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Warning: if you cannot access the GUI anymore, open a command-line window, go to the directory where you installed VLC and run "vlc -I qt" %s: %s [%s] % . Show/Hide hidden files / Look for an item <, > Next/Previous chapter Add the selected file to the playlist , Seek -/+ 1%% , Navigate through the box page by page Add the selected directory to the playlist Pause/Play , Navigate through the box line by line , Seek +/-5%% A Add an entry B Show/Hide filebrowser Ctrl-l Refresh the screen D, , Delete an entry L Show/Hide messages box O Reverse order Playlist by title P Show/Hide playlist box Position : %s/%s Profile Name Missing R Toggle Repeat item S Show/Hide statistics box Source : %s [ h for help ] [, ] Next/Previous title a, z Volume Up/Down days e Eject (if stopped) f Toggle Fullscreen f/s fps g Go to the current playing item h,H Show/Hide help box i Show/Hide info box kb/s l Toggle Loop Playlist ms o Order Playlist by title px q, Q, Esc Quit r Toggle Random playing s Stop x Show/Hide objects box"Rating" to put in ASF comments.#paste your VLM commands here%.1f GiB%.1f KiB%.1f MiB%.2f dB%i tracks%s Downloading... %s/%s %.1f%% done%s (Encoded Output)%s [%s %d]%s bytes%u Hz%u kb/s&About&Advanced Controls&Advanced Open...&Apply&Aspect Ratio&Audio&Cancel&Chapter&Clear&Close&Codec Information&Crop&Deinterlace&Deinterlace mode&Disc&Effects and Filters&Enqueue&Faster&File&Fullscreen&Fullscreen Interface&General&Go&Help&Jump Forward&Manage&Media&Messages&Metadata&Network&No&Open File...&Play&Playback&Preferences&Program&Quit&Recheck version&Reset Preferences&Save&Save Metadata&Save as...&Search:&Select&Start&Stop&Stream&Stream...&Track Synchronization&VLM Configuration&Video&View&Visualizations&Yes&Zoom(Delayed)(Hastened)+----[ Remote control commands ]+----[ end of help ]+-[Audio Decoding]+-[Incoming]+-[Video Decoding].*... (same as DVB-S)11.712 MHz10 MHz15 bits16 bits1:1 Original1:2 Half1:4 Quarter1:File2 Pass24 bits2:1 Double32 bits4:2:04:2:24:4:45 MHz50 Hz525 lines / 60 Hz6 MHz60 Hz625 lines / 50 Hz7 MHz8 MHz8 bits

Welcome to VLC media player Help


You can find VLC documentation on VideoLAN's wiki website.

If you are a newcomer to VLC media player, please read the
Introduction to VLC media player.

You will find some information on how to use the player in the
"How to play files with VLC media player" document.

For all the saving, converting, transcoding, encoding, muxing and streaming tasks, you should find useful information in the Streaming Documentation.

If you are unsure about terminology, please consult the knowledge base.

To understand the main keyboard shortcuts, read the shortcuts page.


Before asking any question, please refer yourself to the FAQ.

You might then get (and give) help on the Forums, the mailing-lists or our IRC channel (#videolan on irc.freenode.net).

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You can help the VideoLAN project giving some of your time to help the community, to design skins, to translate the documentation, to test and to code. You can also give funds and material to help us. And of course, you can promote VLC media player.

