--- libevent-release-1.4.15-stable/test/Makefile.am.orig	2015-01-05 15:34:32.000000000 +0100
+++ libevent-release-1.4.15-stable/test/Makefile.am	2023-02-23 15:17:46.911780258 +0100
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 noinst_PROGRAMS = test-init test-eof test-weof test-time regress bench
-BUILT_SOURCES = regress.gen.c regress.gen.h
 test_init_SOURCES = test-init.c
 test_init_LDADD = ../libevent_core.la
 test_eof_SOURCES = test-eof.c
@@ -22,9 +21,6 @@
 bench_SOURCES = bench.c
 bench_LDADD = ../libevent.la
-regress.gen.c regress.gen.h: regress.rpc $(top_srcdir)/event_rpcgen.py
-	$(top_srcdir)/event_rpcgen.py $(srcdir)/regress.rpc || echo "No Python installed"
 test: test-init test-eof test-weof test-time regress
--- /dev/null	2023-02-23 16:05:07.000000000 +0100
+++ libevent-release-1.4.15-stable/test/regress.gen.c	2023-02-23 16:03:40.223708383 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+ * Automatically generated from ../libevent-release-1.4.15-stable/test/regress.rpc
+ * by event_rpcgen.py/0.1.  DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <event.h>
+#ifdef _EVENT___func__
+#define __func__ _EVENT___func__
+#include "regress.gen.h"
+void event_err(int eval, const char *fmt, ...);
+void event_warn(const char *fmt, ...);
+void event_errx(int eval, const char *fmt, ...);
+void event_warnx(const char *fmt, ...);
+ * Implementation of msg
+ */
+static struct msg_access_ __msg_base = {
+  msg_from_name_assign,
+  msg_from_name_get,
+  msg_to_name_assign,
+  msg_to_name_get,
+  msg_attack_assign,
+  msg_attack_get,
+  msg_run_assign,
+  msg_run_get,
+  msg_run_add,
+struct msg *
+  struct msg *tmp;
+  if ((tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct msg))) == NULL) {
+    event_warn("%s: malloc", __func__);
+    return (NULL);
+  }
+  tmp->base = &__msg_base;
+  tmp->from_name_data = NULL;
+  tmp->from_name_set = 0;
+  tmp->to_name_data = NULL;
+  tmp->to_name_set = 0;
+  tmp->attack_data = NULL;
+  tmp->attack_set = 0;
+  tmp->run_data = NULL;
+  tmp->run_length = 0;
+  tmp->run_num_allocated = 0;
+  tmp->run_set = 0;
+  return (tmp);
+struct run *
+msg_run_add(struct msg *msg)
+  if (++msg->run_length >= msg->run_num_allocated) {
+    int tobe_allocated = msg->run_num_allocated;
+    struct run ** new_data = NULL;
+    tobe_allocated = !tobe_allocated ? 1 : tobe_allocated << 1;
+    new_data = (struct run **) realloc(msg->run_data,
+        tobe_allocated * sizeof(struct run *));
+    if (new_data == NULL)
+      goto error;
+    msg->run_data = new_data;
+    msg->run_num_allocated = tobe_allocated;
+  }
+  msg->run_data[msg->run_length - 1] = run_new();
+  if (msg->run_data[msg->run_length - 1] == NULL)
+    goto error;
+  msg->run_set = 1;
+  return (msg->run_data[msg->run_length - 1]);
+  --msg->run_length;
+  return (NULL);
+msg_from_name_assign(struct msg *msg,
+    const char * value)
+  if (msg->from_name_data != NULL)
+    free(msg->from_name_data);
+  if ((msg->from_name_data = strdup(value)) == NULL)
+    return (-1);
+  msg->from_name_set = 1;
+  return (0);
+msg_to_name_assign(struct msg *msg,
+    const char * value)
+  if (msg->to_name_data != NULL)
+    free(msg->to_name_data);
+  if ((msg->to_name_data = strdup(value)) == NULL)
+    return (-1);
+  msg->to_name_set = 1;
+  return (0);
+msg_attack_assign(struct msg *msg,
+    const struct kill* value)
+   struct evbuffer *tmp = NULL;
+   if (msg->attack_set) {
+     kill_clear(msg->attack_data);
+     msg->attack_set = 0;
+   } else {
+     msg->attack_data = kill_new();
+     if (msg->attack_data == NULL) {
+       event_warn("%s: kill_new()", __func__);
+       goto error;
+     }
+   }
+   if ((tmp = evbuffer_new()) == NULL) {
+     event_warn("%s: evbuffer_new()", __func__);
+     goto error;
+   }
+   kill_marshal(tmp, value);
+   if (kill_unmarshal(msg->attack_data, tmp) == -1) {
+     event_warnx("%s: kill_unmarshal", __func__);
+     goto error;
+   }
+   msg->attack_set = 1;
+   evbuffer_free(tmp);
+   return (0);
+ error:
+   if (tmp != NULL)
+     evbuffer_free(tmp);
+   if (msg->attack_data != NULL) {
+     kill_free(msg->attack_data);
+     msg->attack_data = NULL;
+   }
+   return (-1);
+msg_run_assign(struct msg *msg, int off,
+    const struct run * value)
+  struct evbuffer *tmp = NULL;
+  if (!msg->run_set || off < 0 || off >= msg->run_length)
+    return (-1);
+  run_clear(msg->run_data[off]);
+  if ((tmp = evbuffer_new()) == NULL) {
+    event_warn("%s: evbuffer_new()", __func__);
+    goto error;
+  }
+  run_marshal(tmp, value);
+  if (run_unmarshal(msg->run_data[off], tmp) == -1) {
+    event_warnx("%s: run_unmarshal", __func__);
+    goto error;
+  }
+  evbuffer_free(tmp);
+  return (0);
+  if (tmp != NULL)
+    evbuffer_free(tmp);
+  run_clear(msg->run_data[off]);
+  return (-1);
+msg_from_name_get(struct msg *msg, char * *value)
+  if (msg->from_name_set != 1)
+    return (-1);
+  *value = msg->from_name_data;
+  return (0);
+msg_to_name_get(struct msg *msg, char * *value)
+  if (msg->to_name_set != 1)
+    return (-1);
+  *value = msg->to_name_data;
+  return (0);
+msg_attack_get(struct msg *msg, struct kill* *value)
+  if (msg->attack_set != 1) {
+    msg->attack_data = kill_new();
+    if (msg->attack_data == NULL)
+      return (-1);
+    msg->attack_set = 1;
+  }
+  *value = msg->attack_data;
+  return (0);
+msg_run_get(struct msg *msg, int offset,
+    struct run * *value)
+  if (!msg->run_set || offset < 0 || offset >= msg->run_length)
+    return (-1);
+  *value = msg->run_data[offset];
+  return (0);
+msg_clear(struct msg *tmp)
+  if (tmp->from_name_set == 1) {
+    free (tmp->from_name_data);
+    tmp->from_name_data = NULL;
+    tmp->from_name_set = 0;
+  }
+  if (tmp->to_name_set == 1) {
+    free (tmp->to_name_data);
+    tmp->to_name_data = NULL;
+    tmp->to_name_set = 0;
+  }
+  if (tmp->attack_set == 1) {
+    kill_free(tmp->attack_data);
+    tmp->attack_data = NULL;
+    tmp->attack_set = 0;
+  }
+  if (tmp->run_set == 1) {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < tmp->run_length; ++i) {
+      run_free(tmp->run_data[i]);
+    }
+    free(tmp->run_data);
+    tmp->run_data = NULL;
+    tmp->run_set = 0;
+    tmp->run_length = 0;
+    tmp->run_num_allocated = 0;
+  }
+msg_free(struct msg *tmp)
+  if (tmp->from_name_data != NULL)
+      free (tmp->from_name_data); 
+  if (tmp->to_name_data != NULL)
+      free (tmp->to_name_data); 
+  if (tmp->attack_data != NULL)
+      kill_free(tmp->attack_data); 
+  if (tmp->run_data != NULL) {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < tmp->run_length; ++i) {
+      run_free(tmp->run_data[i]); 
+      tmp->run_data[i] = NULL;
+    }
+    free(tmp->run_data);
+    tmp->run_data = NULL;
+    tmp->run_length = 0;
+    tmp->run_num_allocated = 0;
+  }
+  free(tmp);
+msg_marshal(struct evbuffer *evbuf, const struct msg *tmp){
+  evtag_marshal_string(evbuf, MSG_FROM_NAME, tmp->from_name_data);
+  evtag_marshal_string(evbuf, MSG_TO_NAME, tmp->to_name_data);
+  if (tmp->attack_set) {
+    evtag_marshal_kill(evbuf, MSG_ATTACK, tmp->attack_data);
+  }
+  {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < tmp->run_length; ++i) {
+      evtag_marshal_run(evbuf, MSG_RUN, tmp->run_data[i]);
+    }
+  }
+msg_unmarshal(struct msg *tmp,  struct evbuffer *evbuf)
+  ev_uint32_t tag;
+  while (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(evbuf) > 0) {
+    if (evtag_peek(evbuf, &tag) == -1)
+      return (-1);
+    switch (tag) {
+      case MSG_FROM_NAME:
+        if (tmp->from_name_set)
+          return (-1);
+        if (evtag_unmarshal_string(evbuf, MSG_FROM_NAME, &tmp->from_name_data) == -1) {
+          event_warnx("%s: failed to unmarshal from_name", __func__);
+          return (-1);
+        }
+        tmp->from_name_set = 1;
+        break;
+      case MSG_TO_NAME:
+        if (tmp->to_name_set)
+          return (-1);
+        if (evtag_unmarshal_string(evbuf, MSG_TO_NAME, &tmp->to_name_data) == -1) {
+          event_warnx("%s: failed to unmarshal to_name", __func__);
+          return (-1);
+        }
+        tmp->to_name_set = 1;
+        break;
+      case MSG_ATTACK:
+        if (tmp->attack_set)
+          return (-1);
+        tmp->attack_data = kill_new();
+        if (tmp->attack_data == NULL)
+          return (-1);
+        if (evtag_unmarshal_kill(evbuf, MSG_ATTACK, tmp->attack_data) == -1) {
+          event_warnx("%s: failed to unmarshal attack", __func__);
+          return (-1);
+        }
+        tmp->attack_set = 1;
+        break;
+      case MSG_RUN:
+        if (msg_run_add(tmp) == NULL)
+          return (-1);
+        if (evtag_unmarshal_run(evbuf, MSG_RUN,
+          tmp->run_data[tmp->run_length - 1]) == -1) {
+          --tmp->run_length;
+          event_warnx("%s: failed to unmarshal run", __func__);
+          return (-1);
+        }
+        tmp->run_set = 1;
+        break;
+      default:
+        return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  if (msg_complete(tmp) == -1)
+    return (-1);
+  return (0);
+msg_complete(struct msg *msg)
+  if (!msg->from_name_set)
+    return (-1);
+  if (!msg->to_name_set)
+    return (-1);
+  if (msg->attack_set && kill_complete(msg->attack_data) == -1)
+    return (-1);
+  {
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0; i < msg->run_length; ++i) {
+      if (run_complete(msg->run_data[i]) == -1)
+        return (-1);
+    }
+  }
+  return (0);
+evtag_unmarshal_msg(struct evbuffer *evbuf, ev_uint32_t need_tag, struct msg *msg)
+  ev_uint32_t tag;
+  int res = -1;
+  struct evbuffer *tmp = evbuffer_new();
