testing if address array is sorted... ok
testing if address options are sorted... ok
test   1 UNISTDIO: unidirectional throughput from stdin to stdout... OK
test   2 UNPIPESTDIO: stdio with simple echo via internal pipe... OK
test   3 UNPIPESHORT: short form of stdio ('-') with simple echo via internal pipe... OK
test   4 DUALSTDIO: splitted form of stdio ('stdin!!stdout') with simple echo via internal pipe... OK
test   5 DUALSHORTSTDIO: short splitted form of stdio ('-!!-') with simple echo via internal pipe... OK
test   6 DUALFDS: file descriptors with simple echo via internal pipe... OK
test   7 NAMEDPIPE: simple echo via named pipe... OK
test   8 DUALPIPE: simple echo via named pipe, specified twice... OK
test   9 FILE: simple echo via file... OK
test  10 EXECSOCKETPAIR: simple echo via exec of cat with socketpair... OK
test  11 SYSTEMSOCKETPAIR: simple echo via system() of cat with socketpair... OK
test  12 EXECPIPES: simple echo via exec of cat with pipes... OK
test  13 SYSTEMPIPES: simple echo via system() of cat with pipes... OK
test  14 EXECPTY: simple echo via exec of cat with pseudo terminal... OK
test  15 SYSTEMPTY: simple echo via system() of cat with pseudo terminal... OK
test  16 SYSTEMPIPESFDS: simple echo via system() of cat with pipes, non stdio... OK
test  17 DUALSYSTEMFDS: echo via dual system() of cat... OK
test  18 EXECSOCKETPAIRFLUSH: call to od via exec with socketpair... OK
test  19 SYSTEMSOCKETPAIRFLUSH: call to od via system() with socketpair... OK
test  20 EXECPIPESFLUSH: call to od via EXEC with pipes... OK
test  21 SYSTEMPIPESFLUSH: call to od via system() with pipes... OK
test  22 SYSTEMPIPESFDSFLUSH: call to od via system() with pipes, non stdio... OK
test  23 DUALSYSTEMFDSFLUSH: call to od via dual system()... OK
test  24 RAWIP4SELF: simple echo via self receiving raw IPv4 protocol... must be root
test  25 RAWIPX4SELF: simple echo via self receiving raw IP protocol, v4 by target... must be root
test  26 RAWIP6SELF: simple echo via self receiving raw IPv6 protocol... must be root
test  27 RAWIPX6SELF: simple echo via self receiving raw IP protocol, v6 by target... must be root
test  28 TCPSELF: echo via self connection of TCP IPv4 socket... only on Linux
test  29 UDPSELF: echo via self connection of UDP IPv4 socket... only on Linux
test  30 UDP6SELF: echo via self connection of UDP IPv6 socket... only on Linux
test  31 DUALUDPSELF: echo via two unidirectional UDP IPv4 sockets... OK
test  32 UNIXSTREAM: echo via connection to UNIX domain socket... OK
test  33 TCP4: echo via connection to TCP V4 socket... OK
test  34 TCP6: echo via connection to TCP V6 socket... OK
test  35 TCPX4: echo via connection to TCP socket, v4 by target... OK
test  36 TCPX6: echo via connection to TCP socket, v6 by target... OK
test  37 IPV6ONLY0: option ipv6-v6only=0 listens on IPv4... OK
test  38 IPV6ONLY1: option ipv6-v6only=1 does not listen on IPv4... OK
test  39 ENV_LISTEN_4: env SOCAT_DEFAULT_LISTEN_IP for IPv4 preference on listen... OK
test  40 ENV_LISTEN_6: env SOCAT_DEFAULT_LISTEN_IP for IPv6 preference on listen... OK
test  41 LISTEN_OPTION_4: option -4 for IPv4 preference on listen... OK
test  42 LISTEN_OPTION_6: option -6 for IPv6 preference on listen... OK
test  43 LISTEN_PF_IP4: pf=4 overrides option -6 on listen... OK
test  44 LISTEN_PF_IP6: pf=6 overrides option -4 on listen... OK
test  45 UDP4STREAM: echo via connection to UDP V4 socket... OK
test  46 UDP6STREAM: echo via connection to UDP V6 socket... OK
test  47 GOPENFILE: file opening with gopen... OK
test  48 GOPENPIPE: pipe opening with gopen for reading... OK
test  49 GOPENUNIXSTREAM: GOPEN on UNIX stream socket... OK
test  50 GOPENUNIXSEQPACKET: GOPEN on UNIX seqpacket socket... OK
test  51 GOPENUNIXDGRAM: GOPEN on UNIX datagram socket... OK
test  52 IGNOREEOF: ignoreeof on file... OK
test  53 IGNOREEOF_REV: ignoreeof on file right-to-left... OK
test  54 EXECIGNOREEOF: exec against address with ignoreeof... OK
test  55 FAKEPTY: generation of pty for other processes... OK
test  56 O_TRUNC: option o-trunc... OK
test  57 FTRUNCATE: option ftruncate... OK
test  58 RIGHTTOLEFT: unidirectional throughput from stdin to stdout, right to left... OK
test  59 CHILDDEFAULT: child process default properties... OK
test  60 CHILDSETSID: child process with setsid... OK
test  61 MAINSETSID: main process with setsid... OK
test  62 OPENSSL_TCP4: openssl connect... OK
test  63 OPENSSLLISTEN_TCP4: openssl listen... OK
test  64 OPENSSLLISTEN_TCP6: openssl listen... OK
test  70 TCP4LISTEN_HALFCLOSE: TCP4-LISTEN half close... OK
test  72 TCP6LISTEN_HALFCLOSE: TCP6-LISTEN half close... OK
test  77 OPENSSL_SERVERAUTH: OpenSSL server authentication (hostname)... OK
test  78 OPENSSL_CLIENTAUTH: openssl client authentication... OK
test  79 OPENSSL_FIPS_BOTHAUTH: OpenSSL+FIPS client and server authentication... OPENSSL/FIPS not available
test  80 OPENSSL_COMPRESS: OpenSSL compression... OK
test  81 SOCKS4CONNECT_TCP4: socks4 connect over TCP/IPv4... OK
test  82 SOCKS4CONNECT_TCP6: socks4 connect over TCP/IPv6... OK
test  83 SOCKS4ACONNECT_TCP4: socks4a connect over TCP/IPv4... OK
test  84 SOCKS4ACONNECT_TCP6: socks4a connect over TCP/IPv6... OK
test  85 PROXYCONNECT_TCP4: proxy connect over TCP/IPv4... OK
test  86 PROXYCONNECT_TCP6: proxy connect over TCP/IPv6... OK
