ELF>X8@@ UHSHHE*ulength = %ld; return(dh); } -inform arg input format - one of DER PEM -outform arg output format - one of DER PEM -dsaparam read or generate DSA parameters, convert to DH -check check the DH parameters -text print a text form of the DH parameters -2 generate parameters using 2 as the generator value -5 generate parameters using 5 as the generator value numbits number of bits in to generate (default 512) -engine e use engine e, possibly a hardware device. - load the file (or the files in the directory) into the random number generator generator may not be chosen for DSA parameters warning, not much extra random data, consider using the -rand option Generating DSA parameters, %d bit long prime Generating DH parameters, %d bit long safe prime, generator %d This is going to take a long time unable to load DSA parameters unable to check the generator valuethe g value is not a generatorDH parameters appear to be ok.#ifndef HEADER_DH_H #include #endif static unsigned char dh%d_p[]={ static unsigned char dh%d_g[]={ if ((dh=DH_new()) == NULL) return(NULL); dh->p=BN_bin2bn(dh%d_p,sizeof(dh%d_p),NULL); dh->g=BN_bin2bn(dh%d_g,sizeof(dh%d_g),NULL); if ((dh->p == NULL) || (dh->g == NULL)) { DH_free(dh); return(NULL); }bad output format specified for outfile unable to write DH parameters GCC: (OpenIndiana 10.4.0-oi-2) 10.4.0zRx  pAC AA J 0@NAC DM[ H  p!&+0"5):/?9D@IOIUa[a0gtms`yHX0p X !'-83h9?E5KQW]chiSouF{pN  7BK\bu #0=FKZft~dhparam.cdh_cb.LC0.LC1.LC29.LC2.LC3.LC4.LC5.LC6.LC7.LC8.LC9.LC35.LC11.LC12.LC13.LC14.LC15.LC16.LC17.LC18.LC19.LC20.LC21.LC22.LC23.LC24.LC25.LC26.LC27.LC28.LC36.LC31.LC32.LC33.LC34.LC61.LC42.LC43.LC45.LC46.LC47.LC51.LC50.LC48.LC49.LC52.LC53.LC54.LC55.LC56.LC57.LC59.LC60.LC37.LC30.LC41.LC58.LC40.LC39.LC38.LC44.LC10BIO_writeBIO_ctrldhparam_mainsignal_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_bio_errload_configstr2fmtERR_load_crypto_stringssetup_engineBIO_printfBIO_freeBIO_s_fileBIO_newPEM_read_bio_DSAparamsDSA_dup_DHDSA_freeERR_print_errors__iobapp_RAND_load_fileapp_RAND_load_filesDSA_newDSA_generate_parameters_exDH_newDH_generate_parameters_exapp_RAND_write_filePEM_write_bio_DHparamsBIO_free_allDH_freePEM_read_bio_DHparamsi2d_DHparamsASN1_i2d_bioDH_checkputsDHparams_printBN_num_bitsCRYPTO_mallocBN_bn2binCRYPTO_freed2i_DSAparamsASN1_d2i_biod2i_DHparamsperrorsscanf&B8CE GHcIIJK L+c   & Q yLML LL(/L9@LJQL[bLlsL}LLLLLLLL L !'LNNVOCP"QRSM!N)O? TUCbJsKU V*#4LBWO$YL|XRSY%L&LZ[NO6C\'LSM]^$ _5 N= OQ SY M Q R S ` a T C T C/ bi (n c~ d e e ) f * c + g h , - g. g\ .c gp /w -| c h 0 g g / c 1 c 2 c 3* g5 4< gC 5H cO 6T ch 7m cv i . g g 8 L j W k l Y k) S> mF MR 9\ Lk :p L~ m ; c < g = c > c ? c S?@DmuAnS Dp.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.rela.text.data.bss.rodata.str1.1.rodata.str1.8.comment.rela.eh_frame @@%0 &,12@2O0']ppX@70 hh B  ! 7g