanmhainneach seach stampaichean-tìdeCleachd àireamhan sreath-leanmhainneach seach stampaichean-tìde airson nan glacaidhean a chunntadhCleachd faidhle fho-thiotalanCleachd na roghainnean iomlan gus luachan gnàthaichte an tasgadain a thaghadh airson gach mòideal inntrigidh.CleachdaicheAinm-cleachdaicheAinm-cleachdaiche:Usbagais&SealladhVCDUidheam VCDVLCChan fhaic VLC tiotal an DVD. Dh’fhaoidte nach urrainn dha an diosg air fad a dhì-chrioptachadh.Cha b’ urrainn dha VLC ceangal ris an fhrithealaiche ud.Cha b’ urrainn dha VLC am fòrmat “%4.4s” (%s) a dhì-chòdachadhCha b’ urrainn dha VLC codec na fuaime no a’ video aithneachadhCha b’ urrainn dha VLC am mòideal %s fhosgladh.Cha b’ urrainn dha VLC am mòideal dì-chòdachaidh fhosgladh.Chan urrainn dha VLC an MRL “%s” fhosgladh. Thoir sùil air an loga airson mion-fhiosrachadh.Cluicheadair mheadhanan VLCCluicheadair meadhanan VLC - Eadar-aghaidh an eadar-lìnTaic le cluicheadair mheadhanan VLC…Ùrachaidhean a’ chluicheadair VLCRoghainnean VLCLàrach-lìn craicnean VLCTionndadh VLC %s (%s) Cha b’ urrainn dha VLC am meata-dàta a shàbhaladh.Sìor-chluichidh VLC an nì làithreach dhen liosta-chluich.Sìor-chluichidh VLC an liosta-chluich gu sìorraidh bràth.Cluichidh VLC na faidhlichean air an liosta-chluich gus an dèid stad a chur air.Tòisichidh VLC ’na ìomhaigheag air bàr nan saothair agad.Cha ceangal VLC ris an fhrithealaiche ud a dhiùltadh.Mar a chuir VLC an sàs Video On DemandVLMVLM conf (*.vlm);;All (*)Rèitichear VLMVODSeachranachdBriathrachas (0,1,2)TionndadhInghearach (13V)Deifinisean glè ìseal (240 loidhne)Leum glè ghoirid air aisLeum glè ghoirid air adhartLeum glè ghoiridLeum glè ghoirid, ann an diogan.VideoTraca &videoFèin-sgèileadh a’ videoÈifeachdan videoÈifeachdan video…Faidhlichean videoID videoVideo On Demand ( VOD )Roghainnean videoTraca videoCo-chomharra X a’ videoCo-chomharra Y a’ videoCo-thaobhadh a’ videoGlacadh videoGlacadh video (Video4Linux)Video codecCodecs videoCeangal videoBearradh videoUidheam videoAinm an inneil videoMòideal criathradh a’ videoThathar a’ cleachdadh criathragan video gus sruth a’ video a làimhseachadh.Àirde a’ videoCuimhne a’ videoÀs-chur a’ videoMòideal às-chur a’ videoMòidealan às-chur a’ videoÌre càileachd de video airson pròiseasadh an dèidh làimhDùmhlachd-bhreacaidh a’ videoFactar sgèileadh a’ videoRoghainnean videoMeud a’ videoPasgan (no ainm faidhle) nan glacaidhean videoRo-leasachan faidhle aig glacadh a’ videoFòrmat glacadh a’ videoÀirde glacadh a’ videoLeud glacadh a’ videoGlacaidhean videoBun-tomhas a’ videoTiotal a’ videoLeud a’ videoLàrach-lìn VideoLAN…Bhiet-NamaisBhiet-Namais (VISCII)Bhiet-Namais (Windows-1258)SealladhRaon-seallaidhPidsRoladhGeòFir chlisFir chlis:Na fir chlisTaghadair nam fear-clisVocalVolapükÀirde na fuaimeÀirde na fuaime %ld%%Àirde na fuaime sìosMùch an