+  if (evtag_unmarshal(evbuf, &tag, tmp) == -1 || tag != need_tag)
+    goto error;
+  if (msg_unmarshal(msg, tmp) == -1)
+    goto error;
+  res = 0;
+ error:
+  evbuffer_free(tmp);
+  return (res);
+evtag_marshal_msg(struct evbuffer *evbuf, ev_uint32_t tag, const struct msg *msg)
+  struct evbuffer *_buf = evbuffer_new();
+  assert(_buf != NULL);
+  evbuffer_drain(_buf, -1);
+  msg_marshal(_buf, msg);
+  evtag_marshal(evbuf, tag, EVBUFFER_DATA(_buf), EVBUFFER_LENGTH(_buf));
+  evbuffer_free(_buf);
+ * Implementation of kill
+ */
+static struct kill_access_ __kill_base = {
+  kill_weapon_assign,
+  kill_weapon_get,
+  kill_action_assign,
+  kill_action_get,
+  kill_how_often_assign,
+  kill_how_often_get,
+struct kill *
+  struct kill *tmp;
+  if ((tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct kill))) == NULL) {
+    event_warn("%s: malloc", __func__);
+    return (NULL);
+  }
+  tmp->base = &__kill_base;
+  tmp->weapon_data = NULL;
+  tmp->weapon_set = 0;
+  tmp->action_data = NULL;
+  tmp->action_set = 0;
+  tmp->how_often_data = 0;
+  tmp->how_often_set = 0;
+  return (tmp);
+kill_weapon_assign(struct kill *msg,
+    const char * value)
+  if (msg->weapon_data != NULL)
+    free(msg->weapon_data);
+  if ((msg->weapon_data = strdup(value)) == NULL)
+    return (-1);
+  msg->weapon_set = 1;
+  return (0);
+kill_action_assign(struct kill *msg,
+    const char * value)
+  if (msg->action_data != NULL)
+    free(msg->action_data);
+  if ((msg->action_data = strdup(value)) == NULL)
+    return (-1);
+  msg->action_set = 1;
+  return (0);
+kill_how_often_assign(struct kill *msg, const ev_uint32_t value)
+  msg->how_often_set = 1;
+  msg->how_often_data = value;
+  return (0);
+kill_weapon_get(struct kill *msg, char * *value)
+  if (msg->weapon_set != 1)
+    return (-1);
+  *value = msg->weapon_data;
+  return (0);
+kill_action_get(struct kill *msg, char * *value)
+  if (msg->action_set != 1)
+    return (-1);
+  *value = msg->action_data;
+  return (0);
+kill_how_often_get(struct kill *msg, ev_uint32_t *value)
+  if (msg->how_often_set != 1)
+    return (-1);
+  *value = msg->how_often_data;
+  return (0);
+kill_clear(struct kill *tmp)
+  if (tmp->weapon_set == 1) {
+    free (tmp->weapon_data);
+    tmp->weapon_data = NULL;
+    tmp->weapon_set = 0;
+  }
+  if (tmp->action_set == 1) {
+    free (tmp->action_data);
+    tmp->action_data = NULL;
+    tmp->action_set = 0;
+  }
+  tmp->how_often_set = 0;
+kill_free(struct kill *tmp)
+  if (tmp->weapon_data != NULL)
+      free (tmp->weapon_data); 
+  if (tmp->action_data != NULL)
+      free (tmp->action_data); 
+  free(tmp);
+kill_marshal(struct evbuffer *evbuf, const struct kill *tmp){
+  evtag_marshal_string(evbuf, KILL_WEAPON, tmp->weapon_data);
+  evtag_marshal_string(evbuf, KILL_ACTION, tmp->action_data);
+  if (tmp->how_often_set) {
+    evtag_marshal_int(evbuf, KILL_HOW_OFTEN, tmp->how_often_data);
+  }
+kill_unmarshal(struct kill *tmp,  struct evbuffer *evbuf)
+  ev_uint32_t tag;
+  while (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(evbuf) > 0) {
+    if (evtag_peek(evbuf, &tag) == -1)
+      return (-1);
+    switch (tag) {
+      case KILL_WEAPON:
