**	Set PATH = .:$(@D):/bin
**	This produces no conflict (unless /bin contains conflict!):
Current working directory is "$(@D)"
**	Set PATH = .:$(@D):/bin
**	This shows conflict between different filetypes
Current working directory is "$(@D)"
:----> .
:co.-: conflict (.c,.o,)
**	Set PATH = .:$(@D):/bin
**	This repeats the last test, with pathnames-only
**	Add a dummy executable in the current directory
**		/tmp/conflict.xxxxxx
**	producing a conflict with the executable
**		$(@D)/conflict
**	For Unix, the conflict will be in the empty suffix (first column
**	of the report).  For Win32 it will be in the combination of empty
**	and "e" (.exe) suffixes.
Current working directory is "/tmp/conflict.xxxxxx"
:---> .
:---:---> $(@D)
:.--:.--: conflict ()