Workaround build failure with --enable-legacy (which we need for print
and xevie), but tarball doesn't include

Possible fix upstream is to include the man or to delete its delivery

We should also look into if we can do without printproto and xevieproto
which will allow us to drop --enable-legacy and make generate simpler

--- a/	2019-02-01 08:24:11.853454587 -0800
+++ b/	2019-02-01 08:24:36.206576275 -0800
@@ -186,7 +186,8 @@
 printprotopkgconfig_DATA = printproto.pc
 miscmandir = $(MISC_MAN_DIR)
-miscman_DATA =	man/Xprint.$(MISC_MAN_SUFFIX)
+miscman_DATA =	
+#miscman_DATA =	man/Xprint.$(MISC_MAN_SUFFIX)
 CLEANFILES = $(miscman_DATA)
 printproto_EXTRA_DIST =	\