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stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 540.5001 46.1043 moveto 537 36.1043 lineto 533.5001 46.1044 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 540.5001 46.1043 moveto 537 36.1043 lineto 533.5001 46.1044 lineto closepath stroke grestore % DFD gsave 0 0 0.82745 nodecolor 615 18 28.6953 18 ellipse_path fill 1 setlinewidth filled dotted 0 0 0 nodecolor 615 18 28.6953 18 ellipse_path stroke 1 setlinewidth filled dotted 0 0 0 nodecolor newpath 633.9144 31.5 moveto 596.0856 31.5 lineto stroke 1 setlinewidth filled dotted 0 0 0 nodecolor newpath 633.9144 4.5 moveto 596.0856 4.5 lineto stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 601 14.3 moveto 28 (DFD) alignedtext grestore % DD->DFD gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 615 71.6966 moveto 615 63.9827 615 54.7125 615 46.1124 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 618.5001 46.1043 moveto 615 36.1043 lineto 611.5001 46.1044 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 618.5001 46.1043 moveto 615 36.1043 lineto 611.5001 46.1044 lineto closepath stroke grestore % EFD gsave 0 0 0.82745 nodecolor 690 18 27.8951 18 ellipse_path fill 3 setlinewidth filled 0 0 0 nodecolor 690 18 27.8951 18 ellipse_path stroke 3 setlinewidth filled 0 0 0 nodecolor newpath 708.4845 31.5 moveto 671.5155 31.5 lineto stroke 3 setlinewidth filled 0 0 0 nodecolor newpath 708.4845 4.5 moveto 671.5155 4.5 lineto stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 676.5 14.3 moveto 27 (EFD) alignedtext grestore % ED->EFD gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 690 71.6966 moveto 690 63.9827 690 54.7125 690 46.1124 curveto stroke 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 693.5001 46.1043 moveto 690 36.1043 lineto 686.5001 46.1044 lineto closepath fill 1 setlinewidth solid 0 0 0 edgecolor newpath 693.5001 46.1043 moveto 690 36.1043 lineto 686.5001 46.1044 lineto closepath stroke grestore % 1 gsave 1 setlinewidth 0 0 0 nodecolor 762 162 27 18 ellipse_path stroke 0 0 0 nodecolor 14 /Times-Roman set_font 758.5 158.3 moveto 7 (1) 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