>HHHHHH;#A new version of VLC (%1.%2.%3%4) is available.A/52 audio packetizerA/52 dynamic range compressionAAAA; AAC audio decoder (using libfaad2)AAC extensionAACS MMC failed.ADPCM audio decoderAES/EBUAES3/SMPTE 302M audio decoderAES3/SMPTE 302M audio packetizerAIFF demuxerALSAALSA audio outputAM Tuner modeAM radioASCIIVLCASCIIVLC media playerASCII ArtASCII-art video outputASF muxerASF packet size -- default is 4096 bytesASF/WMVASF/WMV demuxerASX playlist importATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoderATSC minor channelATSC reception parametersAU demuxerAVIAVI demuxerAVI muxerAbkhazianAboutAbout VLC media playerAbove the VideoAcapellaAccess moduleAccess modulesAccess outputAccess output moduleAccount that will be used for the connection.AcidAcid JazzActionActivateActivate TranscodingActivate VNC polling. Do NOT activate for use as VDR ffnetdev client.Activate or deactivate autoscaling.Activate updates notifierActive regionsActive windowsAddAdd Directory...Add File...Add Folder...Add InputAdd InterfaceAdd NoiseAdd WAVE headerAdd a backgroundAdd a blurring effectAdd a delay effect to the soundAdd a font effect to text to improve readability against different backgrounds.Add a shadowAdd logoAdd textAdd to PlaylistAdd...AddressAddress of the CDDB server to use.Adjust VLC priorityAdjustments and EffectsAdvancedAdvanced ButtonsAdvanced Open File...Advanced OptionsAdvanced options...Advanced settingsAdvanced settings. Use with care...AfarAfrikaansAlbanianAlbumAlbum art filenameAlbum replay gainAllAll FilesAllow automatic icon changesAllow only one instanceAllow only one running instanceAllow real-time priorityAllow to build directory indexAllowed variance in average bitrate (in kbits/s).Allows you to force the aspect ratio of the video.Allows you to set the ES ID of the video.Allows you to specify a "copyright" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "date" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "description" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "genre" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "title" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "url" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify an "artist" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify an "author" metadata for an input.Alpha maskAlpha mask video filterAlpha of the blended imageAlpha transparency value (default 255)Also known as DWT levelsAltLineAlternativeAltiVec conversions from Always fixAlways on topAlways place the video window on top of other windows.Always visibleAlways write to the same fileAmbientAmharicAmplificationAnalogAngleAngle in degreesAngle in degrees (0 to 359)Announce this session with SAP.AntennaAppend to existing fileAppend to fileApplicationApplicationsApply a delay to all subtitles (in 1/10s, eg 100 means 10s).Apply cartoon effectApply cartoon effect. It is only used by "gradient" and "edge".AquaArabicArabic (ISO 8859-6)Arabic (Windows-1256)AreaArmenianArtistArtist metadataArtwork URLAscendingAskAsk for actionAsk for network policy at startAspect RatioAspect ratioAspect ratio: %sAssameseAssign a fixed Network ID (for SDT table)Assign a fixed PID to the PMTAssign a fixed PID to the SPU.Assign a fixed PID to the audio stream.Assign a fixed PID to the video stream. The PCR PID will automatically be the video.Assign a fixed Transport Stream ID.AttachmentAttachment inputAttackAttack timeAttenuationAttenuation, begin (in %)Attenuation, end (in %)Attenuation, middle (in %)AudioAudio &DeviceAudio &TrackAudio CDAudio CD - Track %02iAudio CD deviceAudio CD inputAudio DelayAudio DeviceAudio Device: %sAudio ESAudio EffectsAudio Effects...Audio FilesAudio PIDAudio SettingsAudio SpatializerAudio TrackAudio and SubtitlesAudio balanceAudio bitrateAudio callback dataAudio captureAudio