Started by an SCM change Building in workspace /jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10 Fetching changes from the remote Git repository > git config remote.origin.url git:// # timeout=10 Fetching upstream changes from git:// > git --version # timeout=10 > git fetch --tags --progress git:// +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/oi/hipster^{commit} # timeout=10 > git rev-parse refs/remotes/origin/origin/oi/hipster^{commit} # timeout=10 Checking out Revision eacedfbe22dd7bdbcfbadd2de52791904dace11a (refs/remotes/origin/oi/hipster) > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10 > git checkout -f eacedfbe22dd7bdbcfbadd2de52791904dace11a > git rev-list 9ea06002a7a905f519980a9d1b53eb4512734f6e # timeout=10 > git tag -a -f -m Jenkins Build #1718 jenkins-oi-userland-1718 # timeout=10 [workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/tmp/ + JENKINS_BUILD_NUMBER=1718 + export JENKINS_BUILD_NUMBER + unset BUILD_NUMBER + [ -f components/ ] + rm components/ + [ -f components/ ] + rm components/ + + export PUBLISHER + USERLAND_ARCHIVES=/data/userland-archives/ + export USERLAND_ARCHIVES + COMPONENT_BUILD_ARGS=-j4 + export COMPONENT_BUILD_ARGS + gmake setup setup components make[1]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' Generating component list... Generating component dependencies... make[1]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' make[1]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' building tools... make[2]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' make[2]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' /bin/mkdir -p /jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/pkglint-cache make[1]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' + gmake publish -j8 -k publish components make[1]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' building tools... make[2]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' make[2]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1. Add `+' to parent make rule. make[2]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' /bin/mkdir -p /jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/pkglint-cache publish ConsoleKit publish GConf publish ORBit2 publish SDL_sound publish SDL publish SDL_image publish a2ps publish aalib publish abook publish accerciser publish acpidump publish ant publish antlr publish apache2 publish apache2-modules/mod_dtrace publish apache2-modules/mod_fcgid publish apache2-modules/mod_jk publish apache2-modules/mod_jk-24 publish apache2-modules/mod_perl publish apache2-modules/mod_perl-24 publish apache2-modules/mod_proxy_html publish apache2-modules/mod_security2 publish apache2-modules/mod_wsgi publish apache2-modules/mod_wsgi-24 publish apache24 publish apr publish apr-util publish arj publish asciidoc publish aspell/aspell publish aspell/dictionaries/en publish aspell/dictionaries/ru publish at-spi publish atk publish autoconf/autoconf publish autoconf/autoconf-2.13 publish autogen publish automake/automake-1.10 publish automake/automake-1.11 publish avahi publish avant-window-navigator publish awstats publish babl publish bacula publish bash publish bash-completion publish bcc publish berkeleydb publish bind publish binutils publish bison publish bluefish publish blueprint publish bonnie++ publish boost publish brasero publish brltty publish bug-buddy publish bullet publish bzip2 publish ca-certificates publish cabextract publish cairo publish cairo-java publish cairomm publish cbe publish cdrtools publish check publish cheese publish chmlib publish clang-33 publish clang-34 publish clutter publish clutter-gst publish clutter-gtk publish cmake publish common publish common-lisp/chunga publish common-lisp/cl-base64 publish common-lisp/cl-json publish common-lisp/cl-ppcre publish common-lisp/cl-qprint publish common-lisp/drakma publish common-lisp/flexi-streams publish common-lisp/ironclad publish common-lisp/nibbles publish common-lisp/puri publish common-lisp/trivial-gray-streams publish common-lisp/usocket publish compiz publish compiz-bcop publish compiz-plugins-extra publish compiz-plugins-main publish compizconfig-backend-gconf publish conflict publish contact-lookup-applet publish convmv publish coreutils publish cppunit publish cunit publish cups publish curl publish cvs publish daq publish dasher publish datamash publish dbus publish dbus-glib publish dcraw publish dejagnu publish deskbar-applet publish desktop-cache publish desktop-file-utils publish devhelp publish dia publish diffstat publish diffutils publish djvulibre publish dnsmasq publish docbook/docbook publish docbook/docbook-dsssl publish docbook/docbook-dtds publish docbook/docbook-xsl publish