# # This file and its contents are supplied under the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License ("CDDL)". You may # only use this file in accordance with the terms of the CDDL. # # A full copy of the text of the CDDL should have accompanied this # source. A copy of the CDDL is also available via the Internet at # http://www.illumos.org/license/CDDL. # # # Copyright (c) 2016 Jim Klimov # Copyright (c) 2023 Niklas Poslovski # # NOTE: This recipe supports both "encumbered" and "license-clean" # builds (with or without MP3 support). # A not-encumbered Makefile which includes this one could be delivered # as $(WS_TOP)/library/SDL2_mixer/Makefile in some other reality. # That file's contents would be just two lines like these: ### USE_ENCUMBERED=no ### include ../../encumbered/SDL2_mixer/Makefile # Also the other version of the component should deliver a symlink to # the P5M manifest. # This file (by default) provides the package with encumbered code # or inseparable run-time dependencies: USE_ENCUMBERED?= yes include ../../../make-rules/shared-macros.mk COMPONENT_NAME= SDL2_mixer COMPONENT_VERSION= 2.8.1 COMPONENT_PROJECT_URL= https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL_mixer COMPONENT_SUMMARY= SDL_mixer is a sample multi-channel audio mixer library COMPONENT_SRC= $(COMPONENT_NAME)-$(COMPONENT_VERSION) COMPONENT_ARCHIVE= $(COMPONENT_SRC).tar.gz COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_HASH= sha256:cb760211b056bfe44f4a1e180cc7cb201137e4d1572f2002cc1be728efd22660 COMPONENT_ARCHIVE_URL= https://github.com/libsdl-org/SDL_mixer/releases/download/release-$(COMPONENT_VERSION)/$(COMPONENT_ARCHIVE) COMPONENT_FMRI= library/audio/sdl2-mixer COMPONENT_CLASSIFICATION= System/Multimedia Libraries COMPONENT_LICENSE= ZLIB COMPONENT_LICENSE_FILE= LICENSE.txt ifeq ($(strip $(USE_ENCUMBERED)),yes) COMPONENT_SUMMARY:=$(COMPONENT_SUMMARY) (encumbered version) include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/encumbered.mk endif TEST_TARGET= $(NO_TESTS) include $(WS_MAKE_RULES)/common.mk PATH= $(PATH.gnu) COMPONENT_PREP_ACTION = ( cd $(@D) && PATH="$(PATH)" ./autogen.sh ) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --disable-static CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --enable-music-cmd CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --enable-music-wave CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --enable-music-midi CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --enable-music-mod-mikmod --enable-music-mod-mikmod-shared CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --enable-music-ogg-shared CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --enable-music-flac-shared ifeq ($(strip $(USE_ENCUMBERED)),yes) CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --enable-music-mp3-mad-gpl REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/audio/libmad else CONFIGURE_OPTIONS + --disable-music-mp3 endif # Auto-generated dependencies REQUIRED_PACKAGES += library/sdl2 REQUIRED_PACKAGES += system/library