capture (ALSA)Audio capture (PulseAudio)Audio channelsAudio channels in input stream. Numeric value >0. Default is 2.Audio codecAudio codecsAudio configurationAudio connectionAudio delay %i msAudio delay downAudio delay upAudio desynchronization compensationAudio device is not configuredAudio device nameAudio encoderAudio filterAudio filter for PCM format conversionAudio filter for simple channel mixingAudio filtering failedAudio filtersAudio filters are used to process the audio stream.Audio inputAudio input of the card to use (see debug).Audio input pinAudio languageAudio memoryAudio memory outputAudio modeAudio output URLAudio output access methodAudio output channelsAudio output deviceAudio output device (using ALSA syntax).Audio output failedAudio output moduleAudio output muxerAudio output pinAudio output volume stepAudio portAudio postrender callbackAudio prerender callbackAudio sample rateAudio samplerate (Hz)Audio settingsAudio trackAudio track IDAudio track synchronization:Audio track: %sAudio visualizationsAudio volumeAudio/VideoAudio/Video decoder (using OpenMAX IL)AudioscrobblerAuthorAuthor metadataAuthor to put in ASF comments.AuthorsAutoAuto connectionAuto re-connectAuto startAuto-playback of new itemsAutodelAutodetect subtitle filesAutomaticAutomatic brightnessAutomatic chroma gainAutomatic gainAutomatic hueAutomatic white balanceAutomatically adjust the picture brightness.Automatically adjust the picture hue.Automatically adjust the picture white balance.Automatically check for updatesAutomatically control the chroma gain.Automatically detect a subtitle file, if no subtitle filename is specified (based on the filename of the movie).Automatically set the video gain.Automatically try to reconnect to the stream in case of a sudden disconnect.Autoscale videoAvestanAvformatAvformat demuxerAvformat muxAvformat muxerAymaraAzerbaijaniB-frames between I and PB4S playlist importBackBackgroundBackground colorBackground opacityBackwardBalance of the audio input.BallBall colorBall sizeBall speedBall video filterBaltic (Latin-7)Baltic (Windows-1257)Bands gainBandwidthBandwidth (MHz)Bargraph positionBase imageBase pixel radiusBase portBashkirBasicBasqueBassBass adjustment of the audio input.Bass levelBe quietBebobBelarusianBengaliBest availableBicubic (good quality)Bicubic splineBidirBig ButtonBihariBilinearBislamaBitrateBitrate (kb/s)Bitrate overrideBits per sampleBlackBlack & whiteBlack Crush for BlueBlack Crush for GreenBlack Crush for RedBlack Level for BlueBlack Level for GreenBlack Level for RedBlack MetalBlackmagic DeckLink SDI inputBlendBlend imageBlueBlue balanceBlue chroma balance.BluegrassBluesBlur factor (1-127)BobBookmarkBookmark %iBookmarksBookmarks list for a streamBookmarks...Border heightBorder maskingBorder widthBosnianBoss keyBottomBottom-LeftBottom-RightBretonBridgeBridge stream outputBrightBrightnessBrightness ThresholdBrightness thresholdBring All to FrontBroadcastBroadcast: Broken or missing AVI IndexBrowseBrowse...Build index then playBuilding font cacheBulgarianBurmeseBytesCC64 sid demuxerCABACCBR bitrate (kbps)CBR encodingCC 608/708CDCDDB ServerCDDB Server port to use.CDDB portCDG demuxerCDG video decoderCLI inputCPU optimizationsCSA KeyCSA Key in useCVD subtitle decoderCabaretCableCable and satellite reception parametersCachingCaching value (ms)Caching value for cameras and microphones, in milliseconds.Caching value for local files, in milliseconds.Caching value for network resources, in milliseconds.Caching value for optical media, in milliseconds.Calculation factorCallback cookie stringCallback dataCancelCannot save ConfigurationCannot write to file %1: %2.CanvasCanvas video filterCapabilityCaptureCapture &DeviceCapture failedCapture fragment sizeCapture modeCapture region heightCapture region widthCapture the audio stream in stereo.CartoonCatalanCategoryCeltic (Latin-8)CenterChamorroChangeChange HotkeyChange playlistviewChange the caching for the mediaChange the display name of the Service.Change the id of an elementary streamChange the language of an elementary streamChange the lirc configuration fileChange the start time for the mediaChange title according to current mediaChannel NameChannelsChannels countChannels count of an audio elementary streamChannels:Chaoji VCD subtitle packetizerChapterChapter %iChapter codecsChapter offset in msCharacteristic dimensionChechenCheck for &Updates...Check for Update...Check for VLC updatesChichewa; NyanjaChineseChooseChoose a fileChoose one or more media file to openChoose the folder to save your video snapshots to.Choose...ChromaChroma for the base imageChroma for the blend imageChroma formatChroma gainChroma gain control.Chroma usedChurch SlavicChuvashCircular Left Hand (18V)Circular Right Hand (13V)Cl&earCl&oseClassicalClean upClearClear ListClient portClock jitterClock reference average counterClock synchronisationCloneClone video filterClose WindowClosed captions %uClosed captions 1Closed captions 2Closed captions 3Closed captions 4ClubCodecCodec DetailsCodec nameCodecsCodecs / MuxersCollect miscellaneous local statistics about the playing media.ColorColor effectColor extractionColor inversionColor messagesColor thresholdColorsColumnsComedyCommentComment to put in ASF comments.CommentsCompensate delayCompiled by %s on %s (%s) Compiler: %s ComponentComposerCompositeCompressorConfig of last used skinConfiguration optionsConfigure HotkeysConnection failedConsoleContainers (*.ps *.ts *.mpg *.ogg *.asf *.mp4 *.mov *.wav *.raw *.flv *.webm)ContinueContinuous 22kHz toneContinuous streamContrastControlControl interfacesControl menu for the playerControl playback with media keysControl playback with the Apple RemoteControlsConve&rt / Save...Conversions from ConvertCopyCopy packetizerCopyrightCopyright metadataCopyright string to put in ASF comments.CornishCorsicanCountryCreateCreate "Fast Start" filesCreate DirectoryCreate Directory...Create FolderCreate Folder...Create a new bookmarkCreate a new profileCroatianCropCrop one pixel from the bottom of the videoCrop one pixel from the left of the videoCrop one pixel from the right of the videoCrop one pixel from the top of the videoCrop: %sCrypt audioCrypt audio using CSACrypt videoCrypt video using CSACrystal HD hardware video decoderCtrl+HCtrl+LCtrl+TCultCurrent media / stream statisticsCurrent playback speed: %1 Click to adjustCustomCustom &BookmarksCustom aspect ratios listCustomi&ze Interface...CutCycle audio trackCycle subtitle trackCycle through audio devicesCycle through available audio devicesCycle through the available audio tracks(languages).Cycle through the available subtitle tracks.Cyrillic (Windows-1251)CzechD-Bus control interfaceDBusDEVICESDIVEDSSDTS audio packetizerDTS delay (ms)DTS dynamic range compressionDTVDVDV (Digital Video) demuxerDVB adapterDVB deviceDVB input with v4l2 supportDVB playlist importDVB subtitlesDVB subtitles decoderDVB subtitles encoderDVB subtitles: hearing impairedDVB-S2 parametersDVB-T reception parametersDVDDVD angleDVD deviceDVD menusDVD subtitlesDVD subtitles decoderDVD subtitles packetizerDVD with menusDVD without menusDVDRead Input (no menu support)DVDRead could not open the disc "%s".DVDRead could not read %d/%d blocks at 0x%02x.DVDRead could not read block %d.DVDnav InputDamaged or incomplete AVI fileDanceDanishDarkDarkness maskingDarkwaveDataData alignmentData for the audio callback function.Data for the video callback function.DateDate metadataDay / Month / Year:Death MetalDebug maskDeckLinkDecodeDecodedDecoded blocksDecoded formatDecodersDecodingDecoding X coordinateDecoding Y coordinateDecreaseDecrease