Testing: testhdf5 
Test log for testhdf5 
Testing  -- Configure definitions (config) 
Testing  -- H5system routines (h5system) 
Testing  -- Encoding/decoding metadata (metadata) 
Testing  -- Checksum algorithm (checksum) 
Testing  -- Skip Lists (skiplist) 
Testing  -- Reference Counted Strings (refstr) 
Testing  -- Low-Level File I/O (file) 
Testing  -- Generic Object Functions (objects) 
Testing  -- Dataspaces (h5s) 
Testing  -- Dataspace coordinates (coords) 
Testing  -- Shared Object Header Messages (sohm) 
Testing  -- Attributes (attr) 
Testing  -- Selections (select) 
Testing  -- Time Datatypes (time) 
Testing  -- Deprecated References (ref_deprec) 
Testing  -- References (ref) 
Testing  -- Variable-Length Datatypes (vltypes) 
Testing  -- Variable-Length Strings (vlstrings) 
Testing  -- Group & Attribute Iteration (iterate) 
Testing  -- Array Datatypes (array) 
Testing  -- Generic Properties (genprop) 
Testing  -- UTF-8 Encoding (unicode) 
Testing  -- User-Created Identifiers (id) 
Testing  -- Miscellaneous (misc) 
Testing: cache 
Test log for cache 
Testing smoke check #1 -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB cache      -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #2 -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB cache     -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #3 -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 2/1 KB cache      -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #4 -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 2/1 KB cache     -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #5 -- all clean, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 1     -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #6 -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 1    -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #7 -- all clean, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 2     -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #8 -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 2    -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #9 -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB, corked    -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #10 -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB, corked  -SKIP-
Testing write permitted check -- 1/0 MB cache                          -SKIP-
Testing H5C_insert_entry() functionality                               PASSED
Testing H5C_flush_cache() functionality                                PASSED
Testing H5C_get_entry_status() functionality                           PASSED
Testing H5C_expunge_entry() functionality                              PASSED
Testing multiple read only protects on a single entry                  PASSED
Testing H5C_move_entry() functionality                                 PASSED
Testing H5C_pin_protected_entry() functionality                        PASSED
Testing entry resize functionality                                     PASSED
Testing evictions enabled/disabled functionality                       PASSED
Testing flush cache with protected entry error                         PASSED
Testing destroy cache with permanently pinned entry error              PASSED
Testing destroy cache with protected entry error                       PASSED
Testing duplicate entry insertion error                                PASSED
Testing pin a pinned entry error                                       PASSED
Testing unpin an unpinned entry error                                  PASSED
Testing pin entry related errors                                       PASSED
Testing protect a protected entry error                                PASSED
Testing unprotect an unprotected entry error                           PASSED
Testing mark entry dirty related errors                                PASSED
Testing expunge entry related errors                                   PASSED
Testing move entry related errors                                      PASSED
Testing resize entry related errors                                    PASSED
Testing unprotect a read only entry dirty error                        PASSED
Testing protect a read only entry rw error                             PASSED
Testing protect an entry to verify retries                             PASSED
Testing get/set evictions enabled errors                               PASSED
Testing automatic cache resizing                                       PASSED
Testing automatic cache resizing                                       PASSED
Testing automatic cache resize disable                                 PASSED
Testing automatic cache resize epoch marker management                 PASSED
Testing automatic cache resize input errors                            PASSED
Testing automatic cache resize auxiliary functions                     PASSED
Testing to ensure metadata blizzard absence when inserting             PASSED
Testing to ensure metadata blizzard absence on protect/unprotect       PASSED
Testing flush dependencies                                             PASSED
Testing flush dependency errors                                        PASSED
Testing flush dependencies flush order                                 PASSED
Testing 'notify' callback                                              PASSED
Testing to ensure cork/uncork metadata when inserting                  PASSED
Testing to ensure cork/uncork metadata on protect/unprotect            PASSED
Testing entry deletion during list scan detection and adaption         PASSED
Testing metadata cache statistics collection                           -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #1P -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB cache     -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #2P -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB cache    -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #3P -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 2/1 KB cache     -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #4P -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 2/1 KB cache    -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #5P -- all clean, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 1    -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #6P -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 1   -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #7P -- all clean, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 2    -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #8P -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, prot, unprot, AR cache 2   -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #9P -- all clean, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB, corked   -SKIP-
Testing smoke check #10P -- ~1/2 dirty, ins, dest, ren, 4/2 MB, corked -SKIP-
Testing write permitted check -- 1/0 MB cache (paged aggregation)      -SKIP-
Testing H5C_insert_entry() functionality (paged aggregation)           PASSED
Testing H5C_flush_cache() functionality (paged aggregation)            PASSED
Testing H5C_get_entry_status() functionality (paged aggregation)       PASSED
Testing H5C_expunge_entry() functionality (paged aggregation)          PASSED
Testing multiple read only protects on a single entry (paged aggr)     PASSED
Testing H5C_move_entry() functionality (paged aggregation)             PASSED
Testing H5C_pin_protected_entry() functionality (paged aggregation)    PASSED
Testing entry resize functionality (paged aggregation)                 PASSED
Testing evictions enabled/disabled functionality (paged aggregation)   PASSED
Testing flush cache with protected entry error (paged aggregation)     PASSED
Testing destroy cache with permanently pinned entry error (pgd aggr)   PASSED
Testing destroy cache with protected entry error (paged aggregation)   PASSED
Testing duplicate entry insertion error (paged aggregation)            PASSED
Testing pin a pinned entry error (paged aggregation)                   PASSED
Testing unpin an unpinned entry error (paged aggregation)              PASSED
Testing pin entry related errors (paged aggregation)                   PASSED
Testing protect a protected entry error (paged aggregation)            PASSED
Testing unprotect an unprotected entry error (paged aggregation)       PASSED
Testing mark entry dirty related errors (paged aggregation)            PASSED
Testing expunge entry related errors (paged aggregation)               PASSED
Testing move entry related errors (paged aggregation)                  PASSED
Testing resize entry related errors (paged aggregation)                PASSED
Testing unprotect a read only entry dirty error (paged aggregation)    PASSED
Testing protect a read only entry rw error (paged aggregation)         PASSED
Testing protect an entry to verify retries (paged aggregation)         PASSED
Testing get/set evictions enabled errors (paged aggregation)           PASSED
Testing automatic cache resizing (paged aggregation)                   PASSED
Testing automatic cache resizing (paged aggregation)                   PASSED
Testing automatic cache resize disable (paged aggregation)             PASSED
Testing automatic cache resize epoch marker management (paged aggr)    PASSED
Testing automatic cache resize input errors (paged aggregation)        PASSED
Testing automatic cache resize auxiliary functions (paged aggregation) PASSED
Testing to ensure metadata blizzard absence when inserting (pgd aggr)  PASSED
Testing to ensure metadata blizzard absence on protect/unprotect (pa)  PASSED
Testing flush dependencies (paged aggregation)                         PASSED
Testing flush dependency errors (paged aggregation)                    PASSED
Testing flush dependencies flush order (paged aggregation)             PASSED
Testing 'notify' callback (paged)                                      PASSED
Testing to ensure cork/uncork metadata when inserting                  PASSED
Testing to ensure cork/uncork metadata on protect/unprotect            PASSED
Testing entry deletion during list scan detection and adaption (par)   PASSED
Testing metadata cache statistics collection (paged aggregation)       -SKIP-
Testing: cache_api 
Test log for cache_api 
Testing MDC/FAPL related API calls                                     PASSED
Testing MDC/FILE related API calls                                     PASSED
Testing MDC API smoke check                                            -SKIP-
Testing MDC/FILE related API input errors                              PASSED
Testing MDC/FAPL related API calls for paged aggregation strategy      PASSED
Testing MDC/FILE related API calls for paged aggregation strategy      PASSED
Testing MDC API smoke check for paged aggregation strategy             -SKIP-
Testing MDC/FILE related API input errors for paged aggregation strategy PASSED
Testing MDC/FAPL related API input errors                              PASSED
Testing: cache_image 
Test log for cache_image 
Testing metadata cache image control flow test 1                       PASSED
Testing metadata cache image control flow test 2                       PASSED
Testing metadata cache image control flow test 3                       PASSED
Testing metadata cache image control flow test 4                       PASSED
Testing metadata cache image control flow test 5                       PASSED
Testing metadata cache image control flow test 6                       PASSED
Testing metadata cache image smoke check 1                             PASSED
Testing metadata cache image smoke check 2                             PASSED
Testing metadata cache image smoke check 3                             PASSED
Testing metadata cache image smoke check 4                             PASSED
Testing metadata cache image smoke check 5                             PASSED
Testing metadata cache image smoke check 6                             PASSED
Testing metadata cache image api error check 1                         PASSED
Testing metadata cache image api error check 2                         PASSED
Testing metadata cache image api error check 3                         PASSED
Testing metadata cache image api error check 4                         PASSED
Testing Cache image / H5Fget_free_sections() interaction               PASSED
Testing Cache image / evict on close interaction                       PASSED
Testing: cache_tagging 
Test log for cache_tagging 
Testing standard tag application cases w/ default fcpl:
Testing tag application during file creation                           PASSED
Testing tag application during file open                               PASSED
Testing tag application during attribute creation                      PASSED
Testing tag application during attribute open                          PASSED
Testing tag application during attribute write                         PASSED
Testing tag application during attribute delete                        PASSED
Testing tag application during attribute renaming                      PASSED
Testing tag application during dataset creation                        PASSED
Testing tag application during dataset creation with early allocation  PASSED
Testing tag application during link removal                            PASSED
Testing standard tag application cases w/ shared messages:
Testing tag application during file creation                           PASSED
Testing tag application during file open                               PASSED
Testing tag application during attribute creation                      PASSED
Testing tag application during attribute open                          PASSED
Testing tag application during attribute write                         PASSED
Testing tag application during attribute delete                        PASSED
Testing tag application during attribute renaming                      PASSED
Testing tag application during dataset creation                        PASSED
Testing tag application during dataset creation with early allocation  PASSED
Testing tag application during link removal                            PASSED
Testing other specific tag application cases:
Testing tag application during group creation                          PASSED
Testing tag application during multiple group creation                 PASSED
Testing tag application during group open                              PASSED
Testing tag application during dataset open                            PASSED
Testing tag application during dataset write                           PASSED
Testing tag application during dataset read                            PASSED
Testing tag application during dataset storage size retrieval          PASSED
Testing tag application during dataset extend                          PASSED
Testing tag application during object info retrieval                   PASSED
Testing tag application during object copy                             PASSED
Testing tag application during link name retrieval                     PASSED
Testing tag application during external link creation                  PASSED
Testing tag application during external link open                      PASSED
Testing tag application during dense attribute manipulation            PASSED
Testing tag application during iteration over links in a group         PASSED
Testing failure on invalid tag application                             -SKIP-
    test skipped because sanity checking on tag value is disabled.