+        if (tmp->weapon_set)
+          return (-1);
+        if (evtag_unmarshal_string(evbuf, KILL_WEAPON, &tmp->weapon_data) == -1) {
+          event_warnx("%s: failed to unmarshal weapon", __func__);
+          return (-1);
+        }
+        tmp->weapon_set = 1;
+        break;
+      case KILL_ACTION:
+        if (tmp->action_set)
+          return (-1);
+        if (evtag_unmarshal_string(evbuf, KILL_ACTION, &tmp->action_data) == -1) {
+          event_warnx("%s: failed to unmarshal action", __func__);
+          return (-1);
+        }
+        tmp->action_set = 1;
+        break;
+      case KILL_HOW_OFTEN:
+        if (tmp->how_often_set)
+          return (-1);
+        if (evtag_unmarshal_int(evbuf, KILL_HOW_OFTEN, &tmp->how_often_data) == -1) {
+          event_warnx("%s: failed to unmarshal how_often", __func__);
+          return (-1);
+        }
+        tmp->how_often_set = 1;
+        break;
+      default:
+        return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  if (kill_complete(tmp) == -1)
+    return (-1);
+  return (0);
+kill_complete(struct kill *msg)
+  if (!msg->weapon_set)
+    return (-1);
+  if (!msg->action_set)
+    return (-1);
+  return (0);
+evtag_unmarshal_kill(struct evbuffer *evbuf, ev_uint32_t need_tag, struct kill *msg)
+  ev_uint32_t tag;
+  int res = -1;
+  struct evbuffer *tmp = evbuffer_new();
+  if (evtag_unmarshal(evbuf, &tag, tmp) == -1 || tag != need_tag)
+    goto error;
+  if (kill_unmarshal(msg, tmp) == -1)
+    goto error;
+  res = 0;
+ error:
+  evbuffer_free(tmp);
+  return (res);
+evtag_marshal_kill(struct evbuffer *evbuf, ev_uint32_t tag, const struct kill *msg)
+  struct evbuffer *_buf = evbuffer_new();
+  assert(_buf != NULL);
+  evbuffer_drain(_buf, -1);
+  kill_marshal(_buf, msg);
+  evtag_marshal(evbuf, tag, EVBUFFER_DATA(_buf), EVBUFFER_LENGTH(_buf));
+  evbuffer_free(_buf);
+ * Implementation of run
+ */
+static struct run_access_ __run_base = {
+  run_how_assign,
+  run_how_get,
+  run_some_bytes_assign,
+  run_some_bytes_get,
+  run_fixed_bytes_assign,
+  run_fixed_bytes_get,
+struct run *
+  struct run *tmp;
+  if ((tmp = malloc(sizeof(struct run))) == NULL) {
+    event_warn("%s: malloc", __func__);
+    return (NULL);
+  }
+  tmp->base = &__run_base;
+  tmp->how_data = NULL;
+  tmp->how_set = 0;
+  tmp->some_bytes_data = NULL;
+  tmp->some_bytes_length = 0;
+  tmp->some_bytes_set = 0;
+  memset(tmp->fixed_bytes_data, 0, sizeof(tmp->fixed_bytes_data));
+  tmp->fixed_bytes_set = 0;
+  return (tmp);
+run_how_assign(struct run *msg,
+    const char * value)
+  if (msg->how_data != NULL)
+    free(msg->how_data);
+  if ((msg->how_data = strdup(value)) == NULL)
+    return (-1);
+  msg->how_set = 1;
+  return (0);
+run_some_bytes_assign(struct run *msg, const ev_uint8_t * value, ev_uint32_t len)
+  if (msg->some_bytes_data != NULL)
+    free (msg->some_bytes_data);
+  msg->some_bytes_data = malloc(len);
+  if (msg->some_bytes_data == NULL)
+    return (-1);
+  msg->some_bytes_set = 1;
+  msg->some_bytes_length = len;
+  memcpy(msg->some_bytes_data, value, len);
+  return (0);
+run_fixed_bytes_assign(struct run *msg, const ev_uint8_t *value)
+  msg->fixed_bytes_set = 1;
