/***************************************************************************** * iso-639_def.h: languages codes and abbreviations ***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 VLC authors and VideoLAN * $Id$ * * This is used in iso_lang.cpp and is taken from the GNU glibc 2.2.5 * tarball. It has been partially completed with native language names. * Authors: Stéphane Borel * Arnaud de Bossoreille de Ribou * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. *****************************************************************************/ /* Define the languages codes and abbreviations according to ISO 639-[12]. * Format is:( "English name", 639-1-code, 639-2/T-code, 639-2/B-code) * If you find something missing or wrong contact */ /* The following spellings were converted to pure ASCII. They should be * "translated" back to Unicode in the po/en*.po files: * Provençal -> Provencal * Volapük -> Volapuk * Bokmål -> Bokmaal */ static const iso639_lang_t p_languages[] = { { N_( "Afar" ), "aa", "aar", "aar" }, { N_( "Abkhazian" ), "ab", "abk", "abk" }, { N_( "Afrikaans" ), "af", "afr", "afr" }, { N_( "Albanian" ), "sq", "sqi", "alb" }, { N_( "Amharic" ), "am", "amh", "amh" }, { N_( "Arabic" ), "ar", "ara", "ara" }, { N_( "Armenian" ), "hy", "hye", "arm" }, { N_( "Assamese" ), "as", "asm", "asm" }, { N_( "Avestan" ), "ae", "ave", "ave" }, { N_( "Aymara" ), "ay", "aym", "aym" }, { N_( "Azerbaijani" ), "az", "aze", "aze" }, { N_( "Bashkir" ), "ba", "bak", "bak" }, { N_( "Basque" ), "eu", "eus", "baq" }, { N_( "Belarusian" ), "be", "bel", "bel" }, { N_( "Bengali" ), "bn", "ben", "ben" }, { N_( "Bihari" ), "bh", "bih", "bih" }, { N_( "Bislama" ), "bi", "bis", "bis" }, { N_( "Bosnian" ), "bs", "bos", "bos" }, { N_( "Breton" ), "br", "bre", "bre" }, { N_( "Bulgarian" ), "bg", "bul", "bul" }, { N_( "Burmese" ), "my", "mya", "bur" }, { N_( "Catalan" ), "ca", "cat", "cat" }, { N_( "Chamorro" ), "ch", "cha", "cha" }, { N_( "Chechen" ), "ce", "che", "che" }, { N_( "Chinese" ), "zh", "zho", "chi" }, { N_( "Church Slavic" ), "cu", "chu", "chu" }, { N_( "Chuvash" ), "cv", "chv", "chv" }, { N_( "Cornish" ), "kw", "cor", "cor" }, { N_( "Corsican" ), "co", "cos", "cos" }, { N_( "Czech" ), "cs", "ces", "cze" }, { N_( "Danish" ), "da", "dan", "dan" }, { N_( "Dutch" ), "nl", "nld", "dut" }, { N_( "Dzongkha" ), "dz", "dzo", "dzo" }, { N_( "English" ), "en", "eng", "eng" }, { N_( "Esperanto" ), "eo", "epo", "epo" }, { N_( "Estonian" ), "et", "est", "est" }, { N_( "Faroese" ), "fo", "fao", "fao" }, { N_( "Fijian" ), "fj", "fij", "fij" }, { N_( "Finnish" ), "fi", "fin", "fin" }, { N_( "French" ), "fr", "fra", "fre" }, { N_( "Frisian" ), "fy", "fry", "fry" }, { N_( "Georgian" ), "ka", "kat", "geo" }, { N_( "German" ), "de", "deu", "ger" }, { N_( "Gaelic (Scots)" ), "gd", "gla", "gla" }, { N_( "Irish" ), "ga", "gle", "gle" }, { N_( "Gallegan" ), "gl", "glg", "glg" }, { N_( "Manx" ), "gv", "glv", "glv" }, { N_( "Greek, Modern" ), "el", "gre", "ell" }, { N_( "Guarani" ), "gn", "grn", "grn" }, { N_( "Gujarati" ), "gu", "guj", "guj" }, { N_( "Hebrew" ), "he", "heb", "heb" }, { N_( "Herero" ), "hz", "her", "her" }, { N_( "Hindi" ), "hi", "hin", "hin" }, { N_( "Hiri Motu" ), "ho", "hmo", "hmo" }, { N_( "Hungarian" ), "hu", "hun", "hun" }, { N_( "Icelandic" ), "is", "isl", "ice" }, { N_( "Inuktitut" ), "iu", "iku", "iku" }, { N_( "Interlingue" ), "ie", "ile", "ile" }, { N_( "Interlingua" ), "ia", "ina", "ina" }, { N_( "Indonesian" ), "id", "ind", "ind" }, { N_( "Inupiaq" ), "ik", "ipk", "ipk" }, { N_( "Italian" ), "it", "ita", "ita" }, { N_( "Hebrew" ), "iw", "heb", "heb" }, { N_( "Javanese" ), "jv", "jaw", "jav" }, { N_( "Japanese" ), "ja", "jpn", "jpn" }, { N_( "Greenlandic, Kalaallisut" ), "kl", "kal", "kal" }, { N_( "Kannada" ), "kn", "kan", "kan" }, { N_( "Kashmiri" ), "ks", "kas", "kas" }, { N_( "Kazakh" ), "kk", "kaz", "kaz" }, { N_( "Khmer" ), "km", "khm", "khm" }, { N_( "Kikuyu" ), "ki", "kik", "kik" }, { N_( "Kinyarwanda" ), "rw", "kin", "kin" }, { N_( "Kirghiz" ), "ky", "kir", "kir" }, { N_( "Komi" ), "kv", "kom", "kom" }, { N_( "Korean" ), "ko", "kor", "kor" }, { N_( "Kuanyama" ), "kj", "kua", "kua" }, { N_( "Kurdish" ), "ku", "kur", "kur" }, { N_( "Lao" ), "lo", "lao", "lao" }, { N_( "Latin" ), "la", "lat", "lat" }, { N_( "Latvian" ), "lv", "lav", "lav" }, { N_( "Lingala" ), "ln", "lin", "lin" }, { N_( "Lithuanian" ), "lt", "lit", "lit" }, { N_( "Letzeburgesch" ), "lb", "ltz", "ltz" }, { N_( "Macedonian" ), "mk", "mkd", "mac" }, { N_( "Marshall" ), "mh", "mah", "mah" }, { N_( "Malayalam" ), "ml", "mal", "mal" }, { N_( "Maori" ), "mi", "mri", "mao" }, { N_( "Marathi" ), "mr", "mar", "mar" }, { N_( "Malay" ), "ms", "msa", "may" }, { N_( "Malagasy" ), "mg", "mlg", "mlg" }, { N_( "Maltese" ), "mt", "mlt", "mlt" }, { N_( "Moldavian" ), "mo", "mol", "mol" }, { N_( "Mongolian" ), "mn", "mon", "mon" }, { N_( "Nauru" ), "na", "nau", "nau" }, { N_( "Navajo" ), "nv", "nav", "nav" }, { N_( "Ndebele, South" ), "nr", "nbl", "nbl" }, { N_( "Ndebele, North" ), "nd", "nde", "nde" }, { N_( "Ndonga" ), "ng", "ndo", "ndo" }, { N_( "Nepali" ), "ne", "nep", "nep" }, { N_( "Norwegian" ), "no", "nor", "nor" }, { N_( "Norwegian Nynorsk" ), "nn", "nno", "nno" }, { N_( "Norwegian Bokmaal" ), "nb", "nob", "nob" }, { N_( "Chichewa; Nyanja" ), "ny", "nya", "nya" }, { N_( "Occitan; Provençal" ), "oc", "oci", "oci" }, { N_( "Oriya" ), "or", "ori", "ori" }, { N_( "Oromo" ), "om", "orm", "orm" }, { N_( "On