/* * ProFTPD - FTP server daemon * Copyright (c) 2011, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * * As a special exemption, copyright holders give permission to link * this program with OpenSSL, and distribute the resulting executable, * without including the source code for OpenSSL in the source distribution. * */ #include "conf.h" #include "cmd.h" #include <bsm/adt.h> #include <bsm/adt_event.h> #include <security/pam_appl.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ucred.h> #ifndef ADT_ftpd #define ADT_ftpd 152 #endif #ifndef ADT_ftpd_logout #define ADT_ftpd_logout 153 #endif module solaris_audit_module; static adt_session_data_t *asession = NULL; static int auth_retval = PAM_AUTH_ERR; static void audit_autherr_ev(const void *event_data, void *user_data) { switch (*(int *)event_data) { case PR_AUTH_NOPWD: auth_retval = PAM_USER_UNKNOWN; break; case PR_AUTH_AGEPWD: auth_retval = PAM_CRED_EXPIRED; break; case PR_AUTH_DISABLEDPWD: auth_retval = PAM_ACCT_EXPIRED; break; case PR_AUTH_CRED_INSUFFICIENT: auth_retval = PAM_CRED_INSUFFICIENT; break; case PR_AUTH_CRED_UNAVAIL: auth_retval = PAM_CRED_UNAVAIL; break; case PR_AUTH_CRED_ERROR: auth_retval = PAM_CRED_ERR; break; case PR_AUTH_INFO_UNAVAIL: auth_retval = PAM_AUTHINFO_UNAVAIL; break; case PR_AUTH_MAX_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDED: auth_retval = PAM_MAXTRIES; break; case PR_AUTH_INIT_ERROR: auth_retval = PAM_SESSION_ERR; break; case PR_AUTH_NEW_TOKEN_REQUIRED: auth_retval = PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD; break; default: /* PR_AUTH_BADPWD */ auth_retval = PAM_AUTH_ERR; break; } } static void audit_failure(pool *p, char *authuser) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; const char *how; int saved_errno = 0; struct passwd pwd; struct passwd *result = NULL; char *pwdbuf = NULL; size_t pwdbuf_len; long pwdbuf_len_max; uid_t uid = ADT_NO_ATTRIB; gid_t gid = ADT_NO_ATTRIB; if ((pwdbuf_len_max = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX)) == -1) { saved_errno = errno; how = "couldn't determine maximum size of password buffer"; goto fail; } pwdbuf_len = (size_t)pwdbuf_len_max; pwdbuf = pcalloc(p, pwdbuf_len); if (adt_start_session(&asession, NULL, ADT_USE_PROC_DATA) != 0) { saved_errno = errno; how = "couldn't start adt session"; goto fail; } if ((authuser != NULL) && (authuser[0] != 0) && (getpwnam_r(authuser, &pwd, pwdbuf, pwdbuf_len, &result) == 0) && (result != NULL)) { uid = pwd.pw_uid; gid = pwd.pw_gid; } if (adt_set_user(asession, uid, gid, uid, gid, NULL, ADT_NEW) != 0) { saved_errno = errno; how = "couldn't set adt user"; goto fail; } if ((event = adt_alloc_event(asession, ADT_ftpd)) == NULL) { saved_errno = errno; how = "couldn't allocate adt event"; goto fail; } if (adt_put_event(event, ADT_FAILURE, ADT_FAIL_PAM + auth_retval) != 0) { saved_errno = errno; how = "couldn't put adt event"; goto fail; } adt_free_event(event); (void) adt_end_session(asession); asession = NULL; return; fail: pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of login failed: %s (%s)", how, strerror(saved_errno)); adt_free_event(event); (void) adt_end_session(asession); asession = NULL; } static void audit_success(void) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; const char *how; int saved_errno = 0; if (adt_start_session(&asession, NULL, ADT_USE_PROC_DATA) != 0) { saved_errno = errno; how = "couldn't start adt session"; goto fail; } if ((event = adt_alloc_event(asession, ADT_ftpd)) == NULL) { saved_errno = errno; how = "couldn't allocate adt event"; goto fail; } if (adt_put_event(event, ADT_SUCCESS, ADT_SUCCESS) != 0) { saved_errno = errno; how = "couldn't put adt event"; goto fail; } adt_free_event(event); /* Don't end adt session - leave for when logging out. */ return; fail: pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of login failed: %s (%s)", how, strerror(saved_errno)); adt_free_event(event); /* Don't end adt session - leave for when logging out. */ } static void audit_logout(void) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; const char *how; int saved_errno = 0; /* If audit session was not created during login then leave */ if (asession == NULL) return; if ((event = adt_alloc_event(asession, ADT_ftpd_logout)) == NULL) { saved_errno = errno; how = "couldn't allocate adt event"; goto fail; } if (adt_put_event(event, ADT_SUCCESS, ADT_SUCCESS) != 0) { saved_errno = errno; how = "couldn't put adt event"; goto fail; } adt_free_event(event); (void) adt_end_session(asession); asession = NULL; return; fail: pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of logout failed: %s (%s)", how, strerror(saved_errno)); adt_free_event(event); (void) adt_end_session(asession); asession = NULL; } /* Logout */ static void audit_exit_ev(const void *event_data, void *user_data) { audit_logout(); } /* Login passed */ MODRET solaris_audit_post_pass(cmd_rec *cmd) { audit_success(); /* Set handler for logout/timeout */ pr_event_register(&solaris_audit_module, "core.exit", audit_exit_ev, NULL); return PR_DECLINED(cmd); } /* Login failed */ MODRET solaris_audit_post_fail(cmd_rec *cmd) { char *login_user; login_user = pr_table_get(session.notes, "mod_auth.orig-user", NULL); audit_failure(cmd->tmp_pool, login_user); return PR_DECLINED(cmd); } static int audit_sess_init(void) { adt_session_data_t *aht; adt_termid_t *termid; priv_set_t *privset; int rval = -1; /* add privs for audit init */ if ((privset = priv_allocset()) == NULL) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing privilege initialization failed"); return rval; } (void) getppriv(PRIV_INHERITABLE, privset); priv_addset(privset, PRIV_PROC_AUDIT); (void) setppriv(PRIV_SET, PRIV_INHERITABLE, privset); (void) getppriv(PRIV_EFFECTIVE, privset); priv_addset(privset, PRIV_SYS_AUDIT); (void) setppriv(PRIV_SET, PRIV_EFFECTIVE, privset); /* basic terminal id setup */ if (adt_start_session(&aht, NULL, 0) != 0) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "pam adt_start_session: %s", strerror(errno)); goto out; } if (adt_load_termid(session.c->rfd, &termid) != 0) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "adt_load_termid: %s", strerror(errno)); (void) adt_end_session(aht); goto out; } if (adt_set_user(aht, ADT_NO_AUDIT, ADT_NO_AUDIT, 0, ADT_NO_AUDIT, termid, ADT_SETTID) != 0) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "adt_set_user: %s", strerror(errno)); free(termid); (void) adt_end_session(aht); goto out; } free(termid); if (adt_set_proc(aht) != 0) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "adt_set_proc: %s", strerror(errno)); (void) adt_end_session(aht); goto out; } (void) adt_end_session(aht); /* Set handler for authentication error */ pr_event_register(&solaris_audit_module, "mod_auth.authentication-code", audit_autherr_ev, NULL); rval = 0; out: /* remove unneeded privileges */ priv_delset(privset, PRIV_SYS_AUDIT); (void) setppriv(PRIV_SET, PRIV_EFFECTIVE, privset); (void) setpflags(PRIV_AWARE_RESET, 1); priv_freeset(privset); return rval; } #define EVENT_KEY "event" /* Helper functions and global variables * for the file transfer command handlers. * { */ static char src_realpath[PATH_MAX]; static char dst_realpath[PATH_MAX]; /* * If an error occurs in any of the file transfer handlers, * and the handler wants to return PR_ERROR(cmd), then it is necessary * to send some FTP error message to user. This is in order to prevent * a hang-up of the user's ftp client. * * This function sends the 451 error message to the user. * It is only called in the "pre-" handlers. When a "pre-" handler * returns PR_ERROR(cmd), then the corresponding "post_err-" * handler is also called. Therefore it can happen that an error condition * (such as no memory) can be logged (with the pr_log_pri() routine) twice. * Once in the "pre-" handler, and once in the "post_err-" handler. */ static void error_451(void) { pr_response_add_err(R_451, "Requested action aborted: local error in processing.\n"); } /* * Allocate resources to process a command outcome. * * All file transfer command handlers need to allocate adt_event_data_t * structure and also make a copy of the command argument. * This function does both. If it can't, it logs an error and returns NULL. * On success, it returns the pointer (event) to the allocated adt_event_data_t * structure. * * If arg2 is not NULL, it makes a copy of the first (and only) command * argument (using the memory pool "pool" from "cmd") and stores it to *arg2. * There must be always exactly one command argument, otherwise it is an error. * * On success, the pointer to the created event structure is stored * into cmd under "notes" variable, so that it is accessible * by the subsequent corresponding "post-" or "post_err-" command handler. */ adt_event_data_t* __solaris_audit_pre_arg2( cmd_rec *cmd, const char* description, int event_type, char **arg2) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; const char *how = ""; char *tmp = NULL; /* The ftp server code will save errno into this variable * in case an error happens, and there is a valid errno for