+  memcpy(msg->fixed_bytes_data, value, 24);
+  return (0);
+run_how_get(struct run *msg, char * *value)
+  if (msg->how_set != 1)
+    return (-1);
+  *value = msg->how_data;
+  return (0);
+run_some_bytes_get(struct run *msg, ev_uint8_t * *value, ev_uint32_t *plen)
+  if (msg->some_bytes_set != 1)
+    return (-1);
+  *value = msg->some_bytes_data;
+  *plen = msg->some_bytes_length;
+  return (0);
+run_fixed_bytes_get(struct run *msg, ev_uint8_t **value)
+  if (msg->fixed_bytes_set != 1)
+    return (-1);
+  *value = msg->fixed_bytes_data;
+  return (0);
+run_clear(struct run *tmp)
+  if (tmp->how_set == 1) {
+    free (tmp->how_data);
+    tmp->how_data = NULL;
+    tmp->how_set = 0;
+  }
+  if (tmp->some_bytes_set == 1) {
+    free (tmp->some_bytes_data);
+    tmp->some_bytes_data = NULL;
+    tmp->some_bytes_length = 0;
+    tmp->some_bytes_set = 0;
+  }
+  tmp->fixed_bytes_set = 0;
+  memset(tmp->fixed_bytes_data, 0, sizeof(tmp->fixed_bytes_data));
+run_free(struct run *tmp)
+  if (tmp->how_data != NULL)
+      free (tmp->how_data); 
+  if (tmp->some_bytes_data != NULL)
+      free (tmp->some_bytes_data); 
+  free(tmp);
+run_marshal(struct evbuffer *evbuf, const struct run *tmp){
+  evtag_marshal_string(evbuf, RUN_HOW, tmp->how_data);
+  if (tmp->some_bytes_set) {
+    evtag_marshal(evbuf, RUN_SOME_BYTES, tmp->some_bytes_data, tmp->some_bytes_length);
+  }
+  evtag_marshal(evbuf, RUN_FIXED_BYTES, tmp->fixed_bytes_data, sizeof(tmp->fixed_bytes_data));
+run_unmarshal(struct run *tmp,  struct evbuffer *evbuf)
+  ev_uint32_t tag;
+  while (EVBUFFER_LENGTH(evbuf) > 0) {
+    if (evtag_peek(evbuf, &tag) == -1)
+      return (-1);
+    switch (tag) {
+      case RUN_HOW:
+        if (tmp->how_set)
+          return (-1);
+        if (evtag_unmarshal_string(evbuf, RUN_HOW, &tmp->how_data) == -1) {
+          event_warnx("%s: failed to unmarshal how", __func__);
+          return (-1);
+        }
+        tmp->how_set = 1;
+        break;
+      case RUN_SOME_BYTES:
+        if (tmp->some_bytes_set)
+          return (-1);
+        if (evtag_payload_length(evbuf, &tmp->some_bytes_length) == -1)
+          return (-1);
+        if (tmp->some_bytes_length > EVBUFFER_LENGTH(evbuf))
+          return (-1);
+        if ((tmp->some_bytes_data = malloc(tmp->some_bytes_length)) == NULL)
+          return (-1);
+        if (evtag_unmarshal_fixed(evbuf, RUN_SOME_BYTES, tmp->some_bytes_data, tmp->some_bytes_length) == -1) {
+          event_warnx("%s: failed to unmarshal some_bytes", __func__);
+          return (-1);
+        }
+        tmp->some_bytes_set = 1;
+        break;
+      case RUN_FIXED_BYTES:
+        if (tmp->fixed_bytes_set)
+          return (-1);
+        if (evtag_unmarshal_fixed(evbuf, RUN_FIXED_BYTES, tmp->fixed_bytes_data, sizeof(tmp->fixed_bytes_data)) == -1) {
+          event_warnx("%s: failed to unmarshal fixed_bytes", __func__);
+          return (-1);
+        }
+        tmp->fixed_bytes_set = 1;
+        break;
+      default:
+        return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  if (run_complete(tmp) == -1)
+    return (-1);
+  return (0);
+run_complete(struct run *msg)
+  if (!msg->how_set)