Screen Display" ), "od", "osd", "osd" }, { N_( "Ossetian; Ossetic" ), "os", "oss", "oss" }, { N_( "Panjabi" ), "pa", "pan", "pan" }, { N_( "Persian" ), "fa", "fas", "per" }, { N_( "Pali" ), "pi", "pli", "pli" }, { N_( "Polish" ), "pl", "pol", "pol" }, { N_( "Portuguese" ), "pt", "por", "por" }, { N_( "Pushto" ), "ps", "pus", "pus" }, { N_( "Quechua" ), "qu", "que", "que" }, { N_( "Original audio" ), "", "qaa", "qaa" }, { N_( "Raeto-Romance" ), "rm", "roh", "roh" }, { N_( "Romanian" ), "ro", "ron", "rum" }, { N_( "Rundi" ), "rn", "run", "run" }, { N_( "Russian" ), "ru", "rus", "rus" }, { N_( "Sango" ), "sg", "sag", "sag" }, { N_( "Sanskrit" ), "sa", "san", "san" }, { N_( "Serbian" ), "sr", "srp", "scc" }, { N_( "Croatian" ), "hr", "hrv", "scr" }, { N_( "Sinhalese" ), "si", "sin", "sin" }, { N_( "Slovak" ), "sk", "slk", "slo" }, { N_( "Slovenian" ), "sl", "slv", "slv" }, { N_( "Northern Sami" ), "se", "sme", "sme" }, { N_( "Samoan" ), "sm", "smo", "smo" }, { N_( "Shona" ), "sn", "sna", "sna" }, { N_( "Sindhi" ), "sd", "snd", "snd" }, { N_( "Somali" ), "so", "som", "som" }, { N_( "Sotho, Southern" ), "st", "sot", "sot" }, { N_( "Spanish" ), "es", "spa", "spa" }, { N_( "Sardinian" ), "sc", "srd", "srd" }, { N_( "Swati" ), "ss", "ssw", "ssw" }, { N_( "Sundanese" ), "su", "sun", "sun" }, { N_( "Swahili" ), "sw", "swa", "swa" }, { N_( "Swedish" ), "sv", "swe", "swe" }, { N_( "Tahitian" ), "ty", "tah", "tah" }, { N_( "Tamil" ), "ta", "tam", "tam" }, { N_( "Tatar" ), "tt", "tat", "tat" }, { N_( "Telugu" ), "te", "tel", "tel" }, { N_( "Tajik" ), "tg", "tgk", "tgk" }, { N_( "Tagalog" ), "tl", "tgl", "tgl" }, { N_( "Thai" ), "th", "tha", "tha" }, { N_( "Tibetan" ), "bo", "bod", "tib" }, { N_( "Tigrinya" ), "ti", "tir", "tir" }, { N_( "Tonga (Tonga Islands)" ), "to", "ton", "ton" }, { N_( "Tswana" ), "tn", "tsn", "tsn" }, { N_( "Tsonga" ), "ts", "tso", "tso" }, { N_( "Turkish" ), "tr", "tur", "tur" }, { N_( "Turkmen" ), "tk", "tuk", "tuk" }, { N_( "Twi" ), "tw", "twi", "twi" }, { N_( "Uighur" ), "ug", "uig", "uig" }, { N_( "Ukrainian" ), "uk", "ukr", "ukr" }, { N_( "Urdu" ), "ur", "urd", "urd" }, { N_( "Uzbek" ), "uz", "uzb", "uzb" }, { N_( "Vietnamese" ), "vi", "vie", "vie" }, { N_( "Volapuk" ), "vo", "vol", "vol" }, { N_( "Welsh" ), "cy", "cym", "wel" }, { N_( "Wolof" ), "wo", "wol", "wol" }, { N_( "Xhosa" ), "xh", "xho", "xho" }, { N_( "Yiddish" ), "yi", "yid", "yid" }, { N_( "Yoruba" ), "yo", "yor", "yor" }, { N_( "Zhuang" ), "za", "zha", "zha" }, { N_( "Zulu" ), "zu", "zul", "zul" }, /* XXX psz_eng_name MUST be NULL on the last item as it is the stop condition */ { NULL, "", "", "" } };