test  87 TCP4NOFORK: echo via connection to TCP V4 socket with nofork'ed exec... OK
test  88 EXECCATNOFORK: simple echo via exec of cat with nofork... OK
test  89 SYSTEMCATNOFORK: simple echo via system() of cat with nofork... OK
test  90 NOFORKSETSID: simple echo via exec() of cat with nofork and setsid... OK
test  91 TOTALTIMEOUT: socat inactivity timeout... OK
test  92 IGNOREEOF+TOTALTIMEOUT: ignoreeof and inactivity timeout... OK
test  93 PROXY2SPACES: proxy connect accepts status with multiple spaces... OK
test  94 BUG-UNISTDIO: for bug with address options on both stdin/out in unidirectional mode... OK
test  95 SINGLEEXECOUTSOCKETPAIR: inheritance of stdout to single exec with socketpair... OK
test  96 SINGLEEXECOUTPIPE: inheritance of stdout to single exec with pipe... OK
test  97 SINGLEEXECOUTPTY: inheritance of stdout to single exec with pty... OK
test  98 SINGLEEXECINSOCKETPAIR: inheritance of stdin to single exec with socketpair... OK
test  99 SINGLEEXECINPIPE: inheritance of stdin to single exec with pipe... OK
test 100 SINGLEEXECINPTYDELAY: inheritance of stdin to single exec with pty, with delay... OK
test 101 SINGLEEXECINPTY: inheritance of stdin to single exec with pty... OK
test 102 READLINE: readline with password and sigint... FAILED:  ./socat:
test 103 GENDERCHANGER: TCP4 "gender changer"... OK
test 104 OUTBOUNDIN: gender changer via SSL through HTTP proxy, oneshot... OK
test 105 INTRANETRIPPER: gender changer via SSL through HTTP proxy, daemons... OK
test 106 TCP4RANGEBITS: security of TCP4-L with RANGE option... OK
test 107 TCP4RANGEMASK: security of TCP4-L with RANGE option... OK
test 108 TCP4RANGEMASKHAIRY: security of TCP4-L with RANGE option... OK
test 109 TCP4SOURCEPORT: security of TCP4-L with SOURCEPORT option... OK
test 110 TCP4LOWPORT: security of TCP4-L with LOWPORT option... OK
test 111 TCP4WRAPPERS_ADDR: security of TCP4-L with TCPWRAP option... OK
test 112 TCP4WRAPPERS_NAME: security of TCP4-L with TCPWRAP option... OK
test 113 TCP6RANGE: security of TCP6-L with RANGE option... OK
test 114 TCP6SOURCEPORT: security of TCP6-L with SOURCEPORT option... OK
test 115 TCP6LOWPORT: security of TCP6-L with LOWPORT option... OK
test 116 TCP6TCPWRAP: security of TCP6-L with TCPWRAP option... OK
test 117 UDP4RANGE: security of UDP4-L with RANGE option... OK
test 118 UDP4SOURCEPORT: security of UDP4-L with SOURCEPORT option... OK
test 119 UDP4LOWPORT: security of UDP4-L with LOWPORT option... OK
test 120 UDP4TCPWRAP: security of UDP4-L with TCPWRAP option... OK
test 121 UDP6RANGE: security of UDP6-L with RANGE option... OK
test 122 UDP6SOURCEPORT: security of UDP6-L with SOURCEPORT option... OK
test 123 UDP6LOWPORT: security of UDP6-L with LOWPORT option... OK
test 124 UDP6TCPWRAP: security of UDP6-L with TCPWRAP option... OK
test 125 OPENSSLTCP4_RANGE: security of SSL-L over TCP/IPv4 with RANGE option... OK
test 126 OPENSSLTCP4_SOURCEPORT: security of SSL-L with SOURCEPORT option... OK
test 127 OPENSSLTCP4_LOWPORT: security of SSL-L with LOWPORT option... OK
test 128 OPENSSLTCP4_TCPWRAP: security of SSL-L with TCPWRAP option... OK
test 129 OPENSSLCERTSERVER: security of SSL-L with client certificate... OK
test 130 OPENSSLCERTCLIENT: security of SSL with server certificate... OK
test 131 OPENSSLTCP6_RANGE: security of SSL-L over TCP/IPv6 with RANGE option... OK
test 132 OPENSSLTCP6_SOURCEPORT: security of SSL-L over TCP/IPv6 with SOURCEPORT option... OK
test 133 OPENSSLTCP6_LOWPORT: security of SSL-L over TCP/IPv6 with LOWPORT option... OK
test 134 OPENSSLTCP6_TCPWRAP: security of SSL-L over TCP/IPv6 with TCPWRAP option... OK
test 135 OPENSSL_CN_CLIENT_SECURITY: security of client openssl-commonname option... OK
test 136 OPENSSL_CN_SERVER_SECURITY: security of server openssl-commonname option... OK
test 137 OPENSSL_FIPS_SECURITY: OpenSSL restrictions by FIPS... OPENSSL/FIPS not available
test 138 UNIEXECEOF: give exec'd write-only process a chance to flush (-u)... OK
test 139 REVEXECEOF: give exec'd write-only process a chance to flush (-U)... OK
test 140 FILANDIR: check type printed for directories... OK
test 141 FILANSOCKET: capability to analyze named unix socket... OK
test 142 PTMXWAITSLAVE: test if master pty (ptmx) waits for slave connection... timed out
test 143 OPENPTYWAITSLAVE: test if master pty (openpty) waits for slave connection... option OPENPTY not available
test 144 CONNECTTIMEOUT: test the connect-timeout option... OK
test 145 CONNECTTIMEOUT_CONN: TCP4 connect-timeout option when server replies... OK
test 146 OPENSSLLISTENDSA: openssl listen with DSA certificate... OK
test 147 EXITCODESIGTERM: exit status when dying on SIGTERM... OK
test 148 EXITCODESIGILL: exit status when dying on SIGILL... OK
test 149 READBYTES: restrict reading from file with bytes option... OK
test 150 UDPLISTENFORK: UDP socket rebinds after first connection... OK
test 151 TCP4LISTENFORK: TCP4 listen handles 2 concurrent connections... OK
test 152 TCP6LISTENFORK: TCP6 listen handles 2 concurrent connections... OK
test 153 UDP4LISTENFORK: UDP4 listen handles 2 concurrent connections... OK
test 154 UDP6LISTENFORK: UDP6 listen handles 2 concurrent connections... OK
test 155 SCTP4LISTENFORK: SCTP4 listen handles 2 concurrent connections... OK