docbook/sgml-common publish dosbox publish doxygen publish drivel publish dtracetoolkit publish dvd+rw-tools publish e/efl publish e/elementary publish e/enlightenment publish e/evas_generic_loaders publish e/expedite publish e/terminology publish ejabberd publish ekiga publish emacs publish enchant publish environment-modules publish eog publish eog-plugins publish erlang publish espeak publish evince publish evolution publish evolution-data-server publish evolution-webcal publish fastcgi publish fbreader publish fetchmail publish file-roller publish filebench publish findutils publish firefox publish flac publish flex publish foomatic/db publish foomatic/db-engine publish foomatic/filters publish foomatic/fppd publish fping publish freetts publish freetype publish fribidi publish fsexam publish fsvs publish gaa publish gamin publish gawk publish gc publish gcalctool publish gcc3 publish gcc47 publish gcc48 publish gconf-editor publish gd2 publish gdb publish gdbm publish gdesklets publish gdesklets-worldtime publish gdk-pixbuf publish gdm publish gedit publish gedit-plugins publish gegl publish geoip publish getopt publish gettext publish gexif publish gftp publish ggrep publish ghostscript publish giflib publish gimp publish git publish gkrellm publish gksu publish glade publish glib publish glib-java publish glib-networking publish glibmm publish gmime publish gmtp publish gnome-applets publish gnome-backgrounds publish gnome-commander publish gnome-common publish gnome-control-center publish gnome-desktop publish gnome-doc-utils publish gnome-games publish gnome-icon-theme publish gnome-icon-theme-symbolic publish gnome-log-viewer publish gnome-keyring publish gnome-mag publish gnome-media publish gnome-menus publish gnome-mime-data publish gnome-mount publish gnome-netstatus publish gnome-nettool publish gnome-panel publish gnome-power-manager publish gnome-session publish gnome-settings-daemon publish gnome-speech publish gnome-system-monitor publish gnome-system-tools publish gnome-terminal publish gnome-themes publish gnome-utils publish gnome-vfs publish gnonlin publish gnu-cobol publish gnu-gs-fonts-other publish gnu-gs-fonts-std publish gnu-iconv publish gnugo publish gnump publish libksba publish libassuan publish gpgme publish pinentry publish gnuplot publish gnupth publish gnutls publish gobby publish gobject-introspection publish gocr publish goffice publish gok publish gparted publish gperf publish gphoto2 publish gqview publish grails publish graphite2 publish graphviz publish groff publish gsettings-desktop-schemas publish gsl publish gst-plugins-base publish gst-plugins-good publish gstreamer publish gtar publish gthumb publish gtk+ publish gtk-doc publish gtk-engines publish gtk-vnc publish gtkam publish gtkhtml publish gtkimageview publish gtkmm publish gtkperf publish gtksourceview publish gtkspell publish gucharmap publish guile publish gutenprint publish gvfs publish gzip publish hal-cups-utils publish hamster-applet publish harfbuzz publish help2man publish hercules publish hexedit publish hplip publish httping publish hwdata publish icedtea-web publish icon-naming-utils publish icu publish id3lib publish idzebra publish iftop publish illumos-gcc publish illumos/bnx publish illumos/nwam-manager publish illumos/pkg publish illumos/pylibbe publish illumos/qemu-kvm publish illumos/slim_source publish illumos/time-slider publish ilmbase publish imagemagick publish indent publish indri publish inkscape publish inputmethod/ibus publish inputmethod/iiim publish inputmethod/imf-selector publish intltool publish ipcalc publish iperf publish ircii publish irssi publish isc-dhcp publish iso-codes publish jasper publish java-atk-wrapper publish java-commons-logging publish java-jss publish javahelp publish joe publish jq publish jruby publish jsl publish json-c publish json-glib publish junit publish lcms publish ldns publish less publish lft publish lftp publish libIDL publish libarchive publish libass publish libbonobo publish libbonoboui publish libcanberra publish libcddb publish libchamplain publish libcompizconfig publish libconfuse publish libcroco publish libdaemon publish libdnet publish libebml publish libedit publish libee publish libestr publish libev publish libevent publish libevent2 publish libexif-gtk publish libexpat publish libffi publish libgail-gnome publish libgconf-java publish libgcrypt publish libgdata publish libgee publish libgksu publish libglade publish libglade-java publish libgnome publish libgnome-java publish libgnome-keyring publish libgnomecanvas publish libgnomekbd publish libgnomeui publish libgpg-error publish libgphoto2 publish libgsasl publish libgsf publish libgtk-java publish libgtkhtml