'\" t
.\" Modified for Solaris to to add the Solaris stability classification,
.\" and to add a note about source availability.
.TH libgmp 3 "14 Nov 2020" "GNU MP 6.2.1" "Libraries"

\fBLibGMP\fR - The GNU Multiple Precision Bignum Library  - is an open
source, portable library for arbitrary precision arithmetic on integers,
rational numbers, and floating-point numbers.
Complete documentation in HTML format for LibGMP is available under
\fBLibGMP\fR was originally written by Torbjorn Granlund.  Further
details and a complete list of the GNU MP Contributors is available at \fIhttp://gmplib.org/manual/Contributors.html#Contributors\fR.  LibGMP is released
under the \fILGPL V3 License\fR.