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Show/Hide hidden files / Look for an item <, > Next/Previous chapter Add the selected file to the playlist , Seek -/+ 1%% , Navigate through the box page by page Add the selected directory to the playlist Pause/Play , Navigate to start/end of box , Navigate through the box line by line , Seek +/-5%% A Add an entry B Show/Hide filebrowser Ctrl-l Refresh the screen D, , Delete an entry Esc Close Add/Search entry L Show/Hide messages box O Reverse order Playlist by title P Show/Hide playlist box Position : %s/%s Profile Name Missing R Toggle Repeat item S Show/Hide statistics box Source : %s [ h for help ] [, ] Next/Previous title a, z Volume Up/Down days e Eject (if stopped) f Toggle Fullscreen f/s fps g Go to the current playing item h,H Show/Hide help box i Show/Hide info box kb/s l Toggle Loop Playlist ms n, p Next/Previous playlist item o Order Playlist by title px q, Q, Esc Quit r Toggle Random playing s Stop x Show/Hide objects box#paste your VLM commands here#separate commands with a new line or a semi-colon%.1f GiB%.1f KiB%.1f MiB%.2f dB%1 downloads%i tracks%s Downloading... %s/%s %.1f%% done%s (Encoded Output)%s Range%s [%s %d]%s bytes%u Hz%u kb/s%u module was not displayed because it only has advanced options. %u modules were not displayed because they only have advanced options. &About&Advanced Controls&Advanced Open...&Apply&Aspect Ratio&Audio&Cancel&Chapter&Clear&Close&Codec Information&Continue&Crop&Deinterlace&Deinterlace mode&Disc&Effects and Filters&Enqueue&Faster&File&Filter:&Fingerprint&Fullscreen&Fullscreen Interface&General&Go&Help&Hide VLC media player in taskbar&Increase Volume&Install&Jump Forward&MPEG-TS&Manage&Media&Messages&Metadata&Mute&Network&No&Open File...&Open Media&Open Multiple Files...&Play&Playback&Preferences&Program&Quality&Quit&Recheck version&Renderer&Reset Preferences&Save&Save Metadata&Save as...&Search:&Select&Start&Stereo Mode&Stop&Stream&Stream...&Track Synchronization&Uninstall&VLM Configuration&Verbosity:&Video&View&Visualizations&Yes&Zoom(Delayed)(Hastened)(default disabled)(default enabled)+----[ Remote control commands ].*...00.00 dB0.200.250.35 (same as DVB-S)11 KHz1.51.712 MHz10 MHz10 bits11025 Hz12 KHz125 Hz14 KHz15 bits16 KHz16 bits16000 Hz170 Hz176400 Hz192000 Hz1:1 Original1:2 Half1:4 Quarter1:File2 KHz2 Pass2.522050 Hz24 bits24000 Hz250 Hz2:1 Double2D3 KHz3.531 Hz310 Hz32 bits32000 Hz3D OpenGL spectrum visualization4 KHz4000 Hz44100 Hz48000 Hz4:2:04:2:24:4:45 MHz50 Hz500 Hz525 lines / 60 Hz6 KHz6 MHz60 Hz600 Hz625 lines / 50 Hz63 Hz7 MHz8 KHz8 MHz8 bits8000 Hz88200 Hz96000 Hz

Welcome to VLC media player Help


You can find VLC documentation on VideoLAN's wiki website.

If you are a newcomer to VLC media player, please read the
Introduction to VLC media player.

You will find some information on how to use the player in the
"How to play files with VLC media player" document.

For all the saving, converting, transcoding, encoding, muxing and streaming tasks, you should find useful information in the Streaming Documentation.

If you are unsure about terminology, please consult the knowledge base.

To understand the main keyboard shortcuts, read the shortcuts page.


Before asking any question, please refer yourself to the FAQ.

You might then get (and give) help on the Forums, the mailing-lists or our IRC channel (#videolan on irc.freenode.net).

Contribute to the project

You can help the VideoLAN project giving some of your time to help the community, to design skins, to translate the documentation, to test and to code. You can also give funds and material to help us. And of course, you can promote VLC media player.

VLC media player is a free and open source media player, encoder, and streamer made by the volunteers of the VideoLAN community.

VLC uses its internal codecs, works on essentially every popular platform, and can read almost all files, CDs, DVDs, network streams, capture cards and other media formats!

Help and join us!

VLC media player is a free and open source media player, encoder, and streamer made by the volunteers of the VideoLAN community.

VLC uses its internal codecs, works on essentially every popular platform, and can read almost all files, CDs, DVDs, network streams, capture cards and other media formats!