VolumeDecrease scale factorDefaultDefault (Windows-1252)Default Caching LevelDefault DVD angle.Default EncodingDefault background alphaDefault background colorDefault background color if the Kate stream does not specify a background color to use.Default caching policyDefault caching value for outbound RTP streams. This value should be set in milliseconds.Default devicesDefault encodingDefault font alphaDefault font colorDefault font color to use if the Kate stream does not specify a particular font color to use.Default font descriptionDefault font effectDefault font effect strengthDefault multicast interface. This overrides the routing table.Default optical deviceDefault replay gainDefault streamDefault stream output chainDefines bitdistribution mode for AQ, default 1 - 0: Disabled - 1: Current x264 default mode - 2: uses log(var)^2 instead of log(var) and attempts to adapt strength per frameDefines radius size in pixels, of base of bands(beginning).DeinterlaceDeinterlace method to use for streaming.Deinterlace method to use for video processing.Deinterlace modeDeinterlace moduleDeinterlace offDeinterlace onDeinterlace the video before encoding.Deinterlace videoDeinterlacingDeinterlacing video filterDelayDelay (ms)Delay a streamDelay of the ES (ms)DeleteDelete all the bookmarksDelete segmentsDelete selected profileDelete the current profileDelete the selected itemDeletes the selected itemDelivery systemDemux moduleDemuxedDemuxersDemuxers are used to separate audio and video streams.DescendingDescriptionDescription metadataDescription stream outputDesired frame rate for the capture.DesktopDestinationDestination SetupDestination audio codecDestination file:Destination prefixDestination video codecDetermines how many sections of spectrum will exist.DeviceDevice SelectionDevice nameDevice propertiesDevice:DevicesDiSEqC LNB numberDialogDiffServ Code PointDigital Television and RadioDigital broadcastingDirac packetizerDirac video decoder using libschroedingerDirac video demuxerDirac video encoder using libschroedingerDirect renderingDirectMedia Object decoderDirectMedia Object encoderDirectShowDirectShow inputDirectXDirectX (DirectDraw) video outputDirectX audio outputDirectionDirectorDirectoryDirectory indexDirectory or filename where the records will be storedDirectory path prefixDirectory used to store the timeshift temporary files.Directory where the video snapshots will be stored.DisableDisable DVD menusDisable DVD subtitle transparencyDisable Disc MenusDisable screensaverDisable the screensaver during video playback.DiscDisc SelectionDisc caching (ms)Disc deviceDiscardDiscarded (corrupted)DiscoDiscsDisplayDisplay SettingsDisplay Source AsDisplay a RSS or ATOM Feed on your videoDisplay aspect ratioDisplay aspect ratio of a video elementary streamDisplay feed images if available.Display locallyDisplay name of the ServiceDisplay playlist treeDisplay sizeDisplay stream outputDisplay text above the videoDisplay the input videoDisplay the outputDisplay the processed videoDisplay the snapshot preview in the screen's top-left corner.Display the stream locallyDisplay the title of the video on top of the movie.Display video snapshot previewDisplay while streamingDisplayedDisplayed framesDistance between front left speaker and listener in meters.Distort modeDo not demultiplexDo not playDo you really want to unsubscribe from %1?Dolby SurroundDolby Surround decoderDomain/Workgroup that will be used for the connection.Don't display any videoDon't showDouble SizeDouble click to get media informationDownload cover artDownloaded file "%s" was corrupted. Thus, it was deleted.Draw bands in the spectrometerDraw peaks in the analyzerDraw the base of the bandsDrawableDreamDrop late framesDrop media hereDryDual monoDummyDummy ElementsDummy decoderDummy encoderDummy