+    return (-1);
+  if (!msg->fixed_bytes_set)
+    return (-1);
+  return (0);
+evtag_unmarshal_run(struct evbuffer *evbuf, ev_uint32_t need_tag, struct run *msg)
+  ev_uint32_t tag;
+  int res = -1;
+  struct evbuffer *tmp = evbuffer_new();
+  if (evtag_unmarshal(evbuf, &tag, tmp) == -1 || tag != need_tag)
+    goto error;
+  if (run_unmarshal(msg, tmp) == -1)
+    goto error;
+  res = 0;
+ error:
+  evbuffer_free(tmp);
+  return (res);
+evtag_marshal_run(struct evbuffer *evbuf, ev_uint32_t tag, const struct run *msg)
+  struct evbuffer *_buf = evbuffer_new();
+  assert(_buf != NULL);
+  evbuffer_drain(_buf, -1);
+  run_marshal(_buf, msg);
+  evtag_marshal(evbuf, tag, EVBUFFER_DATA(_buf), EVBUFFER_LENGTH(_buf));
+  evbuffer_free(_buf);
--- /dev/null	2023-02-23 16:05:07.000000000 +0100
+++ libevent-release-1.4.15-stable/test/regress.gen.h	2023-02-23 16:04:15.669510682 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ * Automatically generated from .../libevent-release-1.4.15-stable/test/regress.rpc
+ */
+#include <event-config.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#define EVTAG_HAS(msg, member) ((msg)->member##_set == 1)
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define EVTAG_ASSIGN(msg, member, args...) (*(msg)->base->member##_assign)(msg, ## args)
+#define EVTAG_GET(msg, member, args...) (*(msg)->base->member##_get)(msg, ## args)
+#define EVTAG_ASSIGN(msg, member, ...) (*(msg)->base->member##_assign)(msg, ## __VA_ARGS__)
+#define EVTAG_GET(msg, member, ...) (*(msg)->base->member##_get)(msg, ## __VA_ARGS__)
+#define EVTAG_ADD(msg, member) (*(msg)->base->member##_add)(msg)
+#define EVTAG_LEN(msg, member) ((msg)->member##_length)
+struct msg;
+struct kill;
+struct run;
+/* Tag definition for msg */
+enum msg_ {
+  MSG_RUN=4,
+/* Structure declaration for msg */
+struct msg_access_ {
+  int (*from_name_assign)(struct msg *, const char *);
+  int (*from_name_get)(struct msg *, char * *);
+  int (*to_name_assign)(struct msg *, const char *);
+  int (*to_name_get)(struct msg *, char * *);
+  int (*attack_assign)(struct msg *, const struct kill*);
+  int (*attack_get)(struct msg *, struct kill* *);
+  int (*run_assign)(struct msg *, int, const struct run *);
+  int (*run_get)(struct msg *, int, struct run * *);
+  struct run * (*run_add)(struct msg *);
+struct msg {
+  struct msg_access_ *base;
+  char *from_name_data;
+  char *to_name_data;
+  struct kill* attack_data;
+  struct run **run_data;
+  int run_length;
+  int run_num_allocated;
+  ev_uint8_t from_name_set;
+  ev_uint8_t to_name_set;
+  ev_uint8_t attack_set;
+  ev_uint8_t run_set;
+struct msg *msg_new(void);
+void msg_free(struct msg *);
+void msg_clear(struct msg *);
+void msg_marshal(struct evbuffer *, const struct msg *);
+int msg_unmarshal(struct msg *, struct evbuffer *);
+int msg_complete(struct msg *);
+void evtag_marshal_msg(struct evbuffer *, ev_uint32_t, 
+    const struct msg *);
+int evtag_unmarshal_msg(struct evbuffer *, ev_uint32_t,
+    struct msg *);
+int msg_from_name_assign(struct msg *, const char *);
+int msg_from_name_get(struct msg *, char * *);
+int msg_to_name_assign(struct msg *, const char *);
+int msg_to_name_get(struct msg *, char * *);
