# hostname of IMAP server # hostname of SMTP server
IMAP_USERNAME=username # IMAP server username
SMTP_USERNAME=username # SMTP server username
EMAIL_DOMAIN=domain name portion of your email address # your SMTP and IMAPS server
# alpine can not run in read-only mode and support sending email
# any email message changes affect the tested mailbox \
        UMEM_DEBUG=adi_precise,default \
        UMEM_LOGGING=transaction \
        alpine -inbox-path={IMAP_HOST/user=IMAP_USERNAME/ssl/NoRsh/IMAP}inbox \
        -user-domain=EMAIL_DOMAIN \
        -p /tmp/.pinerc

1.  enter IMAP password
2.  check emails in the INBOX
3.  scroll (arrows up/down) and press enter to display an email
4.  return to the main menu by pressing 'm'
5.  press 's' for setup
6.  press 'c' for config
7.  press down arrow to SMTP Server (for sending)
8.  press 'c' to change
9.  enter SMTP_HOST/tls/user=SMTP_USERNAME and press enter
10. press 'e' to exit setup
11. press 'y' to confirm changes
12. press 'c' to compose new email
13. enter recipient email address (your email again probably)
14. enter subject
15. enter email body and press control-X
16. press 'y' to send the email
17. enter SMTP password (likely the same as IMAP one)
18. check the email was sent and received
19. press 'q' to leave alpine