.\" To print: troff -ms flash.txt

.ft B
.ce 3
||  Colormap Compaction - A Technique for Reducing Colormap Flashing ||
.ft P

\fBA. Introduction\fP

In some situations, it is beneficial to \fIcompact\fP the \fBxnews\fP default
colormap.  This often leads to reduced \fIcolormap flashing\fP.  Colormap
flashing occurs when colors in two different software colormaps conflict
with each other.  Since only one software colormap can be loaded into the
hardware at a time, for a given pixel value you will see the color
which is in one colormap or the other.  Which color you see depends
on the window into which you assign the \fIcolormap focus\fP.  Typically,
the focus is assigned to a window by moving the pointer into it.

This material applies only to color devices which have a single
hardware color LUT, such as GX.  It does not apply to monochrome screens.   
The technique describe herein may be used on a device which
provides multiple hardware color LUTs, such as GS or GT, but it
is less valuable in this configuration, because the benefit will
probably not be as pronounced as it can be on a single hardware
color LUT device.

\fBB. An Example of Colormap Flashing\fP

Let us suppose we have two windows, window A and window B.
Window A is attached to software colormap A; window B is attached to 
software colormap B.  When you move the pointer into window A, colormap A 
will be loaded into the hardware colormap.  Likewise, when you move
the pointer into window B, colormap B will be loaded.  

Let's say the pixel value 5 is drawn somewhere on the screen.  Let's also
suppose that the color value for pixel 5 in colormap A is Red and
the color value for pixel 5 in colormap B is Blue.  When the pointer is
in window A, all pixels of value 5 will be displayed as Red, no matter where
they are on the screen.  When the pointer is in window B, these same pixels
will be displayed as Blue.  

In OpenWindows, a software colormap will only displace the other in places where they
each have allocated colors.   In places where no colors 
have been allocated, the contents of the hardware will remain set to the previous values.
Thus, the colors of two software colormaps can exist harmoniously together in the 
hardware colormap only if their allocated colormap entries do not intersect.

(Readers familiar with Sunview should note that this style of colormap management 
is very different than the named colormap segment scheme used by Sunview.)

Moving the pointer rapidly back and forth between windows A and B causes
the pixels with value 5 on the screen to blink between Red and Blue.
This is why this effect is called colormap \fIflashing\fP.

The rest of this discussion will assume a basic level of familiarity
with X11 colormap concepts.  Users should refer to O'Reilley Volume 1
Chapter 7 "Color" for more information.

\fBC. Why Does Colormap Flashing Happen?\fP

The previous section discussed the effects and symptoms of colormap
flashing.  But the fundamental question remains: what causes the
colors in the two colormaps to coincide and conflict?

For the purposes of the following discussion, pixel 0 is called the 
\fIlow end\fP of the colormap and pixel 255 is called the \fIhigh end\fP.

Because, for a typical device, a maximum of 256 distinct colors can be displayed 
on a screen at once, colors are a very scarce resource.  The X11R4 standard provides
some mechanisms for sharing colors between client programs, thus
reducing the chance of colormap flashing.  For example, two different
applications may share the same pixel value, and therefore the same color,
in a single colormap.  Usually, a client program has to explicitly try
to share colors with other clients.  Some situations in which such
attempts break down are:

.in +0.5i
\(bu   All of the clients which are running collectively demand more 
than 256 distinct colors.

\(bu   One or more clients make no attempt at all to share colors
with other applications.

\(bu   One or more clients use read-write (modifiable) colors, which
cannot be shared.
.in -0.5i

There are several techniques X11 client programmers can use to share 
colors.  Most of them entail the implementation of additional code
in the program.  What we seek to present in this document,
is a generic technique that any OpenWindows user can take advantage of,
regardless of whether a particular program contains explicit code
which tries to reduce colormap flashing.

Client programs ask the xnews server to grant them pixels to use by telling
the server what colors they desire.  The server figures out where to 
put the colors in the colormap and then tells the clients which pixels
have been assigned to them.  This process is called \fIcolor allocation\fP.
Unless client programs do something out of the ordinary, color allocations
tend to gravitate toward the low end of a colormap.  This is because the 
server always gives a client the lowest unused pixel when allocating a
new color. 

The default colormap is a colormap which all clients know about and
can use.  By default, when a window is created, the default colormap is 
attached it. If a client allocates a color in a colormap and indicates it to be
\fIshareable\fP, other clients allocating the same color value are
able to share these colors.  More sharing of colors means less color
conflicts and less colormap flashing.  The default colormap, therefore,
is the preferred colormap to use if you want to share colors.  Sometimes
a program cannot use the default colormap and must allocate its
colors in an alternate colormap.  This increases the chances of flashing
between the colors in these two different colormaps.  Sometimes a program wants 
to use the default colormap, but cannot because it is full.  The program is then 
forced to use an alternate colormap.  This, again, increases the chance of flashing.

