--- docs/conf/extra/httpd-info.conf.in.~1~	2010-06-15 15:05:13.000000000 +0400
+++ docs/conf/extra/httpd-info.conf.in	2014-02-25 13:48:21.670036530 +0400
@@ -11,10 +11,12 @@
 # with the URL of http://servername/server-status
 # Change the ".example.com" to match your domain to enable.
+<IfModule mod_status.c>
 <Location /server-status>
     SetHandler server-status
-    Require host .example.com
-    Require ip 127
+    #Require host .example.com
+    # Allow access from localhost
+    Require ip
@@ -23,14 +25,18 @@
 # Off) when the "server-status" handler is called. The default is Off.
 #ExtendedStatus On
 # Allow remote server configuration reports, with the URL of
 #  http://servername/server-info (requires that mod_info.c be loaded).
 # Change the ".example.com" to match your domain to enable.
+<IfModule mod_status.c>
 <Location /server-info>
     SetHandler server-info
-    Require host .example.com
-    Require ip 127
+    #Require host .example.com
+    # Allow access from localhost
+    Require ip