## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in VERSION = 0.2 AM_CPPFLAGS = \ $(GDLIB_CFLAGS) \ -I$(top_srcdir)/lib if WITH_LIBGD bin_PROGRAMS = diffimg man_MANS = diffimg.1 if ENABLE_MAN_PDFS pdf_DATA = diffimg.1.pdf endif endif diffimg_SOURCES = diffimg.c diffimg_LDADD = $(GDLIB_LIBS) $(MATH_LIBS) .1.1.pdf: rm -f $@; pdffile=$@; psfile=$${pdffile%pdf}ps; \ $(GROFF) -Tps -man $< > $$psfile || { rm -f $$psfile; exit 1; }; \ $(PS2PDF) $$psfile && rm -f $$psfile || { rm -f $$psfile; exit 1; } SUFFIXES = .1 .1.pdf GRAPH = "digraph G { hello -> world }" test: diffimg echo $(GRAPH) | dot -Tpng >hello1.png echo $(GRAPH) | dot -Tpng >hello2.png if `./diffimg hello1.png hello2.png >test1.png`;then echo same;else echo different;fi echo $(GRAPH) | dot -Grankdir=LR -Tpng >hello2.png if `./diffimg hello1.png hello2.png >test2.png`;then echo same;else echo different;fi CLEANFILES = *.png EXTRA_DIST = diffimg.1 DISTCLEANFILES = $(pdf_DATA)