test 156 SCTP6LISTENFORK: SCTP6 listen handles 2 concurrent connections... OK
test 157 UNIXLISTENFORK: UNIX listen handles 2 concurrent connections... OK
test 158 UNIXTOSTREAM: generic UNIX client connects to stream socket... OK
test 159 UNIXTODGRAM: generic UNIX client connects to datagram socket... OK
test 160 EXECPIPESSTDERR: simple echo via exec of cat with pipes,stderr... OK
test 161 EXECSTDERRLOG: simple echo via exec of cat with pipes,stderr... OK
test 162 SIMPLEPARSE: invoke socat from socat... OK
test 163 FULLPARSE: correctly parse special chars... OK
test 164 NESTEDSOCATEXEC: does lexical analysis work sensibly (exec)... OK
test 165 NESTEDSOCATSYSTEM: does lexical analysis work sensibly (system)... OK
test 166 TCP6BYTCP4: TCP4 mapped into TCP6 address space... Feature removed
test 167 UDP4DGRAM: UDP/IPv4 sendto and recvfrom... OK
test 168 UDP6DGRAM: UDP/IPv6 datagram... OK
test 169 RAWIP4RECVFROM: raw IPv4 datagram... must be root
test 170 UNIXDGRAM: UNIX datagram... OK
test 171 UDP4RECV: UDP/IPv4 receive... OK
test 172 UDP6RECV: UDP/IPv6 receive... OK
test 173 RAWIP4RECV: raw IPv4 receive... must be root
test 174 RAWIP6RECV: raw IPv6 receive... must be root
test 175 UNIXRECV: UNIX receive... OK
test 176 UDP4RECVFROM_SOURCEPORT: security of UDP4-RECVFROM with SOURCEPORT option... OK
test 177 UDP4RECVFROM_LOWPORT: security of UDP4-RECVFROM with LOWPORT option... OK
test 178 UDP4RECVFROM_RANGE: security of UDP4-RECVFROM with RANGE option... OK
test 179 UDP4RECVFROM_TCPWRAP: security of UDP4-RECVFROM with TCPWRAP option... OK
test 180 UDP4RECV_SOURCEPORT: security of UDP4-RECV with SOURCEPORT option... OK
test 181 UDP4RECV_LOWPORT: security of UDP4-RECV with LOWPORT option... OK
test 182 UDP4RECV_RANGE: security of UDP4-RECV with RANGE option... OK
test 183 UDP4RECV_TCPWRAP: security of UDP4-RECV with TCPWRAP option... OK
test 184 UDP6RECVFROM_SOURCEPORT: security of UDP6-RECVFROM with SOURCEPORT option... OK
test 185 UDP6RECVFROM_LOWPORT: security of UDP6-RECVFROM with LOWPORT option... OK
test 186 UDP6RECVFROM_RANGE: security of UDP6-RECVFROM with RANGE option... OK
test 187 UDP6RECVFROM_TCPWRAP: security of UDP6-RECVFROM with TCPWRAP option... OK
test 188 UDP6RECV_SOURCEPORT: security of UDP6-RECV with SOURCEPORT option... OK
test 189 UDP6RECV_LOWPORT: security of UDP6-RECV with LOWPORT option... OK
test 190 UDP6RECV_RANGE: security of UDP6-RECV with RANGE option... OK
test 191 UDP6RECV_TCPWRAP: security of UDP6-RECV with TCPWRAP option... OK
test 192 IP4RECVFROM_RANGE: security of IP4-RECVFROM with RANGE option... must be root
test 193 IP4RECVFROM_TCPWRAP: security of IP4-RECVFROM with TCPWRAP option... must be root
test 194 IP4RECV_RANGE: security of IP4-RECV with RANGE option... must be root
test 195 IP4RECV_TCPWRAP: security of IP4-RECV with TCPWRAP option... must be root
test 196 IP6RECVFROM_RANGE: security of IP6-RECVFROM with RANGE option... must be root
test 197 IP6RECVFROM_TCPWRAP: security of IP6-RECVFROM with TCPWRAP option... must be root
test 198 IP6RECV_RANGE: security of IP6-RECV with RANGE option... must be root
test 199 IP6RECV_TCPWRAP: security of IP6-RECV with TCPWRAP option... must be root
test 200 O_NOATIME_FILE: option O_NOATIME on file... o-noatime not available
test 201 O_NOATIME_FD: option O_NOATIME on file descriptor... o-noatime not available
test 202 FS_NOATIME: extended file system options using fs noatime option... fs-noatime not available
test 203 COOLWRITE: option cool-write... OK
test 204 COOLSTDIO: option cool-write on bidirectional stdio... OK
test 205 TCP4ENDCLOSE: end-close keeps TCP V4 socket open... OK
test 206 EXECENDCLOSE: end-close keeps EXEC child running... OK
test 207 PTYENDCLOSE: PTY handles option end-close... OK
test 208 SHUTNULLEOF: options shut-null and null-eof... OK
test 209 UDP6LISTENBIND: UDP6-LISTEN with bind... OK
test 210 TCPWRAPPERS_MULTIOPTS: use of multiple tcpwrapper enabling options... OK
test 211 TCPWRAPPERS_TCP6ADDR: specification of TCP6 address in hosts.allow... OK
test 212 UDP4BROADCAST: UDP/IPv4 broadcast... dont know a broadcast address
test 213 IP4BROADCAST: raw IPv4 broadcast... must be root
test 214 UDP4MULTICAST_UNIDIR: UDP/IPv4 multicast, send only... OK
test 215 IP4MULTICAST_UNIDIR: IPv4 multicast... must be root
test 216 UDP6MULTICAST_UNIDIR: UDP/IPv6 multicast... timed out! FAILED
test 217 UDP4MULTICAST_BIDIR: UDP/IPv4 multicast, with reply... OK
test 218 IP4MULTICAST_BIDIR: IPv4 multicast, with reply... must be root
test 219 TUNREAD: reading data sent through tun interface... tun not available
test 220 TUNINTERFACE: pass data through tun interface using INTERFACE... tun not available
test 221 ABSTRACTSTREAM: abstract UNIX stream socket, listen and connect... abstract-unixsocket not available
test 222 ABSTRACTDGRAM: abstract UNIX datagram... abstract-unixsocket not available
test 223 ABSTRACTRECV: abstract UNIX datagram receive... abstract-unixsocket not available
test 224 ABSTRACT_BIND: abstract bind... only on Linux
test 225 OPENSSLREAD: socat handles data buffered by openssl... OK
test 226 READBYTES_EOF: trigger EOF after that many bytes, even when socket idle... OK
test 227 EXECPTYKILL: exec:...,pty explicitely kills sub process... OK
test 228 TCP4SERVICE: echo via connection to TCP V4 socket... OK