Help and join us!>HHHHHH;#A new version of VLC (%1.%2.%3%4) is available.A/52 audio packetizerA/52 dynamic range compressionAAAA; AAC audio decoder (using libfaad2)AAC-ELDAAC-LCAAC-LDAACS Host certificate revoked.AACS MMC failed.ADPCM audio decoderAES/EBUAES3/SMPTE 302M audio decoderAES3/SMPTE 302M audio packetizerAIFF demuxerALSAALSA audio captureALSA audio outputAM Tuner modeAM Tuner mode. Can be one of Default (0), TV (1), AM Radio (2), FM Radio (3) or DSS (4).AM radioAOM video decoderASCIIVLCASCIIVLC media playerASCII ArtASCII-art video outputASF muxerASF packet size -- default is 4096 bytesASF/WMVASF/WMV demuxerASX playlist importATSC A/52 (AC-3) audio decoderAU demuxerAUMIDIAVFoundation Audio CaptureAVFoundation Video CaptureAVFoundation audio capture module.AVFoundation video capture module.AVIAVI demuxerAVI muxerAVIOAbkhazianAbortAboutAbout VLC media playerAbove the VideoAbsolute delayAccelerated video output (Overlay)Accept 24 hoursAccept commands over a Unix socket rather than stdin.Accept commands over a socket rather than stdin. You can set the address and port the interface will bind to.Accept permanentlyAccess advanced options to tweak the deviceAccess moduleAccess modulesAccess outputAccess output moduleAccess output modules control the ways the muxed streams are sent. This setting allows you to always force a specific access output method. You should probably not do that. You can also set default parameters for each access output.AccessibilityAccount that will be used for the connection.ActionActionsActivateActivate TranscodingActivate VNC polling. Do NOT activate for use as VDR ffnetdev client.Activate or deactivate autoscaling.Activate or deactivate deinterlacing.Activate the automatic notification of new versions of the software. It runs once every two weeks.Activate the updates availability notificationActivate updates notifierActive ExtensionsActorsAddAdd &Subtitle File...Add Directory...Add File...Add Folder...Add InputAdd InterfaceAdd NoiseAdd Subtitle File...Add Subtitle File:Add WAVE headerAdd a backgroundAdd a blurring effectAdd a delay effect to the soundAdd a shadowAdd cover art from fileAdd destinations following the streaming methods you need. Be sure to check with transcoding that the format is compatible with the method used.Add logoAdd textAdd to PlaylistAdd...Addons ManagerAddressAddress of the CDDB server to use.Adds filtered gaussian noiseAdjust VLC priorityAdjust pitchAdjustments and EffectsAdvancedAdvanced ButtonsAdvanced Open File...Advanced OptionsAdvanced PreferencesAdvanced WidgetAdvanced options...Advanced settingsAdvanced settings. Use with care...AfarAfrikaansAlbanianAlbumAlbum ArtistAlbum art filenameAlbum replay gainAllAll FilesAllow automatic icon changesAllow cacheAllow metadata network accessAllow only one instanceAllow only one running instanceAllow other applications to control VLC using the D-Bus MPRIS protocol.Allow real-time priorityAllow to build directory indexAllowing only one running instance of VLC can sometimes be useful, for example if you associated VLC with some media types and you don't want a new instance of VLC to be opened each time you open a file in your file manager. This option will allow you to play the file with the already running instance or enqueue it.Allows a user to specify an extra pmt (pmt_pid=pid:stream_type[,...]).Allows you to set Teletext language (page=lang/type,...).Allows you to specify a "copyright" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "date" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "description" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "genre" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "title" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify a "url" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify an "artist" metadata for an input.Allows you to specify an "author" metadata for an input.Alpha blending transparency mask. Uses a png alpha channel.Alpha maskAlpha mask video filterAlpha transparency value (default 255)Alt+AltiVec conversions from AlwaysAlways Fit &WindowAlways fixAlways on &topAlways on topAlways place the video window on top of other windows.Always reset audio start level to:Always visibleAlways, on this device onlyAmharicAmount of movement required for a mouse gesture to be recorded.AmplificationAn error occurred while checking for updates...Anaglyph 3DAnalogAndroid WindowAndroid native windowAngleAngle in degreesAngle in degrees (0 to 359)AnimationAnnounce this session with SAP.AntennaAnti-FlickeringAny fieldAppearanceAppend '-converted' to filenameAppend to existing fileAppend to fileApplicationApplication level hotkeyApplicationsApplyApply a delay to all subtitles (in 1/10s, eg 100 means 10s).Apply cartoon effectApply cartoon effect. It is only used by "gradient" and "edge".Apply color gradient or edge detection effectsAquaArabicArabic (ISO 8859-6)Arabic (Windows-1256)Are you sure you want to reset your VLC media player preferences?Are you sure you wish to create the stream?AreaArmenianArt and meta fetchersArtistArtist metadataArtwork URLAscendingAskAsk for actionAspect RatioAspect ratioAspect ratio (4:3, 16:9). Default assumes square pixels.Aspect ratio selectorAspect ratio: %sAssameseAssignAssign a fixed PID to the PMTAssign a fixed PID to the SPU.Assign a fixed PID to the audio stream.Assign a fixed PID to the video stream. The PCR PID will automatically be the video.AttachmentAttachment inputAudioAudio &DeviceAudio &TrackAudio CDAudio CD - Track %02iAudio CD deviceAudio CD inputAudio DelayAudio DeviceAudio Device: %sAudio ESAudio EffectsAudio Effects...Audio FilesAudio PIDAudio SettingsAudio SpatializerAudio TrackAudio and SubtitlesAudio balanceAudio bitrateAudio bits per sampleAudio captureAudio capture (ALSA)Audio capture (PulseAudio)Audio channelsAudio codecAudio codecsAudio configurationAudio connectionAudio connection to use for DeckLink captures. Valid choices: embedded, aesebu, analog. Leave blank for card default.Audio delay %i msAudio delay downAudio delay upAudio desynchronization compensationAudio device is not configuredAudio device nameAudio encoderAudio filterAudio filter for PCM format conversionAudio filter for band-limited interpolation resamplingAudio filter for simple channel mixingAudio filtering failedAudio filtersAudio filters are used to process the audio stream.Audio gainAudio inputAudio input of the card to use (see debug).Audio input pinAudio languageAudio memoryAudio memory outputAudio modeAudio output URLAudio output access methodAudio output channelsAudio output deviceAudio output device (using ALSA syntax).Audio output failedAudio output moduleAudio output muxerAudio output pinAudio output volume stepAudio portAudio resamplerAudio sample rateAudio sample rate in Hertz. Default is 48000 Hz.Audio samplerate (Hz)Audio sampling rate (in hertz) for DeckLink captures. 0 disables audio input.Audio settingsAudio trackAudio track IDAudio track synchronization:Audio track: %sAudio visualizationsAudio volumeAudio/VideoAudio/Video decoder (using OpenMAX IL)Augment contrast between contours.AuthorAuthor metadataAuthorsAutoAuto connectionAuto raising the interface:Auto re-connectAuto shuffleAuto solveAuto startAutodelAutodetect subtitle filesAutomaticAutomatic brightnessAutomatic chroma gainAutomatic gainAutomatic hueAutomatic white balanceAutomatically add/delete input streamsAutomatically adjust the picture brightness.Automatically adjust the picture hue.Automatically adjust the picture white balance.Automatically check for updatesAutomatically connect VLC input ports to available output ports.Automatically connect to writable clientsAutomatically control the chroma gain.Automatically detect a subtitle file, if no subtitle filename is specified (based on the filename of the movie).Automatically load the extensions module on startup.Automatically preparse itemsAutomatically preparse items added to the playlist (to retrieve some metadata).Automatically set the video gain.Automatically start playing the playlist content once it's loaded.Autoscale videoAvestanAvformatAvformat demuxerAvformat muxAvformat muxerAymaraAzerbaijaniA→B LoopB4S playlist importBPG image decoderBackBackgroundBackground ColorBackground OpacityBackground art fits window's size.Background colorBackground opacityBacklight compensationBackspaceBackwardBalance of the audio input.Baltic (Latin-7)Baltic (Windows-1257)Band-stop filterBanding removalBands gainBandwidthBandwidth (MHz)Base imageBase pixel radiusBashkirBasicBasqueBassBass adjustment of the audio input.Bass levelBelarusianBengaliBest availableBicubic (good quality)Bicubic splineBig ButtonBihariBilinearBislamaBitrateBitrate (kb/s)Bitrate overrideBits per sampleBlackBlack & whiteBlack screens in Fullscreen modeBlackmagic DeckLink SDI inputBlendBlend imageBlu-Ray player region code. Some discs can be played only with a correct region code.Blu-rayBlu-ray Disc is corrupted.Blu-ray Disc support (libbluray)Blu-ray errorBlu-ray menusBlueBlue balanceBlue chroma balance.BluesBluescreenBluescreen U toleranceBluescreen U valueBluescreen V toleranceBluescreen V valueBluescreen video filterBlur factor (1-127)BobBonjour Network DiscoveryBonjour Renderer DiscoveryBookmarkBookmark %iBookmarksBookmarks list for a streamBookmarks...Border heightBorder widthBosnianBoss keyBottomBottom CenterBottom LeftBottom leftBottom rightBottom-LeftBottom-RightBretonBrightBrightnessBrightness DownBrightness ThresholdBrightness UpBrightness thresholdBring All to FrontBroadcastBroadcast: Broken or missing AVI IndexBrowseBrowse...Browser BackBrowser FavoritesBrowser ForwardBrowser HomeBrowser RefreshBrowser SearchBrowser StopBuffer dimensionsBuild index then playBuilding font cacheBulgarianBurmeseBy default (0), all the channels of the incoming will be saved but you can restrict the number of channels here.By default the dummy interface plugin will start a DOS command box. Enabling the quiet mode will not bring this command box but can also be pretty annoying when you want to stop VLC and no video window is open.By default the rc interface plugin will start a DOS command box. Enabling the quiet mode will not bring this command box but can also be pretty annoying when you want to stop VLC and no video window is open.By default, the server will listen on any local IP address. Specify an IP address (e.g. ::1 or or a host name (e.g. localhost) to restrict them to a specific network interface.BytesCC&onvertC&onvert / SaveC64 sid demuxerCABACCBR bitrate (kbps)CBR encodingCC 608/708CDCDDB ServerCDDB Server port to use.CDDB portCDG demuxerCDG video decoderCLI inputCPU optimizationsCSA KeyCSA Key in useCSA encryption key. This must be a 16 char string (8 hexadecimal bytes).CVD subtitle decoderCableCachingCaching value (ms)Caching value for cameras and microphones, in milliseconds.Caching value for local files, in milliseconds.Caching value for network resources, in milliseconds.Caching value for optical media, in milliseconds.Calculation factorCancelCannot save ConfigurationCannot write to file %1: %2.CanvasCanvas video filterCapabilityCaptureCapture &DeviceCapture failedCapture modeCapture region heightCapture region widthCapture the audio stream in stereo.CartoonCatalanCategoryCeltic (Latin-8)CenterChamorroChangeChange HotkeyChange playlistviewChange subtitle delayChange the caching for the mediaChange the id of an elementary streamChange the language of an elementary streamChange the lirc configuration fileChange the loop and repeat modesChange the start time for the mediaChange the stop time for the mediaChange title according to current mediaChanges the subtitles size where possibleChannelsChannels countChannels count of an audio elementary streamChannels:Chaoji VCD subtitle packetizerChapterChapter %iChapter codecsChapter offset in msChaptersChechenCheck for &Updates...Check for Update...Check for VLC updatesChichewa; NyanjaChineseChooseChoose Cover ArtChoose a fileChoose an output locationChoose one or more media file to openChoose the program to select by giving its Service ID. Only use this option if you want to read a multi-program stream (like DVB streams for example).Choose the programs to select by giving a comma-separated list of Service IDs (SIDs). Only use this option if you want to read a multi-program stream (like DVB streams for example).Choose whether the SPU streams should be redirected to the stream output facility when this last one is enabled.Choose whether the audio stream should be redirected to the stream output facility when this last one is enabled.Choose whether the video stream should be redirected to the stream output facility when this last one is enabled.Choose...Chroma formatChroma gainChroma gain control.Chroma locationChroma usedChurch SlavicChuvashCiphers, key exchange methods, hash functions and compression methods can be selected. Refer to GNU TLS documentation for detailed syntax.Cl&earCl&oseClassic RockClassicalClearClear ListClear the messagesClear the playlistClick to set point BClick to toggle between elapsed and remaining timeClick to toggle between loop all, loop one and no loopClick to toggle between total and remaining timeClient portClock jitterClock reference average counterClock sourceClock synchronisationCloneClone video filterClose WindowClose to systrayClosed Captions decoderClosed captionsClosed captions %uClosed captions 1Closed captions 2Closed captions 3Closed captions 4ClubCo&decCodecCodec DetailsCodec LevelCodec ProfileCodec nameCodec not supportedCodecsCodecs / MuxersCollapseCollect miscellaneous local statistics about the playing media.ColorColor ASCII art video outputColor effectColor extractionColor inversionColor killerColor messagesColor of the text that will be rendered on the video. This must be an hexadecimal (like HTML colors). The first two chars are for red, then green, then blue. #000000 = black, #FF0000 = red, #00FF00 = green, #FFFF00 = yellow (red + green), #FFFFFF = whiteColor primariesColor spaceColor thresholdColor threshold filterColor transfer functionColorsColumn borderColumnsComma separated list of aspect ratios which will be added in the interface's aspect ratio list.Comma separated list of crop ratios which will be added in the interface's crop ratios list.Comma-separated list of input URLs to concatenate.Command+Command-line interfaceCommentCommentsCommunicationCompensate delayCompiled by %s on %s (%s) Compiler: %s Complete MRL for VLC internalComponentCompositeCompression levelCompressorConcatenated inputsConcatenationConfig of last used skinConfiguration optionsConfigure HotkeysConnect to clients matchingConnection failedConsoleConstant bitrate mode (CBR)Constant noise threshold modeContainersContainers (*.ps *.ts *.mpg *.ogg *.asf *.mp4 *.mov *.wav *.raw *.flv *.webm)Content bitrateContext menuContinueContinue playbackContinue playback?ContrastControlControl interfacesControl menu for the playerControlsConve&rt / Save...Conversions from ConvertCopyCopy packetizerCopyrightCopyright metadataCore Animation OpenGL Layer (Mac OS X)CornishCorsicanCould not demux ASF streamCountryCoverCreateCreate "Fast Start" filesCreate "Fast Start" files. "Fast Start" files are optimized for downloads and allow the user to start previewing the file while it is downloading.Create DirectoryCreate Directory...Create FolderCreate Folder...Create a new bookmarkCreate a new profileCreate unique name in the System Tuning SpacesCreate video buffers in system memory instead of video memory. This isn't recommended as usually using video memory allows benefiting from more hardware acceleration (like rescaling or YUV->RGB conversions). This option doesn't have any effect when using overlays.CreditsCroatianCropCrop one pixel from the bottom of the videoCrop one pixel from the left of the videoCrop one pixel from the right of the videoCrop one pixel from the top of the videoCrop: %sCrypt audioCrypt audio using CSACrypt videoCrypt video using CSACrystal HD hardware video decoderCtrl+Ctrl+HCtrl+LCtrl+TCubemapCurrent Media InformationCurrent media / stream statisticsCurrent playback speed: %1 Click to adjustCustomCustom &BookmarksCustom aspect ratios listCustom crop ratios listCustom optionsCustom title for the video window (in case the video is not embedded in the interface).Customi&ze Interface...CutCycle audio trackCycle deinterlace modesCycle next program Service IDCycle previous program Service IDCycle source aspect ratioCycle subtitle trackCycle subtitle track in reverse orderCycle through a predefined list of crop formats.Cycle through a predefined list of source aspect ratios.Cycle through audio devicesCycle through available audio devicesCycle through available deinterlace modes.Cycle through the available audio tracks(languages).Cycle through the available next program Service IDs (SIDs).Cycle through the available previous program Service IDs (SIDs).Cycle through the available subtitle tracks in reverse order.Cycle through the available subtitle tracks.Cycle video cropCyrillic (Windows-1251)CzechD&ecrease VolumeD-Bus control interfaceDBusDC1394DCPDEVICESDIVEDSSDTS Coherent Acoustics audio decoderDTS audio packetizerDTS delay (ms)DTS dynamic range compressionDTVDTVCC Closed captions %uDVDV (Digital Video) demuxerDVBDVB adapterDVB deviceDVB playlist importDVB subtitlesDVB subtitles decoderDVB subtitles encoderDVB-S2 parametersDVDDVD angleDVD deviceDVD menusDVD subtitlesDVD subtitles decoderDVD subtitles packetizerDVD with menusDVD without menusDVDRead Input (no menu support)DVDRead could not open the disc "%s".DVDnav InputDVDnav demuxerDaala video decoderDaala video encoderDamaged or incomplete AVI fileDampDanceDanishDarkDataData alignmentDateDate metadataDay / Month / Year:De-FullscreenDeactivateDeactivate the deblocking loop filter (decreases quality).Death MetalDebanding algorithmDeckLinkDeckLink Audio OptionsDeckLink Audio Output moduleDeckLink General OptionsDeckLink Video OptionsDeckLink Video Output moduleDeckLink capture card to use, if multiple exist. The cards are numbered from 0.DecklinkOutputDecodeDecode at the demuxer stageDecodedDecoded blocksDecoded formatDecodersDecodingDecoding X coordinateDecoding Y coordinateDecreaseDecrease VolumeDecrease scale factorDefaultDefault (Windows-1252)Default Caching LevelDefault DVD angle.Default EncodingDefault TCP connection timeout (in milliseconds).Default background alphaDefault background colorDefault caching policyDefault devicesDefault encodingDefault font alphaDefault font colorDefault font descriptionDefault font effectDefault font effect strengthDefault multicast interface. This overrides the routing table.Default optical deviceDefault replay gainDefault streamDefault stream output chainDefine input picture aspect-ratio to use. Default is 4:3Define the colors of the volume sliderDefine which screen fullscreen goesDefines orientation of the mirror splitting. Can be vertical or horizontal.DeinterlaceDeinterlace method to use for streaming.Deinterlace method to use for video processing.Deinterlace modeDeinterlace moduleDeinterlace offDeinterlace onDeinterlace the video before encoding.Deinterlace videoDeinterlacingDeinterlacing video filterDelayDelay (ms)Delay a streamDelay calculation modeDelay of the ES (ms)Delay timeDeleteDelete all the bookmarksDelete selected profileDelete the current profileDelete the selected itemDeletes the selected itemDelivery systemDemultiplexers are used to separate the "elementary" streams (like audio and video streams). You can use it if the correct demuxer is not automatically detected. You should not set this as a global option unless you really know what you are doing.Demux filter moduleDemux filters are used to modify/control the stream that is being read.Demux moduleDemuxed data sizeDemuxersDemuxers are used to separate audio and video streams.DenoiserDescendingDescriptionDescription metadataDesired frame rate for the VC-1 stream.Desired frame rate for the capture.Desired input video mode for DeckLink captures. This value should be a FOURCC code in textual form, e.g. "ntsc".Desired input video mode. Leave empty for autodetection.Desired output modeDesktopDesktop level hotkeyDestinationDestination SetupDestination audio codecDestination file:Destination prefixDestination subtitle codecDestination video codecDetailed ListDetects edges in the frame and highlights them in white.DeviceDevice SelectionDevice nameDevice propertiesDevice:DevicesDialogDiffServ Code PointDifferent resampling algorithms are supported. The best one is slower, while the fast one exhibits low quality.Differentiated Services Code Point for outgoing UDP streams (or IPv4 Type Of Service, or IPv6 Traffic Class). This is used for network Quality of Service.Digital Cinema Package moduleDigital Television and RadioDigital broadcastingDirac packetizerDirac video demuxerDirect3D11 Video AccelerationDirectShowDirectShow inputDirectXDirectX (DirectDraw) video outputDirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) 2.0DirectX audio outputDirectionDirection of the mirroring.DirectorDirectoryDirectory indexDirectory or filename where the records will be storedDirectory used to store the timeshift temporary files.Directory where the records will be storedDirectory where the video snapshots will be stored.DisableDisable DVD menusDisable DVD subtitle transparencyDisable Disc MenusDisable all lua pluginsDisable for double buffering in software.Disable screensaverDisable the screensaver during video playback.DisabledDiscDisc SelectionDisc caching (ms)Disc deviceDisc numberDiscardDiscarded (corrupted)DiscoDiscontinuous TransmissionDiscsDisplayDisplay IDDisplay ID. If not specified, main display ID is used.Display SettingsDisplay aspect ratioDisplay aspect ratio of a video elementary streamDisplay background cone or artDisplay background cone or current album art when not playing. Can be disabled to prevent burning screen.Display locallyDisplay name of the ServiceDisplay playlist treeDisplay sizeDisplay stream outputDisplay text above the videoDisplay the input videoDisplay the outputDisplay the processed videoDisplay the snapshot preview in the screen's top-left corner.Display the stream locallyDisplay the title of the video on top of the movie.Display video snapshot previewDisplay while streamingDisplayedDisplayed framesDistort modeDo not demultiplexDo not open a DOS command box interfaceDo not playDo you really want to unsubscribe from %1?Do you want to download it?Do you want to restart the playback where left off?Dock fullscreen controllerDock/undock fullscreen controller to/from bottom of screenDocked PlaylistDolby SurroundDolby Surround decoderDomain/Workgroup that will be used for the connection.Don't display any videoDon't showDouble SizeDouble click to change. Delete key to remove.Double click to get media informationDouble click to jump to a chosen time positionDownDownload cover artDownloaded file "%s" was corrupted. Thus, it was deleted.Draw bands in the spectrometerDraw peaks in the analyzerDraw the base of the bandsDrop late framesDropped (discontinued)DryDual monoDummyDummy ElementsDummy audio outputDummy decoderDummy encoderDummy font rendererDummy image chroma formatDummy inputDummy interfaceDummy stream outputDummy video outputDummy/Raw muxerDump decoderDump filenameDump moduleDump raw inputDuplicate stream outputDurationDuration in secondsDuration in seconds before simulating an end of file. A negative value means an unlimited play time.DutchDynamic range compressorDynamic video overlayDzongkhaE&xportEBU STL subtitles decoderEBU STL subtitles parserEGLEGL extension for OpenGLES IDEastern European (Latin-2)Eastern European (Windows-1250)EdgeEdge detectionEdge detection video filterEditEdit BookmarksEdit InputEdit OptionsEdit selected profileEdit settingsEffectsEffects listEject the discElapsed timeElementary Stream IDElementary stream outputEmbed the file browser in open dialogEmbed the video output in the main interface.EmbeddedEmbedded videoEmbedded window videoEmbossEmptyEmpty PlaylistEnableEnable DVD menusEnable OSDEnable On Screen Display (OSD)Enable SPU stream outputEnable SpatializerEnable Time-Stretching audioEnable afterburner libraryEnable audioEnable audio stream outputEnable compatibility hacks for Blu-ray supportEnable discontinuous transmission (DTX).Enable dynamic range compressorEnable multiple quantizersEnable noise reduction algorithm.Enable original graphic spectrumEnable reverberationEnable software modeEnable streaming of all ESEnable sub-picturesEnable subtitlesEnable the "flat" spectrum analyzer in the spectrometer.Enable the color killer, i.e. switch to black & white picture whenever the signal is weak.Enable this option if you want your audio not to be interrupted by the other audio.Enable time stretching audioEnable transparency effectsEnable videoEnable video stream outputEnable voice activity detection (VAD). It is automatically activated in VBR mode.Enable wallpaper modeEnabledEnabled (AC3/DTS only)Enables framedropping on MPEG2 stream. Framedropping occurs when your computer is not powerful enoughEncapsulationEncapsulation MethodEncoded byEncoderEncodingEncoding X coordinateEncoding Y coordinateEncoding complexityEncoding parametersEncoding qualityEncrypted connexionEndEnforce a constant bitrate encoding (CBR) instead of default variable bitrate encoding (VBR).Enforce a quality between 0 (low) and 10 (high).Enforce the alignment of the video in its window. By default (0) it will be centered (0=center, 1=left, 2=right, 4=top, 8=bottom, you can also use combinations of these values, like 6=4+2 meaning top-right).Enforce the complexity of the encoder.Enforce the maximal VBR bitrateEnforce the mode of the encoder.EnglishEnqueue items into playlist in one instance modeEnterEnter URL here...Enter URL of the podcast to subscribe to:Enter a new name for the directory:Enter a new name for the folder:Enter name for new directory:Enter name for new folder:EpisodeEqualizerEqualizer presetEqualizer with 10 bandsEquirectangularEraseErase video filterErrorError while saving metaError:ErrorsErrors and WarningsErrors and Warnings...EscEsperantoEsperanto (Latin-3)EssentialEstonianEvery Exhaustive help for VLC and its modulesExit fullscreenExit if there are no more items in the playlist.ExpandExpand the viewpoint field of view (360°)Expanding SpacerExpanding background cone or artExperimentalExport SDP as fileExpose media player via D-BusExtended panelExtensionsExtra PMTExtra interface modulesExtra mediaExtra metadata and other information are shown in this panel. ExtractExtract RGB component video filterF&LVF1F10F11F12F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FDK-AAC Audio encoderFDKAACFEC code rateFFmpeg audio/video decoderFFmpeg audio/video encoderFFmpeg post processing filter chainsFIFO which will be read for commandsFIFO which will be written to for responsesFLACFLAC demuxerFM radioFOURCC code of raw input formatFOURCC code of the raw input format. This is a four character string.FPSFPS ConverterFPS conversion video filterFTP accountFTP authenticationFTP inputFTP upload outputFactorFailed to open "%s" for writingFailed to start bluray playback. Please try without menu support.Fake TTYFaroeseFastFast bilinearFast seekFasterFaster (fine)Favor speed over precision while seekingFeaturesFeedback gainFijianFileFile Format:File SelectionFile SizeFile associationsFile audio outputFile caching (ms)File corruptedFile could not be verifiedFile dumperFile extensions associationFile inputFile loggingFile nameFile names:File not verifiableFile reading failedFile stream outputFile/DirectoryFile/FolderFilebrowser starting pointFilenameFilename prefixFilename to look for album art in current directoryFilesFiles will be placed in the same directory with the same name.Files with these extensions will not be added to playlist when opening a directory. This is useful if you add directories that contain playlist files for instance. Use a comma-separated list of extensions.Film GrainFilm NTSC (IVTC)FilterFilter the audio twice. This provides a more intense effect.Filter:FiltersFind meta data using audio fingerprintingFind more addons onlineFinnishFirst PlayFit to ScreenFix HDTV heightFix when necessaryFixing AVI Index...Flac audio decoderFlac audio encoderFlac audio packetizerFlatFlat ButtonFlip horizontallyFlip the picture horizontally.Flip the picture vertically.Flip verticallyFloat on TopFluidSynthFluidSynth MIDI synthesizerFolderFolder meta dataFollow the mouseFollow the mouse when capturing a subscreen.FontFont PropertiesFont colorFont family for the font you want to useFont file for the font you want to useFont menuFont sizeFont size in pixelsFont size, pixelsFont used for the menusFont used for the titlesForce Aspect RatioForce S/PDIF supportForce a constant bitrate encoding (CBR).Force boldForce chroma (Use carefully)Force chroma. This is a four character string.Force detection of Dolby SurroundForce index creationForce interleaved methodForce multicast RTP via RTSPForce selection of all streamsForce subtitle positionForce the DirectShow video input to use a specific chroma format (eg. I420 (default), RV24, etc.)Force the DirectShow video input to use a specific frame rate (eg. 0 means default, 25, 29.97, 50, 59.94, etc.)Force the rc module to use stdin as if it was a TTY.Force update of this dialog's valuesForce use of a specific avformat muxer.Force window style:Forced chromaForces the audio languageFormFormatFormat nameFormat of the output images (png, jpeg, ...).Formatted SubtitlesForwardFra&me RateFrame By FrameFrame buffer depthFrame buffer fileFrame buffer heightFrame buffer widthFrame by frameFrame rateFrame rate of a video elementary streamFrame rate of the elementary stream produced.Frame sizeFramebuffer deviceFramebuffer device to use for rendering (usually /dev/fb0).Framebuffer inputFramebuffer resolution to useFramebuffer uses hw accelerationFrames per SecondFreetype2 font rendererFrenchFreq 1 (Hz)Freq 1 QFreq 1 gain (dB)Freq 2 (Hz)Freq 2 QFreq 2 gain (dB)Freq 3 (Hz)Freq 3 QFreq 3 gain (dB)FrequencyFrequency (Hz)FrisianFullFull HD (1080p)Full bassFull bass and trebleFull trebleFullscreenFullscreen ControllerFullscreen Video DeviceFullscreen controller opacity between 0.1 and 1Fullscreen video outputFunkFusionG.711 decoderG.711 encoderGLXGNU TLS serverGNU TLS transport layer securityGNU/Linux framebuffer video outputGOP lengthGaelic (Scots)GainGain control filterGain multiplierGain on Feedback loopGalleganGameGame modeGammaGamma adjust.GaussGaussian BlurGaussian Low Pass FilterGaussian blur video filterGaussian's std deviationGeneralGeneral AudioGeneral audio settingsGeneral input settings. Use with care...General playlist behaviourGeneral settings for audio output modules.General settings for video output modules.General stream output settingsGeneral video settingsGenerated stream output stringGenericGenreGenre descriptionGenre metadataGenre of the content.GeometryGeorgianGermanGesturesGetACPCP1252Gives video a warmer tone by applying sepia effectGlobalGlobal HotkeysGlobal Hotkeys interfaceGlobal gainGo to TimeGo to the DVD menuGo to timeGoomGoom animation speedGoom display heightGoom display widthGoom effectGradfunGradfun video filterGradientGradient image typeGradient thresholdGradient video filterGrainGrain video filterGrass greenGrayGrayscale video outputGreek (ISO 8859-7)Greek (Windows-1253)Greek, ModernGreenGreenlandic, KalaallisutGroupGroup of Picture sizeGroup packetsGuaraniGujaratiH.262/MPEG-2 encoder (x262)H.264 levelH.264 profileH.264 video packetizerH.264/MPEG-4 Part 10/AVC encoder (x264 10-bit)H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10/AVC encoder (x264)H.265/HEVC encoder (x265)H264 video demuxerHD (720p)HD DVDHD-SDIHD-SDI InputHDMIHDMI/SPDIF audio passthroughHDMV TextST subtitles decoderHE-AACHE-AAC-v2HEVC/H.265 video packetizerHH'H':mm'm':ss's'.zzzHQ Denoiser 3DHTML playlistHTML playlist exportHTTP (default)HTTP authenticationHTTP inputHTTP proxyHTTP proxy URLHTTP proxy passwordHTTP proxy to be used It must be of the form http://[user@]myproxy.mydomain:myport/ ; if empty, the http_proxy environment variable will be tried.HTTP server addressHTTP server portHTTP stream outputHTTP(S)HTTP/TLS server certificateHTTP/TLS server private keyHTTPSHTTPS inputHTTPS server portHalf SizeHardware decodingHardware-accelerated decodingHeadphone effectHeadphone virtual spatialization effectHeadphone virtualizationHeadphonesHebrewHebrew (ISO 8859-8)Hebrew (Windows-1255)HeightHeight of video or subtitle elementary streamsHelpHereroHide / Show ViewerHide OthersHide VLCHide cursor and fullscreen controller after x millisecondsHide future errorsHide mouse cursor and fullscreen controller after n milliseconds.Hide the interface and pause playback.Hierarchy modeHighHigh Quality 3D Denoiser filterHigh freq (Hz)High freq gain (dB)High latencyHigh priorityHigh-priority code rateHigher latencyHighestHindiHip-HopHiri MotuHomeHong-Kong Supplementary (HKSCS)Hop limit (TTL)HorizontalHorizontal (18V)Horizontal flipHostHot keysHotkeyHotkey changeHotkeysHotkeys management interfaceHotkeys settingsHoughHours / Minutes / Seconds:How many times the screen content should be refreshed per second.HueHue or color balance.HungarianHurry upHybrid Log-GammaI&mportI420,IYUV,YV12 to RGB2,RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversionsIDID OffsetIIDC Digital Camera (FireWire) inputINTERNETIP AddressISDB-S parametersITU-R BT.601 (525 lines, 60 Hz)ITU-R BT.601 (625 lines, 50 Hz)IceCAST outputIcelandicIconsIf automatic connection is enabled, only JACK clients whose names match this regular expression will be considered for connection.If enabled, this option will automatically connect sound output to the first writable JACK clients found.If nothing appears, check your internet connection.If pending audio communication is detected, playback will be paused automatically.If the adapter provides multiple independent tuner devices, the device number must be selected. Numbering starts from zero.If the average power over the last N buffers is higher than this value, the volume will be normalized. This value is a positive floating point number. A value between 0.5 and 10 seems sensible.If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.If there is more than one digital broadcasting adapter, the adapter number must be selected. Numbering starts from zero.If this option is enabled, the flow on the SAP multicast address will be controlled. This is needed if you want to make announcements on the MBone.If uid/gid are not specified in the url, VLC will automatically set a uid/gid.If your HTTP proxy requires a password, set it here.If your clipboard contains a valid URL or the path to a file on your computer, it will be automatically selected.IgnoreIgnore files starting with '.'Ignore keyboard volume buttons.Ignore subtitle flagIgnored extensionsImageImage AdjustImage FilesImage Files (*.gif *.jpg *.jpeg *.png)Image adjustImage brightness (0-2)Image chromaImage contrast (0-2)Image demuxerImage formatImage format (default RGB)Image format which will be used to store the video snapshotsImage gamma (0-10)Image heightImage hue (0-360)Image maskImage mask. Pixels with an alpha value greater than 50% will be erased.Image properties filterImage qualityImage quality 1 to 9 (max)Image saturation (0-3)Image widthIn a multiple monitor configuration, you can specify the Windows device name of the display that you want the video window to open on. For example, "\\.\DISPLAY1" or "\\.