--- iftop.8.orig	Tue Feb 10 14:00:54 2009
+++ iftop.8	Tue Mar  3 14:18:22 2009
@@ -21,6 +21,15 @@
 traffic on the \fIinterface\fP; see \fBpcap\fP(3) for more information, but on
 most systems this means that it must be run as root.
+Solaris version of \fBiftop\fP support Solaris features like zone and vanity
+naming. For example, you can specify the name of a renamed interface generated
+by \fBdladm\fP(1M) for \fBiftop\fP.  Additionally \fBiftop\fP can also be
+executed in exclusive IP stack zones, for it only use IP interfaces, the
+function and usage of \fBiftop\fP in exclusive IP stack zones are the same as
+it in global zone. As the isolation feature of Solaris zones, you can not see
+the network traffic of a non-global zone from global zone or other non-global
+zones by \fBiftop\fP.
 By default, \fBiftop\fP will look up the hostnames associated with addresses it
 finds in packets. This can cause substantial traffic of itself, and may result
 in a confusing display. You may wish to suppress display of DNS traffic by
@@ -286,6 +295,13 @@
 Configuration file for iftop.
+This program does not have IPv6 support yet, this is an architectural bug that
+will be fixed.
+For Solaris version of iftop, it can not be executed properly in shared IP
+stack zones, this is a limitation bug of this program.
 .BR tcpdump (8),
 .BR pcap (3),