test 229 EXCEED_FOPEN_MAX: more than FOPEN_MAX FDs in use... only on Linux
test 230 UDP4LISTEN_SIGCHLD: test if UDP4-LISTEN child becomes zombie... OK
test 231 UDP4RECVFROM_SIGCHLD: test if UDP4-RECVFROM child becomes zombie... OK
test 232 RAWIP4RECVBIND: raw IPv4 receive with bind... must be root
test 233 UDP4RECVFROM_FORK: test if UDP4-RECVFROM handles more than one packet... OK
test 234 EXECSPACES: correctly parse exec with consecutive spaces... OK
test 235 UDP4LISTENCONT: let range drop a packet and see if old socket is closed... NO RESULT
test 236 IGNOREEOFNOBLOCK: ignoreeof does not block other direction... OK
test 237 ESCAPE: escape character triggers EOF... OK
test 238 ESCAPE_IGNOREEOF: escape character triggers EOF... OK
test 239 UDP4SCM_IP_OPTIONS: UDP4 log ancillary message IP_OPTIONS options... OK
test 240 UDP4SCM_SCM_TIMESTAMP: UDP4 log ancillary message SCM_TIMESTAMP timestamp... OK
test 241 UDP4SCM_IP_TTL: UDP4 log ancillary message IP_TTL ttl... OK
test 242 UDP4SCM_IP_TOS: UDP4 log ancillary message IP_TOS tos... OK
test 243 UDP4SCM_IP_PKTINFO: UDP4 log ancillary message IP_PKTINFO locaddr... OK
test 244 UDP4SCM_IP_PKTINFO: UDP4 log ancillary message IP_PKTINFO dstaddr... OK
test 245 UDP4SCM_IP_PKTINFO: UDP4 log ancillary message IP_PKTINFO if... FAILED
test 246 UDP4SCM_IP_RECVIF: UDP4 log ancillary message IP_RECVIF if... FAILED
test 247 UDP4SCM_IP_RECVDSTADDR: UDP4 log ancillary message IP_RECVDSTADDR dstaddr... OK
test 248 IP4SCM_IP_OPTIONS: IP4 log ancillary message IP_OPTIONS options... must be root
test 249 IP4SCM_SCM_TIMESTAMP: IP4 log ancillary message SCM_TIMESTAMP timestamp... must be root
test 250 IP4SCM_IP_TTL: IP4 log ancillary message IP_TTL ttl... must be root
test 251 IP4SCM_IP_TOS: IP4 log ancillary message IP_TOS tos... must be root
test 252 IP4SCM_IP_PKTINFO: IP4 log ancillary message IP_PKTINFO locaddr... must be root
test 253 IP4SCM_IP_PKTINFO: IP4 log ancillary message IP_PKTINFO dstaddr... must be root
test 254 IP4SCM_IP_PKTINFO: IP4 log ancillary message IP_PKTINFO if... must be root
test 255 IP4SCM_IP_RECVIF: IP4 log ancillary message IP_RECVIF if... must be root
test 256 IP4SCM_IP_RECVDSTADDR: IP4 log ancillary message IP_RECVDSTADDR dstaddr... must be root
test 257 UDP6SCM_SCM_TIMESTAMP: UDP6 log ancillary message SCM_TIMESTAMP timestamp... OK
test 258 UDP6SCM_IPV6_PKTINFO: UDP6 log ancillary message IPV6_PKTINFO dstaddr... OK
test 259 UDP6SCM_IPV6_HOPLIMIT: UDP6 log ancillary message IPV6_HOPLIMIT hoplimit... OK
test 260 UDP6SCM_IPV6_TCLASS: UDP6 log ancillary message IPV6_TCLASS tclass... OK
test 261 IP6SCM_SCM_TIMESTAMP: IP6 log ancillary message SCM_TIMESTAMP timestamp... must be root
test 262 IP6SCM_IPV6_PKTINFO: IP6 log ancillary message IPV6_PKTINFO dstaddr... must be root
test 263 IP6SCM_IPV6_HOPLIMIT: IP6 log ancillary message IPV6_HOPLIMIT hoplimit... must be root
test 264 IP6SCM_IPV6_TCLASS: IP6 log ancillary message IPV6_TCLASS tclass... must be root
test 265 TCP4LISTENENV: TCP4-LISTEN sets environment variables with socket addresses... OK
test 266 TCP6LISTENENV: TCP6-LISTEN sets environment variables with socket addresses... OK
test 267 UDP6LISTENENV: UDP6-LISTEN sets environment variables with socket addresses... OK
test 268 SCTP4LISTENENV: SCTP4-LISTEN sets environment variables with socket addresses... NO RESULT (client failed):
test 269 SCTP6LISTENENV: SCTP6-LISTEN sets environment variables with socket addresses... OK
test 270 UNIXLISTENENV: UNIX-LISTEN sets environment variables with socket addresses... OK
test 271 UDP4ENV_IP_OPTIONS: UDP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_OPTIONS... OK
test 272 UDP4ENV_TIMESTAMP: UDP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_TIMESTAMP... OK
test 273 UDP4ENV_IP_TTL: UDP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_TTL... OK
test 274 UDP4ENV_IP_TOS: UDP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_TOS... OK
test 275 UDP4ENV_IP_LOCADDR: UDP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_LOCADDR... OK
test 276 UDP4ENV_IP_DSTADDR: UDP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_DSTADDR... OK
test 277 UDP4ENV_IP_IF: UDP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_IF... FAILED
test 278 UDP4ENV_IP_IF: UDP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_IF... FAILED
test 279 UDP4ENV_IP_DSTADDR: UDP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_DSTADDR... OK
test 280 IP4ENV_IP_OPTIONS: IP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_OPTIONS... must be root
test 281 IP4ENV_TIMESTAMP: IP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_TIMESTAMP... must be root
test 282 IP4ENV_IP_TTL: IP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_TTL... must be root
test 283 IP4ENV_IP_TOS: IP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_TOS... must be root
test 284 IP4ENV_IP_LOCADDR: IP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_LOCADDR... must be root
test 285 IP4ENV_IP_DSTADDR: IP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_DSTADDR... must be root
test 286 IP4ENV_IP_IF: IP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_IF... must be root
test 287 IP4ENV_IP_IF: IP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_IF... must be root
test 288 IP4ENV_IP_DSTADDR: IP4 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IP_DSTADDR... must be root