\DISPLAY2".IncreaseIncrease VolumeIncrease or decrease the gain (default 1.0)Increase scale factorIncrease the priority of the processIncreasing the priority of the process will very likely improve your playing experience as it allows VLC not to be disturbed by other applications that could otherwise take too much processor time. However be advised that in certain circumstances (bugs) VLC could take all the processor time and render the whole system unresponsive which might require a reboot of your machine.IndexIndex fileIndex intervalIndex of screen (1, 2, 3, ...). Alternative to Display ID.IndonesianInformationInformation about what your media or stream is made of. Muxer, Audio and Video Codecs, Subtitles are shown.Information...InfraredInfrared remote control interfaceInitializingInputInput & Codec SettingsInput & Codecs SettingsInput / CodecsInput FIFOInput bitrateInput card to useInput listInput mediaInput of the card to use (see debug).Input repetitionsInput slave (experimental)Input/ReadInput:Inputs listInsecure siteInsertInsert DiscInstallInstall Windows ServiceInstall the Service and exit.InstalledInstead of writing a raw file, you can add a WAV header to the file.InstrumentalInteger from -1 (no model) to 4.Integrate video in interfaceIntensityIntensity of sepia effectInteractive ZoomInterfaceInterface SettingsInterface interactionInterface moduleInterface styleInterfacesInterlaced encodingInterlaced modeInterlaced motion estimationInterlinguaInterlingueInternal libavcodec format nameInternal stream recordInternetInuktitutInupiaqInvalid combinationInvalid signatureInvert colorsInvert video filterIrishIt is possible to disable the input clock synchronisation for real-time sources. Use this if you experience jerky playback of network streams.It was not possible to download a cryptographic signature for the downloaded file "%s". Thus, it was deleted.It was not possible to securely verify the downloaded file "%s". Thus, it was deleted.ItalianJACK InputJACK audio inputJACK audio outputJACK client nameJPEG image decoderJPEG image encoderJapaneseJapanese (7-bits JIS/ISO-2022-JP-2)Japanese (Shift JIS)Japanese Unix (EUC-JP)Java requiredJava was not found on your system.JavaneseJazzJoint stereoJump Bac&kwardJump sizesJump to Specific &TimeJump to TimeK Audio Interface audio outputK Video Acceleration video outputKDM fileKVAKannadaKaraokeKashmiriKateKate overlay decoderKate text subtitles packetizerKazakhKeep Recent ItemsKeep aspect ratioKeep audio level between sessionsKeep existing fileKeep original audio trackKeep original sizeKeep original video trackKeep stream output openKey eventsKey or combination: Key press eventsKey: KeywordsKhmerKikuyuKinyarwandaKirghizKomiKoreanKorean (EUC-KR/CP949)Korean (ISO-2022-KR)KuanyamaKurdishLIBRARYLOCAL NETWORKLZMA decompressionLanczosLanguageLanguage of the audio track you want to use (comma separated, two or three letter country code, you may use 'none' to avoid a fallback to another language).Language of the menus you want to use with DVD/BluRay (comma separated, two or three letters country code, you may use 'any' as a fallback).Language of the subtitle track you want to use (comma separated, two or three letters country code, you may use 'any' as a fallback).LaoLargeLarge HallLargerLast 60 secondsLast check on: %@LatinLatvianLaunching an update request...Layer A code rateLayer A modulationLayer A segments countLayer A time interleavingLayer B code rateLayer B modulationLayer B segments countLayer B time interleavingLayer C code rateLayer C modulationLayer C segments countLayer C time interleavingLeave FullscreenLeftLeft bottomLeft to rightLeft to right/Top to bottomLeft topLet the video scale to fit a given window or fullscreen.LetzeburgeschLibNotify Notification PluginLibtwolame audio encoderLicenseLine 1:Line 2:LinearLinear (fastest)Linear PCM audio decoderLinear PCM audio encoderLinear PCM audio packetizerLingalaLink #ListList of codecs that VLC will use in priority. For instance, 'dummy,a52' will try the dummy and a52 codecs before trying the other ones. Only advanced users should alter this option as it can break playback of all your streams.List of keystores that VLC will use in priority.List of words separated by | to filterListenersLithuanianLiveLive capture caching (ms)Live555 stream transportLiveHTTPLoadLoad extensions on startupLoad this subtitle file. To be used when autodetect cannot detect your subtitle file.Loading flowplayer...Local NetworkLocally collect statisticsLocationLocation:Lock Aspect RatioLoggingLogoLogo eraseLogo filenamesLogo opacity value (from 0 for full transparency to 255 for full opacity).Logo overlayLogo positionLogo sub sourceLogo video filterLong backwards jumpLong forward jumpLong jump lengthLong jump length, in seconds.Look and feelLook for a subtitle file in those paths too, if your subtitle file was not found in the current directory.LoopLoop / RepeatLoop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters alpha:betaLoop filter AlphaC0 and Beta parameters. Range -6 to 6 for both alpha and beta parameters. -6 means light filter, 6 means strong.Loop from point A to point B continuously Click to set point ALoop from point A to point B continuously.Loop: %sLossless modeLostLost buffersLost framesLoudness modeLoudness mode a.k.a. bass boost.LowLow Definition (360 lines)Low Delay modeLow Pass FilterLow freq (Hz)Low freq gain (dB)Low latencyLow-frequency effectsLow-priority code rateLowestLowest latencyLuaLua CLILua ExtensionLua HTTPLua PlaylistLua SD ModuleLua TelnetLua interfaceLua interface configurationLua interpreterLuma bicubic / chroma bilinearLyricsM&JPEGM&KVM-JPEG camera demuxerM3U playlistM3U playlist exportM3U playlist importM3U8 playlistM3U8 playlist exportMIME returned by the server (autodetected if not specified).MLP/TrueHD parserMMX I420,IYUV,YV12 to RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversionsMMX conversions from MOD demuxer (libmodplug)MP&3MP&4/MOVMP3 fixed point audio encoderMP4MP4 stream demuxerMP4/MOV muxerMP4A LATMMPEG &1MPEG I/II video decoder (using libmpeg2)MPEG Transport Stream demuxerMPEG VideoMPEG audio decoder using mpg123MPEG audio layer I/II/III decoderMPEG audio layer I/II/III packetizerMPEG-4 videoMPEG-I/II video demuxerMPEG-I/II video packetizerMPEG-I/II/4 / A52 / DTS / MLP audioMPEG-PSMPEG-PS demuxerMPEG4 audio packetizerMPEG4 video packetizerMRLMTPMTP DeviceMTP devicesMTP inputMTU of the network interfaceMUX optionsMY COMPUTERMac OS X OpenGL video outputMac OS X hardware video filtersMac OS X interfaceMacedonianMagnification/ZoomMagnifyMagnify/Zoom interactive video filterMain ToolbarMain Window...Main interfacesMain interfaces settingsMajor channelMake a donation...MalagasyMalayMalayalamMalteseManage StreamsManxMaoriMarathiMarshallMaskMatroska stream demuxerMax QPMax. luminanceMaximal bitrateMaximal periodMaximal volume levelMaximum BitrateMaximum GOP sizeMaximum Volume displayedMaximum bitrateMaximum bitrate (kbps)Maximum encoding bitrateMaximum frame rate to use (0 = no limits).Maximum number of connectionsMaximum output video height.Maximum output video width.Maximum time allowed to preparse an item, in millisecondsMaximum video heightMaximum video widthMeanMedia &InformationMedia (player) role for operating system policy.Media AngleMedia Audio TrackMedia FilesMedia ForwardMedia Foundation Transform decoderMedia InformationMedia Information...Media LibraryMedia Manager EditionMedia Manager ListMedia MenuMedia Next FrameMedia Next TrackMedia Play PauseMedia Prev FrameMedia Prev TrackMedia RecordMedia RepeatMedia RewindMedia SelectMedia ShuffleMedia StopMedia SubtitleMedia TimeMedia ViewMedia data sizeMedia roleMedia: %sMediumMedium backwards jumpMedium forward jumpMedium jump lengthMedium jump length, in seconds.Memory inputMenuMenu languageMenu popupMenu titleMenusMenus language:Mesh heightMesh widthMessagesMessages...Meta+MetadataMetalMethod used to encode the video sequenceMi&nimal InterfaceMicrosoft Media Server (MMS) inputMicrosoft SoundmapperMiddleMimeMin QPMin. luminanceMinimal Mac OS X interfaceMinimal periodMinimizeMinimum GOP sizeMinimum alpha valueMinimum bitrate (kbps)Minimum encoding bitrateMirrorMirror orientationMirror videoMirror video filterMiscMiscellaneousMiscellaneous OptionsMiscellaneous audio settings and modules.Missing AACS configuration file!ModeModulation / ConstellationModules TreeMoldavianMongolianMonitor pixel aspect ratioMonoMore information...MosaicMosaic TilesMosaic alignmentMosaic video sub sourceMotion DetectMotion blurMotion blur filterMotion detectMotion detect video filterMotion threshold (10-100)Mount PointMouse GesturesMouse Wheel DownMouse Wheel LeftMouse Wheel RightMouse Wheel UpMouse eventsMouse gestures control interfaceMouse pointer imageMouse wheel horizontal axis controlMouse wheel vertical axis controlMulticastMulticast output interfaceMultichannel television sound (MTS)Multiple Files Selected.Multiple files selected.MultiplexerMusicMuteMute the audio.Mux ControlMux moduleMuxerMuxer:MuxersMuxers create the encapsulation formats that are used to put all the elementary streams (video, audio, ...) together. This setting allows you to always force a specific muxer. You should probably not do that. You can also set default parameters for each muxer.My ComputerMy MusicMy PicturesMy VideosN&ormal SpeedN/ANET IDNFSNFS inputNFS operation failedNT ServiceNTSC M JapanNTSC M South KoreaNameName of desired display deviceName of the audio device that will be used by the DirectShow plugin. If you don't specify anything, the default device will be used.Name of the video device that will be used by the DirectShow plugin. If you don't specify anything, the default device will be used.Name:Narrow-band (8kHz)Native SliderNauruNavajoNavigate downNavigate leftNavigate rightNavigate upNavyNcurses interfaceNdebele, NorthNdebele, SouthNdongaNe&xtNearest neighbour (bad quality)Negate colorsNegativeNepaliNetworkNetwork Access PolicyNetwork ProtocolNetwork SyncNetwork caching (ms)Network identifierNetwork interaction failedNetwork master clockNetwork nameNetwork name to createNetwork settingsNetwork streams (SAP)Network synchronisationNetwork synchronizationNeverNever fixNew AgeNew ES IDNew destinationNew input playingNew profileNextNext / ForwardNext Chapter/TitleNext chapterNext frameNext media in the playlistNext media in the playlist, skip forward when heldNext titleNext widget styleNo Audio Input device foundNo EPG Data AvailableNo active subtitleNo addons foundNo check was performed yet.No decoding of Dolby SurroundNo description for this codecNo disc menusNo matching module found. Use --list or --list-verbose to list available modules.No v4l2 instance found. Please check that the device has been opened with VLC and is playing. Controls will automatically appear here.No valid host certificate found in AACS config file.No valid processing key found in AACS config file.No video devices foundNo video or audio device selected.Noise ThresholdNoise reductionNoneNordic (Latin-6)NormalNormal SizeNormal rateNormal/Loop/RepeatNormalize volume to:Northern SamiNorwegianNorwegian BokmaalNorwegian NynorskNot SetNot UsedNote:NotificationNotifyNow PlayingNow playingNullSoft demuxerNumber of TracksNumber of audio buffersNumber of audio channelsNumber of audio channels in the transcoded streams.Number of channelsNumber of clonesNumber of columnsNumber of days between two update checksNumber of frames (0 to 100)Number of input audio channels for DeckLink captures. Must be 2, 8 or 16. 0 disables audio input.Number of output channelsNumber of puzzle columnsNumber of puzzle rowsNumber of rowsNumber of threadsNumber of threads used for decoding, 0 meaning autoNumber of threads used for the transcoding.Number of time the same input will be repeatedNuv demuxerO&utputOGG demuxerOKOS X Notification PluginOSSOSS inputOccitan; ProvençalOffOgg Vorbis QualityOgg/OGM muxerOgg/OgmOggSpots video decoderOggSpots video packetizerOliveOnOn Screen DisplayOneOnline Documentation...Online Forum...Only installedOnly show currentOnly show modules related to current playbackOpacityOpacity of the logoOpenOpen &Capture Device...Open &Disc...Open &File...Open &Folder...Open &Location from clipboardOpen &Network Stream...Open &Network...Open &Recent MediaOpen Capture Device...Open D&irectory...Open DirectoryOpen Disc...Open FileOpen File...Open FolderOpen MediaOpen Network...Open RTP/UDP StreamOpen Sound System audio outputOpen URLOpen VLM configuration...Open a mediumOpen a skin fileOpen audio in exclusive mode.Open media...Open playlistOpen playlist...Open skin...Open subtitle fileOpen subtitlesOpen subtitles...Open the file with synchronous writing.OpenBSD sndio audio outputOpenCVOpenCV exampleOpenCV face detection example filterOpenCV internal filter nameOpenCV video filter wrapperOpenGLOpenGL ES 2 extensionOpenGL ES2OpenGL extensionOpenGL for Embedded Systems 2 video outputOpenGL video outputOpenMAX DL image processingOpenMAX IL video outputOpeningOperating System IntegrationOptical SDIOptical driveOption SetupOptionsOpusOpus audio decoderOpus audio encoderOrdinate of the capture region in pixels.OrientationOriginalOriginal IDOriginal SizeOriginal audioOriyaOromoOssetian; OsseticOtherOutlineOutline ThicknessOutline colorOutline opacityOutline thicknessOutputOutput fileOutput methodOutput FIFOOutput URLOutput access methodOutput cardOutput destinationOutput deviceOutput fileOutput formatOutput heightOutput module:Output modulesOutput muxerOutput portOutput video height.Output video in grayscale. As the color information aren't decoded, this can save some processing power.Output video width.Output widthOutput:OverallOverlap LengthOverlap fixOverlayOverlay is the hardware acceleration capability of your video card (ability to render video directly). VLC will try to use it by default.Overlay subtitles on the videoOverlay video outputOverlaysOverlays/SubtitlesOverride parametersOverride the default track description.Override the normal frames per second settings. This will only work with MicroDVD and SubRIP (SRT) subtitles.OverwriteOverwrite existing fileP&laybackP/PPAL N ArgentinaPCR interval (ms)PES maximum sizePLS playlist importPMT PIDPNG video decoderPNG video encoderPSPS muxerPSNR computationPVA demuxerPacePacket SizePacketizersPacketizers are used to "preprocess" the elementary streams before muxing. This setting allows you to always force a packetizer. You should probably not do that. You can also set default parameters for each packetizer.Page DownPage UpPaliPanjabiParametric EqualizerPartyPass alsa:// to open the default ALSA capture device, or alsa://SOURCE to open a specific device named SOURCE.PasswordPassword to be used for connection to the SOCKS proxy.Password:PastePathPath doesn't appear to be a Blu-rayPath of the memory mapped file of the frame bufferPath to Key Delivery Message XML filePath to the projectM preset directoryPath to the skin to use.PausePause each item in the playlist on the first frame.Pause each item in the playlist on the last frame.Pause iTunes / SpotifyPause on audio communicationPause on the last frame of a videoPause onlyPause playback when minimizedPause the playbackPause the video playback when minimizedPausedPeak extra widthPeak heightPeak protectionPerformance (prioritize faster ciphers)Performance optionsPersianPhilips OGT (SVCD subtitle) decoderPhilips OGT (SVCD subtitle) packetizerPhosphorPicturePicture aspect-ratio n:mPicture brightness or black level.Picture contrast or luma gain.Picture gain.Picture rotation angle (in degrees).Picture saturation or chroma gain.PictureFlowPilotPixel height of the capture region, or 0 for full heightPixel width of the capture region, or 0 for full widthPlace on video where to display the title (default bottom center).PlayPlay If the playlist is empty, open a mediumPlay ListPlay SelectedPlay and exitPlay and pausePlay and stopPlay another media synchronously (extra audio file, ...)Play as isPlay files randomly foreverPlay locally the stream while streaming it.Play onlyPlay playlist bookmark 1Play playlist bookmark 10Play playlist bookmark 2Play playlist bookmark 3Play playlist bookmark 4Play playlist bookmark 5Play playlist bookmark 6Play playlist bookmark 7Play playlist bookmark 8Play playlist bookmark 9Play&listPlay/PausePlay/Pause the current mediaPlaybackPlayback ButtonsPlayback RatePlayback SpeedPlayback controlPlayback failurePlayback speedPlayedPlayed buffersPlayer...PlaylistPlaylist FilesPlaylist Files |Playlist View ModePlaylist and InstancesPlaylist bookmark 1Playlist bookmark 10Playlist bookmark 2Playlist bookmark 3Playlist bookmark 4Playlist bookmark 5Playlist bookmark 6Playlist bookmark 7Playlist bookmark 8Playlist bookmark 9Playlist is currently empty. Drop a file here or select a media source from the left.Playlist parsersPlaylist...Please enter a network URL:Please enter a valid login name and a password.Please enter the URL or path to the media you want to play.Please enter the new profile name.Please open "System Preferences" -> "Security & Privacy" and allow VLC to access your camera.Please open "System Preferences" -> "Security & Privacy" and allow VLC to access your microphone.Please wait while your font cache is rebuilt. This should take less than a minute.Plu&gins and extensionsPluginsPlugins and extensionsPodcast AuthorPodcast CategoryPodcast CopyrightPodcast DurationPodcast InfoPodcast KeywordsPodcast LinkPodcast Publication DatePodcast SizePodcast SubcategoryPodcast SubtitlePodcast SummaryPodcast TypePodcast URLs listPodcast parserPodcastsPolarization (Voltage)PolishPopPortPortuguesePositionPosition controlPosition control reversedPosition of video titlePositioning methodPost processingPost processing qualityPost-Processing QualityPosterizePosterize levelPosterize level (number of colors is cube of this value)Posterize video by lowering the number of colorsPosterize video filterPostprocPotentially, macOS blocks access to your disc. Please open "System Preferences" -> "Security & Privacy" and allow VLC to access your external media in "Files and Folders" section.Power line frequencyPower line frequency anti-flicker filter.Pre&viousPreampPreamp:Prefer native stream recordingPreferencesPreferences file could not be savedPreferences...Preferred Audio languagePreferred Closed Captions decoderPreferred audio language:Preferred decoders listPreferred encoders listPreferred keystore listPreferred packetizer listPreferred subtitle languagePreferred video resolutionPrefixPreload MKV files in the same directoryPreload matroska files in the same directory to find linked segments (not good for broken files).Preparsing timeoutPresetPreset to use for the equalizer.Press the new key or combination for PrevPreviewPreviousPrevious / BackwardPrevious Chapter/TitlePrevious chapterPrevious media in the playlistPrevious media in the playlist, skip backward when heldPrevious titlePrimary BPrimary GPrimary RPrimary languagePrintPrivacy / Network InteractionPrivacy and Network Access PolicyProblem accessing a system resourceProductionProfileProfile &NameProfile NameProfile editionProgramProgram GuideProgramsProjectionProtect against sound clippingProtocolPsychedelicPsychedelic video filterPsycho-acoustic modelPublisherPulseAudioPulseAudio inputPulseaudio audio outputPure-interlaced mode.PurplePushtoPuzzlePuzzle gamePuzzle interactive game video filterQt interfaceQuality levelQuality of post processing. Valid range is 0 (disabled) to 6 (highest) Higher levels require more CPU power, but produce higher quality pictures. With default filter chain, the values map to the following filters: 1: hb, 2-4: hb+vb, 5-6: hb+vb+drQuality-based VBRQuechuaQueue SelectedQuiet modeQuiet synchroQuitQuit VLCQuit after PlaybackQuit at the end of playlistR&BRAM playlist importRAWRCRDPRDP Remote DesktopRGB component to extractRGB component to extract. 0 for Red, 1 for Green and 2 for Blue.RGB32RSS / AtomRTCP (local) portRTPRTP over RTSP (TCP)RTP stream outputRTP/RTCP multiplexingRTP/RTSP/SDP demuxer (using Live555)RTSP VoDRTSP VoD serverRTSP authenticationRTSP connection failedRTSP frame buffer sizeRTSP server addressRTSP server portRTSP/RTP access and demuxRV32 conversion filterRadio deviceRadiusRadius in pixelsRaeto-RomanceRandomRandom OffRandom OnRandom: %sRapRatingRatioRaw audio demuxerRaw audio encoderRaw video demuxerRaw/Log Audio decoderRead a VLM configuration file as soon as VLM is started.Read and discard unknown EBML elements (not good for broken files).Read sizeRead the audio stream at VLC pace rather than Jack pace.Real RTSPReal demuxerReal-Time Protocol (RTP) inputReal-timeRear centerRear leftRear rightRecommended video output for Windows Vista and later versionsRecommended video output for Windows XP. Incompatible with Vista's Aero interfaceRecordRecord access filter start/stop.Record directoryRecord directory or filenameRecord stream outputRecordingRecording doneRecreate a index for the AVI file. Use this if your AVI file is damaged or incomplete (not seekable).RectangularRedRed balanceRed chroma balance.Refresh ListRefresh period in msReggaeRegion codeRegion left columnRegion top rowRegular expression used to filter the recent items played in the player.Regularly check for VLC updatesRelative font sizeReload extensionsRemember the audio volumeRemote control interfaceRemote control interface initialized. Type `help' for help.Remote-OSDRemoveRemove SelectedRemove a profileRemove old preferences?Remove this podcast subscriptionRemove zones of the video using a picture as maskRemoves all transparency effects used in DVD subtitles.Rename DirectoryRename Directory...Rename FolderRename Folder...Rendering qualityRepair AVI FilesRepeatRepeat AllRepeat OffRepeat OneRepeat allRepeat current itemRepeat delay:Repeat:Replay gainReplay gain modeReplay gain mode:Replay preampResampling qualityResampling quality, from worst to bestResetReset AllReset PreferencesReset controlsReset controls to defaults.Reset defaultsReset subtitles text scaleResize interface to the native video sizeResize interface to video sizeResolutionRetrieving addons...ReverbReverberation delayReverberation levelReverberation level (from 0 to 100, default value is 0).ReverseReverse stereoRevert to normal play speedRightRight bottomRight to leftRight to left/Bottom to topRight topRippleRipple video filterRockRoll the viewpoint anti-clockwise (360°)Roll the viewpoint clockwise (360°)RomanianRoom sizeRoom widthRotateRotate (degrees)Rotate by 180 degreesRotate by 270 degreesRotate by 90 degreesRotate or flip the videoRotate video filterRotationRow borderRowsRun as daemon processRun fb on current ttyRun manuallyRun on scheduleRun timeRundiRunning VLC in real-time priority will allow for much more precise scheduling and yield better, especially when streaming content. It can however lock up your whole machine, or make it very very slow. You should only activate this if you know what you're doing.Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.Runs VLC as a background daemon process.Runs the optional encoder thread at the OUTPUT priority instead of VIDEO.RussianRussian (KOI8-R)S&tatisticsS-VideoSAPSAP Strict modeSAP announcement intervalSAP announcingSAP multicast addressSAP timeout (seconds)SCTE-18SCTE-18 decoderSCTE-27SCTE-27 decoderSDISDI DemuxSDI InputSDL Image decoderSDL_image video decoderSDPSDP Descriptions parserSDP URLSDP requiredSFTP authenticationSFTP inputSFTP portSFTP port number to use on the serverSMB authentication requiredSMB domainSMB inputSMF demuxerSNAPSOCKS passwordSOCKS proxy server to use. This must be of the form address:port. It will be used for all TCP connectionsSOCKS serverSOCKS user nameSPU PIDSRC resamplerSRTSRT inputSRT latency (ms)SRT stream outputSSE2 I420,IYUV,YV12 to RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversionsSSE2 conversions from SSIM computationSVCD subtitlesSVCD/VCDSVG template fileSVG video decoderSa&mple RateSamba (Windows network shares) inputSame as sourceSamoanSample aspect ratioSample formatSample rateSample rate converter typeSample rate of an audio elementary streamSample rate of the transcoded audio stream (11250, 22500, 44100 or 48000).Sample ui-state-error style.SamplerateSamplerate of the captured audio stream, in Hz (eg: 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000)SangoSanskritSardinianSaturationSaturation thresholdSaveSave FileSave MetadataSave PlaylistSave Playlist to &File...Save Playlist...Save VLM configuration as...Save and close the dialogSave as FileSave as new Profile...Save file...Save log file as...Save playlistSave playlist as...Save raw codec dataSave recently played itemsSave the recently played items in the menuSave...Saves all the displayed logs to a fileSaving file failedScaleScale down subtitles textScale factorScale factor (0.1-2.0)Scale factor to apply to imageScale factor to apply to the video while transcoding (eg: 0.25)Scale up subtitles textScaled to screenScaling factor used when Auto Scaling is disabled. Default value is 1.0 (original video size).Scaling modeScaling mode to use.Scan for new pluginsScan plugin directories for new plugins at startup. This increases the startup time of VLC.Scanning DVBScanning...Scene filterScene video filterScheduleSchedule: ScopeScoreScrambledScreenScreen InputScreen captureScreen capture (with X11/XCB)Screen indexScreennumber of fullscreen, instead of same screen where interface is.Scrobbler URLSearchSearch LengthSearch the playlistSeasonSecond CSA KeySecondary language or programSecret Rabbit Code (libsamplerate) resamplerSecure 128-bits (exclude 256-bits ciphers)Secure 256-bits (prioritize 256-bits ciphers)Seek based on percent not timeSeek based on percent not time.SelectSelect "Advanced Options" to see all options.Select AllSelect Audio DeviceSelect DirectorySelect FileSelect FolderSelect InputSelect OutputSelect a color effect.Select a device or a VIDEO_TS directorySelect a device or a VIDEO_TS folderSelect a directorySelect a fileSelect a proper video mode to be used by KVA.Select an action to change the associated hotkey:Select and choose transcoding optionsSelect audio input format with the given bits/sample (if non 0)Select audio input format with the given number of audio channels (if non 0)Select audio input format with the given sample rate (if non 0)Select channel to keepSelect destinations to stream toSelect next DVD chapterSelect next DVD titleSelect one color in the videoSelect one or more files to openSelect one or multiple filesSelect or double click an action to change the associated hotkey. Use delete key to remove hotkeys.Select prev DVD chapterSelect previous DVD titleSelect profile:Select skinSelect special Audio device, or let windows decide (default), change needs VLC restart to apply.Select the audio input source. See the "video input" option.Select the audio output type. See the "video input" option.Select the capture device typeSelect the fileSelect the hotkey to display the position.Select the hotkey to got to the next video frame.Select the hotkey to make a long backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a long forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a medium backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a medium forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a short backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a short forward jump.Select the hotkey to make a very short backwards jump.Select the hotkey to make a very short forward jump.Select the hotkey to quit the application.Select the hotkey to set the playback rate back to normal.Select the hotkey to stop playback.Select the hotkey to use for fast forward playback.Select the hotkey to use for slow motion playback.Select the hotkey to use to exit fullscreen state.Select the hotkey to use to pause.Select the hotkey to use to play.Select the hotkey to use to skip to the next item in the playlist.Select the hotkey to use to skip to the previous item in the playlist.Select the hotkey to use to swap fullscreen state.Select the hotkey to use to swap paused state.Select the key to activate selected item in DVD menus.Select the key to bookmark audio timestamp when syncing subtitles.Select the key to bookmark subtitle timestamp when syncing subtitles.Select the key to change subtitles text scalingSelect the key to choose the next chapter from the DVDSelect the key to choose the next title from the DVDSelect the key to choose the previous chapter from the DVDSelect the key to choose the previous title from the DVDSelect the key to clear the current playlist.Select the key to decrease audio volume.Select the key to decrease the audio delay.Select the key to decrease the subtitle delay.Select the key to increase audio volume.Select the key to increase the audio delay.Select the key to increase the subtitle delay.Select the key to move subtitles higher.Select the key to move subtitles lower.Select the key to move the selector down in DVD menus / Move viewpoint to down (pitch).Select the key to move the selector left in DVD menus / Move viewpoint to left (yaw).Select the key to move the selector right in DVD menus / Move viewpoint to right (yaw).Select the key to move the selector up in DVD menus / Move viewpoint to up (pitch).Select the key to mute audio.Select the key to play this bookmark.Select the key to reset synchronization of audio & subtitle timestamps.Select the key to set this playlist bookmark.Select the key to synchronize bookmarked audio & subtitle timestamps.Select the key to take you to the DVD menuSelect the replay gain modeSelect the stream with the maximum bitrate under that limit.Select the subtitle fileSelect the tuner input type (Cable/Antenna).Select the video output type. See the "video input" option.Select whether subdirectories must be expanded. none: subdirectories do not appear in the playlist. collapse: subdirectories appear but are expanded on first play. expand: all subdirectories are expanded. Select your audio output deviceSelected ports:Send key events to VNC host.Send mouse events to VNC host. Not needed for use as VDR ffnetdev client.Separate sub-streamsSeparate words by | (without space)SepiaSepia intensitySepia video filterSequential numberingSerbianService DiscoveryServicesServices discoveryServices discovery modulesServices discovery modules are facilities that automatically add items to playlist.SessionSession Description ProtocolSet ES LangSet ES idSet IDSet LangSet NFS uid/guid automaticallySet QPSet as Wall&paperSet playlist bookmark 1Set playlist bookmark 10Set playlist bookmark 2Set playlist bookmark 3Set playlist bookmark 4Set playlist bookmark 5Set playlist bookmark 6Set playlist bookmark 7Set playlist bookmark 8Set playlist bookmark 9Set the ID of the elementary streamSet the Sharpen strength, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 0.05.Set the TV channel the tuner will set to (0 means default).Set the category of the elementary streamSet the codec of the elementary streamSet the encoding used in text subtitlesSet the global gain in dB (-20 ... 20).Set the group of the elementary streamSet the image brightness, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 1.Set the image contrast, between 0 and 2. Defaults to 1.Set the image gamma, between 0.01 and 10. Defaults to 1.Set the image hue, between 0 and 360. Defaults to 0.Set the image saturation, between 0 and 3. Defaults to 1.Set the justification of subtitlesSet the ratio (n:1).Set the tuner country code that establishes the current channel-to-frequency mapping (0 means default).Set up any additional options for streamingSet up associations...Set up media sources to streamSets the audio output channels mode that will be used by default if your hardware and the audio stream are compatible.Sets the password for the connection, if no username or password are set in the url.Sets the username for the connection, if no username or password are set in the url.SettingSettingsSettings for VLC's control interfacesSettings for VLC's interfacesSettings for input, demultiplexing, decoding and encodingSettings for subtitle, teletext and CC decoders and encoders.Settings for the audio-only decoders and encoders.Settings for the main interfaceSettings for the video, images or video+audio decoders and encoders.Settings related to On-Screen-Display, subtitles and "overlay subpictures"Settings related to playlist behaviour (e.g. playback mode) and to modules that automatically add items to the playlist ("service discovery" modules).Settings related to the various access methods. Common settings you may want to alter are HTTP proxy or caching settings.Settings...Setup scheduleShadowShadow angleShadow colorShadow distanceShadow opacityShaping delay (ms)Shared memory framebufferSharpenSharpen strength (0-2)Sharpen video filterSharpnessSharpness filter adjust.Shift+Shift+LSho&w VLC media playerShonaShort backwards jumpShort forward jumpShort jump lengthShort jump length, in seconds.ShortcutShoutcastShow &more optionsShow 80 bands instead of 20Show AllShow BasicShow Containing Directory...Show Containing Folder...Show Fullscreen controllerShow NC17 rated video streams when using shoutcast video playlists.Show NameShow VLC on the taskbarShow a controller in fullscreen modeShow a notification popup with the artist and track name when the current playlist item changes, when VLC is minimized or hidden.Show a systray icon for VLCShow advanced optionsShow advanced preferences and not simple preferences when opening the preferences dialog.Show advanced preferences over simple onesShow an icon in the systray allowing you to control VLC media player for basic actions.Show controller in fullscreenShow controls in full screen modeShow errors and warningsShow everything including debug messagesShow extended optionsShow extended settingsShow hidden filesShow media change popup:Show media title on videoShow media title on video startShow notification popup on track changeShow only errorsShow playing item name in window titleShow settingsShow shoutcast adult contentShow small preview.Show stream positionShow systray iconShow the contextual popup menu.Show the current position in seconds within the stream from time to time.Show the name of the song or video in the controller window title.Show the properties dialog of the selected device before starting the stream.Show the tuner properties [channel selection] page.Show the video title for n milliseconds, default is 5000 ms (5 sec.)Show unimportant error and warnings dialogsShow video title for x millisecondsShow/Hide PlaylistShrink the viewpoint field of view (360°)SigmaSilverSimilaritySimilarity thresholdSimpleSimple Karaoke filterSimple PreferencesSimple decoder for Dolby Surround encoded streamsSimplified Chinese (ISO-2022-CN-EXT)Simplified Chinese Unix (EUC-CN)Sinc function (best quality)Sinc function (fast)Sinc function (medium quality)SincRSindhiSinhaleseSizeSize of code blocks in each subbandSize of stream in bytesSize of the video that will be displayed by the DirectShow plugin. If you don't specify anything the default size for your device will be used. You can specify a standard size (cif, d1, ...) or x.SkaSketchSkin files |*.vlt;*.wsz;*.xmlSkin resource file:Skin to useSkin whitenSkinnable InterfaceSkinsSkins customize player's appearance. You can activate them through preferences.SkipSkip H.264 in-loop deblocking filterSkip adsSkip framesSkip loop filterSkip the loop filter for H.264 decodingSkipping the loop filter (aka deblocking) usually has a detrimental effect on quality. However it provides a big speedup for high definition streams.Sky blueSlo&werSlovakSlovenianSlowSlowerSlower (fine)SmallSmall VolumeSmall previewSmall preview sizeSmallerSnapshotSoX ResamplerSocks proxySoftSoft rockSoftenSoftening valueSoftware gainSomaliSome subtitle formats allow for text formatting. VLC partly implements this, but you can choose to disable all formatting.Sort bySotho, SouthernSoulSound DelaySoundFont fileSoundtrackSourceSource aspect ratioSource directorySource:Sout streamSout stream modules allow to build a sout processing chain. Please refer to the Streaming Howto for more information. You can configure default options for each sout stream module here.South-Eastern European (Latin-10)Sp&eedSpaceSpacerSpanishSpatial blurSpatial chroma strengthSpatial chroma strength (0-254)Spatial luma strengthSpatial luma strength (0-254)SpatializerSpeaker configurationSpecial modulesSpecifies the services discovery modules to preload, separated by colons. Typical value is "sap".Specify AAC audio profile to useSpecify H.264 level (as defined by Annex A of the standard). Levels are not enforced; it's up to the user to select a level compatible with the rest of the encoding options. Range 1 to 5.1 (10 to 51 is also allowed). Set to 0 for letting x264 set level.Specify H.264 profile which limits are enforced over other settingsSpecify the deinterlace module to use.SpectrometerSpectrumSpectrum analyserSpeed selectorSpeed: %.2fxSpeexSpeex audio decoderSpeex audio encoderSpeex audio packetizerSpeex resamplerSplits video in two same parts, like in a mirrorSplitterSplittersStandardStandard Definition (576 or 480 lines)Standard stream outputStartStart TimeStart VLC with only a systray iconStart VLC with: - normal mode - a zone always present to show information as lyrics, album arts... - minimal mode with limited controlsStart directly in menuStart in minimal view (without menus)Start in minimal view modeStart pausedStart the DVD directly in the main menu. This will try to skip all the useless warning introductions.Start timeStart video in fullscreen modeStarting PositionStatisticsStatistics video outputStatusStatus BarStep BackwardStep ForwardStep backwardStep forwardStereoStereo audio modeStereo audio output modeStereo modeStopStop TimeStop playbackStop the A to B loopStop the playlist after each played playlist item.Stop timeStore the PasswordStreamStream %dStream AnnouncingStream ID of the audio track to use.Stream ID of the subtitle track to use.Stream MP3Stream OutputStream all elementary streamsStream all elementary streams (video, audio and subtitles)Stream bitrateStream descriptionStream filter moduleStream filtersStream filters are special modules that allow advanced operations on the input side of VLC. Use with care...Stream filters are used to modify the stream that is being read.Stream identifierStream nameStream number of the audio track to use (from 0 to n).Stream number of the subtitle track to use (from 0 to n).Stream outputStream output muxer caching (ms)Stream output settings are used when acting as a streaming server or when saving incoming streams. Streams are first muxed and then sent through an "access output" module that can either save the stream to a file, or stream it (UDP, HTTP, RTP/RTSP). Sout streams modules allow advanced stream processing (transcoding, duplicating...).Stream output string. This is automatically generated when you change the above settings, but you can change it manually.Stream output to memory bufferStream publicStream...StreamableStreaming / Transcoding failedStreaming and Transcoding OptionsStreaming deinterlace modeStrengthStrength used to modify the value of a pixelStrict standard complianceSub &TrackSubdirectory behaviorSubjectSubmission of played songs to last.fmSubmit played tracks stats to Last.fmSubpicture positionSubpicturesSubpictures filter moduleSubpictures source moduleSubscribeSubscribe to a podcastSubti&tleSubtitleSubtitle & On Screen Display SettingsSubtitle DelaySubtitle FileSubtitle FilesSubtitle LanguageSubtitle TrackSubtitle alignmentSubtitle autodetection fuzzinessSubtitle autodetection pathsSubtitle codecSubtitle codecsSubtitle delaySubtitle delay %i msSubtitle delay downSubtitle delay upSubtitle descriptionSubtitle duration factor:Subtitle effectsSubtitle encoderSubtitle encodingSubtitle formatSubtitle justificationSubtitle languageSubtitle languagesSubtitle position %d pxSubtitle position downSubtitle position upSubtitle position: no active subtitleSubtitle renderers using libassSubtitle speed:Subtitle sync / bookmark audio timestampSubtitle sync / bookmark subtitle timestampSubtitle sync / reset audio & subtitle synchronizationSubtitle sync / synchronize audio & subtitle timestampsSubtitle text encodingSubtitle text scale %d%%Subtitle trackSubtitle track IDSubtitle track synchronization:Subtitle track: %sSubtitlesSubtitles (advanced)Subtitles (images)Subtitles / OSDSubtitles TrackSubtitles text scaling factorSubtitles/VideoSundaneseSupport for VDR recordings (http://www.tvdr.de/).SurroundSurround 4.0Surround 4.1Surround 5.0Surround 5.1Surround 7.1Surround delay (ms)Surround levelSwahiliSwatiSwedishSwitch to full preferences viewSwitch to simple preferences viewSwscaleSymbol rate (bauds)SynchronizationSynchronize left and rightSynchronize top and bottomSynchronous writingSynthesis gainSystem Sound Output DeviceSystem codesetSystem's defaultSystray iconT&itleT.140 text encoderTCPTCP command inputTCP connection timeoutTCP inputTCP/UDP timeout (ms)TLS cipher prioritiesTS IDTS muxer (libdvbpsi)TTA demuxerTTMLTTML decoderTTML demuxerTTML subtitles decoderTVTV - analogTV - digitalTV channels are grouped by transponder (a.k.a. multiplex) on a given frequency. This is required to tune the receiver.TYTY Stream audio/video demuxTabTagalogTahitianTajikTake &SnapshotTake a snapshotTake video snapshotTakes a video snapshot and writes it to disk.TamilTarget UsageTarget bitrate of the transcoded audio stream.Target bitrate of the transcoded video stream.Target output frame rate for the video stream.TatarTechnoTeletextTeletext ActivationTeletext alignmentTeletext configurationTeletext languageTeletext subtitlesTeletext subtitles decoderTeletext text subtitlesTeletext transparencyTeletext: additional informationTeletext: program scheduleTell VLC that it is being launched due to a file association in the OSTell lirc to read this configuration file. By default it searches in the users home directory.TelnetTeluguTestTextText ColorText SizeText default colorText directionText opacityText positionText rendererText rendering moduleText subtitle decoderText subtitle parserTexts/Logs (*.log *.txt);; All (*.