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If you don't save a copy, changes will be permanently lost.Document contains new or modified annotations. If you don't save a copy, changes will be permanently lost.End of presentation. Click to exit.Enlarge the documentEnter passwordErrorExpand Window to FitExpand the window to fill the screenFILEFailed to load document “%s”Failed to print documentFailed to save document “%s”File corruptedFile is not a valid .desktop fileFile type %s (%s) is not supportedFindFind Ne_xtFind Pre_viousFind a word or phrase in the documentFind:Finishing…Fit WidthFit to Printable AreaFontFontsForget password _immediatelyFormat:Further InformationGeneralGo to file “%s”Go to first pageGo to last pageGo to next pageGo to pageGo to page %sGo to previous pageGo to the first pageGo to the last pageGo to the next pageGo to the previous pageHelpIDIcon:ImagesInsertInvalid documentInvalid page selectionJump to page:KeyKeywords:Launch %sLayersLeave FullscreenLeave fullscreen modeLoading…Location:MATE Document ViewerModified:Move the selected item on the toolbarNUMBERNew ParagraphNextNoNo files in archiveNo nameNoneNot a launchable itemNot an ePub documentNot foundNoteNumber of Pages:Op_en a CopyOpenOpen DocumentOpen a recently used documentOpen in New _WindowOptimized:PAGEPDF DocumentsP_ropertiesPagePage %dPage %sPage Scaling:Paper Size:ParagraphPassword for document %sPassword requiredPre_sentationPreparing to print…PreviousPrintPrint this documentPrinting is not supported on this printer.Printing job “%s”Producer:PropertiesRemember _foreverRemember password until you _log outRemove the selected item from the toolbarRemove the selected toolbarRotate _LeftRotate _RightRun atril in fullscreen modeRun atril in presentation modeRun document as a presentationRunning in presentation modeSave As…Save ImageSave a copy of document “%s” before closing?Saving document to %sSaving image to %sScroll DownScroll UpSecurity:Select PageSelect _AllSeparatorSession management options:Show or hide the side paneShow or hide the toolbarShow session management optionsShow the entire documentShow two pages at onceShow “_%s”Shows details for Atril documentsShrink the documentShrink to Printable AreaSide _PaneSpecify file containing saved configurationSpecify session management IDStart PresentationStart a presentationStarting %sStyle:Subject:T_oolbarText LicenseThe document contains no pagesThe document contains only empty pagesThe document is composed of several files. One or more of these files cannot be accessed.The file could not be saved as “%s”.The image could not be saved.The selected printer '%s' could not be foundThe word or phrase to find in the documentThere was an error deleting “%s”.This work is in the Public DomainTitle:Toolbar EditorUnable to open documentUnknownUnknown MIME TypeUnknown font typeUnrecognized desktop file Version '%s'Unrecognized launch option: %dUsage termsWarningYesYour print range selection does not include any pagesZoomZoom InZoom OutZoom _InZoom _Out_About_Add_Add Bookmark_Bookmarks_Close_Contents_Continuous_Copy_Delete Toolbar_Dual_Edit_Expand Window to Fit_File_Find…_First Page_Fullscreen_Go_Go To_Help_Last Page_Move on Toolbar_Next Page_Open Bookmark_Open Link_Open…_Password:_Previous Page_Print…_Reload_Remove Bookmark_Remove from Toolbar_Rename Bookmark_Toolbar_Unlock Document_Viewcontent file is invalidcould not extract archivecould not open archivecould not retrieve filenamedefault:mmepub Documentsepub file is invalid or corruptof %dtranslator-creditsProject-Id-Version: atril 1.27.0 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/mate-desktop/atril/issues PO-Revision-Date: 2018-03-11 14:35+0000 Last-Translator: Muzaffar Habibullayev , 2021 Language-Team: Uzbek (https://app.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/uz/) Language: uz MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0; %.0f × %.0f mm%.2f × %.2f dyuym%s, Manzara (%s)%s, Portret (%s)(%d dan %d)100%125%150%1600%175%200%300%3200%400%50%6400%70%800%85%MATE ish stoli muhiti uchun hujjat ko'ruvchiQo'shishBarcha HujjatlarBarcha FayllarDastur hujjatlarni buyruq satrida qabul qilmaydiAtril Hujjat Ko'ruvchisiAtril xususiyatlariMuallif:Hujjatni avtomatik tarzda qayta yuklashOrtgaXatcho'plar_Chop etishni bekor qilish va YopishKatta harflarga Ta'sirchanYopishChop etishdan _so'ng Yopish_Saqlamasdan YopishRang:IzohYaratilgan:Yaratuvchi:DVI hujjatlarDVI hujjati noto'g'ri formatga