test 289 UDP6ENV_IPV6_DSTADDR: UDP6 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IPV6_DSTADDR... OK
test 290 UDP6ENV_IPV6_HOPLIMIT: UDP6 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IPV6_HOPLIMIT... OK
test 291 UDP6ENV_IPV6_TCLASS: UDP6 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IPV6_TCLASS... OK
test 292 IP6ENV_IPV6_DSTADDR: IP6 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IPV6_DSTADDR... must be root
test 293 IP6ENV_IPV6_HOPLIMIT: IP6 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IPV6_HOPLIMIT... must be root
test 294 IP6ENV_IPV6_TCLASS: IP6 ancillary message sets env SOCAT_IPV6_TCLASS... must be root
test 295 SOCKET_CONNECT_TCP4: socket connect with TCP/IPv4... OK
test 296 SOCKET_CONNECT_TCP6: socket connect with TCP/IPv6... FAILED:  ./socat:
test 297 SOCKET_CONNECT_UNIX: socket connect with UNIX domain... OK
test 298 SOCKET_LISTEN: socket recvfrom with TCP/IPv4... OK
test 299 SOCKET_SENDTO: socket sendto with UDP/IPv4... OK
test 300 SOCKET_RECVFROM: socket recvfrom with UDP/IPv4... OK
test 301 SOCKET_RECV: socket recv with UDP/IPv4... OK
test 302 SOCKET_DATAGRAM: socket datagram via UDP/IPv4... OK
test 303 SOCKETRANGEMASK: security of generic socket-listen with RANGE option... OK
test 304 IOCTL_VOID: test the ioctl-void option... phase 1 failed
test 305 SETSOCKOPT: test the setsockopt option... phase 1 failed
test 306 SETSOCKOPT_LISTEN: test the setsockopt-listen option... OK
test 307 SCTP4STREAM: echo via connection to SCTP V4 socket... OK
test 308 SCTP6STREAM: echo via connection to SCTP V6 socket... OK
test 309 OPENSSLRENEG1: OpenSSL connections survive renogotiation... not with OpenSSL 3.1.6
test 310 OPENSSLRENEG2: OpenSSL connections do not block after renogotiation... not with OpenSSL 3.1.6
test 311 HOSTNAMEOVFL: stack overflow on overly long host name... OK
test 312 FILENAMEOVFL: stack overflow on overly long file name... OK
test 313 NESTEDOVFL: stack overflow on overly long nested arg... OK
test 314 GOPEN_UNIX_CRASH: check crash when connecting to a unix domain socket using address GOPEN... OK
test 315 UNIXLISTEN_KEEPFILE: socat keeps an existing file where it wanted to create a UNIX socket... OK
test 316 PTY_VOIDARG: check if address params of PTY produce error... OK
test 317 INCOMPLETE_WRITE: check if incomplete writes are handled properly... OK
test 318 OPENSSL_ANULL: OpenSSL server with cipher aNULL ... FAILED
test 319 TCP4MAXCHILDREN: max-children option... OK
test 320 TCP6MAXCHILDREN: max-children option... OK
test 321 SCTP4MAXCHILDREN: max-children option... OK
test 322 SCTP6MAXCHILDREN: max-children option... OK
test 323 UNIXMAXCHILDREN: max-children option... OK
test 324 UDP4MAXCHILDREN: max-children option... OK
test 325 UDP6MAXCHILDREN: max-children option... OK
test 326 READLINE_OVFL: test for buffer overflow in readline prompt handling... OK
test 327 FDLEAK: file descriptor leak with range option... OK
test 328 LISTEN_KEEPALIVE: keepalive option is applied to connection socket... FAILED (KEEPALIVE=8)
test 329 OPENSSL_CONNECT_BIND: test OPENSSL-CONNECT with bind option... OK
test 330 TCP4RANGE_0BITS: correct evaluation of range mask 0... OK
test 340 CREATE_UMASK: CREATE applies option umask... OK
test 341 OPEN_UMASK: OPEN applies option umask... OK
test 342 GOPEN_UMASK: GOPEN applies option umask... OK
test 343 UNIX_LISTEN_UMASK: UNIX-LISTEN applies option umask... OK
test 344 UNIX_RECVFROM_UMASK: UNIX-RECVFROM applies option umask... OK
test 345 UNIX_RECV_UMASK: UNIX-RECV applies option umask... OK
test 346 PIPE_UMASK: PIPE applies option umask... OK
test 347 CREATE_PERM: CREATE applies option perm... OK
test 348 OPEN_PERM: OPEN applies option perm... OK
test 349 GOPEN_PERM: GOPEN applies option perm... OK
test 350 UNIX_LISTEN_PERM: UNIX-LISTEN applies option perm... OK
test 351 UNIX_RECVFROM_PERM: UNIX-RECVFROM applies option perm... OK
test 352 UNIX_RECV_PERM: UNIX-RECV applies option perm... OK
test 353 PIPE_PERM: PIPE applies option perm... OK
test 354 PTY_PERM: PTY applies option perm... OK
test 355 CREATE_USER: CREATE applies option user... must be root
test 356 OPEN_USER: OPEN applies option user... must be root
test 357 GOPEN_USER: GOPEN applies option user... must be root
test 358 UNIX_LISTEN_USER: UNIX-LISTEN applies option user... must be root
test 359 UNIX_RECVFROM_USER: UNIX-RECVFROM applies option user... must be root
test 360 UNIX_RECV_USER: UNIX-RECV applies option user... must be root
test 361 PIPE_USER: PIPE applies option user... must be root
test 362 PTY_USER: PTY applies option user... must be root
test 363 UNIX_LISTEN_REMOVE: UNIX-LISTEN removes socket entry when terminated while waiting for connection... OK
test 364 UNIX_RECVFROM_REMOVE: UNIX-RECVFROM removes socket entry when terminated while waiting for connection... OK
test 365 UNIX_RECV_REMOVE: UNIX-RECV removes socket entry when terminated while waiting for connection... OK
test 366 PIPE_REMOVE: PIPE removes socket entry when terminated while waiting for connection... OK
test 367 PTY_REMOVE: PTY removes socket entry when terminated while waiting for connection... OK
test 368 UNIX_LISTEN_REMOVE_FORK: UNIX-LISTEN with fork removes socket entry when terminated during accept... OK