*)Texture sizeThaiThai (TIS 620-2533/ISO 8859-11)Thai (Windows-874)The HTTP server will listen on this TCP port. The standard HTTP port number is 80. However allocation of port numbers below 1025 is usually restricted by the operating system.The HTTPS server will listen on this TCP port. The standard HTTPS port number is 443. However allocation of port numbers below 1025 is usually restricted by the operating system.The IP address of the network master clock to use for clock synchronization.The RTSP server will listen on this TCP port. The standard RTSP port number is 554. However allocation of port numbers below 1025 is usually restricted by the operating system.The audio device "%s" could not be used: %s.The capture device "%s" does not support the required parameters.The color of the text that will be rendered on the video. This must be an hexadecimal (like HTML colors). The first two chars are for red, then green, then blue. #000000 = black, #FF0000 = red, #00FF00 = green, #FFFF00 = yellow (red + green), #FFFFFF = whiteThe cryptographic signature for the downloaded file "%s" was invalid and could not be used to securely verify it. Thus, the file was deleted.The degree of blurring from 1 to 127.The desktop mode allows you to display the video on the desktop.The device you selected cannot be used, because its type is not supported.The even CSA encryption key. This must be a 16 char string (8 hexadecimal bytes).The height of the effects video window, in pixels.The height of the mesh, in pixels.The height of the video window, in pixels.The maximum number of filters (%u) was reached.The media library is automatically saved and reloaded each time you start VLC.The mouse wheel horizontal (left/right) axis can control volume, position or be ignored.The mouse wheel vertical (up/down) axis can control volume, position or be ignored.The new version was successfully downloaded. Do you want to close VLC and install it now?The option allows you to enable or disable the high-quality float32 audio output mode (which is not well supported by some soundcards).The password of your last.fm accountThe playlist can use a tree to categorize some items, like the contents of a directory.The size of the texture, in pixels.The step size of the volume is adjustable using this option.The stream will run this duration (in seconds).The stream will start at this position (in seconds).The stream will stop at this position (in seconds).The username of your last.fm accountThe volume can be recorded and automatically restored next time VLC is used.The wallpaper mode allows you to display the video as the desktop background.The width of the effects video window, in pixels.The width of the mesh, in pixels.The width of the video window, in pixels.Theora video decoderTheora video encoderTheora video packetizerThese options allow you to configure the interfaces used by VLC. You can select the main interface, additional interface modules, and define various related options.These options allow you to modify the behavior of the audio subsystem, and to add audio filters which can be used for post processing or visual effects (spectrum analyzer, etc.). Enable these filters here, and configure them in the "audio filters" modules section.These options allow you to modify the behavior of the input subsystem, such as the DVD or VCD device, the network interface settings or the subtitle channel.These options allow you to modify the behavior of the subpictures subsystem. You can for example enable subpictures sources (logo, etc.). Enable these filters here and configure them in the "subsources filters" modules section. You can also set many miscellaneous subpictures options.These options allow you to modify the behavior of the video output subsystem. You can for example enable video filters (deinterlacing, image adjusting, etc.). Enable these filters here and configure them in the "video filters" modules section. You can also set many miscellaneous video options.These options allow you to select default modules. Leave these alone unless you really know what you are doing.These options allow you to set default global options for the stream output subsystem.These options define the behavior of the playlist. Some of them can be overridden in the playlist dialog box.These settings are the global VLC key bindings, known as "hotkeys".ThickThinThis Blu-ray Disc needs a library for AACS decoding, and your system does not have it.This Blu-ray Disc needs a library for BD+ decoding, and your system does not have it.This Blu-ray disc requires Java for menus support.%s The disc will be played without menus.This X.509 certicate file (PEM format) is used for server-side TLS. On OS X, the string is used as a label to search the certificate in the keychain.This addon has been installed manually. VLC can't manage it by itself.This adds audio post processing filters, to modify the sound rendering.This adds post-processing filters to enhance the picture quality, for instance deinterlacing, or distort the video.This adds so-called "subpicture filters". These filter subpictures created by subtitle decoders or other subpictures sources.This adds so-called "subpicture sources". These filters overlay some images or text over the video (like a logo, arbitrary text, ...).This adds video splitters like clone or wallThis adds visualization modules (spectrum analyzer, etc.).This allow you to configure the initial caching amount for stream output muxer. This value should be set in milliseconds.This allows hardware decoding when available.This allows playing audio at lower or higher speed without affecting the audio pitchThis allows proper handling of HDTV-1080 video format even if broken encoder incorrectly sets height to 1088 lines. You should only disable this option if your video has a non-standard format requiring all 1088 lines.This allows you to change the default target level (89 dB) for stream with replay gain informationThis allows you to define playlist bookmarks.This allows you to force an access module. You can use it if the correct access is not automatically detected. You should not set this as a global option unless you really know what you are doing.This allows you to keep an unique stream output instance across multiple playlist item (automatically insert the gather stream output if not specified)This allows you to play from several inputs at the same time. This feature is experimental, not all formats are supported. Use a '#' separated list of inputs.This allows you to remotely synchronise clocks for server and client. The detailed settings are available in Advanced / Network Sync.This allows you to select a list of encoders that VLC will use in priority.This allows you to select the order in which VLC will choose its packetizers.This avoids flooding the message log with debug output from the video output synchronization mechanism.This defines the address the RTSP server will listen on, along with the base path of the RTSP VOD media. Syntax is address/path. By default, the server will listen on any local IP address. Specify an IP address (e.g. ::1 or or a host name (e.g. localhost) to restrict them to a specific network interface.This defines the maximum input delay jitter that the synchronization algorithms should try to compensate (in milliseconds).This defines the playback speed (nominal speed is 1.0).This delays the audio output. The delay must be given in milliseconds. This can be handy if you notice a lag between the video and the audio.This determines how fuzzy subtitle and movie filename matching will be. Options are: 0 = no subtitles autodetected 1 = any subtitle file 2 = any subtitle file containing the movie name 3 = subtitle file matching the movie name with additional chars 4 = subtitle file matching the movie name exactlyThis display the resulting media, but can slow things down.This drops frames that are late (arrive to the video output after their intended display date).This enables VLC hotkeys from the (non-embedded) video window.This enables automatic detection of UTF-8 encoding within subtitle files.This enables colorization of the messages sent to the console. Your terminal needs Linux color support for this to work.This enables handling of mouse clicks on the video.This forces the cropping of the source video. Accepted formats are x:y (4:3, 16:9, etc.) expressing the global image aspect.This forces the monitor aspect ratio. Most monitors have square pixels (1:1). If you have a 16:9 screen, you might need to change this to 4:3 in order to keep proportions.This forces the source aspect ratio. For instance, some DVDs claim to be 16:9 while they are actually 4:3. This can also be used as a hint for VLC when a movie does not have aspect ratio information. Accepted formats are x:y (4:3, 16:9, etc.) expressing the global image aspect, or a float value (1.25, 1.3333, etc.) expressing pixel squareness.This is VLC's default interface, with a native look and feel.This is VLC's skinnable interface. You can download other skins atThis is a coefficient that modifies the height of the bands.This is a legacy entry to let you configure access output modulesThis is a legacy entry to let you configure mux modulesThis is the audio codec that will be used.This is the audio encoder module that will be used (and its associated options).This is the audio output method used by VLC. The default behavior is to automatically select the best method available.This is the default Audio CD device to use.This is the default Audio CD drive (or file) to use. Don't forget the colon after the drive letter (e.g. D:)This is the default DVD device to use.This is the default DVD drive (or file) to use. Don't forget the colon after the drive letter (e.g. D:)This is the default VCD device to use.This is the default VCD drive (or file) to use. Don't forget the colon after the drive letter (e.g. D:)This is the default size of the fonts that will be rendered on the video. If set to something different than 0 this option will override the relative font size.This is the gain used for stream without replay gain informationThis is the hop limit (also known as "Time-To-Live" or TTL) of the multicast packets sent by the stream output (-1 = use operating system built-in default).This is the language of the audio stream.This is the main interface used by VLC. The default behavior is to automatically select the best module available.This is the maximum application-layer packet size that can be transmitted over the network (in bytes).This is the maximum size in bytes of the temporary files that will be used to store the timeshifted streams.This is the number of audio buffers on which the power measurement is made. A higher number of buffers will increase the response time of the filter to a spike but will make it less sensitive to short variations.This is the relative default size of the fonts that will be rendered on the video. If absolute font size is set, relative size will be overridden.This is the the video output method used by VLC. The default behavior is to automatically select the best method available.This is the verbosity level (0=only errors and standard messages, 1=warnings, 2=debug).This is the video codec that will be used.This linear gain will be applied to outputted audio.This module writes the transcoded stream to a file.This option adds an offset (positive or negative) to VLC default priorities. You can use it to tune VLC priority against other programs, or against other VLC instances.This option allows the interface to change its icon on various occasions.This option allows you to set the title according to what's being played
$a: Artist
$b: Album
$c: Copyright
$t: Title
$g: Genre
$n: Track num
$p: Now playing
$A: Date
$D: Duration
$Z: "Now playing" (Fall back on Title - Artist)This option allows you to specify the directory the ncurses filebrowser will show you initially.This option can be used to alter the way VLC selects its codecs (decompression methods). Only advanced users should alter this option as it can break playback of all your streams.This option is useful if you want to lower the latency when reading a streamThis option selects a stereo to mono downmix algorithm that is used in the headphone channel mixer. It gives the effect of standing in a room full of speakers.This option should be used when the audio output can't negotiate S/PDIF support.This overrides the channel. Measured in Hz.This private key file (PEM format) is used for server-side TLS.This program comes with NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. You may redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public License; see the file named COPYING for details. Written by the VideoLAN team; see the AUTHORS file. This selects which plugin to use for audio resampling.This stream will always be opened at VLC startup.This will reset VLC media player's preferences. Note that VLC will restart during the process, so your current playlist will be emptied and eventual playback, streaming or transcoding activities will stop immediately. The Media Library will not be affected. Are you sure you want to continue?ThreadsThresholdTibetanTiger rendering defaultsTigrinyaTimeTime ControlTime SliderTime Synchronized outputTime ToolbarTime:TimeoutTimeout (ms)Timeshift directoryTimeshift granularityTitleTitle %i%sTitle display modeTitle fontTitle metadataTo get exhaustive help, use '-H'.Toggle Normal/Loop/Repeat playlist modesToggle TransparencyToggle autoscalingToggle deinterlacingToggle playlistToggle random playlist playbackToggle subtitle track visibility.Toggle subtitlesToggle the video in fullscreenToggle the video out fullscreenToggle wallpaper mode in video outputToggle wallpaper mode in video output.Tonga (Tonga Islands)ToolTool&sToolbar ElementsToolbar position:Toolbars EditorTooltip|ClearClearTooltip|MuteMuteTooltip|UnmuteUnmuteTopTop CenterTop LeftTop MenuTop leftTop left corner X coordinateTop left corner Y coordinateTop rightTop-LeftTop-RightTotal height of the mosaic, in pixels.Total width of the mosaic, in pixels.Total/Remaining timeTrackTrack IDTrack SynchronisationTrack SynchronizationTrack numberTrack replay gainTrack settingsTracksTraditional Chinese (Big5)Traditional Chinese Unix (EUC-TW)TranscodeTranscode stream outputTranscoding OptionsTranscoding optionsTransformTransform typeTransformationTransmission modeTransparencyTransparency maskTransparency of the mosaic foreground pictures. 0 means transparent, 255 opaque (default).TransparentTransponder symbol rateTransponder/multiplex frequencyTransport protocolTransport stream IDTreble adjustment of the audio input.Treble levelTrickplay ReverseTrigger buttonTrigger button for mouse gestures.Trust MPEG timestampsTry to fix some bugs: 1 autodetect 2 old msmpeg4 4 xvid interlaced 8 ump4 16 no padding 32 ac vlc 64 Qpel chroma. This must be the sum of the values. For example, to fix "ac vlc" and "ump4", enter 40.Try to use hardware acceleration for YUV->RGB conversions. This option doesn't have any effect when using overlays.Try to use hardware acceleration for subtitle/OSD blending.Try to use triple buffering when using YUV overlays. That results in much better video quality (no flickering).TsongaTswanaTunerTuner FrequencyTuner TV ChannelTuner audio mono/stereo and track selection.Tuner cardTuner country codeTuner input typeTuner propertiesTurkishTurkish (ISO 8859-9)Turkish (Windows-1254)TurkmenTwiTwo passTypeType:UDPUDP inputUDP stream outputUDP timeout (in ms)UNIX socket command inputURIURLURL descriptionURL metadataUSF subtitles decoderUSFSubsUTF-8 subtitle autodetectionUighurUkrainianUkrainian (KOI8-U)Ulead DV audio decoderUltra-wideband (32kHz)Un-ZoomUncrop one pixel from the bottom of the videoUncrop one pixel from the left of the videoUncrop one pixel from the right of the videoUncrop one pixel from the top of the videoUndefinedUnicastUnidentified codecUninstallUninstall Windows ServiceUninstall the Service and exit.Unique network name in the System Tuning SpacesUniversal (UTF-16)Universal (UTF-8)Universal (big endian UTF-16)Universal (little endian UTF-16)Universal Plug'n'PlayUniversal, Chinese (GB18030)UnknownUnknown VideoUnknown categoryUnknown command `%s'. Type `help' for help.Unknown errorUnknown typeUnsetUnspecifiedUnspecified (0V)UnsubscribeUntitledUpUpdateUpdate VLC media playerUpdate the treeUrduUsage: %s [options] [stream] ... You can specify multiple streams on the commandline. They will be enqueued in the playlist. The first item specified will be played first. Options-styles: --option A global option that is set for the duration of the program. -option A single letter version of a global --option. :option An option that only applies to the stream directly before it and that overrides previous settings. Stream MRL syntax: [[access][/demux]://]URL[#[title][:chapter][-[title][:chapter]]] [:option=value ...] Many of the global --options can also be used as MRL specific :options. Multiple :option=value pairs can be specified. URL syntax: file:///path/file Plain media file http://host[:port]/file HTTP URL ftp://host[:port]/file FTP URL mms://host[:port]/file MMS URL screen:// Screen capture dvd://[device] DVD device vcd://[device] VCD device cdda://[device] Audio CD device udp://[[]@[][:]] UDP stream sent by a streaming server vlc://pause: Pause the playlist for a certain time vlc://quit Special item to quit VLC Use Blu-ray menus. If disabled, the movie will start directlyUse DecodeBinUse HDAPS, AMS, APPLESMC or UNIMOTION motion sensors to rotate the videoUse Hardware decoders onlyUse S/PDIF when availableUse Tiger for renderingUse VLC paceUse Variable BitRate. Default is to use Constant BitRate (CBR).Use YUVP rendererUse a local picture as logo on the videoUse a plugins cacheUse a plugins cache which will greatly improve the startup time of VLC.Use a skinned playlistUse a sub&title fileUse an image's alpha channel as a transparency mask.Use assembler CPU optimizations.Use chapter codecs found in the segment.Use custom skinUse downmix algorithmUse float32 outputUse hardware YUV->RGB conversionsUse hardware blending supportUse keyframesUse mb-tree ratecontrolUse media libraryUse native styleUse only one instance when started from file managerUse sequential numbers instead of timestampsUse sequential numbers instead of timestamps for snapshot numberingUse subtitle fileUse the complete preferences to configure custom caching values for each access module.Use the native fullscreen modeUse this when you know your stream is (or is not) encoded with Dolby Surround but fails to be detected as such. Even if the stream is not actually encoded with Dolby Surround, turning on this option might enhance your experience, especially when combined with the Headphone Channel Mixer.Use triple buffering for overlaysUse video buffers in system memoryUserUser agentUser name to be used for connection to the SOCKS proxy.UsernameUsername:UzbekV&iewV-plane colorV4LVA-API video decoderVA-API video decoder via DRMVBI & TeletextVBI and Teletext decoderVBI capture deviceVBR QualityVBR modeVBV bufferVC-1 packetizerVC1 video demuxerVCDVCD deviceVCD inputVDPAU video decoderVDRVDR recordingsVHS movieVHS movie effect video filterVLCVLC can avoid creating window caption, frames, etc... around the video, giving a "minimal" window.VLC can display messages on the video. This is called OSD (On Screen Display).VLC cannot open ANY capture device. Check the error log for details.VLC cannot set the DVD's title. It possibly cannot decrypt the entire disc.VLC could not connect to "%s:%d".VLC could not connect with the given server.VLC could not decode the format "%4.4s" (%s)VLC could not identify the audio or video codecVLC could not open the %4.4s %s encoder.VLC could not open the %s module.VLC could not open the decoder module.VLC could not open the file "%s" (%s).VLC could not read the file (%s).VLC could not read the file: %sVLC failed to load the ASF header.VLC is started from file associationVLC is unable to open the MRL '%s'. Check the log for details.VLC media playerVLC media player - Web InterfaceVLC media player Help...VLC media player and VideoLAN are trademarks of the VideoLAN Association.VLC media player updatesVLC normally uses Freetype for rendering, but this allows you to use svg for instance.VLC preferencesVLC skins websiteVLC version %s (%s) VLC was unable to save the meta data.VLC will keep playing the current playlist item.VLC will keep playing the playlist indefinitely.VLC will randomly play files in the playlist until interrupted.VLC will start with just an icon in your taskbar.VLC's connection to the given server was rejected.VLC's implementation of Video On DemandVLMVLM Batch CommandsVLM conf (*.vlm);;All (*)VLM configuration fileVLM configuratorVMANVNCVNC HostVNC PasswordVNC PortVNC client accessVNC hostname or IP address.VNC password.VNC poll intervalVNC pollingVNC port number.VOC demuxerVODVOD: VU meterVarianceVariance of the gaussian noiseVarious audio and video decoders/encoders delivered by the FFmpeg library. This includes (MS)MPEG4, DivX, SV1,H261, H263, H264, WMV, WMA, AAC, AMR, DV, MJPEG and other codecsVerbosity (0,1,2)VersionVersion %1VerticalVertical (13V)Vertical flipVery Low Definition (240 lines)Very short backwards jumpVery short forward jumpVery short jump lengthVery short jump length, in seconds.VideoVideo &TrackVideo Auto ScalingVideo EffectsVideo Effects...Video FPSVideo FilesVideo IDVideo On Demand ( VOD )Video PIDVideo SettingsVideo TrackVideo X coordinateVideo Y coordinateVideo alignmentVideo bitrateVideo captureVideo capture (Video4Linux)Video capture controls (if supported by the device)Video capture deviceVideo codecVideo codecsVideo connectionVideo connection to use for DeckLink captures. Valid choices: sdi, hdmi, opticalsdi, component, composite, svideo. Leave blank for card default.Video croppingVideo deviceVideo device nameVideo encoderVideo encoder (using OpenMAX IL)Video filterVideo filter moduleVideo filters are used to process the video stream.Video filters will be applied to the video streams (after overlays are applied). You can enter a colon-separated list of filters.Video frame-rateVideo heightVideo inputVideo input chroma formatVideo input frame rateVideo input pinVideo memoryVideo memory buffer height.Video memory buffer width.Video memory outputVideo modeVideo outputVideo output URLVideo output access methodVideo output moduleVideo output modulesVideo output muxerVideo output pinVideo pictures blendingVideo portVideo post processing filterVideo quality post-processing levelVideo resolutionVideo scaleVideo scalingVideo scaling factorVideo scaling filterVideo settingsVideo sizeVideo snapshot directory (or filename)Video snapshot file prefixVideo snapshot formatVideo snapshot heightVideo snapshot widthVideo snapshotsVideo splitter moduleVideo splitters separate the stream into multiple videos.Video standardVideo standard (Default, SECAM, PAL, or NTSC).Video titleVideo transformation filterVideo widthVideo will be rendered with this X11 display. If empty, the default display will be used.Video4Linux inputVideoLAN Website...VideoToolbox video decoderVietnameseVietnamese (VISCII)Vietnamese (Windows-1258)ViewView certificateViewPointField of viewViewPointPitchViewPointRollViewPointYawVisualizationVisualization:VisualizationsVisualizations selectorVisualizerVisualizer filterVividVoD server moduleVobsub subtitles parserVoice activity detectionVolapukVolumeVolume %ld%%Volume DownVolume MuteVolume UpVolume controlVolume downVolume normalizationVolume normalizerVolume of the audio input.Volume upVorbis audio decoderVorbis audio encoderVorbis audio packetizerWASAPIWAVWAV demuxerWAV muxerWEBVTT decoderWEBVTT subtitles decoderWEBVTT subtitles parserWMA v1/v2 fixed point audio decoderWPL playlist importWallWallpaperWarning: this key or combination is already assigned to WarpOverlay!Water effectWaveWave video filterWaveOut audio outputWavesWayland shared memory video outputWe just found an older version of VLC's preferences files.WebWebM video decoderWebM video encoderWebmWebsiteWelshWestern European (IBM 00850)Western European (Latin-9)Western European (Windows-1252)WetWhen minimizedWhen possible, the input stream will be recorded instead of using the stream output moduleWhen several video formats are available, select one whose resolution is closest to (but not higher than) this setting, in number of lines. Use this option if you don't have enough CPU power or network bandwidth to play higher resolutions.When the SAP flow control is disabled, this lets you set the fixed interval between SAP announcements.When this is enabled, the interface will show a dialog box each time some user input is required.When this is enabled, the preferences and/or interfaces will show all available options, including those that most users should never touch.When this mode is enabled, pixels will be shown as black or white. The threshold value will be the brightness defined below.When to raise the interfaceWhen using the PVR input (or a very irregular source), you should set this to 10000.When using the one instance only option, enqueue items to playlist and keep playing current item.WhiteWhite balance temperature (K)White balance temperature as a color temperation in Kelvin (2800 is minimum incandescence, 6500 is maximum daylight).White pointWide-band (16kHz)WidthWidth of the virtual roomWidth of video or subtitle elementary streamsWindowWindow decorationsWindow handle (HWND)Window propertiesWindow sizeWindows Audio Session API inputWindows Audio Session API outputWindows GDI video outputWindows Service interfaceWindows networksWindows opacity between 0.1 and 1With this option enabled, the playback will be automatically paused when minimizing the window.WolofWorkaround bugsWorkaround for FranceWrapper filter outputWrite process id to fileWrites process id into specified file.X Coordinate of the top-left corner of the mosaic.X coordinateX coordinate of the encoded subtitleX coordinate of the logo. You can move the logo by left-clicking it.X coordinate of the mask.X coordinate of the rendered subtitleX offsetX offset, from the left screen edge.X windowX11X11 displayX11 video output (XCB)X11 video window (XCB)X11 window IDXA demuxerXDG screen saver inhibitionXDG-screensaverXML Parser (using libxml2)XSPF playlistXSPF playlist exportXSPF playlist importXSPF playlist |*.xspf|M3U file |*.m3u|HTML playlist |*.htmlXVideoXVideo adaptor numberXVideo format idXVideo hardware adaptor to use. By default, VLC will use the first functional adaptor.XVideo image format id to use. By default, VLC will try to use the best match for the video being played.XVideo output (XCB)XWD file (autodetect)XWD image decoderXhosaY Coordinate of the top-left corner of the mosaic.Y coordinateY coordinate of the encoded subtitleY coordinate of the logo. You can move the logo by left-clicking it.Y coordinate of the mask.Y coordinate of the rendered subtitleY offsetY offset, down from the top.YUV outputYUV video outputYUVP converterYellowYesYiddishYorubaYou can completely disable the audio output. The audio decoding stage will not take place, thus saving some processing power.You can completely disable the sub-picture processing.You can completely disable the video output. The video decoding stage will not take place, thus saving some processing power.You can enforce the height of the video snapshot. By default it will keep the original height (-1). Using 0 will scale the height to keep the aspect ratio.You can enforce the position of the top left corner of the video window (X coordinate).You can enforce the position of the top left corner of the video window (Y coordinate).You can enforce the video height. By default (-1) VLC will adapt to the video characteristics.You can enforce the video width. By default (-1) VLC will adapt to the video characteristics.You can enforce the width of the video snapshot. By default it will keep the original width (-1). Using 0 will scale the width to keep the aspect ratio.You can enter here a default stream output chain. Refer to the documentation to learn how to build such chains. Warning: this chain will be enabled for all streams.You can give a comma-separated list of inputs that will be concatenated together after the normal one.You can manually give a list of bookmarks for a stream in the form "{name=bookmark-name,time=optional-time-offset,bytes=optional-byte-offset},{...}"You can select "additional interfaces" for VLC. They will be launched in the background in addition to the default interface. Use a colon separated list of interface modules. (common values are "rc" (remote control), "http", "gestures" ...)You can select control interfaces for VLC.You can select local files with the following list and buttons.You can select which VoD server module you want to use. Set this to 'vod_rtsp' to switch back to the old, legacy module.You can use this option to place the subtitles under the movie, instead of over the movie. Try several positions.You can zoom the video by the specified factor.You have the latest version of VLC media player.You have two choices: - The interface will resize to the native video size - The video will fit to the interface size By default, interface resize to the native video size.You just need to fill one of the three following parameters, VLC will autodetect the other using the original aspect ratioYou must set a name for the profile.Your Mac does not seem to be equipped with a suitable audio input device.Please check your connectors and drivers.Your Mac does not seem to be equipped with a suitable input device. Please check your connectors and drivers.Your Mac does not seem to be equipped with a suitable video input device. Please check your connectors and drivers.Your account was rejected.Your display will be opened and played in order to stream or save it.Your input can't be openedYour system BD+ decoding library does not work. Missing configuration?Your window manager does not provide a list of applications.Zero Order Hold (fastest)Zeroconf network servicesZeroconf servicesZhuangZoomZoom InZoom OutZoom mode: %sZoom videoZooming resetZulu[Display][Filebrowser][Global][Loop][Player][Playlist][cdda:][device][@[track]]add --advanced to your command line to see advanced options.antiflickerantiflicker video filterask for extra verbosity when displaying helpaudioautoauto - let encoder decide based upon input (Best)bitsblocksbooleanbufferscore programdBdebugdecoderdevice, fifo or filenamediaerrorsesafloatforce coding frame as single picturefpsframesfullfull - One code block per subbandglSpectrumgzip decompressionhexinintegerlarge - use large code blockslast.fm username or password is incorrect. Please verify your settings and relaunch VLC.last.fm: Authentication failedlibavformat AVIO accesslibavformat AVIO access outputlibdsm NETBIOS discovery modulelibdsm SMB inputlibdsm's SMB (Windows network shares) input and browserlibprojectM effectmedium - use medium sized code blocksmotionmotion control interfacemsno configuration option will be loaded nor saved to config filenoneoffsetspacketizerprint a list of available modulesprint a list of available modules with extra detailprint help for VLC (can be combined with --advanced and --help-verbose)print help for VLC and all its modules (can be combined with --advanced and --help-verbose)print help on a specific module (can be combined with --advanced and --help-verbose). Prefix the module name with = for strict matches.print version informationprojectMprojectM configuration fileprojectM preset pathpxrdreset the current config to the default valuesresets the current plugins cachessec.simplesmall - use small code blocksstringsubpicturetesatx3g subtitlestx3g subtitles decoderumhunknownuse alternate config filev4l2 controlsv4l2 driver controlsvideovlc-snapvsxuwarningsx264 advanced optionsx264 preset and tuning selectionx264 profile and level selection| add XYZ . . . . . . . . . . . . add XYZ to playlist| clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clear the playlist| next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . next playlist item| play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . play stream| playlist . . . . . show items currently in playlist| prev . . . . . . . . . . . . previous playlist item| quit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . quit vlc| status . . . . . . . . . . . current playlist status| stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . stop stream|All Files |*Project-Id-Version: vlc 3.0.13 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: vlc-devel@videolan.org PO-Revision-Date: 2017-12-10 22:48+0000 Last-Translator: Aefgh Threenine , 2021 Language-Team: Chinese (Taiwan) (https://app.transifex.com/yaron/teams/16553/zh_TW/) Language: zh_TW MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; 已傾印內容至檔案「vlc-help.txt」。 按 Enter 鍵繼續... 警告:若您無法存取圖形介面,請開啟命令列視窗並切換至您安裝 VLC 的目錄並執行「vlc -I qt」 %s: %s [%s] % . 顯示/隱藏隱藏檔 / 尋找項目 <, > 下一個/上一個章節 加入選擇的檔案至播放清單 , 搜尋 -/+ 1%% , 一頁一頁瀏覽視窗 加入選擇的目錄至播放清單 暫停/播放 , 瀏覽視窗的開頭/結尾 , 一行一行瀏覽視窗 , 搜尋 +/-5%% A 加入項目 B 顯示/隱藏檔案瀏覽器 Ctrl-l 重新整理畫面 D, , 刪除項目 Esc 關閉加入/搜尋輸入 L 顯示/隱藏訊息視窗 O 以標題反向排列播放清單 P 顯示/隱藏播放清單視窗 位置 : %s/%s 設定檔名稱遺失 R 切換重複項目 S 顯示/隱藏統計資訊視窗 來源 : %s [ 按 h 顯示說明 ] [, ] 下一個/上一個標題 a, z 音量上升/下降 天 e 退出光碟(若停止播放) f 切換全螢幕 f/s fps g 前往目前播放的項目 h,H 顯示/隱藏說明視窗 i 顯示/隱藏資訊視窗 kb/s l 切換播放清單循環 毫秒 n, p 下一個/上一個播放清單項目 o 以標題排列播放清單 像素 q, Q, Esc 離開 r 切換隨機播放 s 停止 x 顯示/隱藏物件視窗#在這裡貼上您的 VLM 命令#請換新列或用半形分號隔開指令%.1f GiB%.1f KiB%.1f MiB%.2f dB%1 個下載%i 軌%s 下載中... %s/%s 已完成 %.1f%%%s (編碼的輸出)%s範圍%s [%s %d]%s 位元組%u Hz%u kb/s%u 模組沒有被顯示因為他們只有在進階選項中。 關於(&A)進階控制(&A)進階開啟(&A)...套用(&A)長寬比例(&A)音訊(&A)取消(&C)章節(&C)清除(&C)關閉(&C)編解碼器資訊(&C)繼續(&C)裁剪(&C)去交錯(&D)去交錯模式(&D)光碟(&D)特效與過濾器(&E)排入佇列(&E)加快(&F)檔案(&F)過濾器(&F):指紋(&F)全螢幕(&F)全螢幕介面(&F)一般(&G)前往(&G)說明(&H)在工作列隱藏 VLC 媒體播放器(&H)提高音量(&I)安裝(&I)向後跳轉(&J)&MPEG-TS管理(&M)媒體(&M)訊息(&M)詮釋資料(&M)靜音(&M)網路(&N)否(&N)開啟檔案(&O)...開啟媒體(&O)開啟多個檔案(&O)...播放(&P)播放(&P)偏好設定(&P)節目(&P)品質(&Q)離開(&Q)重新檢查版本(&R)轉譯器(&R)重置偏好設定(&R)儲存(&S)儲存詮釋資料(&S)另存新檔(&S)...搜尋(&S):選擇(&S)開始(&S)立體聲模式(&S)停止(&S)串流(&S)串流(&S)...音軌同步(&T)移除(&U)VLM 組態設定(&V)詳盡度(&V):視訊(&V)檢視(&V)視覺效果(&V)是(&Y)縮放(&Z)(延遲)(加快)(預設停用)(預設啟用)+----[ 遠端控制命令 ].*...00.00 dB0.200.250.35 (與 DVB-S 相同)11 KHz1.51.712 MHz10 MHz10 位元11025 Hz12 KHz125 Hz14 KHz15 位元16 KHz16 位元16000 Hz170 Hz176400 Hz192000 Hz原始大小二分之一四分之一1:檔案2 KHz二次處理2.522050 Hz24 位元24000 Hz250 Hz兩倍大小2D3 KHz3.531 Hz310 Hz32 位元32000 Hz3D OpenGL 頻譜視覺效果4 KHz4000 Hz44100 Hz48000 Hz4:2:04:2:24:4:45 MHz50 Hz500 Hz525 掃描線 / 60 Hz6 KHz6 MHz60 Hz600 Hz625 掃描線 / 50 Hz63 Hz7 MHz8 KHz8 MHz8 位元8000 Hz88200 Hz96000 Hz

