#! /bin/bash # Written by Ryan Schmidt. Oct 4, 2008 # render postscript at this magnification, then scale back down to get antialiasing aafactor=4 # add a border of this many pixels around final image border=4 scale() { echo $1 | awk -F x -v scale=$2 '{printf("%.0fx%.0f", $1 * scale, $2 * scale)}' } # compute inverse of aafactor for use with pamscale whose -reduce option seems broken aafactorinv=$(echo "scale=4; 1/$aafactor" | bc) # convert scale factor so it gives 96-dpi output instead of 72-dpi output scale=$(echo "scale=4; $aafactor*96/72" | bc) # compute bounding box of initial rendering bb=$(scale $(grep PageBoundingBox $1 | awk -f sz.awk) $scale) # compute resolution at which to render res=$(scale 72x72 $scale) # render it gs -sDEVICE=ppmraw -g$bb -r$res -sOutputFile=- -dNOPAUSE -q $1 -c showpage -c quit | pnmcrop | pamscale $aafactorinv | pnmmargin -white $border | pnmtopng > $2