font rendererDummy inputDummy interfaceDummy stream outputDummy video outputDummy/Raw muxerDump decoderDuplicate stream outputDurationDuration in secondsDutchDynamic range compressorDzongkhaE&xportEBU STL subtitles decoderEBU STL subtitles parserEGLEGL extension for OpenGLES IDEastern European (Latin-2)Eastern European (Windows-1250)EdgeEdge visibleEditEdit BookmarksEdit InputEdit OptionsEdit selected profileEdit settingsEffectsEffects listEject the discElapsed timeElectronicElementary Stream IDElementary stream outputElements orderEmbed the video output in the main interface.EmbeddedEmbedded videoEmbedded window videoEmbossEnableEnable DVD menusEnable Last.fm submissionsEnable OSDEnable On Screen Display (OSD)Enable SPU stream outputEnable Scene Change DetectionEnable SpatializerEnable audioEnable audio stream outputEnable dynamic range compressorEnable noise reduction algorithm.Enable reverberationEnable streaming of all ESEnable sub-picturesEnable transparency effectsEnable videoEnable video stream outputEnable voice activity detection (VAD). It is automatically activated in VBR mode.Enable/disable audio rendering.Enable/disable video rendering.EncapsulationEncapsulation MethodEncoded byEncodingEncoding X coordinateEncoding Y coordinateEncoding complexityEncoding qualityEndEnforce a quality between 0 (low) and 10 (high).Enforce the alignment of the video in its window. By default (0) it will be centered (0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of these values, like 6=4+2 meaning top-right).Enforce the logo position on the video (0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of these values, eg 6 = top-right).Enforce the maximal VBR bitrateEnforce the mode of the encoder.EnglishEnter URL here...Enter URL of the podcast to subscribe to:Enter name for new directory:Enter name for new folder:EntryEqualizerEqualizer presetEqualizer with 10 bandsEraseErase video filterErrorError while saving metaError:ErrorsErrors and WarningsErrors and Warnings...EsperantoEsperanto (Latin-3)EssentialEstonianEthnicEuro-TechnoEurodanceEvery Exhaustive help for VLC and its modulesExit if there are no more items in the playlist.ExperimentalExport SDP as fileExtended M3UExtended panelExtensionsExtra PMTExtra interface modulesExtra mediaExtractFFmpeg audio/video decoderFFmpeg audio/video encoderFLAC demuxerFM radioFOURCC code of raw input formatFOURCC code of the raw input format. This is a four character string.FPSFTP accountFTP inputFTP upload outputFactorFailed to open "%s" for writingFake TTYFaroeseFast seekFasterFaster (fine)Favor speed over precision while seekingFeed URLsFeed imagesFijianFileFile Format:File SelectionFile associationsFile audio outputFile caching (ms)File corruptedFile could not be verifiedFile extensions associationFile inputFile loggingFile names:File not verifiableFile reading failedFile stream outputFile that will be used to configure the projectM module.File/DirectoryFile/FolderFilenameFilename prefixFilesFilm GrainFilm NTSC (IVTC)FilterFilter the audio twice. This provides a more intense effect.Filter:FiltersFinnishFit to ScreenFix HDTV heightFixing AVI Index...Flac audio decoderFlac audio encoderFlac audio packetizerFlat ButtonFlip horizontallyFlip the picture horizontally.Flip the picture vertically.Flip verticallyFloat on TopFluidSynthFluidSynth MIDI synthesizerFolderFolder meta dataFolkFollow the mouseFontFont PropertiesFont colorFont family for the font you want to useFont file for the font you want to useFont menuFont sizeFont size in pixelsFont size, pixelsFont used for the menusFont used for the titlesForce Aspect RatioForce ProfileForce boldForce chroma (Use carefully)Force chroma. This is a four character string.Force detection of Dolby SurroundForce index creationForce multicast RTP via RTSPForce number of