test 369 UNIX_RECVFROM_REMOVE_FORK: UNIX-RECVFROM with fork removes socket entry when terminated during accept... OK
test 370 SYSTEM_SHUTDOWN: SYSTEM address does not shutdown its parents addresses... OK
test 371 TCP4_NOPORT: test if TCP4-LISTEN with empty port arg bails out... OK
test 372 OPENSSL_METHOD_SSL3: test OpenSSL method SSL3... Option openssl-method not available
test 373 OPENSSL_METHOD_SSL23: test OpenSSL method SSL23... Option openssl-method not available
test 374 OPENSSL_METHOD_TLS1: test OpenSSL method TLS1... Option openssl-method not available
test 375 OPENSSL_METHOD_TLS1.1: test OpenSSL method TLS1.1... Option openssl-method not available
test 376 OPENSSL_METHOD_TLS1.2: test OpenSSL method TLS1.2... Option openssl-method not available
test 377 OPENSSL_METHOD_DTLS1: test OpenSSL method DTLS1... Option openssl-method not available
test 378 OPENSSL_METHOD_DTLS1.2: test OpenSSL method DTLS1.2... Option openssl-method not available
test 379 OPENSSL_MIN_VERSION: security of OpenSSL server with openssl-min-proto-version... OK
test 380 FDOUT_ERROR: fdout bails out in write-only context... OK
test 381 SYSTEM_RC: promote failure of SYSTEM... OK
test 382 EXEC_RC: promote failure of EXEC... OK
test 383 SO_REUSEADDR: test the so-reuseaddr option... OK
test 384 SO_REUSEPORT: test the so-reuseport option... so-reuseport not available
test 385 EXEC_NOFORK_UNIDIR: Programs invoked with EXEC, nofork, and -u or -U had stdin and stdout assignment swapped... OK
test 386 OPENSSL_ECDHE: test OpenSSL ECDHE... OK
test 387 USE_IPV6_JOIN_GROUP: is option ipv6-join-group used... FAILED
test 388 DIAG_FDIN: test use of fdin=3... OK
test 389 SOCAT_OPT_HINT: check if merging single character options is rejected... OK
test 390 TERMIOS_PH_ALL: are termios options applied to the correct address... OK
test 391 IP_SENDTO_6: IP-SENDTO::6 passes getaddrinfo()... OK
test 392 MULTIPLE_EOF: multiple EOF messages... OK
test 393 BLKSIZE_INT_OVERFL: integer overflow with buffer size parameter... OK
test 394 UNBALANCED_QUOTE: Test fix of unbalanced quoting... OK
test 395 SCTP_SERVICENAME: Service name resolution works with SCTP... OK
test 396 O_DIRECT: echo via file with o-direct... FAILED:
test 397 UNIX_SENDTO_UNLINK: Option unlink-close with UNIX sendto socket... OK
test 398 UNIX_CONNECT_UNLINK: Option unlink-close with UNIX connect socket... OK
test 399 OPENSSL_DTLS_CLIENT: OpenSSL DTLS client... OK
test 400 OPENSSL_DTLS_SERVER: OpenSSL DTLS server... OK
test 401 OPENSSL_SERVERALTAUTH: OpenSSL server authentication with SubjectAltName (hostname)... OK
test 402 OPENSSL_SERVERALTIP4AUTH: OpenSSL server authentication with SubjectAltName (IPv4 address)... OK
test 403 OPENSSL_SERVERALTIP6AUTH: OpenSSL server authentication with SubjectAltName (IPv6 address)... OK
test 404 OPTION_RAW_DUMP: raw dump of transferred data... OK
test 405 OPENSSL_SNI: Test the OpenSSL SNI feature... use test.sh option --internet
test 406 OPENSSL_NO_SNI: Test the openssl-no-sni option... use test.sh option --internet
test 407 ACCEPTTIMEOUT: test the accept-timeout option... OK
test 408 UDP_DATAGRAM_PEERPORT: test UDP-DATAGRAM ignoring peerport... OK
test 409 PROXYAUTHFILE: proxy-authorization-file option... OK
test 410 VSOCK_ECHO: test communication via VSOCK loopback socket... VSOCK not available
test 411 OPENSSL_STREAM_TO_SERVER: OpenSSL stream from client to server... OK
test 412 OPENSSL_STREAM_TO_CLIENT: OpenSSL stream from server to client... OK
test 413 OPENSSL_DTLS_TO_SERVER: OpenSSL DTLS transfer from client to server... OK
test 414 OPENSSL_DTLS_TO_CLIENT: OpenSSL DTLS transfer from server to client... OK
test 415 OPENSSL_PARA_OVERLAP: test diverse of socket,openssl params... OK
test 416 OPENSSL_CLIENT_IP6_CN: Test if OpenSSL server may be crashed by client cert with IPv6 address... OK
test 417 BAD_SERVICE: test if unknown service specs are handled properly... OK
test 418 ABSTRACT_USER: Is the fs related user option on ABSTRACT socket applied to FD... only on Linux
test 419 SNIFF_RIGHT_TO_LEFT: test if option -R does not sniff left-to-right traffic... OK
test 420 CONNECT_TO_MISSING: Failure handling on connect access to missing... OK
test 421 CONNECT_TO_DENIED: Failure handling on connect access to denied... OK
test 422 CONNECT_TO_DIRECTORY: Failure handling on connect access to directory... OK
test 423 CONNECT_TO_ORPHANED: Failure handling on connect access to orphaned... OK
test 424 CONNECT_TO_FILE: Failure handling on connect access to file... OK
test 425 CONNECT_TO_DGRAM: Failure handling on connect access to dgram... OK
test 426 CONNECT_TO_SEQPACKET: Failure handling on connect access to seqpacket... OK
test 427 SEND_TO_MISSING: Failure handling on send access to missing... OK
test 428 SEND_TO_DENIED: Failure handling on send access to denied... OK
test 429 SEND_TO_DIRECTORY: Failure handling on send access to directory... OK
test 430 SEND_TO_ORPHANED: Failure handling on send access to orphaned... OK
test 431 SEND_TO_FILE: Failure handling on send access to file... OK
test 432 SEND_TO_STREAM: Failure handling on send access to stream... OK
test 433 SEND_TO_SEQPACKET: Failure handling on send access to seqpacket... OK
test 434 SENDTO_TO_MISSING: Failure handling on sendto access to missing... OK
test 435 SENDTO_TO_DENIED: Failure handling on sendto access to denied... OK
