cpuid(1) -- dump and extract information from the x86 CPUID instruction ======================================================================= ## SYNOPSIS `cpuid` [--help] [--dump] [--vendor <name>] [--ignore-vendor] [--parse <filename>] ## DESCRIPTION `cpuid` is a very simple C program, designed to dump and extract information from the x86 CPUID instruction. `cpuid` is capable of dumping all CPUID leaves (except any unknown leaves which require special ECX values to dump all information). `cpuid` can only decode certain leaves, but this functionality will be expanded as the CPUID specifications provided by AMD and Intel change. ## OPTIONS `-c`, `--cpu` Index (starting at 0) of CPU to get info from `-d`, `--dump` Dump a raw CPUID table `-f`, `--parse` Read and decode a raw CPUID table from the file specified `-h`, `--help` Print list of options `--ignore-vendor` Show feature flags from all vendors `--sanity` Do a sanity check of the CPUID data `--vendor` Override the processor vendor string `--version` Print `cpuid` version and license ## STANDARDS You can find current Intel and AMD CPUID specifications at these locations: [Intel Software Developer Manual volume 2A](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-vol-2a-manual.html) [AMD Processor Programming Reference](http://developer.amd.com/resources/developer-guides-manuals/) Please notify me if you notice any inconsistencies or if features you find relevant are not being decoded. ## BUGS If you find a bug in `cpuid`, please submit details about it to the bug tracker on GitHub: https://github.com/tycho/cpuid/issues If the bug is regarding the decoding or dumping of CPUID details, then you should include the dump.txt and decode.txt generated with these commands: ``` cpuid -d -c -1 > dump.txt cpuid -c -1 > decode.txt ``` You should also specify what revision of `cpuid` you are running. If you don't know, you can find out with: ``` cpuid --version ``` ## AUTHOR Steven Noonan <steven@uplinklabs.net>