slices per frameForce selection of all streamsForce subtitle positionForce window style:Forced chromaForces the audio languageFormFormatFormat nameFormat of the output images (png, jpeg, ...).Formatted SubtitlesForwardFrame By FrameFrame buffer depthFrame buffer fileFrame buffer heightFrame buffer segment IDFrame buffer widthFrame by frameFrame rateFrame rate of a video elementary streamFramebuffer deviceFramebuffer inputFrames per SecondFreetype2 font rendererFrenchFreq 1 (Hz)Freq 1 QFreq 1 gain (dB)Freq 2 (Hz)Freq 2 QFreq 2 gain (dB)Freq 3 (Hz)Freq 3 QFreq 3 gain (dB)FrequencyFrequency (Hz)FrisianFuchsiaFull HD (1080p)Full VolumeFull bassFull bass and trebleFull trebleFullscreenFullscreen ControllerFullscreen Video DeviceFullscreen video outputFunkFusionGLXGNU TLS serverGNU/Linux framebuffer video outputGOP lengthGOP structureGOP structure used to encode the video sequenceGaelic (Scots)GainGalleganGameGammaGamma (Blue) correctionGamma (Green) correctionGamma (Red) correctionGamma adjust.GangstaGaussGaussian BlurGaussian blur video filterGaussian's std deviationGeneralGeneral AudioGeneral audio settingsGeneral input settings. Use with care...General playlist behaviourGeneral settings for audio output modules.General stream output settingsGeneral video settingsGenericGenreGenre descriptionGenre metadataGeometryGeorgianGermanGesturesGet functionGetACPCP1252GlobalGlobal HotkeysGlobal Hotkeys interfaceGlobal gainGo to TimeGo to the DVD menuGo to timeGoomGoom animation speedGoom effectGospelGothicGradfunGradfun video filterGradientGradient thresholdGrainGrain video filterGrass greenGrayGrayscale video outputGreek (ISO 8859-7)Greek (Windows-1253)GreenGroupGroup packetsGroupingGrungeGuaraniGujaratiH.264 levelH.264 profileH.264 video packetizerH264 video demuxerHAL AudioUnit outputHD (720p)HD DVDHD-SDIHD-SDI InputHDMIHH'H':mm'm':ss's'.zzzHTML playlistHTML playlist exportHTTP (default)HTTP Live streaming outputHTTP authenticationHTTP inputHTTP proxyHTTP proxy URLHTTP proxy passwordHTTP server addressHTTP server portHTTP stream outputHTTP tunnel portHTTP(S)HTTP/TLS server certificateHTTP/TLS server private keyHTTPS server portHaar cascade filenameHalf SizeHard RockHardware decodingHeadphone effectHeadphone virtualizationHeadphonesHeavy MetalHebrewHebrew (ISO 8859-8)Hebrew (Windows-1255)HeightHeight of video or subtitle elementary streamsHelpHereroHide OthersHide VLCHide cursor and fullscreen controller after x millisecondsHide future errorsHide mouse cursor and fullscreen controller after n milliseconds.Hide the interface and pause playback.Hierarchy modeHighHigh LNB voltageHigh freq (Hz)High freq gain (dB)High latencyHigh priorityHigher latencyHighestHindiHip-HopHiri MotuHong-Kong Supplementary (HKSCS)Hop limit (TTL)HorizontalHorizontal (18V)Horizontal flipHorizontal slices per frameHostHost ComputerHot keysHotkeyHotkeysHotkeys management interfaceHotkeys settingsHours / Minutes / Seconds:HouseHow AQ distributes bitsHow many times the screen content should be refreshed per second.HueHue or color balance.HungarianHurry upI quantization factorI&mportI420,IYUV,YV12 to RGB2,RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversionsIDID OffsetINTERNETIP AddressISDB-S parametersISDB-T reception parametersIceCAST outputIcelandicIf nothing appears, check your internet connection.If your HTTP proxy requires a password, set it here.IgnoreIgnore subtitle flagIgnored extensionsImageImage AdjustImage adjustImage brightness (0-2)Image chromaImage contrast (0-2)Image demuxerImage formatImage format (default RGB)Image format which will be used to store the video snapshotsImage gamma (0-10)Image heightImage hue (0-360)Image maskImage mask. Pixels with an alpha value greater than 50% will be erased.Image properties filterImage saturation (0-3)Image wallImage which