it. */ pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, ADT_FAILURE); if (cmd->arg == NULL) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s failed: %s", description, "bad argument"); goto err; } if (arg2 != NULL) { *arg2 = NULL; if ((tmp = pstrdup(cmd->pool, cmd->arg)) == NULL) { how = "no memory"; pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s(%s) failed: %s", description, cmd->arg, how); goto err; } *arg2 = tmp; } if (cmd->notes == NULL) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s(%s) failed: %s", description, cmd->arg, "API error, notes is NULL"); goto err; } if ((event = adt_alloc_event(asession, event_type)) == NULL) { how = "couldn't allocate adt event"; pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s(%s) failed: %s(%s)", description, cmd->arg, how, strerror(errno)); goto err; } if (pr_table_add(cmd->notes, EVENT_KEY, event, sizeof(*event)) == -1) { how = "pr_table_add() failed"; pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s(%s) failed: %s", description, cmd->arg, how); adt_free_event(event); goto err; } return event; err: return NULL; } /* * This function implements logic that is common to most "post-" * and "post_err-" file transfer command handlers. * * It retrieves the pointer (event) to the adt_event_data_t structure * from "cmd->notes" and logs it. This structure has been created by the * __solaris_audit_pre_arg2() function. * * Some audit event structures contain an optional *_stat member. * If "fill_attr" is not NULL, it is called to fill in this member, * before the audit event is logged. * * This function always returns PR_DECLINED, even if it failed * to log the audit event. The reason is that it is called in the * "post-" file transfer command handlers, which means that the command * has been already successfully executed by the ftp server. */ MODRET __solaris_audit_post(cmd_rec *cmd, const char* description, int exit_status, int __unused, const char* (*fill_event)(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event)) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; const char* how = ""; const char* msg = NULL; size_t size = 0; int exit_error = pr_cmd_get_errno(cmd); event = (adt_event_data_t*)pr_table_remove(cmd->notes, EVENT_KEY, &size); if (event == NULL) { how = "event is NULL"; pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s failed: %s", description, how); goto out; } if (size != sizeof(*event)) { how = "bad event size"; pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s failed: %s", description, how); goto out; } if (fill_event != NULL) { msg = fill_event(cmd, event); if (msg != NULL) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s failed: %s with %s", description, msg, strerror(pr_cmd_get_errno(cmd))); goto out; } } /* It can happen, that the ftp command succeeds but only to some degree. * In such case, the exit_error might contain the errno number * of the failure. */ if (exit_status == ADT_SUCCESS) { if (exit_error == ADT_FAILURE) exit_error = ADT_SUCCESS; } if (adt_put_event(event, exit_status, exit_error) != 0) { how = "couldn't put adt event"; pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s failed: %s (%s)", description, how, strerror(errno)); } adt_free_event(event); out: return PR_DECLINED(cmd); } /* * This is a generic function to fill in the given "stat" member * of some audit event structure. The path and the member are specified * by the caller. The pointer to cmd is supplied, because the stat64 * structure has to be allocated (the "stat" member is a pointer). * * The function returns NULL on success. * In case of an error, it returns a descriptive message. * This message is used by the caller to log an error. * * For some file transfer commands, the "stat" member is filled in * the "pre-" handler (because the file is expected to exist prior * to the execution of the command). For other file transfer commands, * the "stat" member is filled in the "post-" handler (because * the file is expected _not_ to exist prior to the execution of the command, * but to exist after the command execution). */ static const char* __fill_attr ( cmd_rec *cmd, const char* path, adt_stat_t **ret) { struct stat64 *ptr; int err; if (ret == NULL) return "NULL pointer"; *ret = NULL; ptr = palloc(cmd->pool, sizeof(*ptr)); if (ptr == NULL) return "no memory"; err = stat64(path, ptr); if (err == -1) return "stat64() failed"; *ret = ptr; return NULL; } /* } */ /* Delete file. { */ static const char* dele_fill_attr(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event) { return __fill_attr( cmd, event->adt_ft_remove.f_path, &(event->adt_ft_remove.f_attr) ); } MODRET solaris_audit_pre_dele(cmd_rec *cmd) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; char* ptr = NULL; char* rp = NULL; event = __solaris_audit_pre_arg2(cmd, "remove", ADT_ft_remove, &ptr); if (event == NULL) { error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } rp = realpath(ptr, src_realpath); if (rp == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s(%s) failed: %s", "remove", ptr, "realpath() failed"); pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, errno); error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } /* If rp is NULL and errno is ENOENT, it means that * the file to be deleted does not exist. In this case, * the post_dele_err callback will be called to log this. */ } if (rp != NULL) ptr = rp; event->adt_ft_remove.f_path = ptr; (void) dele_fill_attr(cmd, event); return PR_DECLINED(cmd); } MODRET solaris_audit_post_dele(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post( cmd, "remove", ADT_SUCCESS, ADT_SUCCESS, NULL); } MODRET solaris_audit_post_dele_err(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post(cmd, "remove", ADT_FAILURE, ADT_FAILURE, NULL); } /* } */ /* Make directory. { */ MODRET solaris_audit_pre_mkd(cmd_rec *cmd) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; char* ptr = NULL; event = __solaris_audit_pre_arg2(cmd, "mkdir", ADT_ft_mkdir, &ptr); if (event == NULL) { error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } event->adt_ft_mkdir.d_path = ptr; event->adt_ft_mkdir.d_attr = NULL; /* Value 0777 is hardcoded in the ftp server. */ event->adt_ft_mkdir.arg = 0777; event->adt_ft_mkdir.arg_id = 2; event->adt_ft_mkdir.arg_desc = "mode"; return PR_DECLINED(cmd); } static const char* mkd_fill_event(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event) { char *rp = NULL; rp = realpath(event->adt_ft_mkdir.d_path, src_realpath); if (rp == NULL) { pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, errno); return "realpath() failed"; } event->adt_ft_mkdir.d_path = rp; return __fill_attr( cmd, event->adt_ft_mkdir.d_path, &(event->adt_ft_mkdir.d_attr) ); } static const char* mkd_fill_event_err(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event) { char *rp = NULL; rp = realpath(event->adt_ft_mkdir.d_path, src_realpath); if (rp != NULL) { event->adt_ft_mkdir.d_path = rp; (void) __fill_attr( cmd, event->adt_ft_mkdir.d_path, &(event->adt_ft_mkdir.d_attr)); } return NULL; } MODRET solaris_audit_post_mkd(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post( cmd, "mkdir", ADT_SUCCESS, ADT_SUCCESS, mkd_fill_event); } MODRET solaris_audit_post_mkd_err(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post( cmd, "mkdir", ADT_FAILURE, ADT_FAILURE, mkd_fill_event_err); } /* } */ /* Remove directory. { */ static const char* rmd_fill_attr(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event) { return __fill_attr( cmd, event->adt_ft_rmdir.f_path, &(event->adt_ft_rmdir.f_attr) ); } MODRET solaris_audit_pre_rmd(cmd_rec *cmd) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; char* ptr = NULL; char* rp = NULL; event = __solaris_audit_pre_arg2(cmd, "rmdir", ADT_ft_rmdir, &ptr); if (event == NULL) { error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } rp = realpath(ptr, src_realpath); if (rp == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) { pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, errno); pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s(%s) failed: %s", "rmdir", ptr, "realpath() failed"); error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } } if (rp != NULL) ptr = rp; event->adt_ft_rmdir.f_path = ptr; (void) rmd_fill_attr(cmd, event); return PR_DECLINED(cmd); } MODRET solaris_audit_post_rmd(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post(cmd, "rmdir", ADT_SUCCESS, ADT_SUCCESS, NULL); } MODRET solaris_audit_post_rmd_err(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post(cmd, "rmdir", ADT_FAILURE, ADT_FAILURE, NULL); } /* } */ /* Get modification time and date. { */ MODRET solaris_audit_pre_mdtm(cmd_rec *cmd) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; char* ptr = NULL; char* rp = NULL; event = __solaris_audit_pre_arg2(cmd, "utimes", ADT_ft_utimes, &ptr); if (event == NULL) { error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } rp = realpath(ptr, src_realpath); if (rp == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) { pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, errno); pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s(%s) failed: %s", "utimes", ptr, "realpath() failed"); error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } } if (rp != NULL) ptr = rp; event->adt_ft_utimes.f_path = ptr; event->adt_ft_utimes.f_attr = NULL; return PR_DECLINED(cmd); } static const char* mdtm_fill_attr(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event) { return __fill_attr( cmd, event->adt_ft_utimes.f_path, &(event->adt_ft_utimes.f_attr) ); } MODRET solaris_audit_post_mdtm(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post( cmd, "utimes", ADT_SUCCESS, ADT_SUCCESS, mdtm_fill_attr); } MODRET solaris_audit_post_mdtm_err(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post(cmd, "utimes", ADT_FAILURE, ADT_FAILURE, NULL); } /* } */ /* Upload file. { */ MODRET solaris_audit_pre_put(cmd_rec *cmd) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; char* ptr = NULL; event = __solaris_audit_pre_arg2(cmd, "put", ADT_ft_put, &ptr); if (event == NULL) { error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } event->adt_ft_put.f_path = ptr; event->adt_ft_put.f_attr = NULL; return PR_DECLINED(cmd); } static const char* put_fill_event(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event) { char *rp = NULL; rp = realpath(event->adt_ft_put.f_path, src_realpath); if (rp == NULL) { pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, errno); return "realpath() failed"; } event->adt_ft_put.f_path = rp; return __fill_attr( cmd, event->adt_ft_put.f_path, &(event->adt_ft_put.f_attr) ); } MODRET solaris_audit_post_put(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post( cmd, "put", ADT_SUCCESS, ADT_SUCCESS, put_fill_event); } MODRET solaris_audit_post_put_err(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post(cmd, "put", ADT_FAILURE, ADT_FAILURE, NULL); } /* } */ /* Download file. { */ MODRET solaris_audit_pre_get(cmd_rec *cmd) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; char* ptr = NULL; char* rp = NULL; event = __solaris_audit_pre_arg2(cmd, "get", ADT_ft_get, &ptr); if (event == NULL) { error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } rp = realpath(ptr, src_realpath); if (rp == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) { pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, errno); pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s(%s) failed: %s", "get", ptr, "realpath() failed"); error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } } if (rp != NULL) ptr = rp; event->adt_ft_get.f_path = ptr; event->adt_ft_get.f_attr = NULL; return PR_DECLINED(cmd); } static const char* get_fill_attr(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event) { return __fill_attr( cmd, event->adt_ft_get.f_path, &(event->adt_ft_get.f_attr) ); } MODRET solaris_audit_post_get(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post( cmd, "get", ADT_SUCCESS, ADT_SUCCESS, get_fill_attr); } MODRET solaris_audit_post_get_err(cmd_rec *cmd) { return __solaris_audit_post(cmd, "get", ADT_FAILURE, ADT_FAILURE, NULL); } /* } */ /* Rename file. { */ /* * The rename file implementation uses malloc()/free(), * which the ProFTP module interface prohibits. I do not see another way. * * Any memory allocation method provided by the ProFTP API uses a memory pool. * To avoid malloc()/free() a persistent memory pool is needed. */ /* * To successfully log the rename audit event, a cooperation * of RNFR and RNTO command handlers is necessary. * The RNFR command specifies the source file name, * and the RNTO command specifies the destination file name. * * The RNFR command handlers save the source file in the "src_path" * variable, so that it is available to the RNTO command handler, * which logs the audit event. */ static char* src_path = NULL; /* RNFR. { */ static void __solaris_audit_rnfr_err(cmd_rec *cmd) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; if (src_path == NULL) return; event = __solaris_audit_pre_arg2(cmd, "RNFR", ADT_ft_rename, NULL); if (event == NULL) { error_451(); goto out; } event->adt_ft_rename.src_path = src_path; event->adt_ft_rename.src_attr = NULL; event->adt_ft_rename.dst_path = NULL; (void) __solaris_audit_post(cmd, "RNFR", ADT_FAILURE, ADT_FAILURE, NULL); out: free(src_path); src_path = NULL; } MODRET solaris_audit_pre_rnfr(cmd_rec *cmd) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; char* ptr = NULL; /* * If src_path is not NULL, it means that this RNFR command immediatelly * follows a successful RNFR command not terminated with a RNTO