You can convert a document to PostScript.Phil Bullphilbull@gmail.comAnna
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Christopher Mengi@cicku.me2012-2013ravixdr.neemous@gmail.com2013Dianjin Wang1132321739qq@gmail.com2012Cravixdr.neemous@gmail.com2013nyanyhrebuilty@gmail.com2013liulitchixingzuo88@qq.com2013玉堂白鹤yjwork@qq.com2015Mingye Wangarthur200126@gmail.com2015-2016白铭骢jeffbai@aosc.xyz2015-2016刘子兴liushuyu@aosc.xyz2015-2016Converting a document to PostScript
You can convert documents of the following format types to PostScript files:
DjVu (.djvu, .djv)
Portable Document Format (.pdf)
Tagged Image File Format (.tiff, .tif)
This works by opening the file in Atril and "printing" the document as a PostScript file.
Go to
select Print or press
CtrlP and go to the
General tab.
Select Print to File and choose PostScript as the
Output format.
Choose a name and folder in which to save the file, then click Print.
The PostScript file will be saved in the folder you chose.