Testing: lheap 
Test log for lheap 
Testing local heap write                                               PASSED
Testing local heap read                                                PASSED
Testing opening pre-created file with non-default sizes                PASSED
All local heap tests passed.
Testing: ohdr 
Test log for ohdr 
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing object header continuation block                               PASSED
Testing object header creation                                         PASSED
Testing message creation                                               PASSED
Testing message modification                                           PASSED
Testing object header overflow in memory                               PASSED
Testing close & re-open object header                                  PASSED
Testing object header overflow on disk                                 PASSED
Testing message deletion                                               PASSED
Testing constant message handling                                      PASSED
Testing object header closing                                          PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message and no flags set            PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'shareable' flag set      PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/o file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object with unknown header message & 'mark if unknown' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown and open for write' flag set PASSED
Testing object in r/w file with unknown header message & 'fail if unknown always' flag set PASSED
Testing object header creation in cache                                PASSED
Testing adding attributes to datasets created with H5Pset_dset_no_attrs_hint() PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons                 PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers size comparisons (compact)       PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with filter message              PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with modification times          PASSED
Testing minimized dset object headers with fill values and different libver support PASSED
Testing Fix for CVE-2020-10810                                         PASSED
Testing exercise the coding for the re-read of the object header for SWMR access: latest-format PASSED
Testing exercise the coding for the re-read of the object header for SWMR access: non-latest-format PASSED
All object header tests passed.
Testing: stab 
Test log for stab 
Testing miscellaneous group tests                                      PASSED
Testing long names                                                     PASSED
Testing large directories                                              PASSED
Testing miscellaneous group tests (w/new group format)                 PASSED
Testing long names (w/new group format)                                PASSED
Testing large directories (w/new group format)                         PASSED
Testing group lifecycle                                                PASSED
Testing long link names in compact groups                              PASSED
Testing reading old groups                                             PASSED
Testing group without compact form                                     PASSED
Testing setting root group creation properties                         PASSED
Testing old API routines                                               PASSED
Testing corrupt symbol table message                                   PASSED
All symbol table tests passed.
Testing: gheap 
Test log for gheap 
Testing monotonically increasing lengths                               PASSED
Testing monotonically decreasing lengths                               PASSED
Testing complete object removal                                        PASSED
Testing partial object removal                                         PASSED
Testing out of order indices                                           PASSED
All global heap tests passed.
Testing: evict_on_close 
Test log for evict_on_close 
Testing evict-on-close cache behavior
Testing evict on close API                                             PASSED
Testing generating evict-on-close test file                            PASSED
Testing evict on close with version 1 B-tree chunk index               PASSED
Testing evict on close with extensible array chunk index               PASSED
Testing evict on close with version 2 B-tree chunk index               PASSED
Testing evict on close with fixed array chunk index                    PASSED
Testing evict on close with 'single chunk' chunk index                 PASSED
Testing evict on close with contiguous layout                          PASSED
Testing evict on close with compact layout                             PASSED
Testing evict on close with old-style groups                           PASSED
Testing evict on close with new-style groups                           PASSED
All evict-on-close tests passed.
Testing: farray 
Test log for farray 
***Express test mode 3.  Some tests may be skipped
Testing invalid fixed array creation parameters                        -SKIP-
Testing fixed array creation                                           PASSED
Testing verify array creation parameters                               PASSED
Testing create, close & reopen fixed array                             PASSED
Testing open fixed array twice                                         PASSED
Testing open fixed array twice, through different file handles         PASSED
Testing deleting open fixed array                                      PASSED
Testing with forward iteration
Testing setting 1 element of the array                                 PASSED
Testing setting half of the array's elements                           PASSED
Testing setting all the array elements                                 PASSED
Testing with reverse iteration
Testing setting 1 element of the array                                 PASSED
Testing setting half of the array's elements                           PASSED
Testing setting all the array elements                                 PASSED
Testing with random iteration
Testing setting 1 element of the array                                 PASSED
Testing setting half of the array's elements                           PASSED
Testing setting all the array elements                                 PASSED
Testing with cyclic iteration
Testing setting 1 element of the array                                 PASSED
Testing setting half of the array's elements                           PASSED
Testing setting all the array elements                                 PASSED
Testing skipping to first element                                      PASSED
Testing skipping to first element in data block page                   PASSED
Testing skipping to last element                                       PASSED
Testing skipping to last element                                       PASSED
Testing with reopen array flag set
Testing invalid fixed array creation parameters                        -SKIP-
Testing fixed array creation                                           PASSED
Testing verify array creation parameters                               PASSED
Testing create, close & reopen fixed array                             PASSED
Testing open fixed array twice                                         PASSED
Testing open fixed array twice, through different file handles         PASSED
Testing deleting open fixed array                                      PASSED
Testing with forward iteration
Testing setting 1 element of the array                                 PASSED
Testing setting half of the array's elements                           PASSED
Testing setting all the array elements                                 PASSED
Testing with reverse iteration
Testing setting 1 element of the array                                 PASSED
Testing setting half of the array's elements                           PASSED
Testing setting all the array elements                                 PASSED
Testing with random iteration
Testing setting 1 element of the array                                 PASSED
Testing setting half of the array's elements                           PASSED
Testing setting all the array elements                                 PASSED
Testing with cyclic iteration
Testing setting 1 element of the array                                 PASSED
Testing setting half of the array's elements                           PASSED
Testing setting all the array elements                                 PASSED
Testing skipping to first element                                      PASSED
Testing skipping to first element in data block page                   PASSED
Testing skipping to last element                                       PASSED
Testing skipping to last element                                       PASSED
All fixed array tests passed.
Testing: earray 
Test log for earray 
***Express test mode 3.  Some tests may be skipped
Testing with normal parameters
Testing invalid extensible array creation parameters                   -SKIP-
Testing extensible array creation                                      PASSED
Testing verify array creation parameters                               PASSED
Testing create, close & reopen extensible array                        PASSED
Testing open extensible array twice                                    PASSED
Testing open extensible array twice, through different file handles    PASSED
Testing deleting open extensible array                                 PASSED
Testing with forward iteration
Testing setting first element of array                                 PASSED
Testing setting index block elements of array                          PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #0                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #0                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #1                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #1                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #2                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #2                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #3                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #3                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #4                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #4                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #5                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #5                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #6                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #6                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #7                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #7                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #8                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #8                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #9                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #9                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #10                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #10                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #11                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #11                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #12                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #12                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #13                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #13                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #14                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #14                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #15                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #15                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #16                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #16                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #17                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #17                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #18                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #18                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #19                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #19                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #20                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #20                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #21                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #21                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #22                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #22                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #23                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #23                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #24                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #24                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #25                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #25                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #26                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #26                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #27                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #27                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #28                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #28                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #29                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #29                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #30                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #30                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #31                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #31                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #32                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #32                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #33                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #33                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #34                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #34                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #35                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #35                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #36                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #36                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #37                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #37                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #38                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #38                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #39                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #39                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #40                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #40                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #41                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #41                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #42                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #42                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #43                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #43                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #44                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #44                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #45                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #45                 PASSED
Testing with reverse iteration
Testing setting first element of array                                 PASSED
Testing setting index block elements of array                          PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #0                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #0                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #1                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #1                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #2                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #2                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #3                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #3                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #4                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #4                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #5                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #5                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #6                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #6                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #7                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #7                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #8                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #8                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #9                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #9                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #10                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #10                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #11                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #11                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #12                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #12                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #13                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #13                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #14                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #14                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #15                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #15                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #16                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #16                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #17                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #17                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #18                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #18                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #19                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #19                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #20                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #20                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #21                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #21                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #22                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #22                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #23                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #23                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #24                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #24                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #25                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #25                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #26                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #26                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #27                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #27                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #28                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #28                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #29                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #29                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #30                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #30                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #31                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #31                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #32                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #32                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #33                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #33                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #34                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #34                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #35                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #35                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #36                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #36                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #37                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #37                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #38                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #38                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #39                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #39                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #40                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #40                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #41                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #41                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #42                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #42                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #43                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #43                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #44                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #44                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #45                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #45                 PASSED
Testing with random iteration
Testing setting first element of array                                 PASSED
Testing setting index block elements of array                          PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #0                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #0                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #1                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #1                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #2                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #2                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #3                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #3                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #4                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #4                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #5                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #5                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #6                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #6                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #7                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #7                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #8                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #8                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #9                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #9                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #10                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #10                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #11                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #11                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #12                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #12                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #13                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #13                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #14                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #14                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #15                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #15                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #16                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #16                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #17                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #17                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #18                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #18                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #19                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #19                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #20                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #20                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #21                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #21                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #22                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #22                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #23                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #23                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #24                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #24                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #25                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #25                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #26                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #26                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #27                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #27                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #28                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #28                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #29                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #29                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #30                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #30                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #31                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #31                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #32                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #32                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #33                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #33                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #34                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #34                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #35                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #35                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #36                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #36                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #37                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #37                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #38                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #38                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #39                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #39                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #40                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #40                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #41                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #41                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #42                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #42                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #43                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #43                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #44                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #44                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #45                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #45                 PASSED
Testing with cyclic iteration
Testing setting first element of array                                 PASSED
Testing setting index block elements of array                          PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #0                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #0                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #1                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #1                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #2                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #2                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #3                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #3                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #4                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #4                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #5                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #5                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #6                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #6                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #7                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #7                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #8                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #8                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #9                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #9                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #10                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #10                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #11                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #11                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #12                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #12                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #13                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #13                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #14                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #14                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #15                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #15                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #16                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #16                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #17                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #17                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #18                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #18                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #19                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #19                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #20                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #20                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #21                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #21                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #22                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #22                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #23                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #23                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #24                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #24                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #25                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #25                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #26                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #26                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #27                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #27                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #28                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #28                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #29                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #29                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #30                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #30                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #31                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #31                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #32                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #32                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #33                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #33                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #34                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #34                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #35                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #35                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #36                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #36                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #37                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #37                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #38                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #38                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #39                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #39                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #40                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #40                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #41                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #41                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #42                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #42                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #43                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #43                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #44                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #44                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #45                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #45                 PASSED
Testing with random #2 iteration
Testing setting first element of array                                 PASSED
Testing setting index block elements of array                          PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #0                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #0                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #1                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #1                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #2                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #2                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #3                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #3                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #4                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #4                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #5                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #5                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #6                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #6                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #7                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #7                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #8                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #8                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #9                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #9                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #10                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #10                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #11                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #11                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #12                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #12                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #13                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #13                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #14                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #14                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #15                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #15                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #16                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #16                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #17                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #17                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #18                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #18                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #19                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #19                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #20                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #20                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #21                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #21                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #22                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #22                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #23                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #23                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #24                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #24                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #25                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #25                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #26                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #26                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #27                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #27                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #28                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #28                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #29                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #29                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #30                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #30                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #31                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #31                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #32                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #32                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #33                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #33                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #34                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #34                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #35                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #35                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #36                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #36                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #37                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #37                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #38                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #38                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #39                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #39                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #40                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #40                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #41                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #41                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #42                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #42                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #43                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #43                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #44                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #44                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #45                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #45                 PASSED
Testing skipping 1st element                                           PASSED
Testing skipping index block elements                                  PASSED
Testing skipping index block & data block elements                     PASSED
Testing skipping 1st super block elements                              PASSED
Testing skipping 2nd super block elements                              PASSED
Testing skipping 3rd super block elements                              PASSED
Testing skipping 4th super block elements                              PASSED
Testing with reopen array flag set
Testing invalid extensible array creation parameters                   -SKIP-
Testing extensible array creation                                      PASSED
Testing verify array creation parameters                               PASSED
Testing create, close & reopen extensible array                        PASSED
Testing open extensible array twice                                    PASSED
Testing open extensible array twice, through different file handles    PASSED
Testing deleting open extensible array                                 PASSED
Testing with forward iteration
Testing setting first element of array                                 PASSED
Testing setting index block elements of array                          PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #0                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #0                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #1                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #1                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #2                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #2                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #3                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #3                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #4                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #4                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #5                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #5                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #6                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #6                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #7                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #7                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #8                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #8                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #9                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #9                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #10                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #10                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #11                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #11                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #12                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #12                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #13                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #13                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #14                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #14                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #15                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #15                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #16                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #16                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #17                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #17                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #18                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #18                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #19                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #19                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #20                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #20                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #21                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #21                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #22                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #22                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #23                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #23                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #24                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #24                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #25                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #25                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #26                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #26                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #27                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #27                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #28                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #28                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #29                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #29                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #30                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #30                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #31                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #31                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #32                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #32                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #33                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #33                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #34                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #34                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #35                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #35                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #36                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #36                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #37                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #37                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #38                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #38                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #39                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #39                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #40                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #40                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #41                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #41                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #42                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #42                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #43                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #43                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #44                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #44                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #45                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #45                 PASSED
Testing with reverse iteration
Testing setting first element of array                                 PASSED
Testing setting index block elements of array                          PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #0                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #0                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #1                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #1                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #2                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #2                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #3                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #3                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #4                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #4                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #5                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #5                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #6                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #6                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #7                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #7                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #8                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #8                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #9                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #9                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #10                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #10                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #11                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #11                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #12                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #12                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #13                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #13                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #14                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #14                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #15                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #15                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #16                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #16                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #17                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #17                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #18                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #18                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #19                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #19                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #20                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #20                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #21                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #21                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #22                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #22                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #23                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #23                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #24                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #24                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #25                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #25                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #26                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #26                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #27                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #27                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #28                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #28                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #29                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #29                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #30                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #30                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #31                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #31                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #32                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #32                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #33                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #33                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #34                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #34                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #35                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #35                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #36                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #36                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #37                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #37                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #38                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #38                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #39                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #39                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #40                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #40                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #41                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #41                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #42                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #42                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #43                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #43                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #44                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #44                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #45                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #45                 PASSED
Testing with random iteration
Testing setting first element of array                                 PASSED
Testing setting index block elements of array                          PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #0                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #0                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #1                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #1                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #2                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #2                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #3                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #3                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #4                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #4                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #5                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #5                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #6                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #6                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #7                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #7                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #8                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #8                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #9                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #9                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #10                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #10                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #11                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #11                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #12                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #12                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #13                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #13                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #14                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #14                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #15                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #15                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #16                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #16                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #17                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #17                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #18                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #18                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #19                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #19                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #20                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #20                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #21                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #21                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #22                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #22                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #23                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #23                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #24                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #24                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #25                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #25                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #26                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #26                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #27                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #27                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #28                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #28                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #29                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #29                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #30                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #30                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #31                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #31                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #32                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #32                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #33                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #33                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #34                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #34                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #35                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #35                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #36                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #36                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #37                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #37                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #38                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #38                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #39                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #39                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #40                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #40                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #41                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #41                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #42                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #42                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #43                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #43                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #44                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #44                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #45                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #45                 PASSED
Testing with cyclic iteration
Testing setting first element of array                                 PASSED
Testing setting index block elements of array                          PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #0                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #0                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #1                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #1                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #2                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #2                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #3                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #3                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #4                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #4                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #5                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #5                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #6                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #6                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #7                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #7                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #8                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #8                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #9                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #9                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #10                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #10                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #11                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #11                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #12                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #12                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #13                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #13                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #14                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #14                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #15                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #15                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #16                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #16                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #17                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #17                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #18                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #18                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #19                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #19                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #20                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #20                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #21                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #21                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #22                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #22                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #23                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #23                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #24                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #24                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #25                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #25                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #26                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #26                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #27                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #27                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #28                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #28                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #29                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #29                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #30                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #30                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #31                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #31                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #32                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #32                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #33                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #33                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #34                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #34                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #35                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #35                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #36                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #36                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #37                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #37                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #38                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #38                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #39                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #39                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #40                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #40                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #41                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #41                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #42                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #42                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #43                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #43                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #44                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #44                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #45                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #45                 PASSED
Testing with random #2 iteration
Testing setting first element of array                                 PASSED
Testing setting index block elements of array                          PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #0                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #0                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #1                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #1                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #2                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #2                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #3                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #3                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #4                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #4                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #5                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #5                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #6                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #6                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #7                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #7                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #8                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #8                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #9                 PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #9                  PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #10                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #10                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #11                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #11                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #12                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #12                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #13                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #13                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #14                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #14                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #15                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #15                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #16                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #16                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #17                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #17                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #18                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #18                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #19                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #19                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #20                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #20                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #21                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #21                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #22                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #22                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #23                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #23                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #24                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #24                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #25                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #25                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #26                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #26                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #27                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #27                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #28                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #28                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #29                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #29                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #30                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #30                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #31                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #31                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #32                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #32                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #33                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #33                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #34                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #34                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #35                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #35                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #36                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #36                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #37                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #37                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #38                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #38                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #39                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #39                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #40                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #40                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #41                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #41                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #42                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #42                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #43                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #43                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #44                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #44                 PASSED
Testing setting first element of array's data block #45                PASSED
Testing setting all elements of array's data block #45                 PASSED
Testing skipping 1st element                                           PASSED
Testing skipping index block elements                                  PASSED
Testing skipping index block & data block elements                     PASSED
Testing skipping 1st super block elements                              PASSED
Testing skipping 2nd super block elements                              PASSED
Testing skipping 3rd super block elements                              PASSED
Testing skipping 4th super block elements                              PASSED
All extensible array tests passed.