command. * In such case, log an audit error for this unterminated RNFR command, * and then continue normally. * * A correctly working ftp client can not cause this situation to happen. * But this situation can be created, for instance, by manually sending * commands to the ftp server with a telnet client. */ if (src_path != NULL) __solaris_audit_rnfr_err(cmd); /* * Prepare the audit event structure and remember the new src_path. * This audit event structure will be used, if the RNFR command fails. * It will be unused, if it succeeds. */ event = __solaris_audit_pre_arg2(cmd, "get", ADT_ft_rename, &ptr); if (event == NULL) goto err; event->adt_ft_rename.src_path = ptr; event->adt_ft_rename.src_attr = NULL; event->adt_ft_rename.dst_path = ""; src_path = strdup(cmd->arg); if (src_path == NULL) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s(%s) failed: %s", "RNFR", ptr, "no memory"); goto err; } return PR_DECLINED(cmd); err: return PR_ERROR(cmd); } /* * On success, the RNFR command handlers do not log any audit event. * A success means that a rename command is in progress and that * the immediatelly following command is to be RNTO. */ MODRET solaris_audit_post_rnfr(cmd_rec *cmd) { char *ptr; ptr = realpath(src_path, src_realpath); if (ptr == NULL) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s(%s) failed: %s", "RNFR", src_path, "realpath() failed"); error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } /* * The argument to RNFR command is saved in src_path. * It will be used in the subsequent RNTO command, or RNFR command. */ return PR_DECLINED(cmd); } /* It can happen, that RNFR command fails, but the source path exists. * Therefore make an attempt to resolve its realpath before doing * the audit log. * * Even if the realpath() call fails, the src_path contents are still * copied to src_realpath buffer. This makes them available to the RNTO * command handlers. */ static const char* rnfr_err_fill_event(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event) { char *ptr = NULL; if (src_path != NULL) { ptr = realpath(src_path, src_realpath); if (ptr != NULL) event->adt_ft_rename.src_path = ptr; } return NULL; } /* * On error, an audit event is logged, specifying that a rename * command failed. The destination path in the audit event structure * is empty, simply because the corresponding RNTO command did not yet * happen, and it is not suppossed to happen. */ MODRET solaris_audit_post_rnfr_err(cmd_rec *cmd) { MODRET ret; ret = __solaris_audit_post(cmd, "RNFR", ADT_FAILURE, ADT_FAILURE, rnfr_err_fill_event); free(src_path); src_path = NULL; return ret; } /* } RNFR. */ /* RNTO. { */ static const char* rnto_fill_attr(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event) { return __fill_attr( cmd, event->adt_ft_rename.src_path, &(event->adt_ft_rename.src_attr) ); } MODRET solaris_audit_pre_rnto(cmd_rec *cmd) { adt_event_data_t *event = NULL; const char* msg = NULL; char* ptr = NULL; event = __solaris_audit_pre_arg2(cmd, "get", ADT_ft_rename, &ptr); if (event == NULL) goto err; /* * If src_path is NULL, this means that there is no previous * successful RNFR command. The ftp server should know about this * and terminate this RNTO command with an error (call the error callback). */ event->adt_ft_rename.src_path = (src_path)?src_path:""; event->adt_ft_rename.dst_path = ptr; /* * If the code executes here, it means that there is a successfully finished * RNFR command immediatelly before us, which means that the src_path exists, * and it should be therefore possible to get its status. */ msg = rnto_fill_attr(cmd, event); if (msg != NULL) { pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_DEBUG, "Auditing of %s(%s,%s) failed: %s", "RNTO", event->adt_ft_rename.src_path, ptr, msg); goto err; } return PR_DECLINED(cmd); err: error_451(); return PR_ERROR(cmd); } static const char* rnto_fill_event(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event) { char *ptr; ptr = realpath(event->adt_ft_rename.dst_path, dst_realpath); if (ptr == NULL) { return "realpath() failed"; } event->adt_ft_rename.src_path = src_realpath; event->adt_ft_rename.dst_path = dst_realpath; return NULL; } MODRET solaris_audit_post_rnto(cmd_rec *cmd) { MODRET retval; /* NULL means that there is no preceeding successful RNFR command. */ if (src_path == NULL) return PR_ERROR(cmd); retval = __solaris_audit_post(cmd, "RNTO", ADT_SUCCESS, ADT_SUCCESS, rnto_fill_event); free(src_path); src_path = NULL; return retval; } /* It can happen, that RNTO command fails, but the