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VLC 媒體播放器是自由且開放原始碼的媒體播放器、編碼器與串流伺服器,由 VideoLAN 志願者社群所開發。

VLC 使用內建的編解碼器並且能在所有熱門的平台上運作,它可以讀取檔案、CD、DVD、網路串流、擷取卡甚至更多其他來源!


VLC 媒體播放器是自由且開放原始碼的媒體播放器、編碼器與串流伺服器,由 VideoLAN 志願者社群所開發。

VLC 使用內建的編解碼器並且能在所有熱門的平台上運作,它可以讀取檔案、CD、DVD、網路串流、擷取卡甚至更多其他來源!

幫助並加入我們!>HHHHHH;#發現新版的 VLC (%1.%2.%3%4)。A/52 音訊封包器A/52 動態範圍壓縮AAAA; AAC 音訊解碼器(使用 libfaad2)AAC-ELDAAC-LCAAC-LD已撤回 AACS 主機憑證。AACS MMC 失敗。ADPCM 音訊解碼器AES/EBUAES3/SMPTE 302M 音訊解碼器AES3/SMPTE 302M 音訊封包器AIFF 解多工器ALSAALSA 音訊擷取ALSA 音訊輸出AM 調諧器模式AM 調諧器模式。可以選擇預設值 (0)、電視 (1)、AM 收音機 (2)、FM 收音機 (3)、或 DSS (4)。AM 廣播AOM 視訊解碼器VLCVLC 媒體播放器ASCII 藝術ASCII-art 視訊輸出ASF 多工器ASF 封包大小 -- 預設為 4096 位元組ASF/WMVASF/WMV 解多工器ASX 播放清單匯入ATSC A/52 (AC-3) 音訊解碼器AU 解多工器AUMIDIAVFoundation 音訊擷取AVFoundation 視訊擷取AVFoundation 音訊擷取模組。AVFoundation 視訊擷取模組。AVIAVI 解多工器AVI 多工器AVIOAbkhazian放棄關於關於 VLC 媒體播放器視訊上方絕對延遲加速的視訊輸出(重疊圖層)接受24小時從 Unix socket 接收指令而不是從標準輸入。從 socket 接收指令而不是從標準輸入。您可以設定介面綁定的位址與連接埠。永久接受存取進階選項以微調裝置存取模組存取模組存取輸出存取輸出模組取得輸出模組控制多工器串流被發送的方式。這個設定讓您可以總是指定某一特定的取得輸出模組。您也許不應該這麼做。 您也可以替每個取得輸出模組設定預設參數。無障礙輔助連線使用的帳號。動作動作啟動啟用轉碼啟動 VNC 輪尋功能。請勿用於 VDR ffnetdev 客戶端。啟動或關閉自動縮放。啟動或關閉去交錯。啟用軟體新版本的自動通知。它每兩個禮拜執行一次。啟用可用更新通知啟用更新通知啟用的擴充套件演出者加入加入字幕檔(&S)...加入目錄...加入檔案...加入資料夾...加入輸入加入介面加入雜訊加入字幕檔...加入字幕檔:加入 WAVE 檔頭加入背景加入模糊特效加入延遲特效至聲音加入陰影從檔案加入封面圖片加入您需要的串流方式以及其目的地。請確認轉碼格式是否相容於該串流方式。加入標誌加入文字加入至播放清單加入...附加元件管理員位址使用的 CDDB 伺服器位址。加入濾過的高斯雜訊調整 VLC 優先權調整音調調整與特效進階進階按鈕進階開啟檔案...進階選項進階偏好設定進階工具進階選項...進階設定進階設定。請小心使用...AfarAfrikaansAlbanian專輯專輯藝人專輯封面檔案名稱專輯播放增益全部所有檔案允許自動圖示變更允許快取允許網路存取詮釋資料僅容許單一實體僅容許單一執行實體允許其他應用程式使用 D-Bus MPRIS 通訊協定控制 VLC。允許即時優先權允許建立目錄索引只允許一個 VLC 的執行實體有時候可能會有用。例如,如果您已經與 VLC 關聯部分媒體類型,然後又不想每次從檔案管理員開啟檔案時開啟新的 VLC 的執行實體。這個選項可讓您將要播放的檔案排入正在執行的 VLC 的執行實體的佇列。讓使用者指定額外的 pmt(pmt_pid=pid:stream_type[,...])。設定文字廣播語言(page=lang/type,...)。指定輸入的「著作權」詮釋資料。指定輸入的「日期」詮釋資料。指定輸入的「說明」詮釋資料。指定輸入的「類型」詮釋資料。指定輸入的「標題」詮釋資料。指定輸入的「網址」詮釋資料。指定輸入的「藝人」詮釋資料。指定輸入的「作者」詮釋資料。Alpha 混合透明遮罩。使用 png alpha 通道。Alpha 遮罩Alpha 遮罩視訊過濾器Alpha 透明值(預設 255)Alt+Altivec 轉換自 總是這樣自動縮放以符合視窗大小(&W)修正視窗置頂(&T)視窗置頂永遠將視訊視窗置頂。啟動時重設音量至:永遠顯示在此裝置總是如此Amharic記錄滑鼠手勢需要的移動量。放大檢查更新時發生錯誤...浮雕 3D類比Android 視窗Android 原生視窗角度角度角度(0 到 359)動畫以 SAP 發佈會談。天線消除閃爍任何範疇外觀將 '-converted' 附加到檔案名稱附加至已經存在的檔案附加至檔案應用程式應用程式層級熱鍵應用程式套用套用延遲至所有字幕(單位為 1/10 秒,也就是說 100 表示十秒)。套用卡通特效套用卡通特效。僅限「梯度」與「邊緣」使用。套用顏色梯度或邊緣偵測特效水藍Arabic阿拉伯文 (ISO 8859-6)阿拉伯文 (Windows-1256)您確定要重設 VLC 媒體播放器的偏好設定?您確定要建立串流嗎?區域Armenian藝術與詮釋資料擷取器藝人藝人美工網址遞增詢問詢問如何處理長寬比例長寬比例長寬比例(4:3,16:9)。預設情況下假設為方形像素。長寬比例選擇器長寬比例: %sAssamese指定指定固定的 PID 給 PMT。指定固定的 PID 給 SPU。指定固定的 PID 給音訊串流。指定固定的 PID 至視訊串流。附件附件輸入音訊音訊裝置(&D)音訊軌音樂CD音樂CD - 音軌 %02i音樂CD裝置音樂CD輸入音訊延遲音訊裝置音訊裝置: %s音訊 ES音訊特效音訊特效...音訊檔案音訊 PID音訊設定音訊空間化音訊軌音訊與字幕音訊平衡音訊位元率音訊取樣位元數音訊擷取音訊擷取 (ALSA)音訊擷取 (PulseAudio)音訊聲道數音訊編解碼器音訊編解碼器音訊組態音訊連接DeckLink 擷取的要使用的音訊連線。有效的選項: embedded、aesebu、analog。若要使用預設值,請保留空白。音訊延遲 %i 毫秒減少音訊延遲增加音訊延遲音訊不同步補償尚未設定音訊裝置音訊裝置名稱音訊編碼器音訊過濾器PCM 格式轉換的音訊過濾器有限頻帶內插重取樣的音訊過濾器簡易聲道混音的音訊過濾器音訊過濾失敗音訊過濾器用於處理音訊串流的音訊過濾器。音訊增益音訊輸入使用的介面卡音訊輸入(請閱讀除錯訊息)。音訊輸入連接音訊語言音訊記憶體音訊記憶體輸出音訊模式音訊輸出網址音訊輸出存取方式音訊輸出聲道音訊輸出裝置音訊輸出裝置(使用 ALSA 語法)。音訊輸出失敗音訊輸出模組音訊輸出多工器音訊輸出連接輸出音量步進音訊埠音效重取樣器音訊取樣率音訊取樣率,預設值為 48000 Hz。音訊取樣率(Hz)DeckLink 擷取的音訊取樣率 (赫茲)。0 會停用音訊輸入。音訊設定音訊軌音訊軌 ID音訊軌同步:音訊軌: %s音訊視覺效果音量音訊/視訊音訊/視訊解碼器 (使用 OpenMAX IL)輪廓之間的增強對比。作者作者作者自動自動連接自動擡升介面:自動重新連線自動洗牌自動消融自動開始自動刪除自動偵測字幕檔自動自動亮度自動色彩增益自動增益自動色相自動白平衡自動加入/刪除輸入串流自動調整畫面亮度。自動調整畫面色相。自動調整白平衡。自動檢查更新自動連接 VLC 的輸入埠至可用的輸出埠。自動連接至可寫入的客戶端自動控制色彩增益。若無指定的字幕檔檔名則自動偵測字幕檔(根據影片檔的檔名)。啟動時自動載入擴充套件模組自動剖析項目自動剖析加入至播放清單的項目 (以擷取部分中繼資料)。自動設定視訊增益。載入播放清單以後自動開始播放。自動縮放視訊AvestanAvformatAvformat 解多工器Avformat 多工Avformat 多工器AymaraAzerbaijaniA→B 段回放B4S 播放清單匯入BPG 影像解碼器上一步背景背景色背景不透明度背景圖片符合視窗大小。背景顏色背景不透明度背光補償Backspace往后音訊的輸入平衡波羅的海 (Latin-7)波羅的海 (Windows-1257)帶止濾波器頻帶移除頻帶增益頻寬頻寬(MHz)基本影像基底的像素半徑Bashkir基本Basque低音音訊輸入的低音調整。低音等級BelarusianBengali最佳可用雙立方(品質較佳)雙立方曲線大型按鈕Bihari雙線性Bislama位元率位元率(kb/s)位元率覆載取樣位元數黑黑與白全螢幕模式下讓螢幕變黑Blackmagic DeckLink SDI 輸入混合混合影像Blu-Ray 播放器的區域碼。部分光碟只能與正確的區域碼播放。藍光藍光光碟損毀。藍光光碟支援 (libbluray)藍光錯誤藍光選單藍藍平衡藍色平衡。藍調藍色畫面藍色畫面 U 值容差藍色畫面 U 值藍色畫面 V 值容差藍色畫面 V 值藍色畫面視訊過濾器模糊係數(1-127)BobBonjour 網路探索Bonjour 算繪引擎探索書籤書籤 %i書籤資料流的書籤清單書籤...邊框高度邊框寬度Bosnian老闆鍵底端中下左下左下右下左下右下Breton光明亮度降低亮度亮度臨界值提高亮度亮度臨界值全部帶到前面來廣播廣播:AVI 索引損壞或者遺失瀏覽瀏覽...瀏覽器返回瀏覽器喜愛瀏覽器前進瀏覽器首頁瀏覽器重整瀏覽器搜尋瀏覽器停止緩衝維度建立索引並播放建立字型快取中BulgarianBurmese預設的情況下(0),所有輸入的聲道都會被儲存,但您可以在這裡限制聲道數量。預設情況下虛擬介面外掛會開啟 DOS 命令視窗。啟用安靜模式將不會顯示視窗,但是在沒有視訊視窗卻又想停止 VLC 的狀況下會很困擾。預設的情況下 rc 介面外掛會啟動 DOS 命令列視窗。啟用安靜模式將不會顯示命令列視窗,但在無視訊視窗時想停止 VLC 播放會變得很麻煩。預設情況下,伺服器會監聽任何的本機 IP 位址。指定 IP 位址(例如 ::1 或或主機名稱(例如 localhost)以限制使用特定的網路介面。位元組zh_TW轉換(&O)轉換 / 儲存(&O)C64 sid 解多工器CABACCBR 位元率(kbps)CBR 編碼CC 608/708CDCDDB 伺服器使用的 CDDB 伺服器連接埠。CDDB 連接埠CDG 解多工器CDG 視訊解碼器CLI 輸入CPU 最佳化CSA 密鑰使用的 CSA 密鑰CSA 密鑰。必須為 16 字元的字串(8 個十六進位字元)。CVD 字幕解碼器纜線快取快取值(毫秒)相機與麥克風的快取值(毫秒)。本機檔案的快取值(毫秒)。網路資源的快取值(毫秒)。光學媒體的快取值(毫秒)。計算係數取消無法儲存組態設定無法寫入至檔案 %1: %2。畫布畫布視訊過濾器功能擷取擷取裝置(&D)擷取失敗擷取模式擷取區域高度擷取區域寬度以立體聲模式擷取音訊串流。卡通Catalan分類凱爾特 (Latin-8)中央Chamorro變更變更熱鍵變更播放清單檢視變更字幕延遲變更媒體快取變更基本串流的 ID變更基本串流的語言變更 lirc 組態檔變更循環與重複模式變更媒體的起始時間變更媒體的停止時間根據目前的媒體改變標題可以的話變更字幕大小聲道數聲道數量音訊基本串流的聲道數量聲道數:Chaoji VCD 字幕封包器章節章節 %i章節編解碼器章節偏移(毫秒)章節Chechen檢查更新(&U)...檢查更新...檢查 VLC 更新Chichewa; Nyanja漢語選擇選擇封面圖片選擇檔案選擇輸出位置選擇要開啟的一個或多個媒體檔案用服務識別碼 (SID) 來指定要選擇的程式。只有當您要讀取多程式資料流 (例如 DVB 資料流) 時,才使用這個選項。用逗號分隔的服務識別碼 (SID) 清單來指定要選擇的程式。只有當您要讀取多程式資料流 (例如 DVB 資料流) 時,才使用這個選項。選擇 SPU 串流是否應該被重新導向至串流輸出工具。選擇音訊串流是否應該被重新導向至串流輸出工具。選擇視訊串流是否應該被重新導向至串流輸出工具。選擇...色彩格式色彩增益色彩增益控制。色度位置使用色彩格式Church SlavicChuvash選擇加密、密鑰交換方式、雜湊函數與壓縮方式。請參考 GNU TLS 文件中的詳細語法。清除(&E)關閉(&O)經典搖滾古典清除清除清單清除訊息清除播放清單點一下設定 B 點點一下切換經過與剩餘時間點擊以在循環播放全部、循環播放單一個與沒有循環之間切換點一下切換總共與剩餘時間客戶端連接埠時鐘抖動參考時鐘計數器平均時脈來源時鐘同步複製複製視訊過濾器關閉視窗關閉至系統列隱藏式字幕解碼器隱藏式字幕隱藏式字幕 %u隱藏式字幕 1隱藏式字幕 2隱藏式字幕 3隱藏式字幕 4Club編解碼器(&D)編解碼器解編碼器詳細資訊編解碼器等級編解碼器設定檔編解碼器名稱不支援的編解碼器編解碼器解編碼器 / 多工器收合收集一些關於媒體播放的本機統計資訊。顏色彩色 ASCII 藝術視訊輸出顏色效果色彩提取色彩反轉消色器彩色訊息文字視訊上顯示的文字顏色,必須為十六進位碼(如 HTML 色碼)。前兩個字元為紅色,然後綠色,最後藍色。#000000 = 黑色,#FF0000 = 紅色,#00FF00 = 綠色,#FFFF00 = 黃色(紅色 + 綠色),#FFFFFF = 白色主要顏色色彩空間色彩臨界值色彩臨界值過濾器色彩傳輸功能色彩欄邊框行寬高比的逗號分隔列表會被加到介面上的寬高比列表。裁切比例的逗號分隔列表會被加到介面上的裁切比列表。要合併的輸入 URL 列表,以逗號分隔。Command 鍵+指令行介面備註備註通訊補償延遲由 %s 編譯於 %s (%s) 編譯器: %s VLC 內部的完整 MRL色差端子複合壓縮等級壓縮已合併輸入合併上次使用的面板的組態組態選項設定熱鍵連接至相符的客戶端連線失敗控制台恆定位元率模式 (CBR)恆定噪音臨界值模式容器容器(*.ps *.ts *.mpg *.ogg *.asf *.mp4 *.mov *.wav *.raw *.flv *.webm)內容位元率右鍵選單繼續繼續播放繼續播放?對比控制控制介面播放器的控制選單控制轉換(&R) / 儲存...轉換自 轉換複製複製封包器著作權著作權Core Animation OpenGL Layer (Mac OS X)CornishCorsican無法解多工 ASF 串流鄉村封面建立建立「快速啟動」檔案建立「快速啟動」檔案。「快速啟動」檔案是一種針對下載期間的檔案預覽最佳化的檔案格式。建立目錄建立目錄...建立資料夾建立資料夾...建立新書籤建立新的設定檔在系統調整空間中建立唯一名稱在系統記憶體中建立視訊緩衝區而非視訊記憶體。建議不啟用,通常使用視訊記憶體可以得到更多的硬體加速支援(像縮放或 YUV->RGB 轉換)。當使用重疊圖層時這個選項不會有任何效果。貢獻者Croatian裁剪從視訊底端裁剪一個像素從視訊左端裁剪一個像素從視訊右端裁剪一個像素從視訊頂端裁剪一個像素裁剪: %s音訊加密使用 CSA 加密音訊視訊加密使用 CSA 加密視訊Crystal HD 硬體視訊解碼器Ctrl+Ctrl+HCtrl+LCtrl+T立方體地圖目前媒體資訊目前的媒體 / 串流統計資訊目前播放速度: %1 點一下調整速度自訂自訂書籤(&B)自訂長寬比例清單自訂裁剪比例清單自訂選項自訂視訊視窗標題(視訊未被嵌入主介面的情況下)自訂介面(&Z)...剪下循環切換音訊軌循環切換去交錯模式循環下一個節目服務 ID循環上一個節目服務 ID循環切換來源長寬比例循環切換字幕軌反向循環切換字幕軌循環切換預先定義清單中的視訊裁剪格式。循環切換預先定義清單中的來源長寬比例。循環切換音訊裝置循環切換可用的音訊裝置循環切換可用的去交錯模式。循環切換可用的音訊軌(語言)。循環切換可用的下一個節目服務 ID (SID)。循環切換可用的上一個節目服務 ID (SID)。反向循環切換可用的字幕軌。循環切換可用的字幕軌。循環切換視訊裁剪西里爾文字 (Windows-1251)Czech降低音量(&E)D-Bus 控制介面DBusDC1394DCP裝置DIVEDSSDTS Coherent Acoustics 音訊解碼器DTS 音訊封包器DTS 延遲(毫秒)DTS 動態範圍壓縮DTVDTVCC 隱藏式字幕 %uDVDV (Digital Video) 解多工器DVBDVB 介面卡DVB 裝置DVB 播放清單匯入DVB 字幕DVB 字幕解碼器DVB 字幕編碼器DVB-S2 參數DVDDVD 視角DVD 裝置DVD 選單DVD 字幕DVD 字幕解碼器DVD 字幕封包器選單 DVD無選單 DVDDVDRead 輸入(不支援選單)DVDRead 無法開啟光碟 "%s".DVDnav 輸入DVDnav 解多工器Daala 視訊解碼器Daala 視訊編碼器損壞或者不完整的 AVI 檔案濕氣跳舞Danish黑暗資料資料對齊日期日期日 / 月 / 年:解除全螢幕停用關閉用於去區塊效應的迴路過濾器(降低品質)。死亡金屬條紋除去演算法DeckLinkDeckLink 音訊選項DeckLink 音訊輸出模組DeckLink 通用選項DeckLink 視訊選項DeckLink 視訊輸出模組如果多個 DeckLink 擷取卡存在,請選擇要使用的 DeckLink 擷取卡。DeckLink 擷取卡的號碼會從 0 開始。DecklinkOutput解碼在解多工器階段解碼已解碼解碼的區塊解碼格式解碼器解碼解碼 X 座標解碼 Y 座標減少降低音量減少縮放係數預設預設(Windows-1252)預設快取等級預設 DVD 視角。預設編碼預設的 TCP 連線逾時(毫秒)。預設背景 alpha 值預設背景顏色預設快取方針預設裝置預設編碼預設字型 alpha預設字型顏色預設字型描述預設字型效果預設字型效果強度預設的多點傳輸介面。此設定會覆載路由表格。預設的光碟裝置預設的播放增益預設串流預設的串流輸出鏈定義使用的輸入畫面長寬比例。預設為 4:3定義音訊滑鈕的顏色定義全螢幕時使用的螢幕定義鏡像切割的方向。可以是垂直或水平。去交錯串流時使用的去交錯方式。用於視訊處理的去交錯方法去交錯模式去交錯模組關閉去交錯開啟去交錯視訊編碼前先做去交錯處理。視訊去交錯去交錯去交錯視訊過濾器延遲延遲(毫秒)串流延遲延遲計算模式ES 的延遲時間(毫秒)延遲時間Delete刪除所有書籤刪除選擇的設定檔刪除目前的設定檔刪除選擇的項目刪除選擇的項目廣播系統解多工器是用來分隔「基本」串流 (如音訊和視訊串流)。如果偵測不到正確的解多工器,您可以使用此選項。除非您真的知道您在做什麼,否則請勿將此選項設定為全域選項。解多工過濾器模組解多工過濾器可用來修改/控制讀取的串流。解多工模組解多工的資料大小解多工器解多工器被用於分離音訊與視訊串流。降噪遞減描述說明希望的 VC-1 串流畫面速率。希望的畫面擷取速率。DeckLink 擷取卡的所需的輸入視訊模式。這個值應該是文字格式的 FOURCC 代碼 (例如 "ntsc")。所需的輸入視訊模式。若要自動偵測,請勿設定。偏好輸出模式桌面桌面層級熱鍵目的地目的地設定目標音訊編解碼器目的檔案:目的地前置字串目的地字幕編解碼器目標視訊編解碼器詳細清單偵測訊框中的邊緣並用白色標明。裝置選擇裝置裝置名稱裝置屬性裝置:裝置對話視窗DiffServ 代碼點值支援不同的重取樣演算法。輸出品質最好的演算法速度最慢,速度快的品質低落。寄出 UDP 資料流的區別服務代碼點值 (或 IPv4 服務類型、或 IPv6 流量類別)。這適用於網路服務品質。Digital Cinema Package 模組數位電視與廣播數位廣播Dirac 封包器Dirac 視訊解多工器Direct3D11 視訊加速DirectShowDirectShow 輸入DirectXDirectX (DirectDraw) 視訊輸出DirectX 視訊加速 (DXVA) 2.0DirectX 音訊輸出方向鏡像的方向。導演目錄目錄索引錄製檔案的存放目錄或者檔案名稱儲存時光平移暫存檔的目錄。儲存錄製檔案的目錄儲存視訊抓圖的目錄。停用停用 DVD 選單停用 DVD 字幕透明效果停用光碟選單停用所有 lua 外掛停用軟體中的雙重緩衝。停用螢幕保護程式在視訊播放期間停用螢幕保護程式停用光碟選擇光碟光碟快取(毫秒)光碟裝置光碟編號丟棄已丟棄(損壞)迪斯可不連續傳輸光碟顯示顯示器 ID顯示器 ID。若未指定,則使用主要顯示器 ID。顯示設定顯示長寬比例顯示視訊基本串流的長寬比例顯示背景路障圖示或專輯封面非播放時顯示背景路障圖示或者目前的專輯封面。可被停用以防傷害螢幕。本機顯示顯示服務名稱顯示播放清單樹狀結構顯示大小顯示串流輸出在視訊上顯示文字顯示輸入視訊顯示輸出顯示處理過的視訊在螢幕的左上角顯示快照預覽。在本機顯示串流在影片頂端顯示視訊的標題。顯示視訊抓圖預覽串流時顯示已顯示顯示的畫面扭曲模式不要解多工不要開啟 DOS 命令列視窗介面不要播放您真的要取消訂閱 %1?您是否想要下載?你要從上次的位置重新播放嗎?嵌入全螢幕控制介面在螢幕底端嵌入/解除嵌入全螢幕的控制介面嵌入播放清單至主視窗杜比環繞杜比環繞解碼器連線使用的網域/工作群組。不要顯示任何視訊不要顯示兩倍大小雙擊動作以改變。 按刪除鍵以刪除。點兩下取得媒體資訊點兩下跳至選擇的時間位置下鍵下載封面圖片下載的檔案「%s」已經損毀,因此已被刪除。光譜儀中描繪頻帶在分析器裡描繪峰值描繪頻帶的基底丟棄延遲的畫面已丟棄(停止)乾雙單聲道虛擬虛擬元素虛擬音訊輸出虛擬解碼器虛擬編碼器虛擬字型算繪引擎虛擬影像色彩格式虛擬輸入虛擬介面虛擬串流輸出虛擬視訊輸出虛擬/Raw 多工器傾印解碼器傾印檔案名稱傾印模組傾印原始輸入複製串流輸出時間播放秒數模擬檔案結尾前播放的秒數。負值表示無限播放時間。Dutch動態範圍壓縮動態視訊重疊Dzongkha匯出(&X)EBU STL 字幕解碼器EBU STL 字幕分析器EGLOpenGL 的 EGL 延伸功能ES ID東歐 (Latin-2)東歐 (Windows-1250)邊緣邊緣偵測邊緣偵測視訊過濾器編輯編輯書籤編輯輸入編輯選項編輯選擇的設定檔編輯設定效果特效清單退出光碟經過時間基本串流 ID基本串流輸出在開啟對話視窗中嵌入檔案瀏覽器將視訊輸出嵌入主介面嵌入嵌入視訊嵌入視窗視訊浮雕空的空白播放清單啟用啟用 DVD 選單啟用 OSD啟用螢幕顯示(OSD)啟用 SPU 串流輸出啟用空間化啟用音訊的時域伸縮啟用 afterburner 函式庫啟用音訊啟用音訊串流輸出啟用針對藍光支援的相容性修正啟用不連續傳輸(DTX)。啟用動態範圍壓縮啟用多個的量化參數啟用降低雜訊演算法。啟用原始的圖形化頻譜啟用回音啟用軟體模式啟用所有 ES 的串流啟用圖形字幕啟用字幕啟用光譜儀中的「平面」頻譜分析儀。啟用消色器,也就是說當訊號微弱時切換至黑白畫面。若您不想讓音訊被其他音訊中斷,請啟用此選項。啟用音訊的時域伸縮啟用透明特效啟用視訊啟用視訊串流輸出啟用語音活動偵測(VAD)。在 VBR 模式中會自動啟動。啟用桌布模式啟用啟用 (僅 AC3/DTS)在 MPEG2 資料流上啟用畫面丟棄。當您的電腦不夠強大時,就會發生畫面丟棄。封裝封裝方式編碼者解碼器編碼編碼 X 座標編碼 Y 座標編碼複雜度編碼參數編碼品質加密的連線End強制使用恆定位元率編碼 (CBR) 而不是預設的變動位元率編碼 (VBR)。改變介於 0(低) 到 10(高)之間的品質參數。強制套用此影片在視窗上的位置(0=中央,1=左邊,2=右邊,4=頂端,8=底端,您也可以合併這些設定值,例如 6=右上角)。改變編碼器的複雜度。改變最大 VBR 位元率改變編碼器的模式。英語在單一執行實體模式中,將項目佇列至播放清單Enter請輸入網址...請輸入要訂閱的 podcast 網址:輸入目錄的新名稱:輸入資料夾的新名稱:輸入新目錄名稱:輸入新資料夾名稱:插曲等化器等化器樣式10 頻帶等化器等距柱狀抹除抹除視訊過濾器錯誤儲存中介資訊時發生錯誤錯誤:錯誤錯誤與警告錯誤與警告...EscEsperanto世界語 (Latin-3)基本Estonian每 VLC 及其模組的詳盡說明離開全螢幕若播放清單中已無任何項目則關閉 VLC。展開擴大檢視的視點區域 (360°)展開間隔展開的背景路障圖示或專輯封面實驗階段匯出 SDP 檔案通過 D-Bus 公開媒體播放器延伸的面板擴充套件額外的 PMT額外的介面模組額外媒體額外的詮釋資料與其他資訊會顯示在這個面板。 提取抽出 RGB 成分視訊過濾器F&LVF1F10F11F12F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FDK-AAC 音訊編碼器FDKAACFEC 編碼率FFmpeg 音訊/視訊解碼器FFmpeg 音訊/視訊編碼器FFmpeg 後處理過濾器串鏈讀取命令的 FIFO寫入回應的 FIFOFLACFLAC 解多工器FM 廣播RAW 輸入格式的 FOURCC 碼RAW 輸入格式的 FOURCC 碼。這是一個四個字元的字串。FPSFPS 轉換器FPS 轉換視訊過濾器FTP 帳號FTP 認證FTP 輸入FTP 上傳輸出係數開啟並寫入「%s」失敗無法啟動藍光播放功能。請試試看「無選單支援」。模擬 TTYFaroese快速快速雙線性快速搜尋加快加快(微調)搜尋畫面時,速度的重要性大於精確度特色回饋增益Fijian檔案檔案格式:選擇檔案檔案大小檔案關聯音訊檔案輸出檔案快取(毫秒)檔案損毀檔案無法驗證檔案傾印副檔名關聯檔案輸入檔案記錄檔名檔案名稱:無法驗證檔案檔案讀取失敗檔案串流輸出檔案/目錄檔案/資料夾檔案瀏覽器初始位置檔案名稱前置檔案名稱在所在目錄以檔名尋找專輯封面檔案檔案會以相同的名稱放在相同的目錄。使用這些副檔名的檔案不會在開啟目錄時加入至播放清單。 這適合用於某些情況,例如加入包含播放清單檔的目錄。多個副檔名請以逗號隔開。電影顆粒雜訊NTSC 電影(IVTC)過濾器過濾音訊兩次,提供更強的效果。過濾:過濾器使用音訊指紋來尋找詮釋資料線上尋找更多附加元件Finnish首次播放適應畫面修正 HDTV 高度必要時才修正AVI 索引修復中...Flac 音訊解碼器Flac 音訊編碼器Flac 音訊封包器平坦扁平按鈕水平翻轉畫面水平翻轉。