# Patch origin: internal.
# Causes test results to be uniform. Will not be submitted upstream.

# sed is used rather than a patch to dotests.sh because sorting the output of
# every invocation of $CONVMV is a repetitive change, and using a patch would
# require that patch to change if the test script ever changed, e.g. to add
# additional test cases, whereas this sed line can remain the same.

# Also, if a patch were used, it would either have to be applied when the test
# target is run, or testsuite.tar would have to be unpacked during prep.

# In-place sed (gsed -i) is not used because we want to use a new file name,
# so that running the test target repeatedly does not sed an already sed'ed
# file.

--- Makefile	Mon Feb 23 14:51:24 2015
+++ Makefile	Mon Feb 23 14:50:47 2015
@@ -22,7 +22,9 @@
 	test -d suite || $(TAR) xf testsuite.tar
-	cd suite ; ./dotests.sh
+	$(SED) -e 's/\($$CONVMV.*\)$$/& 2>\&1 | LC_ALL='C' $$SORT/' < suite/dotests.sh > suite/dotests-deterministic.sh
+	chmod +x suite/dotests-deterministic.sh
+	cd suite ; ./dotests-deterministic.sh
 dist: clean
 	$(SED) -n "2,2p" convmv |$(SED) "s/.*convmv \([^ ]*\).*/\1/" > VERSION