publish libgtop publish libgweather publish libid3tag publish libidn publish libinfinity publish liblogging publish liblzo publish libmatroska publish libmcrypt publish libmemcached publish libmhash publish libmicrohttpd publish libmng publish libmspub publish libmtp publish libneon publish libnet publish libnotify publish libodfgen publish libogg publish liboil publish libotr publish libpcap publish libpqxx publish libproxy publish librevenge publish librsvg publish librsync publish libsamplerate publish libsexy publish libsigc++ publish libsigsegv publish libsndfile publish libsoup publish libspectre publish libssh2 publish libtasn1 publish libtool publish libtorrent publish libunibreak publish libunique publish libusb/ugen publish libusb/wrapper publish libvisual publish libvisual-plugins publish libvorbis publish libvpx publish libvte-java publish libwebp publish libwnck publish libwpd publish libwpg publish libwps publish libxklavier publish libxml++ publish libxml2 publish libxslt publish libyaml publish lighttpd publish links publish logilab-astng publish logilab-common publish lua publish lynx publish lzop publish m4 publish make publish mariadb-55 publish maven publish mbuffer publish mc publish memcached publish mercurial publish meta-packages/X-incorporation publish meta-packages/admin-incorporation publish meta-packages/amp publish meta-packages/auto-install publish meta-packages/build-essential publish meta-packages/developer-gnu publish meta-packages/developer-opensolaris-X publish meta-packages/developer-xopen-xcu4 publish meta-packages/entire-incorporation publish meta-packages/gnome-a11y-libs publish meta-packages/gnome-component publish meta-packages/gnome-gettext publish meta-packages/gnome-libs publish meta-packages/gnome-media-player publish meta-packages/gui-install publish meta-packages/history publish meta-packages/java-gnome publish meta-packages/nspg-incorporation publish meta-packages/ogg-vorbis publish meta-packages/python-extra publish meta-packages/python-gnome-libs publish meta-packages/server_install publish meta-packages/sic_team-incorporation publish meta-packages/solaris_re-incorporation publish meta-packages/sunpro-incorporation publish meta-packages/trusted-extensions publish meta-packages/x11-demo publish meta-packages/x11-font-utilities publish meta-packages/x11-protocols publish meta-packages/xorg-video publish metacity publish mlocate publish mm-common publish mosh publish mousetweaks publish mozilla-nspr publish mozilla-nss publish mpc publish mpfr publish mpich publish mrtg publish mrxvt publish mtr publish mutt publish nano publish nasm publish nautilus publish nautilus-open-terminal publish nautilus-sendto publish ncftp publish ncurses publish net-snmp publish nethack publish nginx publish nicstat publish nimbus publish nmap publish node publish notification-daemon publish notion-3 publish ntfsprogs publish ntp publish nvidia publish opal publish openal publish openjdk-7 publish openjpeg publish openldap publish openmpi publish openoffice/dmake publish openoffice/openoffice publish openssl/openssl-1.0.1 publish openttd publish openusb publish openvpn publish openvpn-easy-rsa publish opus publish orc publish orca publish osol/as publish osol/mtsk publish osol/sysidtool publish ospm publish p7zip publish pango publish pangomm publish pangox-compat publish parallel publish parted publish patch publish patchutils publish pbzip2 publish pci.ids publish pciutils publish pconsole publish pcre publish pdsh publish percona-server-55 publish percona-server-56 publish perl/perl516 publish perl/perl522 publish perl_modules/Archive-Zip publish perl_modules/DBI publish perl_modules/DBI-MySQL publish perl_modules/DBI-PostgreSQL publish perl_modules/DBI-SQLite publish perl_modules/Encode-Locale publish perl_modules/File-Listing publish perl_modules/HTML-Parser publish perl_modules/HTML-Tagset publish perl_modules/HTTP-Cookies publish perl_modules/HTTP-Daemon publish perl_modules/HTTP-Date publish perl_modules/HTTP-Message publish perl_modules/HTTP-Negotiate publish perl_modules/IO-HTML publish perl_modules/LWP-MediaTypes publish perl_modules/Net-HTTP publish perl_modules/Switch publish perl_modules/URI publish perl_modules/WWW-RobotRules publish perl_modules/authen_pam publish perl_modules/libwww-perl publish perl_modules/net-ssleay publish perl_modules/pmtools publish perl_modules/xml-parser publish pgadmin publish pgagent publish pgbadger publish pgbouncer publish pgloader publish pgpool-II publish php-5_4 publish php-5_4-apache24 publish php-5_4-ext-apc publish php-5_4-ext-idn publish php-5_4-ext-memcache publish php-5_4-ext-memcached publish php-5_4-ext-mysql publish php-5_4-ext-mysqli publish