To summarize, client applications would like to use the default colormap if 
possible, but sometimes they need to or are forced to use an alternate 
colormap.   The only way to prevent colormap flashing between two separate 
colormaps is to make them disjoint--to ensure their color allocations not 

\fBC. Types of Colormap Flashing\fP

Some kinds of colormap flashing are worse than others.  For example,
an MCAD application which flashes against a spreadsheet program
is unpleasant, but since the flashing is usually confined to specific
window areas, it can often be tolerated as a reality of limited
hardware.  However, if the same MCAD application flashes against
the root window background or the frame border colors, the effect
is usually very pronounced.  This is very disconcerting and 
disorienting for the user.

It is specifically this latter type of colormap flashing that the
colormap compaction attempts to solve.  Other techniques for dealing 
with the former type of flashing exist, but they usually require
programming changes and, therefore, are not something the end-user 
can typically take advantage of without having specially-modified software.  
We will therefore not deal further with this \fIwindow-to-window\fP type of
colormap flashing.  What we 
will proceed to address is the problem of the flashing of windows against 
a group of colors called the \fIworkspace colors\fP.

The workspace colors are colors which are in some way important
or pervasive in a user's workspace.  They may be colors which
cover a large area on the screen or they may be colors appear
in frequently used applications.  Some examples of applications
which might utilize workspace colors are:

.in +0.5i
\(bu   A window manager (e.g \fBolwm\fP), for the root background, window borders, and menus.

\(bu   A toolkit (e.g. XView), for window decorations and controls.

\(bu   A root image loader (e.g. \fBxsetroot\fP), for the root background image.

\(bu   An oft-used application (e.g. \fBfilemgr\fP).
.in -0.5i

Which colors should be designated as workspace colors is left
up to the user.  The only criteria for a workspace color is that it 
be a read-only (sharable) color and that it be allocated in the default 
colormap of a screen.

To summarize, the workspace colors are the colors the user has deemed
to be important and with which he or she would prefer not to have
any colormap flashing.

\fBD. Goals\fP

\fIColormap compaction\fP takes advantage of the identification
of the colors of special applications and the low-end clustering effect of
typical applications.  It takes advantage of these
by shoving the workspace colors up to the top of the colormap.
In this position, there is a reduced chance of the colors flashing
flashing with other applications.

It is important that it be easy to identify the workspace colors.
Detailed knowledge of how X11 colormaps work should not be required.
Nor should any programming ability be required.  Lastly, we
don't want to rely on the availability of specially adapted programs;
the technique should work with any arbitrary program which conforms
to the X11 standard protocol.

All of these considerations lead us to the method which is described
in the following section.

\fBE. Instructions\fP

The preceding material has been presented to give you a overall sense
what the problem is and the general method of solution.  This section
will show you how to apply this method in the OpenWindows environment.

In a nutshell, to reduce or prevent colormap flashing, you need to run the 
\fBxnews\fP server, perform some configuration steps, and then exit the server.
The next time you run the server, the workspace colors  you designate
will be put up at the high end of the default colormap.

For additional details on this process, refer to \fBcmap_compact\fP(1).


.in +0.5i
.ti -1.5
\(bu   Your \fL~/.xinitrc\fP file should invoke a version of 
\fLopenwin-sys\fP that has the following as its first line:

.in +0.5i
.ft L
	cmap_compact init
.ft P
.in -0.5i

The \fLopenwin-sys\fP shipped with OpenWindows 3.0 contains this
line.   If you use some other file, be sure to add this line.
The process should never be backgrounded.

.ti -1.5
\(bu   Edit your \fL~/.openwin-menu\fP file and insert the following lines into the \fIUtilities\fP menu
after the "Save Workspace" menu entry:

.in +0.5i
.ft L
    "Save Colors" MENU
	"Save" DEFAULT  $OPENWINHOME/bin/cmap_compact save
	"Discard"       $OPENWINHOME/bin/cmap_compact discard
    "Save Colors" END 
.ft P
.in -0.5i

If you do not have your own customized menu file, start with a copy
of \fL$OPENWINHOME/lib/openwin-menu\fP placed in your home directory, renamed
to \fL.openwin-menu.\fP

.in -0.5i


.in 0.5i
.ti -2.0
1.   Run the server with the \fBopenwin\fP(1) script.  Be sure at this
time to configure the server for all of the screens you want to 
compact colors for.  \fBopenwin\fP will (typically) execute 
\fI~/.openwin-init\fP, which will in turn bring up your initial
tools and programs.

.ti -2.0
2.   If you use a program which loads a root background image (such as
\fBxsetroot\fP(1)), make sure you run this program.  Do this for 
every screen.