Testing: btree2 
Test log for btree2 
***Express test mode 3.  Some tests may be skipped
Testing without reopening B-tree:
Testing B-tree creation                                                PASSED
Testing B-tree iteration: empty B-tree                                 PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: first record                                    PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: several records                                 PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split root                                      PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistribute 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (l->r)  PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistribute 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (r->l)  PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split side leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (l->r) PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split side leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (r->l) PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistribute 3 leaves in level 1 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split middle leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: make level 2 B-tree                             PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistrib right-most leaf in level 2 B-tree     PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistrib left-most leaf in level 2 B-tree      PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistrib middle leaf in level 2 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split right-most leaf in level 2 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split left-most leaf in level 2 B-tree          PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split middle leaf in level 2 B-tree             PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redist. 2 internal (r->l) in level 2 B-tree     PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redist. 2 internal (l->r) in level 2 B-tree     PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split side internal node to 2 in level 2 B-tree (r->l) PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split side internal node to 2 in level 2 B-tree (l->2) PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistrib 3 internals in level 2 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split 3 internals to 4 in level 2 B-tree        PASSED
***Express test mode on.  test_insert_lots skipped
Testing B-tree update: inserting first record in empty B-tree          PASSED
Testing B-tree update: update only record in B-tree                    PASSED
Testing B-tree update: insert several records                          PASSED
Testing B-tree update: update several records                          PASSED
Testing B-tree update: split root                                      PASSED
Testing B-tree update: redistribute 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (l->r)  PASSED
Testing B-tree update: redistribute 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (r->l)  PASSED
Testing B-tree update: split side leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (l->r) PASSED
Testing B-tree update: split side leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (r->l) PASSED
Testing B-tree update: redistribute 3 leaves in level 1 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree update: split middle leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree PASSED
Testing B-tree update: make level 2 B-tree (l->r)                      PASSED
Testing B-tree update: make level 2 B-tree (r->l)                      PASSED
Testing B-tree update: make level 2 B-tree (l+r->middle)               PASSED
***Express test mode on.  test_update_lots skipped
Testing B-tree remove: record from empty B-tree                        PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: non-existent record from 1 record B-tree        PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: existent record from 1 record B-tree            PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: adding records to B-tree after removal          PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: non-existent record from level-0 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: mult. existent records from level-0 B-tree      PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: non-existent record from level-1 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: record from right leaf of level-1 B-tree        PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: record from left leaf of level-1 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: record from middle leaf of level-1 B-tree       PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: redistribute 2 leaves in level-1 B-tree (r->l)  PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: redistribute 2 leaves in level-1 B-tree (l->r)  PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: redistribute 3 leaves in level-1 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 2 leaves to 1 in level-1 B-tree (r->l)    PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 2 leaves to 1 in level-1 B-tree (l->r)    PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 3 leaves to 2 in level-1 B-tree           PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from right leaf of level-1 B-tree       PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from left leaf of level-1 B-tree        PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from middle leaf of level-1 B-tree      PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from leaf of level-1 B-tree w/2 node redistrib PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from leaf of level-1 B-tree w/3 node redistrib PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from leaf of level-1 B-tree w/2->1 merge PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from leaf of level-1 B-tree w/3->2 merge PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: collapse level-1 B-tree back to level-0         PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from right internal of level-2 B-tree   PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from left internal of level-2 B-tree    PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from middle internal of level-2 B-tree  PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote record from root of level-2 B-tree      PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from right internal of level-2 B-tree w/redistrib PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from left internal of level-2 B-tree w/redistrib PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from right internal of level-2 B-tree w/merge PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from middle internal of level-2 B-tree w/merge PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 2 internal nodes to 1 in level-2 B-tree (l->r) PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 2 internal nodes to 1 in level-2 B-tree (r->l) PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 3 internal nodes to 2 in level-2 B-tree   PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: collapse level-2 B-tree back to level-1 (r->l)  PASSED
***Express test mode on.  test_remove_lots skipped
Testing B-tree find: nearest neighbor less than a value                PASSED
Testing B-tree find: nearest neighbor greater than a value             PASSED
Testing B-tree delete: delete empty B-tree                             PASSED
Testing B-tree delete: delete level-0 B-tree                           PASSED
Testing B-tree delete: delete level-1 B-tree                           PASSED
Testing B-tree delete: delete level-2 B-tree                           PASSED
Testing B-tree modify: attempt to modify non-existent record           PASSED
Testing B-tree modify: modify record in leaf node                      PASSED
Testing B-tree modify: modify record in internal node                  PASSED
Testing B-tree modify: modify record in root node                      PASSED
Testing with reopening B-tree:
Testing B-tree creation                                                PASSED
Testing B-tree iteration: empty B-tree                                 PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: first record                                    PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: several records                                 PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split root                                      PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistribute 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (l->r)  PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistribute 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (r->l)  PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split side leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (l->r) PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split side leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (r->l) PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistribute 3 leaves in level 1 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split middle leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: make level 2 B-tree                             PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistrib right-most leaf in level 2 B-tree     PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistrib left-most leaf in level 2 B-tree      PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistrib middle leaf in level 2 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split right-most leaf in level 2 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split left-most leaf in level 2 B-tree          PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split middle leaf in level 2 B-tree             PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redist. 2 internal (r->l) in level 2 B-tree     PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redist. 2 internal (l->r) in level 2 B-tree     PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split side internal node to 2 in level 2 B-tree (r->l) PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split side internal node to 2 in level 2 B-tree (l->2) PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: redistrib 3 internals in level 2 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree insert: split 3 internals to 4 in level 2 B-tree        PASSED
***Express test mode on.  test_insert_lots skipped
Testing B-tree update: inserting first record in empty B-tree          PASSED
Testing B-tree update: update only record in B-tree                    PASSED
Testing B-tree update: insert several records                          PASSED
Testing B-tree update: update several records                          PASSED
Testing B-tree update: split root                                      PASSED
Testing B-tree update: redistribute 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (l->r)  PASSED
Testing B-tree update: redistribute 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (r->l)  PASSED
Testing B-tree update: split side leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (l->r) PASSED
Testing B-tree update: split side leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree (r->l) PASSED
Testing B-tree update: redistribute 3 leaves in level 1 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree update: split middle leaf into 2 leaves in level 1 B-tree PASSED
Testing B-tree update: make level 2 B-tree (l->r)                      PASSED
Testing B-tree update: make level 2 B-tree (r->l)                      PASSED
Testing B-tree update: make level 2 B-tree (l+r->middle)               PASSED
***Express test mode on.  test_update_lots skipped
Testing B-tree remove: record from empty B-tree                        PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: non-existent record from 1 record B-tree        PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: existent record from 1 record B-tree            PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: adding records to B-tree after removal          PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: non-existent record from level-0 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: mult. existent records from level-0 B-tree      PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: non-existent record from level-1 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: record from right leaf of level-1 B-tree        PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: record from left leaf of level-1 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: record from middle leaf of level-1 B-tree       PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: redistribute 2 leaves in level-1 B-tree (r->l)  PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: redistribute 2 leaves in level-1 B-tree (l->r)  PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: redistribute 3 leaves in level-1 B-tree         PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 2 leaves to 1 in level-1 B-tree (r->l)    PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 2 leaves to 1 in level-1 B-tree (l->r)    PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 3 leaves to 2 in level-1 B-tree           PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from right leaf of level-1 B-tree       PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from left leaf of level-1 B-tree        PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from middle leaf of level-1 B-tree      PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from leaf of level-1 B-tree w/2 node redistrib PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from leaf of level-1 B-tree w/3 node redistrib PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from leaf of level-1 B-tree w/2->1 merge PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from leaf of level-1 B-tree w/3->2 merge PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: collapse level-1 B-tree back to level-0         PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from right internal of level-2 B-tree   PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from left internal of level-2 B-tree    PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from middle internal of level-2 B-tree  PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote record from root of level-2 B-tree      PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from right internal of level-2 B-tree w/redistrib PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from left internal of level-2 B-tree w/redistrib PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from right internal of level-2 B-tree w/merge PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: promote from middle internal of level-2 B-tree w/merge PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 2 internal nodes to 1 in level-2 B-tree (l->r) PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 2 internal nodes to 1 in level-2 B-tree (r->l) PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: merge 3 internal nodes to 2 in level-2 B-tree   PASSED
Testing B-tree remove: collapse level-2 B-tree back to level-1 (r->l)  PASSED
***Express test mode on.  test_remove_lots skipped
Testing B-tree find: nearest neighbor less than a value                PASSED
Testing B-tree find: nearest neighbor greater than a value             PASSED
Testing B-tree delete: delete empty B-tree                             PASSED
Testing B-tree delete: delete level-0 B-tree                           PASSED
Testing B-tree delete: delete level-1 B-tree                           PASSED
Testing B-tree delete: delete level-2 B-tree                           PASSED
Testing B-tree modify: attempt to modify non-existent record           PASSED
Testing B-tree modify: modify record in leaf node                      PASSED
Testing B-tree modify: modify record in internal node                  PASSED
Testing B-tree modify: modify record in root node                      PASSED
Testing open B-tree twice, through different file handles              PASSED
All v2 B-tree tests passed.