畫面垂直翻轉垂直翻轉浮在頂端FluidSynthFluidSynth MIDI 合成器資料夾資料夾詮釋資料跟隨滑鼠擷取子畫面時跟隨滑鼠。字型字型屬性字型顏色您想使用的字型家族您想使用的字型檔選單字型字型大小字型像素大小字型大小(像素)選單使用的字型標題使用的字型強制套用長寬比例強制 S/PDIF 支援強制使用固定位元率編碼(CBR)。強制使用粗體強制使用色彩格式(請小心使用)強制使用色彩格式,由四個字元組成的字串。強制杜比環繞偵測強制建立索引強制使用交錯方法強制經由 RTSP 多點傳送 RTP強制選擇所有串流強制改變字幕位置強制 DirectShow 視訊輸入使用指定的色彩格式(例如 I420(預設)、RV24,諸如此類)強制 DirectShow 視訊輸入使用指定的畫面速率 (例如 0 表示預設值、25、29.97、50、59.94 等)強制 rc 模組如同 TTY 般使用標準輸入。強制更新對話視窗中的數值強制使用指定的 avformat 多工器。強制使用視窗風格:強制套用色彩格式強制使用音訊語言格式格式格式名稱輸出影像格式(png、jpeg、...)。格式化字幕向前幀率(&M)單張播放Framebuffer 色彩深度Framebuffer 裝置檔案Framebuffer 高度Framebuffer 寬度單張播放畫面速率視訊基本串流的畫面速率產生基本串流的畫面速路。框幀大小Framebuffer 裝置用於顯示的 Framebuffer(通常是 /dev/fb0)。Framebuffer 輸入Framebuffer 解析度Framebuffer 使用硬體加速每秒張數Freetype2 字型算繪引擎French頻率 1 (Hz)頻率 1 Q頻率 1 增益 (dB)頻率 2 (Hz)頻率 2 Q頻率 2 增益 (dB)頻率 3 (Hz)頻率 3 Q頻率 3 增益 (dB)頻率頻率(Hz)Frisian完全Full HD (1080p)完整低音完整低音與高音完整高音全螢幕全螢幕控制介面全螢幕視訊裝置全螢幕控制器的不透明度全螢幕視訊輸出放克融合G.711 解碼器G.711 編碼器GLXGNU TLS 伺服器GNU TLS 傳輸層安全性GNU/Linux Framebuffer 視訊輸出GOP 長度Gaelic (Scots)增益增益控制過濾器增益加乘器反饋循環的增益Gallegan遊戲遊戲模式GammaGamma 調整。高斯高斯模糊高斯低通濾波器高斯模糊視訊過濾器高斯的標準差一般一般音訊一般音訊設定一般輸入設定。請小心使用...一般播放清單行為音訊輸出模組的一般設定。視訊輸出模組的一般設定。一般串流輸出設定一般視訊設定產生的串流輸出字串一般類型類型說明類型內容類型。幾何形狀GeorgianGerman手勢CP1252套用褐黃效果賦予視訊溫暖色調全域全域熱鍵全域熱鍵介面全域增益前往時間前往 DVD 選單前往時間GoomGoom 動畫速度Goom 顯示高度Goom 顯示寬度Goom 特效GradfunGradfun 視訊過濾器梯度梯度影像類型漸層臨界值梯度視訊過濾器顆粒雜訊顆粒雜訊視訊過濾器草綠灰灰階視訊輸出希臘文 (ISO 8859-7)希臘文 (Windows-1253)Greek, Modern綠Greenlandic, Kalaallisut群組圖片大小的群組群組封包GuaraniGujaratiH.262/MPEG-2 編碼器(x262)H.264 等級H.264 設定檔H.264 視訊封包器H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10/AVC 編碼器(x264 10-bit)H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10/AVC 編碼器(x264)H.265/HEVC 編碼器(x265)H264 視訊解多工器HD (720p)HD DVDHD-SDIHD-SDI 輸入HDMIHDMI/SPDIF 音訊傳遞HDMV TextST 字幕解碼器HE-AACHE-AAC-v2HEVC/H.265 視訊封包器HH'H':mm'm':ss's'.zzzHQ 除噪 3DHTML 播放清單HTML 播放清單匯出HTTP(預設)HTTP 認證HTTP 輸入HTTP 代理HTTP 代理伺服器網址HTTP 代理伺服器密碼使用的 HTTP 代理伺服器,必須為以下形式「http://[使用者@]代理伺服器.網域:連接埠/」;若留空白則嘗試使用 http_proxy 環境變數。HTTP 伺服器位址HTTP 伺服器連接埠HTTP 串流輸出HTTP(S)HTTP/TLS 伺服器憑證HTTP/TLS 伺服器密鑰HTTPSHTTPS 輸入HTTPS 伺服器連接埠一半大小硬體解碼硬體加速解碼耳機特效耳機虛擬空間化特效耳機虛擬化耳機Hebrew希伯來文 (ISO 8859-8)希伯來文 (Windows-1255)高度視訊或字幕基本串流的高度說明Herero隱藏 / 顯示檢視器隱藏其他隱藏 VLCX 毫秒後隱藏滑鼠游標和全螢幕控制介面隱藏未來的錯誤n 毫秒後隱藏滑鼠游標和全螢幕控制介面隱藏介面並暫停播放階層模式高高品質 3D 除噪過濾器高頻 (Hz)高頻增益 (dB)高延遲高優先權高優先編碼率較高延遲最高Hindi嘻哈Hiri MotuHome香港增補字集 (HKSCS)路程限制(TTL)水平水平(18V)水平翻轉主機熱鍵熱鍵熱鍵變更熱鍵熱鍵管理介面熱鍵設定Hough時 / 分 / 秒:每秒螢幕內容被重新整理的次數。色相色相或色彩平衡。Hungarian快一點Hybrid Log-Gamma匯入(&M)I420,IYUV,YV12 至 RGB2,RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 轉換IDID 偏移IIDC 數位相機 (FireWire) 輸入網際網路IP 位址ISDB-S 參數ITU-R BT.601 (525 行,60 赫茲 Hz)ITU-R BT.601 (625 行,50 赫茲 Hz)IceCAST 輸出Icelandic圖示若啟用自動連接,只有名稱符合正規表示法的 JACK 客戶端才考慮連接。若啟用本選項將自動連接聲音輸出至第一個找到的可寫入 JACK 客戶端。若無任何畫面出現,請檢查您的網路連線。偵測到擱置的音訊通訊時,將自動暫停播放。如果介面卡提供多個獨立調諧器裝置,必須選擇裝置數目。數目將會從 0 開始。若最近 N 個緩衝區的平均功率高於此數值,將會進行音量標準化。請輸入 0.5 到 10 的正浮點數。如果檔案已經存在,它會被覆寫。如果有多個數位廣播介面卡,必須選擇介面卡數目。數目將會從 0 開始。如果啟用此選項,SAP 多點傳送位址上的流程會被控制。如果您想要在 MBone 上發佈公告,這是必要的選項。如果 uid/gid 沒有在網址中指定,VLC 會自動設定一個 uid/gid。若您的 HTTP 代理伺服器需要密碼,請在這裡輸入。如果您的剪貼簿包含有效的網址 或您的電腦中檔案的路徑, 它會被自動選取。忽略忽略以 '.' 開頭的檔案忽略鍵盤音量按鈕。忽略字幕旗標忽略副檔名影像影像調整影像檔影像檔 (*.gif *.jpg *.jpeg *.png)影像調整影像亮度(0-2)影像色彩格式影像對比(0-2)影像解多工器影像格式影像格式(預設 RGB)將用來儲存視訊快照的圖像格式影像 gamma(0-10)影像高度影像色相(0-360)影像遮罩影像遮罩。像素的 alpha 值高過 50% 時會被消除。影像屬性過濾器影像品質影像品質 1 到 9 (最高)影像飽和度(0-3)影像寬度在多螢幕環境下,您可以指定您想開啟視訊視窗的螢幕的 Windows 裝置名稱。例如:"\\.\DISPLAY1" or "\\.\DISPLAY2"。增加提高音量增加或減少增益(預設值 1.0)增加縮放係數增加執行程序的優先權增加處理程序的優先級非常有可能提升您的播放體驗。這麼做讓 VLC 不會被其他耗費過多處理器時間的應用程式打擾。但請注意,某些情況(臭蟲)下,VLC 可能會耗盡所有處理器時間,最終導致系統失去回應,需要重新啟動機器才能恢復。索引索引檔索引時間間隔螢幕的索引號碼 (1、2、3...)。替代顯示器 ID。Indonesian資訊有關您的媒體或串流的組成資訊, 包含多工器、字幕、音訊與視訊格式。資訊...紅外線紅外線遙控介面初始化中輸入輸入與編解碼器設定輸入與編解碼器設定輸入 / 編解碼器輸入 FIFO輸入位元率要使用的輸入卡片輸入清單輸入媒體使用的介面卡輸入(請閱讀除錯訊息)。重複輸入輸入從屬 (實驗性)輸入/已讀取輸入:輸入清單不安全的網站Insert插入光碟安裝安裝 Windows 服務安裝服務並離開。已安裝您可以替原始資料檔案加上 WAV 檔頭。樂器從 -1(無模型) 到 4 的整數。整合視訊至主介面強度褐黃效果的強度互動式縮放介面介面設定介面互動介面模組介面風格介面交錯的編碼交錯模式交錯的動態偵測InterlinguaInterlinguelibavcodec 內部格式名稱內部串流錄製網際網路InuktitutInupiaq無效的組合無效的簽章色彩反轉反轉視訊過濾器Irish可關閉即時輸入訊號源的時脈同步。當你遇到很糟的網路串流播放時就用這個。無法下載這個下載檔案「%s」的加密簽章。因此,檔案已被刪除。無法安全驗證這個下載檔案「%s」。因此,檔案已被刪除。ItalianJACK 輸入JACK 音訊輸入JACK 音訊輸出JACK 客戶端名稱JPEG 影像解碼器JPEG 影像編碼器日語日文 (7-bits JIS/ISO-2022-JP-2)日文 (Shift JIS)日文 Unix (EUC-JP)需要 Java在系統中找不到 Java。Javanese爵士聯合立體聲向前跳轉(&K)跳轉長度跳至指定時間(&T)跳至時間K Audio Interface 音訊輸出K Video Acceleration 視訊輸出KDM 檔案KVAKannada卡啦 OKKashmiriKateKate 重疊圖層解碼器Kate 文字字幕封包器Kazakh保留最近的檔案保留原始長寬比例記憶音量保留存在的檔案保留原始音訊軌保留原始大小保留原始視訊軌串流輸出保持開啟按鍵事件按鍵或組合鍵盤事件按鍵關鍵字KhmerKikuyuKinyarwandaKirghizKomi韓語韓文 (EUC-KR/CP949)韓文 (ISO-2022-KR)KuanyamaKurdish媒體櫃區域網路LZMA 解壓縮Lanczos語言您想使用的音訊軌語言(以逗號分隔,二到三個字元的區碼,您可以使用「none」來避免使用備用語言)。DVD/ BluRay選單所欲使用的語言 (以逗號分隔的2-3字母國碼,也可使用"any"做為預設值)您想使用的字幕軌語言(以逗號分隔,二到三個字元的區碼,您可以輸入「any」使用備用語言)。Lao大大廳較大最後 60 秒上次檢查時間:LatinLatvian送出更新請求...訊號層 A 編碼率訊號層 A 調變訊號層 A 區段計數訊號層 A 時序交錯訊號層 B 編碼率訊號層 B 調變訊號層 B 區段計數訊號層 B 時序交錯訊號層 C 編碼率訊號層 C 調變訊號層 C 區段計數訊號層 C 時序交錯離開全螢幕左左下從左到右左到右/上到下左上讓視訊縮放至符合視窗或者全螢幕。LetzeburgeschLibNotify 通知訊息外掛Libtwolame 音訊編碼器授權第一列:第二列:線性線性 (最快)Linear PCM 音訊解碼器Linear PCM 音訊編碼器Linear PCM 封包器Lingala連結 #清單VLC 將依優先順序排序使用的編解碼器的清單。例如,「dummy,a52」將在嘗試其他編解碼器之前嘗試 dummy 和 a52 編解碼器。只有進階使用者應該更改,因為此選項可能會中斷您的所有串流的播放。VLC 將依優先順序排序使用的金鑰儲存區清單。要篩選的文字清單,以 | 間隔聽眾LithuanianLive實況擷取快取(毫秒)Live555 串流傳輸LiveHTTP載入啟動時載入擴充套件當自動偵測無法偵測到您的字幕檔時載入這個字幕檔。載入 flowplayer 中...區域網路收集本機統計資訊位置位置:鎖定長寬比例記錄標誌標誌消除標誌檔名標誌不透明度(從 0 完全透明到 255 完全不透明)。標誌重疊圖層標誌位置標誌子來源標誌視訊過濾器長程向前跳轉長程向後跳轉長程跳轉長度長程跳轉長度(秒)。外觀若在目前的目錄找不到字幕檔,一併在這些路徑下查找字幕檔。循環循環 / 重複迴路過濾器 AlphaC0 與 Beta 參數 alpha:beta迴路過濾器 AlphaC0 與 Beta 參數。alpha 與 beta 參數的範圍從 -6 到 6。-6 表示輕微過濾,6 表示強力。A 點至 B 點重複播放。 點一下設定 A 點A 點至 B 點重複播放。迴:%s無損模式遺失遺失的緩衝區遺失的畫面音量增強模式音量增強模式,也就是低音增益。低低畫質(360條)低延遲模式低通濾波器低頻 (Hz)低頻增益 (dB)低延遲低頻特效低優先編碼率最低最低延遲LuaLua CLILua 擴展Lua HTTPLua 播放清單Lua SD 模組Lua TelnetLua 介面Lua 介面組態Lua 直譯器明度雙三次 / 彩度雙線性歌詞M&JPEGM&KVM-JPEG 相機解多工器M3U 播放清單M3U 播放清單匯出M3U 播放清單匯入M3U8 播放清單M3U 播放清單匯出伺服器回傳的 MIME(若未指定則自動偵測)。MLP/TrueHD 分析器MMX I420,IYUV,YV12 至 RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 轉換MMX 轉換自 MOD 解多工器MP&3MP&4/MOVMP3 定點數音訊編碼器MP4MP4 串流解多工器MP4/MOV 多工器MP4A LATMMPEG &1MPEG I/II 視訊解碼器 (使用 libmpeg2)MPEG Transport Stream 解多工器MPEG 視訊MPEG 音訊解碼器使用 mpg123MPEG audio layer I/II/III 解碼器MPEG audio layer I/II/III 封包器MPEG-4 音訊MPEG-I/II 視訊解多工器MPEG-I/II 視訊封包器MPEG-I/II/4 / A52 / DTS / MLP 音訊MPEG-PSMPEG-PS 解多工器MPEG4 音訊封包器MPEG4 視訊封包器MRLMTPMTP 裝置MTP 裝置MTP 輸入網路介面的 MTUMUX 選項我的電腦Mac OS X OpenGL 視訊輸出Mac OS X 硬體視訊過濾器Mac OS X 介面Macedonian放大/縮放放大互動式放大/縮放視訊過濾器主工具列主視窗...主介面主介面設定主頻道捐款...MalagasyMalayMalayalamMaltese管理串流ManxMaoriMarathiMarshall遮罩Matroska 串流解多工器最大 QP最大輝度最大位元率最大週期最大音量等級最大位元率最大 GOP 大小顯示的最大音量最大位元率最大位元率(kbps)最大編碼位元率要使用的最大畫面速率 (0 = 沒有限制)。最大連線數量最大輸出視訊高度。最大輸出視訊寬度。預先解析項目的允許最長時間(毫秒)最大視訊高度最大視訊寬度平均媒體資訊(&I)作業系統政策中的媒體(播放器)角色。媒體角度媒體音訊軌媒體檔案媒體快轉Media Foundation Transform 解碼器媒體資訊媒體資訊...媒體櫃媒體管理員編輯媒體管理員清單媒體選單媒體下一張畫面媒體下一軌媒體播放暫停媒體上一張畫面媒體前一軌媒體錄製媒體重複倒帶媒體選擇媒體隨機媒體停止媒體字幕媒體時間媒體瀏覽媒體資料大小媒體角色媒體: %s中中程向前跳轉中程向後跳轉中程跳轉長度中程跳轉長度(秒)。記憶輸入選單選單語言選單彈出選單標題選單選單語言:網格高度網格寬度訊息訊息...Meta 鍵+詮釋資料金屬用來解碼視訊序段的方法精簡介面(&N)微軟媒體伺服器(MMS)輸入Microsoft Soundmapper中間MIME最小 QP最小輝度Mac OS X 精簡介面最小週期最小化視窗最小 GOP 大小最小 alpha 值最小位元率(kbps)最小編碼位元率鏡射鏡射方向視訊鏡射鏡射視訊過濾器雜項雜項雜項設定音訊設定雜項與模組。沒有 AACS 設定檔案!模式調變 / 星座圖模組樹MoldavianMongolian螢幕像素的長寬比例單聲道更多資訊...馬賽克馬賽克磁磚馬賽克對齊馬賽克視訊子來源動態偵測動態模糊動態模糊過濾器動態偵測動作偵測視訊過濾器動作臨界值(10-100)掛載點滑鼠手勢滑鼠滾輪向下滑鼠滾輪向左滑鼠滾輪向右滑鼠滾輪向上滑鼠事件滑鼠手勢控制介面滑鼠指標影像滑鼠滾輪橫軸控制滑鼠滾輪縱軸控制多點傳送多點傳送輸出介面多聲道電視聲 (MTS)已選取多個檔案。已選取多個檔案。多工器音樂靜音靜音。多工控制多工模組多工器多工器:多工器多工器產生封裝格式用來放置所有基本串流 (影片、音效 ...)。這個設定讓您可以總是指定某一個特定的多工器。您也許不應該這麼作。 您也可以替每一個多工器設定預設參數。我的電腦我的音樂我的圖片我的影片正常速度(&O)N/ANET IDNFSNFS 輸入NFS 操作失敗NT 服務NTSC M 日本NTSC M 南韓名稱希望的顯示裝置名稱將被 DirectShow 外掛使用的音訊裝置的名稱。如果您不指定任何名稱,會使用預設裝置。將被 DirectShow 外掛使用的視訊裝置的名稱。如果您不指定任何名稱,會使用預設裝置。名稱:狹窄頻段(8kHz)原生滑鈕NauruNavajo導覽往下導覽往左導覽往右導覽往上海藍Ncurses 介面Ndebele, NorthNdebele, SouthNdonga下一個媒體(&X)最近鄰居(品質較差)色彩反向底片Nepali網路網路存取方針網路通訊協定網路同步網路快取(毫秒)網路識別元網路互動失敗網路主時鐘網路名稱要建立的網路名稱網路設定網路串流(SAP)網路同步網路同步永遠不會不修正新世紀新 ES ID新目的地新輸出播放中新設定檔下一個下一個 / 快轉下一個章節/標題下一個章節下一張畫面播放清單中的下一個媒體播放清單中的下一個媒體;若按住滑鼠,則變成快轉下一個標題下一個視窗元件風格找不到音訊輸入裝置沒有可用的 EPG 資料無使用中字幕找不到附加元件尚未檢查。無杜比環繞解碼沒有關於此編解碼器的描述無光碟選單找不到相符的模組。請用 --list 或 --list-verbose 列出所有可用的模組。找不到 v4l2 實體裝置。 請檢查該裝置是否正由 VLC 播放中。 控制介面將自動顯示在這裡。未在 AACS 設定檔找到有效的主機憑證。未在 AACS 設定檔找到有效的處理鍵。找不到視訊裝置未選擇視訊或音訊設備。噪訊臨界值降低雜訊無北歐 (Latin-6)正常正常大小正常速率正常/循環/重複標準化音量至:Northern SamiNorwegianNorwegian BokmaalNorwegian Nynorsk尚未設定未使用註記:通知通知正在播放正在播放NullSoft 解多工器曲目數音訊緩衝區數量音訊頻道數量轉碼串流中音訊聲道數量。聲道數量複製數量行數在兩次更新檢查之間的日數畫面數量(0 到 100)DeckLink 擷取的輸入音訊通道數目。必須是 2、8、或 16。0 會停用音訊輸入。輸出聲道數量拼圖的行數拼圖的列數列數執行緒數量解碼使用的執行緒數量,0 表示自動轉碼時使用的執行緒數量。重複相同的輸入的次數Nuv 解多工器輸出(&U)OGG 解多工器確定OS X 通知外掛OSSOSS 輸入Occitan; Provençal關閉Ogg Vorbis 品質Ogg/OGM 多工器Ogg/OgmOggSpots 視訊解碼器OggSpots 視訊封包器橄欖綠開啟螢幕顯示一線上文件...線上論壇...只有已安裝的只顯示目前的只顯示與目前播放內容有關的模組不透明度標誌的不透明度開啟開啟擷取裝置(&C)...開啟光碟(&D)...開啟檔案(&F)...開啟資料夾(&F)...從剪貼簿開啟位置(&L)開啟網路串流(&N)...開啟網路(&N)...開啟最近使用的媒體(&R)開啟擷取裝置...開啟目錄(&I)...開啟目錄開啟光碟...開啟檔案開啟檔案...開啟資料夾開啟媒體開啟網路...開啟 RTP/UDP 串流Open Sound System 音訊輸出開啟網址開啟 VLM 組態檔..開啟媒體開啟面板檔案以獨占模式開啟音效。開啟媒體...開啟播放清單開啟播放清單...開啟面板...開啟字幕檔開啟字幕開啟字幕...以同步寫入方式開啟檔案OpenBSD sndio 音訊輸出OpenCVOpenCV 範例OpenCV 臉部偵測範例過濾器OpenCV 內部過濾器名稱OpenCV 視訊過濾器包裝OpenGLOpenGL ES 2 延伸功能OpenGL ES2OpenGL 延伸功能第二代嵌入式系統的 OpenGL 視訊輸出OpenGL 視訊輸出OpenMAX DL 影像處理OpenMAX IL 視訊輸出開啟中作業系統整合光學 SDI光碟機選項設定選項OpusOpus 音訊解碼器Opus 音訊編碼器擷取區域的縱座標(像素)。方向原始原始 ID原始大小原始音訊OriyaOromoOssetian; Ossetic其他輪廓外框厚度輪廓顏色輪廓不透明度輪廓厚度輸出輸出媒體輸出 方法輸出 FIFO輸出網址輸出存取方式輸出卡輸出目的地輸出裝置輸出檔案輸出格式輸出高度輸出模組:輸出模組輸出多工器輸出連接埠輸出視訊高度。輸出灰階視訊。因為不需要解碼色彩資訊,所以可以節省一些處理器資源。輸出視訊寬度。輸出寬度輸出:整體重疊長度修正重疊重疊圖層重疊圖層是一種顯示卡提供的硬體加速功能(可以直接顯示視訊)。預設情況下 VLC 會嘗試啟用這個功能。在視訊上重疊字幕重疊視訊輸出重疊圖層重疊圖層/字幕覆載參數覆載預設的軌道說明。覆載正常的每秒張數設定。僅適用於 MicroDVD 與 SubRIP(SRT) 字幕。覆寫覆寫存在的檔案播放(&P)P/PPAL N 阿根廷PCR 間隔(毫秒)PES 最大大小PLS 播放清單匯入PMT PIDPNG 視訊解碼器PNG 視訊編碼器PSPS 多工器PSNR 計算PVA 解多工器步調封包大小封包器封包化工具被用於 "預處理" 在多工之前的基本串流。這個設定讓您可以總是指定某一特定的封包化工具。您也許不應該這麼做。 您也可以替每個封包化工具設定預設參數。上一頁下一頁PaliPanjabi參數化等化器宴會傳入 alsa:// 以開啟預設的 ALSA 擷取裝置,或是 alsa://SOURCE 開啟名為 SOURCE 的特定裝置。密碼連線至 SOCKS 代理伺服器時使用的密碼。密碼:貼上路徑路徑似乎不是 Blu-ray。Framebuffer 的記憶體映射檔路徑金鑰傳遞訊息 XML 檔案的路徑projectM 樣式目錄的路徑使用面板的路徑。暫停播放至視訊的第一個畫面時暫停播放至視訊的最後一個畫面時暫停暫停 iTunes / Spotify在音訊通訊時暫停播放至視訊的最後一個畫面時暫停僅暫停最小化時暫停播放暫停播放最小化時暫停視訊播放已暫停峰值額外寬度峰值高度峰值保護效能(加密較快的優先)效能選項PersianPhilips OGT (SVCD 字幕) 解碼器Philips OGT (SVCD 字幕) 封包器磷光圖片畫面長寬比例 n:m畫面亮度或黑階調整。畫面對比或明度增益。畫面增益。畫面旋轉角度(度)。畫面飽和度或色彩增益。3D圖片流試驗擷取區域的高度(像素),0 為完整高度擷取區域的寬度(像素),0 為完整寬度標題在視訊上顯示的位置(預設為底端中間)。播放播放 若播放清單是空的則開啟媒體播放清單播放選取項播放並離開播放並暫停播放並停止同步播放另一個媒體(額外的音訊檔案,...)如其播放永遠隨機播放檔案串流處理中一併在本機播放。僅播放播放播放清單書籤 1播放播放清單書籤 10播放播放清單書籤 2播放播放清單書籤 3播放播放清單書籤 4播放播放清單書籤 5播放播放清單書籤 6播放播放清單書籤 7播放播放清單書籤 8播放播放清單書籤 9播放清單(&L)播放/暫停播放/暫停目前媒體播放播放按鈕回放速率播放速度播放控制播放失敗播放速度已播放播放的緩衝區播放器...播放清單播放清單檔案播放清單檔案 |播放清單檢視模式播放清單與實體播放清單書籤 1播放清單書籤 10播放清單書籤 2播放清單書籤 3播放清單書籤 4播放清單書籤 5播放清單書籤 6播放清單書籤 7播放清單書籤 8播放清單書籤 9播放清單目前是空的。 請拖曳檔案至此處或由左側選擇媒體來源。播放清單分析器播放清單...請輸入網址:請輸入有效的使用者名稱和密碼。請輸入您想播放的網址或路徑。請輸入新設定檔的名稱。請開啟「系統偏好設定」->「安全性與隱私權」並允許 VLC 存取您的相機。請開啟「系統偏好設定」->「安全性與隱私權」並允許 VLC 存取您的麥克風。您的字型快取重建中,請稍候。 應該不會超過一分鐘。外掛與擴充套件(&G)外掛外掛與擴充套件Podcast 作者Podcast 類別Podcast 著作權Podcast 時間長度Podcast 資訊Podcast 關鍵字Podcast 連結Podcast 發布日期Podcast 大小Podcast 子類別Podcast 字幕Podcast 摘要Podcast 類型Podcast 網址清單Podcast 分析器Podcasts極化(伏特)Polish流行連接埠Portuguese位置位置控制反向位置控制視訊標題的位置定位方式後處理後處理品質後處理品質色調分離色調分離程度色調分離程度(顏色數量為此數值的三次方)降低顏色數量以進行視訊的色調分離色調分離過濾器後製macOS 可能封鎖光碟的存取。請開啟「系統偏好設定」->「安全性與隱私權」並在「檔案和資料夾」區段允許 VLC 存取外部媒體。電源線頻率消除閃爍過濾器使用的電源線頻率。上一個媒體(&V)前置放大前置放大:偏好原生的串流錄影偏好設定無法儲存偏好設定檔偏好設定...偏好的音訊語言偏好的隱藏式字幕解碼器偏好的音訊語言:偏好的解碼器清單偏好的編碼器清單偏好的金鑰儲存區清單偏好封包器的清單偏好的字幕語言偏好的視訊解析度前置檔名預先載入位於相同目錄的 MKV 檔預先載入位於相同目錄的 MKV 檔,以連結分割(不適用於損壞的檔案)。