fhuaimÀirde na fuaime suasÀirde na fuaime sìosNòrmalachadh àirde na fuaimeNòrmalaiche àirde na fuaimeÀirde na fuaime suasWAVDual-chainnt RTSP WMServerIon-phortadh de liosta-chluich WPLBallaRabhadhBuaidh uisgeTonnTuinnLorg sinn seann fhaidhlichean sa bheil roghainnean VLC.LìonWebmLàrach-lìnCuimrisTaobh Siar na Roinn-Eòrpa (Laideann-9)Taobh Siar na Roinn-Eòrpa (Windows-1252)FliuchNuair a bhios e fìor-lùghdaichteGealLeudUinneagSgeadachaidhean na h-uinneigeRoghainnean na h-uinneigeMeud na h-uinneigeWindows Media NSC MetademuxEadar-aghaidh na seirbheise WindowsTrìd-dhoilleireachd na h-uinneige eadar 0.1 agus 1WolofSgrìobh ID a’ phròiseis san fhaidhleSgrìobhadairSgrìobhaidh seo ID a’ phròiseis san fhaidhle a shònraich thu.Co-chomharra XUinneag XX11Taisbeanadh X11ID uinneige X11XML Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF)Liosta-chluich XSPFIon-phortadh de liosta-chluich XSPFLiosta-chluich XSPF |*.xspf|Faidhle M3U |*.m3u|Liosta-chluich HTML |*.htmlXVideoXhosaCo-chomharra YÀs-chur YUVÀs-chur video YUVIompachair YUVPBuidheThaIùdhaisYoruba’S urrainn dhut às-chur fuaime a chur à comas gu tur. Cha dèid an fhuaim a dhì-chòdachadh idir is caomhnaidh seo comas pròiseasaidh dhut.’S urrainn dhut às-chur video a chur à comas gu tur. Cha dèid a’ video a dhì-chòdachadh idir is caomhnaidh seo comas pròiseasaidh dhut.’S urrainn dhut eadar-aghaidhean smachdaidh a thaghadh airson VLC.’S urrainn dhut faidhlichean ionadail a thaghadh leis na liostaichean is putain a leanas.’S urrainn dhut a’ video a shùmadh le factar sònraichte.Tha an tionndadh as ùire de chluicheadair mheadhanan VLC agad.Feumaidh tu ainm a chur air a’ phròifil.Chaidh an cunntas agad a dhiùltadh.Thèid an taisbeanadh agad fhosgladh agus a chluich gus a shruthadh no a shàbhaladh.Cha ghabh d’ ion-chur fhosgladhChan eil leabharlann dì-chòdachadh BD+ an t-siostaim agad ag obair. Saoil a bheil rèiteachadh a dhìth?Chan eil manaidsear nan uinneag agad a’ solar liosta de dh’aplacaidean.ZhuangSùmSùm a-steachSùm a-machModh an t-sùim: %sSùm a’ videoAth-shuidheachadh an t-sùimZulu[Taisbeanadh][Brabhsair nam faidhle][Uile-choitcheann][Lùb][Cluicheadair][Liosta-chluich][cdda:][uidheam][@[traca]]cuir --advanced ris an loidhne-àithne agad ma tha thu airson na roghainnean adhartach fhaicinn.fèin-obrachailblocaicheanBooleanachbufaireandBdì-bhugachadhdì-chòdaichearmearachdansocraichtefleodrainnfpsfrèamanslànDì-dhùmhlachadh gzipIon-phortaichear iTunes Music Libraryàireamh shlànÈifeachd libprojectMchan eil ginfrith-àireamhanpacaidicheprojectMFaidhle rèiteachadh projectMSlighe ro-shocrachadh projectMsdiogsreathUidheaman-smachd v4l2vlc-snaprabhaidheanTaghadh pròifil is leibheil x264| key [ainm grad-iuchrach] . . . . . . brùth air grad-iuchair mas-fhìor|Na h-uile faidhle |*PRId64 Title : %/%d Chapter : %/%d Tiotal : %/%d Caibideal : %/%d