egaVaqtinchalik faylni o'chirishSeans boshqaruvchisiga bogʻlanishni o'chirishDjVU HujjatlarDjVu hujjati noto'g'ri formatga egaHujjatHujjat LitsenziyasiHujjat Ko'ruvchiHujjatda to'dirilgan maydonlar mavjud. Agar nusxasini saqlamsangiz, o'zgarishlar butunlay yo'qoladi.Hujjatda yangi yoki o'zgartirilgan annotatsiyalar mavjud. Agar nusxasini saqlamsangiz, o'zgarishlar butunlay yo'qoladi.Namoyish tugadi. Chiqish uchun bosing.Hujjatni KattalashtirishMaxfiy so'zni kiritishXatoOynani Moslik uchun YoyishOynani to'liq ekranga yoyishFAYL“%s” hujjatni yuklab bo'lmadiHujjatni chop etib bo'lmadi“%s” hujjatni saqlab bo'lmadiFayl shikastlanganFayl yaroqli .desktop fayl emas%s (%s)turdagi fayllar qo'llab-quvvatlanmaydiTopishKey_ingini TopishOld_ingini TopishHujjatdan so'z yoki jumlani topishTopish:Yakunlanmoqda…Mos KenglikChop etish Hududiga MoslashShriftShriftlarMaxfiy so'zni _darhol unutishShakl:Qo'shimcha Ma'lumotUmumiy“%s” faylga o'tishIlk sahifaga o'tishSo'nggi sahifaga o'tishKeyingi sahifaga o'tishSahifaga o'tishGo to page %ssahifaga o'tishOldingi sahifaga o'tishIlk sahifaga o'tishSo'nggi sahifaga o'tishKeyingi sahifaga o'tishOldingi sahifaga o'tishYordamIDNishoncha:RasmlarKiritishYaroqsiz hujjatYaroqsiz sahifa tanloviSahifaga o'tish:KalitKalit so'zlar:%s ni Ishga tushirishQatlamlarTo'liq Ekrandan ChiqishTo'liq ekran rejimidan chiqishYuklanmoqda…Joylashuv:MATE Hujjat Ko'ruvchisiO'zgartirilgan:Asboblar panelidagi tanlangan elementni koʻchirishRAQAMYangi Satr boshiKeyingiYo'qArxivda fayl yo'qNomsizYo'qElement ishga tushiriladigan emasePub hujjati emasTopilmadiQaydSahifalar Soni:Nusxasini Och_ishOchishHujjatni OchishYaqinda ishlatilgan hujjatni ochishYangi _Oynada OchishOptimallashtirilgan:SAHIFAPDF HujjatlarX_ususiyatlarSahifaSahifa %dSahifa %sSahifa Masshtabi:Qo'g'oz Hajmi:Satr Boshi%s hujjat uchun maxfiy so'zMaxfiy so'z talab etiladiNa_moyishChop etishga tayyorlanmoqda…OldingiChop etishUshubu hujjatni chop etishUshbu printerda chop etish qo'llab quvvatlanmaydi.“%s” Chop etish vazifasiIshlab chiqaruvchi:XususiyatlarMaxfiy so'zni _doim eslashMaxfiy so'zni _tizimdan chiqquncha eslashAsboblar panelidagi tanlangan elementni olib tashlashTanlangan asboblar panelini olib tashlashChapga _BurishO'ngga _BurishAtrilni to'la ekran usulida bajarishAtrilni namoyish usulida bajarishHujjatni namoyish shaklida ko'rsatishNamoyish rejimida ko'rsatilmoqdaQuyidagicha saqlash...Tasvirni Saqlash“%s” hujjat nusxasi yopishdan avval saqlansinmi?Hujjat %s ga saqlanmoqdaTasvir %s ga saqlanmoqdaPastga TushishYUqoriga chiqishXavfsizlik:Sahifani TanlashBarchasini _TanlashAjratuvchiSeans boshqaruvi xossalari:Yon panelni ko'rsatish yoki yashirishAsboblar panelini ko'rsatish yoki yashirishSeans boshqaruvi xossalarini ko'rsatishButun hujjatni ko'rsatishBiq vaqtda ikki sahifani ko'rsatish“_%s” ni ko'rsatishAtril Hujjatlarining tafsilotlarini ko'rsatadiHujjatni ToraytirishChop etish Hududiga KichraytirishYon _PanelSaqlangan moslamalar mavjud boʻlgan faylni koʻrsatingSeans boshqaruvi ID'ni koʻrsatingNamoyishni BoshlashNamoyishni boshlash%s boshlanmoqdaUslub:Mavzu:As_boblar paneliMatn LitsenziyasiHujjatda birorta sahifa yo'qHujjat faqat bo'sh sahifalardan iboratHujjat bir nechta fayldan iborat. Bir yoki bir necha faylga kirib bo'lmadydi.Faylni "%s" sifatida saqlab bo'lmadi.Tasvirni saqlab bo'lmadi.Tanlangan '%s' printerni topib bo'lmadiHujjatda topilishi zarur so'z yoki jumla“%s” ni o'chirishda xato yuz berdi.Asar Ommaviy Mulk hisoblanadiSarlavha:Asboblar panelini tahrirlashHujjatni ochib bo'lmadiNoma'lumNoma'lum MIME TuriNoma'lum shrift turiAniqlanmagan '%s' desktop fayli versiyasiTanilmagan ishga tushirish xossasi: %dFoydalanish shartlariOgohlantirishHaSizning chop etish diapazoningizda hech qanday sahifa yo'qYaqinlashtirishYaqinlashishUzoqlashishKa_ttalashtirish_Uzoqlashtirish_Haqida_Qoʻshish_Xatcho'p Qo'shish_Xatcho'plar_Yopish_Tarkibi_Davomli_Nusxa olishAsboblar panelini _olib tashlash_Qo'shaloq_Tahrir_Oynani Moslik uchun Yoyish_Fayl_Topish…_Ilk Sahifa_To'liq Ekran_O'tish_O'tish_Yordam_So'nggi SahifaAsboblar paneliga _koʻchirish_Keyingi SahifaXatcho'pni _Ochish_Linkno Ochish_Ochish…_Maxfiy so'z:_Oldingi Sahifa_Chop etish_Qayta yuklashXatcho'pni _Olib tashlashAsboblar panelidan _olib tashlashXatcho'pni _Qayta Nomlash_Asboblar paneliHujjatni _Qulfdan Chiqarish_Ko'rishtarkibiy fayl yaroqsizarxivdan ajratib bo'lmadiarxivni ochib bo'lmadifayl nomini olib bo'lmadistandart:mmepub Hujjatlarepub fayli yaroqsiz yoki shikastlangan%d dantarjimonlar