Started by an SCM change Building in workspace /data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace Checkout:workspace / /data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace - hudson.remoting.LocalChannel@11381b4 Using strategy: Default Last Built Revision: Revision de061565f7a084310592163fd7f7367ad77b83e5 (origin/oi/hipster) Fetching changes from 1 remote Git repository Fetching upstream changes from origin Commencing build of Revision 0cd4b98da2c77c4eeb9c9ad43d4f578fbfd84837 (origin/oi/hipster) Checking out Revision 0cd4b98da2c77c4eeb9c9ad43d4f578fbfd84837 (origin/oi/hipster) [workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /var/tmp/ + [ -f components/ ] + rm components/ + [ -f components/ ] + rm components/ + gmake setup setup components make[1]: Entering directory `/data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' Generating component list... Generating component dependencies... make[1]: Leaving directory `/data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' make[1]: Entering directory `/data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' building tools... make[2]: Entering directory `/data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' make[2]: Leaving directory `/data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' /bin/mkdir -p /data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/pkglint-cache make[1]: Leaving directory `/data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' + gmake publish -j24 publish components make[1]: Entering directory `/data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' building tools... make[2]: Entering directory `/data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' make[2]: warning: jobserver unavailable: using -j1. Add `+' to parent make rule. make[2]: Leaving directory `/data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/tools' /bin/mkdir -p /data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/pkglint-cache publish a2ps publish apache2 publish apache2-modules/mod_jk publish aalib publish apache2-modules/mod_fcgid publish apache2-modules/mod_perl publish apache2-modules/mod_dtrace publish apache2-modules/mod_security2 publish apr publish arcstat publish apr-util publish apache2-modules/mod_wsgi publish automake/automake-1.10 publish automake/automake-1.11.2 publish aspell/aspell publish bind publish aspell/dictionaries/ru publish binutils publish autoconf publish bash publish aspell/dictionaries/en publish cabextract publish clang publish bison publish cmake publish convmv publish conflict publish curl publish cvs publish cxa_finalize publish daq publish dejagnu publish diffutils publish doxygen publish ejabberd publish erlang publish facter publish fastcgi publish fetchmail publish findutils publish flex publish fping publish gaa publish gawk publish gcc3 publish gcc47 publish gdbm publish gettext publish ggrep publish git publish gnu-gs-fonts-other publish gnu-gs-fonts-std publish gnu-iconv publish gnugo publish gnump publish gnupth publish gocr publish gperf publish gtar publish help2man publish hexedit publish iftop publish ilmbase publish imagemagick publish iperf publish ircii publish isc-dhcp publish less publish libarchive publish libassuan publish libconfuse publish libdnet publish libestr publish libev publish libevent publish libexpat publish libffi publish libgcrypt publish libgee publish libgpg-error publish libidn publish libksba publish liblzo publish libmcrypt publish libmemcached publish libmhash publish libmng publish libneon publish libnet publish libogg publish libpcap publish libsigsegv publish libssh2 publish libtool publish libvorbis publish libxml2 publish libyaml publish links publish m4 publish make publish mc publish memcached