剖析逾時預置使用的等化器樣式。按新的鍵或組合鍵為了上一頁預覽上一個上一個 / 回轉上一個章節/標題上一個章節播放清單中的上一個媒體播放清單中的上一個媒體;若按住滑鼠,則變成倒帶上一個標題主 B主 G主 R主要語言列印隱私 / 網路互動隱私與網路存取方針存取系統資源時發生問題生產設定檔設定檔名稱(&N)設定檔名稱評測版本節目電視節目表節目投影防止爆音通訊協定幻覺幻覺視訊過濾器聲音心理學模型出版者PulseAudioPulseAudio 輸入Pulseaudio 音訊輸出純交錯模式。紫Pushto益智遊戲益智遊戲互動式益智遊戲視訊過濾器Qt 介面品質等級後處理的品質。有效範圍從 0(停用) 到 6(最高) 較高的等級需要更多的 CPU 資源,不過可以達到更高的畫質。 預設的過濾器串鏈,其值對應至下列的過濾器: 1: hb, 2-4: hb+vb, 5-6: hb+vb+dr品質基礎的 VBRQuechua佇列已選取安靜模式安靜同步離開離開 VLC播放後離開到達播放清單結尾時離開R&BRAM 播放清單匯入RAWRCRDPRDP 遠端桌面要抽出的 RGB 成分要抽出的 RGB 成分。0 為紅 (R),1 為綠 (G),2 為藍 (B)。RGB32RSS / AtomRTCP (本機) 連接埠RTPRTP over RTSP (TCP)RTP 串流輸出RTP/RTCP 多工RTP/RTSP/SDP 解多工器(使用 Live555)RTSP VoDRTSP VoD 伺服器RTSP 認證RTSP 連線失敗RTSP 框架緩衝大小RTSP 伺服器位址RTSP 伺服器連接埠RTSP/RTP 存取與解多工RV32 轉換過濾器廣播裝置半徑半徑(像素)Raeto-Romance隨機關閉隨機開啟隨機隨機:%s饒舌評價比例Raw 音訊解多工器Raw 音訊編碼器Raw 視訊解多工器Raw/Log 音訊編碼器VLM 啟動時讀取 VLM 組態檔。讀取並丟棄未知的 EBML 元素(不適用於損壞的檔案)。讀取大小按照 VLC 的步調讀取音訊串流而不是 JACK。Real RTSPReal 解多工器Real-Time Protocol (RTP) 輸入即時中後左後右後Windows Vista 以及之後的版本建議使用的視訊輸出Windows XP 建議使用的視訊輸出。不相容於 Vista 的 Aero 介面錄製錄製存取過濾器啟動/停止。錄製目錄錄製檔案的存放目錄或者檔案名稱錄製串流輸出錄製錄製完成重建 AVI 檔的索引。若您的 AVI 檔已經損壞或者未完成(無法搜尋),請啟用這個選項。矩形紅紅平衡紅色平衡。重新整理清單重新整理週期(毫秒)雷鬼區域碼區域橫座標區域縱座標用來篩選播放器最近播放的項目的正規表示法。經常檢查 VLC 更新相對字型大小重新載入擴充套件記住音量遠端控制介面遠端控制介面初始化完成。請輸入「help」顯示說明。遠端 OSD移除移除選擇的移除設定檔移除舊的偏好設定?移除此 podcast 訂閱使用圖片作為遮罩移除視訊中的某個區域移除所有 DVD 字幕使用的透明特效。重新命名目錄重新命名目錄...重新命名資料夾重新命名資料夾...輸出品質修復 AVI 檔案重複重複全部關閉重複重複一首重複全部重複目前項目重複延遲:重複:播放增益播放增益模式播放增益模式:播放的前置放大重取樣品質重取樣品質,從最差到最好重置全部重設重置偏好設定重設控制元件重設控制元件至預設值。重置為預設值重設字幕縮放縮放介面以符合原生視訊大小調整介面以符合視訊大小解析度正在取得附加元件...回音回音延遲回音程度回音強度(從 0 到 100,預設值為 0)。倒轉左右聲道交換重設為正常播放速度右右下從右到左右到左/下到上右上水波紋水波紋視訊過濾器搖滾將視點逆時針轉動 (360°)將視點順時針轉動 (360°)Romanian空間大小空間寬度旋轉旋轉(角度)旋轉 180〫旋轉 270〫旋轉 90〫旋轉或翻轉視訊旋轉視訊過濾器旋轉列邊框列以背景服務執行在目前的 tty 上執行 fb手動執行執行排程執行時間Rundi以即時優先權執行 VLC 可以得到更好的排程效率,特別是串流輸出。但是這可能會造成整個系統鎖死,或者反應變得非常慢。您應該只在了解風險的情況下啟用這個功能。以預設介面執行 VLC。使用「cvlc」指令以無介面方式執行 VLC。以背景服務方式執行 VLC以 OUTPUT 優先權執行選用的編碼器執行緒而不是 VIDEO。Russian俄羅斯文 (KOI8-R)統計資訊(&T)S 端子SAPSAP 嚴格模式SAP 發佈時間間隔SAP 發佈SAP 多點傳送位址SAP 時限 (秒)SCTE-18SCTE-18 解碼器SCTE-27SCTE-27 解碼器SDISDI 解多工SDI 輸入SDL 影像解碼器SDL_image 視訊解碼器SDPSDP 描述解析器SDP 網址需要 SDPSFTP 認證SFTP 輸入SFTP 連接埠伺服器使用的 SFTP 連接埠需要 SMB 認證SMB 網域SMB 輸入SMF 解多工器SNAPSOCKS 密碼要使用的 SOCKS Proxy 伺服器。格式必須是 [位址:連接埠]。它會在所有 TCP 連線中使用。SOCKS 伺服器SOCKS 使用者名稱SPU PIDSRC 重取樣器SRTSRT 輸入SRT 延遲 (毫秒)SRT 串流輸出SSE2 I420,IYUV,YV12 至 RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 轉換SSE2 轉換自 SSIM 計算SVCD 字幕SVCD/VCDSVG 樣板檔案SVG 視訊解碼器取樣率(&M)Samba(Windows 網路分享)輸入與來源相同Samoan取樣長寬比例取樣格式取樣率取樣率轉換器類型音訊基本串流的取樣率轉碼音訊串流的取樣率(11025,22050,44100 或 48000)。取樣 ui-state-error 樣式。取樣率擷取音訊串流的取樣率(Hz)(例如:11025、22050、44100、48000)SangoSanskritSardinian飽和度飽和度臨界值儲存儲存檔案儲存詮釋資料儲存播放清單儲存播放清單至檔案(&F)...儲存播放清單...另存 VLM 組態檔...儲存並關閉對話視窗另存新檔另存新設定檔儲存檔案...另存記錄檔...儲存播放清單另存播放清單...儲存原始編解碼器資料儲存最近播放過的項目在選單中儲存最近播放過的項目儲存...儲存所有顯示的記錄至檔案儲存檔案失敗縮放縮小字幕文字縮放係數縮放係數(0.1-2.0)套用到影像的縮放係數轉碼時套用至視訊的縮放係數(例如 0.25)放大字幕文字縮放至螢幕調整因子將被使用當自動調整關閉時。 預設值是 1.0 (原本影片大小)縮放模式使用的縮放模式。掃描新的外掛在啟動時掃描外掛目錄是否有新的外掛。這可能會增加 VLC 的啟動時間。正在掃描 DVB正在掃描...場景過濾器場景視訊過濾器排程排程:顯微鏡優先權干擾畫面螢幕輸入畫面擷取畫面擷取(利用 X11/XCB)螢幕索引全螢幕的螢幕編號,而不是界面所在的螢幕。Scrobbler URL搜尋搜尋長度搜尋播放清單季節第二 CSA 密鑰次要語言或節目Secret Rabbit Code (libsamplerate) 重取樣器安全 128-bits (排除 256-bits 加密)安全 256-bits (優先 256-bits 加密)以百分比為單位進行搜尋而不是時間以百分比為單位進行搜尋而不是時間。選擇選擇「進階選項」以檢視所有選項。選擇全部選擇音訊裝置選擇目錄選擇檔案選擇資料夾選擇輸入選擇輸出選擇顏色效果。選擇裝置或者 VIDEO_TS 目錄選擇裝置或者 VIDEO_TS 資料夾選擇目錄選擇檔案為 KVA 選取適當的視訊模式。請選擇動作以變更關聯的熱鍵:選取並選擇轉碼選項同時選擇音訊輸入格式與指定的位元數/取樣率 (如果是 0 以外)同時選擇音訊輸入格式與指定的音訊通道數目 (如果是 0 以外)同時選擇音訊輸入格式與指定的取樣率 (如果是 0 以外)選擇保留的聲道選取串流的目的地選擇下一個 DVD 章節選擇下一個 DVD 標題選取視訊中的一種色彩選擇要開啟的一個或多個檔案選擇一個或多個檔案選取或在一個動作上按兩下以改變它的相關熱鍵。使用刪除鍵刪除熱鍵。選擇上一個 DVD 章節選擇上一個 DVD 標題選擇設定檔:選擇面板選擇特殊音訊裝置,或者讓 Windows 決定(預設)。變更設定需要重新啟動 VLC。選擇音訊輸入訊號源。請參閱「視訊輸入」選項。選擇音訊輸出類型。請參閱「視訊輸入」選項。選擇裝置類型選擇檔案選擇用於顯示位置的熱鍵。選擇跳轉到下一個畫格的熱鍵選擇作為長向後跳轉的熱鍵選擇作為長向前跳轉的熱鍵選擇作為中向後跳轉的熱鍵選擇作為中向前跳轉的熱鍵選擇作為短向後跳轉的熱鍵選擇作為短向前跳轉的熱鍵選擇作為非常短向後跳轉的熱鍵選擇作為非常短向前跳轉的熱鍵選擇用於離開應用程式的熱鍵。選擇讓播放速度調回成正常速度的熱鍵選擇用於停止播放的熱鍵。選擇快速前進熱鍵選擇慢速播放熱鍵選擇用於離開全螢幕狀態的熱鍵。選擇用於暫停的熱鍵。選擇用於播放的熱鍵。選擇用於跳到播放清單中下一個項目的熱鍵。選擇用於跳到播放清單中上一個項目的熱鍵。選擇用於切換全螢幕狀態的熱鍵。選擇用於切換暫停狀態的熱鍵。選擇用於啟用 DVD 選單中的選擇項目的按鍵。選擇同步字幕時,將音訊時間戳加入書籤的按鍵。選擇同步字幕時,將字幕時間戳加入書籤的按鍵。選擇變更字幕文字比例的按鍵。選擇用於選擇 DVD 的下一章的按鍵選擇用於選擇 DVD 的下一個標題的按鍵選擇用於選擇 DVD 的上一章的按鍵選擇用於選擇 DVD 的上一個標題的按鍵選擇用於清除目前的播放清單的按鍵。選擇降低音量的按鍵。選擇減少音訊延遲的按鍵。選擇減少字幕延遲的按鍵。選擇增加音量的按鍵。選擇增加音訊延遲的按鍵。選擇增加字幕延遲的按鍵。選擇提高字幕的按鍵。選擇拉低字幕的按鍵。選擇用於將 DVD 選單中的選擇器 / 將視點 (繞 X 軸旋轉) 向下移的按鍵。選擇用於將 DVD 選單中的選擇器 / 將視點 (繞 Y 軸旋轉) 向左移的按鍵。選擇用於將 DVD 選單中的選擇器 / 將視點 (繞 Y 軸旋轉) 向左移的按鍵。選擇用於將 DVD 選單中的選擇器 / 將視點 (繞 X 軸旋轉) 向上移的按鍵。選擇靜音按鍵。選擇播放這個書籤的按鍵。選擇重設音訊和字幕時間戳同步設定的按鍵。選擇設定播放清單書籤的按鍵。選擇同步已加入書籤之音訊及字幕時間戳的按鍵。選擇用於移至 DVD 選單的按鍵。選擇播放增益模式選擇在限制以下位元率最大的串流。選取字幕檔選擇調諧器輸入類型 (纜線/天線)。選擇視訊輸出訊號源。請參閱「視訊輸入」選項。選擇子目錄是否必須得展開。 none:子目錄不會在播放清單出現。 collapse:會顯示子目錄,但第一次播放時才展開。 expand:展開所有子目錄。 選擇您的音效輸出裝置選擇的連接埠:傳送按鍵事件至 VNC 主機。傳送滑鼠事件至 VNC 主機。VDR ffnetdev 客戶端無須開啟。分開子串流以「|」分隔(不含空白)深褐色褐黃強度褐黃視訊過濾器循序編號Serbian服務探索服務服務探索服務探索模組服務探索模組提供自動新增項目至播放清單的功能。作業階段Session Description Protocol設定 ES 語言設定 ES ID設定 ID設定語言自動設定 NFS uid/guid設定 QP設為桌布(&P)設定播放清單書籤 1設定播放清單書籤 10設定播放清單書籤 2設定播放清單書籤 3設定播放清單書籤 4設定播放清單書籤 5設定播放清單書籤 6設定播放清單書籤 7設定播放清單書籤 8設定播放清單書籤 9設定基本串流的 ID設定銳利化強度,介於 0 到 2 之間。預設為 0.05。選擇調諧器會設定的電視頻道 (0 是預設值)。設定基本串流的分類設定基本串流的編解碼器設定字幕所使用的編碼設定全域增益(-20 dB ... 20 dB)。設定基本串流的群組設定影像亮度,介於 0 到 2 之間。預設值為 1。設定影像對比,介於 0 到 2 之間。預設值為 1。設定影像 gamma 值,介於 0.01 到 10 之間。預設值為 1。設定影像色相,介於 0 到 360 之間。預設值為 0。設定影像飽和度,介於 0 到 3 之間。預設值為 1。設定字幕左右對齊設定比例 (n:1)。選擇用於建立介於頻道和頻率之間對應的調諧器國碼 (0 是預設值)。設置任何串流用的其他選項設定檔案關聯...設置串流的媒體來源設定當您的音訊資料流與您的硬體相容時預設將使用的音訊輸出通道模式。若網址中無使用者或密碼時使用的連線密碼。若網址中無使用者或密碼時使用的連線使用者名稱。設定設定VLC 控制介面設定VLC 的介面設定輸入、解多工、解碼與編碼設定字幕、文字廣播與隱藏式字幕編解碼器的設定僅處理音訊的解編碼器設定主介面設定視訊、影像或視訊+音訊解編碼器設定關於螢幕顯示(OSD)、字幕與「重疊式圖形字幕」播放清單相關的設定(如播放模式與服務探索模組)。關於各種存取方式的設定。包含一些共用的設定如 HTTP 代理或快取設定。設定...設定排程陰影陰影角度陰影顏色陰影距離陰影不透明度成像延遲(毫秒)共享記憶體 Framebuffer銳利化銳利化強度(0-2)銳利化視訊過濾器銳利度調整銳利度濾波器。Shift+Shift+L顯示 VLC 媒體播放器(&W)Shona短程向前跳轉短程向後跳轉短程跳轉長度短程跳轉長度(秒)。捷徑Shoutcast顯示更多選項(&M)顯示 80 個頻帶而不是 20 個顯示全部顯示基本顯示所在目錄...顯示所在資料夾...顯示全螢幕控制介面使用 shoutcast 視訊播放清單時,顯示 NC17 分級的視訊串流。顯示名稱在工作列上顯示 VLC在全螢幕模式中顯示控制介面當 VLC 最小化或者隱藏時,顯示彈出式通知訊息。每當切換目前的播放項目時提供藝人與音軌名稱等資訊。顯示 VLC 的系統列圖示顯示進階選項開啟偏好設定視窗時顯示進階偏好設定。顯示進階偏好設定在工作列中顯示系統圖示,它可以用來控制 VLC 媒體播放器進行基本操作。全螢幕中顯示控制介面全螢幕模式中顯示控制介面顯示錯誤與警告顯示全部包含除錯訊息顯示延伸的選項顯示延伸設定顯示隱藏檔案當媒體更換時,顯示彈出式通知:在視訊畫面上顯示媒體標題視訊開始播放時顯示媒體標題切換音軌時顯示系統通知只顯示錯誤在視窗標題中顯示播放中的項目顯示設定顯示 shoutcast 的成人內容顯示縮圖預覽。顯示串流位置顯示系統列圖示顯示情境彈出選單。以秒顯示目前在串流中的位置。在控制介面的視窗標題中顯示歌曲或視訊名稱。在開始串流之前顯示選擇的裝置的屬性對話視窗。選擇調諧器內容 [頻道選擇] 頁面。顯示視訊標題 n 毫秒,預設值為 5000 毫秒(5 秒)顯示不重要的錯誤與警告對話視窗顯示視訊標題 x 毫秒顯示/隱藏播放清單縮小檢視的視點區域 (360°)標準差銀相似度相似度臨界值簡易簡易卡啦 OK 過濾器簡易偏好設定杜比環繞編碼串流的簡易解碼器簡體中文 (ISO-2022-CN-EXT)簡體中文 Unix (EUC-CN)Sinc 函式 (最佳品質)Sinc 函式 (快)Sinc 函式 (中等品質)SincRSindhiSinhalese大小每個子頻帶的代碼塊大小串流的位元組大小將被 DirectShow 外掛顯示的視訊的大小。如果您不指定任何大小,會使用您的裝置的預設大小。您可以指定標準大小 (cif、d1 等) 或 x。Ska素描面板檔案 |*.vlt;*.wsz;*.xml面板資源檔:使用的面板皮膚漂白可換面板介面面板面板能自訂播放器的外觀。您可以在偏好設定中啟用他們。略過跳過 H.264 編碼迴路內去區塊效應濾波器跳過廣告跳過畫面跳過迴路過濾器跳過 H.264 解碼的迴路過濾器跳過迴路過濾器(去區塊)通常對品質影響很大,但對高傳真串流卻能提供很大的速度改善。天空藍放慢(&W)SlovakSlovenian緩慢放慢放慢(微調)小小型音量縮圖預覽縮圖預覽大小較小抓圖SoX 重取樣器Socks 代理SoftSoft rock軟化軟化值軟體增益Somali有些字幕格式允許對文字做格式化處理。VLC 有實作部份功能,但您可以選擇停用所有的格式化處理。排序依Sotho, Southern靈魂聲音延遲SoundFont 檔案原聲帶來源來源長寬比例來源目錄來源:串流輸出串流輸出模組可以讓您建立一條串流輸出處理鏈。請參考串流說明以獲得更多資訊。您可以在這裡調整各個串流輸出模組的預設選項。東南歐 (Latin-10)速度(&E)空白鍵間隔Spanish空間模糊空間色度強度空間色度強度 (0-254)空間亮度強度空間亮度強度 (0-254)空間化喇叭組態特殊模組指定要預先載入的服務探索模組,以逗號分隔。典型的值為「sap」。指定要使用的 AAC 音訊設定檔指定 H.264 等級(如 Annex A 標準定義)。等級並非強制覆載;而是讓剩下的編碼選項自動選用符合相容性等級的設定。範圍從 1 到 5.1(10 到 51 也可以接受)。設定為 0 表示讓 x264 決定。指定 H.264 設定檔強制覆載其他設定值指定使用的去交錯模組。光譜儀頻譜頻譜分析儀速度選擇器速度: %.2fxSpeexSpeex 音訊解碼器Speex 音訊編碼器Speex 音訊封包器Speex 重取樣器像鏡子一樣地將視訊分割成兩部份分隔線切分器標準標準畫質(576 或 480 條掃描線)標準串流輸出開始開始時間啟動 VLC 時僅顯示系統列圖示VLC 啟動模式: - 正常模式 - 一個永遠顯示播放資訊(如歌詞、專輯封面...)的區域 - 少量控制元件的精簡模式直接從選單開始播放啟動時為精簡介面(隱藏選單)啟動時為精簡介面模式開始時暫停直接從主選單開始播放 DVD。VLC 會嘗試略過所有無用的警告標語。開始時間開始播放視訊時進入全螢幕模式起始位置統計資訊統計視訊輸出狀態狀態列後退前進向前跳轉向後跳轉立體聲立體聲模式立體聲輸出模式立體聲模式停止停止時間停止播放停止 A 到 B 循環播放完一個播放清單項目後停止播放。停止時間儲存密碼串流串流 %d串流發佈要是使用的音訊軌串流 ID。要是使用的字幕軌串流 ID。串流 MP3串流輸出串流所有基本串流輸出所有的基本串流 (視訊、音訊與字幕)串流位元率串流說明串流過濾器模組串流過濾器串流過濾器是一種能夠對 VLC 輸入端進行進階操作的特殊模組。請小心使用...串流過濾器可用來修改讀取的串流。串流識別元串流名稱要使用的音訊軌編號(從 0 到 n)要使用的字幕軌編號(從 0 到 n)串流輸出串流輸出多工器快取(毫秒)當作為是串流伺服器或是正在儲存輸入串流時,串流輸出設定會被使用。 串流一開始是多工的,然後透過 "取得輸出" 模組,可以將串流保存到檔案,或是將他串流出去(UDP,HTTP,RTP/ RTSP)。 Sout 串流模組允許進階串流處理(轉碼,複製...)。串流輸出的命令字串。 當您改變上面的設定值時,這裡也會自動更新。 您也可以手動編輯這個命令字串。串流輸出至記憶體緩衝區公開串流串流...可串流串流 / 轉碼失敗串流與轉碼選項串流去交錯模式強度用來修改某像素之值的強度嚴格遵循標準字幕軌(&T)子目錄行為主題傳送播過的歌曲至 Last.fm將播放的軌道統計提交給 Last.fm圖形字幕位置圖形字幕圖形字幕過濾器模組圖形字幕來源模組訂閱訂閱 podcast字幕(&T)字幕字幕與畫面上顯示設定字幕延遲字幕檔字幕檔字幕語言字幕軌字幕對齊字幕自動模糊偵測字幕自動偵測路徑字幕編解碼器字幕編解碼器字幕延遲字幕延遲 %i 毫秒減少字幕延遲增加字幕延遲字幕描述字幕期係數:字幕效果字幕編碼器字幕編碼字幕格式字幕左右對齊字幕語言字幕語言字幕位置 %d px字幕位置下移字幕位置上移字幕位置:無使用中字幕使用 libass 的字幕算繪引擎字幕速度:字幕同步 / 將音訊時間戳加入書籤字幕同步 / 將字幕時間戳加入書籤字幕同步 / 重設音訊和字幕的同步設定字幕同步 / 同步音訊和字幕的時間戳字幕文字編碼字幕文字縮放 %d%%字幕軌字幕軌 ID字幕軌同步:字幕軌: %s字幕字幕 (進階)字幕(影像)字幕 / OSD字幕軌字幕縮放係數字幕/視訊SundaneseVDR 錄影支援(http://www.tvdr.de/)。環繞環繞 4.0環繞 4.1環繞 5.0環繞 5.1環繞 7.1環繞延遲(毫秒)環繞程度SwahiliSwatiSwedish切換至完整偏好設定切換至簡易偏好設定Swscale符碼率(鮑)同步左右同步上下同步同步寫入合成增益系統音效輸出裝置系統字碼集系統預設系統列圖示標題(&I)T.140 文字編碼器TCPTCP 命令輸入TCP 連線逾時TCP 輸入TCP/UDP 逾時(毫秒)TLS 加密優先權TS IDTS 多工器(libdvbpsi)TTA 解多工器TTMLTTML 解碼器TTML 解多工器TTML 字幕解碼器電視TV - 類比TV - 數位電視頻道已在特定的頻率上根轉頻器 (也稱為「多工器」) 分組。需要此動作才能調諧接收器。TYTY 串流音訊/視訊解多工TabTagalogTahitianTajik抓圖(&S)抓圖視訊抓圖視訊抓圖並寫入磁碟。Tamil目標用量轉碼音訊串流的目標位元率。轉碼視訊串流的目標位元率。視訊串流的目標輸出畫面速率。Tatar電子文字廣播開啟文字廣播文字廣播對齊文字廣播組態文字廣播語言文字廣播字幕文字廣播字幕解碼器文字廣播字幕文字廣播透明度文字廣播:附加資訊文字廣播:節目排程通知 VLC 是由作業系統的檔案關聯所啟動通知 lirc 讀取這個組態檔。預設情況下會搜尋使用者家目錄。TelnetTelugu測試文字文字色彩文字大小文字預設顏色文字方向文字不透明度文字位置文字算繪引擎文字顯示模組文字字幕解碼器文字字幕解析器文字/記錄(*.log *.txt);; 所有檔案(*.*)紋理大小Thai泰文 (TIS 620-2533/ISO 8859-11)泰文 (Windows-874)HTTP 伺服器會藍廳此 TCP 連接埠。標準 HTTP 連接埠號碼是 80。不過 1025 以下的連接埠號碼的配置通常由作業系統限制。HTTPS 伺服器會藍廳此 TCP 連接埠。標準 HTTPS 連接埠號碼是 443。不過 1025 以下的連接埠號碼的配置通常由作業系統限制。用於時鐘同步的網路主時鐘 IP 位址。RTSP 伺服器會藍廳此 TCP 連接埠。標準 RTSP 連接埠號碼是 554。不過 1025 以下的連接埠號碼的配置通常由作業系統限制。音訊裝置「%s」無法使用: %s。擷取裝置 "%s" 不支援所需的參數。視訊上顯示的文字顏色,必須為十六進位碼(如 HTML 色碼)。前兩個字元為紅色,然後綠色,最後藍色。#000000 = 黑色,#FF0000 = 紅色,#00FF00 = 綠色,#FFFF00 = 黃色(紅色 + 綠色),#FFFFFF = 白色下載檔案「%s」的加密簽章無效,或是不能用來進行安全性驗證。因此,檔案已被刪除。模糊程度從 1 到 127。桌面模式可以讓您在桌面上顯示視訊。無法使用您選擇的裝置,因為不支援它的類型。偶數 CSA 密鑰。必須為 16 字元的字串(8 個十六進位字元)。特效視訊視窗的高度(像素)。網格高度(像素)。視訊視窗的高度(像素)。已經達到過濾器的最大數量(%u)。每當您啟動 VLC 時自動地儲存並重新載入媒體櫃。滑鼠滾輪橫(左/右)軸可以控制音量、位置或者被忽略。滑鼠滾輪縱(上/下)軸可以控制音量、位置或者被忽略。已經成功地下載新版本。您要現在關閉 VLC 並安裝更新嗎?啟用或停用高品質 32 位元浮點數音效輸出模式(部份音效卡支援不良)。last.fm 帳號密碼播放清單可以像目錄一樣以樹狀結構整理播放項目。紋理大小(像素)。使用此選項能調整音量的步進大小。串流會撥放的長度(秒)串流會在此位置開始(秒)串流會在此位置停止(秒)last.fm 帳號使用者名稱音量可以被記錄下來,下次 VLC 開啟時自動恢復。桌布模式讓您像桌面背景一樣地播放視訊。特效視訊視窗的寬度(像素)。網格寬度(像素)。視訊視窗的寬度(像素)。Theora 視訊解碼器Theora 視訊編碼器Theora 視訊封包器這些選項能讓您設定 VLC 的使用介面。您可以選擇主介面、額外的介面模組並設定各種相關的選項。這些選項可以讓您修改音訊子系統的行為、加入可以用於後處理或視覺效果(頻譜分析儀,...)的音訊過濾器。在這裡啟用這些過濾器,並在「音訊過濾器」區塊進行設定。這些選項讓你能變更輸入子系統的行為,例如DVD或VCD裝置的網路介面設定或字幕頻道。這些選項讓您可以修改子圖片子系統的行為。例如,您可以啟用子圖片原始檔 (logo 等)。在這裡啟用這些篩選器並在「子原始檔篩選器」模組區段中設定它們。您也可以設定許多其他子圖片選項。這些選項可以讓您修改視訊子系統的行為,例如您可以啟用視訊過濾器(去交錯、影像調整之類等)。在這裡啟用這些過濾器並在「視訊過濾器」模組區塊設定它們。您也可以調整許多其他視訊選項。這些選項讓您選擇預設模組。除非您真的知道您在做什麼,否則請勿修改這些選項。這些選項讓你為串流輸出子系統設定預設的通用選項這些選項用來定義播放清單的行為。部份選項可能會被播放清單對話視窗覆載。這些設定為 VLC 的全域按鍵綁定,也就是「熱鍵」。粗細這片藍光光碟需要 AACS 解碼的函式庫,但是您的系統並沒有這個函式庫。這片藍光光碟需要 BD+ 解碼的函式庫,但是您的系統並沒有這個函式庫。這片藍光光碟需要 Java 才有選單支援。%s 光碟將繼續播放,但不會有選單。此 X.509 憑證檔案 (PEM 格式) 是用於伺服器端 TLS。在 OS X 平台,此字串是用為在 keychain 中搜尋憑證的標籤。這個附加元件已手動安裝。VLC 無法自行管理。這個選項加上音效處理過濾器,來修改聲音渲染。這會加上後製濾鏡來增強圖片品質,例如掃描線或是扭曲影像。這會增加所謂的「子圖片篩選器」。這些會篩選由字幕解碼器或其他子圖片原始檔建立的子圖片。這會新增所謂的「子圖片原始檔」。這些篩選器會在視訊上重疊部分影像或文字 (例如標誌、任何文字、...)。這會新增視訊分割器,例如複製或視訊牆加入視覺效果模組(頻譜分析儀之類的)。這讓您可以設定串流輸出多工器的初始快取大小 (毫秒)。可以的話使用硬體解碼。讓音訊在非正常速度播放時保持原來的音高這個設定適當地處理 HDTV-1080 影片格式即使損壞的編碼錯誤的被設定高度到 1088 行。如果您的影片是非標準格式並且需要所有 1088 行,您應該只取消這個選項。