# set your email address # your SMTP and IMAPS server
# run mutt in read-only mode (R) \
	UMEM_DEBUG=adi_precise,default \
	UMEM_LOGGING=transaction \
	mutt -R -e 'set folder=/dev/null' \
	-f "imaps://$EMAIL@$HOST" \
	-F /dev/null \
	-e "set smtp_url=smtps://$EMAIL@$HOST"

1.  enter password
2.  check emails in the INBOX
3.  scroll (arrows up/down) and press enter to display an email
4.  return to the index by pressing 'q'
5.  press 'm' to send email
6.  enter recipient email address (your email again probably)
7.  enter subject
8.  enter email body and quit editor
9.  press 'y' to send the email
10. enter SMTP password (likely the same as IMAP one)
11. check the email was sent and received
12. press 'q' to leave mutt