Testing: fheap 
Test log for fheap 
***Express test mode 3.  Some tests may be skipped
Testing with normal parameters
Testing fractal heap creation                                          PASSED
Testing query heap creation parameters                                 PASSED
Testing create, close & reopen fractal heap                            PASSED
Testing open fractal heap twice                                        PASSED
Testing deleting open fractal heap                                     PASSED
Testing limits of heap ID lengths                                      PASSED
Testing creating heaps with I/O filters                                PASSED
Testing querying heap statistics                                       PASSED
Testing reopening header through different file                        PASSED
Testing inserting 'weird' sized objects into absolute heap             PASSED
***Express test mode on.  test_man_start_5th_recursive_indirect is skipped
Testing removing bad heap IDs from absolute heap                       PASSED
Testing removing single object from absolute heap                      PASSED
Testing removing two objects from absolute heap                        PASSED
Testing removing single larger object from absolute heap               PASSED
Testing removing two larger objects from absolute heap (forward)       PASSED
Testing removing two larger objects from absolute heap (reverse)       PASSED
Testing removing three larger objects from absolute heap (forward)     PASSED
Testing removing three larger objects from absolute heap (reverse)     PASSED
Testing incremental object insertion and removal                       PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing inserting 'weird' sized objects into absolute heap             PASSED
***Express test mode on.  test_man_start_5th_recursive_indirect is skipped
Testing removing bad heap IDs from absolute heap                       PASSED
Testing removing single object from absolute heap                      PASSED
Testing removing two objects from absolute heap                        PASSED
Testing removing single larger object from absolute heap               PASSED
Testing removing two larger objects from absolute heap (forward)       PASSED
Testing removing two larger objects from absolute heap (reverse)       PASSED
Testing removing three larger objects from absolute heap (forward)     PASSED
Testing removing three larger objects from absolute heap (reverse)     PASSED
Testing incremental object insertion and removal                       PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - forward)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)   PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - forward)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)   PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - forward)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)   PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one 'managed' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert two 'managed' objects into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - random) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects with power of 2 distribution in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - random) PASSED
Testing insert one 'managed' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert two 'managed' objects into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - random) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects with power of 2 distribution in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - random) PASSED
Testing insert one 'managed' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert two 'managed' objects into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects with power of 2 distribution in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing writing objects in heap                                        PASSED
Testing writing objects in heap with compressed blocks                 PASSED
Testing with reopen heap flag set
Testing fractal heap creation                                          PASSED
Testing query heap creation parameters                                 PASSED
Testing create, close & reopen fractal heap                            PASSED
Testing open fractal heap twice                                        PASSED
Testing deleting open fractal heap                                     PASSED
Testing limits of heap ID lengths                                      PASSED
Testing creating heaps with I/O filters                                PASSED
Testing querying heap statistics                                       PASSED
Testing reopening header through different file                        PASSED
Testing inserting 'weird' sized objects into absolute heap             PASSED
***Express test mode on.  test_man_start_5th_recursive_indirect is skipped
Testing removing bad heap IDs from absolute heap                       PASSED
Testing removing single object from absolute heap                      PASSED
Testing removing two objects from absolute heap                        PASSED
Testing removing single larger object from absolute heap               PASSED
Testing removing two larger objects from absolute heap (forward)       PASSED
Testing removing two larger objects from absolute heap (reverse)       PASSED
Testing removing three larger objects from absolute heap (forward)     PASSED
Testing removing three larger objects from absolute heap (reverse)     PASSED
Testing incremental object insertion and removal                       PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing inserting 'weird' sized objects into absolute heap             PASSED
***Express test mode on.  test_man_start_5th_recursive_indirect is skipped
Testing removing bad heap IDs from absolute heap                       PASSED
Testing removing single object from absolute heap                      PASSED
Testing removing two objects from absolute heap                        PASSED
Testing removing single larger object from absolute heap               PASSED
Testing removing two larger objects from absolute heap (forward)       PASSED
Testing removing two larger objects from absolute heap (reverse)       PASSED
Testing removing three larger objects from absolute heap (forward)     PASSED
Testing removing three larger objects from absolute heap (reverse)     PASSED
Testing incremental object insertion and removal                       PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - forward) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (half, refill, all - reverse) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from root direct block of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from two direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first row of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first two rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing removing all objects from first four rows of direct blocks of absolute heap (all - deleting heap) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing inserting object that is too large for starting block, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding object back to first block, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping starting block, then adding objects to backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert object to initial block, then add object too large for starting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping blocks with indirect root, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling first row, then skipping rows, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing skipping direct blocks to last row and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping blocks in non-root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping row of non-root indirect blocks, then skip row of direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks and skipping two rows of root indirect block, skip one row of root indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first rows of direct blocks of 3rd level indirect block's 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first row of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, and skip first two rows of indirect blocks of 3rd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, except last one, fill all direct blocks in last 3rd level indirect block, and insert object too large for it's 2nd level indirect blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing filling direct blocks, filling 2nd level indirect blocks, filling first row of 3rd level indirect blocks, fill all direct blocks in next 3rd level indirect block, fill all 1st row of 2nd level indirect blocks, except last one, and insert object too large for 2nd level indirect block, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing fragmenting small blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fragmenting direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks, then fragment 2nd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing fill root direct blocks and 2nd level indirect blocks, then fragment 3rd level indirect block's direct blocks, then backfill and extend, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - forward)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)   PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - forward)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)   PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - forward)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - forward)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - forward)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - reverse)         PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - reverse)            PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse)           PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert one huge object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert three huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)   PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal & huge objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert 'huge' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one tiny object, then remove (all - deleting heap)      PASSED
Testing insert two tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap)     PASSED
Testing insert mix of normal, huge & tiny objects, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert one 'managed' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing insert two 'managed' objects into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - forward) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - random) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects with power of 2 distribution in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - random) PASSED
Testing insert one 'managed' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing insert two 'managed' objects into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - reverse) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - random) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects with power of 2 distribution in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - random) PASSED
Testing insert one 'managed' object into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing insert two 'managed' objects into heap with I/O filters, then remove (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
Testing inserting random-sized objects with power of 2 distribution in heap with compressed blocks, then remove all objects (all - deleting heap) PASSED
***Express test mode on.  Some tests skipped
Testing writing objects in heap                                        PASSED
Testing writing objects in heap with compressed blocks                 PASSED
Testing bug1: inserting several objects & removing one, then re-inserting PASSED
All fractal heap tests passed.
Testing: accum 
Test log for accum 
Testing the metadata accumulator
Testing simple write/read to/from metadata accumulator                 PASSED
Testing simple write/read to/from before metadata accumulator          PASSED
Testing simple write/read to/from after metadata accumulator           PASSED
Testing overlapping write to metadata accumulator                      PASSED
Testing overlapping write to partially clean metadata accumulator      PASSED
Testing overlapping write to accumulator larger then accum_size        PASSED
Testing non-overlapping write to accumulator larger then accum_size    PASSED
Testing accumulator adjustments after append/prepend of data           PASSED
Testing reading data from both accumulator and disk                    PASSED
Testing simple freeing metadata accumulator                            PASSED
Testing large metadata I/O operations                                  PASSED
Testing random writes to accumulator                                   PASSED
Testing SWMR write of large metadata: with latest format               PASSED
Testing SWMR write of large metadata: with non-latest-format           PASSED
All metadata accumulator tests passed.
Testing: hyperslab 
Test log for hyperslab 
Test sizes:  SMALL MEDIUM
Testing hyperslab fill 11          variable hyperslab                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab fill 11x10       variable hyperslab                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab fill 3x5x5       variable hyperslab                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab fill 113         variable hyperslab                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab fill 15x11       variable hyperslab                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab fill 5x7x7       variable hyperslab                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 11          variable source                     PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 11          variable destination                PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 11          sync source & dest                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 179         variable source                     PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 179         variable destination                PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 179         sync source & dest                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 11x10       variable source                     PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 11x10       variable destination                PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 11x10       sync source & dest                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 13x19       variable source                     PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 13x19       variable destination                PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 13x19       sync source & dest                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 73x67       variable source                     PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 73x67       variable destination                PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 73x67       sync source & dest                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 3x5x5       variable source                     PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 3x5x5       variable destination                PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 3x5x5       sync source & dest                  PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 7x9x5       variable source                     PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 7x9x5       variable destination                PASSED
Testing hyperslab copy 7x9x5       sync source & dest                  PASSED
Testing multi-byte fill value                                          PASSED
Testing multi-byte fill value                                          PASSED
Testing endian conversion by stride                                    PASSED
Testing 2d transpose by stride    9x9d                                 PASSED
Testing 2d transpose by stride    3x11d                                PASSED
Testing endian conversion by stride                                    PASSED
Testing 2d transpose by stride 1200x1200d                              PASSED
Testing 2d transpose by stride  800x1800d                              PASSED
Testing image sampling   10x20   to    5x10                            PASSED
Testing image sampling    5x10   to   10x20                            PASSED
Testing image sampling  960x1280 to  480x640                           PASSED
Testing image sampling  480x640  to  960x1280                          PASSED
Testing array filling    1-9    elements                               PASSED
Testing array filling    9-257  elements                               PASSED
Testing array offset   13x  11x   7 elements                           PASSED
Testing array offset  347x 193x  71 elements                           PASSED
All hyperslab tests passed.