這可讓您變更具有重播增益資訊的資料流的預設目標等級 (89 dB)定義播放清單書籤。此選項可讓您指定存取模組。如果偵測不到正確的存取模組,您可以使用此選項。除非您真的知道您在做什麼,否則請勿將此選項設定為全域選項。在多個播放清單項目之間維持單一的串流輸出 (若未指定則自動插入收集串流輸出)同時播放多個輸入源。此為試驗性功能,不支援所有格式。輸入源列表請用"#"分隔。你可遠端同步伺服器與用戶端的時脈。詳細設定請見進階/ 網路同步。設定 VLC 採用編碼器的優先順序。設定 VLC 採用封包器的優先順序。避免視訊輸出的同步機制所造成的大量除錯訊息。這會定義 RTSP 伺服器會監聽的位址,及 RTSP VOD 媒體的基礎路徑。語法是 [位址/路徑]。伺服器預設會監聽任何的本機 IP 位址。指定 IP 位址 (例如 ::1 或 或主機名稱 (例如 localhost) 以限制使用特定的網路介面。此為同步演算法應嘗試補償的最大輸入延遲抖動(以毫秒計算)此為播放速度 (正常速度為1.0)音訊輸出延遲(毫秒)。這會決定字幕和電影檔案名稱符合的模糊程度。選項是: 0 = 不自動偵測字幕 1 = 任何字幕檔案 2 = 任何包含電影名稱的字幕檔案 3 = 符合有其他字元的電影名稱的字幕檔案 4 = 完全符合電影名稱的字幕檔案這會顯示生成的媒體,但會降低速度。這將會丟棄延遲的畫面(在預定顯示時間後才輸出的視訊)。啟用非嵌入式視訊視窗的 VLC 熱鍵這會啟用字幕檔內以 UTF-8 編碼自動偵測這可對已傳送至主控台的訊息啟用顏色標示。您的終端機需要 Linux 色彩支援,此功能才能運作。啟用視訊畫面上的滑鼠點選處理。這個設定會強制裁減來源影片。接受的格式是 x:y (4:3, 16:9, 等等) 表示全域的圖片寬高比。強制套用螢幕的長寬比例。大多數的螢幕使用方形像素(1:1)。若您使用的是 16:9 螢幕,您也許會需要設定為 4:3 以保持比例。強制套用來源長寬比例。舉例來說,某些 DVD 號稱 16:9,但實際上卻是 4:3 畫面。這個設定值也可以在影片本身不含長寬比例資訊時當作參考。接受的格式為 x:y(4:3、16:9 依此類推),表示全域影像長寬比例,或者浮點數值(1.25、1.3333 依此類推)表示像素的長寬比值。這是 VLC 的預設介面,具有原生的外觀。這是 VLC 的可換面板介面。要下載其他面板,請前往修改頻帶高度的係數。這是讓您可以設定存取輸出模組的傳統項目這是讓您可以設定多工器模組的傳統項目使用的音訊編解碼器。使用的音訊編碼器模組(與其相關的選項)。VLC 所使用的音訊輸出方式,預設動作為自動選擇最佳的可用方式。預設使用的音樂CD裝置。預設使用的音樂 CD 光碟機(或檔案)。別忘了後面加上冒號(例如 D:)預設使用的 DVD 裝置。預設使用的 DVD 光碟機(或檔案)。別忘了後面加上冒號(例如 D:)預設使用的 VCD 裝置。預設使用的 VCD 光碟機(或檔案)。別忘了後面加上冒號(例如 D:)設定畫在視訊上的字型的預設大小。輸入非零值將覆載相對字型大小。這適用於不具有重播增益資訊的資料流的增益由串流輸出(-1 = 使用作業系統內建預設值)送出的多點傳送封包的路程限制(也就是「存活時間」或 TTL)。音訊串流的語言。VLC 所使用的主要介面。預設情況下會自動選擇最佳的可用模組。網路傳輸時應用層的最大封包大小(位元組)。儲存時光平移串流的暫存檔最大大小。計算功率時所使用的音訊緩衝區數量。較多數量的緩衝區會增加反應時間,但對短時間內的振幅變化較不敏感。在視訊上顯示的預設相對字型大小。若已設定絕對字型大小則相對大小將被覆載。VLC 所使用的視訊輸出方式,預設動作為自動選擇最佳的可用方式。詳細資料層級(0=只顯示錯誤與標準訊息,1=警告,2=除錯)。使用的視訊編解碼器。這個線性增幅將會被套用到輸出音效。此模組將轉碼的串流寫入至檔案。加入補償值至 VLC 的預設優先權。您可以利用這個選項調整 VLC 對其他程式或其他 VLC 執行實體的優先權。這個選項允許界面在各種場合更改圖示。此選項讓您可以根據正在播放的內容設定標題
$a: 演出者
$b: 專輯
$c: 版權
$t: 標題
$g: 內容類型
$n: 曲目編號
$p: 正在播放
$A: 日期
$D: 時長
$Z: 「正在播放」(在 [標題 - 演出者] 上遞補)指定 ncurses 檔案瀏覽器顯示的初始目錄。可使用這個選項來更改VLC 的編解碼器選擇方式(解壓縮方式)。只有進階使用者應該更改,因為此選項可能會中斷您的所有串流的播放。若要降低讀取串流時的延遲,此選項很有幫助選擇用於耳機聲道混音器的立體聲對單聲道混降演算法。它可以提供像是站在放滿喇叭的房間的效果。當音訊輸出無法交涉 S/PDIF 支援時,才使用這個選項。這將覆寫頻道,以 Hz 為單位。此私密金鑰檔案 (PEM 格式) 是用於伺服器端 TLS。於法許之內,此程式不提供任何保證。 您可以根據 GNU GPL 之條款複散之; 欲知詳情請閱讀 COPYING 檔案。 由 VideoLAN 團隊撰寫;查看 AUTHORS 檔案。 這邊選擇使用哪個音效重取樣外掛。該串流將永遠在 VLC 啟動時自動地被開啟。這將會重置 VLC 媒體播放器的偏好設定。 注意,VLC 將會在處理過程中重新啟動,所以您目前的播放清單將會被清空,最後播放的項目、串流、轉碼活動都將會被立即停止。 媒體庫則不會受到影響。 您確定要繼續嗎?執行緒臨界值TibetanTiger 算繪預設值Tigrinya時間時間控制時間滑鈕時間同步的輸出時間軸工具列時間:逾時時限 (毫秒)時光平移目錄時光平移暫存容量標題標題 %i%s標題顯示模式標題字型標題取得詳細說明請使用 '-H' 選項。切換正常/循環/重複播放清單模式切換透明切換自動縮放切換去交錯切換播放清單切換隨機播放清單播放切換字幕軌可見度。切換字幕切換為全螢幕離開全螢幕切換視訊輸出的桌布模式切換視訊輸出的桌布模式。Tonga (Tonga Islands)工具工具(&S)工具列元素工具列位置:工具列編輯器清除靜音解除靜音頂端中上左上上層功能表左上左上角 X 座標左上角 Y 座標右上左上右上馬賽克的總高度(像素)。馬賽克的總寬度(像素)。總共/剩餘時間軌道軌道 ID軌道同步處理軌道同步音軌編號音軌播放增益軌道設定軌道正體中文 (Big5)正體中文 Unix (EUC-TW)轉碼轉碼串流輸出轉碼選項轉碼選項變換變換類型變換傳輸模式透明透明遮罩馬賽克前景畫面的透明度。0 表示透明,255 表示不透明(預設)。透明轉頻器符碼率轉頻器/多工頻率傳輸通訊協定傳輸串流 ID音訊輸入的高音調整。高音等級倒轉觸發按鈕滑鼠手勢的觸發按鈕。信任 MPEG 的時間戳記嘗試修正一些程式臭蟲: 1 自動偵測 2 舊式 msmpeg4 4 交錯式 xvid 8 ump4 16 no padding 32 ac vlc 64 Qpel chroma. 請將要啟用的功能編號相加。舉例來說,要修正「ac vlc」和「ump4」,請輸入 40。嘗試使用硬體加速 YUV->RGB 轉換。當使用重疊圖層時這個選項不會有任何效果。試著使用硬體加速來處理字幕/OSD 交混。使用 YUV 重疊圖層時嘗試使用三重緩衝,可以得到較佳的視訊品質(消除閃爍)。TsongaTswana調諧器調諧器頻率調諧器電視頻道調諧器音訊單聲道/立體聲與音軌選擇。電視卡調諧器國家碼調諧器輸入類型調諧器屬性Turkish土耳其文 (ISO 8859-9)土耳其文 (Windows-1254)TurkmenTwi二次過濾類型類型:UDPUDP 輸入UDP 串流輸出UDP 逾時(毫秒)UNIX socket 命令輸入URI網址連結說明網址USF 字幕解碼器USFSubsUTF-8 字幕自動偵測UighurUkrainian烏克蘭文 (KOI8-U)Ulead DV 音訊解碼器超寬頻段(32kHz)還原縮放從視訊底端還原一個像素從視訊左端還原一個像素從視訊右端還原一個像素從視訊頂端還原一個像素未定義單點傳播無法辨識的編碼移除解除安裝 Windows 服務解除安裝服務並離開。系統調整空間中的唯一網路名稱通用碼 (UTF-16)通用碼 (UTF-8)通用碼 (big endian UTF-16)通用碼 (little endian UTF-16)通用隨插即用服務(UPnP)通用碼,中文 (GB18030)未知的未知的視訊未知的分類未知的命令「%s」。請輸入「help」顯示說明。未知的錯誤未知的類型取消已設定的未指定未指定(0V)取消訂閱未命名上更新更新 VLC 媒體播放器更新樹狀結構UrduUsage: %s [options] [stream] ... You can specify multiple streams on the commandline. They will be enqueued in the playlist. The first item specified will be played first. Options-styles: --option A global option that is set for the duration of the program. -option A single letter version of a global --option. :option An option that only applies to the stream directly before it and that overrides previous settings. Stream MRL syntax: [[access][/demux]://]URL[#[title][:chapter][-[title][:chapter]]] [:option=value ...] Many of the global --options can also be used as MRL specific :options. Multiple :option=value pairs can be specified. URL syntax: file:///path/file Plain media file http://host[:port]/file HTTP URL ftp://host[:port]/file FTP URL mms://host[:port]/file MMS URL screen:// Screen capture dvd://[device] DVD device vcd://[device] VCD device cdda://[device] Audio CD device udp://[[]@[][:]] UDP stream sent by a streaming server vlc://pause: Pause the playlist for a certain time vlc://quit Special item to quit VLC 使用藍光選單。若停用則影片會直接開始播放使用 DecodeBin使用 HDAPS、AMS、APPLESMC 或者 UNIMOTION 等動作感應器來旋轉視訊只使用硬體解碼器可以的話使用 S/PDIF使用 Tiger 進行算繪使用 VLC 的步調使用變動位元率。預設是使用恆定位元率(CBR)。使用 YUVP 算繪引擎使用本機圖片當作視訊上的標誌使用外掛快取使用外掛快取可以大幅提昇 VLC 的啟動時間。使用面板裝飾的播放清單使用字幕檔(&T)使用影像的 alpha 通道當作透明遮罩。使用組譯器進行 CPU 最佳化。使用在分割裡找到的章節編解碼器使用自訂面板使用混降演算法使用 32 位元浮點數輸出使用硬體 YUV->RGB 轉換使用硬體混合支援使用關鍵影格使用 mb-tree 碼率控制使用媒體櫃使用原生風格當從檔案管理員中啟動時,僅使用單一執行實體使用循序編號而不是時間戳記抓圖編號使用循序編號而不是時間戳記使用字幕檔使用完整的偏好設定以自訂每個可用模組的快取值。使用原生的全螢幕模式當您確定您的串流為杜比環繞編碼但系統卻未成功偵測時啟用本選項。即使串流並非杜比環繞編碼,開啟本選項能增強使用者體驗,特別是與耳機聲道混音器一起使用的時候。重疊圖層使用三重緩衝使用系統記憶體中的視訊緩衝區使用者使用者代理連線至 SOCKS 代理伺服器時使用的使用者名稱。使用者名稱使用者名稱:Uzbek檢視(&V)V 平面顏色V4LVA-API 視訊解碼器VA-API 視訊解碼器經由 DRMVBI 與文字廣播VBI 與文字廣播解碼器VBI 擷取裝置VBR 品質VBR 模式VBV 緩衝區VC-1 封包器VC1 視訊解多工器VCDVCD 裝置VCD 輸入VDPAU 視訊解碼器VDRVDR 錄影VHS 影片VHS 影片效果視訊過濾器VLCVLC 可以避免為視訊輸出建立視窗標題、外框等裝飾,給使用者一個「最精簡」的視窗。VLC 可以在視訊上顯示訊息,稱作 OSD(螢幕顯示)。VLC 無法開啟任何擷取裝置。詳細資訊請閱讀記錄檔。VLC 無法設定 DVD 標題。可能會導致無法解碼整張光碟。VLC 無法連線至「%s:%d」。VLC 無法連線到指定的伺服器。VLC 無法解碼此格式 "%4.4s" (%s)VLC無法識別這個音訊或影片的編碼VLC 無法開啟 %4.4s %s 編碼器。VLC 無法開啟 %s 模組。VLC 無法開啟解碼器模組。VLC 無法開啟檔案 "%s" (%s)。VLC 無法讀取檔案 (%s)。VLC 無法讀取檔案: %sVLC 載入 ASF 檔頭失敗。VLC 是由檔案關聯啟動的VLC 無法開啟 MRL「%s」。詳細資訊請閱讀記錄檔。VLC 媒體播放器VLC 媒體播放器 - 網頁介面VLC 媒體播放器說明文件...VLC 媒體播放器與 VideoLAN 係為 VideoLAN Association 的註冊商標。VLC 媒體播放器更新正常來說 VLC 會使用 Freetype 來進行文字繪製,但您可以選擇改用 svg。VLC 偏好設定VLC 面板網站VLC 版本 %s (%s) VLC 無法儲存中介資料。VLC 將持續播放目前的項目。VLC 將持續播放播放清單中的所有項目。VLC 將會持續地隨機播放檔案直到被中斷為止。啟動 VLC 時僅在工作列顯示圖示VLC 到指定伺服器的連線被拒絕。VLC 的隨選視訊實作VLMVLM 批次指令VLM 組態檔 (*.vlm);;所有檔案 (*)VLM 組態檔VLM 組態管理員VMANVNCVNC 主機VNC 密碼VNC 連接埠VNC 客戶端存取VNC 主機名稱或 IP 位址。VNC 密碼。VNC 輪詢時間間隔VNC 輪詢VNC 埠號。VOC 解多工器VODVOD: VU 量測變異數高斯雜訊的變異數從 FFmpeg 函數庫接收的音訊與視訊編解碼器,包含 (MS)MPEG4、DivX、SV1、H261、H263、H264、WMV、WMA、AAC、AMR、DV、MJPEG 和其他編解碼器詳細資料層級(0,1,2)版本版本 %1垂直垂直(13V)垂直翻轉超低畫質(240條)極短程向前跳轉極短程向後跳轉極短跳轉長度極短跳轉長度(秒)。視訊視訊軌(&T)視訊自動縮放視訊特效視訊效果...視訊每秒張數視訊檔案視訊 ID隨選視訊(VOD)視訊 PID視訊設定視訊軌視訊 X 座標視訊 Y 座標視訊對齊視訊位元率視訊擷取視訊擷取 (Video4Linux)視訊擷取控制(若裝置支援)視訊擷取裝置視訊編解碼器視訊編解碼器視訊連接DeckLink 擷取的要使用的視訊連線。有效的選項: sdi、hdmi、opticalsdi、component、composite、svideo。若要使用預設值,請保留空白。視訊裁剪視訊裝置視訊裝置名稱視訊編碼器視訊編碼器 (使用 OpenMAX IL)視訊過濾器視訊過濾模組視訊過濾器被用於處理視訊串流。套用至視訊串流的視訊過濾器(套用重疊圖層後)。您可以輸入一個以逗號分隔的過濾器清單。視訊畫面速率視訊高度視訊輸入視訊輸入色彩格式視訊輸入每秒張數視訊輸入連接視訊記憶體視訊記憶體緩衝區高度。視訊記憶體緩衝區寬度。視訊記憶體輸出視訊模式視訊輸出視訊輸出網址視訊輸出存取方式視訊輸出模組視訊輸出模組視訊輸出多工器視訊輸出連接視訊畫面混合視訊埠視訊後處理過濾器視訊品質後處理等級視訊解析度視訊縮放視訊縮放視訊縮放係數視訊縮放過濾器視訊設定視訊大小視訊抓圖目錄(或檔案名稱)視訊抓圖前置檔案名稱視訊抓圖格式視訊抓圖高度視訊抓圖寬度視訊抓圖視訊分割模組視訊切分器可將串流切分為多重影片。視訊標準視訊標準(預設、SECAM、PAL 或 NTSC)。視訊標題視訊變換過濾器視訊寬度視訊會使用這個 X11 顯示作繪製。如果空白,則會使用預設顯示。Video4Linux 輸入VideoLAN 網站...VideoToolbox 視訊解碼器Vietnamese越南文 (VISCII)越南文 (Windows-1258)檢視查看憑證視野繞 X 軸旋轉繞 Y 軸旋轉繞 Z 軸旋轉視覺效果視覺效果:視覺化視覺效果選取器視覺化視覺化過濾器鮮艷VoD 伺服器模組Vobsub 字幕分析器語音活動偵測Volapuk音量音量 %ld%%音量下降靜音音量上升音量控制音量下降音量標準化音量標準化音訊輸入的音量。音量上升Vorbis 音訊解碼器Vorbis 音訊編碼器Vorbis 音訊封包器WASAPIWAVWAV 解多工器WAV 多工器WEBVTT 解碼器WEBVTT 字幕解碼器WEBVTT 字幕分析器WMA v1/v2 定點音訊解碼器WPL 播放清單匯入牆壁桌布警告:這個按鍵或組合已經指定為WarpOverlay!水面特效波浪波浪視訊過濾器WaveOut 音訊輸出波浪Wayland 共享記憶體視訊輸出我們發現了一個舊版的 VLC 偏好設定檔。網頁WebM 視訊解碼器WebM 視訊編碼器Webm網站Welsh西歐 (IBM 00850)西歐 (Latin-9)西歐 (Windows-1252)溼當最小化時如果可行,將錄製輸入資料流,而非使用資料流輸出模組當有多個影像格式可用時,選用解析度條數最接近(但不超過)此設定的格式。當沒有播放更高解析度所需的足夠CPU效能或網路頻寬時,使用此選項。當停用 SAP 流量控制時,此選項讓您設定 SAP 宣告之間的固定間隔。當本選項啟用時,使用者介面將在每次需要使者輸入時顯示對話視窗。當本選項啟用時,偏好設定與/或使用者介面將顯示所有可用的選項,包含那些使用者應該永遠碰不到的設定。當這個模式啟用時,像素將被顯示為黑白。臨界值將由下面的亮度來定義。何時自動抬升介面當使用PVR輸入源(或其他罕見訊號源),此值應備設為10000。當使用單一執行實體模式時,將播放項目排入播放清單佇列並保留正在播放的項目。白白平衡色溫(K)白平衡色溫(Kelvin)(2800 為最小的白熾,6500 為最大的日光)白點寬頻段(16kHz)寬度虛擬空間的寬度視訊或字幕基本串流的寬度視窗視窗裝飾視窗控制桿 (HWND)視窗屬性視窗大小Windows Audio Session API 輸入Windows Audio Session API 輸出Windows GDI 視訊輸出Windows 服務介面Windows 網路視窗不透明度啟用這個選項後,當視窗最小化時自動暫停播放。Wolof解決程式臭蟲解決法文問題包裝過濾器輸出寫入程序 ID 至檔案寫入程序 ID 至指定檔案。馬賽克的左上角 X 座標X 座標編碼字幕的 X 座標標誌的 X 座標。您可以用滑鼠左鍵移動標誌。遮罩的 X 座標。顯示字幕的 X 座標X 位移X 位移,從螢幕左邊算起。X 視窗X11X11 顯示X11 視訊輸出(XCB)X11 視訊視窗(XCB)X11 視窗 IDXA 解多工器XDG 螢幕保護程式抑止XDG-螢幕保護程式XML 分析器(使用 libxml2)XSPF 播放清單XSPF 播放清單匯出XSPF 播放清單匯入XSPF 播放清單 |*.xspf|M3U 檔案 |*.m3u|HTML 播放清單 |*.htmlXVideoXVideo 接配器名稱XVideo 格式 ID要使用的 XVideo 硬體接配器。預設情況下,VLC 會使用第一個能運作的接配器。要使用的 XVideo 影像格式 ID。預設情況下,VLC 會試著為播放中視訊使用最符合的項目。XVideo 輸出(XCB)XWD 檔案 (自動偵測 )XWD 影像解碼器Xhosa馬賽克的左上角 Y 座標Y 座標編碼字幕的 Y 座標標誌的 Y 座標。您可以用滑鼠左鍵移動標誌。遮罩的 Y 座標。顯示字幕的 Y 座標Y 位移Y 位移,從螢幕頂端算起。YUV 輸出YUV 視訊輸出YUVP 轉換器黃是YiddishYoruba您可以完全關閉音訊輸出,相關的音訊計算將會被略過以節省計算資源。您可以完全停用圖形字幕處理。您可以完全關閉視訊輸出,相關的視訊計算將會被略過以節省計算資源。你可以強制調整影片截圖的高度。預設是原本的高度(-1)。使用 0 來調整高度會讓維持長寬比。您可以強制影片視窗左上角的位置 (X 座標)。您可以強制影片視窗左上角的位置 (Y 座標)。您可以強制影片寬度。預設 (-1) VLC 會調整適合影片特性。您可以強制影片寬度。預設 (-1) VLC 會調整適合影片特性。你可以強制調整影片截圖的寬度。預設是原本的寬度(-1)。使用 0 來調整寬度會讓維持長寬比。您可以在這裡輸入預設的串流輸出鏈。請參考文件以了解如何建立輸出鏈。警告:所有串流都會啟用這個輸出鏈。您可以指定將在現有的輸入之後串連一起的逗號分隔的輸入清單。您可以在「{name=資料名稱,time=選擇性的時間位移,bytes=選擇性的位元組位移},{...}」格式指定資料流的書籤清單您可以選用 VLC 的「附加介面」。這些介面會在預設介面啟動時一併於背景啟動。用逗號分開清單中的介面模組。(常見的值有「rc」(遠端控制)、「http」、「gestures」...)您可以選擇 VLC 的控制介面。您可以用下列清單與按鈕選擇本機檔案。您可以選擇要使用的 VoD 伺服器模組。如果要切換回舊版模組,將此選項設定為「vod_rtsp」。您可以變更這個選項將字幕放在影片底下,而不是影片上。試試不同的位置。您可以以指定係數進行縮放。您已經安裝最新版的 VLC 媒體播放器。您有兩種選擇: - 介面將縮放至原生視訊大小 - 視訊將縮放至適合圖形介面的大小 預設的情況下,介面將縮放至原生視訊大小。您只需要輸入下列三者其中一個參數欄位,VLC 會依照原始長寬比例自動偵測其他參數您必須為設定檔命名。您的 Mac 似乎沒有裝配音訊輸入裝置。請檢查您的連接器和驅動程式。您的 Mac 似乎沒有裝配適當的輸入裝置。請檢查您的連接器和驅動程式。您的 Mac 似乎沒有裝配視訊輸入裝置。請檢查您的連接器和驅動程式。你的帳號被拒絕。您的畫面將被開啟並播放以進行串流或儲存。無法開啟您的輸入您系統的 BD+ 解碼函式庫似乎無法運作。或許是尚未設定?您的視窗管理員無法提供應用程式清單。零序停駐 (最快)Zeroconf 網路服務Zeroconf 服務Zhuang縮放拉近拉遠縮放模式: %s縮放視訊重置縮放Zulu[顯示][檔案瀏覽器][全域][循環][播放器][播放清單][cdda:][裝置][@[音軌]]在命令列加入 --advanced 參數來看進階選項。消除閃爍消除閃爍視訊過濾器顯示說明時尋求額外詳細資訊音訊自動自動 - 讓編碼器根據輸入選擇(最佳)位元個區塊布林個緩衝物件核心程式dB除錯解碼器裝置、FIFO 或檔案名稱dia錯誤esa浮點數強制編碼的幀作為單個圖片fps張全滿完全 - 每個子頻帶一個代碼塊glSpectrumgzip 解壓縮hex在整數大 - 使用大的代碼塊Last.fm 使用者名稱或密碼不正確,請確認你的設定並重新啟動 VLC。last.fm: 驗證失敗libavformat AVIO 存取libavformat AVIO 存取輸出libdsm NETBIOS 探索模組libdsm SMB 輸入libdsm SMB (Windows 網路分享) 輸入及瀏覽器libprojectM 特效中 - 使用中等大小的代碼塊動作動作控制介面 毫秒不會載入設定選項,亦不會將設定選項存至設定檔無位移封包器印出可用的模組清單印出可用的模組清單以及額外的詳細資料印出 VLC 的說明訊息(可與 --advanced 和 --help-verbose 合併使用)輸出 VLC 及其所有模組的說明訊息(可與 --advanced 和 --help-verbose 合併使用)印出特定模組的說明訊息 (可與 --advanced 和 --help-verbose 合併使用)。在模組名稱前面加上 = 以監視相符項目。印出版本資訊projectMprojectM 組態檔projectM 樣式路徑pxrd將目前的設定值重設至預設值重置目前外掛的快取s秒簡易小 - 使用小的代碼塊字串圖形字幕tesatx3g 字幕tx3g 字幕解碼器umh未知使用替代的設定檔v4l2 控制v4l2 驅動程式控制視訊vlc-snapvsxu警告x264 進階選項x264 設定樣式與調整選擇x264 設定檔與等級選擇| add XYZ . . . . . . . . . . . . 加入 XYZ 到播放清單| clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 清除播放清單| next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 下一個播放清單項目| play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 播放串流| playlist . . . . . 顯示目前在播放清單中的項目| prev . . . . . . . . . . . . 上一個播放清單項目| 離開 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 離開 vlc| status . . . . . . . . . . . 目前播放清單狀態| stop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 停止串流|所有檔案 |*PRIu64PRId64% B Title : %/%d Chapter : %/%d% B 標題 : %/%d 章節 : %/%d