test 436 SENDTO_TO_DIRECTORY: Failure handling on sendto access to directory... OK
test 437 SENDTO_TO_ORPHANED: Failure handling on sendto access to orphaned... OK
test 438 SENDTO_TO_FILE: Failure handling on sendto access to file... OK
test 439 SENDTO_TO_STREAM: Failure handling on sendto access to stream... OK
test 440 SENDTO_TO_SEQPACKET: Failure handling on sendto access to seqpacket... OK
test 441 SEQPACKET_TO_MISSING: Failure handling on seqpacket access to missing... OK
test 442 SEQPACKET_TO_DENIED: Failure handling on seqpacket access to denied... OK
test 443 SEQPACKET_TO_DIRECTORY: Failure handling on seqpacket access to directory... OK
test 444 SEQPACKET_TO_ORPHANED: Failure handling on seqpacket access to orphaned... OK
test 445 SEQPACKET_TO_FILE: Failure handling on seqpacket access to file... OK
test 446 SEQPACKET_TO_STREAM: Failure handling on seqpacket access to stream... OK
test 447 SEQPACKET_TO_DGRAM: Failure handling on seqpacket access to dgram... OK
test 448 UNIX_TO_MISSING: Failure handling on unix access to missing... OK
test 449 UNIX_TO_DENIED: Failure handling on unix access to denied... OK
test 450 UNIX_TO_DIRECTORY: Failure handling on unix access to directory... OK
test 451 UNIX_TO_FILE: Failure handling on unix access to file... OK
test 452 UNIX_TO_ORPHANED: Failure handling on unix access to orphaned... OK
test 453 GOPEN_TO_DENIED: Failure handling on gopen access to denied... OK
test 454 GOPEN_TO_DIRECTORY: Failure handling on gopen access to directory... OK
test 455 GOPEN_TO_ORPHANED: Failure handling on gopen access to orphaned... OK
test 456 TCP_TIMEOUT_RETRY: TCP with options connect-timeout and retry... OK
test 457 RAWER: Test if the rawer option fails... OK
test 458 UDP_LOWPORT: UDP4-SEND with lowport... OK
test 459 MISSING_INTEGER: Error on option that's missing integer value... OK
test 460 INTEGER_GARBAGE: Error on trailing garbage... OK
test 461 FILANSYMLINK: capability to display symlink target... OK
test 462 EXECSOCKETPAIRPACKETS: simple echo via exec of cat with socketpair, keeping packet boundaries... OK
test 463 SYSTEMSOCKETPAIRPACKETS: simple echo via system of cat with socketpair, keeping packet boundaries... OK
test 464 DALAN_NO_SIGSEGV: Dalan syntax error does not raise SIGSEGV... OK
test 465 FILAN_SHORT_TCP: filan -s displays TCP etc... FAILED
test 466 RESTORE_TTY: Restoring of terminal settings... OK
test 467 EXEC_FDS: Socat does not leak FDs to EXEC'd program... OK
test 468 EXEC_SNIFF: Socat does not leak sniffing FDs... OK
test 469 UDP4_FORK: UDP4-RECVFROM with fork option... OK
test 470 UDP6_FORK: UDP6-RECVFROM with fork option... OK
test 471 UNIX_FORK: UNIX-RECVFROM with fork option... OK
test 472 SIGTERM_NOLOG: Option -S can turn off logging of SIGTERM... OK
test 473 SIG31_LOG: Option -S can turn on logging of signal 31... OK
test 474 PROXY_HTTPVERSION: PROXY-CONNECT with option http-version... OK
test 475 RCVTIMEO_DTLS: test the so-rcvtimeo option with DTLS... OK
test 476 VARS_IN_SNIFFPATH: sniff file names with variables... OK
test 477 OPTION_STATISTICS: Socat option --statistics... OK
test 478 SIGUSR1_STATISTICS: statistics on SIGUSR1... OK
test 479 CHILDREN_SHUTUP: test the children-shutup option... OK
test 480 INTERFACE_IGNOREOUTGOING: INTERFACE ignores outgoing packets... must be root
test 481 TCP4_REUSEADDR: test if option reuseaddr's default is 1... OK
test 482 OPENSSL_6_REUSEADDR: test if option reuseaddr's default is 1 with SSL-L... OK
test 483 REUSEADDR_NULL: test option reuseaddr without value... NO RESULT
test 484 TRY_ADDRS_4: try all available TCP4 addresses... use test.sh option --internet
test 485 TRY_ADDRS_4_6: for TCP try all available IPv4 and IPv6 addresses... use test.sh option --internet
test 486 NETNS: option netns (net namespace socat-11553-test486)... Only on Linux
test 487 NETNS_EXEC: option netns with EXEC (net namespace socat-11553-test487)... Only on Linux
test 488 SOCKETPAIR_STREAM: stdio and internal socketpair with stream... OK
test 489 SOCKETPAIR_DATAGRAM: stdio and internal socketpair with datagram... OK
test 490 SOCKETPAIR_SEQPACKET: stdio and internal socketpair with seqpacket... OK
test 491 SOCKETPAIR_BOUNDARIES: Internal socketpair keeps packet boundaries... OK
test 492 ACCEPT_FD: ACCEPT-FD address... systemd-socket-activate not available
test 493 LINUX_POSIXMQ_READ_PRIO: POSIX-MQ (Linux) with prio... Only on Linux
test 494 LINUX_POSIXMQ_RECV_FORK: POSIX-MQ (Linux) RECV with fork... Only on Linux
test 495 LINUX_POSIXMQ_RECV_MAXCHILDREN: POSIX-MQ (Linux) RECV with fork,max-children... Only on Linux
test 496 LINUX_POSIXMQ_SEND_MAXCHILDREN: POSIX-MQ (Linux) SEND with fork,max-children... Only on Linux
test 497 SHELL_SIGINT: sigint option with SHELL... OK
test 498 SHELL_SOCKETPAIR: simple echo via SHELL of cat with socketpair... FAILED:  ./socat:
test 499 SHELL_PIPES: simple echo via SHELL of cat with pipes... FAILED:  ./socat:
test 500 SHELL_PTY: simple echo via SHELL of cat with pty... FAILED:  ./socat:
test 501 SHELL_SOCKETPAIR_FLUSH: call  od -c  via SHELL using socketpair... FAILED:  ./socat:
test 502 SHELL_PIPES: call  od -c  via SHELL using pipes... FAILED:  ./socat:
test 503 SYSTEM_SIGINT: sigint option with SYSTEM... OK
test 504 RES_NSADDR: test the res-nsaddr option... FAILED (due to nscd?)