php-5_4-ext-pdo_mysql publish php-5_4-ext-pgsql publish php-5_4-ext-tcpwrap publish php-5_4-ext-xdebug publish php-5_5 publish php-5_5-apache24 publish php-5_5-ext-idn publish php-5_5-ext-memcache publish php-5_5-ext-memcached publish php-5_5-ext-mysql publish php-5_5-ext-mysqli publish php-5_5-ext-pdo_mysql publish php-5_5-ext-pgsql publish php-5_5-ext-tcpwrap publish php-5_5-ext-xdebug publish pidgin publish pidgin-otr publish pigz publish pixman publish pixz publish pkg-config publish pkgbuild publish planner publish poppler publish poppler-data publish postgresql-93 publish postgresql-93-pg_repack publish postgresql-94 publish postgresql-jdbc publish privoxy publish procmail publish proftpd publish protobuf publish psutils publish ptlib publish pulseaudio publish pv publish pwgen publish pylint publish python/argh publish python/argparse publish python/barman publish python/ccsm publish python/cherrypy publish python/compizconfig-python publish python/coverage publish python/cssutils publish python/dbus-python publish python/decorator publish python/docutils publish python/dulwich publish python/gnome-python publish python/gnome-python-desktop publish python/gnome-python-extras publish python/gst-python publish python/imaging publish python/ipython publish python/jinja2 publish python/jokosher publish python/jsonrpclib publish python/jsonschema publish python/ldtp publish python/m2crypto publish python/mako publish python/markupsafe publish python/mock publish python/mysql publish python/netaddr publish python/nose publish python/notify-python publish python/numpy publish python/pep8 publish python/pip publish python/ply publish python/psycopg2 publish python/pybonjour publish python/pycairo publish python/pycparser publish python/pycups publish python/pycurl publish python/pygobject publish python/pygtk2 publish python/pygtksourceview publish python/pylxml publish python/pyopenssl publish python/pyorbit publish python/pyrex publish python/pyro publish python/pyro4 publish python/python-dateutil publish python/python-memcached publish python/python26 publish python/python27 publish python/python34 publish python/pyxdg publish python/pyyaml publish python/pyzmq publish python/setuptools publish python/sexy-python publish python/simplejson publish python/terminator publish python/tornado publish python/twisted publish python/twisted-web2 publish python/unittest2 publish python/zope-interface publish qt4 publish quick-lounge-applet publish quilt publish raptor publish raptor2 publish rarian publish rdesktop publish rdiff-backup publish readline publish realvnc-java-client publish rhythmbox publish rpm2cpio publish rrdtool publish rsync publish rsyslog publish rtorrent publish ruby/facter publish ruby/hiera publish ruby/ruby-19 publish ruby/ruby-22 publish ruby/ruby-common publish samba/samba30 publish sane-backends publish sane-frontends publish sbcl publish sccs publish schroedinger publish scientific/gts publish scientific/hdf5 publish scientific/openblas publish scientific/python/instant publish scientific/python/scientific-py publish screen publish seahorse publish seahorse-plugins publish sed publish sg3_utils publish shared-mime-info publish slang publish slib publish sloccount publish slrn publish smartmontools publish snort publish socat publish sound-juicer publish sound-theme-freedesktop publish sox publish spawn-fcgi publish sqlite/sqlite publish sqlite/tcl publish squid publish stardict publish startup-notification publish stunnel publish sudo publish subversion publish sunstudio12.1 publish swig publish swt publish synergy publish sysbench publish system-config-printer publish system-tools-backends publish tcl/tcl publish tcl/pgtcl publish tcpdump publish tcsh publish teseq publish texinfo publish thunderbird publish tidy publish tiff publish tmux publish tomcat publish tomcat-8 publish top publish tor publish totem publish totem-pl-parser publish tracker publish transmission publish tree publish trousers publish ts publish tsclient publish tuntap publish unixodbc publish unrar publish unzip publish urxvt publish uwimap publish vala publish valgrind publish vim publish vinagre publish vino publish vte publish w3m publish wdiff publish webalizer publish webkit publish wget publish which publish wireshark publish wxwidgets publish x11/bdftopcf publish x11/bigreqsproto publish x11/compositeproto publish x11/damageproto publish x11/dmxproto publish x11/dri2proto publish x11/evieext publish x11/fixesproto publish x11/font-util publish x11/fontcacheproto publish x11/fontconfig publish x11/fontsproto publish x11/glproto publish x11/glu publish x11/glw publish x11/ico publish x11/inputproto publish x11/installalias publish x11/kbproto publish