publish meta-packages/build-essential publish meta-packages/history publish mpfr publish nasm publish ncurses publish nethack publish nicstat publish nmap publish ntp publish nvidia publish openldap publish opus publish osol/math publish orc publish parallel publish patch publish pcre publish perl/perl510 publish perl/perl516 publish perl_modules/DBI publish perl_modules/authen_pam publish perl_modules/net-ssleay publish perl_modules/pmtools publish perl_modules/xml-parser publish perl_modules/sun_solaris publish php-5_4-ext-apc publish php-5_4 publish php-5_4-ext-memcache publish php-5_4-ext-memcached publish php-5_4-ext-mysql51 publish php-5_4-ext-mysqli51 publish php-5_4-ext-pgsql84 publish php-5_4-ext-pdo_mysql51 publish php-5_4-ext-xdebug publish pixz publish pkg-config publish privoxy publish puppet publish pwgen publish python/argparse publish python/pip publish python/python26 publish python/setuptools publish raptor2 publish readline publish rpm2cpio publish rsync publish ruby publish screen publish sed publish sg3_utils publish slib publish slrn publish sox publish spawn-fcgi publish squid publish subversion publish sunstudio12.1 publish swig publish tcl/tcl publish tcpdump publish tcsh publish teseq publish texinfo publish top publish unixodbc publish unzip publish uwimap publish vala publish wdiff publish webalizer publish wget publish which publish wireshark publish xorriso publish xscreensaver/rss-glx publish xz publish xscreensaver/xscreensaver publish yasm publish zabbix-agent publish zetaback publish zip publish zlib publish zsh publish perl_modules/xml-simple publish tcl/expect publish tcl/tk /usr/bin/pkgrepo rebuild -s file:/data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/i386/repo Initiating repository rebuild. make[1]: Leaving directory `/data/jenkins/jobs/oi-userland/workspace/components' + rsync -av i386/repo/publisher/ rsync:// sending incremental file list ./ 00/ 01/ 02/ 03/ 04/ 05/ 05/059d9322780c14038430b298b8e3bea278ed86f3 06/ 07/ 08/ 09/ 09/0969b2c95d9430c81b0d4b05d81146a6cced5f31 0a/ 0b/ 0c/ 0d/ 0e/ 0e/0ed058e199a18fa4cb2d28c5a0b897dac49bc66e 0f/ 10/ 11/ 12/ 13/ 14/ 14/14bf9b1cd6741be1987a66174774e4b56eacbba7 15/ 16/ 17/ 17/173f57b7c0ec821e5f595a31ba11fa2436974c0b 18/ 19/ 1a/ 1b/ 1c/ 1d/ 1e/ 1f/ 20/ 21/ 22/ 23/ 24/ 25/ 26/ 27/ 27/27b59205102deafda601ff4791017767cfd9ca6b 28/ 29/ 2a/ 2b/ 2b/2bcd3c68b1ecb4de8779382e046e680e45214728 2c/ 2d/ 2e/ 2f/ 30/ 31/ 32/ 33/ 34/ 35/ 35/3520d222a315a36c11674a4fc95ea7f69d6b77d2 36/ 37/ 38/ 39/ 3a/ 3b/ 3c/ 3d/ 3e/ 3f/ 40/ 41/ 42/ 43/ 44/ 45/ 46/ 46/4661ee335f973af803e46bc40ef4eb3b7555267d 47/ 48/ 49/ 4a/ 4b/ 4b/4b23c2ade497b531dbf10adccb09db649d027557 4c/ 4c/4c62462284fd7bca604000ceaa5c936642d52138 4c/4cc77b90af91e615a64ae04893fdffa7939db84c 4d/ 4e/ 4f/ 50/ 51/ 52/ 53/ 54/ 54/54212796a4fba3bbe4ec7b2960ffa1a98b56e6c1 55/ 56/ 57/ 58/ 59/ 5a/ 5b/ 5c/ 5d/ 5e/ 5f/ 60/ 61/ 61/61a7ab5c65dd1950736dbd5496f9287624449451 62/ 63/ 63/6327888641a5fed17bf60bb20e3c71f64c692b8e 64/ 65/ 66/ 67/ 68/ 69/ 6a/ 6a/6ac95434ed10504de774be888b9307b377683481 6b/ 6c/ 6d/ 6d/6d64a310ff636110be9493f802216724b41ee830 6e/ 6f/ 70/ 71/ 72/ 73/ 73/7383fb893426cb3529b6c955cfc99965241c9a30 73/73abcd8fc647f89f362ef44e19dfff522d825be4 74/ 75/ 76/ 76/7608a89f67be77de0f35fb9683ab2514cf3119de 77/ 78/ 79/ 7a/ 7b/ 7c/ 7c/7c069c5cfb48cc208c9e89f2550e9c65dfe3995e 7d/ 7e/ 7f/ 80/ 80/808a778b7079ec370f54b00229162b251bd4b928 81/ 82/ 83/ 84/ 85/ 85/85ff8c1e32b629fd52a85c94a9ccc86437bb2ce4 86/ 87/ 87/879c59f4416a0d3c27902c6247eb42143f7a087a 88/ 89/ 8a/ 8b/ 8b/8b85fd54ffef2e2ec8c2f149ceab66415f1466b8 8c/ 8d/ 8d/8d44868e8c65da803d4bb323b5e08475aaf22541 8e/ 8f/ 90/ 91/ 92/ 93/ 94/ 95/ 96/ 97/ 98/ 98/982c345d0d7f35643079a7c03d88f24a1858aec3 98/98f3649725fd9ac07ef2bc41e60503b89739c0e6 