test 505 CHDIR_ON_CREATE: restore of pwd after CREAT with chdir option... OK
test 506 CHDIR_ON_SHELL: restore of pwd after SYSTEM with chdir option... timed out
FAILED (rc=1)
test 507 UMASK_ON_CREATE: test restore after CREAT with umask option... OK
test 508 UMASK_ON_SYSTEM: test restore after SHELL with umask option... /tmp//11553/test508.creat: No such file or directory
test 509 UNIX_LISTEN_CONNECT_BIND_TEMPNAME: Option unix-bind-tempname... OK
test 510 UNIX_LISTEN_CLIENT_BIND_TEMPNAME: Option unix-bind-tempname... OK
test 511 UNIX_RECVFROM_CLIENT_BIND_TEMPNAME: Option unix-bind-tempname... OK
test 512 UNIX_RECVFROM_SENDTO_BIND_TEMPNAME: Option unix-bind-tempname... OK
test 513 ABSTRACT_LISTEN_CONNECT_BIND_TEMPNAME: Option unix-bind-tempname... abstract-unixsocket not available
test 514 ABSTRACT_LISTEN_CLIENT_BIND_TEMPNAME: Option unix-bind-tempname... abstract-unixsocket not available
test 515 ABSTRACT_RECVFROM_CLIENT_BIND_TEMPNAME: Option unix-bind-tempname... abstract-unixsocket not available
test 516 ABSTRACT_RECVFROM_SENDTO_BIND_TEMPNAME: Option unix-bind-tempname... abstract-unixsocket not available
test 517 TEMPNAME_SEC: test if a symlink attack works against bind()... OK
test 518 STDIN_F_SETPIPE_SZ: f-setpipe-sz on STDIN... Option f-setpipe-sz not available in ./socat
test 519 EXEC_F_SETPIPE_SZ: f-setpipe-sz on EXEC with pipes... Option f-setpipe-sz not available in ./socat
test 520 DCCP4: DCCP over IPv4... Feature DCCP not configured in ./socat
test 521 UDPLITE4STREAM: echo via connection to UDP-Lite V4 socket... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 522 UDPLITE4STREAM: echo via connection to UDP-Lite V4 socket... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 523 UDPLITE4STREAM: echo via connection to UDP-Lite V4 socket... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 524 UDPLITE4LISTENENV: UDPLITE4-LISTEN sets environment variables with socket addresses... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 525 UDPLITE6LISTENENV: UDPLITE6-LISTEN sets environment variables with socket addresses... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 526 UDPLITE4MAXCHILDREN: max-children option... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 527 UDPLITE6MAXCHILDREN: max-children option... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 528 PROCAN_CTTY: test procan controlling terminal output... FAILED
test 529 SOCAT_CHAIN_SOCKS4: test socat-chain.sh with SOCKS4 over UNIX-socket... OK
test 530 SOCAT_CHAIN_SSL_PTY: test socat-chain.sh with SSL over PTY... OK
test 531 SOCAT_MUX: test the socat-mux.sh script... FAILED (diff a)
test 532 SOCAT_BROKER: test the socat-broker.sh script... FAILED (diff a)
test 533 RECVFROM_FORK_LOOP: Bug on RECVFROM with fork and child failure... OK
test 534 RECVFROM_FORK_LEAK: FD leak on RECVFROM with fork... OK
test 535 IP_SENDTO_PF: test IP-SENDTO with option pf with protocol name... Must be root
test 536 LISTEN_4: TCP-L with -0 accepts IPv4... OK
test 537 LISTEN_6: TCP-L with -0 accepts IPv6... OK
test 538 V1800_TCP_LISTEN_RANGE: test regression of TCP-LISTEN with IPv4 RANGE... OK
test 539 V1800_TCP_LISTEN_BIND: test regression of TCP-LISTEN with IPv4 BIND... OK
test 540 V1800_SCTP_LISTEN_RANGE: test regression of SCTP-LISTEN with IPv4 RANGE... OK
test 541 V1800_SCTP_LISTEN_BIND: test regression of SCTP-LISTEN with IPv4 BIND... OK
test 542 V1800_DCCP_LISTEN_RANGE: test regression of DCCP-LISTEN with IPv4 RANGE... Feature DCCP not configured in ./socat
test 543 V1800_DCCP_LISTEN_BIND: test regression of DCCP-LISTEN with IPv4 BIND... Feature DCCP not configured in ./socat
test 544 V1800_OPENSSL_LISTEN_RANGE: test regression of OPENSSL-LISTEN with IPv4 RANGE... OK
test 545 V1800_OPENSSL_LISTEN_BIND: test regression of OPENSSL-LISTEN with IPv4 BIND... OK
test 546 V1800_UDP_LISTEN_RANGE: test regression of UDP-LISTEN with IPv4 RANGE... OK
test 547 V1800_UDP_LISTEN_BIND: test regression of UDP-LISTEN with IPv4 BIND... OK
test 548 V1800_UDP_RECVFROM_RANGE: test regression of UDP-RECVFROM with IPv4 RANGE... OK
test 549 V1800_UDP_RECVFROM_BIND: test regression of UDP-RECVFROM with IPv4 BIND... OK
test 550 V1800_UDPLITE_LISTEN_RANGE: test regression of UDPLITE-LISTEN with IPv4 RANGE... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 551 V1800_UDPLITE_LISTEN_BIND: test regression of UDPLITE-LISTEN with IPv4 BIND... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 552 V1800_UDPLITE_RECVFROM_RANGE: test regression of UDPLITE-RECVFROM with IPv4 RANGE... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 553 V1800_UDPLITE_RECVFROM_BIND: test regression of UDPLITE-RECVFROM with IPv4 BIND... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 554 V1800_UDP_DATAGRAM_RANGE: test regression of UDP-DATAGRAM: with IPv4 RANGE... OK
test 555 V1800_UDP_DATAGRAM_BIND: test regression of UDP-DATAGRAM: with IPv4 BIND... OK
test 556 V1800_UDPLITE_DATAGRAM_RANGE: test regression of UDPLITE-DATAGRAM: with IPv4 RANGE... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 557 V1800_UDPLITE_DATAGRAM_BIND: test regression of UDPLITE-DATAGRAM: with IPv4 BIND... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 558 V1800_IP_DATAGRAM_RANGE: test regression of IP-DATAGRAM: with IPv4 RANGE... Must be root
test 559 V1800_IP_DATAGRAM_BIND: test regression of IP-DATAGRAM: with IPv4 BIND... Must be root
test 560 V1800_UDP_SENDTO_RESOLV_6_4: test regression of UDP-SENDTO with IPv6,4 and binding to IPv4... Feature DEVTESTS not configured in ./socat
test 561 V1800_UDPLITE_SENDTO_RESOLV_6_4: test regression of UDPLITE-SENDTO with IPv6,4 and binding to IPv4... Feature UDPLITE not configured in ./socat
test 562 V1800_IP_SENDTO_RESOLV_6_4: test regression of IP-SENDTO with IPv6,4 and binding to IPv4... Must be root
test 563 V1800_TCP_CONNECT_CONNECT_6_4: test regression of TCP-CONNECT with IPv6,4 and binding to IPv4... Feature DEVTESTS not configured in ./socat
test 564 V1800_SCTP_CONNECT_CONNECT_6_4: test regression of SCTP-CONNECT with IPv6,4 and binding to IPv4... Feature DEVTESTS not configured in ./socat
test 565 V1800_DCCP_CONNECT_CONNECT_6_4: test regression of DCCP-CONNECT with IPv6,4 and binding to IPv4... Feature DCCP not configured in ./socat
CANT:  24 25 26 27 28 29 30 79 137 142 143 166 169 173 174 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 212 213 215 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 229 232 235 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 261 262 263 264 268 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 292 293 294 304 305 309 310 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 384 405 406 410 418 480 483 484 485 486 487 492 493 494 495 496 504 513 514 515 516 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 535 542 543 550 551 552 553 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565
FAILED:  102 216 245 246 277 278 296 328 387 396 465 498 499 500 501 502 506 508 528 531 532