x11/libX11 publish x11/libXdmcp publish x11/libXfont publish x11/libXft publish x11/libXtsol publish x11/libdmx publish x11/libdrm publish x11/libpciaccess publish x11/libxcb publish x11/mesa publish x11/mesa-demos publish x11/mkfontdir publish x11/mkfontscale publish x11/ogl-select publish x11/printproto publish x11/randrproto publish x11/recordproto publish x11/renderproto publish x11/resourceproto publish x11/scrnsaverproto publish x11/sun-ext-protos publish x11/xorg-server publish x11/twm publish x11/util-macros publish x11/videoproto publish x11/x11perf publish x11/xcb-proto publish x11/xcb-util publish x11/xcb-util-cursor publish x11/xcb-util-image publish x11/xcb-util-renderutil publish x11/xcb-util-keysyms publish x11/xcb-util-wm publish x11/xclip publish x11/xclock publish x11/xcmiscproto publish x11/xcowsay publish x11/xdm publish x11/xextproto publish x11/xeyes publish x11/xf86-input-acecad publish x11/xf86-input-hotkey publish x11/xf86-input-keyboard publish x11/xf86-input-mouse publish x11/xf86-input-synaptics publish x11/xf86-input-vmmouse publish x11/xf86-input-void publish x11/xf86-video-ast publish x11/xf86-video-ati publish x11/xf86-video-cirrus publish x11/xf86-video-dummy publish x11/xf86-video-intel publish x11/xf86-video-mach64 publish x11/xf86-video-mga publish x11/xf86-video-nv publish x11/xf86-video-openchrome publish x11/xf86-video-r128 publish x11/xf86-video-savage publish x11/xf86-video-trident publish x11/xf86-video-vesa publish x11/xf86-video-vmware publish x11/xf86bigfontproto publish x11/xf86dgaproto publish x11/xf86driproto publish x11/xf86miscproto publish x11/xf86vidmodeproto publish x11/xfd publish x11/xfs publish x11/xgc publish x11/xineramaproto publish x11/xlogo publish x11/xmessage publish x11/xproto publish x11/xproxymanagementprotocol publish x11/xterm publish x11/xtrans publish xchat publish xchm publish xdg-user-dirs publish xdg-user-dirs-gtk publish xmlto publish xmltoman publish xorriso publish xrx publish xsane publish xscreensaver/rss-glx publish xz publish yasm publish yaz publish yelp publish zabbix-agent publish zenity publish zeromq publish zetaback publish zip publish zlib publish zsh publish zziplib publish gnupg publish perl_modules/xml-simple publish ruby/puppet publish samba/samba publish tcl/expect publish tcl/tk publish x11/tigervnc publish xscreensaver/xscreensaver /usr/bin/pkgrepo rebuild -s file:/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/repo Initiating repository rebuild. make[1]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' + rsync -av i386/repo/publisher/ rsync:// sending incremental file list ./ 00/ 00/001a7ad89d81f67d161355d57fb86be0e0fc0de9 01/ 02/ 03/ 04/ 04/04200601c39fd1380aa41e266a5cbc5e043b4bd2 05/ 05/056742601919c626c0510b0eab8e92bdf928a8ea 06/ 06/0667ed9a61a0e1c16f920d39e53637e3a42f5ccb 07/ 07/075108838130041e446f494702733886847a6265 08/ 08/08ae467a22bf4eafae5dcb9e6cf5dfcd865209a7 09/ 0a/ 0b/ 0c/ 0d/ 0e/ 0e/0e0852abc067301cb245a154edba606ff12a557e 0f/ 0f/0f2a4e550ef72d7d366a9c6e324d2b30e283c476 10/ 11/ 11/11fb5749dd59bf6c5bc926669d22480303102fde 12/ 12/12549569098cbb0efa8a4aa91f5f38068791fe42 13/ 14/ 14/147538b27ab6e1dc834f57ad94cc58eb187e9e9b 15/ 16/ 16/1600945f0beb08ff5b45ec92d251e88489cadaed 17/ 17/17f7d7cc4d67b3367e69ed828534ef0c7f345867 18/ 19/ 19/19ab0c0d7b0d3ce0b293453388a5faf8109da297 1a/ 1b/ 1b/1b68231626f8c21ed8682d578494a282e1711f90 1c/ 1d/ 1e/ 1f/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 23/232ab957798fdca76b3def0680b33f3d0773581e 24/ 25/ 26/ 26/262ebf26e326fc16616c32c1641fdd9cd0688308 27/ 28/ 29/ 2a/ 2b/ 2c/ 2d/ 2d/2da2b0e099f6da9a6589b8323a235533e68971ad 2e/ 2f/ 30/ 31/ 32/ 33/ 33/335ff73613ba7c78464f621a571dac6881705204 34/ 35/ 35/356ec684ff4c916f153f99363c436544752b8f83 36/ 36/365202ad92143f2e6bf3dc55ba3ba5780e6a6a94 36/366407b4c56454d695da050a495bd118ecac02b7 37/ 38/ 39/ 39/395bda148816337fdd3300544531a2e170e859bd 39/3962e4cf49312fe28db231f922ed68851a66023f 3a/ 3b/ 3c/ 3c/3c0a73839a159f22a68e704d68a306616dd8211e 3d/ 3e/ 3e/3e723e014ea8710409f40437fcacb0b8b211c9ab 3f/ 40/ 41/ 42/ 43/ 43/433aa8fdb039ad77933860f9d25f8b469e91cd79 43/4344e3d18f768008c32614683fab589b3f4c6f50 43/438bc1c9ba2ef5cbca313112e13dbf5b6b2098db 44/ 44/44b6a700675fc683b7dc5ad876779d917dae9305 45/ 45/45edda7c1514a49bb23440180fccc6f3028db82e 46/ 46/460e2b2ac8c670cce02575af157c60b692ee9603 47/ 48/ 49/ 4a/ 4b/ 4b/4b9339514a9a5d62617f63acfaffa6cdce65ee7d 4c/ 4c/4cc77b90af91e615a64ae04893fdffa7939db84c 4c/4cc96522ec8255eb8e9d178199b7ec534d1367ca 4d/ 4d/4d1ce6a258cc4d1b35eb3aaca36b43cf8c251e98 4e/ 4f/ 50/ 51/ 52/ 53/ 54/ 55/ 55/55a11aa4abb383c462d1e571ee200a064412ba5e 56/ 56/563d186a45940c91807e2b9df61bdf12dfa6afda 57/ 57/57ead4553cbf8513bf5447699d0dfb48dd34cdfc 