99/ 9a/ 9b/ 9c/ 9d/ 9e/ 9f/ a0/ a1/ a2/ a3/ a4/ a5/ a6/ a7/ a8/ a9/ aa/ ab/ ac/ ad/ ad/adc83b19e793491b1c6ea0fd8b46cd9f32e592fc ae/ af/ b0/ b1/ b2/ b2/b2901eee51fdde646ad971733caf448cc8061b34 b3/ b4/ b5/ b6/ b7/ b8/ b8/b88614922bc3b2eb2b8a55d57cf1be463b545465 b9/ ba/ bb/ bc/ bd/ be/ bf/ c0/ c1/ c2/ c3/ c4/ c4/c423717f361dd25e17d0835defed3f7e9af18d5c c5/ c6/ c7/ c8/ c9/ ca/ cb/ cb/cb5afa9a8aa48eb22593ca9a6dff377529a51d78 cb/cbd41a95ae175d5f7b293f1535e8992dcb8d4397 cc/ cd/ ce/ cf/ d0/ d1/ d1/d1295b25ee7e62a80e0b1eb62ca634c735bd9c4f d1/d1c6ad4222229cf006789e069a4eb405c1d09963 d2/ d3/ d4/ d5/ d6/ d7/ d8/ d9/ da/ da/da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 db/ dc/ dd/ dd/dd0051e6ccf3d85a9fc3f822b3f7f13eb0a889f9 dd/dde8802a7324c984aeb4d73a7356ed8ec23cefd9 de/ df/ e0/ e1/ e1/e1fae2fc4bba672fc26554780be21d74106a064b e2/ e3/ e3/e36fbc5f13d3764e0b70a0e1fc76dbc971be10a2 e4/ e5/ e5/e5fa44f2b31c1fb553b6021e7360d07d5d91ff5e e6/ e7/ e8/ e8/e826aef3a429f4a9acc80f39c7b22b7443da5731 e9/ ea/ eb/ ec/ ed/ ee/ ef/ f0/ f1/ f2/ f2/f29e18a7589d597eb627435d37b4811198613e5b f3/ f4/ f5/ f6/ f7/ f7/f71504819e08261af8423151c3c6bd1358f6630b f7/f7394778c03f828a04cb81d246fe9f16ed376a7b f8/ f9/ fa/ fa/face5fcd7578f13fa36f30a92089a50ff5288637 fb/ fc/ fd/ fd/fd5ef96c732527e2065afa716365115d4bb68ea2 fe/ ff/ sent 71124522 bytes received 2875 bytes 942084.73 bytes/sec total size is 1297934400 speedup is 18.25 + rsync -av i386/repo/publisher/ rsync:// sending incremental file list ./ developer%2Fgcc-47/ developer%2Fgcc-47/4.7.3%2C5.11- library%2Filmbase/ library%2Filmbase/1.0.1%2C5.11- package%2Frpm/ package%2Frpm/0.5.11%2C5.11- package%2Frpm/0.5.11%2C5.11- package%2Frpm/0.5.11%2C5.11- system%2Flibrary%2Fg%2B%2B-4-runtime/ system%2Flibrary%2Fg%2B%2B-4-runtime/4.7.3%2C5.11- system%2Flibrary%2Fgcc-4-runtime/ system%2Flibrary%2Fgcc-4-runtime/4.7.3%2C5.11- system%2Flibrary%2Fgfortran-4-runtime/ system%2Flibrary%2Fgfortran-4-runtime/4.7.3%2C5.11- sent 377822 bytes received 709 bytes 757062.00 bytes/sec total size is 59052626 speedup is 156.00 + echo $'Poor man\'s RPC...' Poor man's RPC... + mkdir /tmp/empty.1202 + rsync /tmp/empty.1202/ rsync:// skipping directory . real 8m31.52s user 0m0.00s sys 0m0.00s + rmdir /tmp/empty.1202 + seq 1 300 + curl -If + 1> /dev/null 2>& 1 + break + pfexec pkg refresh --full + pfexec pkg install -v pkg:/package/pkg + 1> /tmp/pkg-update.out.1202 + grep 'No updates necessary for this image.' /tmp/pkg-update.out.1202 + 1> /dev/null + pfexec pkg update -v --deny-new-be + 1> /tmp/pkg-update.out.1202 + cat /tmp/pkg-update.out.1202 Packages to install: 1 Packages to update: 5 Estimated space available: 13.86 GB Estimated space to be consumed: 457.21 MB Create boot environment: No Create backup boot environment: Yes Rebuild boot archive: No Changed packages: system/library/gfortran-4-runtime None -> 4.7.3,5.11- developer/gcc-47 4.7.3,5.11- -> 4.7.3,5.11- library/ilmbase 1.0.1,5.11- -> 1.0.1,5.11- package/rpm 0.5.11,5.11- -> 0.5.11,5.11- system/library/g++-4-runtime 4.7.3,5.11- -> 4.7.3,5.11- system/library/gcc-4-runtime 4.7.3,5.11- -> 4.7.3,5.11- Download: system/library/gfortran-4-runtime ... Done Download: system/library/gcc-4-runtime ... Done Download: system/library/g++-4-runtime ... Done Download: library/ilmbase ... Done Download: package/rpm ... Done Download: developer/gcc-47 ... Done Install Phase ... Done Update Phase ... Done Package State Update Phase ... Done Package Cache Update Phase ... Done Image State Update Phase ... Done Reading Existing Index ... Done Indexing Packages ... Done --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: Please review release notes posted at: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + rm /tmp/pkg-update.out.1202 Finished: SUCCESS