Testing: istore 
Test log for istore 
Testing istore create                                                  PASSED
Testing istore extend: 10                                              PASSED
Testing istore extend: 10x10                                           PASSED
Testing istore extend: 10x10x10                                        PASSED
Testing istore extend: 10000                                           PASSED
Testing istore extend: 2500x10                                         PASSED
Testing istore extend: 10x400x10                                       PASSED
Testing istore sparse: 5                                               PASSED
Testing istore sparse: 3x4                                             PASSED
Testing istore sparse: 2x3x4                                           PASSED
Testing istore sparse: 30                                              PASSED
Testing istore sparse: 7x3                                             PASSED
Testing istore sparse: 4x2x3                                           PASSED
Testing istore sparse: 50x50x50                                        PASSED
All i-store tests passed.
Testing: bittests 
Test log for bittests 
Testing bit search operations                                          PASSED
Testing bit set operations                                             PASSED
Testing bit clear operations                                           PASSED
Testing bit copy operations                                            PASSED
Testing bit shift operations                                           PASSED
Testing bit increment operations                                       PASSED
Testing bit decrement operations                                       PASSED
Testing bit negate operations                                          PASSED
All bit tests passed.
Testing: dt_arith 
Test log for dt_arith 
Testing non-aligned conversions (ALIGNMENT=1)....
Testing query functions of compiler conversion                         PASSED
Testing user-defined and query functions of floating-point types       PASSED
Testing user-defined and query functions of integer types              PASSED
Testing noop float -> float conversions                                PASSED
Testing noop double -> double conversions                              PASSED
Testing noop long double -> long double conversions                    PASSED
Testing noop _Float16 -> _Float16 conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard normalized float -> double conversions                    PASSED
Testing hard normalized double -> float conversions                    PASSED
Testing hard normalized float -> long double conversions               PASSED
Testing hard normalized double -> long double conversions              PASSED
Testing hard normalized long double -> float conversions               PASSED
Testing hard normalized long double -> double conversions              PASSED
Testing hard normalized _Float16 -> float conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard normalized _Float16 -> double conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard normalized float -> _Float16 conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard normalized double -> _Float16 conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard normalized _Float16 -> long double conversions            PASSED
Testing hard normalized long double -> _Float16 conversions            PASSED
Testing hard denormalized float -> double conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard denormalized double -> float conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard denormalized float -> long double conversions             PASSED
Testing hard denormalized double -> long double conversions            PASSED
Testing hard denormalized long double -> float conversions             PASSED
Testing hard denormalized long double -> double conversions            PASSED
Testing hard denormalized _Float16 -> float conversions                PASSED
Testing hard denormalized _Float16 -> double conversions               PASSED
Testing hard denormalized float -> _Float16 conversions                PASSED
Testing hard denormalized double -> _Float16 conversions               PASSED
Testing hard denormalized _Float16 -> long double conversions          PASSED
Testing hard denormalized long double -> _Float16 conversions          PASSED
Testing hard special float -> double conversions                       PASSED
Testing hard special double -> float conversions                       PASSED
Testing hard special float -> long double conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard special double -> long double conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard special long double -> float conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard special long double -> double conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard special _Float16 -> float conversions                     PASSED
Testing hard special _Float16 -> double conversions                    PASSED
Testing hard special float -> _Float16 conversions                     PASSED
Testing hard special double -> _Float16 conversions                    PASSED
Testing hard special _Float16 -> long double conversions               PASSED
Testing hard special long double -> _Float16 conversions               PASSED
Testing hard signed char -> unsigned char conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard signed char -> short conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard signed char -> unsigned short conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard signed char -> int conversions                            PASSED
Testing hard signed char -> unsigned int conversions                   PASSED
Testing hard signed char -> long conversions                           PASSED
Testing hard signed char -> unsigned long conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard unsigned char -> signed char conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard unsigned char -> short conversions                        PASSED
Testing hard unsigned char -> unsigned short conversions               PASSED
Testing hard unsigned char -> int conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard unsigned char -> unsigned int conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard unsigned char -> long conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard unsigned char -> unsigned long conversions                PASSED
Testing hard short -> signed char conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard short -> unsigned char conversions                        PASSED
Testing hard short -> unsigned short conversions                       PASSED
Testing hard short -> int conversions                                  PASSED
Testing hard short -> unsigned int conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard short -> long conversions                                 PASSED
Testing hard short -> unsigned long conversions                        PASSED
Testing hard unsigned short -> signed char conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard unsigned short -> unsigned char conversions               PASSED
Testing hard unsigned short -> short conversions                       PASSED
Testing hard unsigned short -> int conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard unsigned short -> unsigned int conversions                PASSED
Testing hard unsigned short -> long conversions                        PASSED
Testing hard unsigned short -> unsigned long conversions               PASSED
Testing hard int -> signed char conversions                            PASSED
Testing hard int -> unsigned char conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard int -> short conversions                                  PASSED
Testing hard int -> unsigned short conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard int -> unsigned int conversions                           PASSED
Testing hard int -> long conversions                                   PASSED
Testing hard int -> unsigned long conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard unsigned int -> signed char conversions                   PASSED
Testing hard unsigned int -> unsigned char conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard unsigned int -> short conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard unsigned int -> unsigned short conversions                PASSED
Testing hard unsigned int -> int conversions                           PASSED
Testing hard unsigned int -> long conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard unsigned int -> unsigned long conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard long -> signed char conversions                           PASSED
Testing hard long -> unsigned char conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard long -> short conversions                                 PASSED
Testing hard long -> unsigned short conversions                        PASSED
Testing hard long -> int conversions                                   PASSED
Testing hard long -> unsigned int conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard long -> unsigned long conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard unsigned long -> signed char conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard unsigned long -> unsigned char conversions                PASSED
Testing hard unsigned long -> short conversions                        PASSED
Testing hard unsigned long -> unsigned short conversions               PASSED
Testing hard unsigned long -> int conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard unsigned long -> unsigned int conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard unsigned long -> long conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard signed char -> float conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard signed char -> double conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard signed char -> _Float16 conversions                       PASSED
Testing hard unsigned char -> float conversions                        PASSED
Testing hard unsigned char -> double conversions                       PASSED
Testing hard unsigned char -> _Float16 conversions                     PASSED
Testing hard short -> float conversions                                PASSED
Testing hard short -> double conversions                               PASSED
Testing hard short -> _Float16 conversions                             PASSED
Testing hard unsigned short -> float conversions                       PASSED
Testing hard unsigned short -> double conversions                      PASSED
Testing hard unsigned short -> _Float16 conversions                    PASSED
Testing hard int -> float conversions                                  PASSED
Testing hard int -> double conversions                                 PASSED
Testing hard int -> _Float16 conversions                               PASSED
Testing hard unsigned int -> float conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard unsigned int -> double conversions                        PASSED
Testing hard unsigned int -> _Float16 conversions                      PASSED
Testing hard long -> float conversions                                 PASSED
Testing hard long -> double conversions                                PASSED
Testing hard long -> _Float16 conversions                              PASSED
Testing hard unsigned long -> float conversions                        PASSED
Testing hard unsigned long -> double conversions                       PASSED
Testing hard unsigned long -> _Float16 conversions                     PASSED
Testing hard signed char -> long double conversions                    PASSED
Testing hard unsigned char -> long double conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard short -> long double conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard unsigned short -> long double conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard int -> long double conversions                            PASSED
Testing hard unsigned int -> long double conversions                   PASSED
Testing hard long -> long double conversions                           PASSED
Testing hard unsigned long -> long double conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard normalized float -> signed char conversions               PASSED
Testing hard normalized double -> signed char conversions              PASSED
Testing hard normalized _Float16 -> signed char conversions            PASSED
Testing hard normalized float -> unsigned char conversions             PASSED
Testing hard normalized double -> unsigned char conversions            PASSED
Testing hard normalized _Float16 -> unsigned char conversions          PASSED
Testing hard normalized float -> short conversions                     PASSED
Testing hard normalized double -> short conversions                    PASSED
Testing hard normalized _Float16 -> short conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard normalized float -> unsigned short conversions            PASSED
Testing hard normalized double -> unsigned short conversions           PASSED
Testing hard normalized _Float16 -> unsigned short conversions         PASSED
Testing hard normalized float -> int conversions                       PASSED
Testing hard normalized double -> int conversions                      PASSED
Testing hard normalized _Float16 -> int conversions                    PASSED
Testing hard normalized float -> unsigned int conversions              PASSED
Testing hard normalized double -> unsigned int conversions             PASSED
Testing hard normalized _Float16 -> unsigned int conversions           PASSED
Testing hard normalized float -> long conversions                      PASSED
Testing hard normalized double -> long conversions                     PASSED
Testing hard normalized _Float16 -> long conversions                   PASSED
Testing hard normalized float -> unsigned long conversions             PASSED
Testing hard normalized double -> unsigned long conversions            PASSED
Testing hard normalized _Float16 -> unsigned long conversions          PASSED
Testing hard normalized long double -> signed char conversions         PASSED
Testing hard normalized long double -> unsigned char conversions       PASSED
Testing hard normalized long double -> short conversions               PASSED
Testing hard normalized long double -> unsigned short conversions      PASSED
Testing hard normalized long double -> int conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard normalized long double -> unsigned int conversions        PASSED
Testing hard normalized long double -> long conversions                PASSED
Testing hard normalized long double -> unsigned long conversions       PASSED
Testing hard denormalized float -> signed char conversions             PASSED
Testing hard denormalized double -> signed char conversions            PASSED
Testing hard denormalized _Float16 -> signed char conversions          PASSED
Testing hard denormalized float -> unsigned char conversions           PASSED
Testing hard denormalized double -> unsigned char conversions          PASSED
Testing hard denormalized _Float16 -> unsigned char conversions        PASSED
Testing hard denormalized float -> short conversions                   PASSED
Testing hard denormalized double -> short conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard denormalized _Float16 -> short conversions                PASSED
Testing hard denormalized float -> unsigned short conversions          PASSED
Testing hard denormalized double -> unsigned short conversions         PASSED
Testing hard denormalized _Float16 -> unsigned short conversions       PASSED
Testing hard denormalized float -> int conversions                     PASSED
Testing hard denormalized double -> int conversions                    PASSED
Testing hard denormalized _Float16 -> int conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard denormalized float -> unsigned int conversions            PASSED
Testing hard denormalized double -> unsigned int conversions           PASSED
Testing hard denormalized _Float16 -> unsigned int conversions         PASSED
Testing hard denormalized float -> long conversions                    PASSED
Testing hard denormalized double -> long conversions                   PASSED
Testing hard denormalized _Float16 -> long conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard denormalized float -> unsigned long conversions           PASSED
Testing hard denormalized double -> unsigned long conversions          PASSED
Testing hard denormalized _Float16 -> unsigned long conversions        PASSED
Testing hard denormalized long double -> signed char conversions       PASSED
Testing hard denormalized long double -> unsigned char conversions     PASSED
Testing hard denormalized long double -> short conversions             PASSED
Testing hard denormalized long double -> unsigned short conversions    PASSED
Testing hard denormalized long double -> int conversions               PASSED
Testing hard denormalized long double -> unsigned int conversions      PASSED
Testing hard denormalized long double -> long conversions              PASSED
Testing hard denormalized long double -> unsigned long conversions     PASSED
Testing hard special float -> signed char conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard special double -> signed char conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard special _Float16 -> signed char conversions               PASSED
Testing hard special float -> unsigned char conversions                PASSED
Testing hard special double -> unsigned char conversions               PASSED
Testing hard special _Float16 -> unsigned char conversions             PASSED
Testing hard special float -> short conversions                        PASSED
Testing hard special double -> short conversions                       PASSED
Testing hard special _Float16 -> short conversions                     PASSED
Testing hard special float -> unsigned short conversions               PASSED
Testing hard special double -> unsigned short conversions              PASSED
Testing hard special _Float16 -> unsigned short conversions            PASSED
Testing hard special float -> int conversions                          PASSED
Testing hard special double -> int conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard special _Float16 -> int conversions                       PASSED
Testing hard special float -> unsigned int conversions                 PASSED
Testing hard special double -> unsigned int conversions                PASSED
Testing hard special _Float16 -> unsigned int conversions              PASSED
Testing hard special float -> long conversions                         PASSED
Testing hard special double -> long conversions                        PASSED
Testing hard special _Float16 -> long conversions                      PASSED
Testing hard special float -> unsigned long conversions                PASSED
Testing hard special double -> unsigned long conversions               PASSED
Testing hard special _Float16 -> unsigned long conversions             PASSED
Testing hard special long double -> signed char conversions            PASSED
Testing hard special long double -> unsigned char conversions          PASSED
Testing hard special long double -> short conversions                  PASSED
Testing hard special long double -> unsigned short conversions         PASSED
Testing hard special long double -> int conversions                    PASSED
Testing hard special long double -> unsigned int conversions           PASSED
Testing hard special long double -> long conversions                   PASSED
Testing hard special long double -> unsigned long conversions          PASSED
Testing hard particular floating number -> integer conversions         PASSED
Testing soft normalized float -> double conversions                    PASSED
Testing soft normalized double -> float conversions                    PASSED
Testing soft normalized float -> long double conversions               PASSED
Testing soft normalized double -> long double conversions              PASSED
Testing soft normalized long double -> float conversions               PASSED
Testing soft normalized long double -> double conversions              PASSED
Testing soft normalized _Float16 -> float conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft normalized _Float16 -> double conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft normalized float -> _Float16 conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft normalized double -> _Float16 conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft normalized _Float16 -> long double conversions            PASSED
Testing soft normalized long double -> _Float16 conversions            PASSED
Testing soft denormalized float -> double conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft denormalized double -> float conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft denormalized float -> long double conversions             PASSED
Testing soft denormalized double -> long double conversions            PASSED
Testing soft denormalized long double -> float conversions             PASSED
Testing soft denormalized long double -> double conversions            PASSED
Testing soft denormalized _Float16 -> float conversions                PASSED
Testing soft denormalized _Float16 -> double conversions               PASSED
Testing soft denormalized float -> _Float16 conversions                PASSED
Testing soft denormalized double -> _Float16 conversions               PASSED
Testing soft denormalized _Float16 -> long double conversions          PASSED
Testing soft denormalized long double -> _Float16 conversions          PASSED
Testing soft special float -> double conversions                       PASSED
Testing soft special double -> float conversions                       PASSED
Testing soft special float -> long double conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft special double -> long double conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft special long double -> float conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft special long double -> double conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft special _Float16 -> float conversions                     PASSED
Testing soft special _Float16 -> double conversions                    PASSED
Testing soft special float -> _Float16 conversions                     PASSED
Testing soft special double -> _Float16 conversions                    PASSED
Testing soft special _Float16 -> long double conversions               PASSED
Testing soft special long double -> _Float16 conversions               PASSED
Testing overlap calculations                                           PASSED
Testing soft signed char -> unsigned char conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft signed char -> short conversions                          PASSED
Testing soft signed char -> unsigned short conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft signed char -> int conversions                            PASSED
Testing soft signed char -> unsigned int conversions                   PASSED
Testing soft signed char -> long conversions                           PASSED
Testing soft signed char -> unsigned long conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft unsigned char -> signed char conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft unsigned char -> short conversions                        PASSED
Testing soft unsigned char -> unsigned short conversions               PASSED
Testing soft unsigned char -> int conversions                          PASSED
Testing soft unsigned char -> unsigned int conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft unsigned char -> long conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft unsigned char -> unsigned long conversions                PASSED
Testing soft short -> signed char conversions                          PASSED
Testing soft short -> unsigned char conversions                        PASSED
Testing soft short -> unsigned short conversions                       PASSED
Testing soft short -> int conversions                                  PASSED
Testing soft short -> unsigned int conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft short -> long conversions                                 PASSED
Testing soft short -> unsigned long conversions                        PASSED
Testing soft unsigned short -> signed char conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft unsigned short -> unsigned char conversions               PASSED
Testing soft unsigned short -> short conversions                       PASSED
Testing soft unsigned short -> int conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft unsigned short -> unsigned int conversions                PASSED
Testing soft unsigned short -> long conversions                        PASSED
Testing soft unsigned short -> unsigned long conversions               PASSED
Testing soft int -> signed char conversions                            PASSED
Testing soft int -> unsigned char conversions                          PASSED
Testing soft int -> short conversions                                  PASSED
Testing soft int -> unsigned short conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft int -> unsigned int conversions                           PASSED
Testing soft int -> long conversions                                   PASSED
Testing soft int -> unsigned long conversions                          PASSED
Testing soft unsigned int -> signed char conversions                   PASSED
Testing soft unsigned int -> unsigned char conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft unsigned int -> short conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft unsigned int -> unsigned short conversions                PASSED
Testing soft unsigned int -> int conversions                           PASSED
Testing soft unsigned int -> long conversions                          PASSED
Testing soft unsigned int -> unsigned long conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft long -> signed char conversions                           PASSED
Testing soft long -> unsigned char conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft long -> short conversions                                 PASSED
Testing soft long -> unsigned short conversions                        PASSED
Testing soft long -> int conversions                                   PASSED
Testing soft long -> unsigned int conversions                          PASSED
Testing soft long -> unsigned long conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft unsigned long -> signed char conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft unsigned long -> unsigned char conversions                PASSED
Testing soft unsigned long -> short conversions                        PASSED
Testing soft unsigned long -> unsigned short conversions               PASSED
Testing soft unsigned long -> int conversions                          PASSED
Testing soft unsigned long -> unsigned int conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft unsigned long -> long conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft normalized float -> signed char conversions               PASSED
Testing soft normalized double -> signed char conversions              PASSED
Testing soft normalized _Float16 -> signed char conversions            PASSED
Testing soft normalized float -> unsigned char conversions             PASSED
Testing soft normalized double -> unsigned char conversions            PASSED
Testing soft normalized _Float16 -> unsigned char conversions          PASSED
Testing soft normalized float -> short conversions                     PASSED
Testing soft normalized double -> short conversions                    PASSED
Testing soft normalized _Float16 -> short conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft normalized float -> unsigned short conversions            PASSED