58/ 58/58cbcd8c365a828476d7f2897beef42ac313537a 59/ 5a/ 5b/ 5b/5b7cdf3d33b6f04ba495b567f845984780110e8f 5c/ 5d/ 5e/ 5f/ 60/ 61/ 61/617f91acb1b2d285373d2f79e8c03e7ad0048ad8 62/ 62/6243867ea4b2089c25c5321a88feff5741d3b789 63/ 64/ 65/ 66/ 66/66b05e95aca62faaa235b1cf37ee9693775c4298 67/ 68/ 69/ 6a/ 6b/ 6b/6bcc4d58d3d87ac9e27a924c135cef07745adc74 6c/ 6d/ 6d/6d78a751654cf7fa551492387d6c20806afb86dc 6e/ 6f/ 6f/6f2085fc55ebe11b9c905879b8f3c65b61ddd7ef 70/ 71/ 72/ 73/ 73/737824a577d1f9e3450771026b5cea614f72152c 74/ 75/ 76/ 76/7600fd2bafd223b6ecc51fed9a840074d8271875 77/ 78/ 79/ 79/79e0a3c516799eba4d9828fe23ff12c52ceb81ed 7a/ 7a/7a50d809a9f61ce3e6fe44b2aeb8fbe85ad7615c 7b/ 7c/ 7c/7cf52b2c094e4c791047b8eb07e32a7cccadd264 7d/ 7d/7d4db9c8511d81bda08ee1209a0105fdd81cad20 7d/7d69334efa1096479cc5228086f15c41282facd7 7d/7d9867a6651725be2fdf01aa4174ede1bf7c02de 7d/7ddebae83af755978adef44534060d15030ad3e6 7e/ 7e/7e718e91471b9f353a87d26d5e9b5501a4a1d705 7f/ 7f/7f883224c67ee495c2535a8a53ad122a21eab215 7f/7fa02902ff194c334189a140bc4a7d127521cdda 80/ 81/ 82/ 83/ 84/ 85/ 86/ 86/8615e058b49f31a6a6bd2020ccb259016824f3f8 87/ 88/ 89/ 8a/ 8a/8a410c86ca76c6293e9f4cac29a76311aa08ab50 8b/ 8b/8bb0c0c3c3014c9ad0c579c0a483b6963326cd8e 8c/ 8d/ 8e/ 8e/8e261dab73d1cb6d2b2209d759bce885d91ba1e7 8f/ 8f/8f998bad86a49f0e73a9b33ad142fb2bde5a6035 90/ 91/ 92/ 92/927923fd0a31af561a6dfc4ed76e0f9e4dcf6657 93/ 94/ 94/942bef1d8f7d934803f575d438f5b3ef6dc93095 95/ 95/95b1885fd3adce348288d328e965acca04f18c02 96/ 96/96448ec0785d3e0eb34ded6e049571bb63f4f79f 97/ 98/ 98/980b00ff4b766e9b5fd7e9fc359f0d631ef30b4f 99/ 9a/ 9b/ 9c/ 9c/9c057c47c1c8240f3e88e82c9be359ed6bb7d800 9d/ 9e/ 9f/ 9f/9f8cbe353ec4c11a54143ac211825206f4ef88b7 9f/9fa18cd128f60a48608e2508e8a5b8a33b6d744b a0/ a1/ a2/ a3/ a4/ a5/ a6/ a7/ a8/ a8/a8c4507c0abeaa04fa24adda980a2558890c0249 a9/ aa/ aa/aad85e201845b3776e595fbb8089a9d536d7a1a6 ab/ ab/aba3b87cd7f69ee0fb1374ddadc1667e543233e3 ac/ ad/ ad/ad2eb4bf0ff93124bd4abec228dcd4b316eabb0a ad/adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc ae/ af/ b0/ b1/ b2/ b2/b271b5711eccd5e1766e47a942d9d57bfe72a01b b2/b2ed1aa422759cff73c003131bed4f27fe4f1201 b3/ b4/ b4/b43ce36b454bb6bff1a52575cb501fbf37d21108 b5/ b5/b52bfcf9cb3e9aa9e63a8a6a5860d16885b4dda9 b5/b54cba366b720e08e4848805e38cee928957307b b6/ b6/b66a3902ad2b7eb698e5aa1951d3a3b1fdc83647 b7/ b7/b770640bc0bced34e83772c5161b186fae1ed2d1 b8/ b9/ ba/ bb/ bc/ bd/ bd/bdd61006df80e81e25649ed18345b813cc4b3880 be/ bf/ c0/ c0/c04e37c9241a940ea113b6e2331dec10df60131a c1/ c2/ c2/c236407eb7e7c4adbda4a1e848fbe0c891018bb7 c3/ c4/ c4/c430e8ec814aff090fec928e926bf9846811a62f c5/ c5/c59cfaa3066a8edf56db11583ce24a5d4cca4b09 c6/ c6/c6fdbb7ce7d4d6f347e11334f8461107c9c26247 c7/ c8/ c9/ ca/ cb/ cb/cba2d31a057d3c3bb7c22a3b2b1563891107f57a cc/ cd/ cd/cdbd2657fa1e24da5c1c63553fa8d44fcf81ab8a ce/ cf/ d0/ d0/d005b4705fda67e417ee04984b5fa6d9f7379583 d1/ d1/d143c3117cbfd73967bbff0833efa863c3890d2b d2/ d2/d2690a028a254ce2cd09a000e3e1edf16415564e d3/ d4/ d5/ d6/ d7/ d8/ d9/ da/ da/da36ad6b353ee163c6223bcfbffb90a90b6d73fb da/da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 da/da3c6f22feb0c188c53b356420b194e432eabbf2 db/ db/db6879f6fe0c70f15e57ca24aafaef3469856900 db/dbd85bb540787a77553f6d7dd84f8994bef9eb09 dc/ dd/ de/ de/de7b66b251f1425c30c86ee5b17e39d614501cb2 df/ e0/ e0/e04ec1e668a82eb1b6bfcfc13bef0e7e53811a84 e0/e06e75443af6ed6b97105c60f4d4634dd07f570c e1/ e1/e1a16c2fff8e09a47c8e0b19c63b2dcc58c90e60 e2/ e2/e2e6e205b69d7d8db50d28b1c7eaf5ba5e796731 e3/ e4/ e5/ e5/e5402bcfada387b477c1ff062970fcbf4d9589c0 e5/e5fa44f2b31c1fb553b6021e7360d07d5d91ff5e e6/ e7/ e7/e7fb8440e60e17c8da599d08748e46e7ed451021 e8/ e8/e83421fa4e5c203069678cfd4e1b7d34d227227d e8/e848f905da9364875b8b18a49dc7dd4f70216470 e9/ e9/e93e3bdf77274a9e2746394718a6e7148e9d51f4 ea/ eb/ ec/ ed/ ee/ ef/ f0/ f1/ f1/f1b79ffec240d2172b6ea1c112125d606a2587e8 f2/ f3/ f4/ f5/ f6/ f6/f62e6f34909af60c12272e457aece1347f1c57be f7/ f8/ f9/ fa/ fa/fa10a244985751233690fce225fe01251fdb1581 fb/ fc/ fc/fc36bc13cb03dd4153cf9530c1b3bb7da828276b fd/ fd/fdcc2382147c9a2300d81c86a22867e8d6ccdecf fe/ fe/fe287b111aee212e0c6da8983bc62c65deb7bc68 fe/feafe9428aa02e57cb6a9fb885466e7fdff4b904 ff/ sent 9845754 bytes received 4119 bytes 787989.84 bytes/sec total size is 3188974893 speedup is 323.76 + rsync -av i386/repo/publisher/ rsync:// sending incremental file list ./ consolidation%2Fsunpro%2Fsunpro-incorporation/ desktop%2Fwindow-manager%2Ftwm/ desktop%2Fwindow-manager%2Ftwm/1.0.9%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T191923Z file%2Fmc/ file%2Fmc/4.8.14%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T191731Z