destination path exists. * Therefore make an attempt to resolve its realpath before doing * the audit log. */ static const char* rnto_err_fill_event(cmd_rec *cmd, adt_event_data_t *event) { (void) realpath(event->adt_ft_rename.dst_path, dst_realpath); event->adt_ft_rename.src_path = src_realpath; event->adt_ft_rename.dst_path = dst_realpath; return NULL; } MODRET solaris_audit_post_rnto_err(cmd_rec *cmd) { MODRET retval; retval = __solaris_audit_post(cmd, "RNTO", ADT_FAILURE, ADT_FAILURE, rnto_err_fill_event); if (src_path != NULL) { free(src_path); src_path = NULL; } return retval; } /* } RNTO. */ static cmdtable solaris_audit_commands[] = { /* Login, logout. */ { POST_CMD, C_PASS, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_pass, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_PASS, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_fail, FALSE, FALSE }, /* Delete file. */ { PRE_CMD, C_DELE, G_NONE, solaris_audit_pre_dele, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD, C_DELE, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_dele, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_DELE, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_dele_err, FALSE, FALSE }, /* Make directory. */ { PRE_CMD, C_MKD, G_NONE, solaris_audit_pre_mkd, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD, C_MKD, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_mkd, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_MKD, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_mkd_err, FALSE, FALSE }, /* Remove directory. */ { PRE_CMD, C_RMD, G_NONE, solaris_audit_pre_rmd, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD, C_RMD, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_rmd, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_RMD, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_rmd_err, FALSE, FALSE }, { PRE_CMD, C_XRMD, G_NONE, solaris_audit_pre_rmd, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD, C_XRMD, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_rmd, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_XRMD, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_rmd_err, FALSE, FALSE }, /* Get modification time. */ { PRE_CMD, C_MDTM, G_NONE, solaris_audit_pre_mdtm, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD, C_MDTM, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_mdtm, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_MDTM, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_mdtm_err, FALSE, FALSE }, /* Upload file. */ { PRE_CMD, C_STOR, G_WRITE, solaris_audit_pre_put, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD, C_STOR, G_WRITE, solaris_audit_post_put, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_STOR, G_WRITE, solaris_audit_post_put_err, FALSE, FALSE }, { PRE_CMD, C_STOU, G_WRITE, solaris_audit_pre_put, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD, C_STOU, G_WRITE, solaris_audit_post_put, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_STOU, G_WRITE, solaris_audit_post_put_err, FALSE, FALSE }, { PRE_CMD, C_APPE, G_WRITE, solaris_audit_pre_put, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD, C_APPE, G_WRITE, solaris_audit_post_put, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_APPE, G_WRITE, solaris_audit_post_put_err, FALSE, FALSE }, /* Download file. */ { PRE_CMD, C_RETR, G_READ, solaris_audit_pre_get, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD, C_RETR, G_READ, solaris_audit_post_get, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_RETR, G_READ, solaris_audit_post_get_err, FALSE, FALSE }, /* Rename file. */ { PRE_CMD, C_RNFR, G_NONE, solaris_audit_pre_rnfr, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD, C_RNFR, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_rnfr, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_RNFR, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_rnfr_err, FALSE, FALSE }, { PRE_CMD, C_RNTO, G_NONE, solaris_audit_pre_rnto, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD, C_RNTO, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_rnto, FALSE, FALSE }, { POST_CMD_ERR, C_RNTO, G_NONE, solaris_audit_post_rnto_err, FALSE, FALSE }, { 0, NULL } }; module solaris_audit_module = { NULL, NULL, /* Always NULL */ 0x20, /* API Version 2.0 */ "solaris_audit", NULL, /* configuration table */ solaris_audit_commands, /* command table is for local use only */ NULL, /* No authentication handlers */ NULL, /* No initialization function */ audit_sess_init /* Post-fork "child mode" init */ };