--- httpx-0.27.2/httpx/_transports/default.py.orig
+++ httpx-0.27.2/httpx/_transports/default.py
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
             except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
                 raise ImportError(
                     "Using SOCKS proxy, but the 'socksio' package is not installed. "
-                    "Make sure to install httpx using `pip install httpx[socks]`."
+                    "Please install 'socksio' using `pkg install library/python/socksio`."
                 ) from None
             self._pool = httpcore.SOCKSProxy(
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
             except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
                 raise ImportError(
                     "Using SOCKS proxy, but the 'socksio' package is not installed. "
-                    "Make sure to install httpx using `pip install httpx[socks]`."
+                    "Please install 'socksio' using `pkg install library/python/socksio`."
                 ) from None
             self._pool = httpcore.AsyncSOCKSProxy(
--- httpx-0.27.2/httpx/_client.py.orig
+++ httpx-0.27.2/httpx/_client.py
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@
             except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
                 raise ImportError(
                     "Using http2=True, but the 'h2' package is not installed. "
-                    "Make sure to install httpx using `pip install httpx[http2]`."
+                    "Please install 'h2' using `pkg install library/python/h2`."
                 ) from None
         if proxies:
@@ -1417,7 +1417,7 @@
             except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
                 raise ImportError(
                     "Using http2=True, but the 'h2' package is not installed. "
-                    "Make sure to install httpx using `pip install httpx[http2]`."
+                    "Please install 'h2' using `pkg install library/python/h2`."
                 ) from None
         if proxies:
--- httpx-0.27.2/httpx/__init__.py.orig
+++ httpx-0.27.2/httpx/__init__.py
@@ -21,7 +21,8 @@
             "The httpx command line client could not run because the required "
             "dependencies were not installed.\nMake sure you've installed "
-            "everything with: pip install 'httpx[cli]'"
+            "everything with: pkg install library/python/click "
+            "library/python/pygments library/python/rich"
--- httpx-0.27.2/httpx/_decoders.py.orig
+++ httpx-0.27.2/httpx/_decoders.py
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
     def __init__(self) -> None:
         if brotli is None:  # pragma: no cover
             raise ImportError(
-                "Using 'BrotliDecoder', but neither of the 'brotlicffi' or 'brotli' "
-                "packages have been installed. "
-                "Make sure to install httpx using `pip install httpx[brotli]`."
+                "Using 'BrotliDecoder', but no 'brotli' "
+                "package has been installed. "
+                "Make sure to install 'brotli' using `pkg install library/python/brotli`."
             ) from None
         self.decompressor = brotli.Decompressor()