Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED)          OK
    Starting 1 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED)            OK
    Starting 1 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED)             OK
    Starting 1 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t                    OK
    Starting 1 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED)          OK
    Starting 2 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED)            OK
    Starting 2 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED)             OK
    Starting 2 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t                    OK
    Starting 2 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED)          OK
    Starting 3 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED)            OK
    Starting 3 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED)             OK
    Starting 3 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t                    OK
    Starting 3 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED)          OK
    Starting 4 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED)            OK
    Starting 4 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED)             OK
    Starting 4 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t                    OK
    Starting 4 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED)          OK
    Starting 5 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED)            OK
    Starting 5 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED)             OK
    Starting 5 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t                    OK
    Starting 5 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (UNNESTED)          OK
    Starting 6 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (NESTED)            OK
    Starting 6 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_mutex_t (TIMED)             OK
    Starting 6 threads    OK
    Initializing the apr_thread_rwlock_t                    OK
    Starting 6 threads    OK
testatomic          :  SUCCESS
testdir             :  SUCCESS
testdso             :  SUCCESS
testdup             :  SUCCESS
testencode          :  SUCCESS
testenv             :  SUCCESS
testescape          :  SUCCESS
testfilecopy        :  SUCCESS
testfileinfo        :  SUCCESS
testflock           :  SUCCESS
testfmt             :  SUCCESS
testfnmatch         :  SUCCESS
testargs            :  SUCCESS
testhash            :  SUCCESS
testipsub           :  SUCCESS
testlock            :  SUCCESS
testcond            :  SUCCESS
testmmap            :  SUCCESS
testnames           :  SUCCESS
testoc              :  SUCCESS
testpath            :  SUCCESS
testpipe            :  SUCCESS
testpoll            :  SUCCESS
testpools           :  SUCCESS
testproc            :  SUCCESS
testprocmutex       :  SUCCESS
testrand            :  SUCCESS
testsleep           :  SUCCESS
testshm             :  SUCCESS
testsockets         :  SUCCESS
testsockopt         :  SUCCESS
teststr             :  SUCCESS
teststrnatcmp       :  SUCCESS
testtable           :  SUCCESS
testtemp            :  SUCCESS
testthread          :  SUCCESS
testtime            :  SUCCESS
testud              :  SUCCESS
testuser            :  SUCCESS
testvsn             :  SUCCESS
testskiplist        :  SUCCESS