#! /bin/ksh # # usage: mktapers.sh # # where taper has the form _.fmt # where .fmt gives the desired output format. if (( $# == 0 )) then echo "mktapers: missing taper name argument" exit 1 fi TGT=$1 # ah_dir.fmt TAPER=${1%.*} # ah_dir FMT=${1#$TAPER.} # fmt F=$TAPER.gv # ah_dir.gv AH=${TAPER%_*} # ah DIR=${TAPER#${AH}_} # dir exec 3> $F echo "digraph G { rankdir=LR ranksep=1 " >&3 echo " edge [style=tapered penwidth=7 arrowtail=none ]" >&3 echo " node[ style=filled label=\"\" ]" >&3 echo " a -> b [ dir=$DIR arrowhead=$AH ]" >&3 echo "}" >&3 exec 3>&- dot -T$FMT $F > $TGT rm -f $F