+int msg_attack_assign(struct msg *, const struct kill*);
+int msg_attack_get(struct msg *, struct kill* *);
+int msg_run_assign(struct msg *, int, const struct run *);
+int msg_run_get(struct msg *, int, struct run * *);
+struct run * msg_run_add(struct msg *);
+/* --- msg done --- */
+/* Tag definition for kill */
+enum kill_ {
+  KILL_WEAPON=65825,
+/* Structure declaration for kill */
+struct kill_access_ {
+  int (*weapon_assign)(struct kill *, const char *);
+  int (*weapon_get)(struct kill *, char * *);
+  int (*action_assign)(struct kill *, const char *);
+  int (*action_get)(struct kill *, char * *);
+  int (*how_often_assign)(struct kill *, const ev_uint32_t);
+  int (*how_often_get)(struct kill *, ev_uint32_t *);
+struct kill {
+  struct kill_access_ *base;
+  char *weapon_data;
+  char *action_data;
+  ev_uint32_t how_often_data;
+  ev_uint8_t weapon_set;
+  ev_uint8_t action_set;
+  ev_uint8_t how_often_set;
+struct kill *kill_new(void);
+void kill_free(struct kill *);
+void kill_clear(struct kill *);
+void kill_marshal(struct evbuffer *, const struct kill *);
+int kill_unmarshal(struct kill *, struct evbuffer *);
+int kill_complete(struct kill *);
+void evtag_marshal_kill(struct evbuffer *, ev_uint32_t, 
+    const struct kill *);
+int evtag_unmarshal_kill(struct evbuffer *, ev_uint32_t,
+    struct kill *);
+int kill_weapon_assign(struct kill *, const char *);
+int kill_weapon_get(struct kill *, char * *);
+int kill_action_assign(struct kill *, const char *);
+int kill_action_get(struct kill *, char * *);
+int kill_how_often_assign(struct kill *, const ev_uint32_t);
+int kill_how_often_get(struct kill *, ev_uint32_t *);
+/* --- kill done --- */
+/* Tag definition for run */
+enum run_ {
+  RUN_HOW=1,
+/* Structure declaration for run */
+struct run_access_ {
+  int (*how_assign)(struct run *, const char *);
+  int (*how_get)(struct run *, char * *);
+  int (*some_bytes_assign)(struct run *, const ev_uint8_t *, ev_uint32_t);
+  int (*some_bytes_get)(struct run *, ev_uint8_t * *, ev_uint32_t *);
+  int (*fixed_bytes_assign)(struct run *, const ev_uint8_t *);
+  int (*fixed_bytes_get)(struct run *, ev_uint8_t **);
+struct run {
+  struct run_access_ *base;
+  char *how_data;
+  ev_uint8_t *some_bytes_data;
+  ev_uint32_t some_bytes_length;
+  ev_uint8_t fixed_bytes_data[24];
+  ev_uint8_t how_set;
+  ev_uint8_t some_bytes_set;
+  ev_uint8_t fixed_bytes_set;
+struct run *run_new(void);
+void run_free(struct run *);
+void run_clear(struct run *);
+void run_marshal(struct evbuffer *, const struct run *);
+int run_unmarshal(struct run *, struct evbuffer *);
+int run_complete(struct run *);
+void evtag_marshal_run(struct evbuffer *, ev_uint32_t, 
+    const struct run *);
+int evtag_unmarshal_run(struct evbuffer *, ev_uint32_t,
+    struct run *);
+int run_how_assign(struct run *, const char *);
+int run_how_get(struct run *, char * *);
+int run_some_bytes_assign(struct run *, const ev_uint8_t *, ev_uint32_t);
+int run_some_bytes_get(struct run *, ev_uint8_t * *, ev_uint32_t *);
+int run_fixed_bytes_assign(struct run *, const ev_uint8_t *);
+int run_fixed_bytes_get(struct run *, ev_uint8_t **);
+/* --- run done --- */