# # This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL"). You may # only use this file in accordance with the terms of the CDDL. # # A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this # source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at # http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. # # # Copyright (c) 2021,2022 David Stes # Copyright (c) 2023 Andreas Wacknitz # Copyright (c) 2024 David Stes # # The manifest pari.p5m holds no license and copyright info per explicit request from # Bill Allombert from the PARI team # include ../../../make-rules/shared-macros.mk COMPONENT_NAME= pari COMPONENT_VERSION= 2.17.2 COMPONENT_SUMMARY= The PARI Computer Algebra System COMPONENT_PROJECT_URL= https://pari.math.u-bordeaux.fr COMPONENT_SRC= pari-$(COMPONENT_VERSION) COMPONENT_ARCHIVE= $(COMPONENT_SRC).tar.gz COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_HASH= sha256:7d30578f5cf97b137a281f4548d131aafc0cde86bcfd10cc1e1bd72a81e65061 COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL= $(COMPONENT_PROJECT_URL)/pub/pari/unix/$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE) COMPONENT_FMRI= library/math/pari COMPONENT_CLASSIFICATION= Development/Other Languages COMPONENT_LICENSE= GPLv2 COMPONENT_LICENSE_FILE= COPYING include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/common.mk PATH= $(PATH.gnu) # Configure has an option --builddir but this fails when built outside of source tree # The PARI script config/genfunclist uses find -type f and skips symlinks COMPONENT_PRE_CONFIGURE_ACTION= ( $(CLONEY) $(SOURCE_DIR) $(@D) ) # PARI/gp Configure is not autoconf CONFIGURE_SCRIPT= $(SOURCE_DIR)/Configure # reset all options because Configure does not understand --sbindir= only --dir CONFIGURE_OPTIONS= --prefix=$(CONFIGURE_PREFIX) # PARI/gp installs its 64bit library in /usr/lib CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --libdir=$(USRLIBDIR64) # multi-threaded libraries (enables tls, or thread local stack) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --mt=pthread CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --with-readline CONFIGURE_ENV += CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" # all does not work because documentation requires Tex typesetting COMPONENT_BUILD_TARGETS= gp # dobench is a quicktest, test-all takes more time and also compares gp-static # try to do all regression tests but only on the dynamic executable gp-dyn COMPONENT_TEST_TARGETS= dyntest-all # I believe PARI measures with test-all diffs between static and dyn linked gp # the test script is in : src/test/dotest # I think it prints timing information and checks for correctness # the timing info could be useful but for our purprose remove/transform it COMPONENT_TEST_TRANSFORMS += '-e "s/gp-sta..TIME=[ ]*[0-9]*//g"' COMPONENT_TEST_TRANSFORMS += '-e "s/gp-dyn..TIME=[ ]*[0-9]*//g"' COMPONENT_TEST_TRANSFORMS += '-e "/Total bench/d"' # gmake test dependencies TEST_REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/math/pari-elldata # Auto-generated dependencies REQUIRED_PACKAGES += $(READLINE_PKG) REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/gmp REQUIRED_PACKAGES += runtime/perl REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library/math REQUIRED_PACKAGES += x11/library/libx11