# There seems to be problem with bash
# $ bash -c 'bash -i i; bash -i i'
# bash -c 'bash -i i; bash -i i'
# bash: i: No such file or directory
# [1]+  Stopped                 bash -c 'bash -i i; bash -i i'
# I found out because the tests were stopped in the middle. It was caused by
# having 'cd /somewhere' in my ~/.bashrc. The tests were being stopped in
# read-test, exactly in read2.sub when 'read -t 2 a < /dev/tty' was executed.
# This workaround stops the tests to be stopped in the middle.
# reported to bug-bash@gnu.org

--- tests/execscript	2016-12-08 00:40:18.000000000 +0000
+++ tests/execscript.new	2019-02-02 12:39:16.486640339 +0000
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ ${THIS_SH} ./exec6.sub
 # checks for properly deciding what constitutes an executable file
 ${THIS_SH} ./exec7.sub
-${THIS_SH} -i ${PWD}/exec8.sub
+${THIS_SH} --rcfile /dev/null -i ${PWD}/exec8.sub
 ${THIS_SH} ./exec9.sub