/** * @file * @brief count graph components */ /************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2011 AT&T Intellectual Property * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: Details at https://graphviz.org *************************************************************************/ /* * Written by Emden Gansner */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct { Agrec_t h; int dfs_mark; } nodeinfo_t; #define ND_dfs_mark(n) (((nodeinfo_t*)(n->base.data))->dfs_mark) #include #define NODES 1 #define EDGES 2 #define CC 4 #define CL 8 #define DIRECTED 1 #define UNDIRECTED 2 static int tot_edges; static int tot_nodes; static int tot_cc; static int tot_cl; static int n_graphs; static int n_indent; static int recurse; static int silent; static int verbose; static int gtype; static int flags; static char *fname; static char **Inputs; static FILE *outfile; static char *useString = "Usage: gc [-necCaDUrsv?] \n\ -n - print number of nodes\n\ -e - print number of edges\n\ -c - print number of connected components\n\ -C - print number of clusters\n\ -a - print all counts\n\ -D - only directed graphs\n\ -U - only undirected graphs\n\ -r - recursively analyze subgraphs\n\ -s - silent\n\ -v - verbose\n\ -? - print usage\n\ By default, gc prints nodes and edges\n\ If no files are specified, stdin is used\n"; static void usage(int v) { printf("%s",useString); graphviz_exit(v); } static void init(int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "necCaDUrsv?")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'e': flags |= EDGES; break; case 'n': flags |= NODES; break; case 'c': flags |= CC; break; case 'C': flags |= CL; tot_cl = 0; break; case 'a': flags = NODES | EDGES | CC | CL; break; case 'r': recurse = 1; break; case 's': silent = 1; break; case 'v': verbose = 1; break; case 'D': gtype = DIRECTED; break; case 'U': gtype = UNDIRECTED; break; case '?': if (optopt == '\0' || optopt == '?') usage(0); else { fprintf(stderr, "gc: option -%c unrecognized\n", optopt); usage(1); } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "gc: unexpected error\n"); graphviz_exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } argv += optind; argc -= optind; if (argc) Inputs = argv; if (flags == 0) flags = NODES | EDGES; if (gtype == 0) gtype = DIRECTED | UNDIRECTED; outfile = stdout; } DEFINE_LIST(node_stack, Agnode_t *) static node_stack_t Stk; static void push(Agnode_t * np) { ND_dfs_mark(np) = -1; node_stack_push_back(&Stk, np); } static Agnode_t *pop(void) { if (node_stack_is_empty(&Stk)) { return 0; } return node_stack_pop_back(&Stk); } static void cc_dfs(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * n) { Agedge_t *e; Agnode_t *nxt; push(n); while ((n = pop())) { ND_dfs_mark(n) = 1; for (e = agfstedge(g, n); e; e = agnxtedge(g, e, n)) { if (n == agtail(e)) nxt = aghead(e); else nxt = agtail(e); if (ND_dfs_mark(nxt) == 0) push(nxt); } } } static void cntCluster(Agraph_t * g, Agobj_t * sg, void *arg) { (void)g; if (AGTYPE(sg) == AGRAPH && is_a_cluster((Agraph_t *)sg)) *(int *) (arg) += 1; } static int cc_decompose(Agraph_t * g) { int c_cnt = 0; Agnode_t *n; c_cnt = 0; for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) ND_dfs_mark(n) = 0; for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) { if (ND_dfs_mark(n)) continue; c_cnt++; cc_dfs(g, n); } return c_cnt; } static void ipr(long num) { printf(" %7ld", num); } static void wcp(int nnodes, int nedges, int ncc, int ncl, char *gname, char *filename) { int i; if (silent) return; for (i = 0; i < n_indent; i++) fputs(" ", outfile); if (flags & NODES) ipr(nnodes); if (flags & EDGES) ipr(nedges); if (flags & CC) ipr(ncc); if (flags & CL) ipr(ncl); if (fname) printf(" %s (%s)\n", gname, filename); else printf(" %s\n", gname); } static void emit(Agraph_t * g, int root, int cl_count) { int n_edges = agnedges(g); int n_nodes = agnnodes(g); int n_cc = 0; int n_cl = 0; char *file = 0; if (flags & CC) n_cc = cc_decompose(g); if (flags & CL) n_cl = cl_count; if (root) file = fname; wcp(n_nodes, n_edges, n_cc, n_cl, agnameof(g), file); if (root) { n_graphs++; tot_edges += n_edges; tot_nodes += n_nodes; tot_cc += n_cc; tot_cl += n_cl; } } #define GTYPE(g) (agisdirected(g)?DIRECTED:UNDIRECTED) static int eval(Agraph_t * g, int root) { Agraph_t *subg; int cl_count = 0; if (root && !(GTYPE(g) & gtype)) return 1; if (root) { aginit(g, AGNODE, "nodeinfo", sizeof(nodeinfo_t), true); } if ((flags & CL) && root) agapply(g, (Agobj_t *) g, cntCluster, &cl_count, false); emit(g, root, cl_count); if (recurse) { n_indent++; for (subg = agfstsubg(g); subg; subg = agnxtsubg(subg)) eval(subg, 0); n_indent--; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { Agraph_t *g; Agraph_t *prev = NULL; ingraph_state ig; int rv = 0; init(argc, argv); newIngraph(&ig, Inputs); while ((g = nextGraph(&ig)) != 0) { if (prev) agclose(prev); prev = g; fname = fileName(&ig); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "Process graph %s in file %s\n", agnameof(g), fname); rv |= eval(g, 1); } if (n_graphs > 1) wcp(tot_nodes, tot_edges, tot_cc, tot_cl, "total", 0); node_stack_free(&Stk); graphviz_exit(rv); }