Testing soft normalized double -> unsigned short conversions           PASSED
Testing soft normalized _Float16 -> unsigned short conversions         PASSED
Testing soft normalized float -> int conversions                       PASSED
Testing soft normalized double -> int conversions                      PASSED
Testing soft normalized _Float16 -> int conversions                    PASSED
Testing soft normalized float -> unsigned int conversions              PASSED
Testing soft normalized double -> unsigned int conversions             PASSED
Testing soft normalized _Float16 -> unsigned int conversions           PASSED
Testing soft normalized float -> long conversions                      PASSED
Testing soft normalized double -> long conversions                     PASSED
Testing soft normalized _Float16 -> long conversions                   PASSED
Testing soft normalized float -> unsigned long conversions             PASSED
Testing soft normalized double -> unsigned long conversions            PASSED
Testing soft normalized _Float16 -> unsigned long conversions          PASSED
Testing soft normalized long double -> signed char conversions         PASSED
Testing soft normalized long double -> unsigned char conversions       PASSED
Testing soft normalized long double -> short conversions               PASSED
Testing soft normalized long double -> unsigned short conversions      PASSED
Testing soft normalized long double -> int conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft normalized long double -> unsigned int conversions        PASSED
Testing soft normalized long double -> long conversions                PASSED
Testing soft normalized long double -> unsigned long conversions       PASSED
Testing soft denormalized float -> signed char conversions             PASSED
Testing soft denormalized double -> signed char conversions            PASSED
Testing soft denormalized _Float16 -> signed char conversions          PASSED
Testing soft denormalized float -> unsigned char conversions           PASSED
Testing soft denormalized double -> unsigned char conversions          PASSED
Testing soft denormalized _Float16 -> unsigned char conversions        PASSED
Testing soft denormalized float -> short conversions                   PASSED
Testing soft denormalized double -> short conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft denormalized _Float16 -> short conversions                PASSED
Testing soft denormalized float -> unsigned short conversions          PASSED
Testing soft denormalized double -> unsigned short conversions         PASSED
Testing soft denormalized _Float16 -> unsigned short conversions       PASSED
Testing soft denormalized float -> int conversions                     PASSED
Testing soft denormalized double -> int conversions                    PASSED
Testing soft denormalized _Float16 -> int conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft denormalized float -> unsigned int conversions            PASSED
Testing soft denormalized double -> unsigned int conversions           PASSED
Testing soft denormalized _Float16 -> unsigned int conversions         PASSED
Testing soft denormalized float -> long conversions                    PASSED
Testing soft denormalized double -> long conversions                   PASSED
Testing soft denormalized _Float16 -> long conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft denormalized float -> unsigned long conversions           PASSED
Testing soft denormalized double -> unsigned long conversions          PASSED
Testing soft denormalized _Float16 -> unsigned long conversions        PASSED
Testing soft denormalized long double -> signed char conversions       PASSED
Testing soft denormalized long double -> unsigned char conversions     PASSED
Testing soft denormalized long double -> short conversions             PASSED
Testing soft denormalized long double -> unsigned short conversions    PASSED
Testing soft denormalized long double -> int conversions               PASSED
Testing soft denormalized long double -> unsigned int conversions      PASSED
Testing soft denormalized long double -> long conversions              PASSED
Testing soft denormalized long double -> unsigned long conversions     PASSED
Testing soft special float -> signed char conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft special double -> signed char conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft special _Float16 -> signed char conversions               PASSED
Testing soft special float -> unsigned char conversions                PASSED
Testing soft special double -> unsigned char conversions               PASSED
Testing soft special _Float16 -> unsigned char conversions             PASSED
Testing soft special float -> short conversions                        PASSED
Testing soft special double -> short conversions                       PASSED
Testing soft special _Float16 -> short conversions                     PASSED
Testing soft special float -> unsigned short conversions               PASSED
Testing soft special double -> unsigned short conversions              PASSED
Testing soft special _Float16 -> unsigned short conversions            PASSED
Testing soft special float -> int conversions                          PASSED
Testing soft special double -> int conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft special _Float16 -> int conversions                       PASSED
Testing soft special float -> unsigned int conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft special double -> unsigned int conversions                PASSED
Testing soft special _Float16 -> unsigned int conversions              PASSED
Testing soft special float -> long conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft special double -> long conversions                        PASSED
Testing soft special _Float16 -> long conversions                      PASSED
Testing soft special float -> unsigned long conversions                PASSED
Testing soft special double -> unsigned long conversions               PASSED
Testing soft special _Float16 -> unsigned long conversions             PASSED
Testing soft special long double -> signed char conversions            PASSED
Testing soft special long double -> unsigned char conversions          PASSED
Testing soft special long double -> short conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft special long double -> unsigned short conversions         PASSED
Testing soft special long double -> int conversions                    PASSED
Testing soft special long double -> unsigned int conversions           PASSED
Testing soft special long double -> long conversions                   PASSED
Testing soft special long double -> unsigned long conversions          PASSED
Testing soft signed char -> float conversions                          PASSED
Testing soft signed char -> double conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft signed char -> _Float16 conversions                       PASSED
Testing soft unsigned char -> float conversions                        PASSED
Testing soft unsigned char -> double conversions                       PASSED
Testing soft unsigned char -> _Float16 conversions                     PASSED
Testing soft short -> float conversions                                PASSED
Testing soft short -> double conversions                               PASSED
Testing soft short -> _Float16 conversions                             PASSED
Testing soft unsigned short -> float conversions                       PASSED
Testing soft unsigned short -> double conversions                      PASSED
Testing soft unsigned short -> _Float16 conversions                    PASSED
Testing soft int -> float conversions                                  PASSED
Testing soft int -> double conversions                                 PASSED
Testing soft int -> _Float16 conversions                               PASSED
Testing soft unsigned int -> float conversions                         PASSED
Testing soft unsigned int -> double conversions                        PASSED
Testing soft unsigned int -> _Float16 conversions                      PASSED
Testing soft long -> float conversions                                 PASSED
Testing soft long -> double conversions                                PASSED
Testing soft long -> _Float16 conversions                              PASSED
Testing soft unsigned long -> float conversions                        PASSED
Testing soft unsigned long -> double conversions                       PASSED
Testing soft unsigned long -> _Float16 conversions                     PASSED
Testing soft signed char -> long double conversions                    PASSED
Testing soft unsigned char -> long double conversions                  PASSED
Testing soft short -> long double conversions                          PASSED
Testing soft unsigned short -> long double conversions                 PASSED
Testing soft int -> long double conversions                            PASSED
Testing soft unsigned int -> long double conversions                   PASSED
Testing soft long -> long double conversions                           PASSED
Testing soft unsigned long -> long double conversions                  PASSED
All data type tests passed.
Testing: page_buffer 
Test log for page_buffer 
Testing Settings for Page Buffering                                    PASSED
Testing Raw Data Handling                                              PASSED
Testing LRU Processing                                                 PASSED
Testing Minimum Metadata threshold Processing                         
Testing Statistics Collection                                          PASSED
Testing if opening non-page-buffered files works w/ H5Pset_page_buffer_size() PASSED
All Page Buffering tests passed.
Testing: dtypes 
Test log for dtypes 
Testing non-aligned conversions (ALIGNMENT=1)....
Testing H5Tget_class()                                                 PASSED
Testing H5Tcopy()                                                      PASSED
Testing H5Tdetect_class()                                              PASSED
Testing compound datatypes                                             PASSED
Testing query functions of compound and enumeration types              PASSED
Testing transient datatypes                                            PASSED
Testing named datatypes                                                PASSED
Testing functions of encoding and decoding datatypes                   PASSED
Testing encoding datatypes with the 'use the latest format' flag       PASSED
Testing exceptions for int <-> float conversions                       PASSED
Testing indirectly reopening committed datatypes                       PASSED
Testing indirectly reopening recursively committed datatypes including file reopening PASSED
Testing deleting objects that use named datatypes                      PASSED
Testing deleting objects that use named datatypes                      PASSED
Testing H5Tset/get_order for compound type                             PASSED
Testing stability of enum member ordering after datatype conversion    PASSED
Testing string type creation using H5Tcreate                           PASSED
Testing deprecated API routines for datatypes                          PASSED
Testing string conversions                                             PASSED
Testing random string conversion speed                                 PASSED
Testing some type functions for string                                 PASSED
Testing compound element reordering                                    PASSED
Testing compound subset conversions                                    PASSED
Testing compound element shrinking & reordering                        PASSED
Testing optimized struct converter                                     PASSED
Testing compound element growing                                       PASSED
Testing compound element insertion                                     PASSED
Testing packing compound datatypes                                     PASSED
Testing compound datatype with VL string                               PASSED
Testing array datatype of compound type with VL string                 PASSED
Testing registering type conversion routine with compound conversions  PASSED
Testing adjust size of compound datatypes                              PASSED
Testing compound datatypes of boundary size with latest format         PASSED
Testing unaligned VL strings in compound                               PASSED
Testing compound subset conversion with extra space in source          PASSED
Testing compound subset conversion with extra space in source for attribute PASSED
Testing visibility of internally registered type ids                   PASSED
Testing that H5Tpack removes trailing bytes                            PASSED
Testing accessing objects with compound datatypes that have no fields  PASSED
Testing compound conversion via user conversion callback               PASSED
Testing compound conversion member ID leak                             PASSED
Testing random enum conversion O(N)                                    PASSED
Testing random enum conversion O(N log N)                              PASSED
Testing non-native enumeration type conversion                         PASSED
Testing bitfield conversions                                           PASSED
Testing some type functions for bitfield                               PASSED
Testing opaque datatypes                                               PASSED
Testing H5Tset/get_order                                               PASSED
Testing array of arrays of compounds with a vlen                       PASSED
Testing _Float16 datatype                                             *FAILED*
Testing string conversion between ASCII and UTF                        PASSED
Testing passing datatype IDs to application conversion function        PASSED
Testing version bounds with nested datatypes                           PASSED