library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-notify-26/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-notify-26/0.1.1%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T191641Z library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-notify-27/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-notify-27/0.1.1%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T191642Z library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-notify/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-notify/0.1.1%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T191643Z library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-sexy-26/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-sexy-26/0.1.9%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T191701Z library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-sexy-27/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-sexy-27/0.1.9%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T191702Z library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-sexy/ library%2Fpython-2%2Fpython-sexy/0.1.9%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T191703Z package%2Frpm/ package%2Frpm/1.3%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T191718Z service%2Fnetwork%2Fftp/ system%2Fprerequisite%2Fgnu/ system%2Fprerequisite%2Fgnu/0.5.11%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T190842Z web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22%2Fdocumentation/ web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22%2Fdocumentation/2.2.31%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T190743Z web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22%2Fmodule%2Fapache-dtrace/ web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22%2Fmodule%2Fapache-dtrace/0.3.1%2C5.11-2015.0.1.2%3A20150819T190729Z web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22%2Fmodule%2Fapache-fcgid/ web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22%2Fmodule%2Fapache-fcgid/2.3.9%2C5.11-2015.0.1.1%3A20150819T190724Z web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22%2Fmodule%2Fapache-security/ web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22%2Fmodule%2Fapache-security/2.7.7%2C5.11-2015.0.1.1%3A20150819T190730Z web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22%2Fmodule%2Fapache-sed/ web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22%2Fmodule%2Fapache-sed/2.2.31%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T190738Z web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22/ web%2Fserver%2Fapache-22/2.2.31%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T190740Z web%2Fserver%2Fapache-24%2Fdocumentation/ web%2Fserver%2Fapache-24%2Fdocumentation/2.4.16%2C5.11-2015.0.1.1%3A20150819T190758Z web%2Fserver%2Fapache-24%2Fmodule%2Fapache-dtrace/ web%2Fserver%2Fapache-24%2Fmodule%2Fapache-dtrace/0.3.1%2C5.11-2015.0.1.2%3A20150819T190727Z web%2Fserver%2Fapache-24%2Fmodule%2Fapache-fcgid/ web%2Fserver%2Fapache-24%2Fmodule%2Fapache-fcgid/2.3.9%2C5.11-2015.0.1.1%3A20150819T190723Z web%2Fserver%2Fapache-24%2Fmodule%2Fapache-security/ web%2Fserver%2Fapache-24%2Fmodule%2Fapache-security/2.7.7%2C5.11-2015.0.1.1%3A20150819T190731Z web%2Fserver%2Fapache-24/ web%2Fserver%2Fapache-24/2.4.16%2C5.11-2015.0.1.1%3A20150819T190756Z x11%2Fserver%2Fxorg%2Fdriver%2Fxorg-input-hotkey/ x11%2Fserver%2Fxorg%2Fdriver%2Fxorg-input-hotkey/0.5.11%2C5.11-2015.0.1.0%3A20150819T191940Z sent 1238681 bytes received 2158 bytes 827226.00 bytes/sec total size is 269807329 speedup is 217.44 + echo $'Poor man\'s RPC...' Poor man's RPC... + mkdir /tmp/empty.3178 + rsync /tmp/empty.3178/ rsync:// skipping directory . real 13m14.35s user 0m0.00s sys 0m0.00s + rmdir /tmp/empty.3178 + [ -f components/encumbered/ ] + rm components/encumbered/ + [ -f components/encumbered/ ] + rm components/encumbered/ + PUBLISHER=hipster-encumbered + export PUBLISHER + gmake -C components/encumbered setup gmake: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components/encumbered' Generating component list... Generating component dependencies... gmake: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components/encumbered' gmake: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components/encumbered' building tools... make[1]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' make[1]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' /bin/mkdir -p /jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/pkglint-cache gmake: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components/encumbered' + gmake -C components/encumbered publish -j8 -k gmake: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components/encumbered' building tools... make[1]: Entering directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' make[1]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1. Add `+' to parent make rule. make[1]: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' /bin/mkdir -p /jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/pkglint-cache publish faac publish faad2 publish ffmpeg publish gsm publish lame publish liba52 publish libdca publish libdvbpsi publish libdvdnav publish libdvdread publish libmad publish libmpcdec publish libmpeg2 publish opencore-amr publish rtmpdump publish toolame publish twolame publish x264 publish xvidcore /usr/bin/pkgrepo rebuild -s file:/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/encumbered-repo Initiating repository rebuild. gmake: Leaving directory `/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components/encumbered' + rsync -av i386/encumbered-repo/publisher/hipster-encumbered/file/ rsync:// sending incremental file list sent 26660 bytes received 222 bytes 53764.00 bytes/sec total size is 14529272 speedup is 540.48 + rsync -av i386/encumbered-repo/publisher/hipster-encumbered/pkg/ rsync:// sending incremental file list sent 2081 bytes received 27 bytes 1405.33 bytes/sec total size is 307443 speedup is 145.85 + echo $'Poor man\'s RPC...' Poor man's RPC... + mkdir /tmp/empty.3178 + rsync /tmp/empty.3178/ rsync:// skipping directory . real 0m2.71s user 0m0.00s sys 0m0.00s + rmdir /tmp/empty.3178 + seq 1 300 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + break + seq 1 300 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + sleep 1 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + break + pfexec pkg refresh --full Retrieving catalog 'hipster-encumbered' ... Done Retrieving catalog '' ... Done Caching catalogs ... Done + pfexec pkg install -v pkg:/package/pkg + 1> /tmp/pkg-update.out.3178 + grep 'No updates necessary for this image.' /tmp/pkg-update.out.3178 + 1> /dev/null + pfexec pkg update -v --deny-new-be + 1> /tmp/pkg-update.out.3178 + cat /tmp/pkg-update.out.3178 Startup: Refreshing catalog 'hipster-encumbered' ... Done Startup: Refreshing catalog '' ... Done Planning: Solver setup ... Done (3.064s) Planning: Running solver ... Done (0.129s) Planning: Finding local manifests ... Done (0.005s) Planning: Fetching manifests: 0/14 0% complete Planning: Fetching manifests: 14/14 100% complete Planning: Package planning ... Done (0.318s) Planning: Merging actions ... Done (0.001s) Planning: Checking for conflicting actions ... Done (3.210s) Planning: Consolidating action changes ... Done (0.001s) Planning: Evaluating mediators ... Done (1.822s) Planning: Planning completed in 11.41 seconds Packages to update: 14 Estimated space available: 15.74 GB Estimated space to be consumed: 116.42 MB Create boot environment: No Create backup boot environment: Yes Rebuild boot archive: No Changed packages: desktop/window-manager/twm 1.0.9-2015.0.1.0:20150819T060339Z -> 1.0.9-2015.0.1.0:20150819T191923Z file/mc 4.8.8-2015.0.1.1 -> 4.8.14-2015.0.1.0 library/python-2/python-notify-26 0.1.1-2015.0.1.0:20150819T060056Z -> 0.1.1-2015.0.1.0:20150819T191641Z library/python-2/python-sexy-26 0.1.9-2015.0.1.0:20150819T060111Z -> 0.1.9-2015.0.1.0:20150819T191701Z package/rpm 1.3-2015.0.1.0:20150819T060128Z -> 1.3-2015.0.1.0:20150819T191718Z system/prerequisite/gnu 0.5.11-2015.0.1.0:20150819T055339Z -> 0.5.11-2015.0.1.0:20150819T190842Z web/server/apache-22 2.2.31-2015.0.1.0:20150819T055229Z -> 2.2.31-2015.0.1.0:20150819T190740Z web/server/apache-22/documentation 2.2.31-2015.0.1.0:20150819T055231Z -> 2.2.31-2015.0.1.0:20150819T190743Z web/server/apache-22/module/apache-dtrace 0.3.1-2015.0.1.2:20150819T055216Z -> 0.3.1-2015.0.1.2:20150819T190729Z web/server/apache-22/module/apache-fcgid 2.3.9-2015.0.1.1:20150819T055221Z -> 2.3.9-2015.0.1.1:20150819T190724Z web/server/apache-22/module/apache-security 2.7.7-2015.0.1.1:20150819T055222Z -> 2.7.7-2015.0.1.1:20150819T190730Z web/server/apache-22/module/apache-sed 2.2.31-2015.0.1.0:20150819T055228Z -> 2.2.31-2015.0.1.0:20150819T190738Z web/server/apache-24 2.4.16-2015.0.1.1:20150819T055240Z -> 2.4.16-2015.0.1.1:20150819T190756Z x11/server/xorg/driver/xorg-input-hotkey 0.5.11-2015.0.1.0:20150819T060329Z -> 0.5.11-2015.0.1.0:20150819T191940Z Download: 0/107 items 0.0/2.5MB 0% complete Download: Completed 2.48 MB in 0.21 seconds (12.1M/s) Actions: 1/177 actions (Removing old actions) Actions: 21/177 actions (Installing new actions) Actions: 54/177 actions (Updating modified actions) Actions: Completed 177 actions in 0.43 seconds. Done (0.873s) Done (0.018s) Done (1.678s) Done (35.491s) Done (0.021s) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Please review release notes posted at: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + rm /tmp/pkg-update.out.3178 Finished: SUCCESS