will be blendedImage widthIncreaseIncrease VolumeIncrease scale factorIncrease the priority of the processIndexIndex fileIndonesianIndustrialInformationInformation...InfraredInfrared remote control interfaceInitializingInputInput & Codecs SettingsInput / CodecsInput FIFOInput bitrateInput card to useInput has changedInput listInput of the card to use (see debug).Input repetitionsInput slave (experimental)Input/ReadInput:Insert DiscInstallInstall Windows ServiceInstall the Service and exit.InstrumentalIntegrate video in interfaceIntensityIntensity of sepia effectInteractive ZoomInterfaceInterface SettingsInterface interactionInterface moduleInterface styleInterlaced modeInterlinguaInterlingueInternal libavcodec codec nameInternal stream recordInternetIntroduces a delay in the display of the stream.InuktitutInupiaqInvalid combinationInvalid signatureInvert colorsInvert video filterIrishIt was not possible to download a cryptographic signature for the downloaded file "%s". Thus, it was deleted.It was not possible to securely verify the downloaded file "%s". Thus, it was deleted.ItalianJACK InputJACK audio inputJACK audio outputJapaneseJapanese (7-bits JIS/ISO-2022-JP-2)Japanese (Shift JIS)Japanese Unix (EUC-JP)JavaneseJazzJazz+FunkJump Bac&kwardJungleK Audio Interface audio outputKVAKannadaKaraokeKasenna MediaBase parserKasenna RTSP dialectKashmiriKateKate text subtitles packetizerKazakhKeep Recent ItemsKeep aspect ratioKeep audio level between sessionsKeep original audio trackKeep original sizeKeep original video trackKeep stream output openKeep the original size of mosaic elements.Key eventsKey press eventsKey: KhmerKikuyuKinyarwandaKirghizKnee radiusKnee radiusKomiKoreanKorean (EUC-KR/CP949)Korean (ISO-2022-KR)KuanyamaKurdishLIBRARYLOCAL NETWORKLanczosLanguageLanguage of the audio track you want to use (comma separated, two or three letter country code, you may use 'none' to avoid a fallback to another language).Language of the elementary stream as described by ISO639Language of the subtitle track you want to use (comma separated, two or three letters country code, you may use 'any' as a fallback).LaoLargeLarge HallLargerLast check on: %@Last.fm username not setLatestLatinLatvianLaunching an update request...Layer A modulationLayer A segments countLayer B modulationLayer B segments countLayer C modulationLayer C segments countLeave FullscreenLeftLeft to right/Top to bottomLength of TS stream segmentsLetzeburgeschLevel of delayed signalLevel of input signalLibNotify Notification PluginLibtwolame audio encoderLicenseLimeLimit the size of each slice in bytesLine 1:Line 2:LinearLinear PCM audio decoderLinear PCM audio encoderLinear PCM audio packetizerLingalaLinguistic markupLink #ListenersLithuanianLiveLive capture caching (ms)Live555 stream transportLiveHTTPLo-FiLoadLoad extensions on startupLoad this subtitle file. To be used when autodetect cannot detect your subtitle file.Local NetworkLocal oscillator high frequency (kHz)Local oscillator low frequency (kHz)Locally collect statisticsLocationLocation:Lock Aspect RatioLog all VLC messages to a text file.Log filenameLog formatLog to fileLoggingLogin:passLogoLogo animation # of loopsLogo eraseLogo filenamesLogo overlayLogo positionLogo video filterLong backwards jumpLong forward jumpLong jump lengthLong jump length, in seconds.Look and feelLook for a subtitle file in those paths too, if your subtitle file was not found in the current directory.LoopLoop / RepeatLossless modeLostLost buffersLost framesLowLow freq (Hz)Low freq gain (dB)Low latencyLow-frequency effectsLowestLowest latencyLuaLua ArtLua CLILua ExtensionLua HTTPLua Meta ReaderLua PlaylistLua Playlist Parser InterfaceLua SD ModuleLua TelnetLua interfaceLua interface configurationLua interface configuration string. Format is: '[""] = {