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.\" Copyright (C) 2000-2007 - Laurent Destailleur - eldy@users.sourceforge.net
.TH awstats 1 "22 Jan 2009" "SunOS 5.11" "User Commands"
awstats \- Log File Analyzer for Advanced Statistics

AWStats is a free powerful and featureful tool that generates advanced web, streaming, ftp or mail server statistics, graphically. This log analyzer works as a CGI or from command line and shows you all possible information your log contains, in few graphical web pages.

The following files specify the installation locations for AWStats:
AWStats tools
A Webmin module for AWStats
AWStats XML database schema descriptor
Demo to manipulate AWStats XML database
AWStats documentation location. An index file, /usr/share/doc/awstats/index.html, is provided. To setup and use AWStats, it is recommended to read these documents.
The main AWStats program (CLI/CGI)
A tool to track exit clicks
An model configuration file. Copy this file into awstats.www.mydomain.conf and edit this new config file to setup AWStats.

The config file must be in /etc/awstats, /usr/local/etc/awstats or /etc or same directory than awstats.pl. Refer to the documentation for more details.
Directory with languages files
Directory with awstats reference info
Directory with optional plugins
Directory with icons
Java applet for graphapplet plugin
Samples of CSS files
Javascript sources for "Misc" feature

.BR attributes (5)
for descriptions of the following attributes:
cbp-1 | cbp-1
l | l .
Availability	web/analytics/awstats
Interface Stability	Uncommitted