.ti -2.0
3.   Use the \fIWorkspace Properties\fP sheet to select your desired
window border and/or root window background colors.  This property
is available by selecting the \fIProperties\fP entry of the
root menu.  Do this for every screen.

.ti -2.0
4.   Choose the applications whose colors you want to designate as
workspace colors.  You do this by either quitting undesired
applications which are on the screen or by running desired 
applications which are not yet on the screen.  Do this for
every screen.

.ti -2.0
5.   At this point, the only colors which are in the default colormap
should belong to the displayed programs.  Go into the 
\fIUtilities\fP submenu of the root menu of any screen and select the
\fISave Colors\fP entry.  All sharable (read-only)
colors in the default colormaps for all screens will be recorded and stored in 
the file \fI~/.owcolors\fP.  Note: private (read-write) colors used 
by any of these applications will be ignored and will not
be saved.

.ti -2.0
6.   Exit the window system.

.ti -2.0
7.   Reenter the window system by rerunning \fIopenwin\fP.
.in -0.5i

When you reenter the window system, the colors that have
been stored in \fI~/.owcolors\fP are placed at the high
end of the default colormap.  Since this is done before
any of the other applications are started, when these
applications are finally started, they will find the colors
they want waiting for them at the high end and will use
them there.

Note: If you decide to change any of the workspace colors, you should
repeat steps 3-7.  Otherwise, you may end up with more colormap

If, at any time, you wish to undo the effects of the colormap
compaction, select the \fIDiscard\fP entry of the \fISave Colors\fP

As a side-effect of colormap compaction, the NeWS color cube in the 
StaticColor colormap gets shifted downward.  The cube is shifted down by 
the number of workspace colors you have saved (actually, the number 
of colors for the screen with the most colors).  This is done to avoid 
flashing between NeWS windows and the workspace colors.  Note: the base 
of the color cube is never shifted lower than pixel 0.

The black and white pixels which are pre-allocated in the default colormap
by the server are shifted up to the high end of the colormap.

In addition, XGL (version 2.0 and greater) will recognize that 
colormap compaction has been turned on and will adjust its 
color cube accordingly.   XGL usually allocates its color cube
at the high end of its colormap by default.   When colormap
compaction is turned on, XGL will allocate its color cube at
the low end of the colormap.

\fBF. What if Colormap Flashing isn't Reduced?\fP

Colormap compaction is a heuristic technique: it is not always effective
in reducing colormap flashing and, in some situations, may actually
increase colormap flashing.   The result of using colormap compaction
is highly dependent on the applications you use and the way that you
have configured color on your desktop.

Here are some example situations in which colormap compaction does
not succeed:

.in +0.5i
.ti -1.5
\(bu   If you are running a program which allocates
its colors at the high end of a non-default colormap on purpose,
this program will end up flashing more with the workspace colors.

.ti -1.5
\(bu   If you select a large amount of workspace colors, the 
NeWS color cube may be shifted down enough to start
flashing more with X11 applications allocating their
colors at the low end.  This may increase colormap flashing
between X11 and NeWS applications.
.in -0.5i

In general, the amount of colormap flashing reduction or 
increase afforded by colormap compaction is highly dependent
on the set of applications you run in your environment.
For many environments, colormap compaction will be useful.
But there are some environments for which it is not.
The best policy is to give it a try and see if it helps.
If it does not help, turn it off by selecting discard on
the "Save Colors" menu.

Some other things to be aware of:

.in +0.5i
.ti -1.5
\(bu   Colormap compaction has no effect for screens which
have the StaticColor colormap as the default (i.e. for
screens which have a device modifier of \fIstaticvis\fP).

.ti -1.5
\(bu   You should discard the saved workspace colors and 
reconfigure whenever you change the device modifiers
(\fLstaticvis\fP, \fLgrayvis\fP or \fLdefdepth\fP) used on 
the server command line.

.ti -1.5
\(bu   You should discard the saved colors and reconfigure whenever
you remove a screen from your configuration.

.ti -1.5
\(bu   Colormap compaction does not preclude other means of 
inter-application color sharing which programmers may
want to use.  For example, X11 \fIStandard Colormap
properties\fP can be used to promote sharing among imaging
applications that use lots of colors.  Application developers can
use these properties in conjunction with colormap 
compaction to achieve even less colormap flashing.
.in -0.5i

\fBG. Summary\fP

Compacting the default colormap is the process of selecting certain application
colors you would prefer not to flash and saving these
colors into a file.  When the window system is reentered, these colors
will end up at the high end of the default colormap, a preferred position
which often decreases colormap flashing.

This process may not always make sense for your situation.  Depending on the
applications you run, it may or may not help, but it probably will.  You
must also make sure you keep the configuration up-to-date to continue
to derive the maximum benefits.  If, after trying colormap compaction, colormap 
flashing on your desktop is not reduced, colormap compaction should be turned back off.