命令行The atril command can open any number of files, at specific pages and in various modes.Phil Bullphilbull@gmail.comTiffany Antopolskitiffany@antopolski.com
知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 3.0
Christopher Mengi@cicku.me2012-2013ravixdr.neemous@gmail.com2013Dianjin Wang1132321739qq@gmail.com2012Cravixdr.neemous@gmail.com2013nyanyhrebuilty@gmail.com2013liulitchixingzuo88@qq.com2013玉堂白鹤yjwork@qq.com2015Mingye Wangarthur200126@gmail.com2015-2016白铭骢jeffbai@aosc.xyz2015-2016刘子兴liushuyu@aosc.xyz2015-2016The command line
To startAtril from the command line, type atril. You
can open a specific file by typing the filename after the atril command:
atril file.pdf
You can open multiple files by typing the filenames after the atril command, separating the filenames by a space:
atril file1.pdf file2.pdf
Atril also supports the handling of files on the web. For example, after the atril command you can give the location of a file on the web:
Opening a document at a specific page
You can use--page-label switch to open a document at a
specific page. For example, to open a document to page 3, you would type:
atril --page-label=3 file.pdf
The page label should be in the same format as the page number displayed in
Atril header bar.
Opening a document in fullscreen modeatril --fullscreen file.pdfOpening a document in presentation modeatril --presentation file.pdfOpening a document in preview modeatril --preview file.pdf