
The libraries which are part of this package are licensed under the terms
of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3. Libraries are located
under the subdirectory libs/ of the source package. A copy of the license
is available in the file lgpl-3.0.txt which can be found in the source
archive. You can read it here:

The documentation files, including those autogenerated with Doxygen,
are covered as well by GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.

Applications which are part of this package are licensed under the terms
of the GNU General Public License, version 3. Applications are located
under the apps/ subdirectory of the source package. A copy of the license
can be found in the file gpl-3.0.txt which can be found in the source
archive. You can read it here:

Also the build system (the contents of the build/ subdirectory plus the file) is licensed under GPL v3.

Test programs and tools are put into public domain, unless explicitly
specified otherwise in the header of the source files. Test programs
are located under the tests/ subdirectory, and tools are located in tools/.

The lens database is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 license. The database is located under the data/ subdirectory
of the source package. You can read it here: